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Acoustic Bessel-like beam formation by an axisymmetric grating N. Jim´enez,1 V. Romero-Garc´ıa,2 R. Pic´o,1 A. Cebrecos,1 V.J. S´anchez-Morcillo,1 L.M. Garcia-Raffi,3 J.V. S´anchez-P´erez,4 and K. Staliunas5 1Instituto de Investigacio´n para la Gestio´n Integrada de Zonas Costeras, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Paranimf 1, 46730 Grao de Gandia, Spain 2LUNAM Universit´e, Universit´e du Maine, CNRS, LAUM UMR 6613, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France 3IUMPA, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Cam´ı de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain 4Centro de Tecnolog´ıas F´ısicas: Acu´stica, Materiales y Astrof´ısica, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Cam´ı de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain 5ICREA, Departament de F´ısica i Enginyeria Nuclear, 4 Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Colom, 11, E-08222 Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain 1 0 We report Bessel-like beam formation of acoustic waves by means of an axisymmetric grating of 2 rigid tori. The results show that the generated beam pattern is similar to that of Bessel beams, characterizedbyelongatednon-diffractingfocalspots. Amultiplefocistructureisobserved,dueto n the finite size of the lens. The dependence of the focal distance on the frequency is also discussed, a J on the basis of an extended grating theory. Experimental validation of acoustic Bessel-like beam formationisalsoreportedforsoundwaves. Theresultscanbegeneralizedtowavebeamsofdifferent 7 nature, as optical or matter waves. 2 PACSnumbers: 43.20.Mv,43.20.Hq,43.20.Fn ] i c s - Besselbeams,originallyproposedinoptics1,2,arenow (a) l at the basis of many applications due to their unusual r t propagationproperties3–8. Themostcelebratedproperty m ofaBesselbeamisthat, intheidealcase, thefieldprop- . t agates invariantly, i.e. without any diffracting broaden- a ing,incontrasttotheothercanonicalcase,theGaussian m beam, where the beam experiences diffractive broaden- - inginfreespacepropagation. Asaconsequence,thefield d n patterninaBesselbeampossessesaninfinitelyextended o focal line. (b) M c Strictlyspeaking,Besselbeamisasolutionofthewave [ m=3 equation in the form of a monochromatic wave with a m=2 1 transverse profile given by a Bessel function of the first m=1 v kind, which by definition presents an infinite spatial ex- 9 tension. Thisidealcasecannotberealizedinpractice(in 6 the same way as ideal, infinitely extended plane waves 7 cannotexist). However,approximateorimperfectBessel 6 . beams of finite transverse extent can be excited by dif- a 1 ferentmeans,displayingnotaninfinitebutanextremely 0 n=2 n=1 elongated focal line. 4 f(r)| f(r)| 1 In optics, Bessel-like beams are usually formed by fo- n=2 n=1 : cusingaGaussianbeambyanaxicon9, atransparentre- v i fractive element of conical shape, as shown in Fig. 1(a). FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) Illustration of the formation of X The beam in propagation through the axicon acquires BesselbeambyanaxiconresultinginimperfectBesselbeam r linearly tilted (conical) wave-fronts, which results in an showing a focus-line of finite extent; (b) Illustration of the a elongated focus behind the axicon. As the axicon is formationofBessel-likebeamsbyaplaneofconcentricrings, not infinitely extended in transverse space, the result- whereconvergingdiffractedwavesresultintwoelongatedfoci. ing Bessel beam is not perfect, and displays a focal line of finite extent. Optical Bessel beams have been also obtained by acoustic gradient index lenses10. In electro- entmaterials,orforetchingofdeepnarrowholesinlaser magnetism, Bessel-like beams have been generated from manufacturing of opaque materials, among others3,4,6. a subwavelength aperture by adding a metallic circular In acoustics, Bessel beams of sound waves were also grating structure in front of the aperture11. Such im- reported7,12, however are still not so broadly applied perfect Bessel beams find multiple applications, e.g. in as in optics, which is perhaps related with the lack opticsforlaserinscriptionofpatternsdeepintotranspar- of convenient techniques of formation of such kind of 2 4 4 (a) (b) a/λncy ()3.35 a/λncy ()3.35 e e qu2.5 qu2.5 e e d fr 2 d fr 2 e e aliz1.5 aliz1.5 m m or (c) or n 1 n 1 0.5 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 axial position (z/λ) sin (α) 15 (c) 1 (i) Rings 1 (d) 0.8 Bessel r/λon () 105 (i) p/pmax000...246 y 0.8 B siti 0 0−4−3−2−1 0 1 2 3 4 nsit 0.6 o axial position (r/λ) e al p −5 Int 0.4 di ra−10 0.2 −15 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 10 20 30 40 50 axial position (z/λ) z / λ FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) Map of acoustic pressure along the symmetry axis (horizontal axis) for varying frequency (vertical axis). Analytical estimations from Eq. (1) of focal line extent from f to f are shown by solid white lines. (b) Map of n1 nM far field in angular direction (horizontal axis) for varying frequency (vertical axis), where analytical estimations are shown in dashedblacklines. (c)2Dpressuredistributionforcaseofsinglefocus(a=1.03λ)onacrosssectionalongthesymmetryaxis. (i) Inset shows axial cross-section of the pressure field at a distance z = 5λ (solid black) compared with Bessel beam (solid gray). (d) On-axis intensity for the cases a/λ=1.1717 (red line) and a/λ=1.6313 (blue line). Dashed line is an eye-guide to show the linear dependence. acoustic waves. Acoustic Bessel beams have been ex- culations (using finite difference time domain (FDTD) cited using acoustical axicons8, in analogy to the op- techniques18)ofacousticwavespropagatingthroughsuch tical case. However the most convenient way to form axisymmetricgratingswereusedtoobservethecomplete acoustic Bessel beams is by using annular transducer acoustic field. Finally, the experimental verification of arrays13. Related theoretical studies include the scatter- Bessel-like beam formation by an axisymmetric grating ing of Bessel beams by spheres14, nondiffracting bulk- is reported. acoustic X waves15 or non linearly generated Bessel beams of higher harmonics16,17. Each element of the concentric ring structure is char- acterized by two parameters, (i) the toroidal radius, r m The present work proposes and demonstrates a tech- and (ii) the radius of the tube (circular section), R . m nique for acoustic Bessel-like beam formation using a The rings in the axisymmetric grating have increasing planar structure made of of concentric tori of circular toroidal radii as r =ma, where a is the separation be- m section, called here rings for simplicity. We show that, tween rings and m is an element index, as shown in Fig. under specific conditions, part of a diffracted wave col- 1(b). Thecontinuityofthetransversalcomponentofthe limates, producing an elongated focus. Moreover, dif- wavevectorattheinterfacebetweenthefreepropagation ferent diffraction orders can result in different elongated medium and a linear diffraction grating with periodicity foci, as illustrated in Fig. 1(b). In the present work a, results in diffraction of normal incident plane waves we demonstrate the feasibility of this idea by analytical at diffraction angles given by sinα = nλ/a where λ is n estimations, numerical simulations and experiments. A thewavelengthandnisthediffractionorder. Itisworth simpleanalyticalmodelbasedonanapproachofaxisym- notingthatapproximatelyhalfpartofthediffractedradi- metric diffraction gratings is used to estimate the focal ationconvergestowardsthesymmetryaxisandtheother positions and the extent of the focal line. Numerical cal- half diverge. Resulting from the converging radiation, as 3 it follows from simple trigonometry considerations, each ring with major radius r is mapped to a particular dis- (a) m tance along the symmetry axis, given by (cid:115) r a (cid:18)nλ(cid:19)2 f (r )=f = m 1− . (1) n m nm nλ a Ifthesystemofconcentricringsextendsfromr (toroidal 1 radius of inner ring) to r (radius of outer ring) in the M transverse plane, the focal line for the n-th diffraction order will extend approximately from f to f . In a n1 nM limitingcaseofinfinitelyextendedringstructure(r =0, 1 r = ∞) Eq. (1) predicts an infinitely extended focus, M similarly to that of an ideal Bessel beam. 2 (b) First,weperformnumericalsimulationsinordertoex- plorethecharacteroftheelongatedfocalline(alsodiffer- a/λ) 1.8 ent foci) due to the axisymmetric diffraction. For that, n ( 1.6 o we use a structure composed by a set of 50 concentric ati rings with constant minor radius R = a/3, irradiated ar 1.4 p by a plane wave. We notice that this structure is much se 1.2 larger than that used in experiments (detailed below), ng therefore, the Bessel-like features of focal line are more ri 1 pronounced. For the numerical simulations we calculate 0.8 the wave propagation using the FDTD technique. Fig. 0 2 4 6 8 10 2(a) and 2(b) represent the frequency dependence of the axial position (z/a) on-axis amplitude and radial far field amplitude respec- tively. Color map represents the amplitude of the acous- 2 (c) tic field, |p|, and continuous lines in Fig. 2(a) show the λ) 1.8 predictionsfromEq. (1)forthecasesm=1andm=50 a/ for the first three diffraction orders, n = 1,2,3. The n ( 1.6 o focal spots appear at normalized frequencies a/λ = n, ati so thediffraction anglesat these frequenciescorresponds ar 1.4 p e to αn =π/2 (sinαn =1). With increasing frequency, as g s 1.2 showninFig. 2(a),focielongatecorrespondingtoanalyt- n ri 1 icalestimationsbyEq. (1)(whitelinesinFig. 2(a)). The diffractionangledecreaseswiththeincreasingfrequency. 0.8 Concerning the angular far field distribution shown in 0 2 4 6 8 10 Fig. 2(b), excellent agreement between theory and nu- axial position (z/a) merical results are observed. Different maxima appear duetodifferentdiffractionorder,asaconsequenceofthe FIG. 3. (Color online) (a) Experimental set-up. (b) Numeri- callycalculatedand(c)experimentallymeasuredmapsofon- focusing effect at near field due to the finite size of the axis amplitude dependence for varying frequency (vertical). structure, in agreement with Fig. 2(a). Solid white lines indicate the extend of the focal line from Next,weanalyzetheacousticfieldbehindtheaxisym- analytical estimations using Eq. (1) for f (r ) and f (r ). metric grating for a particular frequency corresponding 1 1 1 7 Dashed white lines represent the frequencies shown in Fig. 4 to a = 1.033λ (see horizontal dashed line in Fig. 2(a)). We study here the case when only one focal line ap- pears. Fig. 2(c) shows the field distribution on axial cross-section. The focus is substantially long, which is a with a linear trend overlaid of stray oscillations from signatureofaBessel-likebeam. Thelatterisprovenand fn1 to fnM, as shown in Fig. 2(d). These oscillations illustrated in the inset of Fig. 2(c), where the transverse are mainly due to the finite size of the structure: the field profiles at the indicated distance behind the ring edges of the diffraction grating result in fringes. We also structure is plotted and compared with Bessel function. note, thatalthoughthefocallinesassociatedwithdiffer- Finally, Fig. 2(d) shows the intensity distribution entdiffractionorderspartiallyoverlap, theradiationdue alongthesymmetryaxisfortwodifferentfrequencies: im- tohigherorderdiffractionclearlydominatesintheinter- portant to note that the amplitude of the field increases ferencepicture. Thelineardependenceofacousticinten- with distance until a maximum focusing distance, where sity along the focus is however modified if the thickness the amplitude drops. The scattered energy is propor- oftheringsdependsontheirradius(seetheexperiments tional to the area between neighbouring rings. Hence- below). forth, the acoustic intensity along the focus increases For the experimental validation we designed a system 4 −5 −5 10 kHz 16 kHz m) m) c 0 c 0 y ( y ( (a) (b) 5 5 5 10 kHz 5 16 kHz m) m) c 0 c 0 y ( y ( (c) (d) −5 −5 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 z (cm) z (cm) 5 z=9 cm z=14 cm z=29 cm 5 z=14 cm z=29 cm z=44 cm m) m) c 0 c 0 y ( y ( −5 (e) (f) (g) −5 (h) (i) (j) −5 0 5 −5 0 5 −5 0 5 −5 0 5 −5 0 5 −5 0 5 x (cm) x (cm) x (cm) x (cm) x (cm) x (cm) FIG.4. (Coloronline)(a-d)Amplitudedistributionsinplanesalongthesymmetryaxisr(z,x)obtainedbynumericalsimulations (a,b)andexperimental(c,d)measurementsfortwodifferentfrequencies,showingtheformationofelongatedfoci. Experimental transversalamplitudecross-sections(x,y)atdifferentdistancesbehindtheringstructure,showingtheformationoftheBessel- likebeam. (e-g)correspondtotheexperimentaltransversalplanesat10kHzmarkedwithdashedlinesin(c). (h-j)correspond to the experimental transversal planes at 16 kHz marked with dashed lines in (d). composed by a set of 7 concentric rigid rings embedded We have also measured field cross-sections: an hori- inair. Theringsaremadeofmethylmethacrylate(plex- zontal plane containing the symmetry axis (see Figs. 4 iglass), which acoustic impedance is much larger than (a-d)) as well as several axial cross-sections (see Figs. 4 that of the air (Z /Z ∼ 6000); therefore, they (e-j)). We focused on two particular frequencies, 10 kHz plexiglass air can be considered acoustically rigid. The variation of (a/λ = 1.17) and 16 kHz (a/λ = 1.88) (indicated by the toroidal radius in the structure is r = ma, where white dashed-dotted horizontal lines in Figs. 3(b) and m a = 4 cm. The minor radius now is a function of the 3(c)). For the analyzed structure the frequency of 10 major radius, R(r ), following a hyperbolic secant pro- kHz is close to the condition a/λ = 1, consequently, the m filelikeintheaxisymmetricgradientindexlensanalyzed first diffraction spot appears just behind the structure in Ref. [19]. This profile modifies the linear dependence (see white dashed line in Fig. 3(c) as a reference). How- of the intensity along the focus, however also eliminates ever, the frequency of 16 kHz produces the elongated fo- the sharp drop of intensity at the end of the focal line, cus or Bessel-like beam. These two phenomena are both which results in a more smooth and better reproducible numerically and experimentally shown in Figs. 4(a)-(c) diffraction pattern. All measurements were performed and Figs. 4(b)-(d) with good agreement. in anechoic chamber to avoid unwanted reflections. The Inordertoseethesymmetryqualityofthebeamspro- source was a loudspeaker radiating a sound wave with a duced experimentally, we have also measured the axial whitenoisespectrumplacedat1.5minfrontoftheplane cross-sectionsofthepressurefieldatdifferentz-positions ofconcentricrings,asufficientdistanceinordertoensure forabovediscussedcasesof10kHzand16kHz(Fig. 4(e)- thatanearlyplanewaveradiatesthestructureatthefre- (j)). In both cases (i) the diffracted pattern is highly quencies of interest. A movable microphone located be- axisymmetric and (ii) the diffracting broadening of the hind the structure recorded the transmission spectrum. central beam, along the extended focus, is almost negli- The experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 3(a). gible. The transversal profiles in Figs. 4(e)-(j) also illus- ThequantitativestudyofBessel-likebeamformationis trate the typical shape of the truncated Bessel function. summarized in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c). Pressure color maps It is simple to predict the tendencies of the amplitude of Figs. 3(b) and 3(c) show the numerical and exper- distribution along the focus for such a small number of imental frequency dependence of the on-axis amplitude rings. The longitudinal shape along the elongated focus produced by the used structure. In the experiment, we seemstobenotlinearlyincreasing/sharplydropping,but were able to measure frequencies until 20 kHz (a <2.3), correspondinglysmoother. Thisisduetothesmallnum- λ i.e. we could achieve Bessel beam formation by the first berofringsinthestructure; alsoduetothedifferencein diffraction order only. The expected dependence of the thickness of the rings. focaldistanceonfrequency(comparewithFig. 2)isalso Concluding, we have demonstrated the principle of evident in both numerical and experimental plots. Bessel-like focusing in a system of concentric rigid rings. 5 Although the size of experimental system was reduced (makingtheradiiincrementingnotlinearly)whichisan- (to 7 rings), the main properties of the Bessel beam for- otherparameterallowingtheengineeringofthefocusing, mation were demonstrated: the elongated foci along the and allowing to optimize the focal structure; finally (iv) symmetry axis, the Bessel-like distributions of the field by using multiple layers of rings at equidistant separa- in axial cross-sections, and the expected dependence of tions along the symmetry axis one could not only en- the focal distance with the frequency. The Bessel beam hancetheeffect,butalsointroduceanotherpossibilityof formationcanbesubstantiallyimproved, asfollowsfrom tailoringthefocalspot,astheinterferencefromdifferent numerical calculations with larger number of rings. planes will come into play. For technical applications, the Bessel beam forma- tion can be modified and improved, according to specific needs, by some means as for example: (i) the use of not ACKNOWLEDGMENTS toroidal rings, but rather the ones with more sophisti- cated shapes, which would favour the converging part of The work was supported by Spanish Ministry of the diffracted wave (i.e. to convert into Bessel beams Science and Innovation and European Union FEDER nearly all radiation (note that the rings can converge as through projects FIS2011-29731-C02-01 and -02, also maximum the half of initial radiation); (ii) the use of a MAT2009-09438, MTM2012-36740-C02-02 and UPV- ring structure of adequate thickness which would allow PAID 2012/253.. VRG acknowledges financial support tailoring the longitudinal profile of the focus, according from the “Pays de la Loire”through the post-doctoral totherequirements;(iii)modifyingtheradiioftherings programme. 1 J. Durnin, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 4, 651 (1987). 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