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1 Bestselling author of TKHE CALOISTTER WHALKLand AEMAZIENG GNRACE NORRIS arriage, nks, an A Writer's Life InAcedia & me, the acclaimed author Kathleen Norris explicates and demystifies the forgotten bututterlyrelevantconceptofacedia,atermthat has oftenbeenunderstood as spiritual sloth,but really signifies the serious malady ofbeing un- able to care. With great insight and candor, Norris ex- plores acedia through the geography ofher life as a writer; her marriage and the challenges of commitment in the midst ofgrave illness; and her keen interest in the monastic tradition. She writes of her and her husband David's battles with acedia and its clinical cousin, depression, and traces acedia's path through literary and religioushistory,exposingthedamageitdoesnot onlytoindividuallivesbutalsotoourcultureasa whole,aswearedesensitizedbyevermoreintru- sivedistractionsandlosetheabilitytocareabout what is trulyimportant.Thus, she finds thatthe "restlessboredom,franticescapism,commitment phobia, andenervatingdespair"thatwe struggle with today are "the ancient demon ofacedia in moderndress." Norris first encountered the word acedia in The Praktikos, a book by the fourth-century Christian monk Evagrius Ponticus. "As I read this,"shewrites,"Ifeltaweightliftfrommysoul, forI hadjust discovered an accurate description ofsomething that had plagued me foryears but that I had never been able to name." Having endured times ofdeep soul-weariness since she was a teenager, she could now recognize her affliction: sinking into a state of being unable to care. Fascinatedbythis "noonday demon," so well known to those in the early and medieval Church, Norris read intensively and knew that she must restore this important concept to the modern world's vernacular, as she saw that left uncheckedithasthepowertodestroythecapacity forjoyandtoundermine commitments towork, marriage,friendship,faith,andcommunity. (Continuedon backflap) & me Acedia Digitized by the Internet Archive 2012 in http://archive.org/details/acediamemarriageOOnorr Otherbooksby Kathleen Noms NONFICTION TheVirginofBennington AmazingGrace:A VocabularyofFaith TheCloisterWalk Dakota:ASpiritualGeography POETRY Journey:NewandSelectedPoems 1969-1999 LittleGirlsin Church TheMiddleoftheWorld FallingOff ANTHOLOGY LeavingNewYork: WritersLookBack (editor) jmShm*. L **$\ RIVERHEAD BOOKS amemberofPenguin Group (USA)Inc. NewYork 2008 & me Acedia A MARRIAGE, MONKS, AND A WRITER'S LIFE KATHLEEN NORRIS RIVERHEADBOOKS PublishedbythePenguinGroup PenguinGroup(USA)Inc.,375HudsonStreet,NewYork,NewYork10014,USA PenguinGroup(Canada),90EglintonAvenueEast,Suite700,Toronto,OntarioM4P2Y3, Canada(adivisionofPearsonCanadaInc.) PenguinBooksLtd,80Strand,London WC2R0RL,England PenguinIreland,25StStephen'sGreen,Dublin2,Ireland(adivision ofPenguinBooksLtd) PenguinGroup(Australia),250CamberwellRoad,Camberwell, Victoria3124,Australia(adivisionofPearsonAustraliaGroupPryLtd) PenguinBooks IndiaPvtLtd,11CommunityCentre,PanchsheelPark,NewDelhi-110017,India PenguinGroup(NZ),67ApolloDrive,Rosedale,NorthShore0632,NewZealand (adivisionofPearsonNewZealandLtd) PenguinBooks(SouthAfrica)(Pty)Ltd, 24SturdeeAvenue,Rosebank,Johannesburg2196,SouthAfrica PenguinBooksLtd,RegisteredOffices: 80Strand,LondonWC2R0RL,England Copyright©2008byKathleenNorris Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced,scanned,ordistributedinany printedorelectronicformwithoutpermission.Pleasedonotparticipateinorencourage piracyofcopyrightedmaterialsinviolationoftheauthor'srights. Purchaseonlyauthorizededitions. Pages335and336constituteanextensionofthiscopyrightpage. ISBN978-1-59448-996-9 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica BookdesignbyClaireNaylonVaccaro WhiletheauthorhasmadeeveryefforttoprovideaccuratetelephonenumbersandInternetaddresses atthetimeofpublication,neitherthepublishernortheauthorassumesanyresponsibilityforerrors, orforchangesthatoccurafterpublication.Further,thepublisherdoesnothaveanycontroloverand doesnotassumeanyresponsibilityforauthororthird-partywebsitesortheircontent.

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