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Preview Accretion-caused deceleration of a gravitationally powerful compact stellar object moving within a dense Fermi gas

Accretion-caused deceleration of a gravitationally powerful compact stellar object moving within a dense Fermi gas 6 1 0 E. P. Tito 2 Scientific Advisory Group, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA n a J V. I. Pavlov 3 UFR des Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees, Universit´e de Lille 1, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France 1 ] h p - Abstract e c Weconsideraccretion-causeddecelerationofagravitationally-powerfulcompactstellarobject a travelingwithin a coldFermi-gasmedium. We provideanalyticalandnumericalestimates ofthe p s effect manifestation. . s Subject headings: collision, Fermi gas, accretion, deceleration c i s 1. Introduction Moreover, a collision of a neutron star with y a star – a red giant, a supergiant, or a white h Numerous fast-moving solitary stellar objects, p dwarf – is proposed as one of the leading sce- [ called the ”wandering stars”, have been astro- narios for the formation of a Thorne-Zytkow ob- nomically detectedinside and outside ourGalaxy. ject, theoretically hypothesized in 1977 and po- 1 The speeds of these objects sometimes reach as v tentially discovered in 2014. (Thorne & Zytkow high as 1200kms−1 (Geier et al. 2015), greater 1 (1977), Levesque et al. (2014)) 42 5th0a0n e6v0e0nkmthes−g1a).lactTicheesecxaapcet nvaeltoucrietyof(vtehes≃e Whileovertheyearsmuchfocushasbeengiven 3 stella−r bodies is uncertain, and a variety of hy- in such scenario to various critical aspects of the 0 phenomenon, to our knowledge the mechanism of potheses and formation scenarios have been pro- . accretion-caused deceleration of the neutron star 1 posed. Hills (1988), Rees (1990), Khokhlov et al. has never been considered. Furthermore, this 0 (1993a), Khokhlov et al. (1993b) Most of these 6 mechanism has never been considered in any sce- scenarios involve dramatic acceleration of the ob- 1 nariosofcompactandexpansiveobjectscollisions. ject – whether a star, a neutron star, or possibly : v Inthispaper,wespecificallyfocusonthemech- a piece of the torn apart debris – by the super- i anism of deceleration resulting from the accretion X massive black hole located at the galactic core. of the dense surrounding medium onto a rapidly r Indeed, the gravitational might of the black hole a is such that many objects, even those that are moving gravitationally-powerful compact object. Weconsiderageneralizedandintentionallysimpli- deemed essentially indestructible in other circum- fiedscenario,involvingnotspecificallyaformation stances, can be torn apart by tidal forces into of a Thorne-Zytkow object, but rather a head-on pieces and flung out with enormous speeds. collision of a neutron star-like, but non-rotating While a collision of such a fast-moving object andnon-magnetized,compactobjectwithadense with another stellar object is, generally speaking, white dwarf-like medium. a low probability event, it is not impossible, espe- Generally speaking, in such a deceleration sce- cially when considering densely populated areas nario different mechanisms can be responsible for of the Galaxy and when taking a long historical the kinetic energy decrease of the moving ob- perspective. ject: classical hydrodynamical drag (Dokuchaev 1 1964), gravitational drag in collisionless sys- The characteristic time of the process obtained tems (Chandrasekhar 1943) which is called dy- from the Chandrasekhar equation written above, namical friction in astrophysics (Ostriker 1999), is τ−1 ρG2M( v2 )−3. Ch ∼ h i Cherenkov’sradiationofvariouswaves(relatedto For gravitatiponally-powerful moving objects collectivehydrodynamicalmotions)whicharegen- that are capable of capturing the surrounding erated inside the medium (Pavlov & Sukhorukov mediumparticlesontoitssurface(notjustpulling 1985), (Pavlov & Kharin 1990), (Pavlov & Tito them into its wake), when the increase of the ob- 2009), interaction of proper magnetic field for ject’s mass due to the accretion is non-negligible, strongly magnetized object with surrounding the constant-mass-bodyequationsofmotioncom- plasma (see Toropina et al. (2012) and Refs monlyusedincelestialdynamics,nolongerapply. therein), as well as other more complex possi- To our knowledge, at present there are no qual- bilities. itative or numerical considerations of this effect. Analytically, the relative importance of these The aim of this article is to fill this void. various mechanisms contributing simultaneously The characteristictime τ for the accretionde- a to the aggregate deceleration, can be assessed us- celerationissuchthatτ−1 M: themoremassive ing the dimension-analysis approach. thebodyis,thefastertahea∼ccretionontoitoccurs. The classical hydrodynamical drag (passive In this consideration, we focus on the accretion resistance of the surrounding medium) for a ontoanobjectwithsmallsizebutsignificantmass, blunt object moving fast enough (large Reynolds andthe one that moveswith trans-orsuper-sonic number) to produce a turbulent wake, is pro- speedthroughannon-perturbed,uniformatinfin- portional to its cross–section, i.e. k ρR2V2. ity medium that is free of self-gravity. Then the d (Landau & Lifshitz 1987) Here ρ is the medium remaining apparent characteristics of the process density,Risthecharacteristic(transversal)sizeof arethegravityconstantG,anddensityρandpres- the object, V is the velocity of the object relative sureP oftheaccretingmedium. Thecombination to the surrounding medium. The dimensionless of these parameters that matches the dimension drag coefficient, k , takes into account both skin of (the inverse of) τ is τ−1 ρG2M(ρ/P)3/2, friction and formdfactor. The characteristic time or τ−1 ρG2Ms−3awherae s2∼characterizes the a ∼ of deceleration due to hydrodynamical drag, τ , square of speed of propagation of small density d is then τ−1 ρR2V/M, where M is the object’s perturbations within the medium. (The exact an- d ∼ mass. alytical derivation follows in the subsequent sec- Dynamic friction, called gravitational drag in tion.) Despite the fact that τa−1 ∼ G2, the pres- astrophysics, also contributes to the loss of mo- ence of other parameters makes τa range widely, mentum and kinetic energy when a moving ob- thus indicating that the accretion effect may be ject gravitationally interacts with the surround- negligible or dominant depending on the specific ingmatter(rarefiedcloud). (Chandrasekhar1943) parameters at the moment. The essenceof the effect is thatsmall cloudparti- The mathematical treatment of the decelera- cles are pulled by gravity toward the object, thus tion process becomes significantly more complex increasing the cloud density. But if the object al- if proper rotation, and/or magnetic fields of mag- readymovedforward,thedensityincreaseactually netizedstars,and/orinteractionwithsurrounding occurs in its wake. Therefore, it is the gravita- plasmaareincluded. Ifthevelocity,magneticmo- tional attractionof the wake that pulls the object ment and angular velocity vectors point in differ- backward and slows it down. ent directions, the results are strongly dependent A simplified equation for the force from dy- on the model configuration. Magnetosphere acts namical friction has the form MdV/dt = F = asanobstaclefortheincomingaccretingflow,thus Ch CρG2M2/V2. The dimensionlessnumericalfac- reducing the accretion rate onto magnetized ob- −torC dependsontheso–calledCoulomblogarithm jects. When the magnetic impact parameter Rm and on how velocity of the object V compares isgreaterthantheaccretionradiusRac calculated to the velocity dispersion v2 of the cloud fromtheclassicalmodeltodefinetheregionofthe particles, i.e. on the argu∼mpenht ξi= V/ v2 . surroundingmediuminvolvedintheaccretionpro- h i cess,accretionis notimportant. IfR <R ,the p m ac 2 accreted mass accumulates near magnetic poles dergoaTypeII supernova. Theyarecomposedof the most. (See Toropina et al. (2012) and refer- electron-degenerate matter with densities exceed- ences therein.) ing 107kg/m3. A black dwarf is a white dwarf At the dimension-analysis level, comparison of that has sufficiently cooled to no longer emit visi- thecharacteristictimescalesofallthemechanisms ble light. involved,performedfor the specific circumstances Equation of motion for body of variable oftheproblemathand,revealswhetheranyofthe mass. The equationof motion for a body of vari- mechanismsmaybeconsiderednegligibleandthus able mass follows from the law of conservation of omitted. Obviously,the moredominantprocessis linear momentum of the entire system composed the one with the smaller τ. of the object and the surrounding mass captured In the following analysis, we focus exclusively by the object. Thus, when an object enters a on the accretion mechanism, and will ignore all dense gaseous ”cloud”, and surrounding nebula other types of drag, magnetic and rotational ef- particles accrete onto the gravitationally power- fects. ful object, the motion of the object will be de- scribed by ∆(M∗V) v∆M∗ =∆I (Meshcherski − 2. Accretion model 1897). Here M∗(t) and V(t) denote, respectively, the mass and velocity of the moving object in an As a physical phenomenon, accretion has been inertialframeatinstancet, v(t)isthe velocity(in studied for a variety of settings. The rate of the same frame) of the accreting nebula particles accretion for moving stars is estimated from which compose mass ∆M∗), and ∆(...) denotes the expression M˙ = ρV × πRa2c. Here Rac is changeofquantitiesoverthesmallfiniteintervalof the characteristic capture radius - the principal time ∆t. Qualitatively, this is the simplest model quantity. The early works (Hoyle & Lyttleton when particles of environment ”stick” to the ”at- (1939) and Bondi (1952)) considered the accre- tractor”. Quantity ∆I = M∗w∆t is the impulse tion onto a stellar body moving at a constant of an external force F = M∗w. Here, w(t) is ac- velocity through an infinite gas nebula. Sub- celerationofthe objectinaninertialframe. Then sequently, a variety of media has been consid- it follows (in form of increments): ered: interstellar medium, a stellar wind, or a common envelope (where two stellar cores be- ∆V+(V v)∆M∗/M∗ =w∆t. (1) − come embedded in a large gas envelope formed Iftheincrement∆M∗ 0,weobtaintheclassical when one member of the binary system swells). → Newtonian equation of motion for bodies of fixed See, among others, Petterson (1978), Ruffert mass. When the object mass changes, ∆M∗ = 0, (1994), Ruffert & Arnett (1994), Ruffert (1996), 6 the concept of a ”steady-moving” body in ab- Bisnovatyi-Kogan& Pogorelov (1997), Pogorelov sence of external actions (w = 0) is not a precise (2000), Taam & Sandquist (2000), Bonnel et al. one. Eq. 1 is the basis of equations describing the (2001), Edgar & Clarke (2004), Toropina et al. rocket motion. The elementary work of the ”ac- (2012). Accretion onto a neutron star from the cretion” force which is proportional to ∆M∗, is supernova ejecta has also been extensively re- ∆A= (1/2)v2∆M. This workis negativewhen searched–foraradially-outflowingejecta(Colgate − ∆M > 0 and therefore, the reduction of kinetic 1971), (Zeldovich et al. 1972), for an in-falling energy takes place (deceleration occurs). Obvi- ejecta (Chevalier 1989), (Colpi et al. 1996) and ously, this expression must be statistically aver- when the object is moving at a high speed across agedwithrespecttoallpossiblevaluesofvelocities the supernova ejecta (Zhang et al. 2007). v of the accreting particles for the given∆M (see Thesepriorstudieshaveconsideredmediawith themaintextofthepaper). Thepartofthiswork lowormoderatedensity. Inthisarticle,weprovide is transformed into heat received by the object. an analysis for high density medium, such as the This quantity (per unit time) can be estimated as degeneratedenseFermigas,examplesofwhichare Q˙ M˙ v 2 (to within a factor of the unit order). white or black dwarfs. These dwarfs are the final ≃ h i Eq. (1) must be statistically averaged with re- stagesintheevolutionofstarsnotmassiveenough specttoallpossiblevaluesofvelocitiesvoftheac- (M <9M⊙)tocollapseintoaneutronstarorun- creting particles for the given∆M∗. After the av- 3 eraging,thevelocityvofaccretingfragment∆M∗ We assume that the surrounding gas is com- in Eq. (1) which contains a large number of ac- posed purely of ionized hydrogen–degenerate creting particles is replaced by averaged v , and electron–proton plasma. Since m m , only p e h i ≫ transition ∆t dt is performed to write Eq. (1) the proton component is significant for the object → in terms of derivatives. mass change. Calculation of averaged velocity of ac- We consider in more detail the distribution creting particles. The following step is to find for the full degenerate Fermi gas of proton the expression for v which obviously is not zero component which is valid when the tempera- h i forthemovingbodyinaccordancewiththesimple ture of medium T T . For the distribu- Fp ≪ philosophy that the body will collide with parti- tion with respect to velocities of fully degener- cles flying in face more often than with particles ate non–relativistic Fermi gas of protons/nuclei that are catching up him. (Fermi 1946), (Fermi 1929), f(v) H(v v), Fp ∼ − We assume the spherical symmetry of the ve- where vFp is the local Fermi boundary velocity locity distribution of the gas particles and their of the nebula heavy particles and H(ξ) is the spatial homogeneity, so that distribution function Heaviside step function. Parameter vFp is de- f(v)=f(v) is a function of velocity module. The fined as vFp = (6π2/2)1/3(~/mp)(ρ/mp)1/3 = probabilitythat anygasparticle occupies element (me/mp)vFe vFe. Numerically this gives dpwort=iondavlxtdovyddwvzf(ivn).thTehespparcoebaobfivlietlyocoifttiehseiosbpjeroct- vinFpkg=m1−.634.3E×v≪1e0n2ρfo1r/3ramthse−r1lwarhgeeredeρnissitmieesaosfuraecd- to capture the gas particle with velocity v is pro- creting medium (for example, for a white dwarf portional to the cross–section of interaction, i.e. near the boundary of stability ρ = 109kgm−3) to the product of the module of relative velocity when vFe becomes relativistic, for proton compo- oftheparticlewithrespecttothe object(v V) nentvFp c=2.99 108ms−1. When tempera- and dwf(v). Thus, the average velocity is| − | tures of p≪and e–co×mponents of the medium are − of the same order, parameter v is of the same Fp order as the speed of sound in the medium. To v = dwv v V f(v) dw v V f(v) (2) h i Z | − | (cid:30)Z | − | simplify the subsequent analysis, we introduce di- mensionless velocity, V/v V, and express v Fp Due to the axial symmetry of the problem, v as v v Φ(V) with functi→on h i is co-linear with V. In the spherical coordinhatei h i≡ F system with dw = 2πdθ sinθdvv2 where θ is the 4+28V2+α (V)H(1 V) 1 Φ(V)= − − <0. (3) angle between v and V, 7V( 4(1+5V2)+α (V)H(1 V)) 2 − − v = Here, α (V) = ( 1 + V)4(4 + 16V + 12V2 + h i 1 − 2π ∞ πdvv2dθ sinθf(v)v cosθ√v2+V2 2vV cosθ 3V3), α2(V) = ( 1 + V)4(4 + V) and H(s) R20π R∞0 πdvv2dθ sinθf(v)√v2+V2 2−vV cosθ ,is the Heaviside fu−nction. Behavior of Φ(V) is 0 0 − given in Fig. 1. A good polynomial approxima- R R tion of Φ(V) is Φ(V) ( 0.333V + 0.318V3 which, after integrating with respect to angle θ, ≃ − − 0.135V5)H(0.795 V)+ produces the following expression: ( 0.2V−1+0.067−V−3 0.009V−5)H(V 0.785). − − − v = Mass accumulation. Then Eq. (1) takes h i V dvv3f(v)[2v 2 v3]+ ∞dvv3f(v)[2V 2 V3] form suitable for our analysis: dV/(V Φ(V)) = R0 V dvv2f(v)3[2V−+152Vv22]+RV∞dvv2f(v)[32v+−21V53v]2 . −dM∗/M∗. The mass and the time-de−rivative of 0 3 V V 3 v2 themassofthe objectareexpressedintermsofV R R as The obtained expression permits the use of any distribution function, both the Maxwell- V(0) dξ Boltzmann f(v) exp( v2m/2kT) for high tem- M∗(t)=M0expZ ξ Φ(ξ) ≡M0expJ(t). (4) peraturesandthe∼Fermi−oneforlowtemperatures. V(t) − Technically,bothdistributions givesimilarresults Further, we transition to dimensionless variables (Fig. 1). and express the object mass M∗(t) in terms of 4 FHVL mass. Gasparticlesthenaccretetothemass. (See V Edgar & Clarke (2004) and Refs therein.) This 1 2 3 4 5 expression can be presented (with a small refor- -0.05 mulation) in form -0.10 M˙∗ =4πκG2M∗ ρ5/2 (6) -0.15 M∗ (ρV2+P)3/2 Here, the left part of equation represents the rate -0.20 of mass change of the object, the right one is de- fined by factors which governs the accretion pro- Fig. 1.— Velocity correction Φ(V) v cal- cess,ρisacharacteristicmediumdensity, V isthe ∼ −h i culated as a functional of different functions of velocity of the object with respect to medium, s distribution: the Fermi distribution (where func- is the (isothermical) sound speed in the medium tionf(v)isproportionaltotheHeavisidefunction, (at large distance from the object), P = ρs2, nu- f(v) H(v v)) (base line), and the Maxwell merical coefficient κ is of the order of unity. (See F ∼ − distribution (where f(v) exp( v2/βv2 )) Appendix B.) ∼ − Fp shown for β = 1, 2, 2.5, 3 (lower to upper TheBHLformulawrittenintheformofEq.(6) lines). In the presented example, both Fermi and shows that it can be obtained from simple argu- Maxwell distributions are similar when β =2.5. ments based on the dimensional analysis. In fact, therateofaccretionM˙∗/M∗hastobefasterwhen (constant) M0 (which from this point on will be pthreocoebssjeicstgiosvemrnaesdsivbey, ti.hee. gMra˙v∗/itMy,∗G∼, anMd∗.byTthhee called the initial mass of the object) and the nor- principalpropertiesofthemedium: density,ρ,and malized variable m(t), so that M∗(t) = M0m(t). pressureP(ρ,...)whichdeterminestheequationof Weassumeforsimplicitythedensityoftheaccret- state. The only dimensional combination of G, ρ ingmediumtobeconstantρ . Thedimensionless F andP whichproducesthe necessarydimension,is mass of the object evolves as M∗ G2ρ5/2P−3/2. Inamovingmedium,thepres- × m˙ = (V Φ(V)−1expJ(t)V˙. (5) sure must be replaced by the dynamical pressure − − P +ρV2. From here, Eq. (6) is obtained. showingthatwhenV˙ <0,deceleration,massm(t) In such case (and with M∗ M0m(t) , P = → is increasing, m˙ >0. ρs2 and V v V) the dimensionless form of Fp → Regimes of motion and results of calcu- the equation takes a simple form. By combining lation. To close the system of the equations, we Eq. (6) with Eqs. (1), (4) and (5), we obtain havetoproposeanevolutionequationforthemass of the object, i.e. M˙∗ =M˙∗(M∗,V,...). dV = 4πκρG2M0 V −Φ(V) exp( J(t)). (7) dt −(cid:18) s3 (cid:19)(ǫV2+1)3/2 − The simplest model is to assume that the ob- ject mass increases due to the simple ”adhesion” Here ǫ = m /m 1. Coefficient β (expression e p of the surrounding particles and that its mass in- in parentheses) ca≪n be written as β τ−1 = ci.ree.aMse˙s∗p∼ro4pπoRrt2i(otn)a(lAlyptpoetnhdeixeffAec).tivesurfacearea, (w4hπeκr)eρGM2⊙M0=/s31.9=89 1.9190530×kg10i3s(4tπheκ)S(≡Mun0/mMa⊙ss),, × Amore complex modelincludes the traditional τ is the characteristic time scale. Function J(t) interpolation for M˙∗ (proposed in Bondi (1952) is defined by Eq. (4). Eqs. (3)–(7) complete the for accretion onto both a resting and a mov- systemof necessaryequations. Eq.(7) establishes ingobject)(seealso,Shapiro & Teukolsky(1983), thetimescaleτ−1 =(4πκ)(ρG2M /s3),whichde- 0 p. 420). Bondi–Hoyle–Lyttleton(BHL) accretion, pends on the initial mass of the object and the in its simplest form, considers a point mass mov- properties of the target medium. By expressing ing through a gas cloud that is presumed to be the physical parameters of the problem in units non-self-gravitatinganduniformatinfinity. Grav- τ (for time) and v (for velocity), we obtain the Fp ityfocusesthegascloudparticlesbehindthepoint universal solution for the basic set of equations. 5 VHtL MHtL 3.0 M 0 2.5 2.0 8 1.5 6 1.0 4 0.5 t 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2 t 0.5 1.0 1.5 Fig. 2.— Evolution of the colliding object’s ve- locity, for initial velocities V = 0.3 (lower line), 0 Fig. 4.— Normalized (by M ) total mass of the V =1 and V =3 (upper line). 0 0 0 colliding object as function of time for different V¢HtL initial velocities: V0 = 3, 1, 0.3 (from lower line to upper line). When the object stops, V 0, t → 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 the accretedmass M . In suchsituation, the →∞ -1 used approximations are no longer valid, and the general relativity approximation has to be taken -2 into consideration. -3 sHtL -4 2.0 -5 1.5 Fig. 3.— Evolution of the colliding object’s 1.0 (dimensionless) deceleration, for initial velocities V = 3 (lower line), V = 1 and V = 0.3 (upper 0 0 0 0.5 line). t 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 The greater is the density of the surrounding medium, the stronger is the deceleration effect. Fig. 5.— The dimensionless path of the object Figs 2–5 illustrate the model results for several as function of time for different initial velocities: initial conditions. The figures show the evolution V =0.3, 1, 3 (from lower line to upper line). 0 of each scenario (characterized by the initial di- mensionless velocities V = 0.3, 1, 3) until the 0 object decelerates to a stop. Note that the state However, in the domain of parameters where of full stop is an asymptotic state. Neither the the model is reasonably accurate and valid, it ap- Bondi formula, nor the modified versionof it pre- pears that in all three scenarios the object signif- sented in this analysis, properly describe the pro- icantly decelerates (approaches its full stop) once cess in the vicinity of such state. It implies that it accretes the amount of mass equal to several the entire (infinite) mass of the accreted medium times its initial mass. Which means that if the is captured by the object within the finite period relativesizes ofthe objectandthe targetaresuch oftime. Inreality,ofcourse,thetargethasafinite that the entire accreted mass is ”small” (not suf- mass, andonce it is captured no further accretion ficient to decelerate the object to a full stop), the (and therefore deceleration) occurs. deceleration would vanish once the entire target mass is accreted or once the object exits the zone 6 of influence. first case and a TZO with a smaller-sized giant Fig. 3 also reveals that the magnitude of de- in the second. Therefore, accretion may play an celeration is the greatest at the beginning of the important role in the formation of the Thorne- process and can be quite non-negligible. Zytkow objects, even if taken as a stand-alone mechanism, and thus its contribution should not Specific evolution scenarios depend on the re- be neglected in complex and more realistic multi- lationship between several characteristic times: time-of-flightτ R/V ,or (ρ /ρ )1/3R/V , mechanism models. p 0 object target 0 time of hydrody≃namical un≃loading τ R/s in- In this article, we derived the proper mathe- h side oftarget, andcharacteristictime of≃accretion matical description for the highly dense medium τ . Here, R is the characteristicsize ofthe target. (degenerate Fermi-gas) that is better suited for a Depending on the combination of these parame- targets like white or black dwarfs, whose densi- ters, different outcomes occur affecting the states ties exceed 107kg/m3. Prior studies of accretion of the involved bodies. However, the comprehen- considered only low or medium density media. sive analysisof suchscenariosis beyondthe scope Second, while the accretion-caused decelera- of this publication. tion effect is interesting on its own, when it is applied to the stellar objects composed of nu- 3. Conclusion clear matter with particular equations of state (EOS), the situation deserves a special atten- Accretion-caused deceleration occurs when a tion. As well known, just like traditional mat- gravitationally-powerful object moves through ter, nuclear matter has its critical state with a medium, captures the surrounding particles, its critical temperature and density. (See, for and decreases its kinetic energy and momentum example, Jaqaman at al. (1983), Jaqaman et al. as its mass increases. In this article, we pre- (1984), Akmal et al. (1998), Karnaukhov (2006) sented an analysis of such scenario for a compact and Karnaukhov et al. (2011) and references (small in size), non-rotating and non-magnetized, therein.) This means that if the matter of the gravitationally-powerful object colliding head- elastic stellar object is in the state close to the on (simple model geometry) with a high-density boundary of liquid/gas phase transition (near the medium(awhiteorblackdwarf,forexample). By spinodal zone where the matter can transition describing the motion of the variable-mass body, into the state of ”nuclear fog”), then speed of we demonstrated that the magnitude of the de- density perturbation propagation is close to zero. celeration (caused only by accretion and no other Then even relatively small deceleration may lead mechanisms) may indeed be substantial depend- tostrongstratificationoftheinteriormatterofthe ing on the initial conditions. There are several compactobject. The space scale of this stratifica- implications stemming from this result. tion is defined by the ratio of sound speed square First, as mentioned earlier, one of the hypoth- and deceleration magnitude. Zones of compres- esized scenarios for the formation of a Thorne- sion and decompression appear throughout the Zytkow object (a red giant or supergiant contain- compact object interior. Within the decompres- ing a neutron star at its core) is a collision of the sion zones, in the environment of the nuclear fog, two objects, the giant and the neutron star. In explosive nuclear reactions (fusion and fission of ourdemonstration,despite itsintentionalsimplic- fragments) may start. (Tito & Pavlov (2013) ex- ity,theresultsatthequalitativelevelappeartobe amine this in more detail.) consistentwith suchscenario. As shownin Fig.5, Toconclude,whileaccretionontoneutronstars the neutron star may be completely captured by (and other compact gravitationally-powerful stel- the target(the full-stop case), or the neutron star lar objects such as fragments of a neutron star, may accrete mass from the target without stop- quark star, strange stars, etc.) would rarely oc- ping. In both cases, the resulting object may be cur as a stand-aloneprocess,in some casesit may describedasaneutronstarsurroundedbyagigan- meaningfully contribute to the aggregate decel- ticenvelope. Theexactoutcomewoulddependon eration experienced by the stellar objects. For the initial characteristics of the involved objects, non/low-magnetized objects, accretion may actu- producing a TZO with a larger-sized giant in the ally play the dominant role in the deceleration of 7 the objects when they collide with other stellar bodiesortraverseanencounteredmedium. Inthis article,weprovidedanewmodelforthetreatment of dense accreting medium. 8 A. Deceleration due to adhesion Considerabodymovinginadensemedium. We supposethattheinteractionofthesurroundingparticles with the body is governed by short-range forces. Such interaction is modeled by the adhesion mechanism where particles of the environment simply adhere to the body. Consequently, the mass and the volume of the moving body increase. We suppose that the rate of mass increase is proportional to the surface of the body and density of environment., i.e. M˙ (t) ρ 4πr2(t). Here, r(t) is the radius of the body, ρ is the e e ∼ density of the medium (a classical example is of the drop which is moving in a saturated vapor of water). We suppose that the density of the body stays constant during the process at least in leading approx- imation. The mass is M = ρb(4π/3)r3. From d/dt[ρb(4π/3)r3] = v∗ρe4πr2, we can find that the rate of radius increase is constant r˙ =v∗(ρe/ρb). Parameter v∗ has the dimension of velocity. The meaning of this parameteristhecharacteristicvelocityofadhesionofparticlesoftheenvironmenttothesurfaceofthebody. This parameter is determined by the regime of plasma-dynamical flow in the surrounding medium which is notatrivialproblembecausethe processofadhesiondepends stronglyonthe modelofthe environment,for example on the equation of state of the surrounding matter. Theclassicalequationofmotionofthebodyofvariablemassinpresenceofthetraditionalhydrodynamical dragis Mv˙ = Cρ r2v2n +cM˙ , where c=V v. Here, V is the velocityof the medium particle adhered e v − − tothe body inaninertialframe, v isthe body velocityinthe sameframe,the dragisproportionaltosquare of the body velocity, dimensionless parameter C is of order unity. We suppose for simplicity that all particles of the environmentare immobile in the initial non–perturbed state, V = 0. This is assumed to simplify the consideration and to obtain an analytical solution. The equation of motion becomes dv dM d 4π ρ M = Cρ r2v2 v , ( r3v)= C er2v2. (A1) e dt − − dt → dt 3 − ρ b Since (d/dt)...=(dr/dt)(d/dr)... =v∗(ρe/ρb)(d/dr)... and ξ =r3v, we obtain the simple equation dξ 3C dr = ( ) (A2) ξ2 − 4πv∗ r4 which can be resolved analytically : v 0 v(t)= . (A3) s3+αv (s3 1) 0 − Here, argument s = (r0 +v∗(ρe/ρb)t)/r0, α = C/4πv∗ and r = r0 and v = v0 at t = 0. It follows from here that the characteristic time of the process of deceleration is τ r0/v∗(ρb/ρe). For t τ and v v∗, ∼ ≫ ≫ the regime of deceleration becomes the universal one and independent on an initial velocity of the body. Obviously, Eq. (A3) should be regarded only as the zero–approximation in the averaged on all possible values of parameter V , which is obviously not zero for the moving body in accordance with the simple h i observation that the body will collide with the particles flying in its face more often than with the particles that are catching up to it. The deceleration can be written now as 3Cρev2 ρev∗v a= 3 , (A4) −4π ρ r − ρ r b b or a= 3C(ρe)v02 1 3(ρe)v∗v0 1 , (A5) −4π ρ r s(s3+αv (s3 1))2 − ρ r s(s3+αv (s3 1)) b 0 0 b 0 0 − − If parameter v∗ v0, the mechanism of deceleration due to adhesion may be comparable in magnitude ∼ with the mechanism of deceleration due to drag. 9 B. Interpolating expression for pressure in medium. Toassessthe formofthe EoSofthe targetmedium, weconsiderherethe simplestplasmacomposedfrom protons and electrons. The form of equation of state depends on how the temperature of the medium T compares to char- acteristic temperatures. One can introduce the following characteristic temperature parameters: temper- ature of ionization T 10ev, Fermi temperature for proton component T (ρ), Fermi temperature for i Fp ∼ electron component T (ρ) (m /m )T 103T for non-relativistic electrically neutral plasma, and Fe p e Fp Fp ∼ ∼ temperature T m c2 0.5Mev when relativistic effects must be taken into consideration. Obviously, r e ∼ ≃ T T T T . We consider the case when T >T . i Fp Fe r i ≪ ≪ ≪ We assume for simplicity that temperatures of the two components of plasma are of the same order: T T = T. Electrical neutrality of plasma signifies n = n = n. Here, n is the number of free e p p e e,p ≃ electrons/protonsperunitvolume. Massesofprotonsandelectronssatisfym m . Thedensityofplasma p e ≫ is ρ = m n +m n m n. The form of pressure depends on the level of temperature T relative to the p p e e p ≃ Fermi temperatures T and T . Fp Fe For high temperatures, T > T = E where E is the Fermi energy for electron component, both Fe Fe Fe components of the plasma can be considered as classical gas, i.e. the equation of state is P =T(n +n ) p e ≃ (2T/m )ρ. Forlowtemperatures,T <T ,thepressureisessentiallydeterminedbythedegenerateelectron p Fp component, because of m m , for whichthe electrondegeneracypressurein a medium can be computed p e ≫ as 2E (3π2)2/3~2 2 (3π2)2/3~2 P = tot = n5/3 nE = ρ5/3. 3 V 5me e ≡ 5 F 5mem5p/3 Here, ~ is the reduced Planck constant. When electron energies reach relativistic levels (white dwarf with mass 0.3M⊙ < M < MCh; the Chan- drasekhar limit MCh 1.4M⊙), a modified formula is required, P ρ4/3: for the relativistic degenerated matter, the equation∼of state is ”softer” and E = ~c(3π2n )1/3 ∼for the ultra–relativistic case. In fact, Fe e pressurescaleswithdensityasn5/3 providedthatthe electronsremainnon–relativistic(speeds v c). This ≪ approximation breaks down when the white dwarf mass is close to the boundary of stability to become a neutron star. The relativistic and non–relativistic expressions for electron degeneracy pressure are approxi- mately equal at about ne = 1036m−3, about that of the core of a 0.3M⊙ white dwarf. As long as the star is not too massive, the Fermi pressure prevents it from collapsing under gravity and becoming a black hole. So,wecanusethe simpleinterpolationexpressionforqualitativeestimationofEoSindomainT <T < Fp T when one can neglect the relativistic effects: Fe 2T (3π2)2/3~2 P ρ+ ρ5/3 (B1) ≃ mp 5mem5p/3 Quantity P/ρ has the dimension of the square of velocity and determines the order of square of speed of propagationof small density perturbations in a medium. In domain T <T , both components of plasma are degenerated, and we obtain Fp (3π2)2/3~2 1 1 (3π2)2/3~2 P ( + )ρ5/3 ρ5/3 (B2) ≃ 5m5p/3 mp me ≃ 5mem5p/3 C. Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. 10

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