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ACCRETINGX-RAY PULSARS OBSERVED WITHINTEGRAL IngoKreykenbohm1,2,SonjaFritz1,NamiMowlavi2,Jo¨rnWilms3,PeterKretschmar4,Ru¨digerStaubert1,and AndreaSantangelo1 1Institutfu¨rAstronomieundAstrophysik–Abt. Astronomie,Sand1,72076Tu¨bingen,Germany 2IntegralScienceDataCentre,Chemind’Ecogia16,1290Versoix,Switzerland 3Dr. RemeisSternwarte,Universita¨tErlangen-Nu¨rnberg,Sternwartstr. 7,96049Bamberg,Germany 4EuropeanSpaceAstronomyCentre(ESA),Madrid,Spain ABSTRACT mechanismisonlyroughlyunderstood,asadetailedun- 7 derstandingwouldrequireafullmagneto-hydrodynamic 0 0 treatment,incorporatingthepresenceofamagneticfield 2 In this paper, we review the observational properties of∼1012G,andafullhandlingofgeneralrelativity. Es- of two accreting X-ray pulsars, the persistent source pecially the behavior and shape of cyclotron resonant n 4U1907+09andthetransientV0332+53.AccretingX- scattering features (CRSFs or cyclotron lines) are not a raypulsarsareamongthebrightestsourcesintheX-ray verywellunderstoodandrequiredetailedstudying. But J skyandarefrequentlyobservedbyIntegralandotherX- also only a very general picture of the overall accretion 0 ray missions. Neverthelessthey are still very enigmatic geometryandtheaccretionprocessitselfexists. Analyz- 3 sources as fundamental questions on the X-ray produc- ingthetemporalbehaviorofaccretingneutronstarsalong 1 tion mechanism still remain largely unanswered. These with thespectralpropertiesallowstostudytheseimpor- v questionsareaddressedbyperformingdetailedtemporal tantquestions. 9 and spectral studies on several objects over a long time 6 range. INTEGRAL is an excellent instrument to study these 8 sources asINTEGRALfrequentlyobservesthe galactic 1 Ofvitalimportanceisthestudyofcyclotronlinesasthey centerandthegalacticplaneandduetoitslargefieldof 0 provide the only direct link to the magnetic field of the view. Asaresult,anenormousamountofdataonaccret- 7 pulsar. While some objects show cyclotron lines which ing X-ray pulsars is obtained. In this paper we present 0 are extremely stable with time and with pulse phase, in some recent results on the analysis of two accreting X- h/ otherobjectsthelinesstronglydependonthepulsephase, ray pulsars: the detection of a complete torque rever- p theluminosityofthesource,orboth. salin4U1907+09[9] andtheevolutionofthetransient - V0332+53overitsrecentoutburstandespeciallythebe- o Ofspecialinterestinanycasearetransientsourceswhere haviorofthecyclotronline[27,33]. r it is possibleto studythe evolutionofthe cyclotronline t s andthesourceingeneralfromtheonsetuntiltheendof a theoutburstthroughawiderangeofdifferentluminosity : 2. 4U1907+09 v states. i X We present an observationalreview of a transient and a r persistentaccretingX-raypulsarobservedwithIntegral. The wind-accreting High Mass X-ray Binary system a 4U1907+09 [13] consists of a neutron star in an ec- centric (e = 0.28)8.3753d orbitaroundits companion. Keywords: X-rays: stars–stars: magneticfields–stars: Basedonalowerlimitforthedistanceof5kpc,theX-ray flare – stars: pulsars: individual: 4U 1907+09 – stars: luminosityisapproximately21036ergs−1[15].Thestel- pulsars:individual:V0332+53. lar companionhas been classified as a O8–O9 Ia super- giantwith an effectivetemperatureof 30500K, a radius of26R ,aluminosityof5105L ,andamasslossrate ⊙ ⊙ 1. INTRODUCTION of710−6M⊙yr−1[6]. Similar to other accreting neutron stars, the X-ray con- Accreting X-ray pulsars are among the most prominent tinuumof4U1907+09canbedescribedbyapower-law sources in the X-ray sky. Since accreting X-ray pul- spectrumwith anexponentialturnoverat∼13keV [25]. sars are usually young objects, they are clustered along Thespectrumismodifiedbystrongphotoelectricabsorp- the galactic plane. Although already discovered in the tion with a columnN = 1.5–5.71022cm−2 [7] which H first days of X-ray astronomy, many fundamentalques- isduetothedensestellar windandisthereforestrongly tions remainunansweredto date. The X-rayproduction variable over the orbit. The column density is maximal 1.8 MJD 1.6 −1ec] 1.4 53138.4 53139.0 53139.6 53140.2 s unts [ 1.2 30 53138.12 53M13 J8D.20 53138.28 Co 1.0 50 − M −1ASec] 00..684 −1ounts s] 20 −1Count rate [counts s] 12340000 Counts [s 3 nt rate [c −100 3 4 5 6 7 BIS− 2 Cou 10 2004 May 13 I 1 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 Orbital−Phase (T = 0) 0 90 Figure1. Lightcurveof4U1907+09,foldedwiththeor- bitalperiodof8.3753days[from9]. UpperPanel:Rossi 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 X-rayTimingExplorerAllSkyMonitor(ASM)2–12keV. 2004 May 13 2004 May 14 2004 May 15 LowerPanel: IBIS20–40keVlightcurve. Figure 2. IBIS(ISGRI)20–40keV lightcurve ofrevolu- tion193[from9]. Thebintimeis200s. Theinsetshows betweentheendoftheprimaryX-rayflareandthestartof a close up of the flare, the bin time in this case is 40s. thesecondaryflare(Fig.1)oftheorbitallightcurve[31]. X-axisnumbersarehours. Athigherenergies,thespectrumexhibitscyclotronreso- nantscatteringfeatures(CRSF)at∼19keVand∼40keV MJD [24,25,7]. 46000 49000 52000 442 Withapulseperiodof∼ 440s,4U1907+09isaslowly rotating neutron star [23]. The neutron star has ex- hibited a steady linear spin down with an average of P˙ = +0.225syr−1 from P = 437.5s in 1983 pulse pulse ˙ to 440.76s in 1998 [16]. Recently, a decrease in P pulse to∼0.115syr−1, abouthalfthelongtermvaluewasre- 440 ported[2]. c] e s d [ MJD o 52800 53100 53400 2.1. TimingAnalysis Peri 441.4 441.3 TpuhlesaXtio-rnasywliigthht acuprveerioodf 4oUf 1∼940471+s0.9 clAeadrdliytiosnhaolwlys, 438 Period [sec] 441.2 4U1907+09also exhibitsflareswitha typicallengthof 441.1 severalhours[23,16]. Fritzetal. [9]observedfoursuch 441.0 flareswithcountrateincreasesofatleast5σoveritsnor- 2003 2004 2005 mallevel(Fig.2).Threeofthem,inrevolutions187,193, 436 and305,areassociatedwiththemainpeakintheorbital 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 lightcurve(Fig.1)whiletheflareobservedinrevolution 188islinkedtothesecondarypeak. Figure3.Evolutionofthe4U1907+09pulseperiodover thelast20years[asshownby9]. Diamondsindicatethe 4U1907+09showedasteadyspindownrateofP˙ = resultsobtainedinthiswork,othersymbolsindicatedata pulse +0.225syr−1 [16]. Baykal et al. [2] usingRXTE-data from[23,plus-signs],[5,asterixes],[25,triangles],[16, determined a spin down rate 0.5 times lower than the squares], and [1, 2, crosses]. Note the clear deviation longtermvalue. Fritzetal. [9]usingINTEGRALdata, from the long term trend leading to a complete spin re- extend the tracking of the pulse period evolution to the versal. Theinsetshowsacloseupoftheperiodsfoundby years2003–2005.Thereforetheseauthorsfirstdetermine INTEGRAL[9]. the pulse period by first using epoch folding [22] to get 3 Rev. 0048 a starting period and then performing pulse phasing to 2 get a higher accuracy. Fig. 3 shows the long-time his- 1 tory of the period evolution based on all available data. 0 a NotethattherecentperiodsobtainedfromRXTE-data[2] 4 Rev. 0059 showacleardeviationfromthehistoricspindowntrend 3 of P˙ = +0.225syr−1 from [15]. The periods ob- 2 tainepdulsbeyFritz etal. [9] fromINTEGRAL-data(shown 1 b as diamonds) not only confirm this change of the trend, 3 Rev. 0069 2 butshowacompletetrendreversalfromthehistoriclong 1 termspindowntrendtoaspinuptrendfromMJD53131 0 c onwards(seeFig.3). 3 Rev. 0135 2 Usingthederivedperiods,Fritzetal. [9]obtainedpulse 1 profiles for all revolutions (Fig. 4) by folding the light 0 d curveswiththebestrespectiveperiods.Nochangeinthe 6 Rev. 0188 shapeofthepulseprofileisobvious,especiallynochange 4 ˙ intheshapebefore,during,andafterthereversalofP can 2 beseen. e 6 Rev. 0193 4 2 2.2. Discussion f 6 Rev. 0246 IntheINTEGRALdata,aspinupphaseof4U1907+09 4 iabsercianltegeacorlofynPds˙piesuttleseecnt=tedw+iatfh0te.P2r¨22=50sy0yersa−−r1s1,.owfInistph2i0nt0hd2eoaawvnnadi(l2Fa0big0le.33dfi)aratsatt −1ounts sec] 224 Rev. 0248 g iwnedriecadteiotencstefodr[a2]d.eAcrsesahsoewinntihneSmecatg.n2i.t1u,dtehoefnsepwinINdoTwEn- ate [c 0 h GRAL data show a torque reversal from ∼MJD53131 nt R 23 Rev. 0249 onwards,withthesourcenowexhibitingaspinupwitha ou 1 rate of P˙pulse = −0.158syr−1. So far, theINTEGRAL C 0 i resultsappeartobeconsistentwithP¨ =0s−1(the1σup- 3 Rev. 0250 perlimitforP¨ duringthespinupis−410−5s−1yr−2). 2 1 The conventional interpretation of spin up in accreting 0 j X-raypulsarswithastronglymagnetized,disk-accreting 4 Rev. 0255 neutronstar isthattheaccretiondiskistruncatedbythe 2 magnetic field of the neutron star [see, e.g., 10, 11, 12, 0 k andreferencestherein]. Thetransferofangularmomen- 3 Rev. 0295 tum from the accreted matter onto the neutron star will 2 lead to a torque onto the neutron star resulting in spin 1 up. The general expectation of these models is that the 0 l Alfve´nradiusrm,wheretheaccretionflowcouplestothe 6 Rev. 0305 magneticfield, is assumedto be close to the co-rotation 4 radius,r . 2 co m Thissimplemodel,however,isunabletoexplainthelong 6 Rev. 0361 episodes of constant P˙. For 4U1907+09the magneto- 4 spheric radiusinferredfromthe cyclotronline measure- 2 n ments is r ∼ 2400km, while r ∼ 12000km [16]. m co 3 Rev. 0379 Moving rm out to rco would require a magnetic field of 2 ∼1014Gasforamagnetar,whichistwoordersofmag- 1 nitude larger than the magnetic field deduced from the 0 o observedcyclotronlines. 0. 0 0. 5 1. 0 0. 5 Pulse Phase Fritzetal.[9],however,thendiscussthattheamodelpre- Figure 4. Pulse profiles for different revolutions in the sentedrecentlybyPernaetal.[28]isabletoexplainthese 20–40keVband[from9]. Panelsa–eshowpulseprofiles observations. ThismodelisbasedonthefactthatX-ray obtainedduringtheperiodofspindown,andpanelsf–o pulsarsare obliquerotators, i.e., the neutronstar’s mag- showspinuppulseprofiles. neticfieldistiltedbyanangleχwithrespecttotheaxis of rotation of the neutron star. Assuming the accretion diskissituatedintheneutronstar’sequatorialplane,for a ringofmatter in the accretiondisk, the magneticfield s) strength then depends on the azimuthal angle and thus crab 1 20-30 keV V 0332+53 theboundaryofthemagnetosphereisasymmetric. Such ux ( 30-40 keV aconfigurationcanleadtoregionsinthediskwherethe Fl propeller effect is locally at work, while accretion from other regions is possible. This then results in a nonlin- ˙ ear dependenceof the accretion luminosity from the M 40-60 keV throughtheouterpartsofthedisk. Pernaetal. [28]point out that a nontrivialconsequenceis that for values of χ 10-1 greaterthanacriticalvalue,χ ,limitcyclesarepresent, crit where cyclic torquereversalepisodesare possible with- ˙ a. IBIS/ISGRI out a change in M. For typical parameters. χ is be- crit tween ∼25◦ and ∼45◦. Perna et al. [28] and Fritz et al. [9] stress that the existence of the limit cycles de- s) pendsonlyonχandonthepulsar’spolarmagneticfield, crab 10-15 keV B, and no variation of external parameters is required x ( 5-10 keV u to trigger torque reversals, while the torque reversal of Fl 1 4U1907+09 with no associated drop in luminosity and 3-5 keV nochangein theshapeofthepulseprofileisdifficultto RXTE/ASM explaininconventionalmodels. 10-1 3. V0332+53 b. JEM-X 53350 53360 53370 53380 53390 53400 53410 53420 TherecurrentX-raytransientV0332+53experiencedan t (MJD) X-ray outburst from December 2004 to February 2005 [19,29]. Theoutburstwaspredictedalmostoneyearbe- Figure5. a LightcurveofV0332+53overthedecayof foretheactualoutburst[14]duetotheopticalbrightening the outburst in different energy bands in Crab units [as oftheopticalcompanionBQCam,aO8-O9estar. shownby27]. Thesolidcurvesarefitstotheexponential (fromMJD=53376to53412withτ=30days)andlinear TheobservationofthisoutburstofV0332+53byRXTE (fromMJD=53412to53422)bSameasa,butforJEM-X revealedthepresenceofthreecyclotronlines[4,19,29]. fluxesandwithanexponentialdecayofτ=20days. The ThefundamentalCRSFhasanenergyof28keV,andthe 2–12keVRXTE/ASMlightcurveisalsoshown,usinga firstandsecondharmonicsareat50keVand71keV,re- normalizationfactorof77cpsfor1Crab. spectively. Thiscorrespondstoamagneticfieldstrength of2.7×1012G[19,29]. Thespectrumisotherwisede- scribedbyapowerlawmodifiedbyahigh-energycut-off athigherenergies. 0.5 PCU2 RXTE 0.45 3.1. Fluxes 0.4 ThelightcurveofV0332+53inISGRIandJEM-Xdur- C0.35 ing the outburstis shownin Fig. 5. Mowlavietal. [27] H F describethedeclinephasebyanexponentialdecayupto E 0.3 MJD≃53412, followedby a linear decrease. The expo- D nential decay is less rapid at the ISGRI energiesthan at C 0.25 theJEM-Xenergies.Fromasimpleestimation,theexpo- B A nentialdecaytime isabout30 daysabove20keV (solid 0.2 curvesinFig.5a)andabout20daysbelow15keV(solid curves in Fig. 5b). The exponential decay is also con- 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 SC firmedbythe2–12keVlightcurveasobservedbytheAll SkyMonitor(ASM)onboardofRXTE(seeFig.5b). Figure 6. Color-Color Diagram of the outburst of V0332+53[from30]usingRXTE-data. TheX-raycol- Reig et al. [30] discovered a very interesting behavior ors are defined as soft color SC=7.5-10 keV/4-7.5 keV ofthecolor-colordiagramovertheoutburst(seeFig.6). andhardcolorHC=15-30keV/10-15keV. They derived background-subtractedlight curves corre- sponding to the energyranges c1 = 4−7.5 keV, c2 = 30 a E (keV) 29.5 cyc,1 29 28.5 a) V0332+53 28 V 27.5 V 0332+53 e k c/1.000 4.9 e 4.8 s/s 4.7 nt 4.6 u 4.5 o0.100 4444....2341 b s 1 (keV) alized c 2.15 rm0.010 2.1 c t o 2.05 1 n 2 1.95 1.9 1.85 0.001 1.8 60 1.75 40 b) 53380 53385 53390 53395 53400 53405 53410 53415 53420 20 t (MJD) 0 c −20 Figure 7. Evolutionofthe parametersof the fundamen- −40 −60 talcyclotronline[from27]. alineenergy,bwidth,andc depth.Theverticalbarsrepresent90%uncertainty,while 10 c) 5 the horizontalbars indicate the duration of each obser- 0 vation. c −5 −10 6 7.5−10keV,c3 = 10−15keVandc4 = 15−30keV 4 d) andthendefinedthesoftcolor(SC)astheratioc2/c1and 2 thehardcolor(HC)astheratiobetweenc4/c3. c −02 −4 Theseauthorsobservedthatthesourcewasinasoftstate −6 duringthepeakoftheoutburstandasthecountratede- 10 e) creasedthesourcemovedupandrightinthecolorcolor 5 diagram,i.e. itbecameharder. Attheendoftheoutburst 0 (regionsEandF)thesourcemovedagaintotheleft,i.e., c −5 lowervaluesofSC,whileHCremainedmostlyconstant. −10 Therefore two spectral states or branches can be distin- 10 f) guished:asoftstatewhenthesourceisbrightandahard 5 statewhenthesourcegetsdimmer. 0 c −5 ThepatterninthecolorcolordiagramofV0332+53re- −10 semblesthatoflowmassX-raybinaryZsource[seee.g 10 100 34]. Inthispicture,thesoftbranchwouldcorrespondto Channel Energy [keV] the normalbranchandthe hardbranchto the horizontal branchin a Z source, however,as Reig et al. [30] point out, the flaring branch observed in Z source is missing Figure 8. a Spectrum and folded model for JEM-X in V0332+53. During the decline of the outburst, the (left) and ISGRI (right) using data of revolution 284 source moveswithoutjumpsthroughthe Z shape in the [from 27]; b residuals of the model with Γ=−0.41 and colorcolordiagram,takingabout80daysfromthesoftest Efold=7.4keV,andwithoutanycyclotronlinemodeled;c tohardestpoint[30]. one Gaussianis includedat29.3keV;d a secondGaus- sian is added at 51keV to model the first harmonic; e as before, but with the energy of the first line fixed at 3.2. Spectrum 27.5keV,thevaluefoundinrevolution273;fsameasd, butwithΓfixedtothevalueof−0.17foundinrevolution 273. Thestrongresidualsinthetwobottompanelsshow The spectra of accreting X-ray pulsars are a superposi- thattheparametersofthefundamentalcyclotronlinedo tion of contributionsfromthe hotspotsat bothmagnetic indeedchange. polesandthelowerpartsoftheaccretioncolumns.Since no self consistent model is available, various empirical modelshavetobeused[18] dependenceresultsinthefollowingrelation: Ecyc,1 =−0.10L37+28.97keV, where L37 is the luminosity in units of 1037erg s−1. Assuming that for low luminosities the emission comes practically from the neutron star surface, Tsygankov et al. [33]estimatethemagneticfieldonthesurfaceofthe neutron star for canonical values for the radius and the massoftheneutronstartoB =3.01012G. 3.3. Discussion V0332+53isahighlymagnetizedpulsarwithamagnetic fieldofabout3.0×1012G[19,29,33],asderivedfrom theenergyofthefundamentalcyclotronline. TheX-ray outburstsfromthissystemareobservedwithatimerecur- renceofabout10years.Theyarebelievedtobetriggered by a massive mass ejection from the optical companion star, resulting in the optical brightening of the system in 2004 [14]. The ejected mass feeds an accretion disk Figure9. Dependenceoftheenergyoftheenergyofthe fundamentalcyclotronlineofV0332+53[from33]. Tri- aroundthepulsar,fromwhichitisfunneledbythemag- neticfieldtowardsthepolarcapsandfallsonthesurface angles represent results from INTEGRAL, and squares oftheneutronstar. fromRXTE. The analysis of the 2005outburstprovidesnew insights towards a better understanding of V0332+53 and simi- Mowlavi et al. [27] use the simple “cutoffpl” model to lartransientsourceswithinthisbasicpicture. TheX-ray fit the combined ISGRI and JEM-X data, to which two lightcurve(Sect.3.1)displaysacharacteristicexponen- cyclotronlines with a Gaussian opticaldepth profile[3] tialdecaywithatimescaleof20to30days,followedby havebeenadded. Amultiplicativeconstantisappliedto alineardecrease.Thisremarkablechangeoccursapprox- allow for the differentnormalizationsof the two instru- imatelyatthesame momentwhenthe trendinthe color ments. Furthermorea systematic errorof 2% is applied colordiagramchanges.Thismayprovidesomeinforma- to accountfor the uncertaintiesin the responsematrices tionontheaccretionandespeciallythegeometry. ofJEM-XandISGRI.Nophotoelectricabsorptionisre- AsdiscussedbyMowlavietal. [27],anexponentialde- quiredat low energies, compatiblewith the fact thatthe cayofthefluxisobservedalsoindwarfnovaeandinsoft JEM-X data are analyzed only above 4keV. The same X-ray transients on time scales from a few days for the modelisusedforallobservationstokeepconsistencybe- former to several weeks for the latter [21, 32]. King & tweentheparametersfromoneobservationtothenext. Ritter [17] show how illuminated disks in low-mass X- ray binary stars can produce such an exponential decay The cyclotron line parameters for the fundamental line onthetimescalesobservedforthesoftX-raytransients. [27] are displayed in Fig. 7 as a function of time. The Subsequently,numericalcalculationsbyDubusetal. [8] spectrumwiththefitsandtheresidualsforamodelwith showed,thatindeedirradiatedaccretiondisksproducean no, one, two, andthreecyclotronlinesusing thedata of exponentialdecayoftheX-rayluminosity. revolution284isshowninFig.8. Theenergyofthefun- damentalcyclotronlineincreasesby7%fromthefirstto AsMowlavietal. [27] pointout,itistemptingtomake the last INTEGRAL observations, and the depth of the the parallel with the results observed in V0332+53. line increases by 16% while at the same time the width The exponentially decreasing flux followed by a linear decreasesby12%.Thesechangesaresignificant;accord- decrease is very similar to what is observed in disk- ingtoMowlavietal. [27],theattempttofitthespectrum illuminated systems. Such a behavior as observed by inrevolution284withalineat27.5keVresultsinstrong Mowlavi et al. [27] has never before been observed in residualsaroundtheline(Fig.8e), butalsovariationsof a high mass accreting X-ray binary pulsar system. The continuumcanberuledouttoexplainthechangesinthe X-rayfluxisproportionaltothemassaccretionrate,and lineparameters(Fig.8f). therefore the accretion rate would then also be propor- tional to the mass of the disk. An unknown change in Tsygankovetal. [33]thenwentonestepfurtherandin- the disk would then trigger the switch to the linear de- stead plotting the energy of the fundamental cyclotron cay phase. Furthermore, Mowlavi et al. [27] suggest line versus time, these authors show the dependence of thatthetwodifferentdecaytimesobservedinV0332+53 thecyclotronenergyontheluminosityofthesource,thus areduetothepresenceofatleasttworegionscontribut- combining Figs. 7 and 5 into Fig. 9. A linear fit to this ing to the X-ray continuum: one time scale governsthe rateofmassflowontotheneutronstarthroughthedisk, [3] Coburn,W.,Heindl,W.A.,Rothschild,R.E.,etal. leadingtotheexponentialdecayfollowedbyalinearde- 2002,ApJ,580,394–412 crease (see above);anothertime scale governsthespec- [4] Coburn,W.,Kretschmar,P.,Kreykenbohm,I.,etal. tralchangesoftheemissionthatmaycomefromdifferent 2005,ATel,381 heightswithintheaccretioncolumn[27]. [5] Cook,M.C.,Page,C.G. 1987,MNRAS,225,381– The X-rayspectrum(Sect. 3.2) is wellfitted by a cutoff 392 power law modifiedbytwo cyclotronlines. The energy [6] Cox,N.L.J.,Kaper,L.,Foing,B.H.,Ehrenfreund, ofthefundamentalcyclotronlineisshowntoincreaseby P. 2005,A&A,438,187–199 20%fromthepeakoftheoutburstasmeasuredbyRXTE [7] Cusumano,G.,DiSalvo,T.,Burderi,L.,etal.1998, untiltheendoftheoutburst. Atthesametimeitbecame A&A,338,L79–L82 narrower and deeper. 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