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UniversityofAlbertaLibrai Module 1 0 1620 3450099 9 Module Overview 1 Inthismodulestudentswilllearnhowbusinesses havedevelopedsystemstocontrolcash, plan ahead, andadjusttheirbookstoreflectcorrectbalances. This isdonebyintroducingthevouchersystem, budgeting, andexpandingknowledgeofthe adjustmentsneededforpreparationofaccuratefinancialrecords. Possible Classroom Openers Thefollowingaresuggestedpossibilitiesforbeginningthis module. • Discusstheuseofthevouchersysteminaccounting as asecurity andcontrol systemandas a systemforrecording cashtransactions. • Explaintheroleofbudgetinginaccountingrecords. Refertofamiliarinstancesofbudgetuse: studentorganizations (studentcouncil), school system, family, andlocalgovernment. • Explain,review, anddiscuss, usingpracticalexamplesandchalkboardillustrations,theneedfor recordingaccrualstobringrevenueandexpenseaccountsup-to-date. Section 1: The Voucher System Thebasicgoalsofthis sectionaretoensurethatstudents • leamtoprepareandrecordvouchers • are abletorecordpaymentsofvouchers • areabletojournalizevouchertransactions Accounting30 1 Learning Facilitator's Manual Module 1 Possible Activities • Explain thereasons forusing vouchers insteadofthetraditionaljournals inbookform. • Prepare abulletinboarddisplay ofvouchers, oruseillustrationsofvouchersthatserve particularneeds. • Studytheformatofthevoucher, demonstratethepreparationofvouchers, andhave students prepare vouchers. • Discuss andflowcharttheprocedureforpreparing vouchercheques andrecordingthe cheques inthechequeregister. Section 1: Activity 1 1. Nametwotypes ofbusinesses thatwouldnotusethe vouchersystemandexplainwhy. Thefollowingbusinesses wouldnotuse the vouchersystem: • Businessesthathave onlyone owner(suchasasingleproprietorinagrocerystore, a bicycleshop, ora barbershop) • smallpartnerships (one- ortwo-personoffices) Thesebusinessesaresmall. The vouchersystem istoo time-consumingforthesetypesof businesses whoseownersorpartnersautomaticallycheckallinvoicesandhavesigningauthority. 2. Nametwo types ofbusinesses thatwouldusethe vouchersystem. Thefollowingbusinesses wouldusethe vouchersystem: • governmentagenciesordepartments • large corporations (in ordertokeep trackofmanydepartmentsandtransactions) 3. Why mighttherebeblanklinesonthe accountdistribution sideofthe voucher? Theremaybe blanklineson theaccountdistribution sideofthe voucherbecausenotallaccounts arelisted. Thereareoften toomany. Only themore commononesareprelisted. Accounting30 2 Learning Facilitator's Manual jNlVERSITY.LIBRARY Module 1 4. Completeavoucherusing thefollowinginformation: • Today's dateisJune 10, 19xx. • ThelastvoucherwrittenwasNo. 722. • TheinvoiceisfromtheTelephoneCompany,Box000, Calgary,Alberta,T5R 1S2, andis numbered 111293. • TheinvoiceisdatedJune5, 19xx. • Thetotalamountis $234.56. • AllTelephoneCompanyinvoices aredueuponreceipt. ACCOUNTDISTRIBUTION VOUCHER NO. 723 DEBIT CURRENT DISCOUNT nATF >ne10,19kk. DUFHATF June10,197(k. Purchases CREDITOR Supplies NAMF 1e.(e.phomCompany AdvertisingExpense AnnRFS.q -Bo^^ooo DeliveryExpense UtilitiesExpense 234 56 CaCqary,MBerta pnsTAi nnnF T5!?li52 TotalDebits 234 56 VOUCHERSUMMARY CREDIT InvoiceNumber 111293 VouchersPayableCredit 234 56 InvoiceDate June5,19^ EmployeesInconneTaxPayable Amount 234 56 CanadaPensionPlanPayable Adjustment UnemploymentInsurancePayable Discount Net 234 56 Approved Recorded Page PAYMENTSUMMARY Date TotalCredits 234 56 ChequeNo. Amount DistributionApproved Approved Recorded Accounting30 3 Learning Facilitator's Manual J Module 1 5. Completeavoucherusing thefollowinginformation: • Today's date isAugust 11, 19xx. • Thelastvoucherwritten wasNo. 854. • TheinvoiceisfromCanadianWesternNatural Gas, Box 3456,Wainwright,Alberta,T5 1R2, andis numbered435-238694. • TheinvoiceisdatedAugust6, 19xx. • Thetotal amountis $86.57. CWNG • All invoices aredueuponreceipt. ACCOUNTDISTRIBUTION VOUCHER NO. 855 DEBIT CURRENT DISCOUNT DATF J^UMUStIh niJFDATF August11,19kk, Purchases CREDITOR Supplies NAME Canadian'Western9{atura[Qas AdvertisingExpense ADDRESS 'B07C3456 DeliveryExpense UtilitiesExpense 86 57 Wainzmffht,Mberta POSTALCODE 1531^ Total Debits 86 57 VOUCHERSUMMARY CREDIT InvoiceNumber 435-238694 VouchersPayableCredit 86 57 InvoiceDate August6,19:>(7C EmployeesIncomeTaxPayable Amount 86 57 CanadaPension PlanPayable Adjustment UnemploymentInsurancePayable Discount Net 86 57 Approved Recorded Page PAYMENTSUMMARY Date TotalCredits 86 57 ChequeNo. Amount DistributionApproved Approved Recorded Accounting30 4 Learning Facilitator's Manual Module 1 Section 1: Activity 2 RecordtheseJuly 19xxtransactionsusingthefollowingvoucherregister. 19xx July 21 ReceivedaninvoicefortheAugustrentfromDidukOfficeRentals, $800.00. V23. 23 PurchasedmerchandiseonaccountfromFramingPartsUnlimited, $564.00. V24. 24 Boughtstore suppliesonaccountfromSuppliesIncorporated, $234.00. V25. 25 ReceivedastatementfromTheAdMagazineforadvertising, $53.45. V26. 25 IssuedDM32toFramingUnlimitedforthereturnofmerchandisepurchasedfor$102.00. CancelledV24 andreissuedV27. 25 Receivedarequesttoreplenishthepettycashfundsasfollows: OfficeSupplies, $7.54; DeliveryExpense, $11.23;AdvertisingExpense, $12.04; MiscellaneousExpense, $9.87. V28. 29 IssuedDM33to SuppliesIncorporatedforreturnofstore suppliesfor$23.00. Cancelled V25 andreissuedV29. 30 Thepayrollregisterforthemonth showedthefollowing: SalaryExpense, $8 345.60; EmployeesIncomeTaxPayable, $2 345.21; CanadaPensionPlanPayable, $232.10; UnemploymentInsurancePayable, $189.56.V30. VOUCHER REGISTER PAID VOUCHER CHEQUE VOUCHERS DATE NUMBER CREDITOR DATE NUMBER PAYABLECR 1 July 21 1^23 'DiduliOfficeHientaCs 3uCy27 *256 8 0 0 00 2 23 1^24 !framw£'PartsUnCimited See1^27 56 4 00 3 24 V25 SuppCiesIncorporated SeeV29 2 3 4 00 4 25 V26 The.5\dM-Oflozine. 5 3 45 5 25 V27 ^ramin£PartsUnCimited 4 6 2 00 6 7 25 V28 PettyCash 5uCy3i *258 4 0 68 8 9 10 11 23 V29 SuppCiesIncorporated JuCy31 *257 2 1 1 00 12 13 30 V30 PaifroCCSlccount JuCy31 *259 5 5 7 8 73 14 15 16 *ThesechequenumberswillberecordedfollowingcompletionofActivity 3. Accounting30 5 Learning Facilitator's Manual Module 1 Note 1: Voucher29 is handleddifferentlythanVoucher27. Onlyreturnedmerchandisepreviously purchasedforresaleisentered intothePurchases Returns andAllowances account. Allotherassets returnedarededucteddirectlyfromtheassetaffected. Note2: ForVoucher29, entering $23.00enclosedinparentheses directly intothe Store Supplies Debitcolumn, withtheintentionoflatersubtracting itfromthe columntotal, wouldalso be an acceptableprocedure. f FOR MONTH OF 5une PAGE 12 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL AMOUNT PURCHASES STORE OFFICE POST DR SUPPLIESDR SUPPLIESDR ACCOUNT REF DR CR 1 1{^nt'E?(peruse 8 0 0 00 1 2 5 6 4 00 2 3 2 3 4 00 3 4 advertising'E?(pense 53 45 4 5 Vouchers'Payabk 5 6 4 00 5 6 (PurchasesHietums&Mlozoances 1 0 2 00 6 7 7 54 7 8 (DefiverifT.T^pense 1 1 23 8 9 ^advertising'Ep^pense 1 2 04 9 10 MiscetCaneous"L^^pense 9 87 10 11 'VouchersTcujaSCe 2 3 4 00 11 12 StoreSuppOes 2 3 00 12 13 ScdaryTLT^pense 8 3 4 5 60 13 14 "EmpbyeesIncomeTaT^^VayahU 2 3 4 5 21 14 15 CanadaTensionTian'PayaSCe 2 3 2 10 16 llnempbymentInsuranceTayabCe 1 8 9 56 13 Accounting30 6 Learning Facilitator's Manual Module 1 CM CD CO |N- oo Section 1: Activity 3 Instruction 1 BALANCE CM 00 In. RecordthefollowingentriesforJuly 19xxon BANK thechequeregisterthatfollows. DEPOSITS 19xx July 25 Bankbalancebroughtforward, o in! o $7 234.65 00 CASHCREDIT fN. 27 PaidV23 for$800.00toDidukOffice Rentals. Ch. 256. IN 27 Deposited$1 235.86. SUPPLIESDISCOUNTSCREDIT 31 PaidV29fortheoriginalinvoiceof $234.00lessthe $23.00returnandthe 2% discountonthenetowedto PURCHASESDISCOUNTSCREDIT SuppliesIncorporated. Ch. 257. CoJ o 31 PaidV28 for$40.68toreplenishpetty o 00 cash. Ch. 258. VOUCHERSPAYABLEDEBIT "^ JN. «N It, 31 PaidV42for$5 578.73 forthe semimonthlypayroll. Ch. 259. s 00 ? VCHR.NO. id Instruction2 OZ <N , Recordthedateandenterthechequenumberof eachpaymentontoyourcompletedvoucher registerfromActivity2. OF 1 FAVOUR 1 J* IN §^ Incorporated s 1 g 'Devosit Suvpttes In, <N DATE CM CO in CD 1^ 00 Accounting30 Learning Facilitator's Manual Module 1 Section 1: Activity 4 1. Why aretherecheckmarks underthe General amountcolumnsinthevoucherregister? Thereare checkmarksunderthe Generalamountcolumnsbecause thesetotalsarenotposted. Theposting referenceforthese individualpostingsis recordedin thePost. Reference column. 2. Why isthere aVouchers Payabledebitof$310.56postedtoAccount211 intheGeneralaccount columninthevoucherregister? The VouchersPayabledebitispostedtoAccount211 in the Generalsection to reverse the previouslyrecordedVouchersPayablecreditthathasbeen cancelled. Ithastobepostedasa debitbecause thepreviousentry is includedin the VouchersPayable Creditcolumn totalandis postedaspartofthattotal. 3. Why areonlythe totalsofthe specialcolumns posted? Only the totalsofthespecialcolumnsarepostedbecauseallthe entriesin these columnsarefor thesameaccount. Postingthe totalsofspecialcolumnssavesboth timewhenpostingandspace on the ledger Italsomeansthere isa reduction in the chanceofpostingerrors, aslessposting is required. 4. Why arethebankbalance anddeposits notposted? Thebankbalanceanddepositsarenotpostedbecausetheyareonlya runningtotalfor information on thepresentbankbalance. Section 1: Follow-up Activities Extra-helpActivities A Extra-helpActivity Completethevoucherforthefollowingtransaction. OnJune 2, 19xx, the companyreceivedInvoice No. 3456fromNuTrendOfficeEquipment, 1234-56 Avenue, Edmonton,Alberta,TOZOZO. Theinvoice was datedJune 1, 19xx, andwasforoffice equipmenttotalling $568.00. This company pays theGSToutofthefundsthey receive. Therefore, the total already includes it. Theterms were 2/10, n/30. Thediscountis allowedon the whole invoicetotal (GSTnotdeductedpriortodiscounts) forthis company. The lastvoucherwas No. 455. Accounting30 8 Learning Facilitator's Manual Module 1 ACCOUNTDISTRIBUTION VOUCHER NO. 456 DEBIT CURRENT DISCOUNT DAIt JU.IIK-^,±~'/\r\_ UUt UA1t ju^itt^±±i-t-^/VA. PiirrhflQP^ SuppliGS NAME O^diTrendOffice'Equipment AdvertisingExpense ADDRFSS 1234-56Avmue DeliveryExpense UtilitiesExpense Edmonton.,J^lSerta Ojfice'Equvpment 568 00 POSTA! CODF TOZOZO TotalDebits 568 00 VOUCHERSUMMARY CREDIT InvoiceNumber 3456 VouchersPayableCredit 568 00 InvoiceDate !)uml,IStql EmployeesIncomeTaxPayable Amount 568 00 CanadaPensionPlanPayable Adjustment UnemploymentInsurancePayable Discount 11 36 Net 556 64 Approved Recorded Page PAYMENTSUMMARY Date TotalCredits 568 00 ChequeNo. Amount DistributionApproved Approved Recorded Extra-helpActivityB UseVoucherNo. 456fromExtra-helpActivityAtocompletethevoucherregisterandchequeregister. Instruction 1: RecordapprovedVoucherNo. 456onpage234ofthe voucherregisterforthemonth ofJune 19xx. Instruction2: Enterthedetailsofthevoucherregisterentryonto approvedVoucherNo. 456. Instruction3: OnJune 2, 19xx, ChequeNo. 256 waspreparedforthetotalamountlessthediscount. Recordthis chequeonpage334ofthechequeregisterforJune 19xx. Instruction4: RecordthepaymentofVoucherNo. 456usinginformationfromthechequeregisterto showthepaymentonthe voucherregister. Instruction5: RecordthepaymentofVoucherNo. 456onthePaymentSummarysectionofthe voucherusingtheinformationobtainedfromthechequeregister. Accounting30 9 Learning Facilitator's Manual Module 1 Instruction 1: -- CM CO •I- CM CO copOe DC QLXUCL-QIU §1 HDILDUC QCD cQc O LU Od. CQC DCLJJ I-Q. D T- CM CO 1- CM CO Accounting30 10 Learning Facilitator's Manual

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