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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: A Practitioner’s Treatment Guide to Using Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Values-Based Behavior Change Strategies PDF

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“In a nuanced and creative inversion of traditional approaches to the treatment of anxiety, Eifert and Forsyth offer clients the possibility of relinquishing their struggles with anxiety, by “treating” the struggle as the problem and letting fear play out to an increasingly disinterested audience of one. Acceptance, commitment, and mindfulness are essential to this process, and this book clearly lays the type of experiential learning foundation that allows clients to embody these concepts and, through their actions, develop a new relationship with their fears. This book will certainly become a vital clinical resource for any therapist, student or educator in the field of anxiety disorders.” —Zindel V. Segal, Ph.D., the Morgan Firestone Chair in Psychotherapy and professor of psychiatry and psychology at the University of Toronto and author of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression “Eifert and Forsyth present the complexities and nuances of acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety disorders in a fascinating and conceptually illuminating style and in a manner that is amply detailed to guide clinical practice. The principles that underlie acceptance and commitment therapy––to relinquish attempts to control internal states and instead focus upon valued life directions and goals––are brought to life with excellent case examples throughout their step-by-step guide for treating anxiety disorders. This book will be an invaluable resource for theoreticians and clinicians, novice and experienced alike.” ––Michelle G. Craske, Ph.D., director of the Anxiety Disorders Behavioral Research Program at the University of California, Los Angeles and author of Origins of Phobias and Anxiety Disorders “Eifert and Forsyth have done something revolutionary! They have taken the treatment of anxiety disorders far beyond the disease model that CBT has been stuck in by brilliantly examining the core psychological processes that make fear and anxiety disordered and explaining in clear language what all anxiety disorders have in common. Their conceptualization of fear and anxiety demonstrates the cutting edge of clinical research and development within CBT and its development into the so-called third wave behavior therapies. The book contains innovative and user-friendly session-by-session guidelines on how to apply ACT for all the major anxiety disorders. This therapist guide should be on every clinical psychology program’s reading list. It is truly an eye opener and a huge step forward in how we view and treat the suffering associated with anxiety disorders.” —JoAnne Dahl, Ph.D., professor of clinical psychology at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and author of Living Beyond Pain and Pain: A Vital Friend “Behavior therapy is undergoing extraordinary change. Mindfulness, acceptance, and values-oriented interventions are increasingly being included in interventions for a wide variety of problems in living. Eifert and Forsyth’s new anxiety text is a stunning example of the potential for this new wave of behavior therapies to remain connected to their scientific roots while exploring emerging treatment issues and technologies. This book is a must for the bookshelves of both clinicians and treatment developers.” —Kelly G. Wilson, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at the University of Mississippi and coauthor of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy “This book provides concrete treatment guidelines that are firmly grounded in a new and intriguing approach to emotion regulation: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The authors are well known for their rigorous scientific studies and theoretical contributions to the field of anxiety disorders and behavior analysis. This book further demonstrates that they are highly skilled clinicians and masterful educators who are able to translate complex theories into simple and clearly formulated treatment techniques. The book is a reflection of the current paradigm shift from the studies of behaviors and cognitions to the study of and emotion regulation and, therefore, is a must-read for both the present and next generation of anxiety researchers.” ––Stefan G. Hofmann, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at the Center for Stress and Anxiety-Related Disorders at Boston University, and Editor of Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders provides a detailed, step-by-step account of how therapists can use ACT to help people who are suffering from these problems. Its comprehensiveness and session-by-session guides will help people who are novices to this approach understand and apply the fundamentals of ACT. Experienced ACT practitioners will also find this an extremely valuable resource, as Eifert and Forsyth have deftly tailored core ACT techniques to target the primary issues of people with anxiety-related problems. In addition, this book provides a considerable amount of new and innovative, out-of-session exercises and materials clients can use to strengthen their commitment to move through their anxiety and lead a vital life that they will value. In all, it’s a one-stop-shop ACT guide for treating anxiety disorders.” —Frank Bond, BA, P.G.Dip., M.Sc., Ph.D., C.Psychol., ICTLHE, senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Goldsmiths College, University of London Georg H. Eifert, Ph.D., is pro fes sor and chair of the departm ent of psy chol ogy at Chap - man Uni ver sity in Orange, CA. He was ranked in the top thirty of Research ers in Behavi or Analy sis and Thera py in the 1990s and has authored over 100 publ ic at ions on psy cho log i cal causes and treat ments of anx i ety and other emo tional dis or ders. He is a clin i cal fel low of the Behav ior Ther apy and Research Soci ety, a mem ber of numer ous national and intern at ional psyc hol ogi c al assoc ia t ions, and serves on seve ral edit or ial boards of leadi ng clin i cal psy chol ogy jour nals. He also is a licensed clin i cal psy chol og ist. He is the author of The Anorexia Work book and From Behav ior The ory to Behav ior Ther apy. John P. Forsyth, Ph.D., is assoc i ate pro fes sor and direc tor of the Anx i ety Diso r ders Research Pro gram in the Depart ment of Psy chol ogy at the Uni ver sity at Albany, State Uni ver sity of New York. He has writ ten widely on accep tance and expe ri en tial avoid - ance, and the role of emo tion reg u la tory pro cesses in anx i ety dis or ders. He has been doing basic and applied work related to Accep tance and Com mit ment Thera py (ACT) for well over 10 years. He is a licensed clin i cal psyc hol o gist in New York State, serves on the edit or ial boards of seve ral leadi ng clini cal psy chol ogy jour nals, and is assoc i ate edi- tor of the Jour nal of Behav ior Ther apy and Exper i men tal Psy chi a try. Eifert and Forsyth are also authors of a forth com ing book—ACT on Life, Not on Anger—describ ing the appli ca tion of ACT for pers ons strug gling with prob lem anger. They rou tinely give talks and work shops on accep tance and com mit ment ther apy and cog ni tive behav ior ther apy for anx i ety and related dis or ders. Fore word writer Ste ven C. Hayes, Ph.D., is Uni ver sity of Nevada Foun da tion Pro fes sor of Psy chol ogy at the Uni ver sity of Nevada in Reno, NV. He is the author of Accep tance and Com mit ment Ther apy and Relat ional Frame The ory, among many other books and arti cles, and he is one of the found ers of accep tance and com mit ment ther apy. A Note to eBook Readers    The hardcover edition of this work come with a bound‐in CD‐ROM that contains  PDF versions of many of the worksheets, forms, and assessments found herein.  All of these files are available to you for download at http://nhpubs.com/6867  Please note that the purchase of this ebook does not include a physical copy of  the CD‐ROM, and please interpret any reference the CD‐ROM or the disc that  you might find in the following text to refer to the files on the above web link. Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders A Practitioner’s Treatment Guide to Using Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Values-Based Behavior Change Strategies GEORG H. EIFERT, PH.D. JOHN P. FORSYTH, PH.D. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. Pub lisher’s Note This pub lic at ion is designed to pro vide accu rate and author it at ive infor mat ion in regard to the subj ect matt er cov ered. It is sold with the unders tand ing that the pub lisher is not engaged in ren der ing psyc ho log ic al, financ ial, legal, or other prof ess ional serv ices. If expert assist ance or couns eli ng is needed, the serv ices of a comp e tent prof ess ional should be sought. Dis tribu ted in Can ada by Raincoast Books. Copyr ight © 2005 by Georg H. Eifert and John P. Forsyth New Harb ing er Publ ic at ions, Inc. 5674 Shattuck Aven ue Oakl and, CA 94609 Cover design by Amy Shoup Cover image: Veer/Dig it al Vision Text design by Michele Waters-Kermes Acquired by Catha ri ne Sutker Edited by Heather Mitchener All Rights Reserved New Harb ing er Publ ic at ions’ Web site address: www.newharbinger.com Library of Cong ress Cata l ogi ng-in-Publ ic at ion Data Eifert, Georg H., 1952- Accept ance and comm itm ent thera py for anxi e ty diso r ders : a pract it ion er’s treatm ent guide to using mind ful ness, accept ance, and val ues-based behav ior change strate gies / Georg H. Eifert, John P. Forsyth ; forew ord by Stev en C. Hayes. p. cm. Includes bib lio graph i cal ref er ences and index. ISBN 1-57224-427-5 1. Anx i ety. 2. Stress (Psy chol ogy) 3. Cog ni tive ther apy. 4. Behav ior ther apy. 5. Behav ioral assess ment. I. Forsyth, John P. II. Title. RC531.E36 2005 616.85’2206—dc22 2005010587 Contents Acknowledgments and Preface v Foreword ix PART I UNDERSTANDING ANXIETY DISORDERS CHAPTER 1 What Is ACT? 3 CHAPTER 2 Overview of Anxiety Disorders 13 CHAPTER 3 Cognitive Behavioral Views and Treatments of Anxiety Disorders 31 PART II HOW ACT REFRAMES THE ANXIETY DIMENSION CHAPTER 4 Controlling Anxiety Is the Problem, Not a Solution 47 CHAPTER 5 Balancing Acceptance and Change 69 iv Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety PART III ACT TREATMENT OF ANXIETY CHAPTER 6 Core Treatment Components and Therapist Skills 95 CHAPTER 7 Psychoeducation and Treatment Orientation 115 CHAPTER 8 Creating an Acceptance Context for Treatment 131 CHAPTER 9 Acceptance and Valued Living as Alternatives to Managing 159 Anxiety CHAPTER 10 Creating Flexible Patterns of Behavior Through Value-Guided 191 Exposure CHAPTER 11 Staying Committed to Valued Directions and Action 219 CHAPTER 12 Practical Challenges and Future Directions 245 APPENDIX A Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-Rev-19) 261 APPENDIX B White Bear Suppression Inventory 263 APPENDIX C Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) 265 APPENDIX D Web Sites and Other Resources 267 References 269 Index 281 Acknowledgments and Preface Accep tance and Com mit ment Thera py (ACT) is a new and rap idly evolv ing third-wave behav ior ther apy. Numer ous jour nal arti cles and book chap ters have appeared out lin ing the nature of the treat ment, its philos oph i cal roots, its con cep tion of human suf fer ing and behavi or change, and, of course, its empiri cal base in basic and applied clini cal sci - ence. Ideas are also shared with col leagues every day through open exchanges on the Accep tance and Com mit ment Thera py elec tronic Listserv, typi cally years before they ever get pub lished and copy righted. We are par tic u larly grate ful to Stev en Hayes, who has gen er ously made his work and ideas avail able to us from the very start of this pro - ject—includ ing giv ing us a copy of an unpub lished ACT treatm ent man ual for ago ra - pho bia that he and his col leagues devel oped back in 1990. We are also grate ful to Kelly Wils on and Joanne Dahl for shari ng with us their work on valu es, which included assess ment tools, illus tra tions, and ther a pist-cli ent dia logues. We thank Hank Robb for allow ing us to include his ver sion of the famous seren ity prayer and Peter Thorne, a Brit ish clin i cal psy chol og ist, for lett ing us use his “Bad News Radio” met ap hor in this book—and thanks also to Ste ven Hayes for let ting us reprint

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