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accepted to ApJ Acceleration Mechanics in Relativistic Shocks by the Weibel Instability K.-I. Nishikawa 6 0 National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL 35805 0 2 n [email protected] a J P. E. Hardee 1 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 2 v [email protected] 0 9 5 C. B. Hededal 0 1 Dark Cosmology Center, Niels Bohr Institute, Juliane Maries Vej 30, 5 0 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark / h p and - o r t G. J. Fishman s a : NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, v i National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL 35805 X r a ABSTRACT Plasma instabilities (e.g., Buneman, Weibel and other two-stream instabil- ities) created in collisionless shocks may be responsible for particle (electron, positron, and ion) acceleration. Using a 3-D relativistic electromagnetic particle (REMP) code, we have investigated long-term particle acceleration associated with relativistic electron-ion or electron-positron jet fronts propagating into an unmagnetized ambient electron-ion or electron-positron plasma. These simula- tions have been performed with a longer simulation system than our previous simulations in order to investigate the nonlinear stage of the Weibel instability and its particle acceleration mechanism. The current channels generated by the Weibel instability are surrounded by toroidal magnetic fields and radial electric – 2 – fields. This radial electric field is quasi stationary and accelerates particles which are then deflected by the magnetic field. Whether particles are accelerated or de- celerated along the jet propagation direction depends on the velocity of particles and the sign of E × B in the moving frame of each particle. For the electron- ion case the large scale current channels generated by the ion Weibel instability lead to more acceleration near the jet head. Consequently, the accelerated jet electrons in the electron-ion jet have a significant hump above a thermal dis- tribution. However, in the electron-positron case, accelerated jet electrons have more smooth nearly thermal distribution. In the electron-positron case, initial acceleration occurs as current channels form and then continues at a much lesser rate as the current channels and corresponding toroidalmagnetic fields generated by the Weibel instability dissipate. Subject headings: relativistic jets: Weibel instability - shock formation - electron- ion plasma, particle acceleration - particle-in-cell 1. Introduction Radiation observed from astrophysical systems containing relativistic jets and shocks, e.g., active galactic nuclei (AGNs), gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), and Galactic microquasar systems usually has nonthermal emission spectra. In most of these systems, the emission is usually thought to be generated by accelerated electrons through the synchrotron (jitter) and/or inverse Compton mechanisms. Radiation from these systems is often observed in the radio through the gamma-ray region. Radiation in optical and higher frequencies typically requires continual strong particle acceleration in order to counter radiative losses. It has been proposed that the needed particle acceleration occurs in shocks produced by differences in flow speed within the jet (sometimes referred to as “internal shocks”) (e.g., Piran 2005). Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations can shed light on the microphysical mechanism of particle acceleration that occurs in the complicated dynamics within relativistic shocks. Recent PIC simulations of relativistic electron-ion jets show acceleration occurring within the downstream jet, but not likely by the scattering of particles back and forth across the shock, as in Fermi acceleration (Frederiksen et al. 2003, 2004; Nishikawa et al. 2003, 2005; Hededal et al. 2004; Hededal & Nishikawa 2005; Silva et al. 2003; Jaroschek et al. 2005). In general, these independent simulations have confirmed that relativistic jets propagating through a weakly or non magnetized ambient plasma excite the Weibel instability (Weibel 1959). This instability generates current filaments and associated magnetic fields (Medvedev & Loeb 1999; Brainerd 2000; Pruet et al. 2001; Gruzinov 2001), and accelerates electrons – 3 – (Silva et al. 2003; Frederiksen et al. 2003, 2004; Nishikawa et al. 2003, 2005; Hededal et al. 2004; Hededal & Nishikawa 2005). In this paper we present new simulation results of particle acceleration and magnetic field generation in relativistic jet shocks using a 3-D relativistic electromagnetic particle-in- cell (REMP) code. Our new simulations with additional diagnostics allow us to examine the mechanism of particle acceleration in detail, e.g., Hededal et al. (2004). At the end of our simulations we see four different regions. From the beginning of in- teraction outwards to the jet front the regions are: (1) a linear instability growth region, (2) a nonlinear saturation region, (3) a nonlinear dissipation region, and (4) the head region of the relativistic jet. The instability generates current filaments elongated along the streaming direction with associated transverse toroidal magnetic fields. The charge separation accom- panying the current filaments produces radial electric fields which are mainly perpendicular to the toroidal transverse magnetic fields. Particles are accelerated and decelerated in paral- lel and perpendicular directions relative to their initial motion by the transient force due to the radial electric field and the Lorentz force from the transverse magnetic field. In §2 the simulation model and initial conditions are described. The simulation results are presented in §3, and in §4 we summarize and discuss the new results. 2. Simulation Setup The code used in this study is a modified version of the TRISTAN code, a relativistic electromagnetic particle (REMP) code (Buneman 1993). Descriptions of PIC codes are presented in Dawson (1983), Birdsall & Langdon (1995), and Hickory & Eastwood (1988). This code has been used previously for many applications including astrophysical plasmas (Zhao et al. 1994; Nishikawa et al. 1997). Two simulations were performed using a system with (N ,N ,N ) = (85,85,640) cells x y z and a total of ∼ 380 million particles (27 particles/cell/species for the ambient plasma) in the active grid zones. In the simulations the electron skin depth, λ = c/ω = 9.6∆, ce pe where ω = (4πe2n /m )1/2 is the electron plasma frequency and ∆ is the grid size. Here pe e e the computational domain is two times longer than in our previous simulations (Nishikawa et al. 2003, 2005). In both simulations the electron number density of the jet is 0.741n , e where n is the ambient electron density and as in the previous work γ = 5 (Nishikawa et e al. 2003, 2005). In both simulations jets are injected in a plane across the computational grid at z = 25∆ in the positive z direction in order to any eliminate effects associated with the boundary conditions at z = z . Radiating boundary conditions were used on min the planes at z = z & z . Periodic boundary conditions were used on all transverse min max – 4 – boundaries (Buneman 1993). The ambient and jet electron-positron plasma has mass ratio me−/me+ = 1, and the electron-ion plasma (e−/i+) has mass ratio mi/me = 20. The electron/positron thermal velocity in the ambient plasma is ve = 0.1c and the ion thermal th velocity is vi = 0.022c where c is the speed of light. th As in previous papers (Nishikawa et al. 2003, 2005) the “flat” (thick) jet fills the com- putational domain in the transverse directions (infinite width). Thus, we are simulating a small section of a relativistic shock infinite in the transverse direction. The present choice of parameters and simulations allows comparison with previous simulations (Silva et al. 2003; Frederiksen et al. 2003, 2004; Nishikawa et al. 2003, 2005; Hededal et al. 2004; Hededal & Nishikawa 2005). If the simulations are scaled to the interstellar medium (ISM), the electron skin depth becomes c/ω ∼ 3 × 108 m s−1/50,000 Hz ∼ 6,000 m and the length of the pe simulation box is about 4×105 m (= 400 km). 3. Simulation results The jet makes contact with the ambient plasma at a 2D interface spanning the com- putational domain. Here the dynamics of the propagating jet head and the formation of a shock region is studied. Effectively we study the evolution of the Weibel instability of a small portion of a much larger shock in a spatial and temporal way that includes the motion of the jet head and the spatial development of nonlinear saturation and dissipation from the injection point to the jet front defined by the fastest moving jet particles. Figure 1 shows components of the current density resulting from development of the Weibel instability behind the jet front at time t = 19.5/ω [panels (a) e−/i+ & (c) e−/e+] pe and at time t = 59.8/ω [panels (b) e−/i+ & (d) e−/e+]. The arrows show the z and x pe components of the current density and the color scale also shows the z component of the current density. The intensities and arrow lengths are scaled so that small values can be seen in each panel and cannot be directly intercompared. Panels 1a (e−/i+) and 1c (e−/e+) where the z component dominates indicate the initial linear growth of the Weibel instability. The current channels generated by the Weibel instability in the electron-positron case show considerable dissipation atthelatertimeatlargedistance(panel1d). This result isindicated by the lower values of j and disorganized orientation of the arrows, j current components, z x,z for z/∆ > 270. On the other hand, the current channel(s) in the electron-ion case remain well organized at the larger distances at this later time (panel 1b). Figure 2 indicates magnetic field structure and field energy along the z direction at time t = 59.8/ω . Panels 2a (e−/i+) and 2c (e−/e+) show 1-D cuts through the computational pe grid parallel to the z-axis at x/∆ = 43 and y/∆ = 33, 43, and 53. The spacing in y is about – 5 – the electron skin depth (λ ∼ 9.6∆). This figure provides some quantitative longitudinal ce information about the filament structures shown qualitatively in Figure 1. With separation by about the electron skin depth, the phase of the instability is different along different 1-D cuts, but the amplitudes are similar. Panel 2c (e−/e+) shows that B declines for z/∆ > 270 x and dissipates around z/∆ = 480 in the electron-positron case. This decline coincides with the disorganization in current structure revealed in Figure 1d. B does not similarly decline x in the electron-ion case (panel 2a). In order to examine global changes, the magnetic field energies averaged across the x − y plane are plotted along the z direction in panels 2b (e−/i+) and 2d (e−/e+). We note that very little magnetic energy is in the parallel magnetic field component. Nonlinear saturation occurs at z/∆ = 340 in the electron-ion case (panel 2b) and at z/∆ = 270 in the electron-positron case (panel 2d) (see also Kato 2005). The saturation level in the electron- ion case is about two times higher than in the electron-positron case. While the magnetic field energy is dissipated around z/∆ = 450 in the electron-positron case, a much smaller reduction is seen in the electron-ion case. Here the ion Weibel instability is excited in the electron-ion case (Hededal et al. 2004) and maintains a large total magnetic field energy which is more than four times of that in the electron-positron case. In the electron-positron case the magnetic fields appear turbulent in the region (400 < z/∆ < 500) as suggested by the current structure seen in Figure 1d. The acceleration of electrons by the Weibel instability has been reported in previous work (Silva et al. 2003; Frederiksen et al. 2003, 2004; Nishikawa et al. 2003, 2005; Hededal et al. 2004; Hededal & Nishikawa 2005). Some explanation of the acceleration mechanism associatedwiththedevelopment ofcurrentchannelscanbefoundinHededaletal.(2004)and Medvedev et al. (2005). Here Figure 3 shows current channel structure in 2D images in the x−y plane at z/∆ = 430 and t = 59.8/ω , which correspond to the nonlinear dissipation pe region. Panels 3a (e−/i+) and 3b (e−/e+) show the z component of the current density generated by the Weibel instability in color with the x and y components of the electric field represented by arrows. Panels 3c (e−/i+) and 3d (e−/e+) show the z component of E×B along with the x and y components of the magnetic field shown as arrows. Panels 3a, 3c, and 3e show that the center of the single ion current channel is located at (x/∆,y/∆) = (35,72). This ion current channel is surrounded by transverse toroidal magnetic fields indicated by the arrows in panel 3c. This large scale (nearly the ion skin depth (43∆)) current channel is generated by the ion Weibel instability. Further investigation of the nonlinear evolution of the ion Weibel instability requires a larger system such as (N ,N ,N ) = (200,200,800), x y z (e.g., Frederiksen et al. 2004), that can contain several current channels in the transverse direction and be sufficiently long to illustrate the spatial development. – 6 – In addition to toroidal magnetic fields, radial electric fields accompany the charge sepa- rationassociatedwiththecurrent channels(Milosavljevi´c, Naker, &Spitkovsky 2005). These electric fields are indicated by the arrows in panels 3a (e−/i+) and 3b (e−/e+). The electric and magnetic fields are approximately perpendicular in the x−y plane. The z component of E×B in the simulation/ambient rest frame is mainly positive (see panels 3c and 3d) on the x−y plane at this time and indicates the direction of motion of particles accelerated by the radial electric fields as modified by the Lorentz force due to the transverse magnetic fields. It should be noted that the transient acceleration due to the radial electric field occurs within one gyromotion. Therefore, the resultant motion is not identical to the E×B drift which takes place over many gyromotions. Still the sign of the z component of E × B gives an indication of the average effect of the radial and transverse magnetic fields on the ambient and jet particles. Panels 3c and 3d which show that (E×B) is typically in the +z direction z in the ambient reference frame imply that ambient particles accelerated by the radial electric fields are directed by Lorentz forces to move in the +z direction. Thus, on average ambient particles are accelerated in the +z direction. The sign of (E×B) depends on the frame of reference through the Lorentz transfor- z mation, e.g., Jackson (1999), We have computed the value of (E×B) in reference frames z moving with β = v /c = 0.6, 0.8 & 0.9798 where the third value corresponds to the initial z z jet particle velocity. The results for (E×B) with β = 0.8 relative to the simulation frame z z are shown in Panels 3e and 3f. In panels 3e and 3f the arrows indicate the x and y compo- nents of the magnetic field in the moving reference frame. In these reference frames (E×B) z is mainly negative. The implication is that particles moving with these higher speeds, when accelerated by the radial electric fields, are on average directed by Lorentz forces to move in the −z direction in this moving reference frame. In the ambient reference frame this ap- pears as a deceleration. In reality, both spatial and temporal variation in filament structure produces more than a simple average acceleration or deceleration along the flow, and more than simple scattering into the transverse direction. The complicated nature of the particle motion and the acceleration process accompanying the filament structure is illustrated and discussed in Hededal et al. (2004). Figure 4 shows the phase space distribution of jet and ambient electrons in order to establish how particle acceleration is related to magnetic and electric field spatial devel- opment associated with the Weibel instability. The value of (E × B) in a frame moving z with v /c ∼ 0.8 becomes more strongly negative in the electron-ion case (Fig. 3e) than in z electron-positron case (Fig. 3f). Consequently, a larger average deceleration of jet electrons occurs in the electron-ion case than in electron-positron case shown in Panels 4a and 4b. In the electron-ion case, jet electrons are accelerated in the parallel direction at z/∆ = 495 not too far behind the jet head (panel 4a). The largest perpendicular acceleration occurs at – 7 – z/∆ = 330 where the magnetic field energy achieves a local maximum (see Fig. 2b). Behav- ior is qualitatively similar to the electron-positron case but maximum values are somewhat reduced. Additionally, the electron-positron case clearly saturates by this simulation time. Panel 4d clearly shows a linear acceleration region (130 < z/∆ ≤ 270), a nonlinear region (270 < z/∆ ≤ 540), and a jet head region (540 < z/∆ ≤ 580). The nonlinear region is con- tained between the two magnetic field energy peaks at z/∆ = 270 & 540 shown in Figure 2d. By comparison development in the electron-ion case is affected by the transverse dimensions of the grid, i.e., one current channel fills the grid transversely beyond the magnetic energy maximum at z/∆ = 330. With this restriction removed, it seems likely that even larger differences would appear between the electron-ion case and electron-positron case (Hededal et al. 2004). The parallel acceleration of ambient electrons is shown in panels 4e (e−/i+) and 4f (e−/e+). At the time t = 59.8/ω the ambient electrons in the electron-ion case are not pe acceleratednearlyasmuchasthoseintheelectron-positroncase. Itseems likelythatambient ion inertia restricts ambient electron parallel acceleration, and the ion Weibel instability is not fully excited (e.g., Hededal et al. 2004). This lack of parallel acceleration can also be a result of insufficient transverse grid dimension. By comparison, in the electron-positron case positrons have the same mass as electrons and the ambient electrons and positrons are fully involved in the Weibel instability with our present grid dimensions. We need to examine the particle momentum distributions in order to determine whether the instability results in a thermal or a power law distribution. Additionally, it is necessary to examine the particle momentum distributions in the parallel and transverse directions as particle acceleration need not lead to an isotropic distribution. Figure 5 shows momentum distributions of jet electrons at time t = 59.8/ω . Parallel momentum, γ v , distributions pe v k are shown in panels (a) e−/i+ and (b) e−/e+ and perpendicular momentum distributions, γ v are shown in panels (c) e−/i+ and (d) e−/e+. In the panels the blue curves show the v ⊥ distribution of jet electrons found by plotting one third of the jet electrons in a portion of the grid near to the inlet (25 ≦ z/∆ . 213) and provides a reasonable indication of the initial injected electron distribution. The red curves show the momentum distribution of jet electrons found by plotting one third of the jet electrons from a region behind the jet front (400 . z/∆ . 590) and indicates the accelerated electron distribution. All distributions are plotted in the ambient/simulation rest frame. The distribution of a Lorentz-boosted thermal electron population is also plotted in Figure 5 as dashed green curves. Here we use a bi-Maxwellian distribution function of the form (see Qin et al. 2005) f(γ v ,γ v ) = N exp[−(γ m v −γ m u)2/(2γ3m kT )]exp[−(γ m v )2/(2γ m kT ] , v k v ⊥ max v e k u e u e k v e ⊥ u e ⊥ – 8 – where v2 = v2 + v2, γ = (1 − (v2 + v2)/c2)−1/2 is the Lorentz factor for electrons, and ⊥ x y v ⊥ k γ = (1−(u/c)2)−1/2 is the bulk (averaged) Lorentz factor. This particular form presupposes u that the electrons are “cold”, i.e., m c2/(kT) > 1, in the jet rest frame. The parallel and e perpendicular thermal distributions that provide a best fit to the observed parallel and perpendicular distributions are calculated separately but use the same bulk Lorentz factor, γ . The bulk Lorentz factor, different for the electron-ion and electron-positron cases, is u found by fitting the parallel momentum distributions (red curves in panels (5a) and (5b). Note that the perpendicular velocity of jet electrons appears as a secondary effect through γ in the parallel momentum distributions. Our best fits require a bulk Lorentz boost of v γ u ∼ 3.0 and 3.8 for e−/i+ and e−/e+ cases, respectively, i.e., more electron slowing for u the electron-ion case. The accompanying parallel temperatures are T = 1.16×109 K and k 0.72 × 109 K for e−/i+ and e−/e+ cases, respectively, i.e, hotter for the electron-ion case. The accompanying perpendicular temperatures are T = 9.59 × 109 K and 4.79 × 109 K ⊥ for e−/i+ and e−/e+ cases, respectively, i.e., again hotter for the electron-ion case. In both e−/i+ and e−/e+ cases T > T . Note that these fitted temperatures imply a “warm” jet ⊥ k electron plasma, i.e., kT ∼ m c2, and formally the assumption that the temperatures are e cold is violated. Nevertheless, the comparisons remain qualitatively if not quantitatively robust. The electron-ion case shows a significant hump at γv = 10, which is found in the k parallel velocity distribution for the electron-ion case (panel 5a). The electron-positron case (panel 5b) shows a smoother higher energy tail without a noticeable hump. The hump could be due to more effective acceleration near the jet head (near z∆ = 490) as shown in Fig. 4a, also indicated by Fig. 2 in Hededal et al. (2004). This more effective acceleration in the electron-ion case is also indicated by the higher fitted perpendicular temperature in the electron-ion case (see panels 5c and 5d). The differences inparallel andperpendicular momentum distributions between electron- ion and electron-positron cases provides a potential discriminator between electron-ion and electron-positron shocks. In particular, differences in the momentum distributions will ap- pear as differences in the radiation spectrum (Hededal 2005, Hededal & Nordlund 2005). Such potential spectral differences will be in addition to more subtle differences induced by differences in magnetic field strength and structure. 4. Summary and Discussion We have performed self-consistent, three-dimensional relativistic particle simulations of relativistic electron-positron and electron-ion jets propagating into unmagnetized electron- positron and electron-ion ambient plasmas, respectively. The present simulations were per- – 9 – formed using a larger simulation system and for a longer time compared to our previous simulations (Nishikawa et al. 2003, 2005). The larger grid and longer time allowed us to investigate the nonlinear development of the Weibel instability and the accompanying ac- celeration mechanism. The Weibel instability forms current filaments and accompanying transverse toroidal magnetic fields around the current filaments. Electrons deflected by the perturbed (small) transverse magnetic fields accompanying the current filaments subse- quently enhance the current filaments (Weibel 1959; Medvedev & Loeb 1999; Brainerd 2000; Gruzinov 2001). The acceleration of particles by electric fields toward or away from the cur- rent filaments and deflection of particles due to the Lorentz force increases as the magnetic field perturbation grows in amplitude. Basically we see that the transient force due to the radial electric field with circular magnetic field leads to acceleration in the perpendicular direction relative to the initial motion, and an average deceleration in the parallel direction but with an acceleration of some electrons in the parallel direction to produce a high energy thermal distribution. It should be noted that the Weibel instability is convective, i.e., the real part of the frequency is zero and current filaments grow temporally in the appropri- ate rest frame (Medvedev & Loeb 1999; Nishikawa et al. 2003, 2005). In our simulations the values of (E×B) fluctuate highly in a spatial sense in both ambient and jet reference frames. Our results here are consistent with results from previous simulations (Frederiksen et al. 2003, 2004; Hededal et al. 2004; Nishikawa et al. 2003, 2005; Hededal & Nishikawa 2005). The present simulations show no clear sign of Fermi acceleration and the main acceler- ation of electrons takes place in the transition region behind the jet head. Processes in the relativistic collisionless shock are dominated by current structures produced by the Weibel instability. This instability is first excited near to the jet injection plane and grows spatially from smaller to larger current filaments behind the propagating jet front. Radial electric fields accompany the development of current channels and toroidaltransverse magnetic fields around the current channels. The toroidal magnetic and radial electric fields associated with the current filaments accelerate and decelerate jet electrons and positrons. In the electron- positron case the organized current channels and accompanying fields reach a maximum and then dissipate and become more disordered. Particle acceleration/deceleration effects decrease in the dissipation region behind the jet front. Here we note that other new simu- lations (see Nishikawa et al. 2005a) show that the level of magnetic field in the dissipation region depends on the initial jet Lorentz factor or the Lorentz factor distribution. On aver- age bulk jet electron motion is decelerated in the parallel direction while some jet particles are accelerated in the parallel direction to form a nearly thermal distribution (e−/e+) or a thermal distribution with a hump in higher energy (e−/i+). Deceleration in the parallel direction is accompanied by large acceleration in the perpendicular directions. The ambient – 10 – electron-positron medium is on average accelerated in the jet direction in the interaction. In the electron-ion case the instability evolves spatially similar to the electron-positron case but here large scale ion current channels are ultimately generated by the ion Weibel instability in the electron-ion jet (see also Frederiksen et al. 2004; Hededal et al. 2004). In this case more bulk deceleration, a prominent humped high energy tail in the parallel direction, and more transverse acceleration occur for the jet electrons. Very little acceleration of the ambient electrons in the electron-ion jet is observed on the simulation grid. It is clear that a larger simulation grid is necessary to follow non-linear development in the electron-ion case for a longer time. The efficiencies of conversion of bulk kinetic energy into radiation via synchrotron or “jitter” emission from relativistic shocks is determined by the magnetic field strength and structure, andbytheelectronenergydistributionbehindtheshock(Medvedev 2000; Hededal 2005). Whether the radiation is in the synchrotron or jitter regime depends only on the nature of the magnetic field. If the typical fluctuation spatial scale of the magnetic field is smaller than the expected gyro-orbit, and the magnetic field is turbulent (power law dis- tributed) thentheradiationisinthejitterregime(Hededal2005; Hededal&Nordlund2005). The radiation spectrum from the accelerated electrons in the Weibel generated electromag- netic field shows good agreement with observations (Piran 2005; Hededal 2005, Hededal & Nordlund 2005). The fundamental microscopic characteristics of relativistic shocks are essential for a properunderstanding ofthepromptgamma-rayandafterglowemissioningamma-raybursts, and also to an understanding of the particle reacceleration processes and emission from the shocked regions in relativistic AGN jets. Obviously the accelerated particle distribution both parallel and perpendicular to the bulk motion needs to be known and, in particular the generation of magnetic field and its structure in the shock needs to be known. Since the shock dynamics is complex and subtle at the microscopic level, more comprehensive studies are required to better understand the acceleration of electrons, the generation of magnetic fields, magnetic field structure and the associated emission. This further study will provide the insight into basic relativistic collisionless shock characteristics needed to provide a firm physical basis for modeling the emission from shocks in relativistic flows. K.I. Nishikawa was a NRC Senior Research Fellow at NASA Marshall Space Flight Cen- ter until June 2005. K.I. Nishikawa’s research is partially supported by the National Science Foundationthroughawards ATM 9730230,ATM-9870072,ATM-0100997, INT-9981508,and AST-0506719 to the University of Alabama in Huntsville. P. Hardee acknowledges National Science Foundation support through award AST-0506666 and the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC/MSFC) through award NCC8-256 to The University of Al-

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