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Acceleration and Classical Electromagnetic Radiation E.N. Glass Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michgan; Department of Physics, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario (Dated: 7 September 2007) 8 0 Classical radiation from an accelerated charge is reviewed along with the 0 2 reciprocal topic of accelerated observers detecting radiation from a static charge. n This review commemerates Bahram Mashhoon’s 60th birthday. a J 9 ] Keywords: Field theory, radiation, accelerating charges c q - r g I. INTRODUCTION [ 1 v It is generally accepted by all physicists that when a charge is accelerated in an inertial 8 2 frame, observers in that frame detect the emission of electromagnetic radiation. During 5 1 the first half of the 20th century, measurements and theory combined to form a complete . 1 0 framework for this part of classical electrodynamics. The radiated power of an accelerated 8 0 charge is expressed by the Larmor formula and goes as the square of the charge times : v the square of the acceleration. A clear analysis leading to the Larmor formula is given in i X Jackson’s text [1] and in Rohrlich’s text [2], to cite only two of many. Classical radiation r a from an accelerated charge is reviewed in Part I. Radiation can be observed when the relative acceleration between charge and observer is non-zero. Part II reviews the issue of accelerated observers detecting radiation from static charges. Mashhoon [3] has emphasized the concept of locality and its role in measurements made by noninertial observers. For a different view of radiation detected by accelerating observers, free fall in a Reissner- Nordstr¨om (RN) manifold is studied. Details of the RN metric are presented in Appendix A, and a radial free fall frame is developed in Appendix B. 2 II. PART I The conformal symmetry of Maxwell’s equations in Minkowski spacetime allows a mo- tionless Coulomb charge to be mapped to uniformly accelerated hyperbolic motion. (For finite times this is a special case of general bounded accelerations). This motion satis- fies Rohrlich’s local criterion [2] for electromagnetic radiation which requires projecting the electromagnetic stress-energy 4-momentum of a point charge into an inertial observer’s rest frame. The Lorentz scalar obtained by projection is then integrated over a 2-sphere whose radius can be much smaller than the radiation wavelength. The integral provides the rela- tivistic Larmor formula for radiated power (Gaussian units, metric signature -2) 2q2 = a aµ (1) R −3c3 µ where aµ is the 4-acceleration of charge q. An accelerating charge satisfies this criterion and has non-zero . R In the following, a brief derivation of the field and energy-momentum of a charge moving on a curved path in Minkowski spacetime is given. A. Radiative field Charge q has 4-current +∞ jµ(x) = q vµ(s) δ(4)[x z(s)]ds − −Z∞ where s is the proper time along the worldline of q with tangent vµ(s) = dzµ/ds, vµv = c2 µ (c = 1 hereafter). Maxwell’s equations (and the Lorenz gauge) provide (cid:3)Aµ(x) = 4πjµ(x). Green’s identity gives the retarded vector potential in terms of the 4-current Aµ (x) = 4π D (x x′)jµ(x′)d4x′ ret ret − 4−Zvol 3 (note that µ is a Cartesian index which passes through the integral). D is the retarded ret Jordan-Pauli function [4]. 1 D (x z) = θ(τ)δ[(xν zν)(x z )] (2) ret ν ν − 2π − − where τ = x0 z0, with step function θ(τ) := 1 τ>0. − {0 τ<0 +∞ Aµ (x) = 2q vµ(s)δ[(xν zν)(x z )]ds. (3) ret − ν − ν −Z∞ Since a forward null cone can emanate from each point on the worldline, we label the worldline points with u, such that s > u. Let f2(s) be the square of the spacelike distance between null cone field point xν and worldline point zν: f2(s) = (xµ zµ)(xν zν)η . It µν − − − follows that df [2f ] = 2v (u)(xν zν), s=u ν ds − whichmotivatesthedefinitionR := v (xν zν),thedistancealongthenullcone(theretarded ν − distance between xν and zν). Note that, in the rest frame of the charge, R = x0 z0. From − Eq.(3) we obtain +∞ δ(s u) vµ(u) Aµ (x) = 2q vµ − ds = q (4) ret 2v (u)(xα zα) R α −Z∞ − the retarded Lienard-Wiechart potential. The worldline is now parametrized by u, i.e. zα(u). The distance between points on the null cone is zero. (xα zα)(x z ) = 0. The gradient ∂/∂xµ of the zero product yields α α − − dzα (δα ∂ u)(x z ) = 0 µ − du µ α − α (δα vα∂ u)(x z ) = 0 µ − µ α − α (x z ) R∂ u = 0. µ µ µ − − The null vector k along which the radiation propagates on the forward light cone is defined µ as k := ∂ u = (x z )/R. (5) µ µ µ µ − From the definition of R it follows that ∂ R = Rk (a kα)+v k µ µ α µ µ − 4 where aα := dvα/duistheacceleration along theworldline. Aunit spacelike vector isdefined as nˆ := k v such that α α α − nˆ nˆα = 1, nˆ vα = 0, nˆ kα = 1, kαv = 1, α α α α − − vαv = 1, k kα = 0. α α It is convenient to define a curvature scalar κ := a kα. The gradient of R can be rewritten α as ∂ R = κRk nˆ . µ µ µ − Differentiation of the Lienard-Wiechart potential (4) provides q q Aν,µ(x) = kµ(aν κvν)+ nˆµvν. ret R − R2 Define spacelike yν := aν κvν, orthogonal to kν. The electromagnetic field is − Fµν = 2A[ν,µ] ret ret q q = 2 k[µyν] +2 nˆ[µvν] (6) R R2 showing the 1/R radiation field and the 1/R2 velocity field [5]. B. Energy-Momentum The symmetric energy-momentum tensor, for signature [+, , , ], is − − − 1 4πTµν = FµαFν + ηµνFαβF . − α 4 αβ The radiation part of Fµν has energy-momentum ret q2 4πTµν = (y yα)kµkν. (7) R2 α Consider a 4-volume bounded by two null cones and and two timelike R = const 1 2 N N surfaces Σ and Σ with normal nα. The limit R slides Σ and Σ to null infinity 1 2 1 2 → ∞ while maintaining a finite radial separation. Since ∂ Tµν = 0, integration of Tµν is cast ν onto the boundaries Σ and Σ at null infinity. The volume between Σ and Σ is R2dΩdu 1 2 1 2 (with dΩ = sinϑdϑdϕ). The energy and momentum radiated to null infinity in the interval between and is 1 2 N N d µ 1 E = lim Tµνn R2dΩ du R→∞4π ν I = q2(y yα)kµ = q2(a aα +κ2)kµ (8) α α − − 5 Since k0 > 0, it follows that d 0/du 0 inall inertial frames. Therefore d µ/du is a timelike E ≥ E vector, which implies there is no inertial observer for whom the total momentum decreases without a corresponding energy loss. III. PART II Since an electric charge accelerating in an inertial frame emits electromagnetic radiation, the reciprocalquestion iswhether anaccelerated observer in aninertialframe, moving past a static charge (i.e. moving through an electrostatic field) detects electromagnetic radiation? We review the arguments for this question. It is known that observers who accelerate through empty Minkowski space observe a heat bath[6],[7]. Thissupportsthenotionthatsuch observers canseeradiationinanelectrostatic field, but this is a quantum effect, outside the scope of this review. Rohrlich [8], in a study of the equivalence principle, asks and answers the question ”does radiation from a uniformly accelerated charge contradict the equivalence principle?” The equivalence principle can be defined as the existence of a local spacetime region where gravitational tidal forces vanish, i.e. R δxµδxνδxαδxβ 0. He then shows that in such µναβ ∼ a region, a charge in hyperbolic motion satisfies a local criterion [2] for radiation. Rohrlich further concludes that a uniformly accelerating detector will absorb electromagnetic energy from a static charge. Fugmann and Kretzschmar [9] have generalized Rohrlich’s results to arbitrary acceleration. Mould [10] has provided invariant criteria to identify the absorption characteristics of such detectors. Mould constructs a simple antenna and computes the absorbed energy from a radiating charge on a hyperbolic trajectory. He shows that a freely falling detector will absorb energy from a static electric field. Taken together, Rohrlich and Mould have fully answered the question of whether acceler- ated observers detect radiation from static charges. In the following, we affirm their answer from a different perspective. 6 A. Free Fall A freely falling observer is attached to a family of local inertial reference frames, iso- morphic to the frames in which Maxwell’s equations are expressed and verified. Although Newtonian gravity is completely adequate for this topic, we introduce the complexity of Einstein’s gravitation in order to have analytic expressions for observers freely falling in a static electric field with non-uniform acceleration. The RN metric gRN describes an electrostatic, spherically symmetric, spacetime. Inside the RN trapped surface the source has parameters (m ,q), with q the source of a static 0 Coulomb field. The inertial frame which exists at asymptotic spatial infinity can be used to span the RN spacetime. We ask whether an accelerated observer in this spacetime can see electromagnetic radiation? Details of the RN spacetime are given in Appendix A. B. Maxwell field seen from free fall The Maxwell tensor for the RN Coulomb field, from Eq.(A3), is q FRN = ( ) 2tˆ rˆ αβ − r2 [α β] with basis vectors which span the RN metric in curvature coordinates. Since the RN space- time is constructed with its source (m ,q) a priori trapped, an infalling observer cannot 0 see the charge itself. The observer can only take local samples of the surrounding static Coulomb field which can be projected on a forward or backward light cone emanating from the observer’s position. Here we will use a forward cone. An expansion of R (r) from q Eq.(B7) provides m2 R = 0 r2 +O(r3). q 2q3 (cid:18) (cid:19) Thus q3 r2 = 2( )R +O(R2). (9) m2 q q 0 From Appendix B, we find the relationship between the static RN frame and the radial free fall null frame tˆ = [(1+A1/2)/2]L +(1+A1/2)−1N , (10) α q α q α rˆ = (1+A1/2)−1N [(1+A1/2)/2]L . (11) α q α − q α 7 It follows that 2tˆ rˆ = L N . [α β] [α β] The free fall Maxwell tensor is 1(m2/q2) FRN-ff = 0 +O(1/R2) L N , (12) αβ −2 R q [α β] (cid:20) q (cid:21) and so, to first order, a free fall observer views the Coulomb field as a 1/R wave zone q radiation field. IV. SUMMARY Classical radiation from an accelerating charge has been reviewed in Part I, and falls within the framework of standard Maxwell theory. Part II treats the reciprocal question of accelerated observers detecting radiation from a static charge. Rohrlich and Mould have shown that such radiation is detectable. Their answer has been affirmed here by studying a freely falling observer in the static Reissner-Nordstr¨om spacetime. The topic of radiation reaction has been omitted, but there exists voluminous literature about the Lorentz-Dirac equation. Within the citations at the end of this work, the interested reader can find additional references to all related topics. APPENDIX A: REISSNER-NORDSTRO¨M SPACETIME The RN metric in curvature coordinates has the standard form ds2 = (1 A )dt2 (1 A )−1dr2 r2dΩ2 (A1) RN − q − − q − where A = 2m /r q2/r2 and dΩ2 = dϑ2 +sin2ϑ dϕ2. q 0 − Basis vectors, which span the RN metric and coincide with a Minkowski frame in the r limit, are → ∞ tˆ dxα = (1 A )1/2dt, (A2a) α q − rˆ dxα = (1 A )−1/2dr, (A2b) α q − θˆ dxα = rdϑ, (A2c) α ϕˆ dxα = rsinϑdϕ, (A2d) α 8 with gRN = tˆ tˆ rˆ rˆ θˆ θˆ ϕˆ ϕˆ . αβ α β − α β − α β − α β This frame spans the RN metric outside the trapped surface located at 1 A = 0. q − The static Coulomb field has Maxwell tensor FRN = (q/r2)(tˆ rˆ rˆ tˆ ) (A3) αβ − α β − α β and trace-free Ricci tensor RRN = (q2/r4)(tˆ tˆ rˆ rˆ +θˆ θˆ +ϕˆ ϕˆ ). (A4) αβ − α β − α β α β α β Killing observers kβ∂ = (1 A )−1/2∂ find a radial electric field E = F kβ = (q/r2)δ(r). β q t α αβ α − The RN charge is given by the integral of F over any closed t = const, r = const, two- αβ surface S2 beyond the trapped surface: Fαβ dS = 4πq. RN αβ I S2 APPENDIX B: FREE FALL FRAME For observers falling from rest at infinity along radial geodesics, the RN metric can be written in terms of the free fall proper time τ [11] where dt = dτ A1/2(1 A )−1dr with q q − − A = 2m /r q2/r2. q 0 − ds2 = (1 A )dτ2 2A1/2dτdr dr2 r2dΩ2. (B1) RN-ff − q − q − − gRN-ff is spanned by 1/2 A τˆ dxα = (1 A )1/2dτ q dr, τˆα∂ = (1 A )−1/2∂ , α q α q τ − − 1 A − (cid:18) − q(cid:19) 1/2 1 A A rˆ dxα = (1 A )−1/2dr, rˆα∂ = − q ∂ q ∂ , α − q α − (1 A )1/2 r − 1 A τ (cid:20) − q (cid:21) (cid:18) − q(cid:19) ϑˆ dxα = rdϑ, ϕˆ dxα = sinϑdϕ α α such that gRN-ff = τˆ τˆ rˆ rˆ ϑˆ ϑˆ ϕˆ ϕˆ . (B2) αβ α β − α β − α β − α β The radial free fall geodesics along radial lines have unit tangent ℜ vˆα∂ = ∂ A1/2∂ , vˆ dxα = dτ (B3) α τ − q r α 9 which satisfy vˆα vˆβ = 0. This can be written as ;β dvˆα +Γα vˆβvˆν = 0, (B4) dτ βν with radial acceleration 1 r¨= (m q2/r). (B5) −r2 0 − Electromagnetic energy diminishes the gravitational effect of m . 0 ¯ A null frame [L,N,M,M] along is constructed from the orthonormal frame. L is given ℜ by (1 A )1/2 L dxα = − q dτ (1 A )−1/2dr, (B6) α " 1+A1/2 # − − q q dR = (1 A )−1/2dr, q q − where R is distance from the observer along the outgoing null direction. q r R = [1 2m /r′ +q2/(r′)2]−1/2dr′ (B7) q 0 − Z 0 = (r2 2m r +q2)1/2 +m ln[r m +(r2 2m r +q2)1/2] 0 0 0 0 − − − q m ln(q m ) 0 0 − − − with constraint m2 > q2. The other null vectors are 0 2N dxα = (1 A )1/2[(1+A1/2)dτ dr], (B8) α − q q − M dxα = (r/√2)(dϑ+isinϑdϕ). (B9) α − ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank Fritz Rohrlich for enlightening correspondence. [1] J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, (3rd ed. John Wiley, New York, 1999) Ch 14. [2] F. Rohrlich, Classical Charged Particles (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1965). [3] B. Mashhoon, Limitations of Spacetime Measurements, Phys. Lett. A 143, 176 (1990), The Hypothesis of Locality in Relativistic Physics, Phys. Lett. A 145, 147 (1990). [4] W. Heitler, The Quantum Theory of Radiation, (3rd ed Oxford U P, Oxford, 1960) 10 [5] C. Teitelboim, Splitting of the Maxwell Tensor, Phys. Rev. D 1, 1572 (1970). [6] W.G. Unruh, Notes on black-hole evaporation, Phys. Rev. D 14, 870 (1976). [7] P.C.W. Davies, Scalar production in Schwarzschild and Rindler metrics, J. Phys. A 8, 609 (1975). [8] F. Rohrlich, The Principle of Equivalence, Ann. Phys. 22, 169 (1963). [9] W. Fugmann and M. Kretzschmar, Classical Electromagnetic Radiation in Noninertial Refer- ence Frames, Il Nouv. Cim. B 106, 351 (1991). [10] R.A. Mould, Internal Absorption Properties of Accelerating Detectors, Ann. Phys. 27, 1 (1964). [11] C. Doran, New form of the Kerr solution, Phys. Rev. D 61, 067503 (2000).

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