ACCELERATED Learning for Breakthrough Results Whole brain, person and systems approach to accelerate learning, engagement, change and growth By Debbie Craig and Kerryn Kohl 2014 Copyright © Knowres Publishing and all Contributors All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the contents of this work do not, directly or indirectly, infringe any existing copyright of any third person and, further, that all quotations or extracts taken from any other publication or work have been appropriately acknowledged and referenced. The publisher, editors and printers take no responsibility for any copyright infringement committed by an author of this work. Copyright subsists in this work. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher or the author. While the publisher, editors and printers have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this work, they take no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of that person relying on the information contained in this work. First published in 2014 ISBN: 978-1-86922-500-1 eISBN: 978-1-86922-501-8 PDF ebook eISBN: 978-1-86922517-9 EPUB eISBN: 978-1-86922-518-6 MOBI Published by Knowres Publishing (Pty) Ltd P O Box 3954 Randburg 2125 Republic of South Africa Tel: (011) 706-6009 Fax: (011) 706 1127 E-mail: TABLE OF CONTENTS Authors’ Notes Acknowledgements Foreword About the Authors About the Contributors Gamification On-boarding Icons used PART 1: Paradigm Shift for Accelerated Learning Chapter 1: The need for Accelerated Learning by Debbie Craig 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Global talent and change challenge 1.3 South African talent and change challenge 1.4 Making the shift 1.5 Maintaining the foundations 1.6 An Accelerated Learning framework 1.7 Conclusion Chapter 2: The paradigm shift in learning by Debbie Craig 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Digital, mobile and social media trends 2.3 Understanding today’s learner 2.4 Paradigm shift 2.5 Conclusion Chapter 3: Insight into Accelerated Learning in South African organisations by Debbie Craig 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Challenges or opportunities 3.3 Learning methodology trends 3.4 Examples of Accelerated Learning programmes 3.5 Leaders as learning champions 3.6 Learning involvement in change 3.7 Leadership skills needs 3.8 Key messages 3.9 Conclusion PART 2: Whole Brain, Whole Person Approach to Learning Chapter 4: Unique learning profiles by Debbie Craig 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Some basic principles 4.3 Learning = Change 4.4 Sub-conscious influences 4.5 Learning influences 4.6 Creating your own learning profile 4.7 Conclusion Chapter 5: Neuroscience of learning by Natalie Cunningham and Debbie Craig 5.1 Introduction 5.2 What is neuroscience? 5.3 Learning and neuroscience 5.4 Workings of the brain 5.5 The learning cycle 5.6 Attention and memory 5.7 The emotional and social brain 5.8 Brain deception 5.9 Environmental factors 5.10 Conclusion PART 3: Creating a Learning Culture Chapter 6: Creating a learning culture by Debbie Craig 6.1 Introduction 6.2 A tale of two companies 6.3 A learning culture framework 6.4 Embarking on a culture transformation journey 6.5 Conclusion Chapter 7: Learning through coaching by Natalie Cunningham 7.1 Introduction 7.2 What is coaching? 7.3 Why coaching? 7.4 How do we go about coaching? 7.5 Conclusion Chapter 8: Learning through authentic conversations by John Gatherer and Debbie Craig 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The context of the problem 8.3 The imperative for holding authentic conversations 8.4 Towards a culture of healthy conflict 8.5 The learning imagery of holding authentic conversations 8.6 The learning process of initiating and holding authentic conversations 8.7 Conclusion PART 4: Designing Accelerated Learning Programmes Chapter 9: Learning architecture by Debbie Craig 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The challenge 9.3 A framework 9.4 Understand – the strategic priorities and capabilities 9.5 Design – the performance and competency standards 9.6 Analyse – the proficiency levels and the needs 9.7 Develop – organisational and individual plans 9.8 Conclusion Chapter 10: Learning design by Kerryn Kohl 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Learning design for Accelerated Learning 10.3 Design in practice 10.4 Retention of learning 10.5 Steps in the design process 10.6 Methods and tools 10.7 Conclusion Chapter 11: Gamification in learning by Darryn van den Berg 11.1 What is gamification? 11.2 Foundation principles driving the success of gamification 11.3 Building a gamification strategy 11.4 Gamification mechanics 11.5 Examples of gamification 11.6 Gamification lessons 11.7 So what does all of this mean, and how can you apply it? 11.8 Conclusion Chapter 12: Learning assessment by Kerryn Kohl 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Levels of assessment 12.3 Strategic considerations in assessment decisions 12.4 Designing assessment to be incorporated into Accelerated Learning programmes 12.5 Assessment methods 12.6 Assessment dilemmas 12.7 Assessing the overall value of the ALP 12.8 Conclusion PART 5: Making it Real – Case Studies of Accelerated Learning Chapter 13: How to guide – Learning to accelerate change by Kerryn Kohl 13.1 Introduction 13.2 A new perspective 13.3 The learning landscape and audience 13.4 The learning design 13.5 Alignment with learning design principles 13.6 Conclusion Chapter 14: Case Study: Breakthrough Learning for talent pools by Debbie Craig 14.1 Introduction 14.2 What is Breakthrough Learning? 14.3 Why Breakthrough Learning? 14.4 Setting up the programme 14.5 High-level design 14.6 Programme outline 14.7 Selection of programme participants 14.8 Assessments 14.9 BL launch workshop 14.10 BL learning modules 14.11 BL project work 14.12 Learning portal 14.13 Final presentation and celebration dinner 14.14 Final wrap-up: ensuring results and sustainability 14.15 Conclusion Chapter 15: Case Study: Creating a culture of effective decision management by John Gatherer and Debbie Craig 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Context and rationale for effective decision management 15.3 Background to the case study 15.4 The company business case for decision management 15.5 The learning themes and outcomes 15.6 A robust process for WISE decisions 15.7 Accelerated Learning principles 15.8 Conclusion Bibliography Searchable Terms Endorsements from people who have read this book AUTHORS’ NOTE This book started as an idea, developed into a plan, expanded in content mind-maps, and then evolved into a collaborative project involving the creativity, energy and effort of many. We have constantly been amazed at the power of collaboration when one holds a vision in mind but lets go of one’s own personal attachment as to how this vision can be achieved. This means staying open to ideas, exploring different approaches, following up on opportunities, learning from everyone, sharing widely, communicating often, accepting and responding to feedback, and allowing the process to FLOW. The book and the wider learning community took on a life of their own and became a true example of Accelerated Learning in Action over about nine months. It appears before you in its current and evolving form. We hope that you join us on this Accelerated Learning-and-sharing journey and participate fully in the many suggested activities; rabbit-holes of additional learning nuggets; and shared resources to further your own understanding of learning how to learn for yourself and for others. We hope that you share what you learn with your organisation, colleagues, family and community. We encourage you to share successes, case studies and lessons learnt with our online community through Debbie Craig and Kerryn Kohl