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Index to Academe Bulletin of the AAUP, volume 83, numbers 1-6, 1997 Issue numbers are given first; page numbers follow colons Academia, future of New Era? 1:12—13; Selections from 1997 Nominating Committee, Class Wars and Culture Wars in the In Defense ofA ffirmative Action, 6:44-45 University Today: Why We Can’t 1:29-34; Two Concepts of Affir- AAUP (Council) Defend Ourselves, 4:22—26; Cul- mative Action, 1:14—19; Which Constitutional Amendments for ture Wars and the Next Century, Side Are the Angels On? 1:24—28. Consideration by the Annual 6:14—15; East-Central Europe: The See also Diversity Meeting, 3:52; Elections for Coun- Future of American Higher Educa- Alger, Jonathan R. The Educational cil, 5:8; Record of the Council, tion? 6:22—26; Higher Education Value of Diversity, 1:20—23 November 9-10, 1996, 1:55—57; Has Reason for Rejoicing—But Altbach, Philip G., and Lionel S. Record of the Council, June 13 Reason, Too, for Trying Harder, Lewis. The Dilemma of Higher Edu- and 15, 1997, 5:85-86; Standing 4:14-—15; What Is the Future of the cation, 4:28—29 Rules Governing the Annual Meet- Profession? 4:12—13 AAUP (Committee reports) ing, 1:11 Academic freedom and tenure CommitteeA on Academic Freedom AAUP (General) Academic Community and Post- and Tenure. Academic Freedom Academe Welcomes New Managing Tenure Review, 3:23—25; Aca- and Electronic Communications, Editor, 6:7; Alphabet Soup: Who demic Freedom and Faculty Re- 4:41-44; Academic Freedom and Does What, When: A Look at sponsibility in Disciplinary Tenure: Brigham Young Univer- How AAUP Works, 3:40-44; Procedures, 3:20—22; Academic sity, 5:52—71; Academic Freedom AAUP Bids Farewell to Longtime Freedom in the North and the and Tenure: Minneapolis College Staff Counsel Ann Franke, 6:5; South: An African Perspective, of Art and Design, 3:53—58; Access AAUP in the News, 4:7; AAUP 6:16—21; The Assault on Faculty to University Records, 1:44—48; Receives Bequest, 1:5; AAUP Tes- Independence, 4:16—21; Can Aca- Developments Relating to Censure tifies on Early Retirement before demic Freedom Be Protected with- by the Association, 3:59-68; The the House Subcommittee, 4:10; out Tenure? 3:92; Can Post- “Limitations” Clause in the 1940 AAUP to Hold Governance Con- Tenure Review Help Us Save the Statement of Principles: Some Oper- ference, 6:9; AAUP to Hold Reli- Tenure System? 3:26—31; Does ating Guidelines, 1:49-52; On gious Institution Conference in Confidentiality Serve the Educa- Post-Tenure Review, 5:44—51; Re- Chicago, 3:7; AAUP Welcomes tional Mission? 3:32—34; Hot Off port of Committee A, 1996-97, Two New Staff Members, 1:10; the Presses: Three Books of Inter- 5:75-81 Association Officers, Council, and est to AAUP, 1:7; Pandora’s Committee R on Government Rela- Staff, 1997-98, 6:51-52; Commit- Dilemma: Some Reflections on tions. Report of the Committee on tee E on Retirement Needs Your Peer Review, 3:35—38; Peer Re- Government Relations: 1996, Help, 6:11; Committees of the As- view: The Linchpin of Academic 1:53-54 sociation, 6:46—50; Eighty-third Freedom and Tenure, 3:15—19; Committee T on College and University Annual Meeting, 4:34-39 and Ratcheting Up, 3:5; Tenure in Government. College and Univer- 5:72-74; Fifty-Year Members Rec- Practice: A Call to Action, 3:12-13 sity Government: Adelphi Univer- ognized, 4:39; Fight Censorship See also AAUP (Committee re- sity, 3:69-71; College and Univer- and Support Academic Freedom, ports) Committee A on Academic sity Government: Francis Marion 6:11; How to Get Members? Let Freedom and Tenure University, 3:72—84; Francis Mar- Me Count the Ways, 5:11; Longa- Advocacy ion University: Statement Recom- necker Meets with Committee R; Collective Action: Professors on the mending Sanction, 5:83-84; On Professors Testify, 1:6—-7; 1997 Re- Hill, 3:91; Hot Off the Presses: the Use of Executive Recruiters in port of the Auditors, 6:54—60; Pro- Three Books of Interest to AAUP, Presidential Searches, 5:82—83 fessors and Professions, 3:44—46; 1:7 Committee Z on the Economic Status of Register for AAUP’s 83rd Annual Affirmative action the Profession. Not So Good: The Meeting, 3:10; Register Now for Against Preferential Treatment, Annual Report on the Economic the 1997 Summer Institute, 3:7-8. 1:35—37; Anti-Affirmative Action Status of the Profession, 1996-97, See also Collective bargaining Law Put on Hold (California), 1:6; 2:12-88 Arden, Eugene. Is There Life after Ad- Racial and Ethnic Preferences: A Nominating Committee. Report of the ministration? 4:30—32 68 ACADEME November—Decemb1e99r7 Index to Academe Bulletin of the AAUP, volume 83, numbers 1-6, 1997 Issue numbers are given first; page numbers follow colons Academia, future of New Era? 1:12—13; Selections from 1997 Nominating Committee, Class Wars and Culture Wars in the In Defense ofA ffirmative Action, 6:44-45 University Today: Why We Can’t 1:29-34; Two Concepts of Affir- AAUP (Council) Defend Ourselves, 4:22—26; Cul- mative Action, 1:14—19; Which Constitutional Amendments for ture Wars and the Next Century, Side Are the Angels On? 1:24—28. Consideration by the Annual 6:14—15; East-Central Europe: The See also Diversity Meeting, 3:52; Elections for Coun- Future of American Higher Educa- Alger, Jonathan R. The Educational cil, 5:8; Record of the Council, tion? 6:22—26; Higher Education Value of Diversity, 1:20—23 November 9-10, 1996, 1:55—57; Has Reason for Rejoicing—But Altbach, Philip G., and Lionel S. Record of the Council, June 13 Reason, Too, for Trying Harder, Lewis. The Dilemma of Higher Edu- and 15, 1997, 5:85-86; Standing 4:14-—15; What Is the Future of the cation, 4:28—29 Rules Governing the Annual Meet- Profession? 4:12—13 AAUP (Committee reports) ing, 1:11 Academic freedom and tenure CommitteeA on Academic Freedom AAUP (General) Academic Community and Post- and Tenure. Academic Freedom Academe Welcomes New Managing Tenure Review, 3:23—25; Aca- and Electronic Communications, Editor, 6:7; Alphabet Soup: Who demic Freedom and Faculty Re- 4:41-44; Academic Freedom and Does What, When: A Look at sponsibility in Disciplinary Tenure: Brigham Young Univer- How AAUP Works, 3:40-44; Procedures, 3:20—22; Academic sity, 5:52—71; Academic Freedom AAUP Bids Farewell to Longtime Freedom in the North and the and Tenure: Minneapolis College Staff Counsel Ann Franke, 6:5; South: An African Perspective, of Art and Design, 3:53—58; Access AAUP in the News, 4:7; AAUP 6:16—21; The Assault on Faculty to University Records, 1:44—48; Receives Bequest, 1:5; AAUP Tes- Independence, 4:16—21; Can Aca- Developments Relating to Censure tifies on Early Retirement before demic Freedom Be Protected with- by the Association, 3:59-68; The the House Subcommittee, 4:10; out Tenure? 3:92; Can Post- “Limitations” Clause in the 1940 AAUP to Hold Governance Con- Tenure Review Help Us Save the Statement of Principles: Some Oper- ference, 6:9; AAUP to Hold Reli- Tenure System? 3:26—31; Does ating Guidelines, 1:49-52; On gious Institution Conference in Confidentiality Serve the Educa- Post-Tenure Review, 5:44—51; Re- Chicago, 3:7; AAUP Welcomes tional Mission? 3:32—34; Hot Off port of Committee A, 1996-97, Two New Staff Members, 1:10; the Presses: Three Books of Inter- 5:75-81 Association Officers, Council, and est to AAUP, 1:7; Pandora’s Committee R on Government Rela- Staff, 1997-98, 6:51-52; Commit- Dilemma: Some Reflections on tions. Report of the Committee on tee E on Retirement Needs Your Peer Review, 3:35—38; Peer Re- Government Relations: 1996, Help, 6:11; Committees of the As- view: The Linchpin of Academic 1:53-54 sociation, 6:46—50; Eighty-third Freedom and Tenure, 3:15—19; Committee T on College and University Annual Meeting, 4:34-39 and Ratcheting Up, 3:5; Tenure in Government. College and Univer- 5:72-74; Fifty-Year Members Rec- Practice: A Call to Action, 3:12-13 sity Government: Adelphi Univer- ognized, 4:39; Fight Censorship See also AAUP (Committee re- sity, 3:69-71; College and Univer- and Support Academic Freedom, ports) Committee A on Academic sity Government: Francis Marion 6:11; How to Get Members? Let Freedom and Tenure University, 3:72—84; Francis Mar- Me Count the Ways, 5:11; Longa- Advocacy ion University: Statement Recom- necker Meets with Committee R; Collective Action: Professors on the mending Sanction, 5:83-84; On Professors Testify, 1:6—-7; 1997 Re- Hill, 3:91; Hot Off the Presses: the Use of Executive Recruiters in port of the Auditors, 6:54—60; Pro- Three Books of Interest to AAUP, Presidential Searches, 5:82—83 fessors and Professions, 3:44—46; 1:7 Committee Z on the Economic Status of Register for AAUP’s 83rd Annual Affirmative action the Profession. Not So Good: The Meeting, 3:10; Register Now for Against Preferential Treatment, Annual Report on the Economic the 1997 Summer Institute, 3:7-8. 1:35—37; Anti-Affirmative Action Status of the Profession, 1996-97, See also Collective bargaining Law Put on Hold (California), 1:6; 2:12-88 Arden, Eugene. Is There Life after Ad- Racial and Ethnic Preferences: A Nominating Committee. Report of the ministration? 4:30—32 68 ACADEME November—Decemb1e99r7 Authors’ responsibilities Menand, Louis, ed. The Future of modating Students with Learning What Is an Author? The Responsibil- Academic Freedom (Richard T. De Disabilities, 3:48—51 ities of Authorship, 6:34—37 George), 4:45-47 Disciplinary procedures Baskerville, Stephen. East-Central Eu- O’Neil, Robert M. Free Speech in the Suspending a Faculty Member, 4:52 rope: The Future of American College Community (Richard T. De Discrimination, gender Higher Education? 6:22—26 George), 4:45-47 Female Professors Victorious under Bellah, Robert N. Class Wars and Cul- Post, Robert, and Michael Rogin, eds. Equal Pay Act, 6:5—6; Missing: Eq- ture Wars in the University Today: Race and Representation: Affirmative uity Coordinators Required by Why We Can’t Defend Ourselves, Action (Leslie P. Francis), 4:49—50 Federal Law, 2:92 4:22-26 Reuben, Julie A. The Making of the Diversity Bergmann, Barbara R. Selections from Modern University: Intellectual The Educational Value of Diversity, In Defense ofA ffirmative Action, Transformation and the Marginal- 1:20—23. See also Affirmative action 1:29-34 ization of Morality (John R. The- Doney, Lloyd D., and James P. Book reviews (reviewers’ names in lin), 1:61-62 Trebby. The Decision to Take a parentheses) Rossiter, Margaret W. Women Scien- One- or a Two-Term Sabbatical American Academic Culture in Trans- tists in America: Before Affirmative Leave: Some Tax Issues, 6:41—43 formation: Fifty Years; Four Disci- Action, 1940-1972 (Judy Green Edwards, Richard. Can Post-Tenure plines (Stanley L. Engerman), and Jeanne Laduke), 3:89—90 Review Help Us Save the Tenure 6:64—66 Spacks, Patricia Meyer. Advocacy in System? 3:26-31 Bess, James L., ed. Teaching Well and the Classroom: Problems and Possi- Expert opinions Liking It: Motivating Faculty to bilities (Paul Siegel), 3:86-88 The Notable, Quotable Academic, Teach Effectively (Joel T. Rosen- Burgan, Mary. See From the General 4:6-8 thal), 5:89—90 Secretary Financial exigency Casement, William. The Great Canon Cahn, Steven M. Two Concepts of Af- Financial Exigency in Court, 6:72 Controversy: The Battle of the Books firmative Action, 1:14—-19 Finkin, Matthew W. The Assault on in Higher Education (Donald N. Cheating Faculty Independence, 4:16-21 Levine), 5:92—94 Students and Academic Integrity, Flower, Ruth. See Washington Watch Denby, David. Great Books: My Ad- 5:9-12 Franke, Ann H. See Legal Watch ventures with Homer, Rousseau, Clausen, Dennis M. University Presi- Freedom of expression Woolf; and Other Indestructible dential Searches: Exercises in Secrecy America Safer for “Indecent” Art, Writers oft he Western World or Shared Governance? 5:20—29 1:64; Campus Threats, the Photo (Michael W. Kaufman), 6:62—64 Clinton, Chelsea Display, and Free Speech, 5:96; Finkin, Matthew W., ed. The Case for Chelsea’s Choice, 4:2 New Book Explores Modern Free Tenure (J. Peter Byrne), 1:59-61 Collective bargaining Speech Issues, 3:7; Pro Free Speech Hollinger, David A. Science, Jews, Contentious Bargaining for New Jer- Ruling from Supreme Court Ex- and Secular Culture: Studies in sey Medical Faculty, 4:9 pected on Communications De- Mid-Twentieth-Century American Copyright and fair use cency Act, 3:8—9; Smithsonian Intellectual History (Bernard Bar- Fair Use for Higher Education: Are Sweatshop Exhibit: Another Enola Gay? 6:8-9 ber), 4:47-49 Guidelines the Answer? 6:38—40; Levine, Lawrence W. The Opening of Publishers Take Back the Course- From the General Secretary. Chelsea’s the American Mind: Canons, Cul- pack, 1:9-10. See also Intellectual Choice, 4:2; Grading and Teaching, ture, and History (Leo P. Ribuffo), property 1:2; Grading Papers, 6:2; Money, 6:61-62 Crews, Kenneth D. Fair Use for 2:2; Ratcheting Up, 3:5; Taking Lewis, Lionel S$. Marginal Worth: Higher Education: Are Guidelines Charge, 5:2 Teaching and the Academic Labor the Answer? 6:38—40 Funding, education Market (David A. Hoekema), Curricular reform A Calendar Year for Education, 1:63; 3:88-89 The Dilemma of Higher Education, A Reminder: What Does the Tax- Marsden, George M. The Outrageous 4:28-29 payer Relief Act of 1997 Mean for Idea of Christian Scholarship (Lon- Davis, Bertram H. William P. Fidler, You? 6:7—8; Clinton’s Education nie D. Kliever), 6:66—67 1907-97, 4:33 Proposals: Good Policy or Just McNaron, Toni A. H. Poisoned Ivy: DeJean, Joan. Culture Wars and the Good Politics? 2:9-11; The Higher Lesbian and Gay Academics Con- Next Century, 6:14—15 Cost of Higher Education—in Per- fronting Homophobia (J. A. Disability issues spective, 5:95; Historic Budget Colombo), 5:91—92 Opportunities Made Equal: Accom- Deal Boosts Higher Education, ACADEME November—Decemb1e9r97 69 5:8—9; Mid-Term Review: Reau- Lewis, Lionel S., and Philip G. Alt- Sabbatical leave thorizing Higher Education Pro- bach. The Dilemma of Higher Edu- The Decision to Take a One- or a grams, 6:71; Taxing Questions, cation, 4:28—29 Two-Term Sabbatical Leave: Some 2:91. See also Tuition and fees Long, Cynthia D. Opportunities Made Tax Issues, 6:41—43 Gender studies Equal: Accommodating Students Salaries, faculty Reflections on Gender Studies, with Learning Disabilities, 3:48—51 Money, 2:2; Not So Good: The An- 6:9-10 Lyons, John D. Thinking Globally, nual Report on the Economic Sta- Gerber, Larry G. Reaffirming the Value 6:13; Racial and Ethnic Preferences: tus of the Profession, 1996-97, of Shared Governance, 5:14—18 A New Era? 1:12—13; Tenure in 2:12—88; Superstars, 1:38-54 Glidden, Hope. Does Confidentiality Practice: A Call to Action, 3:12—13; Scholastic Assessment Test Serve the Educational Mission? What Is the Future of the Profession? UC Considers Dropping the SAT, 3:32—34 4:12-13 6:6—7 Governance, college and university McClelland, Charles E. Professors and Scott, Joanna Vecchiarelli. Death by Death by Inattention: The Strange Professions, 3:44—46 Inattention: The Strange Fate of Fac- Fate of Faculty Governance, Minority issues ulty Governance, 6:28—33 6:28—33; Faculty and Governing Minority Enrollment Declines in Sereno, Paul. A Pulchritudinous Pale- Medical Schools, 3:6—7; Progress ontologist, 4:6 Boards: Building Bridges, 5:34—37; of Minorities in Higher Education Stichler, Richard N. Academic Free- Governance Reformed in Balti- Slows, 4:5 dom and Faculty Responsibility in more, 3:9—10; Is There Life after Molotsky, Iris. How to Get New Disciplinary Procedures, 3:20—22 Administration? 4:30—32; Reaf- firming the Value of Shared Gover- Members? Let Me Count the Ways, Tierney, William G. Academic Com- $:11 munity and Post-Tenure Review, nance, 5:14—18; Reforming Shared Nelson, Cary. Superstars, 1:38-54 3:23-25 Governance: Do the Arguments Obituary Trachtenberg, Stephen Joel. Higher Hold Up? 5:38-43. See also Presi- William P. Fidler, 1907-97, 4:33 Education Has Reason for Rejoic- dential searches Part-time faculty ing—But Reason, Too, for Trying Grading Temporary Scientists Staffing Labs, Harder, 4:14—15 Grading and Teaching, 1:2; Grading 4:8-10 Trebby, James P., and Lloyd D. Papers, 6:2 Perley, James E. Faculty and Govern- Doney. The Decision to Take a One- Hamilton, Neil W. Peer Review: The ing Boards: Building Bridges, or a Two-Term Sabbatical Leave: Linchpin of Academic Freedom and 5:34-37 Some Tax Issues, 6:41-43 Tenure, 3:15-19 Poston, Muriel E. Presidential Search Tuition and fees Harassment, sexual Committee Checklist, 5:30-—32 Saving Time, Saving Money, 5:6-7. Education Department Issues Final Presidential searches, college and See also Funding, education Policy Guidance on Sexual Harass- university Washington Watch. A Calendar Year ment, 3:6 Presidential Search Committee for Education, 1:63; Collective Ac- Hopper, John E. Alphabet Soup: Who Checklist, 5:30-32; Taking tion: Professors on the Hill, 3:91; Does What, When: A Look at How Charge, 5:2; University Presiden- Early Retirement—Who Can Afford AAUP Works, 3:40—44 tial Searches: Exercises in Secrecy It? 4:51; The Higher Cost of Higher Intellectual property or Shared Governance? 5:20—29 Education—in Perspective, 5:95; Adventures in Intellectual Property Publishing Mid-Term Review: Reauthorizing Rights, 2:8—9. See also Copyright The Publishing Predicament, 1:7-8 Higher Education Programs, 6:71; and fair use Ramo, Keetjie J. Reforming Shared Taxing Questions, 2:91 Kekes, John. Agaiust Preferential Treat- Governance: Do the Arguments Wolf-Devine, Celia. Which Side Are ment, 1:35—37 Hold Up? 5:38-43 the Angels On? 1:24-28 Legal Watch. America Safer for “Inde- Retirement World Wide Web cent” Art, 1:64; Campus Threats, the Early Retirement—Who Can Afford Internet Resources for Professors, Photo Display, and Free Speech, It? 4:51 6:10-11 5:96; Can Academic Freedom Be Rosenblum, William I. What Is an Au- Yale University Protected without Tenure? 3:92; thor? The Responsibilities of Author- Teaching Assistants May Be Consid- Financial Exigency in Court, 6:72; ship, 6:34—37 ered Employees, 1:5 Missing: Equity Coordinators Re- Roworth, Wendy Wassyng. Pandora’s Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe. Academic Free- quired by Federal Law, 2:92; Sus- Dilemma: Some Reflections on Peer dom in the North and the South: An pending a Faculty Member, 4:52 Review, 3:35—38 African Perspective, 6:16-21 @# 70 ACADEME November—Decemb1e99r7

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