. Nuytsia 12(3):487-491(1999) 487 Acacia miscellany 20. Descriptions ofthreenewWesternAustralian speciesoiAcaciasectionJuliflorae (Leguminosae:Mimosoideae) A.R. Chapman and B.R. Maslin Western Australian Herbarium, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Western Australia 6983 Abstract Chapman A.R. and Maslin, B.R. Acacia miscellany 20. Descriptions of three new Western Australian species of Acacia section Juliflorae (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). Nuytsia 12(3): 487-491 (1999). DescriptionsareprovidedforA.g/oeofne/zaA.R.Chapman&Maslin,A.incanicarpa A.R. Chapman &Maslin andA. subsessilisA.R. Chapman &Maslin. Introduction ThreenewWesternAustralianspeciesol'Acac/aMill.(Leguminosae:Mimosoideae)-A.g/oeotnc/ta, A.incanicarpa&ndA.subsessilis-arcdescribed AllarereferabletoAcadasectioniM/iyZorae(Benth.) C. Moore&Betche. Thisisthefinalpaperinaseriescommencedeightyearsago(Cowan(&.Maslin 1990),dealingwith the taxonomy of Australian species of Acacia prior to their presentation in “Flora of Australia” Volumes 11Aand I IB. Newspecies Acacia gloeotricha A.R. Chapman & Maslin,sp.nov. Ramuli hispiduli, praccipue pilis glandiferis. Phyllodia anguste elliptica, asymmetrica, 5-9 cm longa, 8-18 mm lata, glanduloso-hispidula; venae longitudinales multae, 3-5 quam aliae prominentiores, vents minoribus approximatis, parce anastomo.santibus; stipulae persistentes; glans basalis. Inflorescentiaesimplices, plerumque2 peraxillum. Pedunculi 7-15 mmlongi,glanduloso- hispiduli. Spicaec. 4 cm longae. Flores5-meri. Sepalaad basin unita. Petalahispidula. Legumen lineare, 3-5 mm latum, glanduloso-hispidulum, marginibuscrassis, pallidis. Seminalongitudinalia, mm lateellipsoidea, 4.5 longa. Typus: KingLeopold Range [precise locality withheldforconservationreasons],WesternAustralia, 26June 1976,A.C. Beauglelwle 539\2 (holo: PERTH 00512168; iso: BRI, PERTH00938653). 488 Nuytsia Vol. 12, No. 3 (1999) Openlybranchedshrubto4mtall. Branchletsfinelyribbed,denselyglandular-hispidulous(hairs very short, straight, patent and gland-lipped), yellow-brown ageing grey. Stipules triangular, 1.5-1.7 mm long, 0.8-1 mm wide, ± scarious, sparsely fimbriolate, dark red-brown, persistent. Phyllodesnarrowly elliptic, somewhat asymmetric (lowermargin ±straight, uppermargin convex), 5-9cmlong,8-18mmwide, l:w=4-9,thinlycoriaceous,erect,denselyglandular-hispidulous(hairs very short, straight, patent and gland-tipped), grey-green; longitudinal nerves numerous, with 3-5raisedandmoreprominentthantherest(thecentralnervethemostpronounced),minornervesclose together and ± sparingly anastomosing, all free to base or sometimes the lowermost (including the central nerve) concurrent with lower margin for a short distance above pulvinus; apex acute with a darker,llaltenedmucro;pulvinusc.2mmlong,finelywrinkled,yellow'. Glandnormallynotprominent, mm situatedonuppermarginofphyllodeatdistalendofpulvinusorto I aboveit. Inflorescencesimple, initiatedon actively expanding new' shoot,(1)2(3)perphyllode axilbutsometimesphyllodesfailing todevelopattheterminalnodes(inwhichcasetheconflorescenceappearsfalselyracemose);perfimc/ej 7-15 mm long, densely glandular-hispidulous (hairs very short, straight, patent and gland-tipped). S/ritebrightgolden,c.4cmlong,4-6mmwidewhendry,thellowerssub-denselyairanged; persistent, spathulate, 0.8-1 mm long, c. 0.2 mm wide, incurved at apex, puberulous, light-brown. Flowers5-meroLis;sepalsunitedatbase,c. 1 mm long,c.2/3lengthofpetals,narrowlylinear,incurved atapex,hispidulous;petalsc. 1.5 mm long, united forc. 1/2 theirlength,hispidulous. Ovarysessile, densely appressed-hairy stylesub-lateral. Pods linear, prominently raised overseedson bothsides andshallowlyconstricted; betweenthem,5-9cmlong,3-5mmwide,crustaceous,straighttoshallowly curved, glandular-hispidulous, viscid; margins thickened, pale. Seeds longitudinal in pod, widely ellipsoid, c. 4.5 mm long, c. 3.5 mm wide, turgid, somewhat shiny, black; pleurogram continuous; areoleelliptic, c. 1.5 mm long, shallowly raised, paleyellow-brown, borderedby adistinctly raised rim; funicle/aril broad, fleshy, terminal, white. Other specimens examined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, King Leopold Range [precise localities withheld for conservation reasons): A.C. Beauglehole 53862 (BRI, K, PERTH); A.C. Beauglehole 53926(BRI,PERTH); T. Willing464(CANB, K,MEL,NSW,PERTH). Distribution. Occurs in northern Western Australia where it is known only from the King Leopold Range. Habitat. Sand oversandstone in hummock grassland. Phenology. Flowering recorded in June; mature pods collected in August. Conservation status. CALM Conservation Codes for Western Australian Flora: Priority One. Etymology. ThespeciesnameisderivedfromtheGreekgloeo-(astickysubstance)andtrichos(hair), in reference to the conspicuous glandular hairs on the branchlets, phyllodes, peduncles and pods. Affinities. Acacia gloeotricha superficially resembles the widespread northern Au.stralian species A. stipuligeraF.Mucll. in phyllodeshape and size, thepersistentstipules,spicateinflorescencesand long, linear pods. A. stipuligera is readily distinguished by its non-glandular indumentum, shorter peduncles (1-5 mm long), densely pubescent pods, brown seeds, and by the minor nerves of its phyllodesforming amore obvious reticulum. Seed characters suggestthatA. gloeotricha has some affinities to northern Australian species such asA. lysiphloiaF. Muell. andA. trachycarpaE. Pritz. whicharecharacterizedbytheir ‘minni ritchi' bark. Although thelattertwospeciesareviscidplants, neitherhas aglandular-hispidulous indumentum. Bark characters are unknown forA. gloeotricha. A.R. Chapman and B.R. Maslin, Acacia miscellany 20 489 AcaciaincanicarpaA.R. Chapman & Maslin, sp. nov. Frutex 1-2.5nialius. Ramuli incani,sacpcfurf'uracei. Phyllodiaoblanceolataadangusteoblonga velelliptica,obtusa,4-9cm longa,7-14mm lata,coriacea,intervenassericea,argenteo-viridia,venis multis,subtilibus,areteparallelis,non-anastomosantibus, venismarginalibusflavis(juvenilibusrufo- resinosis). Inflorcscentiasimplex,uniceps. Pedunculi2-3mmlongi. Spicaeoblongoideaeadbreviter cylindraceae. Flores5-meri. Sepalaper2/3-3/4longitudinisunita,lobislatetriangularibus. Legumen lineare, ad 10cm longum. 4-5 mm latum, rectum, incanum. Seminalongitudinalia. Typus: FrenchmanPeak(ea.stolEsperancc),WesternAustralia,30December1983,B.R.Maslin5545 {holo: PERTH00161845;iso:CANS,G, K,MEL,NY). Roundedorobconicbushyshrub 1-2.5mtall,2.5-3(6)mwide. Barkgrey,longitudinallyfissured at base of main trunks, smooth on branches. Branchlets ribbed, hoary (the hairs straight, closely appressedandsilverywhite),red-brownbutoftenscurfyattips,becomingglabrousandgreywithage. Stipulesnotseen, noobviousscarsapparent. Phyllodesoblanceolatetonarrowlyoblongornarrowly elliptic, 4-7.5(9) cm long, 7-14(16) mm wide, I;w =4-7, coriaceous, ascendingto erect, sericeous (hairs confined to between the nerves with age), silvery grey green; longitudinalnervesnumerous, parallel (notanastomosing), fine and close together, resinous on young phyllodes, thecentral nerve andoccasionally I or2olhersslightlymoreevidenithantherest;marginalnervesyellow,oftenwhite- scurfy, reddish and resinouson youngphyllodes; apex±obtuse,commonly with averysmall,blunt, red-brown mucro;pulvinusc. 2mm long,sericeous. Glandobscureorabsent. Inflorescencesimple, commonly solitary in axil ofphyllode, sometimesan immaturebud presentwiththehead atanthesis (2 heads in I axil at anthesis have not been observed); peduncles 2-3 mm long, sericeous but mm mm indumentumoftenobscuredbyresin;basalpeduncularbractsingle,ovate, 1—1.4 long,0.6-1 wide. Spikesoblongoidtoshortlycylindrical,7-10mmlongand4-5mmwide(dry),to 10mmlong and 7 mm wide (fresh), interrupted, c. 20-flowered, light golden; young buds resinous; receptacle mm sericeous, the indumentum often obscured by resin; hracteolespersistent, ovate, 0.6-0.8 long, mm mm 0.4-0.6 wide,sericeous,light-brown. F/ovvcnv5-merous;i'epa/.v0.8-l.l long, 1/3-1/2length mm ofpetals,dissected for 1/4-1/3 theirlength into broadly triangularlobes, sericeous;petals2-2.2 long,unitedfor /3-1/2theirlength, nerveless,thelobesrecurved. Ovary’sessile,sericeous;stylesub- 1 lateral. Podslinear,5-9(10)cm long,4-5 mm wide, with upto 8 seedsperpod,firmly crustaceous, erect to patent, straight, smooth, hoary with minute, appressed, silvery hairs, dark brown. Seeds longitudinal inpod, obloid-ellipsoid,3-5 mm long,2-3 mm wide, 1-2mmthick,glossy,darkbrown with a lighter grey-brown patch on each face larger than the areole; pleurogram fine, grey-brown, mm mm mm oblong-elliptic, open 0.5 at hilar end: areole 1.5 long, 0.5-0.8 wide;/Mm'c(e laterally compressed,expanding intoaterminal,creamy-yellow (dry)orwhite(fresh) aril. Selectedspecimens examined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Hill 49, Cape Le Grand National Park, R.J. Cranfield 1374 (PERTH); Frenchman Peak, Cape Le Grand National Park, R. Gumming 1157 (PERTH);MtLeGrand,T.5. George222\ (PERTH);justNofThistleCove,CapeLeGrandNational Park,A.S. George 7488 (CANB. PERTH); 3 km N ofMl Le Grand, Cape Le Grand National Park, K. Newbey8201 (PERTH); CapeLeGrandNational Park,4. Strid2\ 174(AD,CANB,MEL,NSW, PERTH); Cape Le Grand National Park,A.S. Weston 7169(PERTH);CapeLeGrandNational Park, A.A We.ston7233(CANB,PERTH);MlLeGrand,c,25kmSEofEsperance,P.G.Wilson55>i2(PERTH). Distribution. Occursinsouth-westofWesiernAustraliawhereitisendemicinCapeLeGrandNational Park, south-eastofEsperancc. 490 Nuytsia Vol. 12, No. 3 (1999) Habitat. Grows in pockets of loamy sand on granitic slopes and ridges in thicket dominated by Melaleuca globifera, heath and scrub. Phenology. Floweringrecorded in January, April, Novemberand December; maturepodscollected inNovemberandDecember. Conservationstatus. CALM Conservation Codes forWestern Australian Flora: Priority One. Etymology. ThespeciesnameisderivedfromtheLatinwcarutf(quitegrey,hoary)andtheGreek (fruit) andrefers to the obvious hoary indumentum ofthepods. Affinities. Acacia tarculensis J. Black in South Australia resemblesA. incanicarpa with respect to phyllode shape and texture, indumentum, and inlloresccnce structure, but differs in having shorter phyllodes(2.5-5.5cmlong) with red,resinousmargins, longerspikes (1.5-2.5cmlong),freesepals, andlarger, strongly curved podsc. 1 cm wide with larger,obliqueseeds(7.5 x c.5 mm). AcaciasubsessilisA.R. Chapman &Maslin, sp. nov. Frutex 1-2 m altus. Ramuli lenticellularcs, glabri. Phyllodia anguste linearia vel lineari- triangularia vel angustissime elliptica, 1-3 cm longa, 0.8-1.5 mm lata, pungentia, glabra, nervis 8, 3inquoquepagina;glansO-1 mmsuprapulvinuminserta. Inflorcsccntiasimplex, 1 vel2peraxillum. Spicaeoblongoidaevelcylindricae,7-15 mm longae. Flores5-meri. Sepalaper 1/4-1/5longitudinis unita. Legumcnsubmoniliforme,5-8cmlongum,5-6mmlatum,tenuitercoriaceumvelcrustaceum. mm Semina longitudinalia, 3.5-4 longa. Typus: 0.5 km north ofFields Find road sign at Fields Find, Western Australia, 21-23 July 1982, R.J. Gumming2018 (/lo/o.- PERTH00154709; iso: CANB, G, K, MEL). Roundedorobconic,straggly,spreadingshrub 1-2mtall,sparselybranchedatgroundlevel. Bark grey, fibrousatbase oftrunks, smooth and grey-brown onbranches. Branchletsmarkedwith raised scars where phyllodes have fallen. Icnlicellular, glabrous, red-brown. Stipules normally caducous. Phyllodesnarrowly linearor (broadest phyllodes) linear-triangularorvery narrowly elliptic, flat or (when very narrow) almostterete. 1-3 cm long, 0.8-1.5 mm wide, rigid,patenttoslightly reclined, glabrous,light-green orsubglaucous; nerves 8 in all, 3 perface when phyllodes flat, raised, yellow- green; apex narrowed to a fine, pungent, needle-like, dark brown Up; pulvinus much-reduced, 0.5-1 mm long, represented by a narrow band of yellowish tissue at base of lamina. Gland not prominent, 0-1(2) mm above pulvinus, elliptic-ovate, 0.3-0.4 mm long, 0.2 mm wide, dark. Inflorescence simple, or 2 in axil of phyllode; spikes oblongoid to cylindrical, 7-15 mm long, 4-6 mm wide when dryI, golden, sub-densely tlowered;peduncles (2)3-5(6) mm long, glabrous or mm sparsely puberulous; basalpeduncularbract often persistent, broadly ovate, 0.6-0.7 long and wide,glabrousexcept forminutely fimhriolatemargin,darkbrown, firaefeo/e^sub-persistent,peltate; mm mm clawnarrowly linear; laminabroadly ovate,c. I long,0.6—0.7 mmdiam.,brown,glabrousexcept forminutely fimbriolatemargin. Flowers5-merous;sepals 1-1.3 long, 1/2-2/3lengthofpetals, mm dividedfor 1/4-I/5 theirlength intobroad lobes;calyx tubesparsely puberulous;petals 1.6-1.9 long,unitedforc. 2/3theirlength,withafinecentral nerve. Ovaryses.sile,glabrous;stylesub-lateral. Pods sub-moniliform, ± shallowly raised over seeds, shallowly to moderately constricted between them, 5-8 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, thinly coriaceous to thinly crustaceous, sub-straight to shallowly curved, glabrous, dark reddish brown, lightly pruinose. Seeds (very few seen, slightly immature) A.R. Chapman and B.R. Maslin, Acacia niisccllany 20 491 longitudinal in pod, ellipsoid, 3.5-4 mm long, c. 2,5 mm wide, ± shiny, black; aril small, terminal, ±conical,cream. Selected specimens examined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Yalgoo, W.E. Blackall 490 (PERTH - 2sheets);FieldsFind, W.M.B. CarrUWA 1033 (BRI,MO,PERTH);2.6miles[4.2km] EofYalgoo, R.J. Cumining 1978 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); N ofFields Find, NW ofPaynes Find, 12 July 1966, D.Hardys.n.(PER'l’H);betweenNinghanStationandFieldsFind,fi.R.Mai/m4246(CANB,PERTH); 14kmEofYalgooand 1.5 km N oftheYalgoo-MountMagnetroadon trackintoquarry,5. Pam'cL SP2266(PERTH);NinghanStation,9.2kmNofGreatNorthernHighwayonWarriedarRd,Esideof road,S.Patrick&A.BrownSP2361 (PERTH);WsideofYalgoo-Jingamarraroad,c.9kmNofturnoff toNoongal Station,S. Patrick&M. Meinema SP2895A(PERTH). Distribution. Occursinthesouth-westofWcsternAustraliafromtheYalgooareatojustsouthofFields Find, with afurtherpopulation nearMtFarmer. Habitat. Growsinshallowredloamorclay,oftenonrockyslopes,inopenlowscrub. Associatedspecies includeAcacia grasbyi,A. tetragonophylla, A. c/uadrimarginea andA. ramulosa. Phenology. Floweringrecorded from Juneto August; maturepods (mostlydehiscedbutwith avery few near-matureseeds remaining)collected in February, Conservation status. CALM Conservation Codes forWestern AustralianFlora: PriorityTwo. Etymology. Thespeciesnameistaken from theLatinsessilis(destituteofastalk)withtheprefixsub- (somewhat, less than), in reference to the very poorly developed pulvinus, the phyllodes appearing subsessilc. Affinities. Close relatives ofthis new species are notreadily apparent, butin thepungent, ± sessile, 8-nerved phyllodes it has a superficial resemblance to A. colletioides Benth. and A. chapmanii R.S.Cowan &Maslinsubsp.chapmanii. ThesetwotaxaarereadilydistinguishedfromA. subsessilis by their globular to sub-globular heads, consistently terete phyllodes and strongly curved to openly coiledpods. Acaciacolletioidesisfurtherdistinguishedbyitsphyllodesbeingpositionedondiscrete, raised stem projections and its bright yellow seed aril, and A. chapmanii subsp. chapmanii by its persistent,±spinosestipulesand narrowerpods (2.5-3 mm wide). Acknowledgements Alex George provided the Latin descriptions and editorial assistance. Terena Lally provided competent technical assistance. Financial support for this project was provided by the Australian BiologicalResourcesStudy,Canberra. TheworkwasconductedattheWesternAustralianHerbarium, Perth. Reference Cowan, R.S. & Maslin, B.R. (1990). Acacia niiscellaiiy I. Some oligoneurous species of Acacia (Leguminosae; Mimosoi(Jeae: Section Pliirinervcs) from Western Australia. Nuyt.iia 7: 183-199.