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Preview AC and DC conductivity in nano and microcrystalline Li2O: B2O3 composites

Z.Phys. Chem. 219 (2005) 89–103  by Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München AC and DC Conductivity in Nano- and Microcrystalline Li O:B O Composites: 2 2 3 Experimental Results and Theoretical Models ∗ ∗ By Sylvio Indris1, Paul Heitjans1, , Markus Ulrich2, and Armin Bunde2, 1 InstitutfürPhysikalischeChemieundElektrochemie,UniversitätHannover, Callinstraße3–3a,30167Hannover,Germany 2 InstitutfürTheoretischePhysikIII,Justus-Liebig-UniversitätGießen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring16,35392Gießen,Germany Dedicated to Prof. Dr.Klaus Funke on the occasion of his 60th birthday (Received August 10, 2004; accepted in revised form November 10, 2004) NanocrystallineComposites/LiIonConductor/ImpedanceSpectroscopy/ PercolationModels We report on impedance measurements of nano- and microcrystalline composites of the Li ion conductor Li O and the ionic insulator B O as well as their interpretation in 2 2 3 the frame of percolation models. In the experimental part, besides the dc conductivity and its dependence on composition and temperature (i.e. its activation energy) also the ac conductivity and its dependence on composition, temperature and frequency (i.e. the conductivityexponent)arepresented.Strikingdifferencesbetweenthe nanocrystallineand the correspondingmicrocrystallinecompositeswere found. Deviations of the ac from the dc results can be explained by the fact that the experiments probe ion dynamics on different time and thus length scales. In the theoretical part, a continuum percolation model, a brick-layer type bond percolation approach and a Voronoi construction are alternatively used to model the dc behaviour. Based merely on the largely different volume fractions of the interfaces between ionic conductor and insulator grains in the nano- and microcrystalline composites, good overall agreement with the experimental dc results is obtained.The high critical insulatorcontent above which the experimentalcon- ductivityvanishesinthenanocrystallinecompositessuggeststhepresenceofanadditional Li diffusion passageway of nanometer length in the interface between nanocrystalline insulator grains. * Correspondingauthors. E-mail:[email protected];[email protected] 90 S.Indrisetal. 1. Introduction Nanocrystalline materials are compacted, polycrystalline materials with crys- tallite sizes in the range of typically 5 to 50nm[1–3]. They often show en- hanced diffusivity when compared to their coarse grained counterparts [4–6]. Inionicmaterials,theenhanceddiffusivityleadstoanincreasedionicconduc- tivity which is attractive with respect to possible applications in battery sys- tems,fuelcellsorsensors.Hereweareinterestedinnanocrystallinecomposite materials, where in addition to the interfaces between like grains interfaces between unlike grains exist, which can lead to the formation of ionic space chargelayersandthustoanevenmoreenhancedconductivity[7–10].Besides thevariationofthegrainsizethechangingofthecompositionofsuchmateri- alsoffersanadditional degreeoffreedomtotailorthemacroscopicproperties of these composites. This was shown for the dc conductivity of nanocrys- talline (1−x)Li O:xB O composites where (except for x close to one) the 2 2 3 increased conductivity oftheinterfaces betweenunlike Li OandB O grains 2 2 3 leads to an enhancement of the overall dc conductivity by a factor of about 10 compared to pure Li O[11]. In this paper we compare the dc and ac con- 2 ductivity of such composites to get more insight into the short-range motion of the Li ions and to elucidate the influence of the morphology of the net- work of fast diffusion pathways formed by the different interfaces in these samples. Furthermore, we present various theoretical approaches, by which the dependence of the dc conductivity on the composition of these materi- als can be described, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these models. 2. Samplepreparationandexperimentalsetup Thenanocrystalline oxidesLi OandB O werepreparedbyhigh-energy ball 2 2 3 millingfromthecoarsegrainedsourcematerials[12,13].Allpreparationsteps were done in dry argon atmosphere to prevent contact of the samples with water or CO . The air tight sample holder for the conductivity measurements 2 was loaded with the sample and sealed in a glove box filled with dry argon. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopic measurements show that milling for8his sufficient toreduce thegrain size downtoabout 20nm. Differentialthermalanalysisshowedthatthenanocrystallinematerialsaresta- bleattemperaturesuptoabout500K.Athighertemperaturesgraingrowthsets in. For comparison we also prepared the microcrystalline counterparts from the unmilled source materials. The composites were prepared by mixing the appropriate amounts of the two components and compacted under uniaxial pressureof1GPa.Contactsforconductivity measurementswerepressedfrom platinumpowdertothepelletswiththesamepressure.Thecylindricalsamples had a diameter of 8mm and a thickness of typically 1mm. The ac conduc- tivity ofthecomposites was measured withaHP4192impedance analyzer in ACandDCConductivityinNano-andMicrocrystallineLi O:B O Composites... 91 2 2 3 Fig.1.Realpartoftheconductivityvs.frequencyfornanocrystalline(1−x)Li O:xB O 2 2 3 for x=0.6. The corresponding temperatures are 489K, 478K, 468K, 457K, 446K, 436K,425K,414Kand404K(toptobottom). thefrequency rangefrom5Hzto13MHzattemperatures between 300Kand 500K. 3. Experimentalresults Fig.1shows the real part ofthe conductivity of nanocrystalline (1−x)Li O: 2 xB O for x =0.6 in the frequency range from 5Hz to 1MHz for tempera- 2 3 tures between 404K and 489K. The characteristic features of these spectra which are common to all samples are (i) a plateau at low frequencies which reflects the dc conductivity of the samples and (ii) a dispersive region at high frequencieswheretheconductivitycanberoughlydescribedbyapowerlaw σ(ω)∝ωn (1) with0<n<1.Bothregionsareseparatedbyacross-overregime.Thisoverall behaviourhasbeenfoundformanyionicconductors andisdiscussedindetail in, e.g., [14–19]. In the following we study how the dc conductivity σ (ex- dc tracted fromthelow-frequency plateau) andtheacconductivity σ (extracted ac atafrequencyν=ω/2π=100kHz)dependonthecomposition.Isothermsfor 433KaredisplayedinFig.2,whereσ andσ areplottedasafunctionofboth dc ac insulatormolecontentxandinsulatorvolumefraction p; pandxarerelatedby p=αx/(1−x+αx)whereαistheratioofthemolevolumesoftheinsulator andtheionicconductor(about1.91here).Foreachcomposition,themeasure- mentsweredoneontwoindependentlypreparedsamples.Forcomparison,we 92 S.Indrisetal. Fig.2.Dc(circles) andac(squares) conductivities ofmicrocrystalline (full symbols)and nanocrystalline(opensymbols)(1−x)Li O:xB O compositesvs.insulatorvolumefrac- 2 2 3 tionat433K.Dashedlinesaredrawntoguidetheeye.Thearrowsindicatethecomposi- tionswherethedcconductivity ofthemicro-andnanocrystalline materialsshowasharp dropandfallbelowthedetectionlimit. alsoperformedmeasurements onthecorresponding microcrystalline samples. Thedata points in the graphs showthe weighted average with weighted error bars.Thedashedlinesareguidestotheeye. Let us first concentrate on the dc conductivity. For pure Li O, i.e. x = 2 p=0, the dc conductivity of the microcrystalline and the nanocrystalline samples coincide. When Li O is successively substituted by B O , the two 2 2 3 systemsbehaveverydifferent.Inthemicrocrystalline samples,thedcconduc- tivity decreases monotonically with x, while in the nanocrystalline samples, the dc conductivity first increases and reaches a maximum at x ≈0.6 where theconductivityisaboutoneorderofmagnitudelargerthanthatofpureLi O. 2 Further increase of the insulator content leads to a decrease of the conduc- tivity. At x=0.95, finally, the conductivity has dropped below the detection limit.Wehaveshownbefore[11,20],thattheoverallbehaviour(includingthe differences between nano- andmicrocrystalline samples) can beexplained by the assumption of an enhanced conductivity at the interfaces between unlike grains.Evenmoreremarkablethantheincreaseofthedcconductivitywithin- creasinginsulatorcontentisthefactthat,startingfromthepureinsulatorB O , 2 3 onlyatinyvolumefractionofLi Oisneededtoobtainadcconductivitywhich 2 isconsiderablyhigherthanthedcconductivityofpureLi O. 2 ACandDCConductivityinNano-andMicrocrystallineLi O:B O Composites... 93 2 2 3 Next we consider the ac conductivity σ , which is represented by the ac squaresinFig.2.Forthenanocrystalline samples,σ showsroughlythesame ac behavior asσ ,but the increase of σ at small insulator content is morepro- dc dc nounced than the increase of σ . Of course, σ is always above σ . For the ac ac dc microcrystalline samples, in contrast, both quantities behave very different. While σ decreases monotonically, falling below the detection limit above dc x=0.5resp. p=0.65,σ diminishesonlyslightlybetweenx=0andx=0.1. ac Betweenx=0.1andx=0.7,σ isroughlyconstant,anddecreasesslightlyfor ac x approaching1. The different behavior of σ and σ in the microcrystalline system can ac dc be understood by percolation theory[21]. The dc conductivity is a result of thelong-rangemotionoftheions,whichcantakeplaceonlywhenapercolat- ing conductive cluster exists. Hence, σ is zero when, above the percolation dc threshold,thisclusternolongerexists.Ontheotherhand,σ probestheionic ac motion on shorter length scales, and thus is not connected with the existence of a percolating conductive cluster. As a result, σ depends only slightly on ac thecomposition andshowsaremarkable decrease onlyatverylarge insulator contents. Nextwediscussthebehavioroftheactivationenergies E ,whichdescribe A thetemperature dependence ofσ andσ .Ingeneral,theactivation energyis ac dc relatedtotheconductivitybytheArrheniusrelation (cid:1) (cid:2) E σT = Aexp − A , (2) k T B where A is the pre-exponential factor, k the Boltzmann constant and T the B temperature. Fig.3 shows E , for both the dc and ac conductivities of both A micro- and nanocrystalline samples, as a function of the insulator content. Again, the data points represent the average of two samples with equal com- positions. For both the dc and ac conductivity, the activation energies of the nanocrystalline samples show only a weak dependence on the insulator con- tent,with Enano≈1eVforthedcconductivityand Enano=0.6...0.7eVforthe A,dc A,ac ac conductivity. This is in contrast with the behaviour of the microcrystalline samples where the activation energy of σ increases from Emicro≈0.9eV at dc A,dc x =0 to Emicro≈1.2eV at x=0.5 and the activation energy of σ decreases A,dc ac from Emicro≈0.75eV at x=0 to Emicro≈0.4eV at x≈0.95. The fact that in A,ac A,dc allcasestheactivationenergyoftheacconductivityislowerthanthatofthedc conductivityagainreflectsthattheacconductivityprobesdynamicsonshorter timeandthuslengthscales. Fig.4 finally shows the effective conductivity exponent n (see Eq.(1)) of the micro- and nanocrystalline samples, extracted from the dispersive region, as afunction oftheinsulator content x.Inthe microcrystalline samples, n in- creases with x, i.e. the dispersion becomes stronger with x. This reflects the behaviorseeninFig.2wherethedifferencebetweentheacandthedcconduc- 94 S.Indrisetal. Fig.3.Activation energies ofthedc(circles) andac(squares) conductivity ofmicrocrys- talline(fullsymbols)andnanocrystalline(opensymbols)(1−x)Li O:xB O composites 2 2 3 vs.insulatorvolumefraction. Fig.4. Exponent n (cf. Eq.(1)) for the ac conductivity of microcrystalline ((cid:1)) and nanocrystalline ((cid:2))(1−x)Li O:xB O compositesvs.insulatorvolumefraction. 2 2 3 ACandDCConductivityinNano-andMicrocrystallineLi O:B O Composites... 95 2 2 3 Fig.5. Continuum percolation model with insulating spheres (radius R) dispersed in an ionic conductor (conductivity σ ) and a highly conducting interface (conductivity σ , B A thickness λ),after[23].Thefiguresshowthetwocriticalinsulator contents where(a)in- finitehighlyconductingpathwaysareformedand(b)thesepathwaysaredisrupted. tivityincreaseswithx.Inthenanocrystalline samples,incontrast,n decreases slightlywithxagaininaccordancewithFig.2wherethedifferencebetweenac anddcconductivitydecreaseswithx. 4. Models 4.1Continuumpercolationmodel The increase of the ionic conductivity at intermediate insulator contents for the nanocrystalline composites clearly shows that the interfaces between the twocomponentsareresponsiblefortheconductivityenhancement.Todescribe thedependence ofthedcconductivity ofthecomposites ontheinsulator con- tent p, we first employed a continuum percolation model[22,23] which is sketchedinFig.5.Theinsulating particles arerepresentedbysphereswithra- dius R. Around these insulating particles a highly conducting interface with width λ and ionic conductivity σ is created. The remaining volume repre- A sents the ionically conducting phase which has a conductivity σ . We con- B sider an enhancement factor τ =σ /σ of 100 and an interface thickness A B λ=1nm. The grain radii R have been determined by transmission elec- tron microscopy and X-ray diffraction[12,13] and are roughly 5µm for the microcrystalline composites and 10nm for the nanocrystalline composites. The overall conductivity of the system was then calculated by an effective medium approximation[11]. The results are shown in Fig.6, where they are also compared with the experimental results for the dc conductivity. A good overall agreement is found. However, the effective coordination numbers z used in this approach as fit parameters to reproduce the experimental re- sults (z=7 for the microsystem and z=59 for the nanosystem) can hardly berationalized. 96 S.Indrisetal. Fig.6.Resultsofthecontinuum percolation approach (dashed lines)comparedtotheex- perimental results for the dc conductivity at 433K, after[11]. The arrows indicate the compositionswherethedcconductivities fallbelowthedetectionlimit. 4.2Brick-layertypepercolationmodel In an attempt to understand the experimental results on a more microscopic basis, we have considered a brick-layer type model where both, micro- and nanocrystalline compositesaretreatedonthesamefooting[20].Inthemodel, westartwithacubicboxofsizeL3thatisdividedintoalargenumberofsmall cubeswithequalvolumesa3.Eachofthesmallcubesisregardedasagrainof the composite. With a given probability p the cubes are supposed to be insu- lating B O grains. Thus the volume fraction of the Li O grains is 1−p. By 2 3 2 definition,conductinggrainsareconnectedwhentheyhaveonecornerincom- mon.Fig.7(a) showsthe largest cluster ofLi Ograins that connects opposite 2 facesofthelargeboxclosetothepercolation threshold,at p=0.9.Againwe assume a highly conducting interface of width λ between insulating and ion- ically conducting particles. Next we replace the small cubes in Fig7(a), that represent the Li O grains, by a bond lattice sketched in Fig.7(b). The bonds 2 represent the ionic conduction (i) inside the grain (Σ ), (ii) along the inter- 0 facearea(Σ )and(iii)alongtheinterfaceedges(Σ ).Thelengthofeachbond 1 2 is a/2. The cross section each bond represents is (a−λ)2 for the Σ bonds, 0 (a−λ)λ for the Σ bonds and λ2 for the Σ bonds. Having this in mind, 1 2 the conductance of each bond can be calculated easily. We assume that (i) in the bulk of the insulating B O grains, the specific conductivity is zero, that 2 3 (ii) in the bulk of the conducting Li O grains as well as in the interfaces be- 2 tweenthem,thespecificconductivityisσ ,andthat(iii)Li Ograinsincontact B 2 with a B O grain share a highly conducting interface with specific conduc- 2 3 ACandDCConductivityinNano-andMicrocrystallineLi O:B O Composites... 97 2 2 3 Fig.7. (a) The largest cluster of insulating particles for the brick-layer type model in three dimensions at the critical concentration. (b) A single grain and the bonds assigned to conduction in the interior of the grains, along the sides and along the edges of the grain[20]. tivity σ =τσ . The enhancement factor τ is assumed to be of the order of A B 102−103. Finally, for calculating the total conductivity of the composite we map the problem onto the corresponding diffusion problem by defining appropri- ate jump rates (proportional to the bond conductances) along the bonds. For given values of τ, a, λ and p, we then determine the mean square displace- ment(cid:4)r2(t)(cid:5)ofmanyrandomwalksasafunctionoftimetonthelargestcluster of each model system, average over all of them, and obtain the diffusion co- efficient D=lim (cid:4)r2(t)(cid:5)/6t, which is related to the dc conductivity by the t→∞ Nernst–Einsteinequation(seee.g.[24]) q2ND σ = . (3) dc k T B Here, q is the ion charge, N is the number density of mobile ions, k is the B BoltzmannconstantandT thetemperature. Thenumerical results forthedcconductivity vs.insulator volumecontent p are shown in Fig.8 for various grain sizes a and enhancement factors τ. In all model calculations, we assumed a fixed interface thickness λ=1nm. The figure shows that this microscopic model, which treats nano- and mi- crocrystalline samples in exactly the same way (the only difference is the size of the grains) is able to reproduce all qualitative features of the experi- mental results (cf. Fig.2). One feature cannot be reproduced by the model, however, namely the very high insulator concentration where the conductiv- ity drops to zero. We will come back to this point at the end of the next section. 98 S.Indrisetal. Fig.8. Numerical results of the normalized dc conductivity σ(p)/σ(0) vs. insulator vol- ume fraction p in the brick-layer type percolation model for different grain sizes a and enhancement factors τ=σ /σ . In all cases the interface thickness λ=1nm is fixed. A B Nanocrystalline grains: (cid:8) a=10nm, τ =200; (cid:2) a=10nm, τ =100; a=20nm, τ=200; (cid:3) a=20nm, τ=100; Microcrystalline grains: •a=10µm, τ=200; (cid:1) a= 10µm,τ=100;(cid:4)a=20µm,τ=200;(cid:5)a=20µm,τ=100[20]. Fig.9.Polycrystalline composite materialcreated byVoronoiconstruction intwodimen- sions.Darkgreyareasrepresent theionicconductor grainsandlightgreyareasrepresent theinsulatorgrains. 4.3Voronoiconstruction To get a more realistic structure of the composites in our model descrip- tion (compared to the over-simplified cubic arrangement) we used a Voronoi approach[25],seeFig.9foratwo-dimensionalsketch.2000seedswhichrep- resentthecenters ofthegrains havebeenplacedrandomlyinsideavolumeof 1503 lattice sites. The borders of the grains are defined by the planes perpen-

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