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AbyW 'arbu1r9g2.5 . E.H .G OMBRICH ABY WARBURG AN INTELLECTUABLI OGRAPHY WITH A MEMOIR ON THE HISTORYO F THE LIBRARY BY F.S AXL LONDON THE WARBURG INSTITUTE UNIVERSITYO F LONDON 1970 @ B.H .GO MBRICH1,9 70 PRINTEIND THEN ETHERLANDS BYE .J .B RIL-LL EIDEN CONTENTS l.I NTRODUCTION 1 II. PRELUD E( 1866-1886) 19 illF.I RSTTE ACHEARNSD S TUDI(E1S8 86-1888) The PsycohfCo ullotgu.y r. e . . . . 25 ArchaeaonlAdor gtH yi sto. r. y . . . 37 MunicFhl, oraennDdce ep arture from Bo3n8 n IV.T HED ISSERTAOTNIB OONT TICE(L1L8I8 8-1891) 43 V.B EYONADR TH ISTO(R1Y8 91-1897) PhilosopRheiacdalia nngtdhs Ae e stheFtriacg ments 67 TheS tuodfPy a geantry 85 ,· ThAem eriJoc uamne y. . . . . . . .8 8. . . ContempAorrt. a .r y. . . . . . . 9.2 . . . VI.R ETURTNO F LORENTRIENSEE ARC(H1E8S9 7-1904) RenaisAsratLn:ec oen ar.d o . 96 . Fragmoentn htNe y mph. a .. . 105 VII.R EsuL.ATNSD R ETRE(A1T9 oo-r9o4) 128 VIII. THE CoNF LICT OFS TYLES ASA PsYCHOLOGPIRCoABLL EM (1904-1907) 147 • • • • • • • • • • • GothRieca laisasn mI mpediment 148 ModemP aral.l .e ls 151 GothaisacC atal.y s.t . 159 GothiacnA lalsy. . . . 162 Harmonizing Opposites 168 . ClasPsaitchaaolnsi d t Dsa ngers 177 IX. THES TAR(S1 908-1914) Godasn Dde mon. s. . . 186 BetweMeang iacn Ldo g.i c 195 vi CONTENTS X.T HEH AUNTERDE FORMATI(O1N9 14-1918) 206 XI.R ECOVEANDR Y SYNTSHIE(S1 918-1923) TheL ectuorneS erpeRintualt . 216 XII. RETuRN TO WoRK( 192.4-1.9 .2 6) 228 TheL ectuornRe e mbran.d t . 229 XlllT.H ET HEOROYF S OCIAL MEMORY 239 XIV.T HEL IFOEF S YMBOL(S1 926-•2 9) 260 XV.T HEL ASPTR OJECMTN:E MOSYNE 283 XVI.W ARBRUGs'A cHIEVEMm ENPTE RSPECTIVE. 307 XVIIT. HEH ISTOORFYW ARBURGL'IsB RAR1Y8,8 6-19B4yF4 r.i tz Saxl . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 2.5 . . . . . . . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.W arburg's PuWbolrkiss. hed 339 2.U npubliSsohuerdc e.s 343 . 3.W ritianbgosu Wta rburg 348 INDEX . 353 • • . • • • • LISTO FI LLUSTRATIONS 368 PLATES 1-65 ',t( 't PRI [,,\r 1 ) I tt. st,.(.)(N t) t,,t)t'fl()N I lr.l rlntcf rrlt o rrrr'1:irl,lrsircfr, ',:r; <lccitlinrtl( ) rcl)rilrtt irisb ool<a ftcr tl'rcl lrst etliri,,n,i ss,,'c,r.rir l9-l I l,r' rlrt \\ rirlrtrrgl rtsritLtci '.l rricllr ccn cxhrrrrstcc,l\. sclcctire irilrlroqrl|irv ot rt'cr:ntl roolisr rntlr rticlcs on \\'lrblrrg tirllorr'st his I)rcilrct'rtttttci stiirrslrrtirr'!lr'(iilnt t(r(\t ulriclrthcrtorli'.tn.1;r crsor-ra]iotir this qrclrts <-ltollr(r ( )1rti1ll.troc r ir-()r,l:.if(t r'.t lri.irrlrrgr tlrc trrenvv isitorss 'ho u isl-t to crlntjoc tlrt:l riqtrLLrttr'srr < 'lrit' .s still l-urtlrre t lriss trcell of pLrlrlicetioins Lrrrlrkr:itt6 l>r'r,'r1LfkJ srr on. .\rlrrritt,,rllrt irt'orrlrrni,,111i.orfr this lrooli. of tvlrich the qcrrcsisi s clest--ril,i.r.rrt il rr"l r,trotl,-rcti,rrnr.r :r\l r,rrcc rrrrtrilrutctcol tht-'rrlisrlgo f hol-lcs ) s'hiclra r.cu nlilicii ro lr trrlirllrrl.'l'hr'lcrrgtirlir* t ot-'t'npLrblisl'rcscolr -u'ccs' \ l ()l) [)lr- l-+.1 (';r')lr{}Pt ',.si1ri\L ()r]\r 't t}rc'r '\tL'tttt o u'hiclr thcsc ntasscso f drlfrs, rrotesr rntll ()1tit!l\ turlr ()n tlrr-s rrr"rrt'irlctrhrrsr tt re cloclrtncrttcdir -it l-ris bri,,l..N o tloui,l rt is ilr llrr.n: ;rtrrrcr rt-irrrgnrcnttslr :rtt het prcscr)ti r qrc:rtcr cl.rrrlrl.er qct lrrrnt ini slrc,l u orlis, lrr-rtt he trtst:inltir,r t cxcrrcrl br \\ arburg's lcqacr nnv als()l rt.s ccnl s ll slnrlrtonr of l cc'rtlit-rr' lissltistrrcti(i)unn ()ngt hcl rising qerrer:rtirront -rut lristorirrrrrsv itlrt lrc tlirectir)n( )Llrs trLdichs uve bcctr trli ing. Tlrc lr:tsicc li HicLltrr rtt;rrt lcrirt tl'onrt hc fltctt ir;rlt hc stLrilro f thc historv of rrrt is irresclprrlrlrli rriit'tit r) 1rs \ st('ll oi vellrcs., \rchucologv can pr()ht irr,nrt hc colllpj]'tt;,rlrtu rtlc otrrl'rrrtct-jzlrtirrrr,t'cc'tr\tp;L't\i trt, itlnrls,b c thcv err,ru'hcrrtlsl,i lrLirr rt'or tiqurirrts. \ iist of :tlrrr lrrttntingsu hiclr mrlkcs 1r() rlistir-rcttonlr ef u r'cn tirr Sistrrrt \lrtrlonn:t ritrclr r tnoclcst cirtr\.ls trot-t-lti provir-rcilr<i :irLrrcsirc lLrt',-ii\' rti t,rrgst ,r thc lrisrorv of ;trt. ltou-cvcr Lrsctirilt nrav lre tirr-rrrtrol lre irr ()tlicr r( sl)ects.N citlrcr s()ci()l()g1\'1 ()pr slch()logv arc rlrlc hc'rct () c()n)(t' o f hr' l'c:r('u,L> ft irr':irl lrisf{ rt'iruut ho llts lr>sth is bcnrings in :rn iner t r-nlsso t'rllrtrr. It is her c, nllll)('. thrrtt hc iiqrrreo lt\\'rrrburqh ash clcl( )ut rhcrp romise of a rcrlcclt' lrt'clusc lrr', it .rrrrr ,rr(, \\.r\ c' rlr',in ccclt hror-rqlror-hrifs litc thrrr tlrc historV( )tr irt nl1rltcrcrrl, rrrql till r)r,rtt(rs,1r(,)t1sl rnt ccr-rnrulatio<nl itlrctsl) r.lltr s PREIIAC]E TO TtsIF,S ECO\I) FI)ITION a record of 1-rurmasnu ffcrings ancl triurnphs. 1.\r.rtth at \X.arburg \\rasa lonc in Ilven-imag this conviction. Rcadcrs oi this book rru'ills oon rcalizc hriu' manv birsic a bearing c assLlmptionsh e shareclu 'rth his c()ntclrrp()raricsr vlro rvcrc, likc hirrr, rt>otcd inter action in nincteenth-ccnturl'culturc. l-ikc thcm hc u'asc onvincccl that thc art of thc battleg roun Italian Rcnaissancc,t hc art oi Lconarclo, llichclansclr> anrl Raphacl, \\'ast hc thc nctu'r>rI r.isible c\prcssion of a supremc rroment of hurnan civilization bordercd sun-ru p his on thc onc side bv the barbarisrn of the bigoted Nliddlc r\ges and on the \\tarburg othcr br thc dcplorablc cxccsscso f Baroclr.rcrh ctoric. It s'irsb ccirusch e firllv those u'ho t acccptcd this valuation of u,'haru 'c call thc'High'Rcnaissancc that hc respect he r cleciclcctlo fircus iris rescarcircs( )n thc hrst stirrings of this grcat a\\'akcning artistic l-rcri 'clctails', in the art ancl societv oi llccliccarr Florcncc. Thosc in u-hich, as hc. mav sound saicl,h c founcl that'(locl u'as clu'clling', r'u'crcth c sliqht cl'rangcsi n c,stur.r'rc differcnt: u or small modificati<ins in astrological inragcs s-hich \\'crc t() hir-n thc acaclcmic 6l harbingcrs of that supremc achievcmcnt,ithc hurlen spirrt. lt u'asa lso in these tow€ thc course oi this scarch that hc irrcrcasingll cilr.irLtro takc issuc u'itl-r eccentricitv historians oistvlc q'ho trlkccl in tcrms oian aufor.t()m()Lclslo lution oifirrr-r.rs. inspired the For him the bcaun ancl sercnitv r>ft hc Rcnaissanccr cprcscntccla hercl-u,on of this cen triumph river psvchologicalo bstrrcLcsN.o t clcn thc rcvival oi,\nticluitl ris historians a such could have rcsultcd in this victorr-, bccausc tl'rcc lassicalh critagc s'as u'ork of th< zrlsos hot through u'ith tcnclcncicst hat thrcrrtcnccti his achicr.cnrcnt( , i p, risc. r,'aluet >f cu It has oftcn bccn saiclt hat \\'arbure clerivcclt his vision oia'Dionvsiac' antiquitv trorn Itriedrich Nictzschc, l>Lrtth crc is a vitrrl clif]crcncch crc u'hich I har-eo nlv con-ict <ls cc titcr tl-rcc omplction of this book. Thc nrain thcmc of Nietzschc's Birt/t o./"1-ra,qerr/-c1s ts on thc contrast l"rc u-ishccl to cstablish betu'een thc visual arts ()n thc or.tcs idc antl music ancl ciramrr( )n thcr( )thcr. Thc visual arts sti rr-ietzschct alrqht- reflcctcclt hc .\pollonian siclco i rhc (lrcck soul; in ()tl-rcr\ \'()r(ls hc sau' thcm ir.rt crms oi \\'inckclrnann ancl, abor-ea ll, of Lessing, s'ho u-asi trclincclt o clenvt o sculpturc rhc ebilitr to cxprcss the cxtfemcs oipassion such'.rs\ \'c cnc()Ltlrtcrt n ancicnt P()ctr\'2rnc1 drama. \\'arlrurg nclcr acccptcrl this c'lichotor-r-rr(' ).n thc c()ntmr\', his intercst u,as cntirclv c()ncentratcclo n thc Dionrsiac clcrlerrts in Clracco- Rornan sarcophagi ancl victorv lri()numcnts. It u,as thcsc clcr-rrcntsu 'hrch carrieclt he pcrilous charqc oi'pathos'that <lnlvs tr()nqc hrrlcters ri'crce lrlc to hancllc rvith<iut succun.rbingt t> its pslchr>logical clanscrs No attemprti s r.naclein tlris book ro qloss r.,r'crt hc irighlr personl) aspccts of \\'arbr"rrg'sr eaclir.rogf thc past.'I'() him thc crc,rti()11osf ertistsa ncla rtisans coulcl nc\.er Lrecornci ncrt clata.H is vcrv invtilvcnrcnt uith thcsc u-orks transccncleclt l"rc tracliti<lnal clistinction bctu'ccn stvlc lncl iconograph\'. PREFA(lIl I'O TIIII SE(lONl) F.t)I IION Er-err-i magc bccamc t() him thc cn-rboclimclr(t) ic()r-rflictingfo rccs u'hich hacl a bearing on man's strr-rgUlcf or salr.ati<)n.I t \\',ls t() maP thc clash and interactign oi thcsc firrccs that he likccl to tabr-rlatct hcir p<lsitron on the battlcgrouncl oihiston-in innun-rcrablcn otcs, crvcntuallvh oping to illustratc thc netg-ork of the spiritual conflicts in thzrt'atl'.ts'<ipfh otographs that \vast o sum up his vision of historr'. \\'arburg's approach \\,as clcafl)' fhr too icliosvncratic to bc acloptecl Lrr. thosc vu.hoc amc afier l-rir:l.Hl. c hacl no mcth()1l, br,rtl -rch acl a mcssagc. ln this respcct hc rcscmbleclJ ohn Ruskin, another prophet u'ho rcsPonclcctlo our 'l-hc arristic hcritagc u,irl-rs imilar inter-rsitl'. juxtaposition of thcsc two namcs mar- souncl startling at flrst, bccausc n() t\\'() stllclcntso f art coulcl bc more cliffercnt: u,hcrc Ruskin prcachecl to thc nation, \\'arlrurg acldrcssccl an acaclemic6 litc, u,hcre Ruskin u'as prolix \\'arburg rvas tiracular. \'ct both thcsc t()\vcfi ng personalitics, trrho coulcl be biasccl to thc point rif ecccntrici6-, lcft their imprint on the outlook of thc next gencrati<ln.R uskin insnirecl the arts ancl crafis m()\,cment that transfbrmecl the visual a\varcness of thts ccntuf\'. W'arburg's example gavc clircction to thc u'ork ilf art historians as clir.ersca s litu.-in Panofskt' ancl Iicnneth Clark, ancl the varicd g.ork of thc Institutc that bcars his namc has amplv justiEed his faith rn the value of cultural historr'. ll. H. G. Lonclon, Fcbruarr, 19 B(t ADI)I'f I ON,.\I- I]tI]I-I(X }R r\PH\' In 19Sl this biogr;rphr'a?lltt( ()Ilt in rr ('crnlrrt tr.lnslltion tith l nru prctrrct br tltc:ruthor: .lll ll'lrbrr.q: l:i* in/t//tk/ru//, 1lio14r,tp/,it,l.Lrropriischr !rri:rgs:rnslrlr. I'nLnklirrr.Lrl ll.rin. 1()fi1, rLprl rt t:rs i,lio*'ttl in 19f14b r r plpcr)rack rcrsion, llso publishcrl in l rrnklrrrt, bl Suhrkrnrp. .\n ltrlian transixti()n eppcerccl in 1983: 1b1,l l-,trlttry; l'nt I'i4.r,1p,i1t r/r//,tttr,t/,.( .rmfr ,lci srpcrc, [,citrin..lii, \lilrtn. 19li.l.c ()nl,rirtint:.rtcrr lctrrlcrll rilrli,rgrrrplrr.\ J,rl,rnt'.rr rrlnsl.lli()ris'r i n prtl>.Lr.rrrrrn. .\tr rntrn-t1n5toi.L, ts rtrit's (br l;dq:rr \\ intl; ses pLrhlislricln tl\t"/ iil/t; /,itrr,r11 \'trpf,/rtttrrt.25- JLrnc l()r1. f p. rrn.l sl: suhscclr:rrrtlr rtPrintril in t . \\ m,l, / 1,, I t,,,11111,, ,, ,1 \'lttitol;; .\tLiltti ill J/tntrti.;/ lr'l. ccl..l. .\ntlcrsorr. ()xlortl. 1()ft3,p p. lo6 l.l.'fhis tolunrc \\.rrsr (,\.lr\\.c(lb r.(.herics llopc in i.otdtt /l,tjot r'/ lJr,r'kr. r,,1. (,. rtr,. 5. 15 \lrrrch -l \prrl l()8J, rr-t,l rrr rhr (n\Ll{r! crirrcsll,rnclctlcc.li(llcrtotltt'autltort'r'r,nrl..\\'iniri( glrrrlrrrg[]ilriiogrrPhri t(ntlt()./,.1\' rrspLrlrlishcil in the srnrc journei. r'ol.6. no. (r,5 lli.\pril l9lt.l.( )tlttr rivitus inciLrclcI:l .rns Litbes<.hLrtz..\br \\rrl'trrsiis()(, i9l9) :tsinrcrpr.tcroicirili:rrrion'.ittYt,ir lirok.\'l /r,1t ltlLtr,/1.i,,/ ltr,,,r/rtr,,1')-1, This PP.22r J(r; liclir (iilhcrt.'l:ronr:ltl hislorr to tirt histori ol (-irilis:rrion:( i,rntlrrich'sb irrgrrrphro i' \l.r\\.rrl,rr:.\n1,,,,t.,., \1,,1.'/,/.' ,,t.rr,,.{J. 1'r'r.l'1. ixl 'rt r,l\.'l\rlrr'1.(, .11....,..t,,.., feadef 1 /'1//'till .(t krrrli/lrli./ r/tli,i, (-rrntlrritlgc. Il:lss., llncl LoncLrn. l9r-, pp..12.i 3()); Srot h,rrling, tt L//l.t/l)i.t/0ri.t/.. derable rrr,.J l. 1r)-1,p p 12- t); fl rs11rhl, lcclitrr'rtj n.'\lrr \\:rr)rrrrg,risl :rrnst Lur,ll :rrlrLrrhi:r,rr publicat tlcr', (,i/ /irt.1i.;rlr (,, lt/tr'/ L 1r t;t.r'4ttr,n o. 2.16, I ()E..1. .\ c,)nrplctc bihliogrephr oi- rrll r,rrlis br .rntl ,rn \\'rrhLrrg uP t() [()iJ0i . r,r lrr. irrrrrrl in I)icrcr disciple \\utt].c.1l,l||.-lr|,lrl'',|,|l'r.gl,i/t/tt the san Kotrtlcr,2ntl ctlition, llrttlcrt Ilrtrlcrr.I t)8{).l rr rtlrljti,,n. ntr lcclrrrt rin \\ rtrlrrrrgf stc l3rlrlio!ir.rphri trrl 'lr.rrliriol:'l consPe( no.(r'lrhrtslrccrrptrlrlishtiiln l-n.llishiurrl.rllrr'rirlr'"l he \nrbir,rl,ntt,,irhc(-lrLssic,rl Ic (.uitrrrrl Psrchoiogvot'.\bi\\ltrl)Lrrg'.rnl:.11.(i.. lriltttt.r.l)h:riilrin,()rlorci,:rnr(lo rnt,il lnirtr.itr which z Prc'lshsc, Ithrrc:r,\ .\'.. 19E.+ off and ttrilrruirrg c()nlrltcrl)()rltti\ct olrnrcs hrvt'rrPPcrrcil: Srcplnn l;Lisscif r d), Iltr,ttt.r1rt,,()rttitt rcrirtq.( ii)ttingcn. /rLt ttisccllrtnot 1'obiturtrics:rn(tlr ilrutcs.i nclrrrlinqr (.ntinis((.ncclsrr irirrrrsl lcrgcrl. libraty. 19 '-():/ )/( 'llu:rhenrrt/tle lt: , 141r.sm, it llcitrigcn \'()11\ \ crrcr lloirrr:rnr, (ieorg S',e;rkcn uprl \llrrin but it is \\rrnkc, l:urrrp:iischc\crlrrgsrurstlit.l:lrnkt-rrrt.rr\rlrrrL in.1 980:rrirscicicon\\rrlrurrl)t,,lrr/trn/l9r) a firme: fll(i. qrrtltlli() ,rprilc, lr)ll'1.. i)ntrining r'\a(rft\ ironr Srrrl'' ,rnil \\ .rrlrLLrgs s ritings .r:rtlc e6rri[rrr j11s br (irirtrbrich (trtnslilt((l irorr llilrliogr,tplrr ircrn rro. (r51.. \grLrrbcn, [)rrl J.rg,r.( .rrrclrirr(,. rllbrcst,rLnj femains \\ inrl. therefor Ilcctrtt corrtrilrLrli()llr(s) \\ lrlrrrrg stutlicsi nclrrtlc:l :Lrrt \\'. l:()rsTIr.'\ l,r \\,rrlrrrrg'sI rist()r\( )l.rrt: ctrilcctrr-cn t(rtt()r\ rrril rhc socirl nrcr.lirLtio'nr t irnlgcs'. ln 1),tulu/t,.in.( ). 105. l()-(i, pl,. 16() -6; Dit rcr which i (\/\-l r)Lrsrnltagtlrticei,,s ts.tolir ii;:l(t icln-rlll'r.l t,tl\r r i,ltircllrLtfn nhrliiir\ tc1.rl)l:trititlr,ron lrtlo s)n rur t-'. :; (c ).1c\uctrol, l,r,1ltlrtlt rltt.ttgt)nr* trlllr .n (lLnilil ,yIt..trirltnrrlg !t,cttnl rp,rL 1nr1b(,9) li-Sc- t2l \c,lcpircpLl.rrl r,icr8 c. qll i-)\,(L,rrc.:rl( rrilo1r .c7r lr/rrut l()\ l1Vrcjrtllrrr,rrLr/r. 63W, ah feur .\lnlnlitt.grtppt/ i kot.t/tt/tn.;ktfrti ihLrnul. \'ittrrlrcts ilistoric oclr .\nfiiiritcts \lirLrlcmicn, \nrilir:rr sof, Frir r\li:r:(ricrl -j(1).S trrclih,rinr.l (l--. (,crnrrn trrn*ltrirrn;t: lltt \)ul,,,litt,yr1iji l,lLt lrrilr/i/: trttti in1932 Ktrtt.t/ttt. ;.sttt.rtlt,r/,Ir),r rnrorrt I'rrsclrcnburlrcr'. Kiiln, l()83. pp. -6 8l: Silr irr l,crrctri, // tltnnttt ritii,r works, i(u/,tj(|.\letit,tti'(,lLslrlc\Irlrlicrrrttt'l()|3.1;SltlrlttlrrtSt'tti'|cr].l.|/tit,[jllt/t'.,ttt/itt, lllibiirrrccr<lrS torirclcll',\rrc.\Lrovrlstrit.(iiLrliol.inrrucli l:rlit,rr...'11r i11, 1()E.{,p[..J.15J. l:Ilrr.c9 include, Bcrt<vti, I'a /lrautitt r/t,qlit t.trrt, NorrL (-.Lsrr,1 3.krgnr. 1985: ()nrrrr (-ulllrrcsc, l,,r i,tt,l,int ltiltr pittrra madei r ilJiirii,rtr.cr tli cLrltLrrrnr t,,rlcrnrtl)i-). l_;itcr.zrlR. onrr lJrrri l()8.-; \llrril.lesirrqlrrrrs.rr LrrLr.rt.r,/ )l .\ trt/tt lttL the con \ i,shihikrr \l.tikurrr.r, I),r llr.<r','lr ht krrl/rr lt,i l{',nl'trrl, \i r;.i,/,r ttti.l li/tt, ll,,1;,1', 1lriin lrui Warbur .\tllcttrcunr, hiirtiustcrn fs, 19115:I Jt'rnllrrtl Ilrrsclrcnriorl.'\\:rr t.in sclrr rirclrrigc: {c,-:Ln\(1rlr\ of resea I:iirclcrtl.:Iltlq.rr\\rrltitrrltl\i>r\\lLr1ltrrg(/tl,,t',f,tl,ti'ltll, l()9), incluclin{ illustrrrtions oi thrcc plrrtts ironr .llttnt:1rtt, en,l -f. 13.' l repp, ',\lrr \\ rrllrurg, Iris of ofa Lilrrrtrr rtnclr he \\ rrrburg Institrrtc', / l,,ort/it,Jtt( ,L.,,lttultrti;l.. l,)86. Having

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