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Preview Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Random Schroedinger Operators on the Bethe Strip

ABSOLUTELY CONTINUOUS SPECTRUM FOR RANDOM SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS ON THE BETHE STRIP 2 ABELKLEINANDCHRISTIANSADEL 1 0 Abstract. TheBetheStripofwidthmisthecartesianproductB 1,...,m ,whereBistheBethe 2 ×{ } lattice (Cayley tree). We prove that Anderson models on the Bethe striphave “extended states” for n smalldisorder. Moreprecisely,weconsiderAnderson-likeHamiltonians Hλ= 21∆⊗1+1⊗A+λV on a aBethestripwithconnectivityK 2,whereAisanm msymmetricmatrix, isarandommatrix J potential,andλisthedisorderpar≥ameter. Givenanyclo×sedintervalI ( √KV+amax,√K+amin), ⊂ − 3 whereaminandamaxarethesmallestandlargesteigenvaluesofthematrixA,weprovethatforλsmall therandomSchro¨dingeroperator HλhaspurelyabsolutelycontinuousspectruminI withprobability ] oneanditsintegrateddensityofstates iscontinuouslydifferentiableontheintervalI. h p - h t 1. Introduction a m The Bethe strip of width m is the cartesian product B 1,...,m , where B denotes (the vertices [ of) the Bethe lattice (Cayley tree), an infinite connected gr×ap{hwith no}closed loops and a fixed degree 2 (number of nearest neighbors) at each vertex. This fixed degree will be written as K +1 with K N v called the connectivity of B. The distance between two sites x and y of B will be denoted by d(x∈,y) 8 and is equal to the length of the shortest path connecting x and y. The ℓ2 space of functions on the 2 Bethe strip, ℓ2(B 1,...,m ), will be identified, as needed, with the tensor product ℓ2(B) Cm, with 3 the direct sum ×{ Cm, an}d with ℓ2(B,Cm) = u : B Cm; u(x) 2 < , th⊗e space of 4 x∈B 7→ x∈Bk k ∞ . Cm-valued ℓ2 functions on B, i.e., 1 L (cid:8) P (cid:9) 0 ℓ2(B 1,...,m ) = ℓ2(B) Cm = Cm = ℓ2(B,Cm). (1.1) 1 ×{ } ∼ ⊗ ∼ ∼ x∈B 1 M : We consider the family of random Hamiltonians on ℓ2(B 1,...,m ) given by v ×{ } i H = 1 ∆ 1 + 1 A + λ . (1.2) X λ 2 ⊗ ⊗ V r Here ∆denotes the centeredLaplacianonℓ2(B), whichhas spectrumσ(∆)=[ 2√K,2√K] (e.g., [2]). a We use 1∆ in the definition of H to simplify some formulas. A Sym(m) d−enotes the “free vertical 2 λ ∈ Vopiesratthoer”raonndtohme mBeatthreixs-ptroipte,nwtihaelrgeivSeynmb(my)V∼==R21mx(∈mB+V1)(xis)tohne setx∈oBfCremal,swyhmemreet{rVic(xm)}×x∈mB maraetrinicdees-. pendent identically distributed Sym(m)-valuedrandomvariableswith commonprobability distribution µ. The coefficient λ is a real parameter called theLdisorder. In paLrticular, for u ℓ2(B,Cm) we have ∈ (H u)(x)= 1 u(y) + Au(x) + λV(x)u(x) for all x B. (1.3) λ 2 ∈ y∈B X d(x,y)=1 An important special case of this model is the Anderson model on the product graph B G, where G is a finite graph with m labeled vertices. If AG is the adjacency matrix of the graph G, i×.e., (AG)k,ℓ denotes the number of edges between k G and ℓ G, then ∆ 1 + 1 AG is the adjacency operator on the product graph B G. If in (1.2)∈we take A∈= 1AG and⊗µ suppo⊗rted by the diagonal matrices, × 2 with the diagonal entries being independent identically distributed, then H is the Anderson model on λ A.KwassupportedinpartbytheNSFundergrantDMS-1001509. 1 2 ABELKLEINANDCHRISTIANSADEL the product graph B G. The Anderson model is a particular case of the matrix Anderson model: H λ × as in (1.2) with A= 1AG. 2 The Anderson model [6] describes the motion of a quantum-mechanical electron in a crystal with impurities. If λ = 0, the following picture is widely accepted [6, 1]: In one and two dimensions the 6 Anderson model always exhibits localization (i.e., pure point spectrum with exponentially decaying eigenfunctions). In three and more dimensions both localized and extended states (i.e., absolutely continuousspectrum)areexpectedforsmalldisorder,withthe energiesofextendedandlocalizedstates being separated by a “mobility edge”. We have by now a good understanding of localization. For the Anderson model there is always localization in dimension d=1 [34, 9] and on the one-dimensional strip [35, 30]. For dimensions d 2, ≥ withsuitable regularityconditionsonthe single site probabilitydistributionthere isalwayslocalization at high disorder or at the edges of the spectrum [17, 11, 39, 9, 13, 24, 3, 5, 41, 33]. The expected localization at all disorders in dimension d=2 remains an open problem. On the other hand, there areno results on the expected existence of absolutely continuous spectrum for the Anderson model in dimension d=3 or higher. Existence of absolutely continuous spectrum has only been proven for the Anderson model on the Bethe lattice and similar tree like structures. Klein provedthat, atlowdisorder,the Andersonmodelonthe Bethe lattice has purely absolutelycontinuous spectruminanontrivialinterval[25,28,26]andexhibitsballisticbehavior[27]. Morerecently,different proofsfortheexistenceofabsolutelycontinuousspectrumontheBethelatticeandsimilartreestructures havebeenprovidedin[4,15,16,20,22]. Absolutelycontinuousspectrumhasalsobeenshowninmodels were certain symmetries prevent localization, e.g., [38]. Recently,Froese,HalasanandHasler[15]extendedthehyperbolicgeometrymethodsusedin[16,20] to an Anderson model on the Bethe strip with connectivity K = 2 and width m = 2, proving the existence of absolutely continuous spectrum in an interval at low disorder. Their method requires working in the Siegel upper half plane when m=2 instead of working in the upper half plane as when m=1. They also conjectured the analogous result for general Bethe strips. Klein’s originalproofofabsolutelycontinuousspectrumforthe Andersonmodelonthe Bethe lattice [25, 28, 26] relied on the Implicit Function Theorem on Banach spaces and some crucial identities arising from a supersymmetric formalism. These ideas are extended to the Bethe strip in this article. In particular, we prove the conjecture in [15], providing an extension of their results to Bethe strips of arbitrary connectivity K 2 and width m N. ≥ ∈ In a sequel to this paper we prove ballistic behavior for the Anderson model in the Bethe strip at low disorder [31], extending the results of [27]. Going to the strip requires an extension of the supersymmetric formalism, as already seen by Klein and Speis [32, 29] in the one-dimensional strip. The change is akin to going from one-variable to multi-variable calculus. The formalism becomes more cumbersome: scalar quantities are replaced by matrixquantities,derivativesarereplacedbypartialderivatives,etc. Inparticular,adifferenceappears between Bethe strips with width m = 1,2 and those with bigger widths, i.e., m = 3,4,.... If m = 1,2 only one replica of the supersymmetric variables suffices. But if m 3 one needs n m replicas, as ≥ ≥ 2 noted in [32]. This leads to more complicated function spaces, the fixed point analysis that is the crux of the proof is conducted on function spaces requiring derivatives up to order nm m2, not just of ≥ 2 orderm. TousetheImplicitFunctionTheorem,oneneedstoprovetheinvertibilityofcertainoperators in these spaces. This was done in [28] (for m=1) by calculating eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the operators explicitly, and proving that the linear span of these eigenfunctions is dense in the relevant Banach space. This density argument, which relied on results of Acosta and Klein [2], does not carry over to the case m 2. In this article we use a different approach,showing that it suffices to carry the ≥ analysis in function spaces defined as closures of the linear span of certain eigenfunctions. Besides the Anderson model on B G, another interesting special case of (1.2) is the Wegner m- × orbital model on the Bethe lattice: Set A = 0 and let the random matrix V(x) be distributed as in the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE). Then V(x) = V(x)t and the upper triangular entries are A.C. SPECTRUM FOR RANDOM SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS ON THE BETHE STRIP 3 independent, centered, Gaussian variables with variance 1 along the diagonal and variance 1 for the 2 off-diagonalentries. This model was introduced by Wegner [40] on the lattice Zd, where he studied the limit m . Dorokhov [12] studied a related quasi one-dimensional model. If A=0, we will call H λ →∞ in (1.2) a general Wegner m-orbital model . Analogous to the case of the Bethe lattice, it follows from ergodicity (the ergodic theorem in the Bethe lattice is discussed in [2, Appendix]) that the spectrum of the Hamiltonian H is given by λ σ(H )=σ(1∆)+ σ(A+λV) (1.4) λ 2 V∈suppµ [ with probability one [37, 10], where σ(A+λV) denotes the set of eigenvalues of the m m matrix × A+λV. Foreachchoiceof thespectrumofH canbedecomposedintopurepointspectrum,σ (H ), λ pp λ V absolutely continuousspectrum, σ (H ), andsingular continuousspectrum, σ (H ). Ergodicitygives ac λ sc λ theexistenceofsetsΣ , Σ , Σ R,suchthatσ (H )=Σ , σ (H )=Σ , σ (H )= λ,pp λ,ac λ,sc pp λ λ,pp ac λ λ,ac sc λ ⊂ Σ with probability one [34, 10]. λ,sc Assumptions. In this article we always make the following assumptions: (I) K 2, so B is not equal to Z. ≥ (II) The common probability distribution µ of the Sym(m)-valued random variables V(x) x∈B has { } finite (mixed) moments of all orders. In particular, the characteristic function of µ, h(M):= e−iTr(MV)dµ(V) forM Sym(m), (1.5) ∈ ZSym(m) is a C∞ function on Sym(m) with bounded derivatives. (III) Let a := a a ... a =: a be the eigenvalues of the “free vertical operator” A, min 1 2 m max ≤ ≤ ≤ and set n I = ( √K+a ,√K+a )=( √K+a ,√K+a ). (1.6) A,K i i max min − − i=1 \ The interval I is not empty, i.e., A,K a a <2√K. (1.7) max min − It would suffice to require µ to have finite moments up to order 2m m ; we require all moments for 2 simplicity. Note also that for a fixed A we can always obtain (1.7) by taking K big enough. (cid:6) (cid:7) If I I is a compact interval, it follows from (1.4) that I σ(H ) for λ small enough. We will A,K λ ⊂ ⊂ prove that under the above assumptions H has “extended states” in I for small disorder. λ Theorem 1.1. For any compact interval I I there exists λ(I) > 0, such that for any λ with A,K ⊂ λ < λ(I) the spectrum of H in I is purely absolutely continuous with probability one, i.e., we have λ | | Σ I =I and Σ I =Σ I = . λ,ac λ,pp λ,sc ∩ ∩ ∩ ∅ In particular we get the following interesting cases. CwhoerroellGaryde1n.o2t.esLtehteHfiλnibtee garampahtrwixithAtnwdoervseornticmesodaenld(io.en.e, eAdg=e c12oAnGne)cotinngBth×emG,ma,nmd f∈or{m2,3,43,,.G..}, 2 m ≥ denotes the finite loop with m vertices where every vertex is connected to two neighbors. Let the open intervals I be defined by m √K+ 1, √K 1 if m=2 − 2 − 2 I = √K+1, √K+cos(m−1π) if m=3,5,7,.... (1.8) m (cid:0)− (cid:1) m  √K+1, √K 1 if m=4,6,8,... (cid:0)− − (cid:1) Then for all compact interva(cid:0)ls I ⊂Im, if λ is sma(cid:1)ll enough, the matrix Anderson model Hλ has purely absolutely continuous spectrum in I with probability one. 4 ABELKLEINANDCHRISTIANSADEL Corollary 1.3. Let H be a general Wegner m-orbital model on the Bethe lattice (i.e., A= 0). Then λ for all compact intervals I ( √K, √K), if λ is small enough, the general Wegner m-orbital model ⊂ − H has purely absolutely continuous spectrum in I with probability one. λ The key object to be analyzed is the m m matrix Green’s function of H : λ × [G (x,y;z)] = x,j (H z)−1 y,k , (1.9) λ j,k | λ− | where x,y B, j,k 1,...,m , and z = E +i(cid:10)η with E R, η >(cid:11)0. Here x,k denotes the Cm- valued func∈tion u(y)∈={δ e , wh}ere e is the k-th canonical∈basis vector in Cm|, soi x,k ; x B, k x,y k k 1,...,m isanorthonormalbasisforℓ2(B,Cm). SimilarlytotheBethelattice(see{[2|]foriadi∈scussio∈n { }} ofthe integrateddensity ofstates inthe Bethe lattice) we define the integrateddensity ofstates N (E) λ by m N (E) = 1 E x,k χ (H )x,k for any x B, (1.10) λ m | (−∞,E] λ | ! ∈ k=1 X(cid:10) (cid:11) where E denotes the expectation with respect to the distribution of V(x) x∈B. For any x B and any potential , G (x,x;E +iη) is a conti{nuous}function of (λ,E,η) R λ R (0, ); to∈prove it one uses the Vresolvent identity plus the fact that, as long as η > 0, w∈e hav×e × ∞ λ (λ iη)−1 0 strongly as λ 0. It then follows from the Dominated Convergence Theorem that EV(G V(x−,x;E+i→η))andE(G (x,x→;E+iη)2)arealsocontinuousfunctionsof(λ,E,η) R R (0, ). λ λ | | ∈ × × ∞ The crucial observation is that we can let η 0 inside I . A,K ↓ Theorem 1.4. For any compact interval I I there exists λ(I)>0 such that: A,K ⊂ (i) For all x B the continuous functions ∈ (λ,E,η) ( λ(I),λ(I)) I (0, ) E(G (x,x;E+iη)), (1.11) λ ∈ − × × ∞ −→ (λ,E,η) ( λ(I),λ(I)) I (0, ) E(G (x,x;E+iη)2) (1.12) λ ∈ − × × ∞ −→ | | have continuous extensions to ( λ(I),λ(I)) I [0, ). − × × ∞ (ii) For any λ with λ < λ(I) the integrated density of states N (E) is continuously differentiable λ | | on ˚I, the interior of I, and for all E ˚I we have ∈ 1 N′(E)=lim ImETr(G (x,x;E+iη)) for any x B. (1.13) λ η↓0 π λ ∈ (iii) For all x B we have ∈ sup sup sup E(Tr(G (x,x;E+iη)2)) < . (1.14) λ | | ∞ λ;|λ|<λ(I) E∈I η;0<η Theorem1.1willfollowfrompart(iii)inthetheorem,animmediateconsequenceofpart(i). Realizing that 1 ETr(G (x,x;E+iη)) is the Stieltjes transform of the integrated density of states, we see that m λ part (ii) also follows from part (i). Thus, we only need to prove part (i). Since A is symmetric, there exists an orthogonal matrix O such that OtAO is diagonal. Then =1 Oisaunitarytransformationonℓ2(B,Cm),suchthat ∗H = 1∆ 1+1 OtAO +λ ∗ . U ⊗ U λU 2 ⊗ ⊗ U VU Now ∗ = OtV(x)O is a matrix potential like itself. Hence by conjugating the distribution U VU x∈B V µ ofthe matrixpotential V(x) wecanassume,withoutlossofgenerality,thatAis diagonalandwe will L do so in the proofs. Thus from now on we assume A=diag(a ,...,a ), i.e., A =δ a for j,k =1,2,...,m. (1.15) 1 m j,k j,k k This article is organized as follows: In Section 2 we introduce the supersymmetric formalism and the crucial supersymmetric function spaces. In Section 3 we use the supersymmetric replica trick to rewrite the matrix Green’s function, and derive a fixed point equation for a certain supersymmetric functionfromwhichwecalculatetheaveragedGreen’smatrix. InSection4weobtainanalogousresults for the averagedsquared matrix Green’s function. In Section 5 we perform a fixed point analysis using A.C. SPECTRUM FOR RANDOM SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS ON THE BETHE STRIP 5 the Implicit Function Theorem to show the existence of continuous extensions for the solutions of the fixed point equation to energies on the real line. Finally, in Section 6 we show that these continuous extensions yield the proofs of Theorems 1.1 and 1.4. 2. The supersymmetric formalism Theformalismdescribedherecanbefoundinmoredetailin[7,14,23,32]. Inparticular,[32]contains all the important formulas we need. In this section we introduce our notation and review the relevant results. 2.1. Supervariablesandsupermatrices. Givenm,n N,let ψ ,ψ ; k =1,...,m, ℓ=1,...,n ∈ { k,ℓ k,ℓ } be 2mnindependentGrassmannvariables, i.e.,they aregeneratorsofaGrassmannalgebraisomorphic to Λ2mn(R). In particular, they all anti-commute and the algebra is given by the free algebra over R generated by these symbols modulo the ideal generated by the anti-commutators ψ ψ +ψ ψ , ψ ψ +ψ ψ , ψ ψ +ψ ψ , i,j k,ℓ k,ℓ i,j i,j k,ℓ k,ℓ i,j i,j k,ℓ k,ℓ i,j where i,k = 1,...,m and j,ℓ = 1,...,n. This algebra is finite dimensional and will be denoted by Λ(Ψ), where Ψ denotes the matrix of pairs Ψ=(ψ ,ψ ) . Its complexification will be denoted by k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ ΛC(Ψ)=C RΛ(Ψ). Wedenote thesetofoneforms(linearcombinationsofthe generators)byΛ1(Ψ). ⊗ Sometimes we will also allow to add and multiply expressions from different Grassmann algebrasΛ(Ψ) andΛ(Ψ′). Inthis case,sumsandproductshavetobe understoodintheGrassmannalgebraΛ(Ψ,Ψ′), which is generated by the entries of Ψ and Ψ′ as independent Grassmann variables. A supervariable is an element of R2 Λ1(Ψ) Λ1(Ψ). We introduce variables ϕ R2 and k,ℓ ⊕ ⊕ ∈ consider the supervariables φ =(ϕ ,ψ ,ψ ). The collection Φ=(φ ) will be called a m n k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ × supermatrix. More generally, an m n matrix Φ˜ = (ϕ˜ ,ψ˜ ,ψ˜ ) R2 Λ1(Ψ) Λ1(Ψ) m×n × k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ ∈ ⊕ ⊕ will be called a supermatrix if all the appearing one-forms ψ˜k,ℓ,ψ˜k,ℓ, k =1,(cid:2)2...,m and ℓ=1,2.(cid:3)..,n, are linearly independent. The collection of all supermatrices is a dense open subset of the vector space R2 Λ1(Ψ) Λ1(Ψ) m×n and will be denoted by (Ψ), or just . Linear maps defined on m,n m,n ⊕ ⊕ L L (Ψ) have to be understood as restrictions of linear maps defined on R2 Λ1(Ψ) Λ1(Ψ) m×n. L(cid:2)m,n (cid:3) ⊕ ⊕ Supermatrices (Φ ) are said to be independent if Φ (Ψ ) for all i, and all the entries of the i i i m,n i ∈L (cid:2) (cid:3) different Ψ are independent Grassmann variables. i Wealsoconsidermatricesϕ=(ϕ ) withentriesinR2. Writingeachentryϕ asarowvector,ϕ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ may be consideredas m 2n matrix with realentries. Similarly, one may consider Ψas m 2n matrix × × withentriesinΛ1(Ψ). With allthesenotationsone maywrite Φ=(ϕ,Ψ), splitting asupermatrixinto its real and Grassmann-variablesparts. For supervariables φ =(ϕ ,ψ ,ψ ) and φ =(ϕ ,ψ ,ψ ) we define 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 φ φ :=ϕ ϕ + 1(ψ ψ +ψ ψ ). (2.1) 1· 2 1· 2 2 1 2 2 1 By Φ we denote the k-th row vector (φ ) of a supermatrix Φ. For the row vectors of two k k,ℓ ℓ=1...,n supermatrices Φ and Φ′ we set n Φ′ Φ := φ′ φ . (2.2) j · k j,ℓ· k,ℓ ℓ=1 X We also define a dot product between supermatrices by m m n Φ′ Φ:= Φ′ Φ = φ′ φ . (2.3) · k· k k,ℓ· k,ℓ k=1 k=1ℓ=1 X XX Furthermore, we introduce the m m matrix Φ⊙2 with entries in Λ(Ψ) by × n (Φ⊙2) :=Φ Φ = φ φ . (2.4) j,k j k j,ℓ k,ℓ · · ℓ=1 X 6 ABELKLEINANDCHRISTIANSADEL In addition, for any complex m m matrix B and supermatrices Φ, Φ′ we set × m Φ′·BΦ:= Bj,kΦ′j ·Φk ∈ ΛC(Ψ). (2.5) j,k=1 X Note that Φ BΦ=Tr(BΦ⊙2). (2.6) · These definitions may be memorized as follows: If n = 1, Φ is a column vector indexed by k and BΦ correspondsto amatrixvectorproductandΦ′ BΦ isthe dotproductofvectorsofsupervariables. · For general n the supermatrix Φ has columns indexed by ℓ = 1,2,...,n, “the n replicas”, and in all definitions of dot products there is an additional sum over this index. For a supermatrix Φ=(ϕ,Ψ), where ϕ Rm×2n and Ψ Λ1(Ψ)m×2n, one has ∈ ∈ n (Φ⊙2) = ϕ ϕ + 1(ψ ψ +ψ ψ ) (2.7) j,k j,ℓ· k,ℓ 2 j,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ j,ℓ ℓ=1 X(cid:8) (cid:9) n 0 1 ψ = ϕ ϕ + ψ ψ 2 k,ℓ . ℓ=1(cid:26) j,ℓ· k,ℓ j,ℓ j,ℓ (cid:20)−21 0(cid:21)(cid:20)ψk,ℓ(cid:21)(cid:27) X (cid:2) (cid:3) It follows that Φ⊙2 =ϕ⊙2 + Ψ⊙2, with ϕ⊙2 :=ϕϕt andΨ⊙2 :=ΨJΨt , (2.8) 0 1 where J is the 2n 2n matrix consisting of n blocks 2 along the diagonal. × −1 0 2 Given a matrix B as in (2.5) and ϕ′,ϕ Rm×2n, whe writie ∈ ϕ′ Bϕ:= B ϕ′ ϕ =Tr((ϕ′)tBϕ) C. (2.9) · j,k j,ℓ· k,ℓ ∈ j,k,ℓ X A complex superfunction with respect to Λ(Ψ) is a function F : Rm×2n ΛC(Ψ). Let βi Λ(Ψ) for i 1,...,22mn be a basis for Λ(Ψ) over R. Each β is a polynomial in→the entries of Ψ (s∈ince we i ∈{ } required the entries of Ψ to be independent) and F is of the form 22mn F(ϕ)= F (ϕ)β , where F : Rm×2n C. (2.10) i i i → i=1 X We interpret this as a function F(Φ) where Φ = (ϕ,Ψ). In this sense the map Φ Φ BΦ as in 7→ · (2.5) can be considered as a superfunction. Similarly one can define superfunctions F(Φ ,...,Φ ), of 1 k k independent supermatrices, using the Grassmann algebra Λ((Ψ ) ). j j∈{1,...,k} We write F C( ) and F Ck( ) if F C(Rm×2n) or F Ck(Rm×2n) respectively, for all m,n m,n i i i in the expans∈ion (2L.10). Similar∈ly, weLwrite F ∈( ) if F (R∈m×2n), the Schwartz space. m,n i ∈S L ∈S LetusnowdefinetheintegralovertheGrassmannvariablesinthefollowingway. Forafixedpairk,ℓ we write F =F(Φ) as F =Fk,ℓ+Fk,ℓψ +Fk,ℓψ +Fk,ℓψ ψ where the Fk,ℓ are superfunctions 0 1 k,ℓ 2 k,ℓ 3 k,ℓ k,ℓ i not depending on ψ and ψ . Then k,ℓ k,ℓ F dψ dψ := Fk,ℓ . (2.11) k,ℓ k,ℓ − 3 Z If all functions F in the expansion (2.10) are in L1(Rm×2n), we say that F L1( ) and define the i m,n ∈ L supersymmetric integral by m n 1 F(Φ)DΦ= F(Φ) d2ϕ dψ dψ . (2.12) πmn k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ Z Z k=1ℓ=1 YY A.C. SPECTRUM FOR RANDOM SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS ON THE BETHE STRIP 7 2.2. Supersymmetriesand supersymmetric functions. Toobtainthefullsetofsupersymmetries, weintroduceanotherGrassmannvariableasin[32]. Soletξ beanewGrassmannvariable,independent of Ψ = (ψ ,ψ ) , k = 1,...,m and ℓ = 1,...,n, and let Λ(ξ) and Λ(Ψ,ξ) denote the Grassmann k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ algebras generated by ξ and Ψ ξ , respectively. We consider the real vector space ∪{ } = R ξΛ1(Ψ) 2 =R2 [ξΛ1(Ψ)]2 Λ(Ψ,ξ)2. (2.13) M ⊕ ⊕ ⊂ The scalar product on R2 exten(cid:0)ds to a R ξ(cid:1)Λ1(Ψ)-valued scalar product on by ⊕ M (a +ξψ ,a +ξψ ) (a′ +ξψ′,a′ +ξψ′)=a a′ +a a′ +ξ(a ψ′ +a′ψ +a ψ′ +a′ψ ) (2.14) 1 1 2 2 · 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 for a ,a′,a ,a′ R, ψ ,ψ′,ψ ,ψ′ Λ1(Ψ). 1 1 2 2 ∈ 1 1 2 2 ∈ A generalized supervariable is a triple (ϕ,ψ,ψ) where ϕ and ψ,ψ Λ1(Ψ,ξ). Generalized ∈ M ∈ supermatrices are defined in terms of generalized supervariables in the same way supermatrices were defined in terms of supervariables. The dotproduct for generalizedsupervariablesand supermatricesis definedsimilarlyto(2.1)and(2.3),respectively. Wealsoextenddefinitions(2.4)and(2.5)togeneralized supermatrices. Thecollectionofgeneralizedsupermatriceswillbedenotedby ˜ ,adenseopensubset m,n L of a real vector space. Note that ˜ . m,n m,n L ⊂L Definition 2.1. A supersymmetry is a linear transformation u : ˜ which leaves Φ⊙2 m,n m,n L → L invariant, i.e., Φ⊙2 =(uΦ)⊙2 for all Φ . m,n ∈L Note that for Φ the matrix Φ⊙2 has entries in Λ(Ψ), which are polynomials of degree 2 in m,n ∈ L the Grassmann generators. If Φ ˜ , the matrix Φ⊙2 has entries in Λ(Ψ,ξ) Λ(Ψ). m,n ∈L ⊃ To getsome understandingofsupersymmetric transformations,let us firstconsidersupersymmetries thatdonotmixcommutingandGrassmannianvariables. Thesesupersymmetriesincludetheorthogonal group O(2n) as follows. In view of (2.8), given O O(2n) the map Φ = (ϕ,Ψ) (ϕO,Ψ) is a ∈ 7→ supersymmetry because (ϕO)⊙2 =(ϕO)(ϕO)t =ϕϕt =ϕ⊙2. Similarly, for S satisfying SJSt =J the map (ϕ,Ψ) (ϕ,ΨS) is a supersymmetry, because (ΨS)⊙2 = Ψ⊙2. The set of such S is isomorphic to the real sy7→mplectic group Sp(2n,R). Simple supersymmetrictransformationsmixingcommutingandGrassmannianvariablesaregivenby the maps p : ˜ , with p=1,2...,n and b,¯b R2, defined by Cb,¯b Lm,n →Lm,n ∈ p (Φ) :=φ +δ 2¯bξψ +2bξψ , 4ξ¯b ϕ , 4ξb ϕ (2.15) Cb,¯b k,ℓ k,ℓ ℓ,p k,p k,p − · k,p · k,p for k =1,...,m a(cid:16)nd ℓ=1(cid:17),...,n. (cid:0) (cid:1) Thedualactionofsupersymmetriesonsuperfunctionsisdefinedasfollows. GivenF C1(Rm×2n)= C1(R2mn), we extend it to a function F : m×n C ξΛC(Ψ) = ΛC(Ψ,ξ) by a∈formal Taylor M → ⊕ expansion, 2mn F((x +ξψ ) )=f((x ) )+ξ (∂ F)((x ) )ψ (2.16) i i i i i j i i j j=1 X for all x R, ψ Λ1(Ψ), i=1,2...,2mn, where by ∂ we denote the i-th partial derivative. Higher i i i ∈ ∈ order terms of the Taylor expansion are not needed due to the fact that ξ2 = 0. Let u : ˜ m,n m,n L 7→ L be a supersymmetry. Given a supermatrix Φ = (φ ) = (ϕ ,ψ ,ψ ) , we have u(Φ) = k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ (ϕ′ ,ψ′ ,ψ′ ) with ϕ′ , ψ′ ,ψ′ Λ1(Ψ,ξ). If β Λ(Ψ), i 1,...,22mn , is a basis for k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ ∈ M k,ℓ k,ℓ ∈ i ∈ ∈ { } Λ(Ψ), so each β is a polynomial in ψ ,ψ , we set β′ Λ(Ψ,ξ) to be the same polynomial i k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ i ∈ in the ψ′k,ℓ,ψk′,ℓ k,ℓ. Then, given F(cid:8)∈ C1(Lm(cid:9),n), we write it as in (2.10), and define the function utF Cn(˜ ), wohere C(˜ ) is defined similarly to C( ), by m,n m,n m,n ∈ L L L utF(Φ)=F(uΦ)= F ((ϕ′ ) )β′, (2.17) i k,ℓ k,ℓ i i X 8 ABELKLEINANDCHRISTIANSADEL where we used (2.16). Definition 2.2. A superfunction F C1( ) is called supersymmetric if for all supersymmetries u m,n ∈ L we have utF = F , i.e., F(uΦ) = F(Φ) for all Φ . The set of such supersymmetric functions m,n will be denoted by SC1( ). We set SCk( )∈=LSC1( ) Ck( ) for k N and m,n m,n m,n m,n L L L ∩ L ∈ ∪{∞} S ( )=SC1( ) ( ) . m,n m,n m,n S L L ∩S L Since supersymmetries leave Φ⊙2 invariant, one may expect that every supersymmetric function F can be written as a function of Φ⊙2, i.e., F(Φ) = f(Φ⊙2). This is possible in the following sense. Let Sym+(m) denote the non-negative, real, symmetric m m matrices; clearly ϕ⊙2 Sym+(m) for ϕ Rm×2n. Let n m, so the map ϕ ϕ⊙2 = ϕϕt f×rom Rm×2n to Sym+(m) is∈surjective [32, ∈ ≥ 2 7→ Lemma 2.5]. We denote by C∞(Sym+(m)) the set of continuous functions f on Sym+(m) which are C∞ on the interior of Sym+(m). If f C∞(Sym+(m)), it follows that F(ϕ)=f(ϕ⊙2) is a continuous function on Rm×2n, C∞ on the dense∈open set det(ϕ⊙2)=0 [32, Proposition 2.6]. Given a function f C∞(Sym+(m)) and Φ = (ϕ,Ψ6 ) with det(ϕ⊙2) = 0, we define f(Φ⊙2) = ∈ 6 f(ϕ⊙2+Ψ⊙2) by a formal Taylor series expansion: 2mn 1 f(Φ⊙2):=f(ϕ⊙2) + D(k)f(ϕ⊙2)(Ψ⊙2,Ψ⊙2,...,Ψ⊙2), (2.18) k! k=1 X where D(k)f is the k-th derivative considered as multi-linear map [Sym(m)]k C, naturally extended → to ΛC(Ψ) R [Sym(m)]k. Since D(k)f(ϕ⊙2)(Ψ⊙2,...,Ψ⊙2) = 0 for k > 2mn, the higher order ex- pansion te⊗rms are neglected. Given n m, we define C∞(Sym+(m)) to be the subset of functions ≥ 2 n f C∞(Sym+(m)) such that there exists F (Φ) C∞( ) such that F (Φ) = f(Φ⊙2) for all f m,n f ∈ ∈ L ϕ with det(ϕ⊙2) = 0. By construction F (uΦ) = F (Φ) if det(ϕ⊙2) = 0, so we conclude that f f 6 6 F (Φ) SC∞( ). f m,n ∈ L The following result corresponds to [32, Corollary 2.9]. Proposition 2.3. Let n m. For all F SC∞( ) there exists a unique f C∞(Sym+(m)) such ≥ 2 ∈ Lm,n ∈ n that F(Φ)=f(Φ⊙2). This establishes a bijection from SC∞( ) to C∞(Sym+(m)). Lm,n n Inordertodefinetheappropriatefunctionspacesweneedtoconsidertheexpansionin(2.18)inmore detail. We will reduce the general case to the case n=1. Let Φ(ℓ) denote the ℓ-th column vector of Φ, i.e. Φ(ℓ) is a m 1 supermatrix with entries (ϕ ,ψ ,ψ ) . Using the definition (2.4) with × k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ k=1,...,m n=1 gives 1 ((Φ(ℓ))⊙2) =ϕ ϕ + ψ ψ + ψ ψ , (2.19) j,k j,ℓ· k,ℓ 2 j,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ j,ℓ n ⊙2 (cid:0) (cid:1) Φ⊙2 = Φ(ℓ) . (2.20) Xℓ=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) The different Φ(ℓ) are called replicas, e.g., [23, 32]. We also define the m 2 matrices ϕ(ℓ) and Ψ(ℓ), × splitting Φ(ℓ) =(ϕ(ℓ),Ψ(ℓ)) in its real and Grassmann variables parts. The formal Taylor expansion of f([Φ(ℓ)]⊙2) contains only terms with monomials in ψ ,ψ with j,ℓ k,ℓ equal numbers of ψ ’s and ψ ’s. Let denote the set of pairs (a¯,a) of subsets of 1,...,m with j,ℓ j,ℓ m P { } same cardinality, i.e., = (a¯,a) :a¯,a 1,...,m , a¯ = a . (2.21) m P { ⊂{ } | | | |} For (a¯,a) and a¯ = a¯ ,...,a¯ , a = a ,...,a¯ , both ordered ( i.e., a¯ < a¯ and a < a if m 1 c 1 c j k j k ∈ P { } { } j <k) define |a| Ψ(ℓ) = ψ ψ , with the conventionΨ(ℓ) =1 (2.22) a¯,a a¯k,ℓ ak,ℓ ∅,∅ k=1 Y (cid:0) (cid:1) A.C. SPECTRUM FOR RANDOM SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS ON THE BETHE STRIP 9 For a function f C∞(Sym+(m)), let ∂ denote the derivative with respectto to the j,k-entry of the j,k ∈ symmetric matrix, i.e. ∂ f(M) = ∂ f(M). Note that ∂ = ∂ . Furthermore, let ∂˜ = 1∂ j,k ∂Mk,j j,k k,j j,k 2 j,k for j =k and ∂˜ =∂ . Given (a¯,a) , we set δ to be the identity operator and j,j j,j m ∅,∅ 6 ∈P ∂˜ ∂˜ a¯1,a1 ··· a¯1,ac δa¯,a :=det ∂˜a¯r,as r,s=1,2,...,c =det  ... ... ...  if a6=∅. (2.23) (cid:16) (cid:17) ∂˜ ∂˜  a¯c,a1 ··· a¯c,ac    Then a Taylor expansion in the Grassmann variables yields f [Φ(ℓ)]⊙2 = δ f [ϕ(ℓ)]⊙2 Ψ(ℓ) , (2.24) a¯,a a¯,a (cid:16) (cid:17) (a¯,aX)∈Pm (cid:16) (cid:17) which for n = 1 is the same as (2.18). For the general case we use (2.20) and an iterated Taylor expansion. Thus, for (a¯,a)=(a¯ ,a ) ( )n = n we define ℓ ℓ ℓ=1,...,n ∈ Pm Pm n n Ψa¯,a := Ψ(a¯ℓℓ),aℓ , Da¯,a := δa¯ℓ,aℓ , (2.25) ℓ=1 ℓ=1 Y Y getting f(Φ⊙2)= Da¯,a f(ϕ⊙2)Ψa¯,a . (2.26) (a¯,aX)∈Pmn From this formula one can obtain an interesting Leibniz-type formula. Let (a¯,a),(b¯,b) n. If a¯ b¯ = a b = for each ℓ = 1,...,n, we define (a¯+b¯,a+b) n by (a¯+b¯) = a¯ ∈ Pb¯mand (aℓ+∩ bℓ) =aℓ ∩ bℓ . In∅ this case we also define sgn(a¯,a,b¯,b) 1,1∈bPym ℓ ℓ∪ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ∪ ∈{− } Ψa¯,aΨb¯,b =sgn(a¯,a,b¯,b)Ψa¯+b¯,a+b . (2.27) Since the product of two smooth supersymmetric functions is smooth and supersymmetric, we obtain for all f,g C∞(Sym+(m)) and all (a¯,a) n that ∈ n ∈Pm Da¯,a(fg)= sgn(a¯,a,b¯,b)Db¯,bgDb¯′,b′f . (2.28) b¯+b¯′=Xa¯,b+b′=a 2.3. The supersymmetric Fourier transform and Banach spaces of supersymmetric func- tions. Fromnowonwefixn m and,inviewofProposition2.3,wemakethefollowingidentifications: ≥ 2 SC∞( )=C∞(Sym+(m)):= f C∞(Sym+(m)): F(Φ)=f(Φ⊙2) SC∞( ) , Lm,n ∼ n ∈ ∈ Lm,n (2.29) SS(Lm,n)∼=Sn(Sym+(m)):= f (cid:8)∈Cn∞(Sym+(m)) : F(Φ):=f(Φ⊙2)∈S(Lm,n) . (cid:9) The supersymmetric Fourier tr(cid:8)ansform T will play an important role in our anal(cid:9)ysis. Given f ∈ S ( ) we define Tf S ( ) by m,n m,n S L ∈ S L (Tf)((Φ′)⊙2)= eıΦ′·Φf(Φ⊙2)DΦ, (2.30) Z whereweusethefactthattherighthandsidedefinesasupersymmetricfunction[32]. Theintegralwith respect to DΦ only sees terms multiplied by Ψc,c where (c,c)∈Pmn with cℓ ={1,...,m} for all ℓ, i.e. allsetsin(c,c)arethe completeset{1,...,m}. InotherwordsΨc,c = k,ℓψk,ℓψk,ℓ,so Ψc,cDΨc,c = (−1)mn, where DΨc,c = k,ℓdψk,ℓdψk,ℓ. For (a¯,a) = (a¯ℓ,aℓ)ℓ ∈ QPmn we define thRe complement (Ca¯,Ca) n by a¯+Ca¯ =c and a+Ca=c. Setting sgn(a¯,a)=( 1)mnsgn(a¯,a,Ca¯,Ca), we have ∈Pm Q − Ψa¯,a ΨCa¯,Ca = ( 1)mn sgn(a¯,a)Ψc,c , (2.31) − sgn(a¯,a) = Ψa¯,a ΨCa¯,CaDΨc,c . (2.32) Z 10 ABELKLEINANDCHRISTIANSADEL Clearly sgn(a¯,a) = sgn(Ca¯,Ca). Interchanging each ψk,ℓ with ψk,l in Ψa¯,a ΨCa¯,Ca gives a sign of ( 1)mn because one applies a permutation consisting of mn transpositions. One then has a product of − the form ψ ψ . Changing this product to ψ ψ gives another sign of ( 1)mn. After these x,y x y x,y y x − two changes one has switched a¯ and a. Therefore Ψa¯,aΨCa¯,Ca = Ψa,a¯ΨCa,Ca¯ and hence the signs are Q Q the same. To summarize we get sgn(a¯,a)=sgn(Ca¯,Ca)=sgn(a,a¯)=sgn(Ca,Ca¯). (2.33) InordertorelatethecomponentsintheGrassmannvariablesweneedtoexpandeıΦ′·Φ,buttheonly termsthatmatterforthesupersymmetricintegralarewithGrassmannmonomialsoftheformΨa¯,a. As eiΦ′·Φ =eiTr(ϕ′ϕt) 1+ iψ′ ψ 1+ iψ ψ′ , (2.34) 2 k,ℓ k,ℓ 2 k,ℓ k,ℓ k,ℓ Y(cid:2)(cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) the factor Ψa¯,a in the expansion of e−iTr(ϕ′ϕt)eiΦ′·Φ appears as n |aℓ| n |aℓ| i 2|a| ψ ψ′ ψ′ ψ = −1 |a|( 1)|a| ψ′ ψ′ ψ ψ (2.35) 2 a¯kℓ,ℓ a¯kℓ,ℓ akℓ,ℓ akℓ,ℓ 4 − akℓ,ℓ a¯kℓ,ℓ a¯kℓ,ℓ akℓ,ℓ ℓ=1k=1 ℓ=1k=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) YY (cid:0) (cid:1) YY = 4|1a| Ψ′a,a¯ Ψa¯,a , where a = n a and a¯ = a¯1,...,a¯|a¯ℓ| , a = a1,...,a|aℓ| . Thus, given f S ( ), we get | | ℓ=1| ℓ| ℓ { ℓ ℓ } ℓ { ℓ ℓ } ∈ S Lm,n P (Tf)(Φ′⊙2)= eiTr(ϕ′ϕt) 4|1a| Ψ′a,a¯ Ψa¯,a Db¯,bf(ϕ⊙2)Ψb¯,b DΦ (2.36) Z (a¯,aX)∈Pmn (b¯,bX)∈Pmn 1   = πmn (a¯,aX)∈Pmn 4|1a|Ψ′a,a¯ sgn(a¯,a)ZRm×2eniTr(ϕ′ϕt) DCa¯,Ca f(ϕ⊙2)d2mnϕ. In particular, one has Da¯,a(Tf)= 24m|an| sgn(a,a¯)F(DCa,Ca¯f) for all (a¯,a)∈Pmn. (2.37) Here denotestheFouriertransformonRm×2n;weabusethenotationbyletting f denotethefunction in F(Sym+(m)) such that ( f)(ϕ⊙2) is the Fourier transform of the function FF(ϕ)=f(ϕ⊙2). Using n S F a + Ca = mn, sgn(a,a¯) = sgn(Ca¯,Ca), and the fact that the inverse Fourier transform ∗ and | | | | F F coincide on functions invariant under ϕ ϕ, we conclude that for all f ( ) we have m,n 7→− ∈S L Da¯,a (TTf)=Da¯,af for all (a¯,a) ∈ Pmn. (2.38) Thus, T2f =TTf =f for all f (Sym+(m)). (2.39) n ∈S Following Campanino and Klein [8, 23, 32], we introduce the norms on (Sym+(m)) = ||| · |||p Sn ∼ S ( ), p [1, ), given by m,n S L ∈ ∞ 2 |||f|||2p := 2|a| Da¯,a f(ϕ⊙2) Lp(Rm×2n,d2mnϕ). (2.40) (a¯,aX)∈Pmn (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) We define the Hilbert space as complet(cid:13)ion of (Sym+(m(cid:13))) with respect to the norm . The n 2 H S |||·||| Banach spaces , p [1, ], are defined by p H ∈ ∞ b := f : f := f + f < . (2.41) b Hp { ∈ H k kHp ||| |||2 ||| |||p ∞} ThesupersymmetricFouriertransformT,definedin(2.30)asanoperatoron (Sym+(m)),extends b b b Sn to as a unitary operator in view of (2.37)-(2.40). Moreover, as eıTr(ϕ′ϕt) 1, we get Tf ∞ H ≤ ||| ||| ≤ (2π)−mn f , so T is a bounded operator from to . (cid:12) (cid:12) b ||| |||1 H1 H∞ (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) b b

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