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Preview Absolute Trust: Algorithm for Aggregation of Trust in Peer-to- Peer Networks

1 Absolute Trust: Algorithm for Aggregation of Trust in Peer-to- Peer Networks Sateesh Kumar Awasthi, Yatindra Nath Singh, Senior Member, IEEE, Abstract—Tomitigatetheattacksbymaliciouspeersandtomotivatethepeerstosharetheresourcesinpeer-to-peernetworks, severalreputationsystemshavebeenproposedinthepast.Inmostofthem,thepeersevaluateotherpeersbasedontheirpast interactionsandthenaggregatethisinformationinthewholenetwork.Howeversuchanaggregationprocessrequiresapproximations inordertoconvergeatsomeglobalconsensus.Itmaynotbethetruereflectionofpastbehaviorofthepeers.Moreoversuchtypeof aggregationgivesonlytherelativerankingofpeerswithoutanyabsoluteevaluationoftheirpast.Thisismoresignificantwhenallthe 6 peersrespondingtoaquery,aremalicious.Insuchasituation,wecanonlyknowthatwhoisbetteramongthemwithoutknowingtheir 1 rankinthewholenetwork.Inthispaper,weareproposinganewalgorithmwhichaccountsforthepastbehaviorofthepeersandwill 0 estimatetheabsolutevalueofthetrustofpeers.Consequently,wecansuitablyidentifythemasagoodpeersormaliciouspeers.Our 2 algorithmconvergesatsomeglobalconsensusmuchfasterbychoosingsuitableparameters.Becauseofitsabsolutenatureitwill equallyloadallthepeersinnetwork.Itwillalsoreducetheinauthenticdownloadinthenetworkwhichwasnotpossibleinexisting n algorithms. a J IndexTerms—Peer-to-peerNetwork,Trust,GlobalTrust,LocalTrust,DHT,Non-negativematrix,Eigenvector. 7 ✦ ] I N 1 INTRODUCTION . s c FOR exchanging and sharing the information, peer-to In such a network, consensus is estimated by the manager [ peer networks are better because of their inherent ad- peer. In an unstructured network, each peer evaluate the 1 vantage of scalability and robustness, as compare to tra- globaltrustvalueofpeersbycollectingthelocaltrustfrom v ditional client server model. Every peer in p2p network differentpeersthroughadistributedaggregationalgorithm, 9 can initiate the communication and each peer can act both theaggregationcanbedoneeitherbygossipingprotocolor 1 like client as well as server, and has equal responsibility. bytakingfeedbackonlyfromfewsignificantpeers;however 4 But due to lack of functionality of central control, some taking feedback only from few of the peers does not make 1 peerscaneasilysabotagethenetworkbyputtinginauthentic the global trust, global in true sense. In both structured 0 . contents in the network. Such peers are called malicious and unstructured network, if consensus is taken across the 1 peers. Furthermore, rational behavior of peers encourage whole network, then local trust needs to be normalized in 0 them only to draw the resources from network without some way, which results in approximation of global trust. 6 1 sharinganything.Thesetypesofpeerarecalledfreeriders. Some times it may not be the true reflection of the past : Insuchasituation,p2pnetworkfunctionslikeapoorclient behavior of peers. This type of aggregation gives only the v serversystemwhereonlyfewpeersactasserverwithmuch ranking of peers. This ranking system is similar to the i X less upload bandwidth and storage capacity. The success randomsurferModel[17]whichisbasedonthepopularity r of peer to peer networks largely depends on the policy by of page on the web. But there is a difference between a which these two issues can be handled. Many researchers popularity and trustworthiness; a peer can be popular in have proposedto implement a reputationsystem basedon anetworkbydoingtransactionwithlargenumberofpeers, the past behavior of peers in the network. Past behavior is butmaynotbeprovidinggoodqualityofservice.However, modelledastrust.Itisqualitativeanddifficulttomeasurein for a trustworthy peer, quality of service provided in each quantity.Hence,suitablemetricandalgorithmsarerequired transactionwillbegood. to measure as well as propagate it to all the nodes, so that Let us understand it by following example. Let there behaviorofpeerscanbemodelled. be five peers in a network - A, B, C, D and E. After some Inmost of the existing reputationsystems,all the peers interactionstheygivesomelocaltrustvaluetoeachotheras evaluatetheotherpeers,basedonthepastinteractionsand shown in table I. After aggregating these local trust values assign them some trust value, also called local trust value. [3][6],theyarerankedasB,E,C,D,A;Bismosttrustworthy These local trust values are basic information, which are andAisleasttrustworthy.Ifitisaggregatedasin[10],then aggregatedinwhole networktoform theglobalreputation theyarerankedasE,B,D,C,A;EismosttrustworthyandA of the peer. This aggregation process is different for struc- isleasttrustworthy.ButwecanseeclearlyfromTable1that turedandunstructuredp2pnetwork.Instructurednetwork, Aismakingtwotransactionsbutbothtransactionsaregood responsibility to manage global reputation through aggre- ascomparedtoanytransactionmadebyB,CandD.Sowe gation is distributed among all the peers. It is also called cannot conclude thatA islesstrustworthyascomparedto globaltrustvalueofpeer.WiththehelpofDHTalgorithms, B,CandD. suchasChord[12],CAN[13],Pastry[14],Tapestry[15],the Furthermorerankingofpeersdoesnotgiveanyabsolute peer managing global trust of a peer can be easily located. characterization of them. There are many situation where 2 Table 1: Local trust of peers A, B, C, D and E, zero means section 3, we will define the basic trust model and its ag- thereisnointeractionbetweenpeerstillnow gregatingalgorithm.Section4willbecoveringtheexistence and uniqueness of proposed global trust. In section 5, the A B C D E algorithmisanalyzed.Section6presentssimulationresults, A 0 0.6 0.6 0 0 and finally in section 7, conclusion and future work is presented. B 0.3 0 0.3 0.4 0.4 C 0.4 0.4 0 0.2 0.2 D 0.5 0.1 0.1 0 0.5 2 RELATED WORK E 0.7 0.7 0.8 0 0 Reputationsystem is used to establishthe trust among the buyersine-commercee.g.Amazon,Flipkart,Snapdeal,eBay we need absolute characterization of peers. Consider the [1]. Inallsuchsystems,there is somecentralauthorityand examplewhenapeersendarequestforaparticularfileand it is keeping the record of past experiences of buyers. This alltherespondingpeersaremalicious,thenrankingsystem experience is used by new buyers for their shopping. Ag- can only tells us that who is better among them. We will gregating the feedback in the presence of central authority neverknowwhethertheyaremaliciouspeersorgoodpeers. is simple task, but p2p system is distributed in nature so Itcanresultininauthenticdownloadinthenetwork.Besides maintainingandaggregatingthetrustisnottrivial. all these facts, relative ranking of peers overload the most Aberer and Despotovic [2] proposed a trust model in reputable peers even if we use the probabilistic approach which only complaints are reported if any, otherwise peers to select the source peer for download, i.e.,the probability are assumed to be trustworthy. Eigentrust Algorithm [3] is of choosing a download source peer is proportional to its based on Random Surfer Model [17]. Pre-trusted peers are global trust. Also, the process of normalization method is required to handle the malicious peers in it. In PeerTrust message consuming task. For example, if trust assigning [4] five different factors are defined for evaluationof trust- peerupdatesthelocaltrustofanyoneofitsinteractingpeer, worthiness of the peers. Both Eigentrust and PeerTrust are thenitneedstoupdatethevaluesofalltheotherinteracting based on the concept of weighted average. Fuzzy Trust peers. It will require more messages to communicate the model [5] proposed by Song et al. It is also based on updatetothetrustholderpeers. the concept of weighted average, where weight factor is Keepinginviewalltheabovepoints,areputationsystem determined by three variables– the peer’s reputation, the in p2p network must have the following design considera- transaction date and the transaction amount. The message tions. complexityinFuzzyTrust[5]islesserthanintheEigentrust • Reputationshouldbetruereflectionofpastbehavior. [3]. PowerTrust [6] is based on assumption of the power • Reputation must be aggregated in the whole net- law network. In it local trust is aggregated similarly to the work. Eigentrust[3]exceptpre-trustedpeersarereplacedbymost • The system should be robust to the malicious peers reputable peers in the network. These reputable peers are withasmanyattackersmodelaspossible. searchedandelecteddynamicallyinthenetwork.Allabove • LoadBalance: Systemshouldnot overloadonly few trustmodels[2][3][4][5][6]areforstructurednetworkand peersinnetwork. DHTisusedforefficientlocationoftrustholderpeers. • Adaptivetopeerdynamics In unstructured network, global trust is calculated by • FastConvergenceSpeed floating the query for local trust in the network. The peer, • Loweroverhead/messagecomplexity who wants to calculate the global trust, waits for the feed- • NoCentralauthority back upto some time. Then the calculation of global trust In this paper, we propose a metric and an aggregation is performed with these limited number of feedback given algorithm which truly capture the past behavior of the by some of the peers. Gossip Trust [7] used same metric peers.Theproposedaggregationalgorithmdoesnotrequire as in [3] and local trust valuesare gossipedin the network anykindof normalizationhence it automaticallymeetsthe similarly to randomized gossip algorithm in [17]. In Scal- above design considerations. It is purelydecentralized and ableFeedbackAggregation(SFA)[9],thetrustworthinessis doesnotrequireanykindofcentralauthorityorpre-trusted calculatedby weighted average of local trust and feedback peers or power nodes. The Absolute Trust is based on the takenbyfewofthepeers.Antoninoetal.proposedaflow- conceptofweightedaveragingandscalingoflocaltrust.Itis basedreputation[10] whichis modified versionof [3]. It is calculatedrecursivelyinthewholenetworktillitconverges. only for centralize systems. Wang and Vassileva proposed We will show that it will converge at some unique global a Bayesian Trust Model [24] in which, different aspect of value and can be calculated distributively in the whole peerbehavioraremodelledindifferentsituations.Damiani networkbyallthepeers.Oursimulationresultsshowthatit et al proposed a system [25] for managing and sharing gives betterauthenticdownloading performance and more the servent’s reputation in which peers poll other peers uniform load distributions among good peers with lesser by broadcasting a request for opinion. In another similar messagecomplexity. approach [26] Damiani et al. considered the reputation of Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 both peers and resources, but credibility of voter was not represents the past work done on reputation systems. In consideredinboththeapproaches. 3 3 PROPOSED TRUST MODEL Inthismodelofpeertopeernetwork,thepeersareassumed to exchange only the files as the resource . With suitable modification, the same model can also be used for other kind of resources. We will define the basic trust metric, namely local trust, which is the raw data used for the calculation of global trust, which the trust, system as a whole keeps on an individual peer. Later we will give an algorithmfortheaggregationofthelocaltrustsinthewhole networktogenerateglobaltrustvalue. (a)One-to-Many (b)Many-to-One 3.1 LocalTrust Typically peer’s satisfaction after a transaction can be clas- sifiedassatisfied,neutralorunsatisfied.Wecanalsodefine manyotherlevels, butfor simplicityonlythree levels have beenassumed.Letpeeridownloadsomefilesfrom peerj, thenpeericanassignalocaltrustvaluetopeerj as n w +n w +n w g g n n b b T = . ij n t (c)One-to-One where, Figure1:Differentwaysofevaluation n =Numberofsatisfactroyfiles, g n =Numberofaverageorneutralfiles, n n =Numberofunsatisfactroyfiles, b n =TotalNumberofdownloadedfiles, aggregationprocesswillremainsame.Incaseoffreeriding, t w =Weigthtfactorforsatisfactroyfiles, one can define the metric for local trust in many different g w =Weightfactorforaverageorneutralfiles, ways. In the next section, above issues are not discussed n w =Weightfactorforunsatisfactroyfiles, and we focus only on the information aggregation in the b network. Let us assume that the variation of weight factor varies linearlyfromunsatisfactoryfiletosatisfactoryfile,then w +w 3.2 AbsoluteTrust:AlgorithmforAggregation g b w = . n 2 Inanyevaluationprocess,therearetwoparties,onewhois Onsimplification, evaluating;wewillcallittheevaluator,andtheonewhois n w +(n −n −n )(wg+wb) +n w being evaluated; we will call it the evaluatee. Reliabilityof T = g g t g b 2 b b evaluationdependsonwhoisevaluating,anditvariesfrom ij n t person to person. It is said to be more reliable if it is done (cid:2) (cid:3) byacompetentevaluator. 1 T = [(n −n +n )w +(n −n +n )w ] ij 2n g b t g b g t b There are three different scenario in the evaluation as t shown in figure 1. One-to-many: one person is evaluating 1 T = [(x−y+1)w +(y−x+1)w ] (1) many persons; many-to-one: many persons are evaluating ij g b 2 one person; and one-to-one: one person is evaluating an- where, other person. In one-to-many scenario, since evaluation is x=Fractionofsatisfactoryfiles,and done byonlyone person, the evaluationcanbe considered y =Fractionofunsatisfactoryfiles. to be uniform. Furtherthe evaluatedmetriccan be linearly scaled up or down. In many-to-one evaluation since one Thismetricwillensurethatlocaltrustvaluewillremain person is evaluated by many persons so there are chances between w and w . For example if peer i download 100 of contradictions. At the same time, the opinion of any g b filesfrompeerAandB,andAprovide20satisfactoryfiles, evaluatorcannotbeignored. Thus,thebestwaytoresolve 40 unsatisfactory files and rest average files while peer B the contradiction is to take the weighted average of all the provide 30 satisfactoryfiles, 60 unsatisfactoryfiles and rest evaluators’opinions,whileassigningmoreweighttoamore averagefiles;assumingthatweight factor ofgood file is 10 competent evaluator. In one-to-one evaluation, there is no andthatisforbadfileis1,thenT =4.6andT =4.15 directcomparisonoftwoevaluationsbecausetheevaluator iA iB Many author argue that there are many other factors andevaluateebothare different. Inorder tocompare these which can influence the local trust value like amount of evaluationsitisessentialtomakethemuniformwithrespect transactions, date of transactions, number of transactions to evaluator. Again based on the concept that competent etc. [4] [5] [9] [11]. We agree with their arguments which evaluator’s evaluation will be more accurate, we can bias can also be considered in our case. But in all the cases, the these evaluationby a weight factor which must be propor- 4 tional in some sense to the competence of evaluator. This 10 biascanbegivenby w =1 e Eval uniform out=[(Eval value in)p.(we)q]p+1q (2) we =2 8 w =3 where, Eval value in is evaluationdone by an individual ut we =4 o e evaluator, w is weight factor assigned to this evaluator, e m we =5 Eval uniform out is output uniform evaluation and p , r 6 w =6 o e qarIefspu=itaqb,lythcehnosEenvaclonusntaifnotsr.m out is geometric meanof nif we =7 u w =8 w andEval value in.Ifwetakeq =α.pthen e e al 4 we =9 v Eval uniform out=[(Eval value in).(we)α]1+1α E we =10 The impact of w and α can be seen in figure 2(a), (b) and e 2 (c).Inthesefigures,wecanseethatEval uniform outin- creasesfasterwithincreasingEval uniform inforhigher 2 4 6 8 10 valuesofw andforlowervaluesofα. Thetransformation e suppresses the reputation reported by less reputed peers, Eval value in because the suppression is higher for lesser weight factor (a)α=1/2 w . Also Eval uniform out is monotonically increasing e withEval uniform in. 10 Now let there be N peers in the network, and they are we =1 interactingwitheachother.Ifanypeeritakestheserviceof we =2 anypeerjthenicanevaluatej′strustaccordingtoequation 8 we =3 t 1.Eachicanevaluateallsuchj independentlyandthereis u w =4 o e no need of any modification in them, because it is one-to- m we =5 many evaluation. We are aggregating the values of these r 6 w =6 o e one-to-many evaluations (local trust) resulting in estimate nif we =7 ofabsoluteglobaltrust. u w =8 e al 4 we =9 Each peer is also providing services to many other v E we =10 peers, and is being evaluated by them. This is many-to- one evaluation. The aggregated trust values after this step 2 willbeweightedaverageofallthelocaltrustestimates.The weight factor can be chosen in many different ways, but global trust of an individual peer will be best choice to be 2 4 6 8 10 used as a weight. Many authors argue that a good service Eval value in provider may not be a good feedback provider [4] [9] [11]. (b)α=1/3 But we argue that until peers are not in the competition, a good service provider will be most likely a good feedback 10 provider. So we have taken global trust of peers as the w =1 e weight factor for the purpose of aggregation of local trust. w =2 e Henceglobaltrust,ti ofanypeeriisgivenby t 8 we =3 u w =4 T t o e ti = j∈Si ji j ∀i. (3) m we =5 P j∈Sitj or 6 we =6 Here,Si isasetofpeePrsgettingservicesfrom peeri,Tji is nif we =7 localtrustofpeerievaluatedbypeerj,tj isglobaltrustof u we =8 peerj.Equation3canberearrangedas al 4 we =9 v E we =10 T t t = j∈Si ji j i e .C.t P i 2 = (e Ct)−1T t i ji j jX∈Si 2 4 6 8 10 Eval value in These set of N equations can be written in the form of matrixas (c)α=1/4 t=[diag(e Ct,e Ct,.....e Ct)]−1Ttt Figure 2: Transformation curve, taking evaluated value of 1 2 N trust as a input and uniform evaluated trust value as a where, t is global reputation vector, T is trust matrix, its outputshownfordifferentvaluesofα T element is local trust value of peer j assigned by peer ij 5 i. The element T is zero if there is no interaction among ij peeriandpeerj,eiisrowvectorwithithentryas1andall t=(D.Tt.t)1+1α. others are zero, C is incidence matrix corresponding to Tt im.ea.tirfixTjTi.>0,thenCij =1,elseCij =0.Tt istransposeof D(ei(.eiCsi..Cda.ita)g(d1(t+i)aα.tg))oαna,dl iamga(ttr)ixi,sNwXithN ditisagiotnhalemleamtreinx,twditihiatss It is clear from equation 3 that value of ti will remain (cid:2)iith elementast(cid:3)i andα=q/p.Restallhavesamemeaning betweenminimumandmaximumvalueoflocaltrustgiven as mentioned above. Power of the vector is defined as the bypeersbelongingtoS. powerofitsindividualelement. Nowinthewholenetworkeverypeerisevaluatedbya In this set, there are N unknowns and N non-linear different set. If the sets can be represented equivalently as equations, hence we can not state any thing directly about a singlepeer, thenit is sameasone-to-one evaluation.This the solution of these equations. However we will show in evaluation can be made uniform using equation 2. To give next section that there exist a unique positive global trust the equivalent globaltrust of the set, consider a set S of m vector,correspondingtothesesetofequations.Wecanfind peers with global trust valuest ,t ......t . The globaltrust the solution iteratively. In each iteration, we are taking a 1 2 m ofthesetmustbedominatedbythemoretrustworthypeers wider view of global trust of any peer i in the network. because we are giving more weight to their opinion. With Insubsection5.1,speedofconvergencehasbeendiscussed. the notion of weighted average, intuitively, we can define We can see directly from figure 3 that the convergence is theglobaltrustofthesetas more rapid in the initial iterations. This shows that, in the calculationofglobaltrustwearegivingmoreweightageto t2 j∈S j the one hop neighbors andthe weightagedecreasesashop t = . (4) s t countsareincreasing. Pj∈S j ThisequationissimilartoeqPuation3.Here,weareensuring that global trust of a set will be dominated by the peers 4 EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF GLOBAL having higher global trust value. It will always be in be- TRUST tweentheminimumandmaximumvaluesofglobaltrustof Weareproposingfollowing lemmasandtheoremstoshow the members of set S. The global trust, ti, of a peer i, can the existence and uniqueness of global trust vector. Few be biased by the global trust, tsi, of trust assigning set Si definitionswhichwillbeusedinthissection. according to equation 2, then the modified global trust of peericanbewrittenas Definition 1. A vector v or matrix M is said to be ti =[tip.tsiq](p+1q) ; ppoossiittiivvee//nnoonnnneeggaattiivveeainfdirtseale.ach element vi or Mij is T t p t2 q (p+1q) Definition2. Avectorv′/matrixM′ issaidtobelessthan ti =" Pj∈jS∈iSijtij j! . Pjj∈∈SSiitjj! # (5) v′′/M′′ ifitseachelementvi′/Mi′j islessthanvi′′/Mij′′. Equation 5 wiPll be the true rePflection of past behavior Lemma 1. LetzbeapositivevectorinRN,suchthatz=f(t), of peer i in the whole system. This equation will give us α withitsith elementas ti(eiCt) .t .Then∃atleastone theabsoluteinterpretationofglobaltrustvalueofanypeer. (eiC.diag(t).t) i We have made it uniform by using a biasing factor t . We (cid:20)′ ′′ (cid:21) ′′ ′ s pairofpositivevectorst andt suchthat,ift >t ,then cannowdirectlycomparetheglobaltrustvaluesofanytwo ′′ ′ peers.Equation5canberearrangedas f(t )>f(t ) q/p 1 whereαisanarbitraryrationalnumber. T t t2 (1+q/p) ti =" Pj∈jS∈iSijtij j!. Pjj∈∈SSiitjj! # PWrohoefr.eLeetisusacvoencstiodrerwtiwthoavlelcetloermsetn′t=s aas.e’1a’,nadatn′′d=bba.ree. P P 1 scalarsuchthatb>a>0.Thenith elementofvectorf(t′) ( t2)q/p (1+q/p) =" ( Pj∈jS∈iStij)j(1+q/p)!. jX∈SiTjitj!# fi(t′)= (e Ct.′id(eiaiCg(tt′)′).t′) α.t′i P 1 (cid:20) i (cid:21) (e .C.diag(t).t)α (1+α) a(m.a) α = i . T t f (t′)= .a " (ei.C.t)(1+α) ! jX∈Si ji j!# i (cid:20)(m.a2)(cid:21) ′ f (t)=a 1 i = (ei.C.diag(t).t)α . T . t (1+α) heremisnumberof′1′ inith rowofincidencematrixC. "jX∈Si (ei.C.t)(1+α) ! ji! j!# Similarly ′′ f (t )=b There are N nodes in the network, i = 1,2,.....N, so i ′ ′′ thesesetofN equationscanbewrittenintheformofmatrix hence ∃ a pair of positive vectors t and t satisfying the asfollows condition. 6 where a ,a and a are some scalers, adding 6, 7 with all 1 2 3 combinationsof8willresult Lemma 2. Let A and B be NXN non negative, irreducible matriceswith spectralradius’1’,andcorrespondingeigenvector lim (A−B)k−1x≈bv (9) v. Then for any vector x; having at least one component along k→∞ vectorv. herebisalinearcombinationofa1,a2 andalla3.Nowpre- multiplyingequation9by(A−B), lim (M .M .M ........M )x=c.v k→∞ 1 2 3 k (A−B)(A−B)k−1x=(A−B)bv=(v−v)b=0 HereMicanbeAorBforallifrom1tokandcisanyscalar.A Hence andBaresuchthat(M1.M2.M3........Mk)isalsoirreducible. lim (A−B)kx=0 k→∞ Proof. Let the eigen vectors of matrix A and B are v,v2,v3,......vN and v,u2,u3,.....vN. Then any vector x; having at least one component along vector v, can be Theorem 2. Let A,A1,A2......Am be NXN non negative, expressedas irreduciblematrices,withspectralradius1,λ ,λ ......λ respec- 1 2 m tively.Letthecorrespondingeigenvectorforalltheabovematrices x=a v+a v +.......a v 1 2 2 N N bev.Thenforanyvectorx. and lim (A +A +.....A −A)kx=0 x=b1v+b2u2+......bNuN k→∞ 1 2 m whenthis vectorwillpassthroughmatrix AandB thenit if|λ1+λ2+......λm−1|<1 willbe Proof. Let M=(A +A +.......+A ) Ax=a v+a λ v +.....+a λ v 1 2 m 1 2 2 2 N N N then and M.v=(A +A +.......+A ).v Bx=b v+b γ u +......+n γ u 1 2 m 1 2 2 2 N N N =(λ +λ +......+λ ).v=λ.v 1 2 m where λ ,λ ......λ and γ ,γ ......γ are eigen values of 2 3 N 2 3 N matrix A and B respectively. If it will again pass through hencevisalsoaneigenvectorofmatrixMandcorrespond- any of A and B, then vector v will remain as it is ing eigen value is λ. Matrix M is the sum of non negative, and magnitude of all other vectors will decrease because irreduciblematricesA1,A2......Am thereforeMisalsonon 1 > |λ | > |λ |.... > |λ | and 1 > |γ | > |γ |...... > |γ | negative and irreducible. So we can conclude that spectral 2 3 N 2 3 N (see[16]).Thus radiusofmatrixMisλ. FurtherMcanbewrittenas BAx=a v+δav+L.O.M.O.u ,u ,....u 1 2 3 N M (λ−1)M M= + and λ λ (cid:20) (cid:21) ABx=b v+δbv+L.O.M.Ov ,v ,......v =[B+N] 2 2 3 N L.O.M.O. means ”lower order magnitude of”. Repeating here B is M/λ and N is (λ − 1)M/λ. Matrix B and N thisoperationkth timesinanyorderwewillget are scalar multiple of non negative irreducible matrix M therefore matrix B and N also follow the properties of lim (M .M .M ........M )x=c.v 1 2 3 k non negative irreducible matrices. Hence spectral radius k→∞ of matrix B and N is ’1’ and |λ − 1| respectively and whereMi canbeAorBforallifrom1tok correspondingeigenvectorisv. If|λ−1|<1then Theorem 1. Let A and B be NXN non negative, irreducible lim Nkx=0, (10) matriceswith spectralradius’1’,andcorrespondingeigenvector k→∞ v.ThenforanyvectorxinRN andfromTheorem1 lim (A−B)kx=0 lim (B−A)kx=0. (11) k→∞ k→∞ In fact when vector x is passed through any of N or Proof. InLemma2letMi =Aforalli,then (B−A)itsmagnitudedecreases,andatk →∞,itbecome lim Ak−1x≈a v, (6) zero.Soingeneralwecanwrite 1 k→∞ andifMi =Bforalli,then kl→im∞(M1.M2.M3........Mk)x=0 (12) lim Bk−1x≈a2v (7) where Mi can be any of N or (B−A). Adding all the k→∞ combinationsofequation12withequation10andequation ifMi istakenrandomlyAorB,then 11,wewillget lim (A.B......B.A...(k−1)times)x≈a v (8) lim (N+(B−A))kx=0 3 k→∞ k→∞ 7 or where tk is the value of vector t in kth iteration and φ is the lim (M−A)kx=0 iterative function from RN → RN. The error in vector t will k→∞ convergebythefactor 1+α ineveryiteration. α hence lim (A1+A2+.....Am−A)kx=0 Proof. Letusrearrangetheiterativefunctionφ(tk−1) k→∞ if|λ−1|<1or|λ +λ +......λ −1|<1. tk =φ(tk−1) 1 2 m =[D(tk−1).Tt.tk−1)]1+1α (13) Theorem 3. let T be NXN non negative, irreducible matrix =[diag(d1,d2....dN)Tt.tk−1]1+1α then,∃apositivevectortsuchthat where (t)1+α =(D.Tt.t) e C.diag(tk−1).tk−1 α i DeiCis.diadgia(tg)o.tnaαl .matrix, with its ith element di as di = (cid:0) eiCtk−1 (1+α) (cid:1) ! (1+α) (cid:20)(cid:0) eiCt (cid:1) (cid:21) Thenith elementoftk w(cid:0)illbe (cid:1) Proo(cid:0)f. Re(cid:1)lation(t)1+α =(D.Tt.t)canbewrittenas Ttt=D−1(t)1+α =y e Tt.tk−1 e C.diag(tk−1).tk−1 α 1+1α tk = i i awshereyi =(cid:20)(ei(Cei.Cdita)g(1(+t)α.)t)α(cid:21)t1i+α.Further,yicanbewritten i "(cid:0)eiTt.tk−1(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:0)e1+i1Cαteki−C1.(cid:1)d1+iaαg(tk−1).tk(cid:1)−1# 1+αα (14) (e Ct)α = yi =(eiCt) (e C.diiag(t).t)α t1i+α "(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0)eiCtk−1 (cid:1) # (cid:20) i (cid:21) t (e Ct) α Lettki andtik−1are,far(cid:0)fromactu(cid:1)alsolutiontibyδtki and =(eiCt) e Ci.diiag(t).t ti δtik−1 respectively,then (cid:20) i (cid:21) =(eiCt).fi(t) t +δtk = eiTt.(t+δtk−1) 1+1α . =ei(fi(t)C).t i i "(cid:0) eiC(t+δtk−1(cid:1)) # hencevectorycanbewrittenas [(cid:0)eiC.diag(t+δt(cid:1)k−1).(t+δtk−1) 1+αα] y=F(t).t (cid:0) (cid:1) wmhaterriexmCaatrnidxFth(etr)ehfoarsenaotnsazmeroepeloesmiteionntsaastTsatm,itespijoseilteiomneanst = eiTt.t 1+1α eiC.diag(t).t 1+αα . (1+ ei.eTit.T.δtt.kt−1)1+1α . Fij(t)isfi(t),hence "(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0)eiCt (cid:1) #" (1+ ei.eCi..Cδt.kt−1) # Tt.t=F(t).t 2ei.C.diag(t)(cid:0).δtk−(cid:1)1 ei.C.diag(δtk−1).δtk−1 1+αα 1+ + Now,∃apositivevectort′,suchthatf (t′)≤min(T >0). "(cid:18) ei.C.diag(t).t ei.C.diag(t).t (cid:19) # i ij ′ Forsucht , Since δtk−1 << t hence we can neglect the higher order Tt.t′ >F(t′).t′. termsofδtk−1. ForAsulscoh∃t′a′,positivevTetc.tto′r′ <t′′,Fs(utc′′h).tth′′atfi(t′′)≥max(Tij), ≈"(cid:0)eiTt.t(cid:1)1+1α(cid:0)eeiiCC.tdiag(t).t(cid:1)1+αα#."(1(+1+ei.eTeiit..TeC.δitt..Cδ.ktt−.kt1−)11)+1α#. function f is continuous and from Lemma 1 there exist a (cid:0) (cid:1) 2ei.C.diag(t).δtk−1 1+αα fp(att′h).frHoemncfe(,t∃′)atopof(stit′′iv)esuvcehctothrattbifettw′′e>entt′,′tahnedntf′(′t,′s′u)c>h "(cid:18)1+ ei.C.diag(t).t (cid:19) # that Usingequation14 Tt.t=F(t).t hence∃apositiveve(ctt)o1r+tα,=suc(hDt.hTatt.t) =ti."(1(+1+ei.eTeiit..TC.δtt..δktt−k1−)11)+1α#. ei.C.t 2ei.C.diag(t).δtk−1 1+αα 1+ Theorem4. Vectortintheorem3isuniqueandcanbecalculated "(cid:18) ei.C.diag(t).t (cid:19) # byiterativefunction Using binomial expansion and neglecting higher order tk =φ(tk−1)=[D(tk−1).Tt.tk−1)]1+1α, termsofδtk−1 8 (1+ ei.Tt.δtk−1 ) = [X + Y − Z].δtk−1 ≈t . (1+α)ei.Tt.t . i i i i " (1+ ei.eCi..Cδt.kt−1) # WhereXi,Yi andZi areith rowofNXN matrixX,Yand 2αe .C.diag(t).δtk−1 Zrespectively,itisclearfromtheabovethat i 1+ "(cid:18) (1+α)ei.C.diag(t).t(cid:19)# Xt= 1 .t, 1+α 2α δtki =ti. Yt= 1+α.t "(cid:0)11++(e1ei+i..TeCαit)...eCδδitt..ktkT−−t11.t(cid:1)(cid:18)1+ 2(1αe+i.αC).edii.Cag.d(ti)a.gδt(kt)−.1t(cid:19)#−ti and Zt=1.t, where, (cid:0) (cid:1) δtki =ti. X,Y,Z,t>0 1+ (e1i+.Tαt).eδit.kT−t1.t 1+ 2αei.C.diag(t).δtk−1 −1 Matrices X,Y,Z have non zero elements at same position "(cid:0)(1+ ei.eCi..Cδt.kt−1)(cid:1)(cid:18) (1+α)ei.C.diag(t).t(cid:19) # aspsemctartarlixraTditu,shoenfcXe,aYlltahnedseZawreilallbsoeirr1ed,uc2iαblea.nTdh1e.refore 1+α 1+α Now δtk =(X+Y−Z)δtk−1 =t . i e .Tt.δtk−1 2αe .C.diag(t).δtk−1 Ifinitialerrorintisδt0 then i i 1+ 1+ " (1+α)ei.Tt.t! (1+α)ei.C.diag(t).t! limk→∞δtk =limk→∞(X+Y−Z)kδt0 e .C.δtk−1 e .C.δtk−1 i i − 1+ 1+ DirectlyfromTheorem2 ei.C.t !#, ei.C.t ! limk→∞(X+Y−Z)kδt0 =0 Approximatingthedenominatorterm 1+ei.C.δtk−1 ≈1 ei.C.t (cid:18) (cid:19) ⇒limk→∞δtk =0 ≈ti. if 1 2α e .Tt.δtk−1 2αe .C.diag(t).δtk−1 | + −1|<1 i + i 1+α 1+α " (1+α)ei.Tt.t! (1+α)ei.C.diag(t).t! α ⇒ <1 e .Tt.δtk−1 2αe .C.diag(t).δtk−1 1+α i i + . (1+α)ei.Tt.t! (1+α)ei.C.diag(t).t! Whichistrueforanyα>0 − ei.C.δtk−1 In every step error will decrease by a factor of 1+αα . ei.C.t !# Vector t will converge fast if value of α is small. Hence speedofconvergencewillbe Againneglectinghigherordertermsofδtk−1 1+α = α ≈t . i ei.Tt.δtk−1 2αei.C.diag(t).δtk−1 Intheorem4ifα=q/pthenith elementofvectortwill + " (1+α)ei.Tt.t! (1+α)e−i.C .edii.aeCgi..C(δtt).kt.−t1!!# be ti = (cid:0)ei(Cei.dCita)g(1(+t)pq.t)(cid:1)pq (eiTtt)!1+1pq 1 e C.diag(t).t q e Ttt p p+q i i = = (cid:18) eiCt (cid:19) (cid:18)eiCt (cid:19) ! ti.ei.Tt + 2α.ti.ei.C.diag(t) T t p t2 q (p+1q) " (1+α)ei.Tt.t! (1+α)ei.C.diag(t).t! ti = j∈S ji j . j∈S j " P j∈Stj ! Pj∈Stj! # t .e .C − i i .δtk−1 Which is equationP5 hence globaPl trust exists, and can be ei.C.t!# calculatedbyaboveequation. 9 0.6 choosing TTL value. A requesting peer will wait for a α=1 time greater than 2xTTL. If no response is received within α=1/2 waiting period, the query can be made again with larger α=1/3 TTL value. After getting the response from the network, a 0.4 α=1/4 peer can select the most reputed peer as the source peer α=1/5 and can download the required file. In order to balance al u the load of the network, a peer can select the set of peers d si whoseglobaltrustismorethantheGlobal ref andthenthe e R source peer can be selected probabilistically among them. 0.2 The probability of selecting any peer as a source can be takentobeproportionaltoitsglobaltrust.Thisstrategyhas twofold effects, one is to allow only the reputable peer to become the source, and another balancing the load among 0 the reputable peers. After selecting the source peer and 0 5 10 15 20 gettingthefilefromit,apeercanevaluatequalityoffileand cansendthefeedbacktothe peersholding the trustvalues Numberofiterations ofsourcepeer.Hereitisimportanttonotethatiflocaltrust ofanysourcepeerisupdatedthenitwillnoteffectthelocal Figure 3: Convergence of Algorithm for different values of trust of other co-source peers, and peer needs to send the α updatedfeedbackofonlythatsourcepeerwhoselocaltrust is being updated. However in normalization methods [3] 5 ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM [6], if local trust value of any source peer is updated then local trust value of all other source peers also have to be 5.1 SpeedofConvergence updated. Because in normalization method, sum of all the Figure 3 shows the speedof convergence of our algorithm, trustvaluesassignedbyanypeertoallitssourcepeershave graph is plotted for the average value of residue of global tobeone.Thisguaranteestheconvergenceofglobaltrustin trustatanynodeastheiterationsperforms,i.e. normalizationmethod.Letaveragenumberofsourcepeers 1 per peer is avg source then in one update of local trust ||tk−tk−1|| N 1 we are savingavg source−1 number of messages, which is very significant for the whole network. In this process, Wecanseefrom thefigurethatasαisdecreasingitsspeed if all of the responding peers have a global trust less than of convergence is increasing. For α ≤ 1/3, it is converging Global ref thenallof them canbe rejectedandrequesting inlessthenseveniterations.Lowervalueofαmeanshigher peercango for anothersearchbyincreasingthe TTLvalue value of p compare to q. Higher p means more weightage ofquery.ThereshouldbeanupperlimitonTTL,afterwhich to first term, which is weighted average of trust value peershouldstopandterminatethequeryprocess. informed one hop neighbors. Lower q means lesserweight Global trust can be updated by each trust holder peer to second term which is equivalent global trust of trust according to algorithm 2. It is similar to update method assigning set S. But there is trade-off between these two. used in [3] [6]. To calculate the global trust value of any First term is used to settle the conflicts among direct trust peer,trust holderpeerneedstoknowthelocaltrustvalues assigningpeers,and second term is usedtobias the global of that peer and the current global trust value of trust trustofpeeraccordingtoglobaltrustofthetrustassigning assigning peers. Trust assigning peers will send the local set. The globaltrust of individual members of set is biased trust values of source peers to their trust holder peers and by their trust assigning set respectively, and so on. Hence trust holder peers will ask the current global trust values second factor is taking the opinion from the whole of the of trust assigning peers from their respective trust holder network. We cannot neglect the opinionofother peersbut peers.Thisprocessisrepeatedtilltheconvergenceofglobal we also need faster convergence of the algorithm. Because trust see algorithm 2. For security purpose, more than one higher the speedof convergence, lesserwillbe the number peers can manage the global trust of a particular peer. ofmessageneededtoupdatetheglobaltrust. Againhere,itisimportanttonotethatnumberofiterations required to converge the global trust will be maximum in 5.2 ImplementationinDistributedSystem first time only. In all successive updates global trust will Algorithm 1 describes how the requesting peers can select converge more faster since initial guess of global trust will thepeerfrom whomtodownload.Wewillcalltheselected be more close to the final global trust value. Global trust peers as source peers. Each peer can set the Global ref, a willconvergeforanyinitialvalueofglobaltrustvector,t0. reference value of global trust, to decide whether to select Butwehavetoensurethat,atleastonecomponentofglobal a peer as a source peer or not. If global trust of any peer trust vector, t0, must be along the final global trust vector, is less than Global ref, then it should not be selected t, see section 4. We can ensure this by taking initial global as a source. The requesting peers initiates a query for a trustvalueforallpeersas(w g+w b)/2. resources. Each query is given a TTL value. Whenever a So far we have discussed that how to aggregate the query is forwarded, its TTL value is decremented. When globaltrustfromlocaltrustandinpeerselectionprocedure TTL becomes zero, the query is not forwarded anymore. we are considering only the global trust. However global The requesting peer can control the scope of query by trust is more significant if peer has no past history with 10 any of responding peer. If peer has some past history with Algorithm2ForupdatingtheGlobalTrustofpeers any one of them then decision of selection of source peer 1: Input:LocalTrustvaluesofpeers can be done according to βti + (1 − β)Tji. It is convex 2: Output:Globaltrustontrustholderpeers combination of global trust of peer and local trust value 3: procedure assignedbyrequestingpeertorespondingpeerinpast.The 4: for eachpeeri do valueofparameterβ canbeselectedbypeerdependingon 5: forallpeerj,whoisselectedassourcepeerdo itsconfidenceonrespondingpeer. 6: Evaluatethereceivedfile; 7: Assign the Local Trust value between w b to Algorithm1Forselectionofsourcepeer w g; 1: procedure 8: Send the local Trust to trust holder peer of 2: Global ref ← (w g+w b) peerj; 2 3: TTL←Const. 9: endfor 4: top: 10: if Peeriistrustholderpeerofpeerkthen 5: SetTime Counter≥2∗TTL 11: forall peerj,whoselectedkasasourcepeer 6: i←0 do 7: SendthequeryforrequiredfileinNetwork; 12: ReceivetheLocalTrustvaluesTkj; 8: whilei≤Time Counter do 13: Locatetheirtrustholderpeer; 9: Waitforresponsefromthenetwork; 14: endfor 10: i←i+1; 15: Initialization; 11: endwhile 16: Setp,q,previous tk,threshold; 12: ifNumber of responding peers==0then 17: whileerror ≥thresholddo 13: ifTTL≥(TTL)upper then 18: ReceivetheGlobalTrusttj fromtheirtrust 14: Terminatethequeryprocess; holderpeer; 15: else 19: Compute p q 1 1176:: gInoctroeatospeTTL; 20: tk ←" PPj∈jS∈STjtkjtj! . PPjj∈∈SStt2jj! #(p+q) 18: endif 19: else 21: error ←|tk−previous tk| 20: GettheGlobal Trustofalltherespondingpeers 22: previous tk ←tk 23: endwhile fromtheirtrustholderpeer; 24: endif 21: SelectthepeerwithmaximumGlobal Trust; 25: endfor 22: ifGlobal Trust≥Global ref then 26: endprocedure 23: Downloadtherequiredfile; 24: Evaluatethefile; Table2:Valuesofvariousparameterswhichweusedinour 25: Send the feedback to trust holder peer of simulation sourcepeer; 26: Stop; S.N. Parameter Description Value 27: else 1 N NumberofPeersinNetwork 100 28: ifTTL≥(TTL)upper then 2 Num file NumberofdifferentfilesinNet- 1000 29: Terminatethequeryprocess; work Total number of transaction in 30: else 3 Num transact 10000 network 31: IncreaseTTL; 4 γ Zipf’sConstant 0.4 32: gototop 5 p Seefromequation5 3 33: endif 6 q Seefromequation5 1 34: endif 7 w b Weightfactorforunsatisfactory 1 file 35: endif Weight factor for satisfactory 8 w g 10 36: endprocedure file ThresholdvalueofGlobalTrust 9 Global ref 5.5 forgoodpeers 6 EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION behavioralconditionsofpeersinthenetwork.Itisexplained Referring to [9] and [18], we used NetLogo 5.2 [19], to innextsubsections. evaluate the performance of our algorithm. NetLogo is a multi-agent programmable modeling environment where 6.1 Simulationsetup we can model the different agents and can ask them to performthetaskinparallelandindependently.Itiswritten We simulate a typical p2p network with parameters and mostlyinScala,withsomepartsinJava.Wealsosimulated distribution taken from real world measurements [20]. We andcomparedourresultwithtwomostpopularreputation usedpercentageofauthenticdownloadasastandardmetric system Eigen Trust [3] and Power Trust [6]. We found to evaluate and compare the performance of reputation that our algorithm is giving better performance in various systems.Inthismodel,peercanissueaqueryforparticular

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