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Absolute polarimetry at RHIC H. Okada1, , I. Alekseev†, A. Bravar2, , G. Bunce ,‡, S. Dhawan§, ∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ K.O. Eyser3,¶, R. Gill , W. Haeberli , H. Huang , O. Jinnouchi4,‡, ∗∗ k ∗∗ Y. Makdisi , I. Nakagawa††, A. Nass5, , N. Saito6, , E. Stephenson‡‡, ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗ D. Sviridia†, T. Wise , J. Wood and A. Zelenski 8 k ∗∗ ∗∗ 0 0 KyotoUniversity,Sakyo-ku,Kyoto606-8502,Japan ∗ 2 †InstituteforTheoreticalandExperimentalPhysics(ITEP),117259Moscow,Russia BrookhavenNationalLaboratory,Upton,NY11973,USA n ∗∗ a ‡RIKENBNLResearchCenter,Upton,NY11973,USA J §YaleUniversity,NewHaven,CT06520,USA 9 ¶UniversityofCalifornia,Riverside,CA92521,USA kUniversityofWisconsin,Madison,WI53706,USA ] ††RIKEN,Wako,JAPAN x ‡‡IndianaUniversityCyclotronFacility,Bloomington,IN47408,USA e - l c Abstract. Precise and absolute beam polarization measurements are critical for the RHIC spin u physicsprogram.Because all experimentalspin-dependentresults are normalizedby beam polar- n ization,thenormalizationuncertaintycontributesdirectlytofinalphysicsuncertainties.We aimed [ toperformthebeampolarizationmeasurementtoanaccuracyofD Pbeam/Pbeam<5%. 2 The absolute polarimeter consists of Polarized Atomic Hydrogen Gas Jet Targetand left-right v pairs of silicon strip detectors and was installed in the RHIC-ring in 2004. This system features 9 proton-protonelasticscatteringintheCoulombnuclearinterference(CNI)region.Precisemeasure- 8 mentsoftheanalyzingpowerA ofthisprocesshasallowedustoachieveD P /P =4.2%in N beam beam 3 2005forthefirstlongspin-physicsrun. 1 In this report, we describe the entire set up and performanceof the system. The procedure of . 2 beampolarizationmeasurementandanalysisresultsfrom2004 2005aredescribed.Physicstopics 1 ofA intheCNIregion(four-momentumtransfersquared0.00−1< t<0.032(GeV/c)2)arealso N 7 discussed.Wepointoutthecurrentissuesandexpectedoptimumac−curacyin2006andthefuture. 0 : Keywords: Elasticscattering,spin,coulombnuclearinterference v PACS: 13.88.+e,13.85.Dz,29.27.Pj,29.27.Hj i X r Introduction a The RHIC spin physics program has been a unique opportunity and important com- ponent of the overall RHIC physics program. Essential to this spin program are the polarized proton beams to investigate spin-dependent structure in the nucleon. Several types of spin-dependent asymmetries in high energy proton-proton (pp) collisions pro- 1 Presentaddress:BrookhavenNationalLaboratory,Upton,NY11973,USA 2 Presentaddress:UniversityofGeneva,1205Geneva,Switzerland 3 Presentaddress:DeutschesElektronenSynchrotron,22607Hamburg,Germany 4 Presentaddress:KEK,Tukuba,Japan 5 Presentaddress:UniversityofErlangen,91058Erlangen,Germany 6 Presentaddress:KEK,Tukuba,Japan vide detailed studies of the structure of the proton at a new level of accuracy. Because all experimental results are normalized by beam polarization, P , the normalization beam uncertainty contributes directly to final physics uncertainties. Therefore accurate and absolutepolarization measurements are crucial. P is obtained from raw asymmetry, beam e , for the transversely polarized proton beam divided by analyzing power, A , of a beam N certain interactionasshowninEquation1. e beam P = (1) beam A N We aimed to achieve an accuracy of D P /P < 5% at any beam energy from beam beam injection (24 GeV/c) to flat-top (100 GeV/c and 250 GeV/c in the near future). Ideal interactionsforpolarimetryshouldsatisfythefollowingconditions: 1. well-knownormeasureableand non-zero analyzingpower, 2. high event rate interaction (large cross-section and/or thicker target) to save data takingtime, 3. similarkinematicsfordifferent beammomentaforcommondetectorset up. The elastic scattering of the polarized proton beam off a nuclear target A (p A ↑ → pA) in the Coulomb nuclear interference (CNI) region is an ideal process. We choose proton and carbon for A. A is a function of four-momentum transfer squared, t. N We are looking at very small t in the order of 10 3 (GeV/c) 2. We have two ty−pes − − − of polarimeters to meet above requirements. One is the RHIC pC-polarimeter, which satisfies item 2 and 3. This polarimeter serves as a semi-on-line beam polarization monitor during the RHIC-run period to tune up the beam acceleration. The RHIC pC polarimeter also provides fill-by-fill offline P results to experimental groups. beam However,its accuracy islimited(D P /P >20%)mainlydueto a difficultyof t beam beam − range measurement in pC elastic scattering. This difficulty is connected to the need to caliblateeach year.Theotherpolarimeter,thePolarizedAtomicHydrogenJetTarget Polarimeter (H-Jet polarimeter in short) serves as an absolute calibration of the RHIC pCpolarimeter.TheH-Jet polarimetersatisfies item1 and 3. In thisreport, we focus on theH-jet polarimeter.Details oftheRHIC pCpolarimeterare discussedin[1]. The pp elastic scattering process is 2-body exclusive scattering with identical parti- cles. A for the target polarization and the beam polarization should be same as shown N inEquation2. e e target beam A = = , (2) N −P P target beam e israwasymmetryfortheppelasticscatteringforthetransverselypolarizedproton target targetandP isawellcalibratedpolarizedprotontarget,whichwewilldiscusslater. target Therefore we can change the role of which is polarized between the target proton and thebeam proton.Thenthebeam polarizationismeasured as: e beam P = P . (3) beam targete − target ThebeautyoftheH-Jetpolarimeteristhatwecancancelthecommonfactorsofsystem- aticuncertaintyofe and e .By accumulatingenoughstatistics,D P /P target beam beam beam D P /P is realizable. AlthoughA does notappear explicitlyin Equation 3, pr≈e- target target N cisemeasurementsofA areveryimportanttoconfirmthattheH-Jetpolarimeterworks N properlyat anytime. In addition to polarimetry, precise measurements of A in the CNI region are im- N portant to understand the reaction mechanism completely. The pp elastic scattering is describedinspin-flipand non-fliptransitionamplitudes.Each amplitudeisasumofthe electro magneticandhadronicforces as functionsof√sand t.A isexpressedas, N − Im[f em(s,t)f had (s,t)+f had(s,t)f em(s,t)] A SF NF ∗ SF NF . (4) N ≈− f em(s,t)+f had(s,t) 2 | NF NF | The electro magnetic part of amplitudes (f em(s,t) and f em(s,t)) are precisely under- NF SF stood by quantum electrodynamics (QED). The hadronic part of the non-flip amplitude (f had(s,t)),whichisrelatedtotheunpolarizeddifferentialcross-sectionandtotalcross- NF section via the optical theorem at t = 0, is also understood very well. The first term of Equation 4 is calculable and ha−s a peak around t 0.003 (GeV/c)2 [2] which is − ≃ generated byproton’sanomalousmagneticmoment. However,thesecondterm,whichincludesf had(s,t),isnotwell-known.Thehadronic SF reaction in the CNI region is described by non-perturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and a precise prediction is not available. The presence of f had(s,t) should SF introduce a deviation in magnitude from the first term and, consequently, there is no precisepredictionofA .AninitialmeasurementofA intheCNIregionwasperformed N N by the E704 experiment at 200 GeV/c [3]. However, precision of data was insufficient forpolarimetry. In the followingsections,we will introducethe H-Jet target system,experimental set up and analysis procedures and then we will report on A results from RUN4. We will N also report on P from RUN5 which was the first long spin-physics run. Finally, we beam willdiscusscurrent issuesand expectedoptimumprecisionin 2006and thefuture. H-Jet-target system The system was installed in the RHIC-ring tunnel for the first time in March 2004. The commissioningwas successfully done. Assembly sequence of the systemhad been completed within 15 months [4, 5]. The H-Jet-target system is 3.5 m in height and approximately 3000 kg in weight. The target is a free atomic beam, comes from the top in Figure 1, and crosses the RHIC proton beams perpendicularly. In this report, we define the negative y-axis as the atomic beam direction and the positive z-axis is the RHIC proton beam direction. The velocity of the atomic beam is 1560 20 m/s [4] ± and negligible with respect to the RHIC beam. The H-Jet-target system is placed on rails along the x-axis. The entire system can be moved along the x-axis by 10 mm, ± in order to adjust the target center to the RHIC beam center. As Figure 1 displays, the systemconsistsofmainly3 partsincludingninevacuumchambersandninedifferential vacuumstages: 1. AtomicBeam Source, ABS: 1stto5th chambers.Polarize theatomichydrogen. 2. Scattering chamber: 6th chamber. Collisions between the target-proton and the beam-proton occur here. The recoil spectrometers are mounted on both sides of flanges. 3. Breit-Rabi Polarimeter, BRP: 7th to 9th chamber. Measure nuclear polarization, P . ± + - H = p + e H2dissociator |1> |2> |3> |4> Hyperfine state Sextupolemagnets system ABS separating focusing RF transitions (SFT, WFT) Nuclear polarization Holding Scattering P+ OR P- field magnet chamber Sextupolemagnets system BRP nd separating 2 RF transitions focusing for calibration Ion gauge beam detector FIGURE1. H-Jetsystemoverview. The polarization cycle was (+/0/ )=(500/50/500) seconds and Figure 2 displays a − sampleofthemeasuredP inthe2004commissioningrun[6]. H-Jet-target systemwas stable over the experimen±tal period. The mean values for nuclear polarization of the atoms: P =0.958 0.001. | ±| ± 1 r. a ol p 0.98 0.96 0.94 l P+ m -(P-) 0.92 0 5 10 15 20 time (h) FIGURE2. NuclearpolarizationmeasuredbyBRPin2004. The BRP measures the atomic hydrogen polarization, therefore we need to account for the effect on the polarization from background hydrogen molecules. Actually, there werestillsomemolecularhydrogeninthescatteringchamberandthemeasurementwas H /H 0.015[4].Thismeansthatthedilutionisabout3%intermsofhydrogenatoms. 2 ∼ Assumingthemolecularhydrogenisunpolarized,theeffectivetargetpolarizationinthe 2004commissioningrunwas P =0.924 0.018. target ± 6000 u.)16000 5000 nt (a.14000 u12000 .u.) 4000 nt Co10000 (a 3000 6.5 mm Eve 8000 e FWHM = 6.9 mm at 2000 6000 r 4000 1000 2000 2.5 mm 0 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10·0103 0 5 10 15 Position Gage position (mm) FIGURE3. Left:Atomicbeamprofilemeasurementsbythecompressiontubemethod.Right:Atomic beamprofilemeasurementsbyRHIC-beamandtherecoilspectrometer. Next,wedescribetheprofileandthedensityofatomicbeambriefly.Theatomicbeam profilewas measured witha2mmdiametercompressiontube.Theresultsare displayed in left side of Figure 3. At the center of the scattering chamber, the FWHM of the atomic beam is 6.5mm and agrees with the design value. Furthermore, we measured the target profile by fixing the RHIC beam (s 1 mm) position and moving the ∼ entire H-Jet-target system in 1.5 mm steps. The right side of Figure 3 displays event counts detected by recoil spectrometer versus position. Comparing left and right plots of Figure 3, the two independent measurements agree very well. The target profile measurementusingRHIC-beamisimportanttofindthebestcollisionpointandestimate the unpolarized background fraction. The total atomic beam intensity in the scattering chamberwasmeasuredtobe(12.4 0.2) 1016atoms/s[6].Takingthemeasuredatomic ± · beamintensity,velocityandprofile,thearealtargetthicknessalongRHICbeamaxis(the z-axis)wascalculated to be(1.3 0.2) 1012atoms/cm2 [4]. ± · Recoil spectrometer The left side of Figure 4 displays a schematic layout of the experimental set up to detectppelasticscatteringevents.Recoilprotonsweredetectedusinganarrayofsilicon detectorslocatedtotheleftandrightofthebeamatadistanceD 80cm.Threepairsof ≃ silicondetectorscoveredanazimuthalangleof15 centeredonthehorizontalmid-plane. ◦ Detectors were 70.4 50 mm2 in size, with a 4.4 mm read out pitch for a total of 16 × channelsperdetector.Wecoverrecoilprotonsofkineticenergyof0.6 T 17.0MeV. R The recoil angle, q , is obtained by the detector channel number in ≤ 5.5≤mrad steps. R ≃ ThisangularresolutioniscomparabletotheH-Jet-target size. The silicon detectors were 400 m m thick. Recoil protons with kinetic energies,T , R ∼ up to 7 MeV are fully absorbed. The energy calibration of the silicon detectors was performed using two a sources 241Am, 5.486 MeV (and 148Gd, 3.183 MeV for three out of six detectors). Resolution of T in the fully absorbed region is D T = 0.6 MeV. R R More energetic protons punched through the detectors, depositing only a fraction of their energy. Therefore T for punch-through protons needs to be corrected using the R detector thickness and tables for energy loss in silicon [7]. The 4-momentum transfer s)100 n F ( o T 80 Left side recoil detector 60 40 proton 20 target RHIC proton beam 0 Right side recoil detector 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 T (MeV) R FIGURE4. Left:Sketchofleft-rightpairofsilicondetectors.Right:ThecorrelationbetweenTOF and the incident energy,T , in one of the silicon detectors. Two solid lines correspondsto 8 nsec shifted R ± withrespecttotheexpectedTOFvalueforgivenT fromEquation5. R squared is given by t =2M T . The time-of-flight, TOF, is measured with respect to p R − the bunch crossing timed by the accelerator RF clock. The estimated TOF resolution is D TOF 3nsecandaresultoftheintrinsictimeresolutionofthedetectors( 2nsec)and thelen≃gthoftheRHICbeambunches(s 1.5nsec).Detailsoftherecoil≤spectrometer ≃ andanalysisforRUN4 are discussedin[8]. Elastic event selection In the pp elastic scattering process, both the forward-scattered particle and the recoil particle are protons and no other particles are produced in the process. The elastic process can be identified by detecting the recoil particle only, by identifying the recoil particle as a proton throughout the relation of TOF and T , and by observing that the R missing mass of the forward scattered system is the proton mass. Recoil protons were identifiedusingthenon-relativisticrelation 1 T = M (D/TOF)2. (5) R p 2 The right plot of Figure 4 displays T and TOF correlation from one detector for 16 R channels.WecanseerecoilprotonsclearlyaroundtheexpectedTOFvalueforT .Inthis R figure,theenergyforpunch-througheventshavebeencorrected[8,9].Theeventswhich are vertically distributed around 5.5 MeV are from the calibration a source (241Am). (The punch-through correction causes another vertical distribution around 7.5 MeV.) Events less than 3 MeV and less than 30 nsec are prompt particles, which are possibly pions from beam-related interactions upstream. Events were selected in a TOF interval of 8 nsec around the expected TOF value for recoil protons of a given T as shown in R ± twolinesinthefigure. Onthebasisofthemeasuredq andT ,themassoftheundetectedforwardscattered R R system(themissingmassM ) can bereconstructed, X M 2 =M 2 2 (M +E )T sinq 2M T (E2 M2) , (6) X p − (cid:16) p 1 R− Rq p R 1− p (cid:17) event count (a.u.)11124680000000000000 Signal-channels 12000 10000 8000 Side-channels 6000 4000 2000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 channel# FIGURE5. EventdistributionofacertainT intervalasfunctionofchannelnumber. R whereE istheenergy oftheincidentbeamproton.For pp elasticscattering,eventsare 1 identifiedonthebasisoftheq -T relation R R E M T =2M sin2q 1− p, (7) R p R E +M 1 p which is obtained applying M = M in Equation 6. The difference for E = 24 GeV X p 1 and E =100 GeV, the two beam energies reported here, is 3 mrad at T =17 MeV 1 R ∼ andsmallershiftatlowerenergiesFigure5displaystheeventdistributionofacertainT R interval as function of channel number. For each T bin pp elastic events were selected R intheproperdetectorstripscentered around theexpectedq angle. R The channel for diffractive dissociation opens at MX > Mp+Mp = 1.08 GeV/c2. The kinematical boundary for MX = Mp+Mp is given by Equation 6 and is out of the acceptance for E = 24 GeV. For E = 100 GeV, the kinematical boundary for 1 1 the MX = Mp+Mp is inside the acceptance for TR > 8 MeV. But the contamination isestimatedtobelessthan 0.5%from M spectra. X The selected event yield is sorted by T bins. We collected 4.3 M events in fourteen R T bins at 100 GeV/c and 0.8 M events in nine T bins at 24 GeV/c in the region R R 0.001 t 0.035 (GeV/c)2 (0.5 T 17 MeV) using the "clock-wise" beam. R ≤− ≤ ≤ ≤ Furthermore,theselectedeventyieldineachT binissortedbyspinstates(beam,target, R up-down) and the detector side (left-right). Finally, we calculate raw asymmetries of targetorbeam polarizationusingthesquare-root formula: NL NR NR NL q q e = ↑ · ↓ − ↑ · ↓ , (8) NL NR+ NR NL q q · · ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ where if we sort by H-Jet-target (beam) polarization, we have e (e ). This target beam expressioncancels luminosityand acceptances asymmetries. A measurements from RUN4 N A dataare obtainedas follows: N e 1 target A = , (9) N − P 1 R T BG − whereR isthebackgroundlevelsforeachT bin.Thebackgroundsconsistedof(a)a BG R particles from the calibration sources, (b) beam scraping, and (c) beam scattering from theunpolarizedresidual target gas.The dominantcomponentwas (c), dueto unfocused molecular hydrogen, and was accounted for as a dilution of the target polarization. Therefore, R isestimatedtobe0.02 0.03from(a) and (b)[9]. BG ∼ Figure 6 displaystheresultsfor A at 100 GeV/c(open circles)and 24 GeV/c(black N filledcircles)in2004.Theuncertaintiesshownarestatistical.Thelowerbandsrepresent the total systematicuncertainties. The thick and thin solid lines are the QED prediction withnospin-dependenthadroniccontribution(f had)andcorrespondstothefirsttermin SF Equation4 at thesebeam momenta. N A0.07 24 GeV/c 100 GeV/c 0.06 f had=0, 24 GeV/c SF 0.05 f had=0, 100 GeV/c SF 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 10-3 10-2 -t (GeV/c)2 FIGURE 6. A data at 24 GeV/c and 100 GeV/c. The uncertainties shown are statistical and lower N bandsrepresentthesystematicones.ThickandthinsolidlinesaretheQEDpredictionwithoutf had. SF Sources ofsystematicuncertaintiescomefromT bin-dependentandoverallnormal- R ization:(1)theuncertainty onthetarget polarizationgivingan overallD P /P = target target 2.0% normalization uncertainty; (2) the left-right detector acceptance asymmetry; (3) event selection criteria; and (4) background contribution from (a) and (b). The major componentwas (2)at the lowestand highest T bins from detectoredges. We also have R arelativelylargeacceptance asymmetryatthepunched-throughenergy region. For the A measurements, we averaged beam spin up-down states to obtain unpolar- N ized beam. The difference of absolute value of beam polarization between spin-up and spin-downstates was confirmed to be small by acquiring the results from the RHIC-pC polarimeter. Therefore the residual components beam polarization has no effect on this result. The A data at 24 GeV/c (√s = 6.8 GeV) and 100 GeV/c (√s = 13.7 GeV) are N consistentintheregionof t <10 2.However,theseA resultsatdifferent√senergies − N indicatea√sdependence−off had(s,t).TheA dataat√s=6.8GeVarenot consistent SF N with the solid line (c 2/ndf=35.5/9) and this discrepancy implies the presence of a hadronic spin-flip contribution, f had(s,t) [10]. On the other hand, the A data at √s= SF N 13.7GeV are consistentwiththeQED prediction(c 2/ndf=13.4/14)[9]. The theoretical efforts to determine f had(s,t)including its √s dependence are ongo- SF ing.Usingexperimentalresults(A inppelasticscatteringat√s=13.7GeVandinpC N elasticscatteringat√s=6.4GeV[11]and13.7GeV[12])asinputparameters,predic- tion for A at √s = 6.8 GeV was given in recent work [13]. The prediction suggested N a significant √s dependence of f had(s,t), and agreed with our data within 1-s uncer- SF tainty. More comparisons between theoretical prediction and further experimental data atdifferent beammomentaare required tounderstandf had(s,t). SF P results from RUN5 beam In2005,oneofthetwoRHICbeamswascenteredontheH-Jet-targetforseveraldays to accumulate enough statistics for a precise measurement of the beam polarization. We displaced the "unused" beam approximately 10 mm horizontally and vertically from the H-Jet-target center. Both beams were measured repeatedly over the course of a few weeks. Detailed experimental set up and analysis for RUN5 are discussed in [14]. We accumulated 5.3 M events for the "clock-wise" beam and 4.2 M events for the "counter-clock-wise" beam. e and e for both beams were calculated using target beam Equation 8. We confirmed that A = e /P from both beams were consistent N target target − with A of 2004 results. For polarimetry use, we use data in the peak asymmetry N region of 1 T 4 MeV to eliminate acceptance asymmetry and prompt events. R ≤ ≤ Then, P is obtained using Equation 3. The total systematicuncertainty in 2005 was beam D Psys. /P =2.9%.Thedominanttwocomponentswere: target target • backgroundsfromresidual gasand displaced(notused)beam (2.2%), • uncertaintyonthetarget polarizationgivingan overallD Ptarget/Ptarget =2.0%. Studies of backgrounds were carried out by varying the measured background contri- butions near the elastic pp signal. The strip distributionsshow a uniformly spread yield over the non-signal strips. (An example at a certain T interval is shown in Figure 5.) R By increasing the number of strips used for the elastic peak, the background contri- bution can be increased in a controlled way. Figures 7 and 8 explain this study of the "clock-wise" beam and the "counter-clock-wise" beam. The right parts of these figures summarizetheasymmetryratiosfordifferentnumberofstripsforthesignalregion,go- ing from one to eight. The original asymmetries were calculated with two strips. The open circle and open diamondsymbolson the left refer to four and eight strips, thereby doublingandquadruplingthebackgroundcontributions.Asymmetryratioofthe"clock- wise" beam seems to drop slightly, and that of the "counter-clock-wise" beam rises, but the variations are smaller than the statistical uncertainties. Therefore, these differ- ences do not necessarily point to a polarization dependence of inelastic events. Also, no clear asymmetry has been seen in background events. Absolute beam polariza- tionsofthe "clock-wise"and the"counter-clock-wise" beams at 100 GeV/c in 2005 are 49.3% 1.5%(stat.) 1.4%(sys.)and 44.3% 1.3%(stat.) 1.3%(sys.). We achieved accurat±ebeam polariz±ationmeasurementD P ±/P =4.2±%. beam beam Future prospect Finally,thecurrent issuesandexpected optimumprecisionin2006and thefutureare discussed here briefly. More data are collected in RUN6, 8.2 M events for the "clock- wise"beamand10.7Meventsforthe"counter-clock-wise"beamat100GeV/c.Theex- pected statistical uncertainty is approximately 1 %. More detailed study of background contribution to systematic contribution is ongoing. An improvement to reduce the un- certainty for the unpolarized fraction of the H-Jet-target is required for a breakthrough toanewlevelofaccuracy. 0.05 o ˛mmetry 0.04 etry rati0.56 asy ymm0.55 0.03 as 0.54 0.02 0.53 0.01 0.52 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 8 T (MeV) signal strip width R FIGURE 7. Background study for the "clock-wise" beam of RUN5. Left: Filled circle refers to two stripsforthe originalasymmetry.Opencircle andopendiamondsymbolsreferto fourandeightstrips. Uppergroupise andlowergroupise .Right:Asymmetryratioasafunctionofsignalstripwidth. target beam ˛mmetry 00..0045 etry ratio00..5521 y m as0.03 asym 0.5 0.49 0.02 0.48 0.01 0.47 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 8 T (MeV) signal strip width R FIGURE8. SameasFigure7forthe"counter-clock-wise"beamofRUN5. A data at different beam energies are an important physics topic. In RUN6, we N also took 31 GeV/c data with better statistics than RUN4 24 GeV/c. These data will contributeto acomprehensiveunderstandingoff had(s,t). SF REFERENCES 1. I.Nakagawaetal.,theseproceedings. 2. N.H.Buttimoreetal.,Phys.Rev.D59,114010(1999). 3. N.Akchurinetal.,Phys.Rev.D48,3026(1993). 4. T.Wise,A.ZelenskiandA.Nassetal.,Proc.16thInternationalSpinPhysicsSymposiumSPIN2004, p.757,p.761andp.776. 5. Y.Makdisietal.,Proc.17th InternationalSpinPhysicsSymposiumSPIN2006,p.975. 6. 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