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ABOUT THE TEMPERATURE OF MOVING BODIES 0 1 TAMA´SS.B´IRO´1 ANDPE´TERVA´N1,2 0 2 Abstract. Relativisticthermodynamicsisconstructedfromthepointofview n ofspecialrelativistichydrodynamics. Arelativisticfour-currentforheatanda a generaltreatmentofthermalequilibriumbetweenmovingbodiesispresented. J The different temperature transformation formulas of Planck and Einstein, 8 Ott,LandsbergandDopplerappearuponparticularassumptionsaboutinter- 2 nalheatcurrent. ] h p - 1. Introduction s s Considering the temperature of moving bodies, the easier question is to answer, a l what is the apparent spectral temperature. In this case a spectral parameter is c transformed if the thermalized source is moving with respect to the observer (de- . s tector system), andthe transformationrule canbe derivedfromthat of the energy c i and momentum in the co-moving system. s y This has been knownfrom the beginnings of the theory of special relativity and h never has been seriously challenged. An essentially tougher problem is to under- p stand the relativistic thermalization: what is the intensive parameter governing [ the state with energy exchange equilibrium between two, relatively moving bodies 2 in the framework of special relativity. In particular how this general temperature v shouldtransformandhow does it depend on the speed ofthe motion. Here several 0 answers has been historically offered, practically including all possibilities. 5 PlanckandEinsteinconcludedthatmovingbodiesarecoolerbyaLorentzfactor 6 [1, 2, 3], first Blanu˘sa then Ott has challenged this opinion [4, 5] by stating that 1 . on the contrary, such bodies are hotter by a Lorentz factor. During later disputes 5 several authors supported one or the other view (see e.g. [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 0 9 13] and the references therein) and also some new opinions emerged. Landsberg 0 argued for unchanged values of the temperature [14, 15]. Other authors observed : that for a thermometer in equilibrium with black body radiation the temperature v i transformation is related to the Doppler formula [16, 17, 18, 19, 20], therefore the X measured temperature seems to depend on the physical state of the thermometer. r This problem is circumvented by the suggestion that thermal equilibrium would a have a meaning only in case of equal velocities [21, 22, 23]. Behindthesedifferentconclusionsthereare,inouropinion,differentviewsabout the energytransferandmechanicalwork,andthe identificationofthe heat[12]. In asimplifying mannerthe assumptionsandviewsaboutthe Lorentztransformation properties of internal energy, work, heat, and entropy influence such properties and the very definition of the absolute temperature. Coming to the era of fast computers, a renewed interest emerged in such questions by modelling stochastic phenomena at relativistic energy exchanges and relative speeds [24, 25, 26]. In particular, dissipative hydrodynamics applied to high energy heavy ion collisions requires the proper identification of temperature and entropy [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 1 2 TAMA´SS.B´IRO´1 ANDPE´TERVA´N1,2 32, 33, 34, 35]. In this letter we show that our approach to replace the Israel- Stewart theory of dissipative hydrodynamics, proposed earlier [36, 37, 38, 39], is relatedtotheproblemofthermalizationofrelativelymovingbodieswithrelativistic velocitiesandoursuggestioniscompatiblewiththefoundationsofthermodynamics and guarantees causal heat propagation. oø By doing so we encounter the following questions in our analysis: (1) What moves (or flows)? Total energy and momentum do flow correlated, but further conserved charges (baryon number, electric charge, etc.) may flow differently. In relativistic systems one has to deal with the possibility that the velocity field is not fixed to either current, not being restricted to the Landau-Lifshitz [40] or Eckart [41] frames. (2) Whatisabody? Weexploit,howdointegralsoverextendedvolumesrelate to the local theory of hydrodynamics, and what is a good local definition for volume changeinrelativisticfluids. Incloserelationto this, we suggest a four-vector generalization to the concept of heat. (3) What is a proper equation of state? Here the functional dependency be- tween entropy and the relativistic internal energy is fixed to a particular form. (4) What is the proper transformation of the temperature? As we have men- tioned above prominent physicists expressed divergent opinions on this in the past. This problemis intimately relatedto that ofthermalequilibrium and to the proper description of internal energy. 2. Hydro- and thermodynamics Inthisletterweconcentrateontheenergy-momentumdensityofaone-component fluid, but the results can be generalized considering conserved currents in multi- component systems easily. The energy-momentum tensor can be split into compo- a nents aligned to the fiducial four-velocity field, u (x), and orthogonalones: ab a b a b a b ab (1) T = eu u +u q +q u +P with uaqa =0 and uaPab =Pabub =0. When considering complex systems, like a quark-gluonplasma,thevelocityfieldcanbealignedonlywithoneoftheconserved currents, unless several currents are parallel (i.e. different conserved charges are fixed to the same carriers). In our present treatment the velocity field is general. Relativisticthermodynamicsisobtainedbyintegratingthelocalenergy-momentum conservation on a suitably defined extended and homogeneous thermodynamic body. Therefore in the balance of energy-momentum we separate the terms per- pendicular and parallel to the velocity field as d ab a a a a b ∂bT = (eu +q )+(eu +q )∂bu dτ d a a b dub a b ab + p( u +u ∂bu ) (u q +Π ) dτ − dτ a a b ab a (2) p+ b(u q +Π )=0 . − ∇ ∇ Fromnowonthe propertime derivativeis denotedbya dotf˙=df/dτ =ua∂af a a a c foranarbitraryfunctionf(x). =∂ u uc∂ denotesaderivativeperpendicular ∇ − ABOUT THE TEMPERATURE OF MOVING BODIES 3 to the velocity field and we also split the pressure tensor into a hydrostatic part and a rest: Pab =p(uaub gab)+Πab. Let us now assume, th−at ua is smooth and we may give a connected smooth surfaceH thatisinitiallyperpendiculartothevelocityfieldandhasasmooth(two -dimensional)boundary. Asafurthersimplificationwewillassumethatthevelocity field is not accelerating u˙a = 0a, therefore ∂aua = aua and the hypersurface ∇ remains perpendicular to the four-velocity field. Hence the propagation of the surface can be characterized by the proper time τ of any of its wordlines. We refer to this hypersurface - a three dimensional spacelike set related to our fluid - as a thermodynamic body. Considering homogeneous bodies we set ae = 0 and ap=0. Itisimportantthatthevelocityfielditselfisnothomogeneou∇s, aub =0. ∇ ∇ 6 Now integration of (2) on H(τ) results in a a a a b a b (e˙u +q˙ +(eu +q )∂bu +pu ∂bu )dV = Z H(τ) a b ab (3) b(u q +Π )dV. ZH(τ)∇ WiththeaboveconditionswaapplythetransporttheoremofReynoldstothel.h.s. of eq.(3) and the Gauss-Ostrogradskytheorem to the r.h.s. of eq.(3) and obtain (4) E˙u¯a+G˙a+pu¯aV˙ = uaqb+Πab dAb =δQa. I (cid:0) (cid:1) ∂H(τ) Here u¯a = uadV/V is the average velocity field inside H, E = eV is the total H energy, Ga =R HqadV, and dAb is the two-formsurface measure circumventing the homogeneousRbody in the region H(τ). The two-dimensional surface integral term is the physical energy and momentum leak (dissipation rate) from the body under study, we denote it by δQa. This is a four-vector generalization of the concept of heat. Itdescribesbothenergyandmomentumtransferstoorfromthehomogeneous body. Thederivationofthetemperatureinthermodynamicsisrelatedtothemaximum ofthetotalentropyofasystem(undervariousconstraints). Thiswayitsreciprocal, 1/T is anintegratingfactor to the heatin orderto obtaina totaldifferentialofthe entropy[42,43]. Herewefollowthesamestrategyconsideringavectorialintegrating factor Aa: (5) δQa =E˙a+pu¯aV˙ =AaS˙ +Σa with Ea = Eu¯a + Ga the energy-momentum vector of the body, u¯˙a = 0 and Σa orthogonal to Aa. The decisive point is, that – according to the above – the entropyofthehomogeneousbodyisafunctionoftheenergy-momentumvectorand the volume: S = S(Ea,V). Multiplying eq.(5) by Aadτ/(AbAb) and utilizing that du¯a =0 we obtain Aau¯a Aa a Aau¯a (6) dS = dE+ dG +p dV. AbAb AbAb AbAb Theconnectiontoclassicalthermodynamicsisbestestablishedbythe temperature definition 1 Aau¯a (7) := . T AbAb 4 TAMA´SS.B´IRO´1 ANDPE´TERVA´N1,2 The intensive parameter associated to the change of the four-vector Ga is denoted by ga Aa (8) := . T AbAb With these notations we arrive at the following form of the Gibbs relation: a (9) TdS =dE+gadG +pdV. Due to the definitions eq. (7,8) gau¯a =1. Hence the Gibbs relationcan be written in the alternative form a (10) TdS =gadE +pdV, suggesting that the traditional change of the energy, dE, has to be generalized to the change of the total energy-momentum four-vector, dEa =d(Eu¯a+Ga). For the well-known Ju¨ttner distribution [44] ga = u¯a. This equality has been postulated among others in the classical theory of Israel and Stewart [45]. Then (10) reduces to (11) TdS =dE˜+pdV, where E˜ = u¯aEa. In this case the internal energy can be interpreted as E˜, but its total differential contributes to the Gibbs relation. In the general case ga =u¯a 6 - considered below - there remains a term, related to momentum transfer. It is reasonable to assume that the new intensive variable is timelike: gaga 0. Then ≥ we introduce a a a (12) w :=g u¯ . − Now wa 2 = wawa = gaga+1 1follows. Thespacelikefour-vectorwa hasthe physikcal dkimen−sion of vel−ocity. Du≤e to 1 wawa 0 and u¯awa = 0 its general form is given by wa = (γv w,γw). In−this≤case w≤2 1. We interpret w as the | | | | ≤ velocity of the internal energy current. Heresomeimportantphysicalquestionsarise: isitonlyasingleorseveraldiffer- entialtermsdescribingthechangeofenergyandmomentum? Whentwo,relatively moving bodies come into thermal contact what can be exchanged among them in the evolution towards the equilibrium? 3. Two bodies in equilibrium Let us now consider two different bodies with different average velocities and energy currents. When all components of Ea and the total volume are kept con- stant independently, i.e. dEa +dEa = 0 and dV +dV = 0 while dS(Ea,V )+ 1 2 1 2 1 1 a dS(E ,V )=0 in the entropy maximum, then from (10) we obtain the conditions 2 2 ga ga p p (13) 1 = 2, 1 = 2. T T T T 1 2 1 2 This, in general, does not mean the equality of temperatures. In order to simplify the discussion we restrict ourselves to one-dimensional mo- tions and consider u¯a =(γ,γv) with γ = 1/√1 v2 Lorentz-factors. The energy a −a current velocity is given by w =(γvw,γw) and q =(γ(1+vw),γ(v+w)). Here ABOUT THE TEMPERATURE OF MOVING BODIES 5 wdescribesthespeedofinternalenergycurrent. Thethermalequilibriumcondition (13) hence requires γ (1+v w ) γ (1+v w ) 1 1 1 2 2 2 = , T T 1 2 γ (v +w ) γ (v +w ) 1 1 1 2 2 2 (14) = . T T 1 2 Theratioofthesetwoequationsrevealsthatinequilibriumthecompositerelativis- tic velocities are equal, v +w v +w 1 1 2 2 (15) = , 1+v w 1+v w 1 1 2 2 and the difference of their squares leads to 1 w2 1 w2 (16) − 1 = − 2. p T p T 1 2 The equality of some other velocities were investigated by several authors [21, 22, 23, 46]. Onerealizesthatinthethermalequilibriumconditionfourvelocitiesareinvolved for a generalobserver: v , v , w and w . By a Lorentztransformationonly one of 1 2 1 2 them can be eliminated. The remaining three (relative) velocities reflect physical conditions in the system. According to eq.(15) v+w 2 (17) w = 1 1+vw 2 withv =(v v )/(1 v v )relativevelocity. The associatedfactor, 1 w2 can 2− 1 − 1 2 − 1 be expressed and the temperatures satisfy p √1 v2 (18) T =T − . 1 2 1+vw 2 This includes the general Doppler formula [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 47]. Itisenlighteningtoinvestigatethisformulawithdifferentassumptionsaboutthe energy current speed in the observed body, w . The induced energy current speed 2 inanidealthermometer,w andthe temperatureitshows,T ,arenowdetermined 1 1 by eqs.(17) and (18). Figure 1 plots temperature ratios T /T for a body closing 1 2 with v = 0.6 as a function of the energy current speed, w . 2 − (1) w = 0: the current stands in the observed body. In this case w = 2 1 v, the measured energy current speed is that of the moving body, and T =T √1 v2 <T , the moving body appears cooler by a Lorentz factor 1 2 2 − [1, 3, 2] (see Fig 2). (2) w = 0: the current stands in the thermometer. In this case we must 1 havew = v andT =T /√1 v2 >T ,themovingbodyappearshotter 2 1 2 2 − − [4, 5, 7, 12] (see Fig 3). (3) w +w = 0: the current is standing in the total system of moving body 1 2 and thermometer, the individual contributions exactly compensate each other. This is achieved by a special value of the energy current velocities, w = w,w =wwithw=(1 √1 v2)/v. Inthiscaseeventheapparent 2 1 − − − temperatures are equal, T =T [14, 15] (see Fig 4). 1 2 6 TAMA´SS.B´IRO´1 ANDPE´TERVA´N1,2 (4) w = 1: a radiating body (e.g. a photon gas) is moving. In this case 2 w = 1, and one obtains T = T 1−v. It means that T < T for v > 0, 1 1 2q1+v 1 2 a Doppler red shifted temperature is measured for an aparting body (see Fig 5) - quite common for astronomical objects - and T >T for v <0, a 1 2 Dopplerblueshiftedtemperatureappearsforclosingbodies-morecommon in high energy accelerator experiments. On figures (2)-(5) we fix the reference frame to the thermometer, therefore ua = (1,0) (the vertical axis is time). The energy current velocity four-vectors 1 are perpendicular to the corresponding four-velocities, therefore they are on lines symmetrical to the light cones. The four-velocity vectors end on the timelike hy- perbolasand the spacelikeenergy currentvelocities end inside the spacelikehyper- bolas. The temperature ratios are determined by the magnitudes of the ga-s as T /T = ga / ga (see [48]. 1 2 k 1k k 2k 4. Lorentz scalar temperature According to the classical ansatz ga = u¯a, the total entropy has to depend on the total energy E = u¯aEa. Then the equilibrium conditions (17) and (18) result in zero relative velocity v =0 and the temperatures are equal T =T . 1 2 However, thermodynamic and generic stability considerations are favoring an other Lorentz-scalar combination E = √EaEa [36, 37, 38, 39]. Denoting the k k partialderivative of entropy S( E ,V) with respect to its first argumentby 1/θ = ∂S k k , one re-writes the total differential, ∂kEk 1 p˜ ga a p (19) dS = d E + dV = dE + dV, θ k k θ T T and comparing to the general Gibbs relation (10) one obtains the correspondence ga 1 Ea p p˜ (20) = , = . T θ E T θ k k a It follows that the length of the intensive four-vector, g , is the ratio of the tradi- tional(energyassociated)andscalar(energy-momentumfour-vectorlength associ- ated)temperatures: √gaga =T/θ. Ontheotherhanditsprojectiontotheaverage velocity reveals the value in the comoving system: a T Eau¯a (21) gau¯ = =1. θ E k k This equationrelates the energy-momentum-associatedscalartemperature, θ to the energy-associatedone, T. As a consequence we obtain a Ea a Ea u¯a(Ebu¯b) (22) g = , w = − . Ebu¯b Ecu¯c a The later formula clearly interpret w as the quotient of the comoving, average velocity related energy current (momentum) and energy of the thermodynamic body, that is the energy current velocity. Finally we remark,thatin the simple two dimensionalparticularcase we obtain that θ = T/√1 w2. Therefore the equilibrium condition (16) gives equal scalar − temperatures: θ = θ . This is a stronger reflection of Landsberg’s view, and his 1 2 physical arguments in [14, 15] than the assumption of zero total energy current velocity. ABOUT THE TEMPERATURE OF MOVING BODIES 7 2.0 Dopplerblueshift 1.5 Blanusa-Ott (cid:144)TT121.0 Planck-Einstein Landsberg 0.5 Dopplerredshift 0.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 w2 Figure 1. Ratio of the temperatures of the observedbody in its rest frame, T to that shown by an ideal thermometer, T as a 2 1 function ofthe the speedofthe heatcurrentinthe body, w while 2 approaching with the relative velocity v = 0.6. − v=-0.6 u2 g2 g1 u1 w1 w2 Figure 2. The space-time figure for the Planck-Einstein rule of two thermodynamic bodies in equilibrium. There is no energy current in the observed body (wa = 0), therefore the ua four- 2 2 a a velocity (solid arrow) is parallel to the vectors (g ,g ). The ratio 1 2 of the temperatures is T /T <1. 1 2 5. Summary We investigated the possible derivation of basic thermodynamical laws for ho- mogeneous bodies from relativistic hydrodynamics. The dependence of entropy on internal energy is replaced by a dependence on the energy-momentum four- a vector, E . As a novelty a relativistic heat four-vector has been formulated. For the traditional, energy exchange related temperature, T, a universal transforma- tion formula is obtained. For a general observer four velocities are involved in the equilibrium condition of two thermodynamic bodies in equilibrium. One of them can be eliminated by choosing the observing frame, the physical relation depends onlyonthe relativevelocity. Anotherconditionconnectsthe internalheatcurrents in the bodies in thermal contact. So there remains two velocity like parameters to describe thermal equilibrium: the energy current speed (the velocity related to the integratedinternalheat currentdensity) in one of the bodies and their relative 8 TAMA´SS.B´IRO´1 ANDPE´TERVA´N1,2 v=-0.6 u2 u1 g1 g2 w1 w2 Figure 3. The space-time figure for the Blanuˇsa-Ott rule. The energy current stands in the thermometer (wa =0), therefore the 1 uafour-velocity(solidarrow)isparalleltothevectors(ga,ga). The 1 1 2 ratio of the temperatures is T /T >1. 1 2 v=-0.6 u2g2g1 u1 w1 w2 Figure 4. The space-time figure for the Landsberg rule. There is no energy current in the composed system, therefore the four- vectors (ga, ga, dotted arrows) are equal. The ratio of tempera- 1 2 tures is T /T =1. Here w = 0.33, w =0.33. 1 2 1 2 − velocity. The traditional temperature transformation formulas belong to corre- sponding particular choices on the energy current speeds. This can be the reason that no agreement could be achieved historically. For most common cases there is no heat current in the observed body but it flows in the thermometer. This leads to the Planck-Einstein transformation formula. The closer relationto dissipative hydrodynamicsfavorsa particular dependence of entropy on energy-momentum and leads to a Lorentz scalar temperature. Ourapproachiscovariant,andthecompatibilitytohydrodynamicsclarifiesthat the Planck-Ottimbrogliois nota problemofsynchronizationasitwassupposedin [49,25]. ItmakespossibletointerprettheclassicalparadoxicalresultsofPlanckand Einstein, Ott, Landsberg and Doppler in a unified treatment. Our investigations reveal that despite of the apparent paradoxes related to Lorentz transformations, ABOUT THE TEMPERATURE OF MOVING BODIES 9 v=-0.6 u2 u1 g1 g2 w1 w2 Figure 5. The space-time figure for the Doppler red shift rule of two thermodynamic bodies in equilibrium. The energy cur- rent speed (dashed arrows) in the observed body is that of the light w = 1, therefore w = 1, and the four-vectors of energy- 2 1 momentum intensives (ga, ga, dotted arrows) are light-like. 1 2 there is a covariant relativistic thermodynamics with proper absolute temperature in full agreement with relativistic hydrodynamics. 6. Acknowledgement The authors thank to L. Csernai for his enlighting remarks. References [1] M. Planck. Zur Dynamik bewegter Systeme. Sitzungsberichten der k¨onigliche Preussen Akademie derWissenschaften,pages542–570, 1907. [2] A. Einstein. U¨ber das Relativit¨atsprinzip und die aus demselben gezogenen Folgerungen. Jahrbuch der Radioaktivit¨at und Elektronik,4:411–462, 1907. [3] M.Planck.ZurDynamikbewegter Systeme. Annalen der Physik,331(6):1–34, 1908. [4] D.Blanuˇsa. Surlesparadoxes delanotiond’´energie.Glasnik mat. fiz.; astr.,2(4-5):249–50, 1947. [5] H. Ott. Lorentz-Transformation der Wa¨rme und der Temperatur. 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