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Abelian chromomagnetic background field at finite temperature on the lattice PDF

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by  P. Cea
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BARI-TH 406/2001 Abelian chromomagnetic background field at finite temperature on the lattice 1 0 0 2 n a J 0 3 Paolo Cea1,2,∗ and Leonardo Cosmai2,† 1 v 1Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy 7 1 2INFN - Sezione di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy 0 1 0 1 0 January, 2001 / t a l - p e h Abstract : v The vacuum dynamics of SU(2) and SU(3) lattice gauge theories is stud- i X ied by means of a gauge-invariant effective action defined using the lattice r Schro¨dinger functional at finite temperature. In the case of the SU(3) gauge a theory numerical simulations are performed at zero and finite temperature. The vacuum is probed using an external constant Abelian chromomagnetic field. At zero temperature, in agreement with our previous studies for the SU(2) theory, the external field is totally screened in the continuum limit. At finite temperature numerical data suggest that confinement is restored by increasing the strength of the applied field. We give also an estimate of the deconfinement temperature. PACS number(s): 11.15.Ha ∗[email protected][email protected] 1. INTRODUCTION The lattice approach to gauge theories allows the non-perturbative study of gauge systems without loosing the gauge invariance. Recently [1] it has been proposed a method to define on the lattice the gauge invariant effective action by using the Schr¨odinger functional [2–5]. In the continuum the Euclidean Schr¨odinger functional in Yang-Mills theories with- out matter fields reads: Z[A(f),A(i)] = A(f) e−HTP A(i) . (1.1) (cid:10) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:11) In Eq. (1.1) H is the pure gauge Yang-Mills Hamiltonian in the fixed-time temporal (cid:12) (cid:12) gauge, T is the Euclidean time extension, while P projects onto the physical states. a(i) a(f) A (~x) and A (~x) are static classical gauge fields, and the state |Ai is such that k k hA|Ψi = Ψ[A], (1.2) Ψ[A] being a wavefunctional. Note that, by definition, Z[A(f),A(i)] is invariant under gauge transformations of the gauge fields A(i) and A(f). Using standard formal manipulations and the gauge invariance of the Schr¨odinger functional it is easy to rewrite Z[A(f),A(i)] as a functional integral [2–4] Z[A(f),A(i)] = DA e− 0Tdx4 d3xLYM(x) (1.3) Z R R with the constraints: (i) A (x = 0) = A µ 4 µ (1.4) (f) A (x = T) = A . µ 4 µ It is worthwhile to stress that in Eq. (1.3) we should sum over the topological inequivalent classes. However, it turns out [5] that on the lattice such an average is not needed because the functional integral in Eq. (1.3) is already invariant under arbitrary gauge transformation of A(i) and A(f). The lattice implementation of the Schr¨odinger functional Eq. (1.3) is given by [5]: Z[Uf,Ui] = DU e−S, (1.5) Z where the integrations over the links U (x) are done with the fixed boundary con- µ ditions: U(x)| = U(i), U(x)| = U(f). (1.6) x4=0 x4=T 1 The links U(i) and U(f) are the lattice version of the continuum gauge fields A(i) and A(f). In Ref. [1] we introduced the new functional: 1 Z[Uext] Γ[A~ext] = − ln , (1.7) T Z(0) (cid:26) (cid:27) where Z[Uext] = Z[Uext,Uext], (1.8) and Z[0] means the Schr¨odinger functional Eq. (1.8) without external background field (Uext = 1). µ From the previous discussion it is evident that Z[Uext] is invariant against lattice gauge transformations of the external link Uext. Moreover, it can be shown that [1]: lim Γ[A~ext] = E [A~ext]−E [0] (1.9) 0 0 T→∞ where E [A~ext] is the vacuum energy in presence of the external background field. 0 Thus we see that Γ[A~ext] is the lattice gauge-invariant effective action for the static background field A~ext. It is worthwhile to stress that our lattice effective action is defined by means of the lattice Schr¨odinger functional Eq. (1.5) with the same boundary fields at x = 0 and x = T. As a consequence we have [1]: 4 4 Z[Uext] = DU e−SW , (1.10) Z where S is the familiar Wilson action and the functional integral is defined over a W four-dimensional hypertorus with the “cold-wall” at x = 0: 4 U (x)| = Uext. (1.11) µ x4=0 µ In previous studies [6–8] we investigated the vacuum dynamics of the SU(2) lattice gauge theory by using an external constant Abelian chromagnetic field. In that case the relevant quantity is the density of effective action: 1 Z[Aext] ε[A~ext] = − ln , (1.12) Ω Z[0] (cid:20) (cid:21) where Ω = V ·T, V being the spatial volume. The aim of the present paper is twofold. First, we extend the study of the effective action with an external Abelian chromomagnetic field to the lattice SU(3) gauge theory at zero temperature. Second, we consider both SU(2) and SU(3) gauge systems at finite temperature. At finite temperature the relevant quantity is the partition function : Tr e−βTH = DA~hA~ e−βTHP A~i, (1.13) Z (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 2 where β is the inverse of the physical temperature. The thermal partition function T Eq. (1.13) can be written as a functional integral [4]: Tr e−βTH = DA (t,~x)e− 0βT dx4 d3~xLY−M(~x,x4). (1.14) µ ZAµ(βT,~x)=Aµ(0,~x) R R (cid:2) (cid:3) The lattice implementation of Eq. (1.14) is straightforward. We have: Tr e−βTH = DU (x ,~x)e−SW . (1.15) µ 4 ZUµ(βT,~x)=Uµ(0,~x)=Uµ(~x) (cid:2) (cid:3) Note that, by comparing Eq. (1.15) with Eqs. (1.10), we have: Tr e−βTH = DU (~x)Z[U (~x)], (1.16) µ µ Z (cid:2) (cid:3) where Z[U (~x)] is the Schr¨odinger functional Eq. (1.10) defined on a lattice with µ L = β , and “external” links U (~x) at x = 0. 4 T µ 4 We are interested in the thermal partition function in presence of a given static background field A~ext(~x). In the continuum this can be obtained by splitting the gauge field into the background field A~ext(~x) and the fluctuating fields ~η(~x). So that we could write formally: Z [A~ext] = D~ηhA~ext,~η e−βTHP A~ext,~ηi. (1.17) T Z (cid:12) (cid:12) The lattice implementation of Eq. (1.17) can b(cid:12)e obtain(cid:12)ed from Eq. (1.15) if we write U (β ,~x) = U (0,~x) = Uext(~x)U (~x), (1.18) k T k k k where Uext(~x) is the lattice version of the external ceontinuum field A~ext and the k U (~x)’s are the fluctuating links. Thus we get: k e Z [A~ext] = DU (~x)DU (~x)Z[Uext(~x),U (~x)]. (1.19) T k 4 k k Zx4=0 e e Note that in Eq. (1.19) only the spatial links belonging to the hyperplane x = 0 are 4 written as the product of the external link Uext(~x) and the fluctuating links U (~x). k k The temporal links U (x = 0,~x) are left freely fluctuating. It follows that the 4 4 temporal links U (x) satisfy the usual periodic boundary conditions. We streses that 4 the periodic boundary conditions in the temporal direction are crucial to retain the physical interpretation that the functional Z [A~ext] is a thermal partition function. T In the following the spatial links belonging to the time-slice x = 0 will be called 4 “frozen links”, while the remainder will be the “dynamical links”. Fromthe physical pointofviewweareconsideringthegaugesystematfinitetemperatureininteraction with a fixed external background field. As a consequence, in the Wilson action S W 3 we keep only the plaquettes built up with the dynamical links or with dynamical and frozen links. With these limitations it is easy to see that in Eq. (1.19) we have: Z Uext(~x),U (~x) = Z Uext(~x) . (1.20) k k k h i (cid:2) (cid:3) Indeed, let us consider an arbitraryefrozen link Uext(~x)Uext(~x). This link enters in k k the modified Wilson action by means of the plaquette: e P (x = 0,~x) = Tr Uext(~x)Uext(~x)U (0,~x+kˆ)U†(1,~x+kˆ)U†(0,~x) . (1.21) k4 4 k k 4 k 4 n o Now we observe that the link Ue(0,~x + kˆ) in Eq. (1.21) is dynamical, i.e. we are 4 integrating over it. So that, by using the invariance of the Haar measure we obtain: P (x = 0,~x) = Tr Uext(~x)U (0,~x+kˆ)U†(1,~x+kˆ)U†(0,~x) . (1.22) k4 4 k 4 k 4 n o It is evident that Eq. (1.22) in turns implies Eq. (1.20). Then, we see that in Eq. (1.19) the integration over the fluctuating links U (~x) gives an irrelevant multi- k plicative constant. So that we obtain: e Z A~ext = DU e−SW , (1.23) T h i ZUk(βT,~x)=Uk(0,~x)=Ukext(~x) where the integrations are over the dynamical links with periodic boundary con- ditions in the time direction. As concern the boundary conditions at the spatial boundaries, we keep the fixed boundary conditions U (~x,x ) = Uext(~x) used in the k 4 k Schr¨odinger functional Eq. (1.10). We stress that, if we send the physical tempera- ture to zero, then the thermal functional Eq. (1.23) reduces to the zero-temperature Schr¨odinger functional Eq. (1.5) with the constraints U (x)| = Uext(~x) instead k x4=0 k of Eq. (1.11). In our previous studies [1,6–8] we checked that in the thermody- namic limit both conditions agree as concern the zero-temperature effective action Eq. (1.7). The plan of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we consider the Abelian constant chromomagnetic background field for the pure gauge SU(3) lattice theory at zero temperature. Section 3 is devoted to the study of both SU(2) and SU(3) lattice theories at finite temperature in presence of the external background field. Finally our conclusions are drawn in Section 4. 2. SU(3) IN A CONSTANT CHROMOMAGNETIC FIELD We are interested in the case of a constant Abelian chromomagnetic field which in the continuum reads: A~ext(~x) = A~ext(~x)δ , A~ext(~x) = δ x H. (2.1) a a,3 k k,2 1 4 The lattice links corresponding to A~ext(~x) can be evaluated from: 1 U = Pexp ig dtA (x+tµˆ) (2.2) µ µ (cid:26) Z0 (cid:27) wherePisthepath-orderingoperator,andA = Aaλa, theλa’sbeingtheGell-Mann µ µ 2 matrices. From Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) we get: Uext(~x) = Uext(~x) = Uext(~x) = 1 1 3 4 eigH2x1 0 0 U2ext(~x) =  0 e−igH2x1 0 . (2.3) 0 0 1     Our Schr¨odinger functional Eq. (1.10) is defined on a lattice with the hypertorus geometry, for it is natural to impose that: U (x ,x ,x ,x ) = U (x +L ,x ,x ,x ), (2.4) 2 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 4 where L is the lattice extension in the x direction (in lattice units). As a conse- 1 1 quence the magnetic field H turns out to be quantized: gH 2π = n , (2.5) ext 2 L 1 with n integer. ext According to the discussion of the previous Section, in evaluating the lattice func- tional integral Eq. (1.10) we impose that links belonging to the time slice x = 0 are 4 frozen to the configuration Eq. (2.3). Moreover we impose also that the links at the spatial boundaries are fixed according to Eq. (2.3). In the continuum this last con- dition amounts to the usual requirement that the fluctuations over the background fields vanish at infinity. An alternative possibility is given by constraining the links belonging to the the time slice x = 0 and those at the spatial boundaries to the condition 4 U (x) = Uext(~x), k = 1,2,3 (2.6) k k while the links U (x) are unconstrained. Note that with the condition Eq. (2.6) the 4 time-like plaquettes nearest the frozen hypersurface x = 0 behave symmetrically in 4 the update procedure. Moreover, in this way the Schr¨odinger functional Eq. (1.10) is the zero-temperature limit of the thermal partition functional Eq. (1.23). In our previous studies [6–8] we checked that in the thermodynamic limit both conditions agree as the effective action is concerned. Our numerical simulations at zero temperature have been done on a lattice of size L L L L with L = L = 32, while the transverse size L = L = L has been 1 2 3 4 1 4 1 2 ⊥ 5 varied from L = 8 up to L = 32. To avoid the problem of computing a partition ⊥ ⊥ function which is the exponential of an extensive quantity we consider the derivative of the density of effective action ε[A~ext] Eq. (1.12) with respect to β by taking n ext (i.e. gH) fixed. Indeed, we have ∂ε[A~ext] 1 1 ∂Z[Uext] ε′[A~ext] = = − ∂β Ω Z[Uext] ∂β (cid:20) 1 ∂Z[0] 1 1 − = ReTrU (x) µν Z[0] ∂β Ω 3 * + (cid:21) x,µ>ν X 0 1 1 − ReTrU (x) , (2.7) µν Ω 3 * + xX,µ>ν A~ext where the subscripts on the average indicate the value of the external links at the boundaries, and the U (x)’s are the plaquettes in the (µ,ν) plane. Actually, the µν contributions to ε′[A~ext] due to the frozen time-slice at x = 0 and the fixed links at 4 the spatial boundaries must be subtracted. Accordingly, we define the derivative of the internal energy density: 1 1 ε′ [A~ext] = ReTrU (x) int Ω 3 µν * int + x∈XΛ˜,µ>λ 0 1 1 − ReTrU (x) , (2.8) µν Ω 3 * int + x∈XΛ˜,µ>λ A~ext where Λ˜ is the ensemble of the internal lattice sites which occupy the volume Ω . int To implement the constraint at the boundaries in the numerical simulations we ˜ update only the internal links, i.e. the links U (x) with x ∈ Λ. We use the over- µ relaxed heat-bath algorithm to update the gauge configurations. Simulations have been performed by means of the APE100 computer. Since we are measuring a local quantity such astheplaquette, a low statistics (from1000upto 5000configurations) is required in order to get a good estimate of ε′ . int In Figure 1 we display the derivative of the energy density normalized to the derivative of the external energy density: 2 gH 2 2π ε′ = [1−cos( )] = [1−cos( n )] (2.9) ext 3 2 3 L ext 1 versus β for L = L = 32 and 8 ≤ L ≤ 32. From Figure 1 we see that, as in the 1 4 ⊥ SU(2)gaugetheory[6–8],boththepeakandtheperturbativeplateauofε′ decrease int by increasing L . In order to perform the thermodynamic limit we introduce the ⊥ scaling variable: a H x = , (2.10) L eff 6 where 2π a = (2.11) H gH r is the magnetic length, and 1/4 L = Ω (2.12) eff int is the lattice effective linear size. As in the SU(2) case [8] we try the scaling law: ε′ (β,n ,L ) x−α int ext eff = κ(β). (2.13) ε′ ext Indeed, from Figure 2 we see that our numerical data can be arranged on the scaling curve κ(β). It is remarkable that the value of the exponent α = 1.5 in Eq. (2.13) agrees with the one we found for the SU(2) gauge theory [6–8]. From Eq. (2.13) we can determine the infinite volume limit of the vacuum energy density ε . We have: int β a α lim ε (β,n ,L ) = ε′ dβ′κ(β′) lim H = 0 (2.14) Leff→∞ int ext eff ext Z0 Leff→∞(cid:18)Leff(cid:19) in the whole range of β. As a consequence, in the continuum limit (L → ∞,β → eff ∞) the SU(3) vacuum screens the external chromomagnetic Abelian field in accor- dance with the dual superconductivity scenario [9,10]. 3. FINITE TEMPERATURE BACKGROUND FIELD EFFECTIVE ACTION Let us consider the gauge systems in an external chromomagnetic Abelian field at finite temperature. According to the discussion in Section 1, we are interested in the thermal partition function Z A~ext , Eq. (1.23). On the lattice the physical T temperature Tphysical is given by: h i 1 = L (3.1) t T physical where L = L is the linear extension in the time direction. In order to approximate t 4 the thermodynamic limit, the spatial extension L should respect the relation: s L ≫ L . (3.2) s t To this end we perform our numerical simulation on 323 ×L and 643 ×L lattices t t by imposing: L t ≤ 4. (3.3) L s 7 At finite temperature the effective action is defined through the free energy: Z A~ext 1 T F[A~ext] = − ln . (3.4) L  Zh(0) i t T   Obviously, in the case of constant externalchromagnetic field the relevant quantity is the density of effective action: 1 f[A~ext] = F[A~ext]. (3.5) V As is well known, by increasing the temperature the pure gauge system undergoes the deconfinement phase transition. In the case of pure SU(N) gauge theories it is known that the expectation value of the Polyakov loop in the time direction 1 1 Lt P = Tr U (~x,x ) (3.6) 4 4 V N s ~x x4=1 X Y is the order parameter for the deconfinement phase transition. As a preliminary step we look at the behavior of the temporal Polyakov loop versus the external applied field. We start with the SU(2) gauge system at β = 2.5 on 323×5 lattice at zero ap- pliedexternalfield(i.e. n = 0)thatisknowntobeinthedeconfinedphaseoffinite ext temperature SU(2). If the external field strength is increased the expectation value of the Polyakov loop is driven towards the value at zero temperature (see Fig. 3). It is worthwhile to stress that this last result is consistent with the dual supercon- ductor mechanism of confinement. Similar behavior has been reported by Authors of Refs. [11,12] within a different approach. If we now consider the SU(2) gauge system at zero temperature in a constant Abelian chromomagnetic background field of fixed strength (n = 1) and increase the temperature, we find that the pertur- ext bative tail of the β-derivative of the free energy density f′ (β,n )/ε′ increases int ext ext with 1/L and tends towards the “classical” value f′ (β,n )/ε′ ≃ 1 (see Fig. 4). t int ext ext Therefore we may conclude that, as the temperature increases, there is no screening effect in the free energy density, confirming that the zero-temperature screening of the external field is related to the confinement. The knowledge of f′ (β,n )/ε′ at finite temperature can be used to estimate int ext ext the deconfinement temperature T . In Figure 5 we magnify the peak region for c different values ofL . Wesee clearly that thepseudocritical couplingβ∗(L ) depends t t on L . To determine the pseudocritical couplings we parametrize f′ (β,L ) near the t int t peak as: f′ (β,L ) a (L ) int t = 1 t . (3.7) ε′ a (L )[β −β∗(L )]2 +1 ext 2 t t We restrict the region near β∗(L ) until the fits Eq. (3.7) give a reduced χ2/d.o.f. ∼ t 1. 8 Having determined β∗(L ) we estimate the deconfinement temperature as: t T 1 1 c = , (3.8) Λ L f(β∗(L )) latt t t where 51/121 β 1 f(β) = exp −β , (3.9) 2Nb 4Nb (cid:18) 0(cid:19) (cid:18) 0(cid:19) where b = (11N)/(48π2) and N is the color number. In Figure 6 we display 0 T /Λ for different temperatures. Following Ref. [13] we linearly extrapolate to c latt the continuum our data for T /Λ . In this way we obtain the following estimate c latt of the critical temperature in the continuum limit T c = 28.36 ± 1.38. (3.10) Λ latt Equation (3.10) is to be compared with the continuum limit of the critical temper- ature available in the literature [13] T c = 24.38 ± 2.18. (3.11) Λ latt Our result Eq. (3.10) agrees, within two standard deviations, with the result given in Eq. (3.11). Note, however, that the small discrepancy could be a true dynami- cal effect due to the external chromomagnetic field. Indeed, the behaviour of the Polyakov loop versus the external background field displayed in Fig. 3 seems to sug- gest that the critical temperature does depend on the applied background field. For dimensional reasons one expects that: T2 ∼ H. (3.12) c To check the expected behaviour Eq. (3.12) we need to vary the external chromo- magnetic field. We plan to do this study in a future work. For the time being, let us turn to the SU(3) pure gauge lattice theory at finite temperature. In this paper we limit ourselves to present our determination of the critical deconfinement temperature. In Figure 7 we display the peak region of the internal free energy density for different values ofL , together with the fits Eq. (3.7). t Having determined the pseudocritical couplings, the deconfinement temperature can be obtained from Eq.(3.8). Performing the linear extrapolation to the continuum limit we get: T c = 20.86 ± 3.02. (3.13) Λ latt 9

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