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Abbott, Texas delegation letter to Trump on Harvey/shutdown PDF

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Preview Abbott, Texas delegation letter to Trump on Harvey/shutdown

Wnited States Senate ‘astiingToM. De 20510 Sanvary 14, 2019 ‘The Memorable Donald Trump President of che United States ie White Louse 1600 Fomsylvania Avenue ‘Washington, D.C. 20800 Mr, President: ‘The wideapraa looding, storm surges and high winds that rsulted| "tom Hurrieare |lurvey"s lanulfall (98-332 left many pects of the Texas const paralyved fer months. lsevey' leveled. thousarids of hon:cs and businesses, altering many Texns communities forever, ‘This éisaster roqhired « massive, eourdinated reiporve al the sate, local aed federa, levels lo help individuals reslore their ives in normnal as quiekly as possible, Texas continacy ta rebuild Cough ‘coordinated efforts ar all levels of government ad importunt work is underway wo mitigate against Zatere stom. We — an Use milan ol Tewas etiens we feprescat~ remain thank the numerous federal agencies and tiest responders who coordinated and contributed rewources and personnel. Shorty after tae rains subsided, Congress swiflly acled hy puasing three separate disaster supplsmeutal bills, inokuding the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (#22. 275-1231, which contained over $15 billion dallars lor TLS. Army Capa ot Engineers civil works projects Receat reports have indicated thar your Administration iv cemsideriay the use of U.S. Atray Comps of Knginoers funds, apprupriled by Congress wd intended for Hurricane Harvey recovery and mifigatnn efforts, in an efor to seoute ow somthern border. We steomgly support sceuring ‘he border with aduitindal federal resources including tacticai infrastructure, technology, ports of ceuey iauproveraents and personnel, However, We are sirangly oppose to using thnds| appropriavod by Congress for disastr relief ural mitigation far'Texas for any untarendod purpose. As Texans continuc io rehuild and prepare for future disasters. these funds, appraprinid hy Congress to he spent directly ou sebuilding and mitignion, wre crtiel wo helping ‘ur cammmunities recover. jucvonting furnre foodng und protecting cur coostituenns. ‘hark you tbr your commityaant to he'p Texae reqpund to Tercicane Llnrvey snd to secure the southem Donker, We ask thi: yu ensure necessary efforts on border sewity do not jeupordize lruclerm Turricane recavery and mitigation in Texas, Ag Caer LD. (om GREG ABBOTT TOWN CORNY Govamor, Stare of Texas Un‘ted States Senator Walon WML TV Lael Te cRIZ MICHAEL MECAUL Uoited States Seruter Momber of Congress ‘RANDY WEBER WI. BURN Manuber of Congress Member uf Congress EVIN BRADY PRT OLSON ‘Momber of Congress Memher of Camgrest NCE GOODR: RIAN BABIN DDS iember of Cangresn Member of Congress Kf ANY MR ‘HANT az 7, BLORES: ever oneen Member of Congress Ye A av HZ FLPTCHER ember of Congres Member of Congress i a a a K. MICHAEL CONAWAY ROGER WILLIAMS Member of Congress Meniber of Co KAYGRANGER ‘Member of Congress 4 LEMON VELA Member of Congress Member of Congress Memberfor Congress SYLVIAGARCIA Member of Congeess cy

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