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Ab initio Wannier-function-based correlated calculations of Born effective charges of crystalline Li$_{2}$O and LiCl PDF

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Preview Ab initio Wannier-function-based correlated calculations of Born effective charges of crystalline Li$_{2}$O and LiCl

Ab initio Wannier-fun tion-based orrelated al ulations of Born 2 e(cid:27)e tive harges of rystalline Li O and LiCl ∗ Priya Sony and Alok Shukla ∗ 8 Physi s Department, Indian Institute of Te hnology, Powai, Mumbai 400076, INDIA 0 0 2 Abstra t n In thispaper we have usedour re ently developed ab initio Wannier-fun tion-based methodology a J 2 to perform extensive Hartree-Fo k and orrelated al ulations on Li O and LiCl to ompute their 2 2 Born e(cid:27)e tive harges. Results thus obtained are in very good agreement with the experiments. In ] ci parti ular, for the ase of Li2O, we resolve a ontroversy originating in the experiment of Osaka s - and Shindo [Solid State Commun. 51 (1984) 421℄ who had predi ted the e(cid:27)e tive harge of Li l r t m ions to be in the range 0.58(cid:22)0.61, a value mu h smaller ompared to its nominal value of unity, . t thereby, suggesting that the bonding in the material ould be partially ovalent. We demonstrate a m thate(cid:27)e tive harge omputed byOsakaandShindo istheSzigeti harge, andon etheBorn harge - d n is omputed, it is in ex ellent agreement with our omputed value. Mulliken population analysis of o 2 c Li O also on(cid:28)rms ioni nature of the bonding in the substan e. [ 1 PACS numbers: 77.22.-d, 71.10.-w, 71.15.-m v 8 0 3 3 . 1 0 8 0 : v i X r a 1 2 I INTRODUCTION I. INTRODUCTION Ab initio al ulationof diele tri response properties of materialsare routinely performed 1 using methods based upon density-fun tional theory (DFT). Most of these al ulations presently are based upon the so- alled 'modern theory of polarization' whi h is based upon 2,3 a Berry-phase (BP) interpretation of ma ros opi polarization of solids. The pra ti al implementation of the BP approa h within various versions of the DFT, su h as the lo al- density approximation (LDA), is straightforward be ause of their mean-(cid:28)eld nature. How- ever, it is desirable to go beyond the mean-(cid:28)eld level, so as to ompute the in(cid:29)uen e of ele tron orrelation e(cid:27)e ts on polarization properties su h as the Born harge of rystals. Re ently, we have proposed an approa h whi h allows omputation of various polarization 4,5 properties of rystalline insulators within a many-body framework. The approa h utilizes a Wannier-fun tion based real-spa e methodology, oupled with a (cid:28)nite-(cid:28)eld approa h, to perform orrelated al ulations using a Bethe-Goldstone-like many-body hierar hy. Its su - essful implementationwas demonstrated by performingab initio many-body al ulationsof 4 5 Born harges, and opti al diele tri onstants, of various insulating rystals. We note that an ab initio wave-fun tional-based real-spa e orrelated approa h has re ently been su ess- 6 fully demonstrated by Hozoi et al.(author?) to ompute the quasi-parti le band stru ture of rystalline MgO. 4 In this paper we apply our re ently-developed approa h, to perform ab initio orrelated 2 2 al ulations of Born harges of rystalline Li O and LiCl. Li O is a te hnologi ally impor- 7 tant material with possible appli ations in thermonu lear rea tors, as also in solid-state 8 batteries. Based upon their infrared re(cid:29)e tivity and Raman s attering based experiment 2 7 on Li O, Osaka and Shindo reported the value of e(cid:27)e tive harge of Li ions to be in the range 0.58(cid:22)0.61, a value mu h smaller ompared to the nominal value of unity expe ted in an ioni material. Therefore, they spe ulated whether the nature of hemi al bond in 7 the substan e is partly ovalent. In this work we present a areful investigation of this subje t, and resolve the ontroversy by showing that the e(cid:27)e tive harge reported by Os- 7 aka and Shindo was the Szigeti harge and not the Born harge. On e the Born harge is omputed from the Szigeti harge, its experimental value 0.95 is in ex ellent agreement with our theoreti al value of 0.91, and mu h loser to the nominal value. We also present a plot of the Wannier fun tions in the substan e as also the Mulliken population analysis to 3 2 on(cid:28)rm the ioni bonding in Li O. As far as LiCl is on erned, earlier we omputed its Born 9 harge at the Hartree-Fo k level using our Wannier fun tion methodology, and found its value to be signi(cid:28) antly smaller as ompared to the experiments. Therefore, in this work, we perform orrelated al ulations of the Born harge of LiCl, and, indeed, obtain mu h better agreement with the experiments. Remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In se tion II we brie(cid:29)y des ribe the theoreti al aspe ts of our Wannier-fun tion-based methodology. Next in se tion III we present and dis uss the results of our al ulations. Finally, in se tion IV we present our on lusions. II. METHODOLOGY Z∗ (i) i The Born e(cid:27)e tive harge tensor, αβ , asso iated with the atoms of the -th sublatti e, 10 is de(cid:28)ned as (el) ∂P (cid:12) Z∗ (i) = Z + (Ω/e) α (cid:12) , αβ i ∂u (cid:12) (1) iβ (cid:12) = (cid:12)E 0 Z Ω i where is the harge asso iated with the nu lei (or the ore) of the sublatti e, is the (el) e P α α volumeoftheunit ell, ismagnitudeoftheele troni harge, and isthe -thCartesian omponent of the ele troni part of the ma ros opi polarization indu ed as a result of β ∆u ∆u iβ iβ the displa ement of the sublatti e in the -th Cartesian dire tion, . For small , ∂Pα(el)(cid:12) = ∆Pα(el) ∆P(el) one assumes ∂uiβ (cid:12) = ∆uiβ , with α omputed as the hange in the ele troni (cid:12)E 0 ∆u iβ polarization per unit ell due to the displa ement . For a given latti e on(cid:28)guration (el) λ P (λ) α denoted by parameter , we demonstrated that , for a many-ele tron system, an be 4 omputed as the expe tation value q P(el)(λ) = e Ψ(λ) X(el) Ψ(λ) , α NΩh 0 | α | 0 i (2) q = e N ( ) e ( − ) is the ele troni harge, → ∞ , represents the total number of unit ells in X(el) = Ne x(k) α the rystal, α Pk=1 α is the -th omponent of the many-ele tron position operator (λ) N Ψ for the e ele trons of the rystal, and | 0 i represents the orrelated ground-state wave- fun tionof the in(cid:28)nite solid, expressed interms of Wannierfun tions. Forone-ele tronmod- 4 els su h as Kohn-Sham theory, or the Hartree-Fo k method, we showed that Eq. (2) leads 2 to expressions onsistent with the Berry-phase-based theory of King-Smithand Vanderbilt , 3 and Resta . 4 II METHODOLOGY Cal ulating the expe tation value of Eq. (2) an be tedious for a general orrelated wave fun tion. We avoid this by using the (cid:28)nite-(cid:28)eld approa h whereby the expe tation values of various omponents of dipole operator an be obtained by performing both the HF and orrelated al ulations in presen e of a small ele tri (cid:28)eld in that dire tion, and then omputing the (cid:28)rst derivative of the omputed total energy with respe t to the applied 4,5 ele tri (cid:28)eld. This approa h of omputing expe tation values derives its legitima y from the generalized Hellman-Feynman theorem, and is alled (cid:16)(cid:28)nite-(cid:28)eld method(cid:17) in quantum 11 hemistry literature. Therefore, the present set of HF and orrelated al ulations are dis- 12,13,14,15,16 tin t from our previous ones in that the present al ulations have been performed in presen e of an external ele tri (cid:28)eld. For details related to our Wannier-fun tion-based HF methodology, in the presen e of external ele tri (cid:28)elds, we refer the reader to our earlier 4,5 papers. E corr Correlation ontributionstotheenergy perunit ell , even inthepresen e ofexternal 17 ele tri (cid:28)elds, were omputed a ording to the in remental s heme of Stoll 1 Ecorr = Xǫi + X∆ǫij + 2! i i6=j 1 X ∆ǫijk + , 3! ··· (3) i6=j6=k ǫ , ∆ǫ , ∆ǫ ,... ,... i ij ijk where et . are respe tively the one-, two- and three-body orrelation in rements obtained by onsidering simultaneous virtual ex itations from one, two, or three i, j, k,... 15 o upied Wannier fun tions, and label the Wannier fun tions involved. Be ause n of the translational symmetry, one of these Wannier fun tions is required to be in the referen eunit ell,whiletheremainingones anbeanywhereelseinthesolid. Inourprevious studies performed on ioni systems, we demonstrated that the in rements an be trun ated n = 2) to two-body e(cid:27)e ts ( , with the Wannier fun tions not being farther than the third- 15,16 nearest neighbors. We follow the same trun ation s heme here as well, with the method of orrelation al ulation being the full- on(cid:28)guration-intera tion (FCI) as in our previous 4,5,15,16 works, where other te hni al details related to the approa h are also des ribed. 2 A Li O 5 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2 In this se tion, (cid:28)rst we present the results of our al ulations of Born harges of Li O, followed by those of LiCl. 2 A. Li O 2 The primitive ell of Li O onsists of a three-atom basis (two Li and one O), with ea h atom belonging to an f latti e. In our al ulations anion was pla ed at the origin of ( a/4 a/4, a/4) the primitive ell, while the ations were lo ated at the positions ± ± ± . This stru ture is usuallyreferred to as the anti-(cid:29)uoritestru ture, to whi h other related materials 2 2 su h as Na O and K O also belong. Based upon intuition, one would on lude that the 2s bonding in the substan e will be of ioni type, with the valen e ele trons of the two lithium atoms of the formula unit being transferred to the oxygen. Thus the two Li atoms willbein ationi statewhiletheoxygenwillbeindianioni state. However, theargumentfor −2 partial ovalen e inthe system goesas follows. It iswell-known that the free O ions do not exist in nature. Therefore, in lithium oxide it will be stabilized only be ause of the rystal- −2 (cid:28)eld e(cid:27)e ts. Still, one ould argue, that O ion in solid state will be very di(cid:27)use, leading to partial ovalen y. In light of these arguments, it is interesting to examine the results of 7 2 the experiments of Osaka and Shindo performed on the single rystals of Li O, where they measured the frequen ies of fundamental opti al and Raman a tive modes using infrared and Raman spe tros opy. Using the measured frequen ies and several other parameters, the authors (cid:28)tted their data both to rigid-ion and shell models of latti e dynami s, to obtain 7 values for Li e(cid:27)e tive harges of 0.58 and 0.61, respe tively. Noting that the obtained e(cid:27)e tive harge is quite di(cid:27)erent from the nominal value of unity, they argued that the 2 7 result suggests that Li O has partially ovalent hara ter. Next, we argue, however, that 18 the e(cid:27)e tive harge reported by Osaka and Shindo is a tually the Szigeti harge, and not the Born harge. The shell-model value of 0.61 of the e(cid:27)e tive harge of Li was omputed 7 19 by Osaka and Shindo using the expression for the (cid:29)uorite stru ture derived by Axe 3√ǫ Z = [(ν2 ν2 )µπr3]1/2 ∞, S LO − TO 0 ǫ (4) ∞+2 ν /ν r = a where LO TO are the longitudinal/transverse opti al phonon frequen ies, 0 2, where a µ ǫ ∞ is the latti e onstant, is the e(cid:27)e tive mass of the three ion system, while is the 6 III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION high-frequen y diele tri onstant of the material. The expression in Eq. 4 is nothing but Z 18 T the Szigeti harge of the ion from whi h the Born harge ( ) an be omputed using the 18 relation (ǫ +2) ∞ Z = Z T S 3 (5) ǫ = 2.68 Z ( ) = 0.61 ∞ S 7 If we use the values and Li obtained by Osaka and Shindo in 0.95 2 Eq. 5, we obtain the experimental value of Born harge of Li ions in Li O to be whi h is very lose to the nominal value of unity. From this, the experimental value of the Born 1.90 harge of the O ions an be dedu ed to be . These values of the Born harges of Li and 2 O ions imply, in the most unequivo al manner, an ioni stru ture for Li O onsistent with the intuition, without any possibility of ovalen y. Next, we report the results of our ab initio orrelated al ulations of Born harges of 2 bulk Li O. These al ulations were performed using the lobe-type Gaussian basis fun tions whi h, as demonstrated in the past, represent Cartesian Gaussian basis fun tions to a very 12,13,14 2 14 good a ura y. As in our previous HF study of the ground state properties of Li O, 20 our al ulationswere initiated by a smallerbasis set reported by Dovesi et al. onsisting of (2s,1p) (4s,3p) fun tions forlithium,and fun tionsforoxygen. However, we alsoaugmented d 20 our basis set by a single -type exponent of 0.8, re ommended also by Dovesi et al., so as to he k the in(cid:29)uen e of higher angular momentum fun tions on our results. Hen eforth, (s,p) (s,p,d) we refer to these two basis sets as and basis sets, respe tively. For the purpose T = 0 of the al ulations, f geometry along with the experimentally extrapolated latti e a = 4.573 8 onstant value of Å was assumed. For our (cid:28)nite-(cid:28)eld approa h to Born harge 0.001 des ribed earlier, ele tri (cid:28)elds of strength ± atomi units (a.u.), along with an oxygen ∆u = 0.01a x latti e displa ement , both in the −dire tion, were used. This leads to the Z∗ determination of xx omponent of the Born harge orresponding to the oxygen latti e. 1s During the orrelated al ulations, Wannier fun tions orresponding to fun tions of both 2s 2p Li and O were held frozen, while virtual ex itations were arried out from the and Z∗ = orbitals of oxygen anion. At the HF level we veri(cid:28)ed that the symmetry relation xx Z∗ = Z∗ yy zz holds, along with the fa t that the o(cid:27)-diagonal elements of the Born harge Z∗ ( ) + 2Z∗ ( ) = 0 tensor are negligible. Additionally, the opti al sum rule αβ O αβ Li , was also veri(cid:28)ed. 2 Our al ulated results for the Born harge of oxygen in Li O are presented in table I. It is obvious from the table that irrespe tive of the basis set used, most of the ontribution to the 2 A Li O 7 2 Table I: Correlated values of Born Charge of Li O obtained in our al ulations. Column with headingHFreferstoresultsobtainedattheHartree-Fo klevel. Heading(cid:16)one-body(cid:17) referstoresults obtained after in luding the orre tions due to (cid:16)one-body(cid:17) ex itations from ea h Wannier fun tion of the unit ell, to the HF value. Two-body (O) implies results in lude additional orre tions due to simultaneous ex itations from two distin t Wannier fun tions lo ated on the anion in the referen e unit ell. Two-body (1NN) and two-body (2NN) orrespond to two-body orrelation e(cid:27)e ts involving 1st and 2nd, nearest neighbor Wannier fun tions, respe tively. Basis Set Oxygen Born Charge Experiment a HF One-body Two-Body (O) Two-body (1NN) Two-body (2NN) 1.90 (s,p) 1.794 1.783 1.763 1.781 1.777 (s,p,d) 1.851 1.840 1.814 (cid:22) (cid:22)- a 7 As dedu ed from the Szigeti harge reported in referen e. Born harge, as expe ted, is obtained at the HF level, with relatively smaller ontribution of ele tron- orrelation e(cid:27)e ts. Correlation e(cid:27)e ts do diminish the value of the Born harge as ompared to its HF value, however, rather insigni(cid:28) antly. Comparatively, speaking the d in lusionof one −type basis fun tion on oxygen has greater in(cid:29)uen e on the Born harge of (s,p) oxygen, and its value is in reased as ompared to the one obtained using the basis set. (s,p,d) With the basis set, we found negligible in(cid:29)uen e on the Born harge from the two- body ontributions outside of the referen e unit ell. Thus our al ulations, as per opti al sum rule, predi t a value of Born harge of Li to be lose to 0.91, in very good agreement 7 with the experimental results, with the error being less than 5%. In order to obtain a 2p pi torial view of ele troni stru ture in the material, in Fig. 1 we plot one of the oxygen (s,p,d) (1,1,1) valen eWannierfun tions, omputedusingthe basisset, alongthe dire tion. To simulate the e(cid:27)e t of one of the phonon modes, we displa ed the oxygen atom of the (0.01a,0.01a,0.01a) a primitive ell to the position , where is the latti e onstant, leaving the Li atoms undisturbed. From the (cid:28)gure it is obvious that the Wannier fun tion is highly lo alized around the oxygen site, with small value in the interatomi region, implying the ioni hara ter of the material. Another quantity whi h ould help us determine whether the system is ioni or ovalent (s,p) is the Mulliken population asso iated with the atoms of the primitive ell. With the 2.005 0.984 basisset, theLiandOMullikenpopulationswere foundtobe− and ,respe tively, 8 III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2p (1,1,1) Figure 1: One of the valen e Wannier fun tions of oxygen plotted along the dire tion. In order to simulate the e(cid:27)e t of opti al phonons, al ulation was performed with oxygen shifted to (0.01a,0.01a,0.01a) the position , and the Li positions un hanged. Nodes in the Wannier fun tion ( a/4, a/4, a/4) 1s at positions ± ± ± are due to its orthogonality to the Li Wannier fun tions lo ated there. 1 0.5 ) r (p 0 2 φ -0.5 -1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 r (a.u.) (s,p,d) 2.004 0.984 while with the basis set the populations were − and . It is obvious that the omputed Mulliken populations have onverged with respe t to the basis set, and are very lose to the nominal ioni ities of the two atoms. This further on(cid:28)rms the ioni pi ture of the bonding in this substan e. B. LiCl 21 These al ulations were performed using the basis set proposed by Pren ipe et al. in their ab initio HF study of alkali halides. The experimental f geometry with latti e onstant of 5.07 Å was assumed. The unit ell employed during the al ulations onsisted of (a/2,0,0) anion pla ed at the origin, and the ation at the position . During the many-body 3s 3p al ulations, only the valen e Wannier fun tions omposed of , and orbitals lo alized on Cl, were orrelated. In order to al ulate the Born harge, the anion was displa ed in the x 0.01a -dire tion by an amount . For the (cid:28)nite-(cid:28)eld omputation of the dipole expe tation B LiCl 9 Table II: Correlated values of Born Charge of LiCl obtained in our al ulations. Rest of the information is same as in the aption of table I. Basis Set Chlorine Born Charge Experiment a HF One-body Two-Body (O) Two-body (1NN) 1.231 (s,p) 1.019 1.020 1.037 1.013 (s,p,d) 1.098 1.128 1.178 (cid:22) a 22 Computed from the experimental data reported in referen e. 0.01 x value, an external ele tri (cid:28)eld of strength ± a.u., also along the -axis, was applied. (s,p) The results of our al ulations are presented in table II. With our basis set the orrelatione(cid:27)e tswerein ludeduptotheleveloftwo-bodyin rementsinvolvingtheWannier (s,p,d) fun tions in the nearest-neighboring ells. However, with the augmented basis set, in lusionof two-body in rements beyond the referen e unit ell, didnot make any signi(cid:28) ant 2 di(cid:27)eren e to the results. Similar to the ase of, Li O, we note that: (a) in lusion of one d -type fun tion improves the results both at the HF and the orrelated levels, and (b) the in lusionof ele tron- orrelatione(cid:27)e ts generally improves the results as ompared to the HF values. The (cid:28)nal value of Born harge of LiCl of 1.178 obtained from these al ulations, is again in very good agreement with the experimental value, with an error smaller than 5%. IV. CONCLUSIONS In on lusion, we performed Wannier-fun tion-based ab initio orrelated al ulations on 2 rystalline Li O and LiCl to ompute their Born e(cid:27)e tive harges, using a methodology re- ently developed inour group. Cal ulationswere performed using polarizablebasis sets, and the results obtained were in very good agreement with the experimental ones. Additionally, we also resolved an ambiguityasso iated withrather smallvalue of experimentallymeasured 2 e(cid:27)e tive harge of Li O, whi h had raised the possibility of partial ovalen e in its hemi al 7 stru ture, by demonstrating that the measured harge was the Szigeti harge, and not the Born harge of the ompound. The Born harge obtained from the Szigeti harge was found to be in good agreement with its nominal ioni value. By further omputing the Mulliken harges and exploring the Wannier fun tions, we demonstrated that the results were on- 2 sistent with a ioni pi ture of Li O. The omputational e(cid:27)ort involved in our al ulations 10 IV CONCLUSIONS is signi(cid:28) ant heavier than in the al ulations performed using the density-fun tional theory. This is be ause our approa h is many-body in nature, requiring al ulations beyond the mean-(cid:28)eld. At present we are exploring the possibility of using our approa h to ompute the Born harges offerroele tri ,aswellas ovalentmaterials,andwe willpublishourresults in future as and when they be ome available. A knowledgments This work was supported by grant no. SP/S2/M-10/2000 from Department of S ien e and Te hnology (DST), Government of India. ∗ Present Address: Group of Atomisti Modeling and Design of Materials, University of Leoben, Franz-Josef-Strasse 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria 1 See, e.g., R. Resta, Rev. Mod. 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