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AAT Imaging and Microslit Spectroscopy in the Southern Hubble Deep Field Karl Glazebrook1,2, Aprajita Verma3,4, Brian Boyle5,2, Sebastian Oliver3,6, Robert G. Mann3,7, Davienne Monbleau2 6 0 0 2 ABSTRACT n We present a deep photometric (B- and R-band) catalog and an associated spectroscopic a J redshift survey conducted in the vicinity of the Hubble Deep Field South. The spectroscopy 5 yields 53 extragalactic redshifts in the range 0 < z < 1.4 substantially increasing the body of spectroscopic work in this field to over 200 objects. The targets are selected from deep AAT 1 prime focus images complete to R < 24 and spectroscopy is 50% complete at R = 23. There is v now strong evidence for a rich cluster at z ≃ 0.58 flanking the WFPC2 field which is consistent 2 with a known absorber of the bright QSO in this field. We find that photometric redshifts of 1 1 z < 1 galaxies in this field based on HST data are accurate to σz/(1+z) = 0.03 (albeit with 1 small number statistics). The observations were carried out as a community service for Hubble 0 Deep Field science, to demonstrate the first use of the ‘nod & shuffle’ technique with a classical 6 multi-objectspectrographandto testthe useof‘microslits’forultra-highmultiplex observations 0 along with a new VPH grism and deep-depletion CCD. The reduction of this new type of data / h is also described. p - Subject headings: Catalogs, surveys,Galaxies: evolution o r t 1. Introduction containabrightQSOJ2233-606atz =2.24inor- s a der to facilitate studies of the connectionbetween The Hubble Deep Field South (HDF-S) is one : foreground galaxies and absorbing systems in the v ofthedeepestimagingfieldsinthesky. Itwasob- QSO spectrum. i X servedin 1998(Williams et al. 2000)by the Hub- Thedeterminationofpreciseredshiftsforextra- r bleSpaceTelescope(HST)asacounterparttothe galacticsourceshasbeenimportantsincethetime a northern Hubble Deep Field (HDF-N). However of Hubble (1929). While much spectroscopy has in contrastto the northern field it was selected to been done in the other Hubble Deep Field, HDF- 1DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,JohnsHopkins S has lagged behind. As a community service University,Baltimore,MD21218 and in order to test new instrumentation tech- 2Anglo-Australian Observatory, P.O.Box 296, Epping niques,inparticular‘nod&shuffle’(Glazebrook& NSW,Australia Bland-Hawthorn2001;GB01)withverysmall‘mi- 3Astrophysics Group, Imperial College London, Black- croslits’, we carried out a spectroscopic campaign ett Laboratory, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2AZ, of galaxies in, and in the vicinity of, the HDF-S UK in order to obtain redshifts. The plan of this pa- 4Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r extraterrestrische Physik, per is asfollows: Section2details the prime focus Giessenbachstraße, 85748Garching,Germany 5AustraliaTelescopeNationalFacility,POBox76,Ep- pre-imaging,the proceduresused to constructthe pingNSW1710,Australia photometric catalogand the selectionofthe spec- 6Astronomy Centre, University of Sussex, Falmer, troscopic targets. In Section 3 we describe our BrightonBN19QJ,UK novel spectroscopic observations and the special 7Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, data reduction procedures used. In Section 4 we Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ, presentourspectroscopiccataloganditsbasicpa- UK 1 rametersandcomparewithotherworkinthisfield 213479 at 22h 33m10.97s −60◦26′00.4′′, B=8.1). anddiscussthepossiblegalaxyclusteratz ≃0.58. In order to maximise the reliability of the final The finding charts, images, spectra, photomet- catalogue without compromising the faint source ric and spectroscopic catalogs presented in this detection, we flagged sources which lie in areas paper are all available from the Anglo-Australian moststronglyaffectedbystraylightorinvignetted Observatory web site at: regions as ‘masked’ to minimise the number of spurious extractions. Only sources lying within http://www.aao.gov.au/hdfs/Redshifts unmasked regions are considered as targets and for further analysis. The magnitudes presented in 2. Imaging Observations & Spectroscopic the final catalogue are SExtractor MAG AUTO mag- Selection nitudesdeterminedusinganautomatedadapative We obtained pre-imaging data1 (prior to the aperturetechnique. Thefinalphotometriccatalog HST campaign) from which our sample of tar- is given in Table 1 (electronic edition only). getsforspectroscopicfollow-upwereselected. Im- We extracted an extragalactic catalogue us- ages in B and R were taken with the Anglo Aus- ing star-galaxy separation and analysed the re- tralianTelescopePrimeFocusCCDcamera(0.391 sulting extragalactic number counts. We chose ′′ /pixel) in May 1999 at two pointings contain- to use the object’s magnitude and a measure of ingtheWFPC(‘AAT-WF’)andSTIS(‘AAT-ST’) surface brightness (magnitude/FWHM2) as our fields respectively. When stacked and mosaicked, star-galaxy separator as it provides a cleaner cut they covera contiguousareaof 12.5′×7′ centered at faint magnitudes than SExtractor’s classifier on 22h 33m18.68s −60◦31′45.8′′ (J2000)) which or the commonly used core:total indicator. Our includes the HST deep fields and their flanking number-magnitude analysis showed the counts of fields. Allimagesweretakeninphotometriccondi- galaxies to be still increasing as a power-law to ′′ tionsand0.8 seeing,exceptfortheB-bandAAT- R=24, consistent with close to 100% complete- ′′ ST data (2.2 through thick clouds). A finding ness at this depth. The formal magnitude limit chart for our pointing is given in Figure 1. of the images, measured from the noise in ran- ′′ Theimageswerede-biased,flat-fieldedandmo- dom 0.8 diameter apertures placed on blank re- saiced following standard CCD procedures. All gions is R=25.30, 25.16 (WF, ST) for a 3σ de- images were registered to the USNO-A2.0 refer- tection. This is also consistent with the images enceframeusingx-andy-shiftsandrotation. The being highly complete at R = 24. The B-data ′′ internalastrometricoffsetbetweensourcesinover- reaches 25.18 (WF) and 23.97 (ST, 2 aperture lapping frames is measured to be ≈ 0.12′′. An — due to the poorer seeing). At R = 24 galaxies all-sky photometric solution was determined from overwhelminglydominatestarsandsowechoseto observations of 7 Landolt (1992) fields using 29 select spectroscopic targets from a purely R mag- stars. B-band images taken in non-photometric nitude limited catalog to this depth. R = 24 was conditions and were calibrated using overlap ar- somewhat deeper than we expected to reach with eas with photometric images (accurate to < 0.04 spectroscopyevenunderthebestconditions,how- magsresidualscatter). Asourcecataloguewasex- ever we expected to go deeper for objects with tractedusing Sextractorversion2.2.1(Bertin and strong emission lines and we also desired a high Arnouts, 1996). Sextractor was run in the stan- surfacedensitytotestthe‘microslit’spectroscopy dardmannerusingalowdetectionthresholdof1σ described below so our final strategy was to ob- andaminimumof3connectedpixelstodefinethe serve a lot of objects and tolerate a lower com- extraction. We used a local determination from pleteness. Thefinallistofobjectsthatmadeiton theskytoaccuratelyhandledatawithvariablesky to the slit-mask was based solely on geometrical levels. Thisisparticularlyimportantsincetheim- considerations. ages suffer from strong stray light pollution from Finally, we note that the spectroscopic selec- an off-image star to the north of the field (HD tionwasdoneonapreliminaryversionofthefinal astrometricandphotometrictablepresentedhere. 1Webrieflydescribetheimaginghereandfurtherdetailsare We find that the positions and magnitudes repro- givenontheprojectwebsite. ducewellbetweenthepreliminarycatalogandthe 2 finalversion(<0.4arcsecand<0.03magsystem- 3.1. Nod & Shuffle atic differences). Thenod&shuffletechniqueforhighlyaccurate sky-subtraction is extensively described in GB01. 3. Spectroscopic Observations In a nutshell the technique uses an unilluminated Thespectroscopicobservationsweremadewith part of the CCD as a storage area for an image the Anglo-Australian Telescopes Low Dispersion of the sky. Observing consists of taking an image Survey Spectrograph (Wynne & Worswick 1988). ofthe objects throughthe slits,clockingthe CCD This instrument (LDSS) was designed for multi- voltagepatternsothisimageis‘shuffled’intothe slitimagingspectroscopyandoffersawidecircular storage, nodding a few arcsecs, taking an image (12.3 arcmin diameter) field of view. Data was of the sky through the slits, and repeating. The takeninOctober1998duringacommissioningrun result is quasi-simultaneous images of the object to test the following new features: andskyadjacentontheCCD.Thisisdonerapidly totrackskyvariations,e.g. forHDF-Swetook30 1. A new deep-depletion CCD detector from secimagesatobjectandskypositions(plusa2sec MIT Lincoln Labs (see Burke et al. 2004 deadtime to allow for telescope settling). The se- fordetailsonthesedevices)hadjustbeenin- quenceisrepeated30×givingan1800sec(900sec stalledofferingimprovedredsensitivity. The on object) exposure. Readout noise only becomes deep depletion of high-resitivity p-type Sil- important during the final clock-out, charge shuf- icon causes pixels to be up to 40µm deep, fling is essentially noiseless as long as the CCD thisallowsmoredepthforaphotontobede- has good charge-transfer efficiency (CTE). Sky- tected and improves the quantum efficiency subtractionthenconsistsofwindowingtheskyre- >8000˚A where Silicon is becoming increas- gionoftheimageandthensubtractingitfromthe ingly transparent. It also reduces the effect object region which is offset by an exactly known offringing. We obtaineda2048×4096pixel number of pixels. With the setup employed here device (15 µm pixels giving 0.395 arcsec / the systematic sky residuals do not exceed 0.04% pixel). The red quantum efficiency peaked (measured in GB01). at 87% at 7000˚A and maintained 16% at Many schemes are possible for laying out po- 10,000˚A.(Tinney & Barton 1998). sitions of slits and storage areas on the detector. Whetheronecanshufflealongdistanceorashort 2. A new red-optimized grism based on a Vol- distance depends on the CTE and the number of umePhaseHolographic(VPH)gratingfrom charge traps on the detector (each trap causes a Kaiser Optical Systems was tested. VPH trail of charge when shuffled). For example Abra- gratingsoffer improvedthroughput (Barden ham et. al. (2004) in their later Gemini Multi- etal. 1998). This wasthe firsttestofalow- ObjectSpectrograph(GMOS)observationsused2 resolutionVPHgratingdesignedforredshift arcseclongrectangularslitlets,and‘microshuffled’ measurements in a multi-object system and the charge only one slit length. The storage was proved successful. The peak efficiency was immediately below the detector soeffectively 50% measured to be 82% at 6700˚A (Glazebrook oftheGMOSFOVwasavailabletoslits. Forthese 1998). The grating delivered a dispersion of small shuffles CTE is not critical, also the GMOS 2.6˚AperpixelwiththeMIT/LLCCDanda CCDshadhundredsofchargetrapssosmallshuf- onearcsecslitprojectedto ∼3 pixelsgiving fles was desirable. 8˚A spectral resolution. For our observations the MITLL3 CCD only 3. The use of ‘nod & shuffle’ (GB01) for accu- had 12 traps and the CTE was 99.9999% which rate sky-subtraction for the first time in a allowed us to make large ‘macroshuffles’ across multi-object configuration. the whole device. We chose to follow the scheme shown in Figure 2 which is motivated by the fact 4. The use of very small slits (‘microslits’), en- that the MITLL3 device is physically much larger abledby nod& shuffle, to allowlargemulti- than the LDSS focal plane. One third of the de- plex, as described below. vice (1365 pixels = 9.0 arcmin) is used for imag- 3 ing,the restforstorage. 75%ofthe LDSS FOVis axis) in order to maximize the number of tar- available for slits, which is advantageous, but we gets allocated within the Hubble camera fields. have to shuffle 1365 pixels. This is not a problem We found the typical overall number of slits al- with the high CTE, tests in the lab showed sig- located by our algorithm was not sensitive to this nificant image degradation did not happen until choice. The position angle is not optimal for at- severalhundredmacroshuffleoperationshad been mosphericdispersion,howeversinceweweredoing performed. Finally, we note that the FOV ad- red spectroscopy this would not have been a sig- vantagein macroshufflingis only gainedwhen the nificant source of light loss. Using the red VPH FOVgreatlyunderfillstheCCDandwouldnotbe grating the 2048 pixels in the dispersion (CCD applicable, for example, to GMOS. row) direction gives 5300˚A wavelength coverage. The typical wavelength range observed for a slit 3.2. Microslits & Mask design on the mask center was 5000–10000˚A. Slits were allowedtobeasfaras1.5arcminoff-axisresulting The unconventional approach taken with the in wavelengthcoverageshifts of upto 590˚A.Thus spectroscopicmaskswasthatinsteadofusingrect- it was only possible to accommodate one object angularslitlets we used small circularholes in the at each CCD row (i.e. one tier). Slit allocation mask at the location of target galaxies. The logic allowedaminimumonepixelgapbetweenobjects was that the usual reason to employ an extended to cleanly delineate spectra, thus the maximum rectangular slit several arcsecs long is to sample possiblenumberofholeswas348. Runningtheal- neighboringskyforsky-subtraction. Withthenod gorithm on the R<24 HDF-S catalog for a mask & shuffle technique this need is obviated. Thus centerof22h 33m 11s −60◦33′ 16′′gaveanalloca- one only needs apertures large enough to receive tionof225objects(aftertakingoutsomespaceto the light from typical targets in the expected see- allow for larger holes for alignment stars) in the ing. NormalLDSSslitletsareoforder5–10arcsec 3 arcmin × 9 arcmin field. This compares with in length, thus with 1 arcsec ‘microslits’ we could a normal LDSS mask setup without nod & shuf- obtain a 5–10× larger multiplex. fle where one normally only gets spectra of 20–30 Ideallywewouldhaveusedsquareholessothat objects. thespectralPSFwouldbe uniformacrossthetar- The drawback of this strategy is that the ob- get but due to hardware limitations of our par- jectsareoutoftheslitsforhalfthetime whenthe ticular mask cutter it turned out to be much eas- telescope is in the sky position. An alternate nod ier to simply drill circular holes. The PSF varia- & shuffle approachwould be to use slightly larger tion is not important for one dimensional spectra slitlets so the object is still in the slit in both nod summed across the slit and does not affect nod positions (e.g. Abraham et al. 2004). However & shuffle sky subtraction as objects and sky are this means ingeneralone canonly observehalf as observed through exactly the same slits (this is many objects because the slits are twice the spa- confirmed by the essentially Poisson-limited sky tial size, for a high sky density survey there is no subtractioninthefinalspectra). Noteweplanned net difference in the number of objects observed todotheobservationsinthebestAATseeing(.1 to a given depth in a given amount of telescope arcsec)andsowecutonearcsecholes(150µmdi- time. ameter). The masks were available immediately before the run but there was no opportunity to 3.3. Observations measure them until after the run. Using a micro- scope we later measured the diameters to be on The observations were carried out over the average0.7arcsec,thiswouldhaveresultedunfor- nightsof13–16th October,1998attheAAT.Con- tunately inlightlossgiventhe actualseeing. This ditionswerephotometricandtheseeingwas1–1.5 non-optimal size lessened our final spectroscopic arcsec. The red VPH grating was used with a depth. GG475 blocking filter, so the spectra are poten- Slit allocation was done using a custom algo- tially contaminated by second order for > 9000˚A, rithmwhichsimplymaximizesthenumberofnon- though this effect was not in practice seen in any overlappingtargetspectraforagivenpositionan- spectra. The filter was also not anti-reflection gle. We chose 90◦ (i.e. along the STIS–WFPC2 coatedcausingsomeghostsinthespectralimages. 4 The totalexposure time obtainedon the HDF- trum. Reversing the procedure, i.e. flat fielding S field was 12 hours (half on sky). The main cal- before sky subtraction will actually result in an ibrations taken were arc spectra for wavelength erroneous flat field correction. calibration and white-light dispersed flat fields (throughthemask). Theflatfieldsservedthedual 4. Spectra and Redshift catalog purpose of removing pixel sensitivity variations Redshifts were determined from the final set of and allow the spectra location on the detector to 225targetspectrabycarefulvisualinspectionand be mapped empirically. are given in Table 2 along with key spectral fea- 3.4. Data Reduction turesusedforidentificationandasubjectivequal- ity system — Q = 4 denotes a dead certain red- The format of the data shares similarities both shift (> 99% confidence), Q = 3 is ‘quite certain’ withclassicalmultislitspectraandwithfiberspec- (∼ 80% confidence), Q = 2 is a ‘possible iden- tra. Eachsmallcircularapertureproducesaspec- tication’ (∼ 50% confidence), Q = 1 is a single tral trace (‘tramline’) on the CCD image. A por- emission line redshift assumed to be [OII] (which tionofthisdataisshowninFigure3. Wereduced is the best a priori guess given the likely redshift the data using a mixture of IRAF (Tody 1986) range at R < 24 and wavelength coverage) and tasks and custom Perl Data Language (Glaze- Q=0 represents no identification. brook & Economou 1997) scripts. First the indi- Outof the 225objects there were(24,19,22,8, vidualimagesweresky-subtracted,usingtheshuf- 152) objects with Q = (4,3,2,1,0) respectively. fleoffsettomaptheskypixelstotheobjectpixels. Thus 73identifications (33%)were made ofwhich Theimages(+arcsandflats)werethencorrected 20weregalacticstars. Thecompletenesswas79%, for small alignment shifts throughout the night 63%, 46% at R < 21, 22, 23 respectively. Many andregisteredandstackedwithacosmicrayfilter. of the faint R > 23 identifications were for ob- The flat-field was used to map the spectra tram- jectswithstrongemissionlines. Randomexample line locations and also the PSF width as a func- spectra of Q = 4 and Q = 3 objects are shown tion of wavelength for optimal extraction of 1D in Figure 4 to illustrate the quality. FITS format object, sky (for reference), arc and flat-field spec- spectra(andvariancespectra)areavailableonthe tra. The flat-field spectra were then normalized web site. In the final list we identify five galaxies withapolynomialfitinthe spectraldirectionand and two stars within the deep WFPC-2 field and dividedintotheobjectspectratocorrectthemfor one galaxy in the STIS field. high frequency pixel/wavelengthsensitivity varia- tions. An overallwavelengthsolution was derived 4.1. Comparison with other HDF-S red- from the arc and sky spectra (1˚A RMS). shifts Care was taken to propagate variance arrays (withinitialerrorscalculatedfromthe CCDread- Spectroscopy in the HDF-S vicinity has also noiseandgainusingphotonstatistics)throughev- been done by Tresse et al. (1999; T99), Vanzella ery step of the data reduction so errors could be et al (2002; V02) and Sawicki & Mall´en-Ornelas assigned to the final spectra. (2004; SM03). T99 published redshifts obtained with the NTT for nine objects within 1 arcmin of One important point about the data reduction the QSO with I < 22.2, three of these are on our is that the shuffled sky must be subtracted before mask of which we identify one (#20) as a star, flat-fielding. This is a key advantage of nod & however this is only a Q = 2 confidence. The shuffle: accurate sky-subtraction does not require other two we do not identify. V02 obtained 50 flat fielding. In the shuffled image the relevant redshifts using the VLT in the range IAB = 20– pixel responseis that ofthe originalpixel andnot the storage pixel. So the correct procedure is to 25 (75% complete at IAB < 22.5) with an em- phasis on color selected z > 2 galaxies. We find subtract the sky first. The pixel response is the three identifications in common, all agree at the same and the sky subtracts correctly. Then ap- ∆z ≤ 0.001 level. SM03 obtained 97 ‘secure’ red- plying the flat field will correct the flat field error shifts for sources with IAB < 24 using the VLT. in the object correctly. If the flat field is imper- Five of their objects are also identified by us, all fectly measured this only affects the object spec- 5 are high confidence redshifts (except for one sin- to allthe galaxiesfromthis work,SM03,T99 and gle emission line redshift) and all agree to within V02 (after removing all duplicate objects). It is ∆z ≤ 0.001. There is one object (#204) which clear that there is a compact cluster of galaxies appearsbothinV02,SM03andinourcatalog,all at this redshift flanking and overlapping with the at the same redshift. If we exclude the objects in SW corner of the WFPC2 field. The cluster is common with the other spectroscopic catalogs we of order one arcmin in size which is fairly typi- find we have identified 45 new extragalactic ob- cal for large clusters at these redshifts. Taking an jects in the HDF-S and flanking fields. Excluding approximatecluster center of (−0.5,−0.5)arcmin all objects in common there are now 206 unique wrt the WFPC2 field we count 16 galaxies within galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts from all the a one arcmin radius and with 0.56 < z < 0.60. HDF-S catalogs considered here. The redshift distribution of galaxies in this circle Anotherinterestingcomparisoniswithcatalogs is shown in the lower half of Figure 6 and it can based on photometric redshifts. Here the WFPC- now be seen that there is again a single promi- 2 field allows accurate photometric redshifts be- nent spike at z ≃ 0.58. Since the overdensity is cause of the depth and 3 colors. In order to com- compactin two dimensions onthe sky and also in pare we define the fractional error on the redshift redshift this is likely to be a cluster rather than a as x = z/(1+z), comparing with the catalog of filamentoflargescalestructure. Forthe16galax- Gwyn (1999) we find that σx = 0.03 between the ies we find z = 0.574±0.008 corresponding to a catalogs (5 galaxies, 2 stars). We also compare velocity dispersion σv = cσz/(1+z) = 1500 km with the ‘Stony-Brook’ catalog2 which is based s−1. This is typical of a rich cluster of galaxies on the HDF-N methods of Ferna´ndez-Soto et al. and we find it is insensitive to the exact choice of (1999). Here we find a big discrepancy in object radius. These parameters are consistent with the #871 which Stony-Brook identifies as a star and cluster containing the QSO absorber reported by we identify as a z = 0.7 galaxy, albeit with very T99 on it’s outskirts. low confidence (Q = 2). Excluding this object we again find σx = 0.03 between the catalogs (4 5. Summary galaxies, 2 stars). To summarize the paper: 4.2. Redshift distribution and rich cluster 1. We present a significant new set of photo- near WFPC2 pointing metric and spectroscopic data on the HDF- The resulting redshift distributions are com- S. pared in Figure 5. V02 reported an over-density near the WFPC2 pointing at z ≃ 0.58 after com- 2. We have demonstrated a new mode of spec- bining our data (based on our initial WWW re- troscopic data taking with high-multiplex port) with theirs. It can be seen that the redshift per unit area on the sky using the tech- spike is at it’s most prominent in our dataset. If niqueof‘microslits’inconjunctionwithnod we look at the combined redshift distribution in & shuffle. Figure5 itcanbe seenthatthere areanumber of 3. The spectroscopic catalog presented here is spikes, as is typical for narrow field redshift sur- the third large catalog of redshifts in the veys, and that the z = 0.58 spike is not the most HDF-S and flanking fields. 53 redshifts are prominent of them. However the STIS QSO dis- obtained of which 45 are new. playsastrongabsorptionline systematz =0.570 (T99) coincident in redshift with a bright spiral 4. Comparison with existing photometric red- galaxy so it is interesting to explore this further. shifts based on WFPC-2 data show these to Thiscanbedonebylookingatthedistributionon be in reasonable agreement (σz/(1 + z) = the sky. Figure 6 shows a comparison of the loca- 0.03) for z < 1 galaxies, albeit with small tions of the galaxies at 0.56<z <0.60 compared number statistics. 2Thisdataispubliclyavailablefrom 5. Wepresentstrongevidenceforarichcluster, http://www.astro.sunysb.edu/astro/hdfs/wfpc2 compact in all three spatial dimensions, at 6 z ≃ 0.58 flanking the WFPC2 pointing and Glazebrook, K., & Bland-Hawthorn, J. 2001, whichverylikelycontainstheknownabsorb- PASP, 113, 197 (GB01) ing galaxy of the QSO at this redshift. Gwyn, S. D. J. 1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 191: Pho- Preliminary versions of this catalog have al- tometric Redshifts and the Detection of High ready been used for scientific studies using the Redshift Galaxies, 191, 61 HDF-S data. Mann et al. (2002) used it for a Hubble, E. 1929, Proceedings of the National study ofthe relationshipbetweenfar-infraredand Academy of Science, 15, 168 other estimates of galaxy star-formation rates. Vanzella et al. (2002) used this catalog to- Landolt, A. U. 1992, AJ, 104, 372 gether with theirs to estimate cosmological star- formations rate history. The reader is encouraged Mann R. G., Oliver S., Carballo R., Franceschini tousethiscatalogforfurtherstudiesoftheHDF-S A., Rowan-Robinson M., Heavens A. F., Kon- and its associated QSO. tizas M., Elbaz D., Dapergolas A., Kontizas E., Granato G. L., Silva L., Rigopoulou D., Gonzalez-Serrano J. I., Verma A., Serjeant S., Efstathiou A., van der Werf P. P., 2002, MN- Based on data from the Anglo-Australian Ob- RAS, 332, 549 servatorywithoutwhosededicatedstafftheLDSS Sawicki, M., & Mall´en-Ornelas,G. 2003, AJ, 126, upgradeprojectcouldnothaveproceeded. Nod& 1208 (SM03) shuffle with LDSS was inspired by the pioneering ideas of Joss Bland-Hawthorn to whom KG is in- Tinney, C. G., Barton, J., 1998,AAO Newsletter, debtedformanyusefuldiscussions. Wewouldlike 87, 9 to especially thank Lew Waller, Tony Farrell and John Barton for their technical work. We would Tody, D. 1986, ”The IRAF Data Reduction and also like to thank Roberto Abraham for his help Analysis System” in Proc. SPIE Instrumenta- riding in the AAT Prime Focus cage during these tion in Astronomy VI, ed. D.L. Crawford, 627, observations,Chris Tinney for observing support, 733 Pippa Goldschmidt for her help with the imaging Tresse, L., Dennefeld, M., Petitjean, P., Cristiani, reductions and Sam Barden (NOAO), Jims Arns S., & White, S. 1999, A&A, 346, L21 (T99) andBillCoulburn(Kaiser)for their helpwith the VPH grating design and manufacture. Vanzella, E., et al. 2002,A&A, 396, 847 (V02) REFERENCES Williams, R. E., et al. 2000, AJ, 120, 2735 Abraham, R. G., et al. 2004, AJ, 127, 2455 Wynne, C. G., & Worswick, S. P. 1988, The Ob- servatory,108, 161 Barden,S.C.,Arns,J.A.,&Colburn,W.S.1998, Proc. SPIE, 3355, 866 Bertin, E., & Arnouts, S. 1996, A&AS, 117, 393 Burke, B. E., et al. 2004, Scientific Detectors for Astronomy, The Beginning of a New Era, eds. Amico, P. , Beletic, J. W. , Beletic, (Kluwer), 41 Ferna´ndez-Soto, A., Lanzetta, K. M., & Yahil, A. 1999,ApJ, 513, 34 Glazebrook, K. & Economou, F., 1997, Dr Dobbs Journal, 1997, 9719 (Fall issue) This2-columnpreprintwaspreparedwiththeAASLATEX Glazebrook, K. 1998, AAO Newsletter, 87, 11 macrosv5.2. 7 Fig. 1.— Figure depicting follow-up imaging surveys of the HDFS. The extent of the AAT images is shown in black. The bright star HD 213479which causes stray light in the AAT fields can also be seen. 8 Fig. 2.— Illustration of the particular LDSS nod & shuffle layout we used. The 2048×4096 CCD detector (grey rectangle) is physically larger than the circular image (12.3 arcmin diameter) delivered by the LDSS camera. For nod & shuffle only the middle third of the chip (1365 pixels high) is illuminated by the mask, the lower third is used to store the sky image and the upper third is blank (it hold the object image when the shuffling chargeup anddownby 1365pixels). Thus only 9.0arcminverticallyis availablefor slits which is almost the full field. 9 Fig. 3.—Examplemicroslitdata. Thisshowsazoomonasmallportionofa2Ddataframe(∼30microslits) where the only processing applied at this step is the subtraction of the shuffled sky. Each circular microslit produces a spectral trace. Several bright objects with absorption lines and faint objects with emission lines can be seen. The data shares features both with fiber data and classical multislit data. The apertures are unresolvedspatially,howeverunlikefiberdatathespacingbetweenaperturesisuneven(itreflectsthespacing between objects) and the wavelength zeropoints vary too (reflecting the spatial position of the objects on the other axis). 10

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