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Occupational disorders of the lung: Mason, H.R.C. See Sanchez, Reed, D.B. The risky business Recognition, management, and pre- K.M. of production agriculture: Health and vention. 52(2), 47. McCauley, L.A. See Shapiro, safety for farm workers (CE Article). Hodges, L.C., Satkowski Harp- S.E. 52(9), 401-409. er, T., Hall-Barrow, J., Tatom, LD. McKibbin, L. See Putnam, K. Reed, D.B. See Spengler, S.E. Reducing overall health care costs for Menzel, N.N. Back pain preva- Reichelt, P.A. See Byczek, L. a city municipality: A real life com- lence in nursing personnel: Measure- Richardson, J.L. See Sanchez, munity based learning model. 52(6), ment issues. 52(2), 54-65. K.M. 247-253. Miller, M.E., Salazar, M.K. Roberts, J.L., Janson, S., Hong, O.1. See Rutf, J.M. Linking Practice & Research: Young Gillen, M., Flattery, J., Harrison, Hong, O.S. Guest Editorial: adolescents in the work force—A R. Processes of care for individuals Special focus: International perspec- population at risk. 52(11), 461-464. with work related asthma: Treatment tives: Exploring the world through Morris, J.A. Management File: characteristics and impact of asthma international occupational health Family medical leave—Management on work. 52(8), 327-337. programs. 52(5), 191-192. strategies. 52(12), 495-497. Robinson, D. See Engst, C. Hopp, P.T., Lee, K.E., Gest, Mujuru, P., Niezen, C. Evalua- Rogers, B. Research & Ethics S.A. Clinical Rounds: NP Link: tion of an environmental health edu- Corner: Environmental health haz- Carpal tunnel syndrome—tThe role cation program: Assessing changes ards and health care professional of psychosocial factors in recovery. in knowledge of health professionals. education. 52(4), 154-155. 52(11), 458-460. 52(10), 436-441. Rogers, B. Research & Ethics Horikawa, J. See Ishihara, I. Nielsen, K. See Geiger-Brown, J. Corner: Improving safety in health Ishihara, I., Yoshimine, T., Niezen, C. See Mujuru, P. care environments—Institute of Horikawa, J., Majima, Y., Kawamo- Noureddine, S., Arevian, M. Medicine report. 52(10), 417-419. to, R., Salazar, M.K. Defining the Occupational health nursing in Rogers, B. Research and Ethics roles and functions of occupational Lebanon: Exploring the world Corner: Research — utilization— health nurses in Japan: Results of job through international occupational Putting the research evidence into analysis. 52(6), 230-241. health programs. 52(5), 193-198. practice. 52(1), 14-15. Israel, L. See Burgel, BJ. Paranzino, G. Media Review: Rogers, B. Research & Ethics Janson, S. See Roberts, J.L. Occupational health nursing guide- Corner: What the research shows— Jones, S., Dunn, D., Coffey, D. lines for primary clinical conditions Worker exposures at a popcorn plant. Strengthening the nursing curricu- (3rd ed.). 52(1), 5. 52(7), 285-286. lum: An interdisciplinary course Penney, P.J., Earl, C.E. Occu- Roithmayr, T. See Dyck, D. addressing agricultural health and pational noise and effects on blood Ross, P.E., Groenhoff, C., Zin, safety. 52(9), 397-400. pressure: Exploring the relationship P. Diagnosis: Chronic kidney dis- Kalina, C.M. See Haag, A.B. of hypertension and noise exposure ease, now what! 52(7), 287-297. Kalina, C.M., Haag, A.B., Tou- in workers. 52(11), 476-480 Rosselot, G. Travel health nurs- rigian, R. Clinical Rounds: Case Pohanka, M., Fitzgerald, S. ing: Expanding horizons for occupa- Management Update: What are some Urban sprawl and you: How sprawl tional health nurses (CE Article). effective chronic disease manage- adversely affects worker health. 52(1), 28-41 ment strategies that can be used in 52(6), 242-246. Ruff, J.M., Gerding, G., Hong, case management? 52(10), 420-423. Pun, J.C., Burgel, B.J., Chan, O.1. Workplace violence against K- Kalina, C.M., Haag, A.B., Tou- J., Lashuay, N. Education of gar- 12 teachers: Implementation of pre- rigian, R. Clinical Rounds: Case ment workers: Prevention of work ventive programs. 52(5), 204-209. Management Update: What are some related musculoskeletal disorders. Salazar, M.K. See Connon, C.L. of the challenges in case manage- 52(8), 338-343. Salazar, M.K. See Ishihara, I. ment and how have you handled Putnam, K., McKibbin, L. Salazar, M.K. See Miller, M.E. them? 52(4), 143-145. Managing workplace depression: An Salazar, M.K. See Tsai, J. H.-C. Kamp, D.W. See Corbridge, S.J. untapped opportunity for occupa- Samo, D.G. See Byczek, L. Kawamoto, R. See Ishihara, I. tional health professionals (CE Arti- Sanchez, K.M., Richardson, Lashuay, N. See Burgel, B.J. cle). 52(3), 122-129. J.L., Mason, H.R.C. The return to Lashuay, N. See Pun, J.C. Ramey, S.L., Franke, W.D., work experiences of colorectal can- Lee, K.E. See Hopp, P.T. Shelley, Il, M.C. Relationship cer survivors. 52(12), 500-510. Lirtmunlikaporn, S. See among risk factors for nephrolithia- Satkowski Harper, T. See Geiger-Brown, J. sis, cardiovascular disease, and eth- Hodges, L.C. Lucas, B., Adams, S. Roadmap nicity: Focus on a law enforcement Scott, L.K. See DeCoste, K.C. to HIPAA: Keeping occupational cohort. 52(3), 116-121. Scott, L.R. See Curtis, J. health nurses on track (CE Article). Reed, D.B. Guest Editorial: Shapiro, S.E., McCauley, L.A. 52(4), 169-177. Caring for the families that feed the SARS update: Winter, 2003 to 2004. Majima, Y. See Ishihara, I. world. 52(9), 361-362. 52(5), 199-203. DECEMBER 2004, VOL. 52, NO. 12 Shelley, Il, M.C. See Ramey, Workplace bullying. 52(5), 220. Linking Practice & Research: Pro- SL. Spengler, S.E., Browning, moting immigrants’ health—Rele- Sitzman, K. Express Speak: S.R., Reed, D.B. Sleep deprivation vance to occupational health nursing Adult immunization facts. 52(2), 88. and injuries in part-time Kentucky practice. 52(3), 94-96. Sitzman, K. Express Speak: farmers: Impact of self reported Umbarger, M. See Culp, K. Coping with chronic illness at work. sleep habits and sleep problems on Vasquez, E.I. See Geiger- 52(6), 264. injury risk. 52(9), 373-382. Brown, J. Sitzman, K. Express Speak: Strasser, P.B. Management Vélez-McEvoy, M. Occupation- Daily fluid consumption—How much File: Ensuring confidentiality of al Health: Spanish: Nursing assess- is enough? 52(12), 540. employee health information— ment—Taking the history. 52(1), 8-9. Sitzman, K. Express Speak: Developing policies and procedures. Vélez-McEvoy, M. Occupation- Expanding food portions contribute to 52(4), 149-153. al Health: Spanish: Occupational and overweight and obesity. 52(8), 356. Strasser, P.B. Management environmental exposure history— Sitzman, K. Express Speak: File: Managing transitional work— Historia Clinica de Riesgo Ocupa- Focus on osteoporosis. 52(7), 312. Program foundation. 52(8), 323-326. cional y Ambiental. 52(4), 146-148. Sitzman, K. Express Speak: Tate, R.B. See Engst, C. Vélez-McEvoy, M. Occupation- Hepatitis C basics. 52(3), 132. Tatom, I.D. See Hodges, L.C. al Health: Spanish: Physical Exami- Sitzman, K. Express Speak: The American Association of nation—Examen Fisico. 52(10), Mold at home can cause illness at Occupational Health Nurses. Stan- 424-426. work. 52(11), 492. dards of occupational and environ- Vélez-McEvoy, M. Occupation- Sitzman, K. Express Speak: Six mental health nursing. 52(7), 270-274. al Health: Spanish: Work related tips for avoiding the spread of flu. Tourigian, R. Clinical Rounds: injury and illness. 52(7), 275-279. 52(10), 452. Case Management Update: What are Vuckovic, K. Clinical Rounds: Sitzman, K. Express Speak: some of the challenges of case man- NP Link: Bradycardia induced by The impact of contingent workers on agement and how have you handled Hyperkalemia. 52(5), 186-187. the workplace. 52(9), 412. them? 52(7), 280-284. Walton, S.M. See Byczek, L. Sitzman, K. Express Speak: Tourigian, R. See Haag, A.B. Wassel, M.L. See Haag, A.B. The obesity epidemic. 52(1), 44. Tourigian, R. See Kalina, C.M. Yassi, A. See Engst, C. Sitzman, K. Express Speak: Tourigian, R. See Kalina, C.M. Yoshimine, T. See Ishihara, I. What works for weight loss and Trinkoff, A.M. See Geiger- Zin, P. See Ross, P.E. maintenance? 52(4), 180. Brown, J. Sitzman, K. Express Speak: Tsai, J. H.-C., Salazar, M.K. Annual Index Subject Index to Volume 52 AAOHN CODE OF ETHINCS ed with living abroad. Butcher, C.A. of self reported sleep habits and AAOHN code of ethics and 52(2), 78-85. sleep problems on injury risk. Spen- interpretative statements. American gler, S.E., Browning, S.R., & Reed, Association of Occupational Health ADULT VACCINATION D.B. 52(9}, 373-382. Nurses. 52(4), 140-142. Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: Strengthening the nursing cur- Pertussis. Andersen, E. 52(12), 498- riculum: An interdisciplinary course AAOHN STANDARDS 499. addressing agricultural health and Standards of occupational and safety. Jones, S., Dunn, D., & Coffey, environmental health nursing. The AGRICULTURAL HEALTH D. 52(9), 397-400. American Association of Occupation- Agricultural Health: A new field The risky business of production al Health Nurses. 52(7), 270-274. of occupational health nursing. Flem- agriculture: Health and safety for farm ing, M.J. 52(9), 391-396. workers. Reed, D.B. 52(9), 401-409. ADOLESCENTS IN THE WORK FORCE Guest Editorial: Caring for the Linking Practice & Research: families that feed the world. Reed, ASBESTOS Adolescents in the work force—A D.B. 52(9), 361-362. Clinical Rounds: NP Link: Population at risk. Miller, M.E. Seasonal and migrant agricultur- Asbestos-related pulmonary diseases. 52(11), 461-464. al workers: A neglected workforce. Corbridge, S.J., & Kamp, D.W. 52(2), Culp, K., & Umbarger, M. 52(9), 49-51. ADULT IMMUNIZATION 383-390. International health program: Sleep deprivation and injuries in ASTHMA Preventing health problems associat- part-time Kentucky farmers: Impact Managing asthma in the work- 532 AAOHN JOURNAL place: An overview for occupational CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME chronic illness at work. Sitzman, K. health nurses. Carroll, P. 52(11), Clinical Rounds: NP Link: 52(6), 264. 481-489. Carpal tunnel syndrome—The role Express Speak: The obesity epi- Processes of care for individuals of psychosocial factors in recovery. demic. Sitzman, K. 52(1), 44. diagnosed with work related asthma: Hopp, P.T., Lee, K.E., & Gest, S.A. Processes of care for individuals Treatment characteristics and impact 52(11), 458-460. diagnosed with work related asthma: of asthma on work. Roberts, J.L., Jan- Treatment characteristics and impact son, S., Gillen, M., Flattery, J., & Har- CASE MANAGEMENT of asthma on work. Roberts, J.L., Jan- rison, R. 52(8), 327-337. Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- son, S., Gillen, M., Flattery, J., & Har- ment Update: What are some effective rison, R. 52(8), 327-337. AUDIOLOGICAL EVALUATION chronic disease management strate- Meniere’s disease: Identifying gies that can be used in case manage- CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE classic symptoms and current treat- ment? Kalina, C.M., Haag, A.B., & Diagnosis: Chronic kidney dis- ments. Ervin, S.E. 52(4), 156-158 Tourigian, R. 52(10), 420-423. ease, now what! Ross, P.E., Groen- Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- hoff, C., & Zin, P. 52(7), 287-297. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ment Update: What are some of the Express Speak: Workplace bul- challenges in case management and CLINICAL PRACTICE lying. Sitzman, K. 52(5), 220. how have you handled them? Kali- Clinical Rounds: NP Link: na, C.M., Haag, A.B., & Tourigian, Bradycardia induced by Hyper- BI-VOCATIONAL WORKERS R. 52(4), 143-145. kalemia. Vuckovic, K. 52(5), 188-189. Sleep deprivation and injuries in Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- Clinical Rounds: NP Link: part-time Kentucky farmers: Impact ment Update: What is the role of the Carpal tunnel syndrome—The role of self reported sleep habits and sleep non-nurse case manager? Haag, of psychosocial factors in recovery. problems on injury risk. Spengler, A.B., Kalina, C.M., Tourigian, R. & Hopp, P.T., Lee, K.E., & Gest, S.A. S.E., Browning, S.R., & Reed, D.B. Wassel, M.L. 52(1), 10-13. 52(11), 458-460. 52(9), 373-382. Roadmap to HIPAA: Keeping Diabetes update: Promoting occupational health nurses on track. effective disease management. BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS Lucas, B., & Adams, S. 52(4), 169- DeCoste, K., & Scott, L.K. 52(8), Sharps injuries in the home 177. 344-353. health care setting: Risks for home Express Speak: Coping with health care workers. Haiduven, D., CASE MANAGEMENT chronic illness at work. Sitzman, K. & Ferrol, S. 52(3), 102-108. COMMUNICATION 52(6), 264. Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- Express Speak: Focus on osteo- CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH ment Update: What are some of the porosis. Sitzman, K. 52(7), 312. Clinical Rounds: NP Link: challenges in case management and International health program: Bradycardia induced by Hyper- how have you handled them? Touri- Preventing health problems associ- kalemia. Vuckovic, K. 52(5), 188-189. gian, R. 52(7), 280-284. ated with living abroad. Butcher, Clinical Rounds: NP Link: The C.A. 52(2), 78-85. metabolic syndrome—Early action CHRONIC DISEASE Meniere’s disease: Identifying to decrease risks for cardiovascular Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- classic symptoms and current treat- disease. Fritschi, C. 52(8), 320-322. ment Update: What are some effe-tive ments. Ervin, S.E. 52(4), 156-158. Relationship among risk factors chronic disease management strate- for nephrolithiasis, cardiovascular gies that can be used in case manage- COLLABORATIVE NURSING MODEL disease, and ethnicity: Focus on a law ment? Kalina, C.M., Haag, A.B., & Reducing overall health care enforcement cohort. Ramey, S.L., Tourigian, R. 52(10), 420-423. costs for a city municipality: A real Franke, W.D., & Shelley, M.C., IL. Diagnosis: Chronic kidney dis- life community based learning model. 52(3), 116-121. ease, now what! Ross, P.E., Groen- Hodges, L.C., Harper, T.S., Hall-Bar- hoff, C., & Zin, P. 52(7), 287-297 row, J., & Tatom, 1.D. 52(6), 247-253. CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTORS The return to work experiences Cardiovascular risks in firefight- of colorectal cancer survivors. COLORECTAL CANCER ers: Implications for occupational Sanchez, K.M., Richardson, J.L., & The return to work experiences of health nurse practice. Byczek, L. Wal- Mason, H.R.C. 52(12), 500-510. colorectal cancer survivors. Sanchez, ton, S.M., Conrad, K.M., Reichelt, K.M., Richardson, J.L., & Mason, P.A., & Samo, D.G. 52(2), 66-76. CHRONIC HEALTH ISSUES H.R.C. 52(12), 500-510. Occupational noise and effects Diabetes update: Promoting on blood pressure: Exploring the effective disease management. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES relationship of hypertension and DeCoste, K., & Scott, L.K. 52(8), Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: noise exposure in workers. Penney, 344-353. Pertussis. Andersen, E. 52(12), 498- P.J., & Earl, C.E. 52(11), 476-480. Express Speak: Coping with 499. DECEMBER 2004, VOL. 52, NO. 12 SARS update: Winter, 2003- DISABILITY MANAGEMENT Toxicology primer: Understand- 2004. Shapiro, S.E., & McCauley, Integrating disability manage- ing workplace hazards and protect- L.A. 52(5), 199-203. ment into strategic plans: Creating ing worker health. Arble, J. 52(6), healthy organizations. Curtis, J., & 254-261. COMMUNICATION Scott, L.R. 52(7), 298-301. Urban sprawl and you: How Emotional labor: Relevant theo- Management File: Managing sprawl adversely affects worker ry for occupational health practice in transitional work—Program founda- health. Pohanka, M., & Fitzgerald, S. post-industrial America. de Castro, tion. Strasser, P. 52(8), 323-326. 52(6), 242-246. A.B., Agnew, J., & Fitzgerald, S.T. Roadmap to HIPAA: Keeping 52(3), 109-115. occupational health nurses on track. ERGONOMICS Linking Practice & Research: Lucas, B., & Adams, S. 52(4), 169- Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: “La Verdad” and risk communica- 177. Laboratory workers and muscu- tion—Strategies for communicating loskeletal disorders—Examining results of environmental exposure EMOTIONAL LABOR ergonomic risk factors and solutions. tests to individuals. Butterfield, P.G. Emotional labor: Relevant theo- Andersen, E. 52(9), 366-367. 52(9), 363-365. ry for occupational health practice in Education of garment workers: post-industrial America. de Castro, Prevention of work related muscu- COMMUNITY HEALTH ISSUES A.B., Agnew, J., & Fitzgerald, S.T. loskeletal disorders. Pun, J.C., Urban sprawl and you: How 52(3), 109-115. Burgel, B.J., Chan, J., & Lashuay, N. sprawl adversely affects worker 52(8), 338-343. health. Pohanka, M., & Fitzgerald, S. EMPLOYEE COMPLIANCE 52(6), 242-246. Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- ETHICS ment Update: What are some of the AAOHN code of ethics and CONFIDENTIALITY challenges in case management and interpretative statements. American Management File: Ensuring how have you handled them? Kalina, Association of Occupational Health confidentiality of employee health C.M., Haag, A.B., & Tourigian, R. Nurses. 52(4), 140-142. information—Developing policies 52(4), 143-145. and procedures. Strasser, P.B. 52(4), EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE 149-153. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Research & Ethics Corner: Evaluation of an environmental Research utilization—Putting the CONTINGENT WORKERS health education program: Assessing research evidence into practice. Express Speak: The impact of changes in knowledge of health pro- Rogers, B. 52(1), 14-15. contingent workers on the work- fessionals. Mujuru, P., & Niezen, C. place. Stagg, S. 52(9), 412. 52(10), 436-441. FARM WORKERS Express Speak: Mold at home Agricultural health: A new field CORONARY HEART DISEASE can cause illness at work. Sitzman, of occupational health nursing. Cardiovascular risks in firefight- K. 52(11), 492. Fleming, M.J. 52(9), 391-396. ers: Implications for occupational Linking Practice & Research: health nurse practice. Byczek, L. Wal- “La Verdad” and risk communica- FIREFIGHTERS ton, S.M., Conrad, K.M., Reichelt, tion—Strategies for communicating Cardiovascular risks in firefight- P.A., & Samo, D.G. 52(2), 66-76. results of environmental exposure ers: Implications for occupational tests to individuals. Butterfield, P.G. health nurse practice. Byczek, L. Wal- CULTURAL DIVERSITY 52(9), 363-365. ton, S.M., Conrad, K.M., Reicheit, Linking Practice & Research: Research & Ethics Corner: P.A., & Samo, D.G. 52(2), 66-76. Promoting immigrants’ health—Rele- Environmental health hazards and vance to occupational health nursing health care professional education. GLOBAL HEALTH ISSUES practice. Tsai, J. H-C. 52(3), 94-96. Rogers, B. 52(4), 154-155. Occupational health nursing in Research & Ethics Corner: What Lebanon: Exploring the world DEPRESSION the research shows—Worker expo- through international occupational Managing workplace depression: sures at a popcorn plant. 52(7), 285- health programs. Noureddine, S., & An untapped opportunity for occupa- 286. Arevian, M. 52(5), 193-198. tional health professionals. Putnam, Seasonal and migrant agricultur- K. & McKibbin, L. 52(3), 122-129. al workers: A neglected workforce. HEALTH CARE COST CONTAINMENT Culp, K., & Umbarger, M. 52(9), Reducing overall health care DIABETES 383-390. costs for a city municipality: A real Diabetes update: Promoting The risky business of production life community based learning effective disease management. agriculture: Health and safety for model. Hodges, L.C., Harper, T.S., DeCoste, K., & Scott, L.K. 52(8), farm workers. Reed, D.B. 52(9), Hall-Barrow, J., & Tatom, I.D. 52(6), 344-353. 401-409. 247-253. 534 AAOHN JOURNAL HEALTH CARE WORKERS HEALTH TEAM MEMBERS ILLNESS PREVENTION Hepatitis C: An update for occu- Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- Express Speak: Six tips for pational health nurses. Al-Saden, ment Update: What is the role of the avoiding the spread of flu. Sitzman, P.C. 52(5), 210-217. non-nurse case manager? Haag, K. 52(10), 452. A.B., Kalina, C.M., Tourigian, R. & HEALTH PROMOTION Wassel, M.L. 52(1), 10-13. IMMIGRANTS’ HEALTH Cardiovascular risks in firefight- Linking Practice & Research: ers: Implications for occupational HEPATITIS C Promoting immigrants’ health—Rele- health nurse practice. Byczek, L. Hepatitis C: An update for occu- vance to occupational health nursing Walton, S.M., Conrad, K.M., pational health nurses. Al-Saden, practice. Tsai, J. H-C. 52(3), 94-96. Reichelt, P.A., & Samo, D.G. 52(2), P.C. 52(5), 210-217. 66-76. IMMUNIZATION Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- HIPAA Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: ment Update: What are some effective Roadmap to HIPAA: Keeping Vaccination and the immunocompro- chronic disease management strate- occupational health nurses on track. mised health care worker—A team gies that can be used in case manage- Lucas, B., & Adams, S. 52(4), 169- approach. Andersen, E. 52(3), 97-99. ment? Kalina, C.M., Haag, A.B., & 177. Tourigian, R. 52(10), 420-423. IMMUNOSUPRESSION Clinical Rounds: NP Link: The HISTORY TAKING Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: metabolic syndrome—Early action Occupational Health: Spanish: Vaccination and the immunocompro- to decrease risks for cardiovascular Nursing assessment: Taking the his- mised health care worker—A team disease. Fritschi, C. 52(8), 320-322. tory. Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(1), 8-9. approach. Andersen, E. 52(3), 97-99. Express Speak: Daily fluid con- Occupational Health: Spanish: sumption—How much is enough? Occupational and environmental INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Sitzman, K. 52(12), 540. exposure history—Ocupacional y Toxicology primer: Understand- Express Speak: Expanding food ambiental historia clinica de riesgo. ing workplace hazards and protect- portions contribute to overweight Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(4), 146-148. ing worker health. Arble, J. 52(6), and obesity. Sitzman, K. 52(8), 356. 254-261. Express Speak: What works for HOME HEALTH weight loss and maintenance? Sitz- Sharps injuries in the home INFECTION CONTROL man, K. 52(4), 180. health care setting: Risks for home Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: International health program: health care workers. Haiduven, D., & That little itch—Responding to sca- Preventing health problems associat- Ferrol, S. 52(3), 102-108. bies in the workplace. Andersen, E. ed with living abroad. Butcher, C.A. 52(6), 227-229. 52(2), 78-85. HOSPITAL OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Monkeypox in the United Linking Practice and Research: Back pain prevalence in nursing States: An occupational health look Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED personnel: Measurement issues. at the first cases. Cunha, B.E. 52(4), model to guide the development of Menzel, N.H. 52(2), 55-65. 164-168. more effective workplace interven- Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: tions. Connon, L., & Salazar, M.K. That little itch—Responding to sca- INFECTIOUS DISEASE 52(5), 190-192. bies in the workplace. Andersen, E. Malaria: A parasitic disease. Managing asthma in the work- 52(6), 227-229. Butcher, C.A. 52(7), 302-309. place: An overview for occupational Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: Monkeypox in the United health nurses. Carroll, P. 52(11), Vaccination and the immunocompro- States: An occupational health look 481-489. mised health care worker—A team at the first cases. Cunha, B.E. 52(4), Managing workplace depres- approach. Andersen, E. 52(3), 97-99. 164-168. sion: An untapped opportunity for Hepatitis C: An update for occu- occupational health professionals. pational health nurses. Al-Saden, INFLUENZA Putnam, K. & McKibbin, L. 52(3), P.C. 52(5), 210-217. Express Speak: Six tips for 122-129. SARS update: Winter, 2003- avoiding the spread of flu. Sitzman, Occupational Health: Spanish: 2004. Shapiro, S.E., & McCauley, K. 52(10), 452. Physical examination—Examen fisi- L.A. 52(5), 199-203. co. Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(10), 424- INFORMATICS 426. HYPERTENSION Informatics: Searching for topi- Occupational noise and effects Occupational noise and effects cal information on the Internet— on blood pressure: Exploring the on blood pressure: Exploring the Networking with occupational health relationship of hypertension and relationship of hypertension and professionals. DiBenedetto, D.V. noise exposure in workers. Penney, noise exposure in workers. Penney, 52(3), 100-101. P.J., & Earl, C.E. 52(11), 476-480. P.J., & Earl, C.E. 52(11), 476-480. DECEMBER 2004, VOL. 52, NO. 12 INFORMATION SYSTEM riculum: An interdisciplinary course LONG HAUL TRUCKING Informatics: identifying require- addressing agricultural health and Workplace violence in long haul ments for an occupational health & safety. Jones, S., Dunn, D., & Coffey, trucking: Occupational health nursing safety information system. DiBenedet- D. 52(9), 397-400. update. Anderson, D.G. 52(1), 23-27. to, D. v. 52(9), 368-372. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH MALARIA INJURY PREVENTION Defining the roles and functions Malaria: A parasitic disease. Agricultural health: A new field of occupational health nurses in Butcher, C.A. 52(7), 302-309. of occupational health nursing. Japan: Results of job analysis. Ishi- Fleming, M.J. 52(9), 391-396. hara, I., Yoshimine, T., Horikawa, J., MANAGEMENT Back pain prevalence in nursing Majima, Y., Kawamoto, R., & Management File: Ensuring con- personnel: Measurement issues. Salazar, M.K. 52(6), 230-241. fidentiality of employee health infor- Menzel, N.H. 52(2), 55-65. International health program: mation—Developing policies and pro- Education of garment workers: Preventing health problems associat- cedures. Strasser, P.B. 52(4), 149-153. Prevention of work related muscu- ed with living abroad. Butcher, C.A. Express Speak: The impact of loskeletal disorders. Pun, J.C., 52(2), 78-85. contingent workers on the work- Burgel, B.J., Chan, J., & Lashuay, N. Malaria: A parasitic disease. place. Stagg, S. 52(9), 412. 52(8), 338-343. Butcher, C.A. 52(7), 302-309. Great safety performance: An Occupational health nursing in MENIERE’S DISEASE improvement process using leading Lebanon: Exploring the world Meniere’s disease: Identifying indicators. Dyck, D., & Roithmayr, through international occupational classic symptoms and current treat- T. 52(12), 511-520. health programs. Noureddine, S., & ments. Ervin, S.E. 52(4), 156-158. Implementation of a scheduled Arevian, M. 52(5), 193-198. toileting program in a long term care Travel health nursing: Expand- MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES facility: Evaluating the impact on ing horizons for occupational health Emotional labor: Relevant theo- injury risk to caregiving staff. Engst, nurses. Rosselot, G. 52(1), 28-41. ry for occupational health practice in C., Chhokar, R., Robinson, D., post-industrial America. de Castro, Earthy, A., Yassi, A. & Tate, R.B. INTERNATIONAL IMMUNIZATION A.B., Agnew, J., & Fitzgerald, S.T. 52(10), 427-435. International health program: 52(3), 109-115. Linking Practice & Research: Preventing health problems associat- Express Speak: Workplace bul- Adolescents in the work force—A ed with living abroad. Butcher, C.A. lying. Sitzman, K. 52(5), 220. population at risk. Miller, M.E. 52(2), 78-85. Linking Practice & Research: 52(11), 461-464. Promoting immigrants’ health—Rele- Nurses’ perception of their work INTERPRETATIVE STATEMENTS vance to occupational health nursing environment, health, and well being: AAOHN code of ethics and practice. Tsai, J. H-C. 52(3), 94-96. A qualitative perspective. Geiger- interpretative statements. American Managing workplace depression: Brown, J., Trinkoff, A.M., Nielsen, Association of Occupational Health An untapped opportunity for occupa- K., Lirtmunlikaporn, S., Brady, B., Nurses. 52(4), 140-142. tional health professionals. Putnam, K. and Vasquez, E.1. 52(1), 16-22. & McKibbin, L. 52(3), 122-129. Guest Editorial: Caring for the JAPANESE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH families that feed the world. Reed, Defining the roles and functions MIGRANT WORKERS D.B. 52(9), 361-362. of occupational health nurses in Seasonal and migrant agricultural Research & Ethics Corner: Japan: Results of job analysis. Ishi- workers: A neglected workforce. Culp, Improving safety in health care envi- hara, I., Yoshimine, T., Horikawa, J., K., & Umbarger, M. 52(9), 383-390. ronments—Institute of Medicine Majima, Y., Kawamoto, R., & report. Rogers, B. 52(10), 417-419. Salazar, M.K. 52(6), 230-241. MONKEYPOX Rewarding safe behavior: Strate- Monkeypox in the United gies for change (CE Article). Fell- LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS States: An occupational health look Carlson, D. 52(12), 521-527. Relationship among risk factors at the first cases. Cunha, B.E. 52(4), Sharps injuries in the home for nephrolithiasis, cardiovascular 164-168. health care setting: Risks for home disease, and ethnicity: Focus on a health care workers. Haiduven, D., & law enforcement cohort. Ramey, MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS Ferrol, S. 52(3), 102-108. S.L., Franke, W.D., & Shelley, M.C., Back pain prevalence in nursing The risky business of production I. 52(3), 116-121. personnel: Measurement issues. agriculture: Health and safety for farm Menzel, N.H. 52(2), 55-65. workers. Reed, D.B. 52(9), 401-409. LEGAL ISSUES Nurses’ perception of their work Legal Issues: Nurse licensure environment, health, and well being: INTERDISCIPLINARY EDUCATION compacts—Proceed with caution. A qualitative perspective. Geiger- Strengthening the nursing cur- D’ Arruda, K.A. 52(2), 52-53. Brown, J., Trinkoff, A.M., Nielsen, AAOHN JOURNAL K., Lirtmunlikaporn, S., Brady, B., 52(10), 436-441. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSE and Vasquez, E.I. 52(1), 16-22. Strengthening the nursing cur- ROLE Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: riculum: An interdisciplinary course Linking Practice & Research: Laboratory workers and muscu- addressing agricultural health and Adolescents in the work force—A loskeletal disorders—Examining safety. Jones, S., Dunn, D., & Coffey, population at risk. Miller, M.E. ergonomic risk factors and solutions. D. 52(9), 397-400. 52(11), 461-464. Andersen, E. 52(9), 366-367. Managing asthma in the work- NURSING SHORTAGE place: An overview for occupational NEEDLESTICK INJURIES Nurses’ perception of their work health nurses. Carroll, P. 52(11), Sharps injuries in the home environment, health, and well being: 481-489. health care setting: Risks for home A qualitative perspective. Geiger- Research & Ethics Corner: health care workers. Haiduven, D., & Brown, J., Trinkoff, A.M., Nielsen, Research utilization—Putting the Ferrol, S. 52(3), 102-108. K., Lirtmunlikaporn, S., Brady, B., research evidence into practice. and Vasquez, E.1. 52(1), 16-22. Rogers, B. 52(1), 14-15. NETWORKING Workplace violence against K-12 Informatics: Searching for topi- NUTRITION teachers: Implementation of preven- cal information on the Internet— Express Speak: Daily fluid con- tive programs. Ruff, J.M., Gerding, etworking with occupational health sumption—How much is enough? G., & Hong, O.S. 52(5), 204-209. professionals. DiBenedetto, D.V. Sitzman, K. 52(12), 540. 52(3), 100-101. Express Speak: Expanding food OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING portions contribute to overweight PRACTICE NON-NURSE CASE MANAGEMENT and obesity. Sitzman, K. 52(8), 356. Clinical Rounds: NP Link: Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- Express Speak: What works for Asbestos-related pulmonary dis- ment Update: What is the role of the weight loss and maintenance? Sitz- eases. Corbridge, S.J.. & Kamp, non-nurse case manager? Haag, man, K. 52(4), 180. D.W. 52(2), 49-51. A.B., Kalina, C.M., Tourigian, R. & Clinical Rounds: NP Link: Wassel, M.L. 52(1), 10-13. OBESITY Bradycardia induced by Hyper- Express Speak: Expanding food kalemia. Vuckovic, K. 52(5), 188-189. NURSE LICENSE COMPACTS portions contribute to overweight Legal Issues: Nurse licensure Legal Issues: Nurse licensure and obesity. Sitzman, K. 52(8), 356. compacts—Proceed with caution. compacts—Proceed with caution. Express Speak: The obesity epi- D’ Arruda, K.A. 52(2), 52-53. D’ Arruda, K.A. 52(2), 52-53. demic. Sitzman, K. 52(1), 44. Defining the roles and functions Express Speak: What works for of occupational health nurses in NURSE MANAGED CENTERS weight loss and maintenance? Sitz- Japan: Results of job analysis. Ishi- Reducing overall health care man, K. 52(4), 180. hara, I., Yoshimine, T., Horikawa, J., costs for a city municipality: A real Majima, Y., Kawamoto, R., & life community based learning model. OCCUPATIONAL AND Salazar, M.K. 52(6), 230-241. Hodges, L.C., Harper, T.S., Hall-Bar- ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE Express Speak: Coping with row, J., & Tatom, I.D. 52(6), 247-253. Occupational Health: Spanish: chronic illness at work. Sitzman, K. Occupational and environmental 52(6), 264. NURSE PRACTITIONER exposure history—Ocupacional y Occupational health nursing in Clinical Rounds: NP Link: ambiental historia clinica de riesgo. Lebanon: Exploring the world Asbestos-related pulmonary dis- Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(4), 146-148. through international occupational eases. Corbridge, S.J.. & Kamp, health programs. Noureddine, S., & D.W. 52(2), 49-51. OCCUPATIONAL AND Arevian, M. 52(5), 193-198. Clinical Rounds: NP Link: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NURSING Occupational Health: Spanish: Bradycardia induced by Hyper- STANDARDS Work related injury and illness. kalemia. Vuckovic, K. 52(5), 188-189. Standards of occupational and Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(7), 275-279. environmental health nursing. The OSHA 101: An introduction to NURSING ASSESSMENT American Association of Occupa- OSHA for the occupational health Occupational Health: Spanish: tional Health Nurses. 52(7), 270- nurse. Fell-Carlson, D. 52(10), 442- Nursing assessment: Taking the his- 274. 449. tory. Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(1), 8-9. Standards of occupational and OCCUPATIONAL DEMOTION environmental health nursing. The NURSING EDUCATION Linking Practice & Research: American Association of Occupation- Evaluation of an environmental Promoting immigrants’ health—Rel- al Health Nurses. 52(7), 270-274. health education program: Assessing evance to occupational health nurs- Travel health nursing: Expand- changes in knowledge of health pro- ing practice. Tsai, J. H-C. 52(3), 94- ing horizons for occupational health fessionals. Mujuru, P., & Niezen, C. 96. nurses. Rosselot, G. 52(1), 28-41. DECEMBER 2004, VOL. 52, NO. 12 537 OSHA fessionals. Mujuru, P., & Niezen, C. OSHA for the occupational health OSHA 101: An introduction to 52(10), 436-441. nurse. Feli-Carlson, D. 52(10), 442- OSHA for the occupational health Implementation of a scheduled 449. nurse. Fell-Carlson, D. 52(10), 442- toileting program in a long term care 449. facility: Evaluating the impact on RENAL DISEASE injury risk to caregiving staff. Engst, Diagnosis: Chronic kidney dis- OSTEOPOROSIS C., Chhokar, R., Robinson, D., Earthy, ease, now what! Ross, P.E., Groen- Express Speak: Focus on osteo- A., & Yassi, A. 52(10), 427-435. hoff, C., & Zin, P. 52(7), 287-297. porosis. Sitzman, K. 52(7), 312. Rewarding safe behavior: Strategies for change (CE Article). RENAL HEALTH OUTCOME MEASURES Fell-Carlson, D. 52(12), 521-527. Relationship among risk factors Management File: Family med- The new face of public health in for nephrolithiasis, cardiovascular ical leave—Management strategies. the workplace: Development of an disease, and ethnicity: Focus on a Morris, J.A. 52(12), 495-497. occupational health program. Gary, law enforcement cohort. Ramey, D.L. 52(4), 159-163. S.L., Franke, W.D., & Shelley, M.C.., OVERWEIGHT II. 52(3), 116-121. Express Speak: Expanding food PROGRAM EVALUATION portions contribute to overweight Evaluation of an environmental RESEARCH and obesity. Sitzman, K. 52(8), 356. health education program: Assessing Linking Practice & Research: Express Speak: The obesity epi- changes in knowledge of health pro- Promoting immigrants’ health—Rele- demic. Sitzman, K. 52(1), 44. fessionals. Mujuru, P., & Niezen, C. vance to occupational health nursing 52(10), 436-441. practice. Tsai, J. H-C. 52(3), 94-96. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Great safety performance: An Linking Practice and Research: Management File: Ensuring improvement process using leading Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED confidentiality of employee health indicators. Dyck, D., & Roithmayr, model to guide the development of information—Developing policies T. 52(12), 511-520. more effective workplace interven- and procedures. Strasser, P.B. 52(4), Implementation of a scheduled tions. Connon, L., & Salazar, M.K. 149-153. toileting program in a long term care 52(5), 190-192. Management File: Family med- facility: Evaluating the impact on Research & Ethics Corner: ical leave—Management strategies. injury risk to caregiving staff. Engst, Environmental health hazards and Morris, J.A. 52(12), 495-497. C., Chhokar, R., Robinson, D.. health care professional education. Earthy, A., Yassi, A., & Tate, R.B. Rogers, B. 52(4), 154-155. PRIVACY 52(10), 427-435. Research & Ethics Corner: Roadmap to HIPAA: Keeping Reducing overall health care Research utilization—Putting the occupational health nurses on track. costs for a city municipality: A real research evidence into practice. Lucas, B., & Adams, S. 52(4), 169- life community based learning model. Rogers, B. 52(1), 14-15. 177. Hodges, L.C., Harper, T.S., Hall-Bar- Research & Ethics Corner: What row, J., & Tatom, I.D. 52(6), 247-253. the research shows—Worker exposures PROCEED/PRECEDE MODEL The new face of public health in at a popcorn plant. 52(7), 285-286. Linking Practice and Research: the workplace: Development of an Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED occupational health program. Gary, RESOURCE INFORMATION model to guide the development of D.L. 52(4), 159-163. Informatics: Identifying more effective workplace interven- requirements for an occupational tions. Connon, L., & Salazar, M.K. PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUES health & safety information system. 52(5), 190-192. The new face of public health in DiBenedetto, D.V. 52(9), 368-372. the workplace: Development of an Informatics: Searching for topi- PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION occupational health program. Gary, cal information on the Internet— Research & Ethics Corner: D.L. 52(4), 159-163. Networking with occupational health Environmental health hazards and professionals. DiBenedetto, D.V. health care professional education. QUANTIFYING VALUE 52(3), 100-101. Rogers, B. 52(4), 154-155. Clinical Rounds: Case Manage- ment Update: What are some of the RESPIRATORY HEALTH PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT challenges in case management and Clinical Rounds: NP Link: Agricultural health: A new field how have you handled them? Kalina, Asbestos-related pulmonary dis- of occupational health nursing. Flem- C.M., Haag, A.B., & Tourigian, R. eases. Corbridge, S.J.. & Kamp, ing, M.J. 52(9), 391-396. 52(4), 143-145. D.W. 52(2), 49-51. Evaluation of an environmental Express Speak: Mold at home health education program: Assessing REGULATORY ISSUES can cause illness at work. Sitzman, changes in knowledge of health pro- OSHA 101: An introduction to K. 52(11), 492. 538 AAOHN JOURNAL RETURN TO WORK Occupational and environmental WEIGHT LOSS Integrating disability manage- exposure history—Ocupacional y Express Speak: What works for ment into strategic plans: Creating ambiental historia clinica de riesgo. weight loss and maintenance? Sitz- healthy organizations. Curtis, J., & Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(4), 146-148. man, K. 52(4), 180. Scott, L.R. 52(7), 298-301. Occupational Health: Spanish: Management File: Managing Physical examination—Examen fisi- WOMEN’S HEALTH transitional work—Program founda- co. Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(10), 424- Express Speak: Focus on osteo- tion. Strasser, P. 52(8), 323-326. 426. porosis. Sitzman, K. 52(7), 312. The return to work experiences Occupational Health: Spanish: Workplace violence in long haul of colorectal cancer survivors. Work related injury and illness. trucking: Occupational health nurs- Sanchez, K.M., Richardson, J.L., & Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(7), 275-279. ing update. Anderson, D.G. 52(1), Mason, H.R.C. 52(12), 500-510. 23-27. STRATEGIC PLANNING RISK COMMUNICATION Integrating disability manage- WORKPLACE BULLYING Linking Practice & Research: ment into strategic plans: Creating Express Speak: Workplace bul- “La Verdad” and risk communica- healthy organizations. Curtis, J., & lying. Sitzman, K. 52(5), 220. tion—Strategies for communicating Scott, L.R. 52(7), 298-301. results of environmental exposure WORKPLACE VIOLENCE tests to individuals. Butterfield, P.G. STRESS MANAGEMENT Workplace violence against K-12 52(9), 363-365. Emotional labor: Relevant theo- teachers: Implementation of preven- ry for occupational health practice in tive programs. Ruff, J.M., Gerding, RURAL HEALTH ISSUES post-industrial America. de Castro, G., & Hong, O.S. 52(5), 204-209. Guest Editorial: Caring for the A.B., Agnew, J., & Fitzgerald, S.T. Workplace violence in long haul families that feed the world. Reed, 52(3), 109-115. trucking: Occupational health nursing D.B. 52(9), 361-362. update. Anderson, D.G. 52(1), 23-27. SURVEY TOOLS SARS Back pain prevalence in nursing WORK RELATED ASTHMA SARS update: Winter, 2003- personnel: Measurement issues. Processes of care for individuals 2004. Shapiro, S.E., & McCauley, Menzel, N.H. 52(2), 55-65. diagnosed with work related asthma: L.A. 52(5), 199-203. treatment characteristics and impact of TEMPORARY WORK FORCE asthma on work. Roberts, J.L., Janson, SCABIES Express Speak: The impact of S., Gillen, M., Flattery, J., & Harrison, Clinical Rounds: Hospital Link: contingent workers on the work- R. 52(8), 327-337. That little itch—Responding to sca- place. Stagg, S. 52(9), 412. bies in the workplace. Andersen, E. WORK RELATED INJURY AND 52(6), 227-229. TOXICOLOGY ILLNESS Toxicology primer: Understand- Occupational Health: Spanish: SCHOOL VIOLENCE ing workplace hazards and protect- Work related injury and illness. Workplace violence against K- ing worker health. Arble, J. 52(6), Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(7), 275-279. 12 teachers: Implementation of pre- 254-261. ventive programs. Ruff, J.M., Gerd- WORK RELATED ing, G., & Hong, O.S. 52(5), 204- TRAVEL HEALTH MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS 209. International health program: Clinical Rounds: NP Link: Preventing health problems associat- Carpal tunnel syndrome—tThe role SLEEP DEPRIVATION ed with living abroad. Butcher, C.A. of psychosocial factors in recovery. Sleep deprivation and injuries in 52(2), 78-85. Hopp, P.T., Lee, K.E., & Gest, S.A. part-time kentucky farmers: Impact Malaria: A parasitic disease. 52(11), 458-460. of self reported sleep habits and Butcher, C.A. 52(7), 302-309. Education of garment workers: sleep problems on injury risk. Spen- Travel health nursing: Expand- Prevention of work related muscu- gler, S.E., Browning, S.R., & Reed, ing horizons for occupational health loskeletal disorders. Pun, J.C., Burgel, D.B. 52(9), 373-382. nurses. Rosselot, G. 52(1), 28-41. B.J., Chan, J., & Lashuay, N. 52(8), 338-343. SPANISH LANGUAGE INFORMATION URBAN SPRAWL Garment workers in California: Occupational Health: Spanish: Urban sprawl and you: How Health outcomes of the Asian immi- Nursing assessment: Taking the his- sprawl adversely affects worker grant women workers clinic. Burgel, tory. Vélez-McEvoy, M. 52(1), 8-9. health. Pohanka, M., & Fitzgerald, S. B.J., Lashuay, N., Israel, L., & Harri- Occupational Health: Spanish: 52(6), 242-246. son, R. 52(11), 465-475. DECEMBER 2004, VOL. 52, NO. 12

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