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$A_N$ at small negative values of $\xf$ in the reaction $p+p(pol) \to π^0+X$ at 70 GeV and universal threshold in inclusive pion production PDF

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Preview $A_N$ at small negative values of $\xf$ in the reaction $p+p(pol) \to π^0+X$ at 70 GeV and universal threshold in inclusive pion production

February7,2008 7:52 ProceedingsTrimSize: 9inx6in proc˙spin2004 5 0 0 2 AN AT SMALL NEGATIVE VALUES OF xF IN THE REACTION p+p → π0 +X AT 70 GEV AND UNIVERSAL n ↑ a THRESHOLD IN INCLUSIVE PION PRODUCTION. ∗ J 4 2 A.M. DAVIDENKO,A.A.DEREVSCHIKOV,V.N. GRISHIN, 1 V.YU.KHODYREV,YU.A.MATULENKO,YU.M. MELNICK, v A.P.MESCHANIN,V.V. MOCHALOV†,L.V.NOGACH,S.B. NURUSHEV, 2 6 P.A. SEMENOV,A.F. PRUDKOGLYAD,K.E. SHESTERMANOV, 0 L.F. SOLOVIEV,A.N. VASILIEV,A.E. YAKUTIN 1 Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Moscow region, 142281, Russia 0 5 0 N.S. BORISOV,A.N.FEDOROV,V.N.MATAFONOV‡,A.B. NEGANOV, / x YU.A. PLIS,YU.A.USOV e JINR, Dubna, Russia - p e A.A.LUKHANIN h : KhPTI, Kharkov, Ukraine v i X r The talk continues the series of Single Spin Asymmetry (SSA) π0 inclusive mea- a surements carried out at Protvino 70 GeV accelerator. The asymmetry in the polarizedtargetfragmentationregiongrowsupinabsolutevaluewithxF decreas- ing and equals to (−16±5)% at −0.4 < xF < −0.25. The result of the current experimentisinagreementwiththeuniversalthresholdinpionasymmetries. TheexperimentwascarriedoutatthePROZA-Mexperimentalset-up1 inU-70Protvinoacceleratorat1996. Inpreviousmeasurementsperformed in Protvino2–5 we observed significant asymmetry in the reaction π− + p →π0+X atthe centralandthe polarizedtargetfragmentationregions, ↑ 0 whereastheasymmetryinthereactionp+p →π +X inthecentralregion ↑ was compatible with zero. Present talk is devoted to SSA measurement at ∗ThisworkissupportedbyRussianFoundationforBasicResearch,grant03-02-16919 †Correspondingauthor,e-mail:[email protected] ‡Deceased 1 February7,2008 7:52 ProceedingsTrimSize: 9inx6in proc˙spin2004 2 S1 S2 S3 beam H1 H2 target 21.5o EMC Figure1. Experimentalset-upPROZA-M;S1-S3–scintillationcounters,H1-H2–two- coordinate hodoscopes, EMC – electromagnetic calorimeter, target - polarized target. small negative values of xF in the reaction p+p↑ →π0+X. A70 GeVprotonbeamextractedfromtheU-70mainringwiththeuse ofbentcrystalhadintensityintherange(3−6)·107 protons/10sec. cycle. Frozen polarized target (C3H8O2) with a dilution factor D ≈ 10 operated with80%averagepolarization(seeFig.1). γ-quantaweredetectedbyelec- tromagneticcalorimeter(144leadglasses)placed2.8mdownstreamtarget at 21.5◦ on respect to the beam direction. Three scintillation counters S1- S3 and two hodoscopes H1-H2 were used for beam particle detection and zero level trigger. First level trigger provided the events selection with the energy deposited in the calorimeter above 1 GeV. The asymmetry was calculated as AN = DP(xtaFr,gpetT)·ArNaw(xF,pT)= DP(xtaFr,gpetT)·nn↑↑((xxFF,,ppTT))−+nn↓↓((xxFF,,ppTT)) (1) where P – average target polarization;D - target dilution factor. The target azimuthalanglewasclosedto 180◦, thusweneglectedtheSSA dependence on cosφ. Measurementswereperformedatnarrowsolidangle(seeFig.2),π0-mass width was in range 11-17 MeV/c2 for different kinematic regions. Falseasymmetrywascompatiblewithzero(Fig.3). Theasymmetrywas alsoclosetozeroatsmallabsolutevaluesofxFandgrowsinmagnitudewith |xF| increase. The combined result (−16±5)% is in agreement with other experimentsinpolarizedparticlefragmentationregion: A =(12.4±1.4)% N at E704 (FNAL)6, (14±4)% at STAR (BNL)7 in the reaction p +p → ↑ π0+Xand (13.8±3.8)% in the reaction π−+p →π0+X at PROZA-M ↑ 3 (Protvino) . February7,2008 7:52 ProceedingsTrimSize: 9inx6in proc˙spin2004 3 Figure2. Two-dimensionaldistributiononpT andxF (a)andTwo-gammamassspec- trum(b) The result is in good agreement with the observation of the universal threshold Ecms in SSA if the particle is formed from valence quark, which 0 polarizationfollowsthe nucleonpolarization8. Thesummaryoftheuniver- salthresholdsearchfornon-zeroresultsispresentedinthe Table1. Allthe data were fitted by the function: 0 , if E <E0 A = (2) N (cid:26)k·(E−E0), if E ≥E0 The value of Ecms equals to (1.5±0.2) GeV for current experiment. 0 We are planning to carry out new experiment to improve the accuracy and to measure asymmetry at different angles. The detector of 720 cells will be placed on 30◦ to cover −0.8<xF <−0.25 region. Figure3. False(left)andreal(right)π0 asymmetry February7,2008 7:52 ProceedingsTrimSize: 9inx6in proc˙spin2004 4 Table 1. The search of the universal threshold in the center of mass frame for differentexperiments Reaction Energy E0cms,GeV χ2/N k·(Emcmasx−E0cms),% p↑+p→π++X 13.3 1.26±0.1 0.9 52±6 p↑+p→π++X 18.5 1.46±0.15 0.85 63±16 p↑+p→π++X 21.92 1.57±0.1 0.9 68±6 p↑+p→π++X 40 1.64±0.15 p↑+p→π++X 200 1.68±0.25 1.1 52±5 π−+p↑→π0+X 40 1.67±0.15 1.5 107±26 π−+p↑→π0+X 40 1.76±0.2 0.7 36±14 p+p↑→π0+X 24 1.7±0.15 0.6 334±165 p+p↑→π0+X 70 1.5±0.2 0.15 50±15 p↑+p→π0+X 200 2.1±0.3 0.5 26±5 p¯↑+p→π0+X 200 0.9±0.6 0.5 13±4 p↑+p→π−+X 21.92 1.95±0.1 0.5 −87±11 p↑+p→π−+X 200 2.9±0.2 <0.1 −51±6 p¯↑+p→π++X 200 3.1±0.5 <0.1 −59±16 p¯↑+p→π−+X 200 1.0±2.2 0.1 25±15 Conclusion — SSA in the reaction p+p → π0 +Xwas measured at 70 GeV in the ↑ kinematic region −0.4<xF <−0.1 and 0.9<pT <2.5 GeV/c. —Asymmetryequalszeroat−0.2<xF <−0.1and0.5<pT <1.5 GeV/c, and AN =(−16±5)% at −0.4<xF <−0.25 and 1.3<pT <3.0 GeV/c. — The asymmetry starts to grow up at Ecms =(1.5±0.2) GeV in agree- 0 ment with the universal threshold. This behavior can be explained inside constituent quark model9. —Newmeasurementswillbe carriedoutinnexttwoyearsinthe p+p → ↑ π0+Xreaction at the target fragmentation region. References 1. V.D Apokin et al. Instrum. Exp. Tech. 41, 464 (1998). 2. V.D.Apokin et al. Phys. Lett. B243, 461 (1990). 3. A.N.Vasiliev et al. Phys. of Atom. Nucl. 67, No 8, 1495 (2004); Yad. Fizika 67, No 8, 1520 (2004); Prepr. IHEP 2003-21. 4. A.N.Vasiliev et al. Phys. of Atom. Nucl. 67, No 8, 1487 (2004), Yad. Fizika 67, No 8, 1512 (2004); Prepr. IHEP 2003-22. 5. S.B. Nurushevtalk, this conference. 6. D.L.Adams et al. Z.Phys. C56, 181 (1992). 7. L.C.BlandAIPConf.Proc.675,98(2003); e-PrintArchive: hep-ex/0212013. 8. V. Mochalov and A. Vasiliev Phys. of Atom. Nucl. 67, No 12, 2169 (2004); e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0312007. 9. V. Mochalov, S. Troshin and A. Vasiliev Phys. Rev. D69, 077503 (2004); e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0310224.

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