In Care A-19 Page 1 of 2 The in care relationship is one that church, a seminary and peers. A local appropriate for those seeking • A letter of application from exists between a student preparing for church that has a member in care of commissioned ministry, and for those the person. ordination, his or her local church, an association needs to show who may not have decided to pursue • Verification of the person's and association. The in care appreciation and support for that ordination until after their student membership in a local church of relationship provides support, person. years the United Church of Christ, counsel, assistance and supervision The Constitution and Bylaws of during the person's preparation for Common Practices the United Church of Christ define • Three letters of reference, including ordained ministry. This relationship is students in care and outline one from the pastor of the local directed by the association committee Most persons become in care of an requirements for the in care church. on the ministry. The pastor and local association during college or relationship. • Background material, including the church leaders are responsible for seminary. It is expected that they will person's life pilgrimage, biography, insuring that this is a healthy, be in care from the time they make understanding of call, Responsibilities sustaining relationship of genuine their decision to prepare for ordained documentation of formal education interest and concern. ministry. Minimally, they are In care procedures and perspectives and educational plans. expected to be in care at least one for association committees on the • A description of the process used History and year before ordination. Most students ministry are outlined in Manual on by the local church to interview Background are in care for several years, with an Ministry: Perspectives and and recommend the person. annual review of their progress and Procedures for Ecclesiastical All Christians are called to carry out development each year by the Authorization of Ministry. (Order • If the application is accepted by the God's work in the world. All those association committee on the from United Church of Christ association committee on the who are baptized are ministers, in ministry. Resources. Telephone, toll-free, 800- ministry, the candidate is inter- whatever form of work they do. From Associations relate to their in care 537-3394.) The manual describes viewed by the association the earliest times of the church, students in a variety of ways. In some responsibilities of the student (or committee on the ministry to however, through the "laying on of associations the relationship may be a other candidate), the student's local determine fitness, aptitude, hands," some were set apart to formality, especially if the student church and the association or Christian experience and administer the sacraments, preach and does not consult the advisor. In conference. commitment. perform other church-related others the students relate closely to an • If the candidate is accepted in care, A person desiring to prepare for functions. The United Church of advisor who guides them as they the committee appoints an advisor authorized ministry asks the official Christ comes from a tradition that make course decisions and career from a group of advisors. The com- board of his or her church to values educated clergy. As those who plans. Often associations provide mittee is responsible for the recommend to the association feel they have a call prepare for some way for students in care to get training and oversight of the committee on the ministry that the ordained ministry, the church has together during school vacations. advisor. person be accepted for in care status. recognized that it is important to Some associations provide If the board decides to proceed- • The student is presented to the express its concern and to help them scholarship aid to students in care. following review of documentation association and, in some prepare well. The in care relationship While the in care relationship was and interview with the person, the cases, voted upon by the does that. designed for students, in some local church sends a letter of association. To be in care is to be in a associations, in care is required for covenantal relationship with God and recommendation to the association • The student communicates with the ordained ministers of other with the following documentation, the church, including the local advisor on a regular basis. denominations who want to become some of which it secures from the church, the association, the pastors in the United Church of candidate: • The advisor offers advice about the conference, the national bodies of the Christ. In care relationships are also way to meet ordination In Care A-19 Page 2 of 2 of Christ, including active affirmation of the candidate and her requirements. Supplemental membership in a local church. or his plans for ministry. studies may be planned to develop competencies and • Commitment to the mission of the • Provide scholarship assistance to defray skills not addressed elsewhere. church. the costs of college and seminary. • The association committee on • Open, affirming style. • Invite a member of the association the ministry arranges for • A sense of having been called by God committee on the ministry to meet with regular communication; and the church to ordained ministry. the leaders and youth of your church to gatherings with the committee, share the procedures for and advisors and students in -care; • Adaptability. possibilities of a vocation within the and the student's participation • A Christian lifestyle. United Church of Christ. in the life of the association and a local church of the • Empathy. Issues Facing United Church of Christ. • Integrity. • The association committee on the Church the ministry checks with the • Capability for growth and development. • What is the role of a committee on the advisor and may check with ministry in an area where students are in the student’s academic advisor as well. Strengthening the In seminary, if they are not in care there? • The association committee on Care Relationship • How can an association committee on the ministry maintain contact when the the ministry conducts an The primary responsibility for the student is in seminary outside the area? annual review of the student's progress and development at student in care rests with the association • How can a local church express concern which time a decision is made committee on the ministry. However, to for a student in care without infringing to terminate or renew the in strengthen the relationship that a student on the role of the association committee care relationship, based on the experiences with the association, the on the ministry? local church can: student's progress, church participation and the advisor's • Appoint a committee of three or four Questions recommendation. whose responsibility it will be to keep in close, supportive contact with the • What is the purpose of the in care person who has been granted in care relationship? Skills and status by the association. This local • What is the role of the association Attributes Needed group coordinates with, and is in committee on the ministry with in care contact with, the association students? Among the skills, faith committee on the ministry. affirmations and personal • What are the responsibilities of a qualities required for a student in • Whenever possible, provide student in care? © 2005, Parish Life and Leadership Ministry Team of Local Church care are: opportunities for the in care student to • What has your church done when it has • Sense of responsibility. participate in the worship services and a member in care? What might you do? Ministries, a Covenanted Ministry of total life of his or her home church. the United Church of Christ • Commitment to service in and • Show understanding and on behalf of the United Church