A World Abandoned by God .................11409$ $$FM 09-30-0514:05:14 PS PAGE1 .................11409$ $$FM 09-30-0514:05:15 PS PAGE2 A World Abandoned by God Narrative and Secularism Susanna Lee Lewisburg Bucknell UniversityPress .................11409$ $$FM 09-30-0514:05:16 PS PAGE3 (cid:2)2006byRosemontPublishing&PrintingCorp. Allrightsreserved.Authorizationtophotocopyitemsforinternalorpersonaluse, ortheinternalorpersonaluseofspecificclients,isgrantedbythecopyrightowner, provided thata base fee of $10.00, plus eightcents per page,per copy ispaid di- rectlytotheCopyrightClearanceCenter,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers,Massachu- setts01923.[0-8387-5609-3/05$10.00(cid:3)8¢pp,pc.] AssociatedUniversityPresses 2010EastparkBoulevard Cranbury,NJ08512 ThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstherequirementsoftheAmerican NationalStandardforPermanenceofPaperforPrintedLibraryMaterials. Z39.48-1984. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Lee,Susanna,1970– AworldabandonedbyGod:narrativeandsecularism/SusannaLee. p. cm. Navigatingthesecularworld—Flaubert’ssuperiorjoke—Faithinrealism— Thejoyofmystification—Thenarratorwhoknewtoomuch. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-8387-5609-3(alk.paper) 1. Frenchfiction—19thcentury—Historyandcriticism. 2. Russianfiction— 19thcentury—Historyandcriticism. 3. Secularisminliterature. 4. Religion andliterature. I. Title. PQ653.L44 2006 843(cid:2).709382—dc22 2005012254 printedintheunitedstatesofamerica .................11409$ $$FM 09-30-0514:05:16 PS PAGE4 Contents Acknowledgments 7 Introduction 11 1. Navigatingthe SecularWorld 22 2. Flaubert’sSuperiorJoke 49 3. Faithin Realism 79 4. The Joyof Mystification 109 5. The NarratorWhoKnewTooMuch 137 Conclusion 170 Notes 174 Bibliography 186 Index 193 5 .................11409$ CNTS 09-30-0514:05:19 PS PAGE5 .................11409$ CNTS 09-30-0514:05:20 PS PAGE6 Acknowledgments I AMGRATEFULTOMANYFRIENDSANDCOLLEAGUESFORTHESUPPORTAND guidancetheygavemeduringthisproject. The following people read all or portions of the manuscript and offered superb advice and encouragement: Susann Cokal, Florence Dore,Edwin Duval,Svetlana Grenier, PhilipeHamon, RobertLouis Jackson, Patrick Laude, Olga Meerson, Barbara Mujica, Gerald Prince,DebaratiSanyal.ThankstoPennyBurt,whoprovidedcrucial help with Russian translations, to John McKay for pointing me in thedirectionofDemonsinthesummerof2001,andtoRobertLouis Jackson, whose excellent graduate course on Turgenev led both di- rectly and indirectly to the present work. I am particularly grateful toMariannaLee,whoseministrationshelpedtheproseofthisbook immensely, and to Jared Stark, whose thoughtful suggestions have long (and especially recently) been enormously valuable. Last but not least, my heartfelt thanks to Peter Brooks, whose guidance and supporthavebeen cruciallyimportantover theyears. Georgetown University’s generosity, in the form of two consecu- tive summer grants and a junior research leave, was instrumental in enabling meto complete thisbook. I amgrateful also tothe follow- ing people at Bucknell University Press and AUP: Greg Clingham, ChristineRetz,and,forherattentivecopyediting,Cathy Slovensky. I could not have completed this project without the encourage- ment of my friends and family. Masha Belenky, Jeremy Billetdeaux, Susann Cokal, Roger Donahue, Angie Graham, Cynthia Hobbs, Marie-Chantal Killeen, Peter Kok, Betsy Konrad, Sandra Lee, Eliza- beth Letcher, Katie MacKaye, Brian Pope, Kirsten Singleton, An- drew Sobanet, and Georges Steiner cheered me on in all weather. Chapter 5 unquestionably owes its existence to the generosity and hospitalityofMicheleandLilyVonStein.Manythankstothem.And mydeepestgratitudeto DenisCrean,for hisoptimismandhislove. And finally, for their inspiration, love, and support, I thank my parents: Marianna Lee, Edward Lee, and Kathryn Shevelow. This bookisdedicatedtothem. 7 .................11409$ $ACK 09-30-0514:06:33 PS PAGE7 .................11409$ $ACK 09-30-0514:06:33 PS PAGE8 A World Abandoned by God .................11409$ HFTL 09-30-0514:06:37 PS PAGE9 .................11409$ HFTL 09-30-0514:06:37 PS PAGE10