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A Woman's Ayurvedic Herbal: A Guide for Natural Health and Well-Being PDF

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Preview A Woman's Ayurvedic Herbal: A Guide for Natural Health and Well-Being

Ancient Herbal Secrets for Healing and Wholeness D esigned specifi cally for women, this is an introduction to Ayurveda— one of the most ancient and holistic forms of medicine in human his- tory. Developed in India over 5,000 years ago, Ayurveda is a complete system for healing and rebalancing the body. This fascinating book features an A to Z of herbs with their description, history and uses, and easy-to-prepare home remedies. There is also an A-to-Z section of ailments that details symptoms and how to treat them using Ayurvedic remedies. Authoritative text, an easy-to-use format, and delightful original botanical illustra- tions will make this volume a pleasure to own and a useful home reference. ABOUT THE AUTHORS Caroline Robertson is an Ayurvedic consultant and naturopath. She cofounded the Ayurvedic Traditional Medicine Association with her husband, Rana Prasad, an Indian Ayurvedic physician. Antonia Beattie i s a consultant, writer, and editor on a wide range of topics. She has explored many mainstream and alternative therapies. www.redwheelweiser.com RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMM AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC CCVV MMXX..iinndddd 11 1122//2233//1199 55::1100 PPMM RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMM AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC CCVV MMXX..iinndddd 22 1122//2233//1199 99::0088 PPMM A W o m a n ’ s yurvedic Herbal A A Guide for Natural Health and Well-Being CAROLINE ROBERTSON & ANTONIA BEATTIE !!RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMMEENNSS AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC__FFIIXXEEDD..iinnddbb 11 1122//2233//1199 1122::1144 PPMM Copyright © 2020 by Caroline Robertson and Antonia Beattie All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Red Wheel/Weiser, llc. Reviewers may quote brief passages. Previously published as Ayurvedic Healing in 2002 Lansdowne Publishing Pty Ltd, ISBN 1 86302 722 X Designer: Stephanie Doyle Illustrator: Jeff Lang/Tina Wilson Typeset in Giovanni and Georgia Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc. Charlottesville, VA 22906 DISCLAIMER Distributed by Red Wheel/Weiser, llc This book is intended to give general information only and is not a www.redwheelweiser.com substitute for professional and medical advice. Consult your health- care provider before adopting any of the treatments contained in Sign up for our newsletter and special offers by going to this book. The publisher, author, and distributor expressly disclaim www.redwheelweiser.com/newsletter. all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or for any errors or omissions in, the information in this book. ISBN: 978-1-64297-012-8 The adoption and application of the information in this book is at Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data the reader’s discretion and is their sole responsibility. available upon request. Printed in Korea TWP 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 !!RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMMEENNSS AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC__FFIIXXEEDD..iinnddbb 22 1122//2233//1199 1122::1144 PPMM Contents • Introduction: Healing using Cumin 32 Ayurvedic principles 6 Fennel 34 • The three doshas and body types: Frankincense (Indian) 36 Which body type are you? 8 Garlic 38 • The use of herbs in Ayurvedic medicine 12 Ginger 40 Gooseberry (Indian) 42 A–Z of Herbs and Spices Used in Ayurveda Licorice 44 Aloe Vera 16 Lotus 46 Asafetida (also known as Hing) 18 Marshmallow 48 Basil (Holy) 20 Myrrh (Indian) 50 Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) 22 Neem 52 Cardamom 24 Pepper (Long) 54 Cinnamon 26 Pomegranate 56 Cloves 28 Sandalwood 58 Coriander 30 Sarsaparilla (Indian) 60 !!RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMMEENNSS AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC__FFIIXXEEDD..iinnddbb 33 1122//2233//1199 1122::1144 PPMM Senna (also known as Cassia) 62 • Vata 82 Shatavari 64 • Pitta 84 Turmeric 66 • Kapha 86 Winter Cherry (Indian ginseng) 68 • Medicinal foods 88 • Lifestyle 90 Healing through Ayurveda • Body therapies 94 • Ayurvedic view of health and disease 72 • Beauty regimes 96 • Preventative health 76 • Purification therapies 78 A–Z of Common Ailments • Longevity strategies 80 Acne 100 • Food regimes 81 Arthritis 101 Asthma 102 Boils 104 Candida albicans 105 Cholesterol problems 106 Chronic fatigue syndrome 108 Circulation (poor) 110 Cold sores 111 Common cold 112 Constipation 114 Cough/sore throat 115 Cuts, stings, bites 116 Cysts (and fibroids) in the uterus 117 Depression 118 !!RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMMEENNSS AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC__FFIIXXEEDD..iinnddbb 44 1122//2233//1199 1122::1155 PPMM Diarrhea 120 • Glossary 156 Dry skin 121 • Botanical index 160 Earache 122 Eczema 123 Eye disorders 124 Fever 126 Flatulence 127 Headache 128 Indigestion 130 Infertility 132 Insomnia 134 Liver disorders 137 Memory (loss and improvement) 138 Menopause 140 Menstrual discomfort 142 Migraines 143 Osteoporosis 144 Overweight 146 Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) 148 Psoriasis 150 Sinusitis/Hayfever 151 Stress and hypertension 152 Urinary tract infections 154 Worms 155 !!RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMMEENNSS AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC__FFIIXXEEDD..iinnddbb 55 1122//2233//1199 1122::1155 PPMM AA WWoommAAnn’’ss AAyyuurrvveeddiicc HHeerrbbAAll IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn HHeeaalliinngg uussiinngg AAyyuurrvveeddiicc pprriinncciipplleess What is Ayurveda? Known as “the mother the healing process. The right food, of all healing sciences,” it is the sleep patterns, exercise, relationships oldest holistic health system. and spirituality are all considered Developed in India an estimated important to the health of a person. 4,000 years ago, Ayurveda is a To determine what is right for an complete system for healing and individual, Ayurvedic practitioners rebalancing the body. Ayurveda abide by the principle that there are focuses on empowering individuals three primary body types—vata, pitta to heal rapidly and easily with the and kapha (see pages 8–10). Each body aid of herbs, diet, body therapies type or constitution (prakriti) and lifestyle tools. Ayurveda is predisposed to particular uses a range of specific herbs imbalances and is responsive and spices, some very well to specific healing techniques known in the West, such as and lifestyle regimes. cinnamon, cumin, turmeric Ayurvedic wisdom is and pepper, to detoxify strongly based on the the body and to calm or fundamental belief that stimulate the metabolism. the elements that make up Indian traditional herbs the world—ether, air, fire, such as brahmi (the brain- water and earth—are also boosting herb) are becoming present in the makeup of the very popular in the West as human body. Every body has scientific research confirms a predominance of a particular their potency. combination of elements (see page The term Ayurveda is derived from 8). Ayurveda is an especially effective two Sanskrit words that, combined, mean the form of healing because it is based wisdom or science of life. The Ayurvedic system on an understanding of the interrelationship of healing is holistic in that all aspects of a between human beings and nature, and works person’s life and emotions are factored into to promote harmony between the two. True 6 !!RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMMEENNSS AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC__FFIIXXEEDD..iinnddbb 66 1122//2233//1199 1122::1155 PPMM Healing Using ayUrveidnat rPordinuccitPiloens health and balance is experienced when all these symptoms, bringing the body back into balance elements are in balance. When they are out of by the use of medicinal herbs and spices and by balance, symptoms of disease can arise. making simple changes to your lifestyle. A case Ayurvedic medicine is also based on analyzing study will also be given to illustrate practical a person’s body type (see pages 8–11), then management of each ailment. treating an ailment according to the requirements You can use this list of ailments to discover of that type. An Ayurvedic practitioner may how Ayurveda can help you to cope with also suggest a diet that balances a person’s specific problems that you may be experiencing. constitution; a detoxification process; lifestyle However, since prevention is always better than changes; massage and the use of color, aromas, cure, also take time to look at Ayurveda’s advice oils, crystals, or medicinal herbs and spices. on averting disease by matching a person’s body The most common herbs and spices now easily type with the most beneficial lifestyle. Read pages available in the West are described and discussed 72–97 to learn how, by adopting a routine and on pages 16–69 in terms of their: lifestyle suited to your body type, you can live a • historical or mythological background; healthy, happy and fulfilling life. The Ayurvedic • use in Ayurvedic medicine; approach to health is an exciting one that, if • home remedies; and pursued in a mindful manner, can provide a • available forms. sense of harmony in not only the body but also Ayurvedic practitioners consider that one of the mind and spirit, initiating a heightened sense the most important functions of the human of stability and serenity. body is digestion. Often, the early symptoms of disease can be alleviated by balancing the THE EIGHT BRANCHES OF AYURVEDA digestive fire or agni. The lack of digestive juices 1. General Medicine (Kaya Chikitsa) or “fire” leads to the accumulation of undigested 2. Pediatrics (Bala Chikitsa) material, or ama, in the body. This material is toxic waste that circulates through the body 3. Psychology and Psychiatry (Graha Chikitsa) creating symptoms that reduce the quality of life 4. Ear, Nose and Throat and Ophthalmology and one’s life span. By balancing the digestive (Shalakya Chikitsa) fire, these waste products dissolve and are easily 5. Surgery (Shalya Chikitsa) expelled by the body. Spices are incorporated into Ayurvedic medicine to maintain a proper 6. Toxicology (Visha Chikitsa) level of digestive fire that will promote good 7. Rejuvenation/Geriatrics (Rasayana Chikitsa) health, a sense of vitality, and a long life. Each 8. Infertility (Vajikarana Chikitsa) ailment listed in this book (pages 100–155) is Chikitsa is a Sanskrit word meaning discussed in terms of both its symptoms and treatment or therapy. the recommended treatments to alleviate the 7 !!RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMMEENNSS AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC__FFIIXXEEDD..iinnddbb 77 1122//2233//1199 1122::1155 PPMM A WomAn’s Ayurvedic HerbAl The three doshas & body types: Which body type are you? In Ayurvedic medicine, there are three major The following questions will help you to principles, namely vata, pitta and kapha, around determine your body type. Understanding your which the entire science revolves. Vata is the prakriti is the first step toward a happy life and active principle from ether and air, pitta from effective health care. This wisdom guides us fire and water, and kapha from water and earth. to understand the most suitable daily routine, nutrition, colors, essential oils, herbs and other Dosha Functions therapeutic substances for ourselves. Count all Vata enthusiasm, mobility, circulation, the checks in each section and grade your answers regulation as either rarely or mostly. Your predominant Pitta heat, transformation, analysis, dosha is the one in which the score is higher than effulgence, courage the others. If the scores for two doshas are nearly Kapha integrity, lubrication, stability, patience, identical, then you have a combination prakriti. calmness Everything in this universe is composed of all the five elements, but in varying proportions. Vital Prana Each of us has a unique proportion of these doshas, (See Prana in glossary) known as prakriti or body types. Understanding our proportion of these elements or doshas is vital in designing and deciding what is good and what is bad for us. Nutrient Prana To get a specific idea of your prakriti, complete the questionnaire on pages 9–11. The following summary provides a broad idea of body type Kapha - Water and earth characteristics. • a vata type is naturally slim with narrow hips and shoulders and a fluctuating flow of energy; Pitta - Fire and water • a pitta type is generally medium height, size and weight with an even flow of energy; and Vata - Air and ether • a kapha type is usually thickset with wide shoulders and hips and a tendency to be slow and steady. 8 !!RROOBBEERRTTSSOONN__WWOOMMEENNSS AAYYUURRVVEEDDIICC__FFIIXXEEDD..iinnddbb 88 1122//2233//1199 1122::1155 PPMM

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