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A walk through combinatorics. An introduction to enumeration and graph theory PDF

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A Walk Through Combinatorics An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory 8027 tp.indd 1 3/3/11 4:28 PM This page is intentionally left blank A Walk Through Combinatorics An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory Third Edition Miklós Bóna University of Florida, USA World Scientific NEW JERSEY • LONDON • SINGAPORE • BEIJING • SHANGHAI • HONG KONG • TAIPEI • CHENNAI 8027 tp.indd 2 3/3/11 4:28 PM Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bóna, Miklós. A walk through combinatorics : an introduction to enumeration and graph theory / by Miklós Bóna. -- 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-981-4335-23-2 (hardcover : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 981-4335-23-1 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Combinatorial analysis. I. Title. QA164.B66 2011 511'.6--dc22 2011001455 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Copyright © 2011 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher. For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher. Printed in Singapore. EH - A Walk thru Combinatorics (3rd Ed).pmd 1 2/22/2011, 4:07 PM February10,2011 10:12 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in third To Linda To Mikike, Benny and Vinnie This page is intentionally left blank February10,2011 10:12 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in third Foreword The subject of combinatorics is so vast that the author of a textbook faces a difficult decision as to what topics to include. There is no more-or-less canonical corpus as in such other subjects as number theory and com- plex variable theory. Mikl´os B´ona has succeeded admirably in blending classic results that would be on anyone’s list for inclusion in a textbook, a sprinkling of more advanced topics that are essential for further study of combinatorics, and a taste of recent work bringing the reader to the frontiers of current research. All three items are conveyed in an engag- ing style, with many interesting examples and exercises. A worthy fea- ture of the book is the many exercises that come with complete solutions. Therearealsonumerousexerciseswithoutsolutionsthatcanbeassignedfor homework. Some relatively advanced topics coveredby B´ona include permutations with restricted cycle structure, the Matrix-Tree theorem, Ramsey theory (going well beyond the classical Ramsey’s theorem for graphs), the prob- abilistic method, and the M¨obius function of a partially ordered set. Any of these topics could be a springboard for a subsequent course or read- ing project which will further convince the student of the extraordinary richness, variety, depth, and applicability of combinatorics. The most un- usual topic covered by B´ona is pattern avoidance in permutations and the connection with stack sortable permutations. This is a relatively re- cent research area in which most of the work has been entirely elemen- tary. An undergraduate student eager to do some original research has a good chance of making a worthwhile contribution in the area of pattern avoidance. vii February10,2011 10:12 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in third viii A Walk Through Combinatorics Ionly wishthat when Iwas a student beginning to learncombinatorics there was a textbook available as attractive as B´ona’s. Students today are fortunate to be able to sample the treasures available herein. Richard Stanley Cambridge, Massachusetts February 6, 2002 February10,2011 10:12 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in third Preface The bestwayto getto knowYosemite NationalParkisto walkthroughit, on many different paths. In the optimal case, the gorgeous sights provide amplecompensationforoursoremuscles. Inthisbook,weintendtoexplain the basics of Combinatorics while walking through its beautiful results. Starting from our very first chapter, we will show numerous examples of whatmaybethemostattractivefeatureofthisfield: thatverysimpletools can be very powerful at the same time. We will also show the other side of the coin, that is, that sometimes totally elementary-lookingproblems turn out to be unexpectedly deep, or even unknown. This book is meant to be a textbook for an introductory combinatorics coursethatcantakeoneortwosemesters. Weincludedaveryextensivelist ofexercises,rangingin difficulty from“routine”to “worthyofindependent publication”. In each section, we included exercises that contain material not explicitly discussed in the text before. We chose to do this to provide instructors with some extra choices if they want to shift the emphasis of their course. It goes without saying that we covered the classics, that is, combinato- rial choice problems, and graph theory. We included some more elaborate concepts, such as Ramsey theory, the Probabilistic Method, and Pattern Avoidance (the latter is probably a first of its kind). While we realize that we can only skim the surface of these areas,we believe they are interesting enough to catch the attention of some students, even at first sight. Most undergraduate students enroll in at most one Combinatoricscourse during their studies, therefore it is important that they see as many captivating examples as possible. It is in this spirit that we included two new chapters in the second edition, on Algorithms, and on Computational Complexity. We believe that the bestundergraduatestudents,those who willgetto the ix February10,2011 10:12 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in third x A Walk Through Combinatorics end of the book, should be acquainted with the extremely intriguing ques- tionsthataboundinthesetwoareas. Thethirdeditionhastwochallenging new chapters, one on Block Designs and codes obtained from designs, and the other one on counting unlabeled structures. We wrote this book as we believe that combinatorics, researching it, teachingit, learningit,is alwaysfun. We hope thatatthe endofthe walk, readers will agree. **** Exercises that are thought to be significantly harder than average are marked by one or more + signs. An exercise with a single + sign is prob- ably at the level of a harder homework problem. The difficulty level of an exercise with more than one + sign may be comparable to an indepen- dentpublication. Anexercisethatisthoughttobesignificantlyeasierthan average is marked by a - sign. We provide Supplementary Exercises without solutions at the end of each chapter. These typically include, but are not limited to, the easi- est exercises in that chapter. A solution manual for the Supplementary Exercises is available for Instructors.

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