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A Victorian Grimoire: Romance - Enchantment - Magic PDF

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Preview A Victorian Grimoire: Romance - Enchantment - Magic

A VICTORIAN GRIMOIRE ~ I \. 4 About the Author Trish Telesco is an ordained miniscer, a member of rhe WPPA, a Trustee for the Univer sal Federacion of Pagans, and the Necwork Coordinator for Metaphysical Artists for Gaia. Victorian Grimoire represents one of ten rides published co date, including a children's book, Brother Wind, Sister Rt1i11 [Galde Publications!. Trish runs a small earrh-friendly, mail order herbal business, and enjoys a diversity of hobbies including brewing and antique rescoracion. She lives in Buffalo, New York wirh her husband, cwo young chil dren, and numerous pees (who actua.lly run che house). Trish welcomes che opporcuniry co do lectures, workshops and booksignings, and believes strongly in individual vision as che key to positive spiritual living. To Write to the Author If you wish co contact che auchor or would like more informacion abouc chis book, please write co the author in care of Llewellyn Worldwide, and we will forward your request. Both che auchor and che publisher appreciate hearing from you and learning of your enjoyment of chis book and how ic has helped you. Llewellyn Worldwide cannoc guarancee chac every lercer writcen co the author can be answered, but all will be forwarded. Please write co: Patricia Telesco c/o Llewellyn Worldwide P.O. Box 64383, Dept. 784-7 Sc. Paul, MN 55164-0383, U.S.A Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply, or$ 1.00 to cover costs. If out side the U.S.A. enclose an incernacional pascal reply coupon. Free Catalog from Llewellyn For more than 90 years Llewellyn has brought its readers knowledge in che fields of mera physics and human potential. Learn more abouc the newcsc books in spiritual guidance, natural healing, astrology, occulc philosophy and more. Enjoy book reviews, new age arti cles, a calendar of evenrs, plus currenr advercised produces and services. To gee your free copy of Llel/Jellyn's Nel/J Worlds ofM ind and Spirit, send your name and address co: Llewellyn's Nel/J World ofM ind and Spirit P.O. Box 64383. Oepc. 784-7, Sc. Paul, MN 55164-0383, U.S.A. A Victorian Grimoire Enchantment Romance Magic ~ ~ Patricia Telesco 1996 Llewellyn Publications Sc. Paul, Minnesota 55 I 64-0383, USA A Victorian Grimoire. Copyright © 1992 by Pacricia Telesco. All rights reserved. Printed in che United Scates of America. No pare of chis book may be reproduced in any manner wha1- soever without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in che case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. FIRST EDITION Fourth Printing, 1996 Cover collage © Sandra Starck Special thanb to A FINE ROMANCE - 29 l2 Hennepin Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55408 - for 1he use of their Victorian anifucts in 1hc creation of the cover arr. Thanks co arrisr Joelle Nelson for her kind as~i$cance. Book design and layout by Terry Buske, Marilyn Matheny and Deborah Chapdelaine Cover phocograph by Michael Yencho Poetry border design by Robin Wood Library of Congress Cacaloging-in-Publicacion Data Telesco, Patricia I 960- A Victorian grimoire / by Patricia Telesco p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-87542-784-7 (softbound) I. Magic 2. Magic--Hisrnry--19th ccnrury. l. Tide BFI 595.T485 1992 92-20393 133.4' 3' 09034--dc20 CIP Llewellyn Publications A Division of Llewellyn Worldwide, Led. P.O. Box 64383, Dept. 784-7, St. Paul, l'vlN 55164-0383, U.S.A. Acknowledgements Many people helped make this book a reality. First and foremost among chose to be thanked are my husband and son, rhe former for his pride in my work and his reminders ro me to rest periodically. and the latter for reaching me how to play again. Second in line are rhe members of my family, my friends, and co-workers, who sup port me even when they do nor always understand whac I am crying co do. Specifically, I want to rhank my mother, who raughr me rhe wonders of earth and how ro reach for rhc stars; my sisters, who don't know how many rimes rhey have influenced my life for rhe bet ter; and Zane, a man who has been a companion through chick and chin, even across che miles. Thanks especially ro Jody, my favorice chaplain of chocolace, who knows me berrer than l know myself. A dearer friend for many lives, none could have or hope for. Third are the many grear men and women in chis world who paved che way for all those of alternative faiths (sometimes with blood) by their words, wisdom, and a strength of will. They stood up for what rhey believed. Wichouc chem and without people who con tinue their work, we would nor be able co say, "never again, rhe burning." I would like ro take this opportunity ro rhank Lisa fris, who kicked me in rhe buu and told me to send this manuscript in ro the publisher. [ also want to thank Nancy Mostad, a fellow cat lover with very special vision, and Lisa Peschel, who has a gift for listening. All three of these women stood by me, gave me the foundation from which to build my dream, and patiently nursed me through my insecurity via I 00 phone calls. A person would be very blessed co have but one of these women grace their lives, let alone all three. Appreciation also goes to Blythe, a goddess of coffee; Parry, rhe priestess of pizza; Lynn and Terry, for sharing their family stories with me; Dave K., fo~ being an incredible research assistant; and particularly to the many talented spiritual writers whose dedication to down co-earth magical education stands as an inspiration to all of us. To the gentles of the SCA, specifically Clan Iron Hawk and House Arai, in whom I have often found a kind hand, loving heart, and a dream live (if only for a moment), I to give my sincere thanks. In che persona of Lady Marian LoreSinger, I choroughly enjoy rhe creative outlet and special friends which SCA provides. During che magical moments of events, I learned that "living" history can nor only be educational bur fun, and found a strong foundation from which to build my book. To the readers and supporters of The Magi, many of whom have become friends: thanks for putting up with the rypos, spelling errors and just standing by me for rhe last four years. You are a great blessing to me. Specifically the people at Moon Circles, Rowan Tree to Church and The Aquarian Church in Texas who had more faith in chis newsletter than I did when it began, and who have always lent a hand with a smile and a good word-thanks. And lastly, to myself. For rhe first rime in my life I have followed a longtime dream wirh conviction and hope to its fulfillment. In rhis book, I have seen the magic of self-love, determination, and creativity born into my life in a way I never knew possible. To those of you who walk through these pages and try co find your way, may your pach be filled with light and may it not be coo rocky. May you come to find char inner knowingness char lets you say without fear, "I am a Witch/Pagan ... and thar is exactly what I should be." Other Books by Patricia Telesco The Urban Pagan Llewellyn's 1991 Mr1giclml Almanac A Victorian Flower Omde Folkways The Kirchen \Klitch's Cookbook A \'(/itch's Brew: The Ari oflvfaking Magical Beverages Dedicated To The spirit of the Law, noc che lercer of ic. The abiliry co do and be, not look and judge. The love chat asks nothing but co give. The joy of children laughing. The peace chis Earch muse some day come to know, and the very special magic in all of us. In Memory Of My father, Karl Kroldan, who did not live co see me fulfill chis dream, buc whose love of the ans inspires me co chis day. The creative minds of Jim Henson and Gene Roddenberry, whose lighc-filled visions for romorrow continue to give many hope and joy today. Merry part.

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