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A VARIATIONAL STUDY OF SOME HADRON BAG MODELS LO¨ICLETREUST 2 1 Abstract. Quantumchromodynamics(QCD)isthetheoryofstronginterac- 0 tionandaccounts fortheinternalstructureofhadrons. Physicistsintroduced 2 phenomenologicalmodelssuchastheM.I.T.bagmodel,thebagapproximation l andthesolitonbagmodeltostudythehadronicproperties. Weprove,inthis u paper, the existence ofexcited statesolutions inthe symmetriccase andofa J groundstatesolutioninthenon-symmetriccaseforthesolitonbagandthebag 4 approximation models thanks to the concentration compactness method. We showthattheenergyfunctionalsofthebagapproximationmodelareΓ-limits ] of sequences of soliton bag model energy functionals for the ground and ex- P citedstateproblems. Thepre-compactness,uptotranslation,ofthesequence A of ground state solutions associated with the soliton bag energy functionals in the non-symmetric case is obtained combining the Γ-convergence theory . h andtheconcentration-compactness method. Finally,wegivearigorousproof t of the originalderivation of the M.I.T.bag equations done by Chodos, Jaffe, a m Johnson, ThornandWeisskopfviaalimitofbagapproximationgroundstate solutions in the spherical case. The supersymmetry property of the Dirac [ operator isthekeypointinmanyofourarguments. 1 v 7 1 Contents 0 1 1. Introduction and main results 2 . 7 1.1. Some bag models 3 0 1.2. Variational formulations 5 2 1.3. Existence results 6 1 : 1.4. The bag approximation model as a Γ-limit of soliton bag models 8 v 1.5. The M.I.T. bag limit 10 i X 2. Supersymmetry of the Dirac operator and spectral properties 11 r 2.1. The Dirac operator with scalar field on R3 11 a 2.2. The M.I.T. bag Dirac operator 14 3. Auxiliary results 14 4. The symmetric case 16 4.1. Pre-compactness results 16 4.2. Euler-Lagrangeequations 18 5. The non-symmetric case 19 5.1. Pre-compactness results 19 5.2. Euler-Lagrangeequations 22 2010 MathematicsSubjectClassification. 35J60,35Q75,49J45,49Q10,49S05,81Q10,81Q60, 81V05,82B26. Key words and phrases. Nonlinear equation, Diracoperator, Hadron bag model, Soliton bag model,Friedberg-Leemodel,M.I.T.bagmodel,Supersymmetry,Groundandexcitedstates,Foldy- Wouthuysentransformation,Variationalmethod,Gamma-convergence, Gradienttheoryofphase transitions,Concentration compactness method, Freeboundaryproblem. 1 2 L.LETREUST 6. Gamma convergence results 23 7. The M.I.T. bag limit 28 Appendix A. A compactness result for bounded variation functions with symmetry 33 Appendix B. The locally compact case of the concentration compactness method in the BV setting 33 References 35 Acknowledgement 37 1. Introduction and main results Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of strong interaction and ac- counts for the internal structure of hadrons. At low-energy, the quarks are bound together to form baryons (protons, neutrons) and mesons. Nevertheless, the con- finement mechanism has not yet been derived from the QCD equations. In order to study the hadronic properties, physicists introduced phenomenological models approximatingthe QCDequationsinwhichthequarksareconfined. Amongthem, the M.I.T. bag [9, 8, 7, 18] and the bag approximation models [9, 7] have been set in 1974 and the soliton bag model [11, 12, 20] in 1977. The solutions of the equations of the soliton bag and the bag approximation models are critical points of non-linear functionals involving the Dirac operator. The mathematical techniques used to solved most equations of this type are dif- ferent from the ones used in a non-relativistic framework (see the review paper of Esteban,LewinandS´er´e[10]). Nevertheless,inourcase,thesupersymmetricprop- erties of the Dirac operator with scalar field [38] allow us to transform a strongly indefinite variational problem into a minimization one and then to use the direct method in the calculus of variation [37]. Since the functionals associated with the ground state problems of the soliton bag and the bag approximation models with- outsymmetriesareinvariantunder translations,weshowthe existence ofsolutions thanks to the concentration compactness method under some restrictions on the parameters of the models. The originality of the proofs relies on the fact that the usualconcentrationcompactnessinequalitiesarenotsatisfiedanymoreandwehave to introduce different inequalities to overcome it. We also show the existence of groundandexcitedstate solutionsunder someconditions onthe parameters,when the wave functions are supposed to have some symmetries. These are the first rigorousproofsofexistenceforthesetwomodels. Actually,solvingthebagapprox- imationmodelisashapeoptimizationproblemonfiniteperimetersetsofR3 which isrelatedwiththe solitonbagmodelthanksto the gradienttheoryofphasetransi- tions [29, 30, 28, 35, 3, 4]. Indeed, we show that the energy functionals of the bag approximation model are Γ-limits of sequences of soliton bag model energy func- tionalsfor the groundandexcitedstate problems. We combine the Γ convergence − theory and the concentration compactness method to get the pre-compactness, up totranslation,ofthe sequenceofgroundstate solutionsassociatedwith the soliton bag energy functionals in the non-symmetric case. As in the existence results, we havetointroduceconcentrationcompactnessinequalitiesdifferentfromtheclassical ones. Bucur [6], Bucur and Giacomini [5] have already studied shape optimization problemsthankstotheconcentrationcompactnessmethod. But,toourknowledge, A VARIATIONAL STUDY OF SOME HADRON BAG MODELS 3 this is the first result using both the gradient theory of phase transition and the concentration compactness method. We also prove the pre-compactness of the se- quencesofexcitedstatesolutionsassociatedwiththesolitonbagenergyfunctionals in the symmetric case. Finally, we give a rigorous proof of the original derivation of the M.I.T. bag equations done by Chodos, Jaffe, Johnson, Thornand Weisskopf viaalimitofbagapproximationgroundstatesolutionsinthesphericalcase. These are the first proofs which rigorouslyestablish the link between the soliton bag, the bag approximation and the M.I.T. bag models. Let us now introduce the different models we study. 1.1. Some bag models. 1.1.1. The soliton bag model. This model has been introduced by Friedberg and Lee [11, 12] and is sometimes called the Friedberg-Lee model. Here,welookforasolution(ψ ,...,ψ ,φ)ofthe followingsystemofequations: 1 N H ψ +gβφψ =λ ψ , i=1,...,N 0 i i i i ∀ (1.1) ψi L2 =1, i=1,...,N  k k ∀  −∆φ+U′(φ)+ Ni=1gψi∗βψi =0, where N N 0 , g > 0, φP: R3 R and for all i 1,...,N , ψi : R3 C4. H =∈ iα\.{ }+βm = iα ∂ +→βm is the Dirac op∈er{ator in th}e Pauli-Dir→ac 0 k k − ∇ − representation(see [38]) : α=(α ,α ,α ), 1 2 3 I 0 0 σ β = 2 ,α = k , for k =1,2,3, 0 I k σ 0 2 k (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) with 0 1 0 i 1 0 σ1 = 1 0 ,σ2 = i −0 ,σ3 = 0 1 , (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) − (cid:19) and m > 0; X denotes the complex conjugate of X C4. We have used here ∗ ∈ Einstein’s convention for the summation. Solutions of equations (1.1) are called quasi-classical[11, 12]. φ is a phenomenological scalar field that models the QCD vacuum and ψ ,..., 1 ψ are the wavefunctions of the N valence quarks. N is fixedat 2 for mesons and N 3for baryons. g is the positive couplingconstantbetweenthe quark andthe scalar fields. λ represents the energy of the ith-relativistic particle in the scalar field φ, i so it has to be positive for ψ to be a physically admissible state (see chapter 1 of i [38] for a physical interpretation of the negative part of the spectrum of a Dirac operator). Some of the N particles can have the same wave function and this does notnecessarilycontradictPauli’sexclusionprinciple because quarkspossessothers quantum numbers such as color. Let us denote by N the maximal amount of 0 particles possible with the same wave function ψ. We will always assume that the number of these particles is lower than N . 0 Saly, Horn, Goldflam and Wilets have already found numerical ground [32, 17] and excited state [33] solutions when the quark wave functions are sought among those of the particular form: 1 v(r) 0 (1.2) ψ(x)= (cid:18) (cid:19)  cosθ iu(r)  sinθeiϕ   (cid:18) (cid:19)    4 L.LETREUST where (r,θ,ϕ) are the spherical coordinates of x and φ is radial. We denote by H1/2(R3,C4) the set of the functions ψ of this type which belong to H1/2(R3,C4) sym andH1 (R3,R)theradialfunctionsofH1(R3,R). Actually,itiscommonlyadmit- rad ted by physicists that the ground state has to be searched among those functions, but to our knowledge, no rigorous proof ensures it. Throughout this paper, we will assume that U : R R is a non-negative 1 → C function such that U and its derivative U vanish at zero and: ′ (H0) U (x) C(x + xp) for x R with 1<p<5. ′ | |≤ | | | | ∈ Our problem has indeed a variational structure: we look for a critical point of the 1 energy functional: C (ψ ,...,ψ ,φ) 1 N E N φ2 = (ψ ,H ψ )+gφ(ψ ,βψ ) + |∇ | +U(φ) dx i 0 i i i ZR3" i=1 ! 2 # X on the set (ψ ,...,ψ ,φ) H1/2(R3,C4)N H1(R3,R) : ψ = 1 . λ are 1 N i L2 i { ∈ × k k } the Lagrange multipliers associated with the . -constraints and ( . , . ) is the L2 kk complex scalar product. 1.1.2. The bag approximation. This model has been introduced by Chodos, Jaffe, Johnson,ThornandWeisskopf[9,8]toderivetheM.I.T.bagmodelasalimitcase. Here, the scalar field φ of the previous model is replaced by a characteristic function χ but it still models the cavity where the quarks are encouraged to live. Ω The Lagrangianof the bag approximation is: N (ψ ,...,ψ ,χ )= (ψ ,H ψ ) gχ (ψ ,βψ ) dx+aP(Ω)+bΩ, 1 N Ω i 0 i Ω i i F ZR3"i=1 − # | | X forψ ,...,ψ inH1/2(R3,C4).ψ ,...,ψ stillrepresentthequarkwavefunctions. 1 N 1 N The characteristicfunction χ of Ω belongs to χ BV(R3,R) . Ω denotes the Ω ω { ∈ } | | area of Ω and P(Ω) its perimeter. We will write, in this paper, the variation of a function φ BV(R3,R) on a Borel set by φ( ), so that: ∈ A |∇ | A χ (R3)=P(Ω). Ω |∇ | The constants a,b,m,g are positive. Theabovefunctionalis 1onH1/2(R3,C4)N χ BV(R3,R) anditscritical ω C ×{ ∈ } points on the set (ψ ,...,ψ ,χ ) H1/2(R3,C4)N BV(R3,R): ψ =1 1 N Ω i L2 { ∈ × k k } satisfy (see [14, 16]): iα. +β(m g) ψ =λ ψ , i=1,...,N on Ω i i i {−iα.∇+βm −ψ } =λ ψ , ∀i=1,...,N on R3 Ω (1.3)  {− ∇ } i i i ∀ \ ψ =1, i=1,...,N  ka ikL+2 b N gψ βψ =0 ∀2-a.a. in ∂ Ω HΩ − i=1 i∗ i H ∗ where ΩisthemeanPcurvatureof∂∗Ω,and 2isthetwo-dimensionalHausdorff H H measure. A VARIATIONAL STUDY OF SOME HADRON BAG MODELS 5 1.1.3. The M.I.T. bag model. The M.I.T. bag model is another model where the quarkwavefunctionsareperfectlyconfinedinabag[9,8,7,18]. Ithasbeenwidely studied and has lead to results fitting the experiments [7]. Let us, for the moment, introduce the equations in a fixed non-empty bounded regular open set Ω of R3. In this paper, we will just consider the ground state problem,sothat,welookforasinglefunctionψ,solutionofthe followingproblem: H ψ =λψ on Ω 0 (1.4) iβ(α.n)ψ =ψ on ∂Ω  − ψ =1,  L2(Ω) k k where ψ H1(Ω,C4), λ>m and n is the exterior normal to ∂Ω. We de∈note the set composed of non-empty bounded open sets of R3 with A spherical symmetry. When Ω belongs to , we look for an eigenfunction ψ in H1 (Ω,C4) i.e. of the form (1.2). In that cAase, the boundary condition becomes: sym u=v on ∂Ω. The problem of finding a good Lagrangian formulation for these equations has been widely studied [18, 19]. This has been a motivation for the physicists to in- troduceotherphenomenologicalmodelslikethesolitonbagmodelofFriedbergand Lee [11, 12] and the fractional bag model of Mathieu and Saly [27, 26]. Balabane, Cazenave and Vazquez [2] already proved the existence of compactly supported ground state solutions for this latter model thanks to a shooting method. 1.2. Variational formulations. Themaindifficultywehavetofaceinthesoliton bag and bag approximationmodels, is that the functionals consideredare strongly indefinite: they are neither bounded from below nor from above and their critical points have an infinite Morse index. So, for now, we do not have any satisfactory formulations of the ground and excited state problems. The key point to overcome this in all the models, relies on a fine study of the Dirac operator. 1.2.1. The soliton bag and bag approximation case. Lemma 1.1. Let φ Lp(R3,R), then H = H +gβφ is a self-adjoint operator φ 0 ∈ on L2(R3,C4), with domain H1(R3,C4) and form-domain H1/2(R3,C4) whenever 3 p + . It satisfies: ≤ ≤ ∞ σ (H )=σ (H )=( , m] [m,+ ). ess φ ess 0 −∞ − ∪ ∞ The proof of this lemma is based on Kato-Rellich theorem and Weyl’s criteria for essential spectrum and can be found in chapter 4 of [38]. We denote E the Hilbert space where we search for the quark functions and F the associated space for φ or χ when no confusion is possible. E F can be: Ω × H1/2(R3,C4) H1(R3,R), × H1/2(R3,C4) H1 (R3,R), Hs1y/m2(R3,C4) × χrad BV(R3,R) , ω ×{ ∈ } H1/2(R3,C4) χ BV (R3,R) . sym ω rad ×{ ∈ } 6 L.LETREUST We define E+ = χ (H )E where χ is the characteristic function of φ (0,+ ) φ (0,+ ) (0,+ ) and for k N ∞0 : ∞ ∞ ∈ \{ } λk(H )= inf sup (ψ,H ψ). + φ φ V E+ ψ V dim⊂V=φkkψk∈L2=1 Remark 1.2. The symmetry of the spectrum with respect to 0 is actually true not only for the essentialspectrum of Dirac operatorswith scalarfield as in lemma 1.1 but alsofor the whole spectrum. This propertyis relatedwith the supersymmetric operator theory which will be an essential tool in our study, for instance, to give a simpler expression for λk(H ). + φ The well-defined minimization problems are then, for 1 k k in the 1 N ≤ ≤ ··· ≤ soliton bag model: N φ2 (1.5) inf λki(H )+ |∇ | +U(φ) dx:φ F (i=1 + φ ZR3(cid:20) 2 (cid:21) ∈ ) X and in the bag approximation: N (1.6) inf λki(H )+aP(Ω)+bΩ :χ F . ( + −χΩ | | Ω ∈ ) i=1 X We get here a good formulation for the ground state problems when k = = 1 ··· k =1. The other cases are related to the exited states. N 1.2.2. The M.I.T. bag case. Let Ω a non-empty bounded regular open set of R3. Define (H )= ψ H1(Ω,C4) : iβ(α.n)ψ =ψ on ∂Ω 0 D { ∈ − } and (H ) = (H ) H1 (Ω,C4). E will denote one of these two sets when Dsym 0 D 0 ∩ sym no confusion is possible. We call (H ,E) the M.I.T. bag Dirac operator. 0 Proposition1.3. Theoperator(H ,E)isself-adjointandthereisanon-decreasing 0 sequence of eigenvalues (λ ) (m,+ ) which tends to infinity such that: n n 1 ≥ ⊂ ∞ σ(H )= ..., λ , λ λ ,λ ,... . 0 2 1 1 2 { − − }∪{ } We denote for each n, λn (Ω):=λ . MIT n Remark 1.4. The main ideas of the proof of proposition 1.3 will be given in the second section. The variational formulation for the ground state is: inf Nλ1 (Ω)+aP(Ω)+bΩ :Ω , MIT | | ∈A where a,b>0 and N (cid:8)N0. (cid:9) ≤ Remark 1.5. We replacedthe set Ω: χ BV 0 ofthe bagapproximation Ω rad { ∈ \{ }} model by for the problem to be well defined. Nevertheless, there is no loss of A generality since for each χΩ ∈ BVrad, there exists a good representative χΩe such that Ω belongs to (see [1]). A 1.3. Existence results. e A VARIATIONAL STUDY OF SOME HADRON BAG MODELS 7 1.3.1. The soliton case. We get the following results: Theorem 1.6. Let K N 0 and m > 0 be fixed. There are g > 0 and for 0 ∈ \{ } g >g , a constant δ >0 such that if: 0 (H1) sup U(x)<δ, x [ m/g,0] ∈− (H2) there is a positive constant c such that U(x) cx2 for all x R, ≥ ∈ then, for any 1 k k K, there exists a solution 1 N ≤ ≤···≤ ≤ (ψ ,...,ψ ,φ) H1/2(R3,C4)N H1 (R3,R) 1 N ∈ sym × rad of equations (1.1) with λ = λki(H ) (0, ) where φ is a minimum of problem i + φ ∈ ∞ (1.5). Let us make some comments: Remark 1.7. Condition (H0) is just a mathematical constraint for to be well- E defined and differentiable. This does not restrictthe set of admissible potentials U considered by the physicists [11]. Remark 1.8. Friedberg and Lee [11] derived some conditions on m, g and U com- parable to ours for the model to have soliton solutions. Remark 1.9. They also assumed U to be a non-negative polynomial of degree 4 with two minima at 0 and φ < 0 such that 0 = U(0) U( φ ). In many 0 0 − ≤ − of their proofs, they considered condition (H2) true. Nevertheless, most of the numerical works were performed by Saly, Horn, Goldflam and Wilets [32, 33, 17] with U( φ ) = 0. Actually, the symmetry U(0) = U( φ ) seems not to prevent 0 0 − − the scalar field to tend to φ at infinity and this leads to some mathematical 0 − complications in the minimization. However, c can be chosen as small as we want. This is the first rigorous proof of the existence of ground and excited states for wave functions of form (1.2). The symmetry of the functions leads to the compactness properties established by Strauss [36] and Lions [24]. As we remark before, no result ensures that the ground state has to possess such a symmetry. So, in theorem 1.10, we prove the existence of a ground state with no assumption made on the form of the quark wave function with the help of the concentration compactness method. Theorem 1.10. Let m > 0 be fixed. There are g >0 and for g > g , a constant 0 0 δ >0 such that if: (H1) sup U(x)<δ, x [ m/g,0] ∈− (H2) there is a positive constant c such that U(x) cx2 for all x R, ≥ ∈ then,thereexistsasolution(ψ,...,ψ,φ) H1/2(R3,C4)N H1(R3,R)ofequations ∈ × (1.1) with λ = λ = λ1(H ) (0, ) where φ is a minimum of problem (1.5) for i + φ ∈ ∞ k = =k =1. 1 N ··· 8 L.LETREUST 1.3.2. The bag approximation. The same method adapted to the BV setting gives us similar results for the bag approximation model. Theorem 1.11. Let K N 0 . Assume g (0,2m). There is a constant δ > 0 ∈ \{ } ∈ such that if: (H1) a, b<δ, then, for any 1 k k K, there exists a solution 1 N ≤ ≤···≤ ≤ (ψ ,...,ψ ,χ ) H1/2(R3,C4)N BV (R3,R) 1 N Ω ∈ sym × rad of equations (1.3) with λ =λki(H ) (0, ) i + −χΩ ∈ ∞ where χ is a minimum of problem (1.6). Ω Theorem 1.12. Assume g (0,2m). There is a constant δ >0 such that if: ∈ (H1) a, b<δ, then, there exists a solution (ψ,...,ψ,χ ) H1/2(R3,C4)N BV(R3,R) of equa- Ω ∈ × tions (1.3) with λ = λ = λ1(H ) (0, ) where χ is a minimum of problem (1.6) for k = =k i =1.+ −χΩ ∈ ∞ Ω 1 N ··· 1.4. ThebagapproximationmodelasaΓ-limitofsolitonbagmodels. The following results show the link between the soliton bag and the bag approximation models and are based on the Γ-convergencetheory. Let us consider first for ǫ>0 and b>0 the following functionals: ǫ φ2+W(φ)/ǫ+bφ2 dx if φ H1(R3,R) Eǫ(φ)= +R3 |∇ | | | other∈wise (cid:26) R ∞(cid:0) (cid:1) and aP(Ω)+bΩ if φ= χ BV(R3,R) E0(φ)= + | | otherw−ise,Ω ∈ (cid:26) ∞ where W :R R+ is a 1 function which satisfies W 1( 0 )= 1,0 , (H0) and − → C { } {− } 0 a=2 W(s)ds. 1 − PropoRsitpion1.13. Assumethatthereare positive constantsc and2<q suchthat: W(t) c(t2+ tq) t. ≤ | | | | ∀ Then, Eǫ Γ-converges to E0 in L2 L3(q4+2). ∩ This proposition is an adaptation of the result of Modica and Mortola [29, 30] generalized by Modica [28] (see also Sternberg [35] or Braides [3]) for the gradient theory of phase transitions in an unbounded setting. Its proof strongly uses the one of [35]. Let us introduce for ǫ>0: Nλ1(H )+E (φ) if φ H1(R3,R) Eǫ(φ)= + + φ ǫ othe∈rwise (cid:26) ∞ and Nλ1(H )+E ( χ ) if φ= χ BV(R3,R) E0(φ)= + + −χΩ 0 − Ω otherw−ise.Ω ∈ (cid:26) ∞ A VARIATIONAL STUDY OF SOME HADRON BAG MODELS 9 Theorem 1.14. Assume that the condition of proposition 1.13 is true. Then, ǫ E Γ converges to 0 in L2 L3(q4+2). − E ∩ Let us assume besides that there are c > 0, t < 1 < t < 0 such that W 1 2 − satisfies: W(t) ctq ≥ | | for all t / (t ,t ) and 1 2 ∈ (1.7) l =inf (φ): φ= χ BV <Nm. c 0 Ω {E − ∈ } Then, there is ǫ >0 such that for all 0<ǫ<ǫ , the problem 0 0 (1.8) lǫ =inf (φ): φ H1 <Nm s {Eǫ ∈ } has a minimum φ . There is a subsequence such that, up to translation, we have: ǫ φ ( χ ) strictly in BV W ◦ ǫn →W ◦ − Ω φ ( χ ) strongly in Lp for p [2,3(q+2)]  ǫn → − Ω ∈ 4  lsǫn →lc where −χΩ is aminimum of problem (1.7) and W :t7→2 0t W(s)ds. TheconstantǫinthefunctionalscanbeobtainedbyscalRecphangeinsomesoliton bag functional. Remark 1.15. The physicists [11] actually considered potentials U in the soliton bag model of the form U :φ W(φ)+bφ2 7→ | | satisfying the conditions of theorem 1.14. Remark 1.16. Goldflam and Wilets [15] studying the dependance of the numerical solutions on the parameters exhibit behaviors of the φ field similar to the ones of theModica-Mortollaproblem[29,30,28,35,3]. Nevertheless,thisisthefirstresult which shows clearly the link between the two models we studied. Remark 1.17. Themaindifficultyhereisthattheproblemsaresetinanunbounded domain. We overcomethis combiningthe Γ-convergencetheoryandthe concentra- tion compactness method. We get a similar result in the symmetric case. Let 1 k k K be 1 N ≤ ≤ ··· ≤ ≤ integers. We define for ǫ>0: N λki(H )+E (φ) if φ H1 (R3,R) Eǫ,k1,...,kN(φ)= +i=1 + φ ǫ othe∈rwisread (cid:26) P∞ and N λki(H )+E ( χ ) if φ= χ BV (R3,R) E0,k1,...,kN(φ)= +i=1 + −χΩ 0 − Ω otherw−ise.Ω ∈ rad (cid:26) P∞ Theorem 1.18. Assume the condition of proposition 1.13 true. Then, Eǫ,k1,...,kN Γ− converges to E0,k1,...,kN in L2∩L3(q4+2). Let us assume besides that there are c > 0, t < 1 < t < 0 such that W 1 2 − satisfies: W(t) ctq ≥ | | for all t / (t ,t ) and 1 2 ∈ inf (φ): φ= χ BV <Nm. 0,K,...,K Ω rad {E − ∈ } 10 L.LETREUST Then, there is ǫ >0 such that for all 0<ǫ<ǫ , the problem 0 0 (1.9) lǫ(k ,...,k )=inf (φ): φ H1 <Nm s 1 N {Eǫ,k1,...,kN ∈ rad} has a minimum φ . There is a subsequence such that: ǫ φ ( χ ) strictly in BV W ◦ ǫn →W ◦ − Ω φ ( χ ) strongly in Lp for p [2,3(q+2)]  ǫn → − Ω ∈ 4  lsǫn(k1,...,kN)→lc(k1,...,kN) where χΩ is aminimum of problem: − (1.10) l (k ,...,k )=inf (φ): φ= χ BV . c 1 N {E0,k1,...,kN − Ω ∈ rad} 1.5. The M.I.T. bag limit. We study in this paper the M.I.T. bag ground state problem in the symmetric case, i.e. when the open set Ω is sought in . Indeed, A our main goal in this section is to give a rigorous proof of the original derivation of the M.I.T. bag equations done by Chodos, Jaffe, Johnson, Thornand Weisskopf [9] via a limit of bag approximation ground state solutions in the spherical case. Proposition 1.19. There is a minimizer Ω of ∈A inf Nλ1 (Ω)+aP(Ω)+bΩ :Ω MIT | | ∈A which is a ball B(0,R) w(cid:8)hen b=0. (cid:9) Theorem 1.20. Let (M ) (0,+ ) an increasing sequence such that: n n ⊂ ∞ lim M =+ . n n + ∞ → ∞ There are C , n >0, and for n n , a minimizer R >0 of 0 0 0 n ≥ l :=inf Nλ1(Hn )+aP(B(0,R)):R>0 C , n + B(0,R) ≤ 0 n o a function ψ H1 (R3,C4) satisfying: n ∈ sym Hn ψ =λ1(Hn )ψ B(0,Rn) n + B(0,Rn) n ψ =1, (cid:26) k nkL2 where Hn = iα. +β(mχ +M χ ), such that, up to a subsequence: Ω − ∇ Ω n Ωc R R>0, n → l inf Nλ1 (Ω)+aP(Ω):Ω ,  ψn → ψχ MIiTn L2(R3) and in L∈A(B(0,R+ǫ)c B(0,R ǫ))  n B(0,R) ∞ → (cid:8) (cid:9) ∪ − for all0 < ǫ < R/2. R comes from proposition 1.19, the function ψ belongs to H1 (B(0,R),C4) and satisfies: sym H ψ =λ1 (B(0,R))ψ on B(0,R) 0 MIT iβ(α.n)ψ =ψ on ∂B(0,R)  − ψ =1.  L2(B(0,R)) k k Remark 1.21. Chodos, Jaffe, Johnson,Thorn and Weisskopf impose to the ground statecavitytobeaball,justasintheorem1.20. Nevertheless,ifwewanttoremove this restriction, some difficulties occur. We will point out in our proof where the problems arise.

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