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Preview A V-shape superconducting artificial atom based on two inductively coupled transmons

A V-shape superconducting artificial atom based on two inductively coupled transmons E´. Dumur,1 B. Ku¨ng,1 A.K. Feofanov∗,1 T. Weissl,1 N. Roch,1 C. Naud,1 W. Guichard,1 and O. Buisson1 1Institut N´eel, CNRS–Universit´e Joseph Fourier, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble-cedex 9, France (Dated: May 8, 2015) Circuit quantum electrodynamics systems are typically built from resonators and two-level arti- ficial atoms, but the use of multi-level artificial atoms instead can enable promising applications in quantum technology. Here we present an implementation of a Josephson junction circuit dedicated to operate as a V-shape artificial atom. Based on a concept of two internal degrees of freedom, the device consists of two transmon qubits coupled by an inductance. The Josephson nonlinearity 5 introduces a strong diagonal coupling between the two degrees of freedom that finds applications 1 in quantum non-demolition readout schemes, and in the realization of microwave cross-Kerr media 0 based on superconducting circuits. 2 PACSnumbers: 85.25.Cp,03.67.Lx,45.50.Pq y a M Both in scientific and technological interest, the elec- a single degree of freedom is challenging, but when us- tromagnetic coupling of two-level systems and light has ing two degrees of freedom the separated |g(cid:105) ↔ |e(cid:105) and 7 been the source of a great number of studies on quan- |g(cid:105)↔|a(cid:105) transitions naturally occur. For quantum mea- ] tum systems [1]. Replacing two-level by multi-level sys- surements,thisoffersthepossibilitytocouplethereadout h tems offers possibilities that go beyond the addition of transition |g(cid:105) ↔ |a(cid:105) to the outside world, while keeping p complexity. In experiments focusing on light and single the qubit transition |g(cid:105) ↔ |e(cid:105) decoupled from it, and in - t photons, multi-level systems are at the origin of effects particular protected from decay induced by the Purcell n a like electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) [2] effect[12,13]. Selectivecouplingisalsoaprerequisitefor u or the generation of entangled photon pairs [3]. In ex- photon interaction schemes between spatially separated q periments focusing on two-level systems, advanced tools modes in which the multi-level device plays the role of a [ suchassidebandcooling[4]andstatemeasurement[5,6] cross-Kerr medium [14–16]. V-shape properties were al- 2 become accessible when incorporating ancillary levels. readymentionnedinfluxonium[17],phasequbit[18]and, v Inspired by these quantum experiments with natural tunablecouplingqubit[12,19,20]but,toourknowledge, 2 atoms and ions, an adaptation to the field of super- notyetverifiedexperimentally. Inthispaper,wepresent 9 8 conducting circuits is an obvious line of research that a demonstration of a V-shape superconducting artificial 4 has been followed using systems derived from qubits [7]. atom verifying the ensemble of properties listed previ- 0 In these systems with a single degree of freedom, selec- ously. 1. tionrulesareabsentorfavorladder-shapelevelschemes. Our system is based on two inductively coupled trans- 0 Sideband cooling [8] and EIT [9] have for instance been mons and the two degrees of freedom are given by two 5 realized using flux qubits. Related effects have also been normal modes of the circuit [21]. Their frequencies can 1 studied in transmons and phase qubits [10, 11]. be freely chosen by design. The characteristics of the : v two modes predestine them to play the roles of a logi- In comparison, only few theoretical studies have ad- i cal qubit and an ancillary qubit (or simply: qubit and X dressed the V-shape level scheme [12, 13] despite its ancilla). The qubit part is played by the low-frequency r very successful application for quantum measurements a in trapped ions [5] and nitrogen–vacancy centers in di- modewhichshowsgoodcoherencepropertiesandalarge anharmonicity, as it is equivalent to the well-established amond [6]. In this context, a V-shape system is under- transmon. In a circuit quantum electrodynamics archi- stood as a qubit with good coherence properties formed tecture [22], this mode couples to the photon field in a by a ground and excited state |g(cid:105) and |e(cid:105), and an ancil- nearby resonator via its electric dipole moment. The lary level |a(cid:105) coupled to the ground state. The transi- ancilla part is played by the high-frequency mode mag- tion between |a(cid:105) and |e(cid:105) should be suppressed. Finally, netically coupled to the resonator. transitions to higher states should be well out of reso- Interestingly the Josephson nonlinearity is at the ori- nance with the two principle transitions |g(cid:105) ↔ |e(cid:105) and ginoftheV-shapeproperty. UsuallytheJosephsonnon- |g(cid:105) ↔ |a(cid:105). Combining these properties in a system with linearity produces a strong anharmonicity in the low- frequency mode of a superconducting circuit. This pre- vents from contamination by higher energy states and ∗Presentaddress: E´colePolytechniqueF´ed´eraledeLausanne,1015 thus reduces the quantum dynamics to those of a two- Lausanne,Switzerland level system [27]. In our device, the Josephson nonlin- 2 (a) (b) L. The magnitude of L is comparable to the Joseph- son inductance L = Φ /(2πI ). The device shown in J 0 c Fig. 1(a,b) is fabricated from thin-film aluminium on a high-resistivity silicon substrate. After patterning the larger parts of the structure by electron beam lithogra- phy and wet etching, the qubit structure as well as the center conductor of a coplanar-waveguide resonator are fabricated by lift-off using the controlled-undercut tech- nique [24]. The linear inductance is realized in the form ofachainoftwelvelargeJosephsonjunctions[17]ofcrit- (c) (d) ical current I(cid:48) (cid:29)I such that L=12×Φ /(2πI(cid:48)). c c 0 c The simplified diagram of our circuit is shown in Fig. 1(d). The currents I and I through the two small 1 2 junctionsrepresentthetwodegreesoffreedominthecir- cuit. The circuit exhibits two modes: a symmetric one correspondingtoanin-phaseoscillationofI andI ,and 1 2 an antisymmetric one corresponding to an oscillation of I and I in anti-phase. The symmetric (or qubit) mode 1 2 corresponds to the plasma oscillation of the supercon- FIG. 1: (Color) (a) False-colored scanning electron micro- ductingquantuminterferencedevice(SQUID)formedby graphofthesample. TheV-shapequbitcircuit(blue)iscou- the two junctions in a superconducting loop. Its electric pledtotheresonator(red)viaasharedinductor. (b)Magni- dipolemomentpointsinlineofthejunctions,asindicated fied view of the core part showing parts of the chain, a small in the diagram, whereas its magnetic dipole moment is junction, and parts of the capacitor (from top to bottom). zero. Theantisymmetric(orancilla)modeisusuallynot (c) Energy level diagram of the V-shape qubit. Solid levels show the energy levels of the coupled perturbative Hamilto- accessible in a SQUID due to its elevated frequency. In nian H in Eq. (1). Dashed levels show the energy levels of our device however, the large inductance L ensures that the same Hamiltonian (up to an energy offset) without the the frequency of this mode falls within the measurement coupling term−(cid:126)g σ(qb)σ(a)/2. Thanks to theenergy shifts bandwidth. Its magnetic dipole moment points out of zz z z governed by the coupling strength gzz, the lowest three lev- the circuit plane, whereas its electric dipole moment is elscanbeaddressedwithoutpopulatingthefourthlevel,and zero. These two orthogonal dipoles enable selective cou- thus the experimental circuit realizes a V-shape level scheme plingbetweenthequbitandtheancilla,openingtheway (thickarrows)(d)Equivalentqubitcircuitdiagramconsisting to novel circuit architecture possibilities [13, 15, 16]. of two capacitances C, two Josephson junctions with critical The SQUID flux bias Φ controls the mode energies current Ic, and an inductor L. The current oscillations and b the magnetic dipole moment µ associated with the ancilla and their mutual coupling. An optimal point for the op- modeareindicatedwithredsymbols,thecurrentoscillations erationasaV-shapedeviceisreachedatthe“sweetspot” and the electric dipole moment p associated with the qubit Φ =0,whichweassumeforthefollowingtheoreticalde- b mode are indicated with green symbols. The loop is biased scription [21]. Both modes are anharmonic and we may with a magnetic flux Φ . b consider them as two-level systems with transition ener- √ √ gies (cid:126)ω ≈ 2E E and (cid:126)ω ≈ 2E E (cid:112)1+2L /L. qb J C a J C J Remarkably, the two modes are coupled by a σ σ term, z z earity generates in addition a cross-anharmonicity effect whereas other coupling terms are absent at zero flux due between the two modes which induces a diagonal cou- tosymmetryreasons. Thisfollowsfromtheperturbative pling[23]. Thiscouplingleadstoafrequencyshiftofone treatment of the full Hamiltonian of the circuit depicted modeofmorethan100MHzconditionalontheexcitation in Fig. 1(d). For the purpose of this paper, we will thus state of the other mode. Thus this cross-anharmonicity describe the system by the simplified Hamiltonian preventsfromcontaminationbythefourthstateinwhich thereisoneexcitationineachmode. Inthatwaythesys- H=(cid:126)ωqbσz(qb)/2+(cid:126)ωaσz(a)/2−(cid:126)gzzσz(qb)σz(a)/2, (1) tem dynamics are reduced to those of a V-shape system. where σ(qb) (σ(a)) are Pauli matrices of the qubit (an- z z Thetransmoncircuitthatformsthebasisofourcircuit cilla). The cross-anharmonicity is expressed as consists of a small Josephson junction with critical cur- rent I that is shunted by an interdigital capacitance C. E c (cid:126)g = C . (2) We introduce the associated Josephson and charging en- zz 8(cid:112)1+2L /L J ergies as E = Φ I /(2π) and E = (2e)2/(2C), where J 0 c C Φ = h/(2e) is the magnetic flux quantum. We cou- In Fig. 1(c), we show an energy level diagram of our 0 ple two identical transmons by integrating their Joseph- system to clarify the role of the coupling term. The son junctions into a loop with a large linear inductance eigenstates of the uncoupled Hamiltonian (cid:126)ω σ(qb)/2+ qb z 3 (cid:126)ω σ(a)/2 are shown as dashed levels. The solid levels a z show the eigenenergies E of the coupled Hamiltonian i,j given in Eq. (1) with eigenstates |i,j(cid:105), where i(j)=g, e denotes the qubit (ancilla) state. The transition energy E −E is detuned from E −E by an amount e,g g,g e,e g,e 2(cid:126)g . Equally, the transition energy E −E is de- zz g,e g,g tuned from E − E by 2(cid:126)g . As long as (cid:126)g is e,e e,g zz zz large enough, it will allow for V-shape system dynamics in which only the states |g,g(cid:105) = |g(cid:105), |e,g(cid:105) = |e(cid:105), and |g,e(cid:105)=|a(cid:105) play a role. In particular, g must be signifi- zz cantlylargerthanthelinewidthsofthequbitandancilla transitions. In the following, we describe the measurements per- formed to determine the mode energies and to demon- stratethecross-anharmonicityinourdevice. Oursample isplacedinadilutionrefrigeratoratatemperatureofap- FIG. 2: (Color) Spectroscopy of the V-shape artificial atom. proximately 30mK. The quantum circuit is coupled to The gray scale encodes the transmission of a readout tone a coplanar-waveguide resonator through an inductance close to the resonator frequency ω /(2π) in the presence of r shared by the qubit loop and the resonator [9] as well a spectroscopy tone whose frequency f is swept. The mag- s as through stray capacitances. By placing the circuit at netic field is varied along the horizontal axis and converted the grounded end of a quarter-wave resonator, we can to flux Φb through the SQUID loop. The gray lines repre- achieve the interesting configuration in which the induc- sent the transition of the ancilla in the top graph and the transition of the qubit in the bottom graph as illustrated in tivecouplingbetweenancillaandresonatorismaximized the insets. Dashed lines show numerical model calculations whereas the capacitive coupling between qubit and res- of these transition energies. The small discrepancy on the onator is eliminated at all frequencies. This allows for ancillaspectroscopybetweenexperimentandpredictionclose a fast qubit readout protocol free of decay induced by to Φ /Φ ≈ ±1/2 may be explained by taking into account b 0 the Purcell effect [13]. In our device, this configuration a 35 % asymetrical critical current in the two coupled trans- is realized within geometrical constraints, leading to a mons. coupling between qubit and resonator small enough to suppress Purcell decay but large enough to allow excit- ing the qubit with a microwave tone sent through the flux, but for the purpose of characterization we study resonator. the full flux dependence. We vary the external magnetic At its open end, the resonator is capacitively coupled field with a small coil around the sample. In the data in to a microwave transmission line through which we mea- Fig.2wedistinguishtwodarklinescorrespondingtothe sure the transmission of a readout tone at frequency qubit transition (cid:126)ωqb+(cid:126)gzz =Ee,g−Eg,g (bottom) and fro close to the resonator frequency ωr/2π ≈ 7.2GHz. the ancilla transition (cid:126)ωa +(cid:126)gzz = Eg,e −Eg,g, respec- Through the presence of a SQUID in the center conduc- tively. As a function of flux, the frequency ωqb of the tor [25], ω is tunable by magnetic field over a range of qubit mode varies more strongly on a relative scale than r ∼ 150MHz. The input signal is attenuated by 20dB at that of the ancilla mode, ωa. The ancilla mode involves 4.2K and by 40dB at base temperature and the output principally the elements L and C that are insensitive to signalpassesthroughalow-noiseamplifierat4.2K. The flux. In contrast, the qubit mode does not involve L and sample is protected from amplifier noise by two circula- itsfrequencyisexpectedtodropstronglyasthefluxbias tors and a low-pass filter. A second sample consisting of reaches Φb =Φ0/2. a resonator at 7.7GHz and a V-shape device are present InordertocomparethecircuitmodelinFig.1(d)with onthesamechip. Thankstothewell-separatedresonator experiment, we performed numerical calculations of the frequencies, we can independently measure the two sam- spectrumofitsfullHamiltonianderivedinRef.[21]. The ples using the same transmission line. model depends on the three circuit parameters Ic, C, We performed two-tone spectroscopy to map out the and L which we take as fitting parameters. The numer- energydiagramoftheartificialatomshowninFig.2. We ical calculation consists of a solution of the discretized send a spectroscopy tone at frequency f through the Schr¨odingerequationusingtheKwantcode[26]. There- s transmission line while measuring transmission at f . sults of these calculations are shown as dashed lines in ro Boththequbitandtheancillaaredispersivelycoupledto Fig. 2. The fit to the experimental data yields the pa- theresonator. Theexcitationoftheirtransitionsleadsto rameters Ic =8.19nA, C =39.7fF, and L=0.192×LJ. ashiftinω ofafewMHz, andconsequentlytoachange Due to mode anharmonicity, the transition from the r in transmission at f [22]. first to the second excited state of the qubit is detuned ro Asmentioned,thededicatedoperationpointisatzero from ω by −0.30GHz, as measured via two-photon ex- qb 4 (a) pulse sequence is sketched in Fig. 3(b). In the top trace (b) P = -20 dBm in Fig. 3(a), we observe a single dip corresponding to the qubit transition |g,g(cid:105) → |e,g(cid:105) indicated in the level -10dBm scheme in panel (c). Towards the bottom, a second dip -7 dBm (c) emerges next to the first one. As indicated in the level schemeinpanel(d),theseconddipiscausedbythepop- -4 dBm ulationoftheexcitedancillastate|g,e(cid:105)bythecondition- -1 dBm ing pulse (red arrow). The transition |g,e(cid:105)→|e,e(cid:105) thus becomes available. The depth of the two dips is ideally (d) 2 dBm proportional to the occupation of the states |g,g(cid:105) and 5 dBm |g,e(cid:105), theirfrequenciesareseparatedbygzz/π. Thispic- ture corresponds well to the observation, and we can ex- tractacross-anharmonicityofg /π =115MHz(dashed zz lines). (e) (f) Weperformedtwofurthermeasurementtotestthere- producibility and consistency of this result. Firstly, we performed a measurement on the other, nominally iden- tical V-shape device on the same chip, secondly, we in- terchanged the role of the qubit and the ancilla. We could obtain a better overall data quality when measur- ingincontinuousratherthanpulsedmode,meaningthat FIG. 3: (Color) (a) Measurement of the cross-anharmonicity a measurement tone, a spectroscopy tone, and a condi- g based on a sequence involving a conditioning pulse at zz tioning tone were applied simultaneously. In Fig. 3(e), f = ω /(2π) to populate the ancilla, a spectroscopy pulse c a we plot the first measurement showing a spectroscopy at f to scan over the qubit transition, and a readout pulse s around the qubit frequency, with the conditioning tone at f , cf. the scheme in (b). From the topmost to the low- ro est curve, we increase the power of the conditioning pulse at the ancilla frequency turned off (top trace), or turned in steps. Below the qubit dip present for all powers at on (bottom trace). The result is largely consistent with ω /(2π)≈3.67GHz, a second dip emerges for high powers. that in Fig. 3(a), with a slightly smaller peak separa- qb Thepeakseparationisameasureofthecross-anharmonicity. tion of about 110MHz. In Fig. 3(f), we plot a mea- Thesituationswithoutandwiththefirstpulsearerepresented surement with inverted roles of qubit and ancilla. We inthediagramsin(c)and(d). (e)Controlmeasurementofthe sweep the spectroscopy frequency f around the ancilla peak separation on the twin sample on the same chip. This s frequency, and excite the qubit with the conditioning measurementisperformedwithcontinuoustones,withatone atfc =ωa/(2π)turnedoffforthetoptrace,andturnedonfor tone at ωqb/(2π). We observe a quantitatively similar the bottom trace. The result is consistent with that shown behavior to the previous measurements with a peak sep- in (a). (f) Second control measurement with inverted roles aration of about 110MHz. The experimental value of of qubit and ancilla, i.e., the spectroscopy tone frequency is g /π compares well to the theoretical value 144MHz zz sweptaroundtheancillafrequency,whereastheconditioning obtained from Eq. (2), corroborating the validity of our tone is resonant with the qubit at f =ω /(2π). c qb circuit model. With this result we demonstrate the nature and strength of the cross-anharmonicity in our device. On citation into that state at large microwave power. We thisbasiswecanqualifyourcircuitasaV-shapesystem. performed measurements of Rabi oscillations and qubit The measurement of the cross-anharmonicity and its in- relaxation to estimate a coherence time of T2,Rabi = terpretation are based on a solid theoretical model ver- 0.5µs and a lifetime T1 =0.6µs of the qubit. ified by spectroscopy. Our circuit furthermore exhibits Inordertoobservethecross-anharmonicityg atzero the good coherence properties required for the use in zz flux, we choose the experimental approach of detecting quantum experiments. Integration in existing setups is changes in the qubit transition frequency depending on straightforward thanks to a device technology proven in the presence or absence of a microwave excitation of the a wide range of circuit quantum electrodynamics exper- ancilla. In essence, we perform a spectroscopy, in which iments. Among the applications, we highlight fast qubit we apply a spectroscopy pulse (frequency f , duration readouttechniques[13]andcross-Kerrinteractionsatthe s 80ns), followed by a readout pulse (frequency f , dura- few-photon level [15]. Thanks to its electrical and mag- ro tion 250ns). Before these two pulses, we apply a condi- netic dipole allowing a selective coupling of the ancilla tioningpulseofduration10nsandfrequencyf resonant and logical qubit, our circuit also fulfilled the require- c withtheancillatransition|g,g(cid:105)→|g,e(cid:105). Inthemeasure- ments of the single-photon transistor proposed by Ref. ment shown in Fig. 3(a), the power of the conditioning [16]. pulse is gradually increased from top to bottom. The The authors thank M. Hofheinz, B. Huard, Y. Kubo, 5 I. Matei, and A. Wallraff for fruitful discussions. The Rev. Lett. 102, 243602 (2009). research has been supported by European IP SOLID [12] J. M. Gambetta, A. A. Houck, and A. Blais, Phys. 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