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A UNIVERSAL REFLEXIVE SPACE FOR THE CLASS OF UNIFORMLY CONVEX BANACH SPACES E. ODELL ANDTH. SCHLUMPRECHT 7 Dedicated to the memory of V. I. Gurarii 0 0 2 Abstract. WeshowthatthereexistsaseparablereflexiveBanachspaceintowhichevery separable uniformly convex Banach space isomorphically embeds. This solves problems n a raisedbyJ.Bourgain[B]in1980andbyW.B.Johnsonin1977[Jo]. Wealsogiveintrinsic J characterizations of separable reflexive Banach spaces which embed into a reflexive space 3 with a block q-Hilbertian and/or a block p-Besselian finite dimensional decomposition. ] A F 1. Introduction . h J. Bourgain [B] proved that ifX is a separable Banach space which contains an isomorph t a of every separable reflexive space then X contains an isomorph of C[0,1] and hence is m universal, i.e., X contains an isomorph of every separable Banach space. He asked if there [ existsaseparablereflexivespaceX whichisuniversalfortheclassofallseparableuniformly 2 convex (equivalently, all superreflexive [E], [Pi]) Banach spaces. Such an X could not v be superreflexive since c and ℓ are finitely representable in any space which contains 9 0 1 isomorphs of all ℓ ’s for 1 < p < ∞. 0 p 5 WeshallanswerBourgain’squestionintheaffirmative. S.Prus[P]gave apartialsolution 7 by proving that there exists a reflexive Banach space X which is universal for all spaces 0 with a finite dimensional decomposition (FDD) which satisfy (p,q)-estimates for some 1 < 5 0 q ≤ p < ∞. / h Definition 1.1. Let (F ) bean FDD. (x ) is a block sequence of (F ) if there exist integers n n n at 0= k0 < k1 < ··· so that for all n ∈N, m x ∈ [F ] ≡ span{F : k < i ≤ k } . : n i i∈(kn−1,kn] i n−1 n v Definition 1.2. Let 1 ≤ q ≤ p ≤ ∞ and let C < ∞. An FDD (F ) satisfies C-(p,q)- n i X estimates if for all block sequences (x ) of (F ), n n r 1/p 1/q a C−1 kx kp ≤ k x k ≤ C kx kq . n n n (cid:16)X (cid:17) X (cid:16)X (cid:17) Wesaythat(F )satisfies(p,q)-estimatesifitsatisfiesC-(p,q)-estimatesforsomeC < ∞. n A basic sequence (x ) is said to satisfy (p,q)-estimates if (E ) does where E = span{x } n n n n for n ∈N. Terminology. In some of the literature an FDD satisfying (p,1)-estimates is called block p-Besselian and one satisfying (∞,q)-estimates is called block q-Hilbertian. We shallprovethat ifX is uniformlyconvex thenthereexists 1 < q ≤ p < ∞andaspace Z with an FDD satisfying (p,q)-estimates such that X embeds into Z. In combination with Prus’ result we then obtain the solution to Bourgain’s problem. Research supported by theNational Science Foundation. 1 2 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT Theorem 1.3. There exists a separable reflexive Banach space X which contains an iso- morph of every separable superreflexive Banach space. To accomplish this we shall characterize when a reflexive space embeds into a reflexive space with an FDD satisfying (p,q)-estimates. Before stating our results in this regard we need some more definitions. E Definition 1.4. If E = (E ) is an FDD for a space X, by P we denote the natural n n projection of X onto E . More generally if I is an interval or finite union of intervals in N, n E E P shalldenotethenaturalprojection on X given byP ( e ) = e (wheree ∈ E I I n n∈I n n n for all n). The projection constant of (E ) is sup{kPEkP: I is anPinterval in N}. (E ) is n I n bimonotone if its projection constant is 1. A blocking (G ) of (E ) is an FDD given by n n G = [E ] for some sequence of integers 0 = N < N < N < ···. n i i∈(Nn−1,Nn] 0 1 2 Henceforth all Banach spaces will be assumed to be separable. S denotes the unit X sphere of X and B denotes the unit ball of X. X Definition 1.5. a) T ≡ {(n ,...,n ) : k ∈ N and n < n < ··· < n are natural ∞ 1 k 1 2 k numbers}. T is ordered by (n ,...,n )≤ (m ,...,m ) iff k ≤ ℓ and n = m for i≤ k. ∞ 1 k 1 ℓ i i b) A tree in a Banach space X is a family in X indexed by T . A weakly null tree in ∞ X is a tree (x ) ⊆ X with the property that for all α = (n ,n ,...n ) ∈ T ∪{∅}, α α∈T∞ 1 2 k ∞ (x )∞ is weakly null. (y )∞ is a branch of (x ) if there exist n < n < ··· so tha(αt,ny) n=>nxk for all k ∈iNi=.1 α α∈T∞ 1 2 k (n1,...,nk) c) If (x ) is a tree and if T′ ⊂ T is such that for each α ∈ T′ ∪{∅} there is an α α∈T∞ ∞ infinite Nα ⊂ N so that (α,n) ∈ T′ for all n ∈ Nα we call (xα)α∈T′ a full subtree. In this case we can relabel (xα)α∈T′ into (zα)α∈T∞. Note that every branch of a full subtree is a branch of the original tree. Definition 1.6. Let 1≤ q ≤p ≤ ∞ and C < ∞. A Banach space X satisfies C-(p,q)-tree estimates if for all weakly null trees in S there exists branches (y ) and (z ) satisfying X i i 1/p 1/q C−1 |a |p ≤ k a y k and k a z k ≤ C |a |q i i i i i i (cid:16)X (cid:17) X X (cid:16)X (cid:17) for all (a ) ⊆ R. X satisfies (p,q)-tree estimates if it satisfies C-(p,q)-tree estimates for i some C < ∞. Theorem 1.7. Let X be a reflexive Banach space and let 1 ≤ q ≤ p ≤ ∞. The following are equivalent. a) X satisfies (p,q)-tree estimates. b) X is isomorphic to a subspace of a reflexive space Z having an FDD which satisfies (p,q)-estimates. c) X is isomorphic to a quotient of a reflexive space Z having an FDD which satisfies (p,q)-estimates. Theorem 1.3 is acorollary of this (usingPrus’result[P]) sinceforevery uniformlyconvex spaceX thereexistsK < ∞and1 < q ≤ p < ∞suchthateverynormalized2-basicsequence in X admits K-(p,q)-estimates ([J], [GG]). Indeed it is trivial to extract a 2-basic branch from a normalized weakly null tree. Theorem 1.7 also solves problem IV.3 in [Jo]. A UNIVERSAL REFLEXIVE SPACE FOR THE CLASS OF UNIFORMLY CONVEX BANACH SPACES 3 2. The Proof The equivalence of a) and b) in Theorem 1.7 in the case 1 < q = p < ∞ was established in [OS]. We shall beusingsome blocking arguments established thereand in earlier seminal papers of W.B. Johnson and M. Zippin ([Jo], [JZ1, JZ2]) which we shall recall as needed. A key first step will of course be Zippin’s result [Z] that a reflexive space embeds into a reflexive space with an FDD (in fact with a basis). Before stating Theorem 2.1, which contains the central part of our main Theorem 1.7, we set some more notation. If (E ) is an FDD then by c (⊕∞ E ) we mean the subspace n 00 n=1 n of all x = e where e ∈ E for all n and only finitely many e ’s are nonzero. If Z has n n n n an FDD, FP= (Fn), and 1 < p < ∞ then Zp(F) denotes the Banach space obtained by completing c (⊕∞ F ) under k·k given by: for y = y , y ∈ F for all n, 00 n=1 n Zp n n n P ∞ nj 1/p p kyk = sup y :0 = n < n < ··· . Zp (cid:18)Xj=1(cid:13)(cid:13)i=nXj−1+1 i(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:19) 0 1  (cid:13) (cid:13) Note that (F ) is a bimonotone FDD for Z (F) satisfying 1-(p,1)-estimates. n p Theorem 2.1. Let X be a reflexive Banach space and let 1 < p < ∞. If X satisfies (p,1)-tree estimates then a) X can be embedded into a reflexive space Z with an FDD satisfying (p,1)-estimates. More precisely, if X is a subspace of Z, a reflexive space with an FDD (E ) n then there exists a blocking F = (F ) of (E ) so that X naturally embeds into the n n reflexive space Z (F). p b) X is the quotient of a reflexive space with an FDD satisfying (p,1)-estimates. The proof of a) is much like the proof in [OS]. The proof of b) requires some new ideas. Before starting the proof we need some terminology and preliminary results. Definition 2.2. Let E = (E ) be an FDD for Y and let δ = (δ ) with δ ↓ 0. A sequence i i i (y )⊆ S is called a δ-skipped block w.r.t. (E ) if there exist integers 1 = k < k < ··· so i Y n 0 1 that for all i ∈N, E kP y −y k < δ . (ki−1,ki) i i i Definition 2.3. If A ⊆ Sω, the set of all normalized sequences in X, and ε > 0 we set X ε A = {(x )∈ Sω : there exists (y ) ∈A with kx −y k < for all n} . ε n X n n n 2n A denotes the closure of A w.r.t. the product topology of the discrete topology on S . ε ε X The next result is Theorem 3.3 b) ⇔ d) in [OS]. Proposition2.4. LetX beaBanach space withaseparable dual. ThenX is(isometrically) a subspace of a Banach space Z having a shrinking FDD (E ) satisfying the following: n For A ⊆ Sω. the following are equivalent. X a) For all ε > 0 every weakly null tree in S has a branch in A . X ε b) For all ε > 0 there exists a blocking (F ) of (E ) and δ = (δ ), δ ↓ 0, so that if i i i i (x )⊆ S is a δ-skipped block w.r.t. (F ) then (x ) ∈ A . n X i n ε The following Proposition yields that in the reflexive case the equivalence (a) ⇐⇒ (b) in Proposition 2.4 holds for any embedding of X into a reflexive Banach space Z with an FDD. 4 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT Proposition 2.5. Let Z and Y be reflexive spaces with FDDs E = (E ) and F = (F ), n n respectively, both containing a space X, and let δ = (δ ) ⊂ (0,1), with δ ↓ 0, as n ↑∞. n n Let C be the maximum of the projection constants of (E ) and (F ). Then there is a n n blocking G = (G ) of (F ), so that every normalized δ -skipped block of (G ) in S is a n n 5C3 n X δ-skipped block of (E ). n Proof. By induction we will choose 0 = M < M < M < ... and N < N < ... in N so 0 1 2 1 2 that for all k ∈ N δ δ F i E i (1) ∀x∈S ∀i∈ {1,2...,k,k+1} if kP (x)k ≤ then kP (x)k ≤ , X (Mk−1,∞) 5C2 [Nk,∞) 2 δ δ F i E i (2) ∀x∈S ∀i∈ {1,2...k,k+1} if kP (x)k ≤ then kP (x)k ≤ X [1,Mk] 5C2 [1,Nk] 2 Once accomplished we choose G = ⊕Mk F . If (x ) is a δ/5C3-skipped block of (G ) k i=Mk−1+1 i n n in S , there exist 0 = k < k < k < ... such that for all n ∈ N X 0 1 2 δ G F n kx −P (x )k = kx −P (x )k ≤ . n (kn−1,kn) n n (Mkn−1,Mkn) n 5C3 Thus, δ δ F n F n kP (x )k ≤ and kP (x )k ≤ . [1,Mkn−1] n 5C2 (Mkn−1,∞) n 5C2 We deduce from (2) and (1) that δ δ E n E n kP (x )k ≤ and kP (x )k ≤ , [1,Nkn−1] n 2 [Nkn,∞) n 2 which yields that (x ) is a δ-skipped block of (E ). n i Assume that we have chosen M for some k ≥ 1. We need to find an N which satisfies k−1 k (1). IfsuchanN didnotexist, wecouldfindsequences(x ) ⊂ S and(i )⊂ {1,2...k+1} k j X j so that for any j > N , k−1 δ δ kPF (x )k ≤ ij and kPE (x )k > ij. (Mk−1,∞) j 5C2 [j,∞) j 2 Passingtoasubsequencewemayassumethati = iforallj ∈ J andsomei∈ {1,2...k+1}, j whereJ isasubsequenceofN. Sincelim kPE ◦PF −PE k = 0wededuce j→∞,j∈J [j,∞) (Mk−1,∞) [j,∞) that δ i E E F ≤ limsupkP (x )k ≤ limsupkP ◦P (x )k 2 j→∞ [j,∞) j j→∞ [j,∞) (Mk−1,∞) j j∈J j∈J δ F i ≤ ClimsupkP (x )k ≤ , j→∞ (Mk−1,∞) j 5C2 j∈J which is a contradiction, and finishes the proof of our claim. Assume now that we have chosen N , but there is no M satisfying (2). We could choose k k a sequence (x ) ⊂ S and (i ) ⊂{1,2...k+1} so that for any j > M j X j k−1 δ δ kPF (x )k ≤ ij and kPE (x )k > ij. [1,j] j 5C2 [1,Nk] j 2 A UNIVERSAL REFLEXIVE SPACE FOR THE CLASS OF UNIFORMLY CONVEX BANACH SPACES 5 After passing to subsequences we can assume that i = i for some fixed i ∈ {1,2,...k+1} j and j ∈ J, a subsequence of N, and that (x ) converges weakly to some x ∈ B . Then j j∈J X it follows that F F kxk = lim kP (x)k = lim lim kP (x )k j0→∞ [1,j0] j0→∞j→∞ [1,j0] j j∈J F F ≤ limsuplimsupkP (x )k+kP (x )k [1,j] j (j0,j] j j0→∞ j→∞ j∈J 2δ F i ≤ (1+C)limsupkP (x )k ≤ [1,j] j 5C j→∞ j∈J and that 1 1 δ E E i kxk ≥ kP (x)k = lim kP (x )k ≥ , C [1,Nk] C j→∞ [1,Nk] j 2C j∈J which is a contradiction. (cid:3) From Corollary 4.4 in [OS] we have Proposition 2.6. Let X be a Banach space which is a subspace of a reflexive space Z with an FDD E = (E ) having projection constant K. Let δ ↓ 0. Then there is a blocking i i F = (F ) of (E ) given by F = [E ] for some integers 0 = N < N < ··· i i n i i∈(Nn−1,Nn] 0 1 with the following property. For all x ∈ S there exists (x ) ⊆ X and integers (t ) with X i i t ∈ (N ,N ) for all i such that i i−1 i ∞ a) x = x i b) For iiP=∈1N either kx k < δ or kPE x −x k < δ kx k. i i (ti−1,ti) i i i i c) kPE x−x k < δ for all i ∈ N. (ti−1,ti) i i d) kx k < K +1 for i∈ N. i e) kPExk < δ for i ∈ N. ti i Moreover the above hold for any further blocking of (F ) (which would redefine the N ’s). n i Parts d) and e) were not explicitly stated in [OS] but follow from the proof. Proof of Theorem 2.1 a). Let X be contained in a reflexive space Z with an FDD E = (E ) i having projection constant K. Assume that X satisfies C-(p,1)-tree estimates. Let A = {(x ) ∈ Sω: (x ) is 3-basic and for all scalars (a ), Ck a x k ≥ ( |a |p)1/p}. Choose i X i 2 i i i i ε> 0 so that if (x ) ∈ A then (x ) is 2-basic and satisfiesPfor all (a )P⊆ R, i ε i i 1/p 2Ck a x k ≥ |a |p . i i i X (cid:16)X (cid:17) By Propositions 2.4 and 2.5 there exists δ = (δ ), δ ↓ 0, and a blocking of (E ), which we i i i still denote by (E ), so that every δ-skipped block w.r.t. (E ) is in A . We then use δ¯= (δ¯) i i ε i where δ¯ = δ /2K to form a new blocking F = [E ] satisfying the conclusion of i i n i i∈(Nn−1,Nn] ∞ Proposition 2.6. We assume, as we may, that δ < 1/3. Note that any subsequence of i=1 i a δ¯-skipped block w.r.t. (Fi) is then a δ-skippPed block w.r.t. (Ei). Our goal is to prove that X naturally embeds into Z (F). To achieve this we prove that p if x ∈ S then, for some absolute constant A = A(K,C), ( kPFxkp)1/p ≤ A. Since the X n P 6 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT argument we will give would also work for any blocking of (F ) (see the “moreover” part of n Proposition 2.6) we obtain kxk ≤ A which finishes the proof of the claim. Zp Let x ∈ S and write x= x with (x ) ⊆ X and t ∈ (N ,N ] as in Proposition 2.6. X i i i i−1 i Let yi = P(Eti−1,ti]x for i ∈ NP. Let B = {i ≥ 2 : kxik ≥ δ¯i and kP(Eti−1,ti)xi − xik < δ¯kx k}. Since (x /kx k) is a δ-skipped block w.r.t. (E ) we know it is in A and so i i i i i∈B i ε 2Ck x k ≥ ( kx kp)1/p. Also for all i ∈ N, i∈B i i∈B i P P ky k= kPE x−x +PEx+x k ≤ 2δ¯ +kx k i (ti−1,ti) i ti i i i by c) and e) of Proposition 2.6. Thus ky k < K +2 and 1 ky kp = ky kp+ ky kp ≤ (2δ¯ +kx k)p +ky kp + (3δ¯)p i i i i i 1 i X Xi∈B Xi∈/B Xi∈B Xi∈/B < 3pkx kp+(K +2)p +1 ≤ 3p(2C)pk x kp +(K +2)p+1 . i i Xi∈B Xi∈B Now k x k ≤ 1+ kx k < 1+kx k+ δ¯ < K +3 . i i 1 i Xi∈B Xi∈/B Xi Thus ky kp ≤ (6C)p(K +3)p +(K +2)p +1≡ A′ . i X Let z = PE x = PFx = PF(y +y ) for i ∈ N. Thus kz k ≤ K(ky k+ky k) and i (Ni−1,Ni] i i i i+1 i i i+1 so 1/p kz kp ≤ 2K[A′]1/p ≡ A . i (cid:16)X (cid:17) To complete the proof of part a) we have the following easy Lemma 2.7. Let F = (F ) be a shrinking FDD for a Banach space Z. Then for 1 < p < ∞, i Z (F) is reflexive. p Proof. Asnotedearlier,(F )isabimonotoneFDDforZ (F)whichsatisfies1-(p,1)-estimates i p and hence (F ) is boundedly complete. Let 1 + 1 = 1 and set i p p′ (a )∈ B and (f ) is a (finite or F = a f : i ℓp′ i . (cid:26)X i i infinite) block sequence of (Fn∗) in SZ∗(cid:27) If the above sum a f is a finite one, say n a f , then f can be supported on i i i=1 i i n [Fm∗]m∈[j,∞) for somPe j. It is easy to check thaPt F is a weak* compact 1-norming sub- set of Z (F)∗. Thus Z (F) is isometrically a subspace of C(F), the space of continuous p p function on F. Since every k·k -normalized block (z ) of (F ) is pointwise nullon F, hence Zp i i weakly null, it follows that (F ) is a shrinking FDD for Z (F). (cid:3) i p To prove part b) we need a blocking result due to Johnson and Zippin. Proposition 2.8. [JZ1] Let T : Z → W be a bounded linear operator from a space Z with a shrinking FDD (G ) into a space W with an FDD (H ). Let ε ↓ 0. Then there exist n n i blockings E = (E ) of (G ) and F = (F ) of (H ) so that: for all i ≤ j and z ∈ S n n n n [En]n∈(i,j] F F we have kP Tzk < ε and kP Tzk < ε . [1,i) i (j,∞) j A UNIVERSAL REFLEXIVE SPACE FOR THE CLASS OF UNIFORMLY CONVEX BANACH SPACES 7 Proof of Theorem 2.1 b). By Lemma 3.1 in [OS] we can, by renorming, regard X∗ ⊆ Z∗ where Z∗ is a reflexive space with a bimonotone FDD (E∗) such that c (⊕∞ E∗)∩X∗ is i 00 i=1 i dense in X∗. Thus we have a quotient map Q : Z → X. By part a) we may regard X ⊆ W, a reflexive space with an FDD (F ) satisfying C-(p,1)-estimates for some C. Let K be the i projection constant of (F ). i Choose δ = (δ ), δ ↓ 0, so that if (y ) is any δ-skipped block of any blocking of (F ) and i i i i (z ) satisfies kz −y k < 3Kδ for all i, then (z ) is 2-equivalent to (y ), is 2K-basic and (y ) i i i i i i i satisfies 2C-(p,1)-estimates. In addition we require that ∞ 1 (3) 3(K +1)Kδ < , and 6/(1−3Kδ )< 7 i 1 4 Xi=1 and we choose ε ↓ 0 with 6ε < δ for all i. i i i By Proposition 2.8, blocking and relabeling our FDD’s we may assume F F (4) For all i≤ j and z ∈S we havekP Qzk < ε and kP Qzk <ε . [En]n∈(i,j] [1,i) i (j,∞) j For i ∈ N let E be the quotient space of E determined by Q. Thus if z ∈ E , the norm i i i on z˜ (the equivalence class of z in E ) is |||z˜||| = kQzk. We may assume E 6= {0} for all i. e i i More generally for z˜= z˜ ∈ c (⊕∞ E ) with z˜ ∈ E for every i, we set i 00 i=1 i i i e P ne e E |||z˜|||= sup Qz k = sup kQP zk . i [m,n] m≤n(cid:13)(cid:13)iX=m m≤n (cid:13) We let Z be the completion of (c (⊕∞ E ),|||·|||). Note that if z˜= z˜ ∈ c (⊕∞ E ) 00 i=1 i i 00 i=1 i then setting Qz˜ ≡ Qz˜ ≡ Qz , we have kQz˜k ≤ |||z˜|||. Thus Q extePnds to a norm one e i i e e map from Z into XP. Before cPontinuing the proof of b) we need e e e e Propositioen 2.9. a) (E˜ ) is a bimonotone shrinking FDD for Z. i b) Q is a quotient map from Z onto X. More precisely if x ∈ X and z ∈ Z with e Qz = x, kzk = kxk, and z = z with z ∈ E , then z˜= z˜ ∈ Z, |||z˜||| = kzk and e e i i i i Qz˜= x. P P e c) Leet (z˜i) be a block sequence of (E˜i) in BZe and assume that (Qz˜i) is a basic sequence with projection constant K and a = inf kQz˜k > 0. Then for all scalars (a ) we i i e i have e 3K k a Q(z˜)k ≤ ||| a z˜|||≤ k a Qz˜k . i i i i i i a X X X e e Proof. By definition E˜ = (E˜ ) is a bimonotone FDD for Z. We will deduce later that it is i shrinking. To see b) let Qz = x with kzk = kxk and write z = z with z ∈ E for all i. i i i e Then for i ≤ j, P j m m j ||| z˜|||= sup kQ( z )k ≤ sup k z k = k z k . ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ Xℓ=i i≤n≤m≤j Xℓ=n i≤n≤m≤j Xℓ=n Xℓ=i Thus z˜ converges in Z to some z˜ with, |||z˜|||= kzk and Qz˜= x. i P e e 8 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT Next let (z˜) be as in the statement of c). Since kQk = 1 we need only prove the right i hand inequality in c). Let (a )∈ c and choose k ≤ m so that i 00 e Ee ||| a z˜|||= kQP ( a z˜)k i i [k,m] i i X X Ee e For all i, P z˜ is z˜ or 0 except possibly for 2 values of i, denoted by i ≤ i . Thus [k,m] i i 0 1 Ee 3K kQP ( a z˜)k ≤ |a ||||z˜ |||+k a Q(z˜)k+|a ||||z˜ |||≤ k a Q(z˜)k , [k,m] i i i0 i0 i i i1 i1 a i i X X X e i∈(i0,i1) e e using that (Q(z˜)) has projection constant K and is bounded below in norm by a. i It remains only to prove that (E ) is shrinking. Let (z˜) be a normalized block sequence e i i of (E ) in Z. Then (Qz˜) is a bounded sequence in X. Moreover since c (⊕∞ E∗)∩X∗ i i e 00 i=1 i is dense in X∗, (Qz˜) is pointwise null on X∗ and hence weakly null in X. We pass to a e e i e subsequence which we relabel as (Qz˜) which is either norm null or satisfies inf kQz k > 0 e i i i and is basic. In the latter case (z˜) is weakly null by part c). In the former case, given n i e e we can find a subsequence (z˜ )n with kQz˜ k < 1 if 1 ≤ j ≤ n. Then if z˜= 1 n z˜ , ij j=1 ij n n j=1 ij for some k ≤ m and j0 ≤ j1 P e Ee 1 Ee 1 1 Ee 3 |||z˜||| = kQP z˜k ≤ QP z˜ + Qz˜ + QP z˜ < . [k,m] (cid:13)n [k,m] ij0(cid:13) (cid:13)n X ij(cid:13) (cid:13)n [k,m] ij1(cid:13) n e (cid:13) e (cid:13) (cid:13) j∈(j0,j1) e (cid:13) (cid:13) e (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Thus in any case every normalized block sequence (z˜) admits a convex block basis which i is norm null and hence (z˜) is weakly null and so (E ) is shrinking. (cid:3) i i We shall produce A < ∞ and a blocking H = (He ) of (E ) with the following property. n n Let x ∈ S . Then there exists z˜ = z˜ ∈ Z, with z˜ ∈ H for all n, so that if (w˜ ) is X n e e n e n n any blocking of (z˜ ) then ( |||w˜ |||p)1P/p ≤ A. Moreover kQz˜−xk < 1. Thus if Z = Z (H) n n e e 2 p p then Q : Z → X remainsPan onto map. Moreover Z is reflexive by Proposition 2.9 and p p e e e e Lemma 2.7 and (H ) is an FDD for Z satisfying 1-(p,1)-estimates. To accomplish this we e e n p e need e e Lemma 2.10. Assume that (4) holds for our original map Q : Z → X. Then there exist integers 0 = N < N < ··· so that if we define blockings C = [E ] and 0 1 n i i∈(Nn−1,Nn] D = [F ] we have the following. Set for n∈ N, n i i∈(Nn−1,Nn] N +N R = i∈ N : N ≥ i> n n−1 , n n (cid:26) 2 (cid:27) N +N L = i∈ N : N < i≤ n n−1 , n n−1 (cid:26) 2 (cid:27) C = [E ] and C = [E ] . n,R i i∈Rn n,L i i∈Ln D Let x ∈ S , i < j, ε > 0 and assume that kP xk < ε. Then there exists z ∈ B X [1,i]∪[j,∞) Z with z ∈[C ∪(C ) ∪C ] and kQz−xk <K[2ε+δ ]. i,R ℓ ℓ∈(i,j) j,L i Proof. By [Jo] (see Lemma 4.3a [OS]) we can choose 0 = N < N < ··· so that if z ∈ B 0 1 Z with z = z , z ∈ E for all j, then for n ∈ N there exist r ∈ R and ℓ ∈ L with j j j n n n n kzrnk < εnPand kzℓnk < εn. Define Cn and Dn as in the statement of the lemma and let D x∈ S and i< j with kP xk < ε. Let kz¯k = 1 with Qz¯= x and z¯= z , z ∈ E X [1,i]∪[j,∞) j j j P A UNIVERSAL REFLEXIVE SPACE FOR THE CLASS OF UNIFORMLY CONVEX BANACH SPACES 9 for all j. Choose r ∈ R and ℓ ∈ L with kz k < ε and kz k < ε . Let z = z . i i j j ri i ℓj j s∈(ri,ℓj) s Thus kzk ≤ 1 and z ∈ [C ∪(C ) ∪C ]. P i,R ℓ ℓ∈(i,j) j,L Now F i) kP Qzk < ε +ε by (4). [1,ri)∪[ℓj,∞) ri ℓj−1 Also if w = z¯−z = z then again by (4) and our choice of r and ℓ , s∈/(ri,ℓj) j i j F P F ii) kP Qwk = kP Q( z +z +z + z )k < K[ε +ε +ε +ε ]. [ri,ℓj) [ri,ℓj) s<ri s ri ℓj s>ℓj s ri i j ℓj+1 From our hypothesis on x, P P F iii) kP xk < 2Kε. [1,ri)∪[ℓj,∞) Combining i)–iii) we have, since Qw = x−Qz, F F kQz−xk ≤ kP (Qz−x)k+kP (Qz−x)k [1,ri)∪[ℓj,∞) [ri,ℓj) < ε +ε +2Kε+K[ε +ε +ε +ε ] ri ℓj−1 ri i j ℓj+1 < K[2ε+6ε ] < K[2ε+δ ] i i since by (3) 6ε < δ . (cid:3) i i Welet(C )and(D )betheblockingsgivenbyLemma2.10. Finallyweblockagainusing n n Proposition 2.6 for (δ ) and (D ) to obtain G = [D ] for some 0= k < k < ···. i n n i i∈(kn−1,kn] 0 1 We set for n ∈ N, H = [C ] . n i i∈(kn−1,kn] Let x ∈ S . Then by Proposition 2.6 there exists (x ) ⊆ X with x = x and for all X i i i∈ N there exists ti ∈ (ki−1,ki) so that P D a) either kx k< δ or kP x −x k< δ kx k i i (ti−1,ti) i i i i b) kx k < K +1. i Let B = {i ∈ N : kPD x − x k < δ kx k} and y = x . Then kx − yk ≤ (ti−1,ti) i i i i i∈B i kx k < δ < 1/4 by (3). For i ∈ B set x¯ = x /kx k. FProm Lemma 2.10 there is a i∈/B i i i i i Pblock sequencPe (zi)i∈B of (En) in BZ with (5) kQz −x¯ k < K[2δ +δ ] <3Kδ . i i i ti−1 i Indeed the lemma yields that z ∈ [C ∪(C ) ∪C ] i ti−1,R ℓ ℓ∈(ti−1,ti) ti,L which ensures that the z ’s are a block sequence. From our choice of (δ ) (right before (3)) i i and (5) we have that (Qz˜) is 2K-basic, is 2-equivalent to (x¯ ) , and (x¯ ) satisfies i i∈B i i∈B i i∈B 2C-(p,1)-estimates. e From Proposition 2.9 c) we have that 3(2K) a Qz˜ ≤ a z˜ ≤ a Qz˜ i i i i i i (6) (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Xi∈B e (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Xi∈B (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) ji∈nBf kQz˜jk(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Xi∈B e (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) e ≤ 7K a Qz˜ ≤ 14K a x¯ . i i i i (cid:13)(cid:13)Xi∈B (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13)Xi∈B (cid:13)(cid:13) e (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (We have used that inf kQz˜ k> 1−3Kδ from (5) and 6 < 7 from (3).) j∈B j 1 (1−3Kδ1) Let z˜= i∈Bkxikz˜i. Theen from (6), z˜∈ Z and moreover since y = i∈Bkxikx¯i, P 1 P e kQz˜−yk≤ kx kkQz˜ −x¯ k < (K +1)3Kδ < (by (3)) . i i i i 4 Xi∈B Xi∈B e e 10 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT Thus kQz˜−xk< 1/2. Finally we showthat |||z˜||| ≤ AwhereA= 70CK and |||·||| denotes thenormof Z (H). e Zp Zp p Write z˜= w˜ where (w˜ ) is any blocking of (kx kz˜) . Say w˜ = kx kz˜ where i i i i i∈B j i∈Ij i ie e I < I < ···Pis any partition of B. Then by (6) if y = x , P 1 2 j i∈Ij i P (7) ( |||w˜ |||p)1/p ≤ 14K( ky kp)1/p < 14K ·2Ckyk < 35CK j j X X since (x¯ ) satisfies 2C-(p,1)-estimates and kyk < 5/4. i It remains to show that if we write z˜ = h˜ where h˜ ∈ H for all n and (g˜ ) is any n n n n blocking of (h˜n) then P e (8) ( |||g˜ |||p)1/p ≤ 70CK ≡ A . n X H As in the proof of a) there exists a blocking (w˜ ) of (kx kz˜) with g˜ = P (w˜ + i i i i∈B n (jn−1,jn] n w˜ ) for some 0 = j < j < ··· and so |||g˜ ||| ≤ |||w˜ |||+|||w˜ |||. Thus (8) follows. n+1 0 1 n n n+1 This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1. (cid:3) We need some last preliminary results before proving Theorem 1.7. Lemma 2.11. Let X be a reflexive Banach space and let 1 ≤ q < ∞ and 1 + 1 = 1. If X q q′ satisfies (∞,q)-tree estimates then X∗ satisfies (q′,1)-tree estimates. Proof. The case q = 1 is trivial so we assume q > 1. By [Z] we may assume that X ⊆ Z, a reflexive space with a bimonotone FDD (En). Note that if (fn) ⊆ SX∗ is weakly null then there exists a subsequence (f ) of (f ) and a weakly null sequence (x ) ⊆ S with ni n i X lim f (x )= 1. Indeedlet(y ) ⊆ S withf (y ) = 1foralln. Chooseasubsequence(y ) i ni i n X n n ni which converges weakly to some y ∈ X. Then f (y −y)→ 1. Since (E ) is bimonotone, ni ni n ky −yk → 1 and thus we may take x = (y −y)/ky −yk. ni i ni ni Now let (fα)α∈T∞ be a weakly null tree in SX∗. Using the above observation by succes- sively replacing the successors of a given node by a subsequence we obtain a full subtree (g ) of (f ) and a weakly null tree (x ) in S so that for all α ∈T ∪{∅}, α α∈T∞ α α∈T∞ α α∈T∞ X ∞ f (x )→ 1 as i→ ∞. α,i α,i Let ε ↓ 0. By again replacing each successor sequence of nodes by a subsequence we i obtain two full subtrees (f′) and (x′ ) satisfying: For all branches (α )∞ of T α α∈T∞ α α∈T∞ i i=1 ∞ and for all i,j ∈ N with i 6= j, 1 |f′ (x′ )| < ε and f′ (x′ ) > . αi αj max(i,j) αi αi 2 Let (x′ )∞ be a branch of (x ) satisfying C-(∞,q)-estimates. Let (b )∞ ∈ S and αi i=1 α α∈T∞ i i=1 ℓq′ choose (a )∞ ∈S with 1 = ∞ a b . Then k a x′ k≤ C and so i i=1 ℓq i=1 i i j αj P P C b f′ ≥ ( b f′ )( a x′ ) i αi i αi j αj (cid:13)X (cid:13) X X (cid:13) (cid:13) ∞ ∞ (cid:13) (cid:13) ≥ a b f′ (x′ )− |f′ (x′ )| i i αi αi αi αj Xi=1 Xi=1Xj6=i ∞ 1 1 > − [iε + ε ] > i j 2 4 Xi=1 Xj>i provided that the ε ’s were taken sufficiently small. (cid:3) i

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