Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–9(2011) Printed4January2012 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) A Uniformly Derived Catalogue of Exoplanets from Radial Velocities Morgan D. J. Hollis 1(cid:63), Sreekumar T. Balan2†, Greg Lever1‡, and Ofer Lahav1§ 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK 2 2Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK 1 0 2 4January2012 n a J ABSTRACT 3 A new catalogue of extrasolar planets is presented by re-analysing a selection of pub- lished radial velocity data sets using exofit (Balan & Lahav 2009). All objects are ] treated on an equal footing within a Bayesian framework, to give orbital parameters P for 94 exoplanetary systems. Model selection (between one- and two-planet solutions) E is then performed, using both a visual flagging method and a standard chi-square . h analysis,withagreementbetweenthetwomethodsfor99%ofthesystemsconsidered. p The catalogue is to be made available online, and this ‘proof of concept’ study may - be maintained and extended in the future to incorporate all systems with publicly o available radial velocity data, as well as transit and microlensing data. r t s Key words: planetary systems - stars: individual, methods: data analysis a [ 1 v 1 INTRODUCTION significantnumberofknowncompanionstomakeinferences 8 about the correlation between orbital elements. Early dis- 6 Since the discovery of the first extrasolar planet in 6 cussions on this subject can be found in a series of articles 1995 (Mayor & Queloz 1995), the research on extrasolar 0 on the statistical properties of exoplanets by Udry et al. planetshasundergoneexponentialexpansion.Awiderange . (2003); Santos et al. (2003); Eggenberger et al. (2004) and 1 of search methods have been developed during this period, Halbwachs et al. (2005). The statistical discussion in this 0 resulting in the discovery of more than 700 planets to date, article is informed by the comparison to the published cat- 2 the majority of which have been from the radial velocity 1 alogues at (Schneider et al. 2011) method. Traditional data reduction methods use a peri- : and (Wright et al. 2011). v odogram (Lomb 1976; Scargle 1982) to fix the orbital pe- The rest of this article is structured as follows: in Sec- Xi riodandthentheLevenberg-Marquardtminimisation(Lev- tions 2 and 3 the Bayesian framework and exofit software enberg 1944; Marquardt 1963) to fit the other orbital pa- package are introduced. The data analysis pipeline is de- r rameters. A catalogue of exoplanets has already been pub- a scribedinSection4,modelselectionisdiscussedinSection5, lished by Butler et al. (2006) using this method to extract and the catalogue is presented in Section 6, and in the ta- the orbital parameters of exoplanets. Recently, Bayesian bles at the end of the article. The statistical properties of MCMC methods have been introduced by Gregory (2005); thedistributionsofvariousorbitalparametersarediscussed Ford(2005);Ford&Gregory(2007)asareplacementforthe in Section 7 and the results are summarised in Section 8. traditionaldatareductionpipeline.exofit(Balan&Lahav 2009)isafreelyavailabletoolforestimatingorbitalparam- eters of extrasolar planets from radial velocity data using a Bayesian framework. Here are analysed 94 previously pub- 2 BAYESIAN FRAMEWORK lisheddatasetsusingexofit,forminganew,uniformlyde- TheBayesianframeworkprovidesatransparentwayofmak- rived catalogue of exoplanets from a Bayesian perspective. ing probabilistic inferences from data. It is based on Bayes’ Statistical properties of the distribution of orbital pa- theorem, which states that for a given model H with a set rameters are critical for explaining the planetary formation of parameters Θ and data D, the posterior probability dis- process. It has been argued that there is now a statistically tribution of parameters Pr(Θ|D,H) is proportional to the prior probability distribution Pr(Θ|H) times the likelihood ofdata,Pr(D|Θ,H).Usingstandardmathematicalnotation (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] one can write, † E-mail:[email protected] ‡ E-mail:[email protected] Pr(D|Θ,H)Pr(Θ|H) Pr(Θ|D,H)= . (1) § E-mail:[email protected] Pr(D|H) (cid:13)c 2011RAS 2 Morgan D. J. Hollis, Sreekumar T. Balan, Greg Lever, and Ofer Lahav The denominator of the right hand side of the above use with Bayesian inference methods, as a radial velocity equation is called the Bayesian Evidence. Since it is the es- data set will need to include at least half an orbital period timationofparametersthatisofinteresthere,thistermcan of a potential planetary companion. Hence data sets with beconsideredasanormalisingconstantandEquation1can notenoughmeasurementstogiveaccurateorbitalsolutions be written as, werenotincluded.Also,theradialvelocitydataofanysys- temswithmorethan2confirmedplanetswereignoredsince Pr(Θ|D,H)∝Pr(D|Θ,H)Pr(Θ|H). (2) at present, exofit can only search for either one or two ThekeystepintheBayesianapproachistoobtainthe planets. posterior distribution of parameters accurately. The infer- Many more and different radial velocity data sets and ences are then derived from the posterior distribution. The stellar mass estimates are now available (though some not Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is a widely publicly), but for the sake of uniformity the original radial employed technique for simulating the posterior distribu- velocitydatawereused(i.e.thosepubliclyavailable,frozen tion (the left hand side of Equation 2). The basic steps in asof2009August21whentheoriginaldatawerecollected). Bayesian parameter estimation can be summarised as fol- At a later stage the results can be improved by updating lows: the original data sets to those which are now available, as well as incorporating the data from the many hundreds of (i) model the observed data, i.e. construct the likelihood additionalplanetsthathavebeendetectedsincethestartof function, this study. (ii) choose the prior probability distributions of parame- To enable accurate calculation of the derivable orbital ters, parameters,themassesaswellastheradialvelocitiesofthe (iii) obtain the posterior probability distribution, associated stars were needed. These values were all taken (iv) make inferences based on the posterior probability from the published literature at, distribution. frozen as of 2011 March 01. The input for exofit is in the exofitisasoftwarepackagethatestimatestheorbital form of a simple text file with radial velocity, uncertainty, parametersofextrasolarplanets,followingthestepsoutlined and the time of observation (in Julian Date format), where above.Itshouldbenotedthatexofitdoesnotperformany theradialvelocityvaluesmustbeinms−1.TheJulianDate Bayesianmodelselection-foradiscussionoftherelationof of the observation is offset to zero within exofit. this aspect of the Bayesian framework to this study, the The publicly available statistical data analysis pack- reader is directed to Section 5. age, R, from the R Project for Statistical Computing (, was used to analyse the output of exofit. The output from R includes the mean, median and standard deviation of the orbital parameters extracted 3 EXOFIT fromtheposteriordistributionsamplesproducedbyexofit. exofit (Balan & Lahav 2009) is a publicly available tool Themodalvaluesarealsoproduced,butwillonlyhavesig- for extracting orbital parameters of exoplanets from radial nificanceintheeventoftheposteriorhavingmorethanone velocitymeasurements.ItusestheMCMCmethodtosimu- peak.Posteriordistributionplotscanalsobeproducedwith late the posterior probability distribution of the orbital pa- R,andthemarginaldistributionsofeachparametercanbe rameters. The likelihood of data Pr(D|Θ,H) in Equation 2 found by plotting a histogram of the samples from the pos- connectsthemathematicalmodeltotheobserveddata.The terior.Thefullposteriordistributionishelpfulinanalysing radial velocity model and the corresponding Gaussian like- correlations between various parameters. Even though pa- lihood function are given in Balan & Lahav (2009), where rameterdegeneracyispresentintheorbitalsolutions,highly the choice of likelihood is based on Gregory (2005). The degenerate solutions are less common. prior probabilities are as used by Ford & Gregory (2007). The calculation time required for exofit depends on exofit then generates samples from the posterior distribu- computational resources available to the user. It scales lin- tions of the orbital parameters in the mathematical model, early with the number of radial velocity entries input to which can be analysed with the aid of any statistical soft- the code, and also depends significantly on the ease with ware. Details of the algorithmic structure of the code, in- which exofit can converge the data. If exofit is pre- cluding methods of controlling chain mixing and assessing sented with data from a non-converging posterior distribu- convergence,canbefoundinBalan&Lahav(2009).Forfur- tion, it will take much longer than a larger data set with therinformation,thereaderisdirectedtotheexofituser’s convergent orbital solutions. In technical terms, the mean guide. average calculation time using exofit on 26 radial veloc- ity data sets ranging from 10 to 50 data entries for a 1- planet search was 44 seconds per data entry. For a 2-planet search using 30 data sets with between 11 and 256 entries, 4 DATA ANALYSIS the calculation time increased to 3 minutes and 40 sec- As of 2009 August 21, when the data sets were ex- onds per data entry. These times were achieved on a 2.80 tracted from the literature (Butler et al. (2006), and ref- GHz dual core linux system. Multiple runs were performed erences therein), there were 295 planetary systems de- in order to confirm the orbital solutions for each system tected using the radial velocity method according to - these analyses were carried out using the UCL Legion, with 346 individual planets in to- High Performance Computing Facility, details of which can tal. Some radial velocity data sets from the literature have be found at fewer than ten entries and as such are not appropriate for computing/services/legion-upgrade. (cid:13)c 2011RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 A Uniformly Derived Catalogue of Exoplanets from Radial Velocities 3 5 MODEL SELECTION 2-planetfitsforallsystemsanalysed.Theorbitalparameters used to fit to the model were the systematic velocity offset One of the most challenging aspects of the statistical in- ofthedataV,theorbitalperiodoftheplanetT,theradial ference procedure is the model selection problem. For the velocitysemi-amplitudeK,theorbitaleccentricitye,thear- analysisoftheradialvelocitydatathequestionofmodelse- gument of periastron ω, and χ, parameterising the fraction lectionreferstotheselectionofthecorrectnumberofplan- of the orbit at the start time of the data along which the etstofittheobserveddata.Ford&Gregory(2007);Gregory planet has travelled from the point of periastron passage. (2007)employedthermodynamicintegrationforcalculating The final parameter, s, is a measure of all extra signal in the Evidence and selecting the optimal number of planets the data after the planetary fits have been accounted for, that fit the data. On the other hand, Feroz et al. (2011b,a) and hence a high value could indicate the presence of an approached the situation as an object detection problem. additional planet, or noisy data due to stellar activity, or One of the most commonly employed model selection the combined noise from all sources. The reader is referred proceduresmakesuseofthechi-squarestatistic.Thisisone toBalan&Lahav(2009)foramorecompletedescriptionof ofthemostprominentmethodsforestimatingthegoodness this parameter, which is not considered in any more detail offitandithasbeenappliedtomanyastronomicalproblems in this study. It should also be noted that the orbital pa- includingtheanalysisofradialvelocitydata(seee.g.Butler rameter χ is not related to the statistical measure χ2 used et al. (2006)). Bayesian inference also offers a straightfor- for determining the log likelihood ratio in Equation 3. wardwayofperformingstatisticalmodelselection,basedon The direct output values from exofit shown in the Equation1andtheEvidence.Eventhoughthisapproachis tables are the medians of the parameter posterior distri- conceptually simple, its implementation is in general com- butions, and the associated 68.3% confidence regions. The putationallyexpensive,andexofitdoesnotcurrentlyhave other displayed derivable parameters of the systems (mass thefunctionalitytoperformsuchBayesianmodelselection. and semi-major axis) were calculated by transforming the Hence, in the present analysis, we make use of the tra- orbital parameter posteriors using the standard relations, ditional chi-square statistic as well as a visual flagging ap- proach, discussing the relationship between the two in Sec- a = m∗a∗sini, (4) tion8.Welimitourselvesto1or2planets,asperthecurrent p m sini p capabilitiesofthecode,butthismayofcoursebeextended and, in later studies. The rationale behind the visual flagging is √ thatonecanidentifythepoorfitstothedatabycomparing K m2/3T1/3 1−e2 m sini ≈ ∗ ∗ , (5) thepredictedradialvelocitycurvesforthe1-planetandthe p (2πG)1/3 2-planet solutions. The method involves assigning a ‘visual assuming m (cid:28) m . The final values for these deriv- quality flag’ by eye to each system, where ‘1’ signifies that p ∗ able quantities were again taken to be the medians with the 1-planet fit is best, ‘2’ means that the 2-planet fit is 68.3% confidence regions, and are also displayed in the ta- best,and‘3’meansthatboth1-and2-planetsolutionspro- bles. vide equally good (or equally bad) fits. The results of this classification are shown in Table 6, next to the number of planets currently confirmed to exist in that system, taken by comparing the values on both 6.1 Choice of priors and (as these catalogues do not agree The prior distributions and ranges used for the initial anal- with each other in some cases). ysiswereasshowninTables1and2.Thepriorforthesys- Table6alsoshowstheloglikelihoodratioofthereduced tematic velocity was dependent on the system - the mean chi-square value of the 1-planet fit to that of the 2-planet of the input RV data was calculated and used as the initial fit, where we define the log likelihood ratio, value, and the allowed range was 10kms−1 symmetrically 1 about this. For some systems different sets of prior bound- R ≡ − (χ2 − χ2 ) (3) 2 1p 2p aries were used in a second round of analysis - these stars and the prior boundaries applied are listed in Table 3. Sys- Hence a value of R > 0 indicates that the 1-planet fit tems which did not return good fits using the normal prior wasbest(hadasmallerreducedchi-squarevalue),andR < boundaries were re-run with these ‘tight’ priors, where the 0 indicates that the 2-planet model provided the best fit to period of the planet was constrained to be within a range the data. For all bar one system (HD8574), every ‘1’ and given by, ‘2’ quality flag assigned to the fits by eye was in agreement with the calculated value of R, endorsing our method of T ∈ [T −2σ ,T +2σ ], (6) pub pub pub pub assignation by visual inspection (see Figure 5). For only a few systems there were not sufficient degrees of freedom to where Tpub is the published value of the period and calculateavalueforR(duetoe.g.onlyhaving11datapoints σpub is the published error on the period, both taken from for the 12 parameters), denoted by ‘-’ in the table. on 2011 August 01. Further con- straintsmayalsobeapplied,forexample,systemswithnear zeroeccentricitiesrequiretightpriorsontheorbitalparam- eter χ in order to avoid multimodal distributions (see Sec- 6 CATALOGUE OF EXTRASOLAR PLANETS tion8),whilstsystemswitheccentricitiesclosetounityneed In this paper the catalogue of extrasolar planets generated tightpriorsontheorbitalperiodT inordertoachievecon- using exofit is presented in Tables 4 and 5. These contain vergence of the MCMC chains. Examples of the output of thebestestimatesoftheorbitalparametersforboth1-and exofit are shown in Figures 1 and 2. (cid:13)c 2011RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 4 Morgan D. J. Hollis, Sreekumar T. Balan, Greg Lever, and Ofer Lahav Table 1.Theassumedorbitalparameterpriordistributionsand Table3.Radialvelocitydatasetsanalysedwithdifferentperiod their boundaries for a 1-planet model. The min and max values priorboundaries,forreasonsexplainedinSection6.2.Theinitial forthesystematicvelocityparameterwerethemeanvalueofthe value is set to the published value of the period, the maximum rawradialvelocitiesforthatdatafileminusandplus5000ms−1 value is the initial value plus twice the published error, and the respectively. minimumistheinitialvalueminustwicethepublishederror.This approach was generally necessary for those systems (e.g. WASP and XO data sets) where the number of datapoints available at thetimeofselectingthedatawaslow,thusrequiringtighterpriors Parameter Prior Mathematicalform Min Max toadequatelyconstrainthesolution. V(ms−1) Uniform 1 - - Vmax−Vmin T1(days) Jeffreys (cid:18)1 (cid:19) 0.2 15000 T1ln TT11mmainx System Initialperiodvalue Minperiod Maxperiod epsilonEri 2500 1800 3200 K1(ms−1) Mod.Jeffreys (cid:16)(K1+K10)−1 (cid:17) 0.0 2000 gammaCep 906 899.84 912.1 ln K10+KK110max GGJJ84896 11950.70649 11450.706412 21450.706568 e1 Uniform 1 0 1 HAT-P-9 3.92289 3.92281 3.92297 ω1 Uniform 21π 0 2π HD118203 6.1335 6.1323 6.1347 χ1 Uniform 1 0 1 HD12661 262.71 262.54 262.88 s(ms−1) Mod.Jeffreys (cid:16)(s+s0)−1 (cid:17) 0 2000 HD128311 924 913.4 934.6 ln s0+ss0max HD1H3D1616442 1395500 314826.88 325073.22 HD149143 4.072 4.058 4.086 HD162020 8.42820 8.428088 8.428312 HD168443 58.1121 58.111142 58.113058 HD169830 225.6 225.16 226.04 HD183263 627 624.8 629.2 Table 2.Theassumedorbitalparameterpriordistributionsand HD187123 3.096583 3.09656732 3.09659868 theirboundariesfora2-planetmodel.TheboundariesforV were HD189733 2.2185757 2.2185754 2.2185760 asdetailedpreviously. HD190360 2920 2862.2 2977.8 HD196885 1330 1300 1360 HD202206 255.87 255.75 255.99 HD20868 380.85 380.67 381.03 HD209458 3.5247486 3.52474784 3.52474936 Para. Prior Mathematicalform Min Max HD217107 7.12682 7.1267318 7.1268882 V(ms−1) Uniform 1 - - HD219828 3.833 3.807 3.859 Vmax−Vmin HD28185 379 375 383 T1(days) Jeffreys (cid:18)1 (cid:19) 0.2 15000 HD330075 3.38773 3.38757 3.38789 HD33636 2128 2111.6 2144.4 T1ln TT11mmainx HD38529 2146 2134.98 2157.02 HD46375 3.02357 3.02344 3.0237 K1(ms−1) Mod.Jeffreys (cid:16)(K1+K10)−1 (cid:17) 0.0 2000 HHDD4570543969 4234060 02.3284.2 8265035.8 ln K10+KK110max HD5319 670 636 704 e1 Uniform 1 0 1 HD68988 6.2771 6.27668 6.27752 ω1 Uniform 21π 0 2π HHDD7734216576 12256200 12244960 12257540 T2(χda1ys) UJenffifroeryms (cid:18)11 (cid:19) 00.2 150100 HHDD7850268096 31.1510.9423767 31.1510.94137529 31.1510.94339785 T2ln TT22mmainx HD86081 2.1375 2.1371 2.1379 HD89307 2170 2094 2246 K2(ms−1) Mod.Jeffreys ln(cid:16)(KK22+0K+KK22020)m−a1x(cid:17) 0.0 2000 HItPaTu7rE5B4So5-o38 315..133111.21406 5301..3201.9224232 235..163121.2247888 e2 Uniform 1 0 1 WASP-2 2.152226 2.152218 2.152234 ωχ22 UUnniiffoorrmm 211π 00 21π WAXSOP--31 13..89446185334 31..98441648736 31..984416588348 s(ms−1) Mod.Jeffreys (cid:16)(s+s0)−1 (cid:17) 0 2000 XXOO--24 24..611255803883 24..611255802725 24..611255805941 ln s0+ss0max though,andmanysystemswerethenre-runwithtightpriors 6.2 Ambiguous systems on the period, given in Table 3. Some of these ambiguities For some of the systems analysed there is a clear trend in were caused by data which were poor, or less accurate due the radial velocities indicating the possibility of a second toage,ortoonoisyduetostellarjitter.Othersweresimply planet,butthedataarenotinformativeenoughtoproperly due to the correlation between ω and χ, or data not good constraintheorbitalparametersofsuchanobject.Plotting enough to constrain these two parameters. This resulted in the resulting radial velocity curve and judging by eye can near-uniform posteriors for ω and χ, and hence fits that help to assess and distinguish between the 1- and 2-planet match few of the measured datapoints as a result of being fitsandevaluatethevalidityoftheorbitalsolution,though shifted in time. Estimates for masses and semi-major axes such poorly-constrained orbits will lead to large error bars derived from these results are still valid however (provid- on the estimates of the orbital parameters. ing reliable estimates for T, K and e are obtained, which This did not always even lead to a clear classification wasgenerallythecase),asthesevalueshavenodependence (cid:13)c 2011RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 A Uniformly Derived Catalogue of Exoplanets from Radial Velocities 5 Figure 1. The resulting marginal posterior distributions of the Figure 2. The resulting marginal posterior distributions of the orbital parameters for a 1-planet fit to the BD-17 63 data, and orbital parameters for a 2-planet fit to the HD108874 data, and thecorrespondingradialvelocitycurve. thecorrespondingradialvelocitycurve. X2 s s 0246 0.00.4 0 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 10 0510 e2 w2 w1 X1 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Density 0.000.150510 5.0 5.1K1 5.2 5.3 0206004080120 0.42 e01.43 0.44 Density 2.5392 33.904wT321936.53984.0400 024680.00.2 03.04 360.13XK81204.02 420.344 165 170 175 180 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 K1 e1 0.2 V 0.4 T1 02468 0.03020 3025 3030 0.0 653 654 655 656 657 658 14 1146 1168V1280 2220 2242 0.0000.010 105.010 106.020T1017.300 108.400 109.500 (a) Posterior distributions of orbital parameters for BD-17 (a) Posterior distributions of orbital parameters for 63. HD108874. 31003150 llllll 60 l ll l ll l l l l l l 3050 l l l l 40 lll Velocity (m/s) 29503000 Velocity (m/s) 20 l llll lllll lll 0 l lll 28502900 l ll llllll −20 lll l lll l ll ll lllllll lll ll 53000 53500 54000 54500 11500 12000 12500 13000 13500 Time (days) Time (days) (b) RadialvelocityplotforBD-1763. (b) RadialvelocityplotforHD108874. on mean anomaly at epoch and the time evolution of the at very small values for T and K, and uniform for e, ω and Keplerian orbit. χ (i.e. there is no single solution for a second planet from The class 3 (both 1- and 2-planet fits equally good, or these data). From this an ‘Occam’s Razor’ approach could equally bad) systems, as introduced in Section 5, are those be taken and the assumption made that the correct model which were considered to be somewhat ambiguous even af- formostofthese‘3b’classsystemsisinfactthesingleplanet ter being analysed with tighter priors. This category was one.Inafewcasesthoughtheremaytrulybeasecondplanet subdivided further - in some cases these are distinct radial present, and the data used are simply not good enough to velocity solutions which provide plausible fits for both 1- change the likelihoods of the parameters from the initial and 2-planet models, and are classified as ‘3a’. However, ‘no-knowledge’ (uniform prior) situation. So for all class 3 therearealsosystemswherethe‘secondplanet’fitjustpro- systems,better(oratleastmoreup-to-date)dataandmore duces small-amplitude variations on the 1-planet solution complete analyses (such as using the log likelihood ratio in (see Figure 3 for an example), or where the 1- and 2-planet more detail to narrow down the classification) are required fitsareidenticalbutthe‘secondplanet’posteriorsarepeaks to accurately determine the correct orbital solution. (cid:13)c 2011RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 6 Morgan D. J. Hollis, Sreekumar T. Balan, Greg Lever, and Ofer Lahav thefinalparametervaluesfromvaryinganalysistechniques. Figure 3. The resulting radial velocity curve fits using the de- rivedorbitalparametersforHD89307.Imposinga2-planetmodel This highlights the value of using a consistent technique to on data with only one planet can have the result shown here, build up reliable databases of orbital parameters. where the 2-planet fit is the same as the 1-planet fit with a su- Asmassandsemi-majoraxisvaluesarethemselvesde- perimposedartificialsmall-amplitudeperiodicvariation. rivedfromperiodandeccentricity,anyinaccuraciesinalgo- rithms used will propagate, and also present discrepancies inthevaluesyieldedusing exofitandarelikelytoamplify outliersintheseplots.Theseoutlierswillbeinvestigatedin the future in order to assess the validity of the solutions. There are some discrepancies in the global distribution 40 of parameter values between this catalogue and the pub- l lished literature, especially for the eccentricity parameter. l This may be partly due to poor or out-dated data, and is 20 l almostcertainlyaffectedbytheubiquitouseffectsofcertain m/s) ll parameter correlations (as explained in Section 8). These Velocity ( 0 l snhiqouuelds dbeevealnoapleydsetdoienxpmloorreetdheetapilarianmtehteerfustpuarcee, amnodreteecffih-- l l ciently and minimize or eradicate such dependencies. −20 l −40 l l l 8 DISCUSSION Theprimaryobjectiveofthisarticleistoanalyseradialve- 11000 11500 12000 locity data sets uniformly, using a single platform for the data analysis. Butler et al. (2006) produced a catalogue Time (days) of extrasolar planets using traditional methods (using pe- (a) 1-planetradialvelocityplotofHD89307. riodograms and Levenberg-Marquardt minimisation). We have analysed a selection of radial velocity data sets us- ingaBayesianparameterestimationprogramforextrasolar planets. However, a model selection criteria is required for completion of the statistical inference process, and for this purpose,asdescribedinSection5,achi-squarestatisticwas 40 l employedaswellasavisualflaggingtechnique.Inconclusive l resultsareobtainedforafewdatasets,butfromthoseanal- 20 ysedhereitcanbeseenthatbothmodelselectionmethods l m/s) ll pFeigrfuorrem5.well, agreeing in 99% of cases, as demonstrated in Velocity ( 0 l ues dInevpeesntdigaotnintghefuprtohinetr,ewsteimfiantdesthoaftththeeocrhbii-tsaqlupaarreamvael-- l l −20 ttehrespuossetdertioorcdonissttrriubcuttitohneipsruendiimctoeddarlasduicahlvaenloacpitpyrocaucrhvew.iIlfl work flawlessly. However, posterior distributions of the or- l −40 l l l bitalparametersexhibitmulti-modalityonmanyoccasions. For example the parameters ω and χ are extremely corre- latedandtheirposteriordistributionsarebimodalformany 11000 11500 12000 datasets(anexampleofthisisshowninFigure6),especially Time (days) for planets with e ≈ 0. This problem has also been noted (b) 2-planetradialvelocityplotofHD89307. byGregory(2007),whoproposedre-parameterisationofthe problem as a possible way of dealing with this situation. Many data sets contain planetary signals whose period isgreaterthanthespanoftheobservations,andsoobtaining 7 COMPARISON OF ORBITAL PARAMETERS constraints on the orbital parameters of these objects is an Figure4showsvaluesforspecifiedorbitalelementsfromthe extremelydifficulttask.Thereareseveraldatasetswhereit literature against values yielded using exofit for each sys- was possible to obtain estimates for the orbital parameters tem.Themass,semi-majoraxisandperiodvaluesallexhibit for one of the planets, but then the second signal could not good correlations in general between the independently de- be constrained due to weak signal-to-noise. In most cases rived values and those in the published literature - this is these signals appear to be a linear or quadratic trend in unsurprising for the period as it has not been derived from the radial velocity data. Therefore, it becomes extremely other quantities. The eccentricity however shows a greater difficult to classify these objects as planets, and this is one spreadthanexpected-whereasouruniformlyderivedcata- of the reasons a visual flagging method was employed. One logueisconsistentintakingthemedian,thepublishedvalues example of this is shown in Figure 6, the results of the 2- use,ingeneral,manydifferentstatisticalmeasurestoextract planetfittothedataofthesystemHD190228.Thestrongest (cid:13)c 2011RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 A Uniformly Derived Catalogue of Exoplanets from Radial Velocities 7 Figure 4.Orbitalparametervaluestakenfrom,plottedagainstvaluesyieldedusing exofit.Plottedsystems areonlythosewhereexofitgaveunambiguous(eitherclass1or2)results. 2000 3 1800 2.5 1600 1400 2 1200 ExoFit 1000 ExoFit 1.5 800 1 600 400 0.5 200 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Literature Literature (a) Period(indays) (b) Semi-majoraxis(inAU) 8 1 7 0.8 6 5 0.6 ExoFit 4 ExoFit 0.4 3 2 0.2 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Literature Literature (c) Mass(inMJup) (d) Eccentricity Figure 5.Theloglikelihoodratioforeachplanetassignedtovisualclass1or2isshownin(a).(b)showsthesamedataonasmaller scale,aroundthethresholdatR = 0.Class2systems(opencircles)areallbelowthechi-squareambiguitythreshold,andclass1systems (filledcircles)areallabove,withthesingleexceptionofHD8574(shownasaredtriangle),class1butlocatedjustbelowthethreshold withavalueofR = −0.03. 1500 20 threshold threshold class 1 class 1 class 2 class 2 1000 hd8574 15 hd8574 10 500 5 0 R R 0 -500 -5 -1000 -10 -1500 -15 -2000 -20 Planet Planet (a) Log likelihood ratio with planet for all class 1 and 2 (b) Log likelihood ratio with planet for all class 1 and 2 systems. systems,intherange−20 ≤ R ≤ +20. (cid:13)c 2011RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 8 Morgan D. J. Hollis, Sreekumar T. Balan, Greg Lever, and Ofer Lahav Wehavealsofoundthatthealiasingeffects(seee.g. Dawson Figure 6.Examplesofbimodalandambiguousposteriordensi- ties,obtainedfromHD49674andHD190228. & Fabrycky (2010)) in observations can produce additional peaksintheposteriordistributions,necessitatingtheuseof the sharp prior on the period. In summary, a brief overview of the Bayesian theory hasbeengivenhere,alongwithadescriptionoftheMCMC s approach used in order to estimate the orbital parameters 0.4 of extrasolar planets, more details of which can be found 0.2 0.0 in Balan & Lahav (2009). A new catalogue of extrasolar 2 4 6 8 planets is presented from the re-analysis of published ra- w1 X1 Density 2 3 K41 5 6 7468100. 0.2 0.4 0.6e1 0.8 1.0 dstsseoytiaamlsuntlpetdvimtoaenrilsodbscymfirtoeuayrddsui9denc4agtetosdabydoscsitthesehttim-sisna,qsggvuudiiaviessriurhneiavgblteeedcbctaohwottnenehgieqoan1ur-ueitsh,ananeigtfdiiosovorni2mlnu-mgptbileoagatnnoshiseosotd.fdooAraarngbneraideatcaetha--l 0.0 02 ment in 99% of the cases presented here. Improvements in 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 this ‘model selection’ area of the analysis may be made by V T1 0.20.4 200400 t(a2k00in7g)ainntdoFaecrcoozunettaBl.ay(2e0si1a1nb,Eav);idmenorcee,riagsorsoeeunsainppGroreagcohreys 0.0 0 suchastheseareoutsidethescopeofthis‘proofofconcept’ −4 −2 0 2 4 4.942 4.944 4.946 4.948 4.950 study, but may be looked into in the future. Other further workwillincludeupdatingthiscataloguetoincorporatethe most up-to-date data, as well as extending exofit to be (a)Posteriordensitiesfora1-planetfittotheHD49674data, abletousetransitandmicrolensingresults,tosearchforan exhibitingsomebimodalityintheωandχorbitalparameter arbitrarynumberofplanets,andtolookintothepossibility values. of accounting for interactions between planetary bodies. X2 s 510 0.3 0 0.0 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0 2 4 6 8 10 e2 w2 02468 0246 TMhicehaaeultidheosr,s LwiosauldMelinkaehetom,thAanndkrePwauSltrGaonrgm,aRno,bRerotbeCrt. 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Clouth,andMilroyTravassofortheirhelpinanalysingplan- T2 K2 Density 0.0000.020 1050 110w011150 1200 0.000.06 100 150 X2010 250 300 edStetaunrdtysehnditapst,haSipTseaBtns.dacMaknHstouwidsleesndutgpsephsoipsrutfeprdopmobrytthafernoAmImsttrphoaepchIts/yaPsaieccrsrNGeenrwostutoupn-, 0.000.10 0.00.6 CetayveWnodlifsshonLaRbeosreaatrocrhy,ManerditOALwaacrkdn.oTwhleedgaeusthaorRsoaycaklnSoowcil-- 0 2 4 6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 edgetheuseoftheUCLLegionHighPerformanceComput- K1 e1 0.08 1.0 ingFacility,andassociatedsupportservices,inthecomple- 0.00 0.0 tion of this work. This research has made use of the Exo- 0 50 100 150 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 planetOrbitDatabaseandtheExoplanetDataExplorerat 0.000.06 −50220 −V50180 −50140.00000.00150 0 5000T110000 15000 hatttph:tT/tp/h:e/ex/ocwapwtlaawnlo.eugtucs.le.oarwcg.i.lulkb/eexmopaldaenaetvsa/ielaxbolceatf.orpublicviewing (b) Posterior densities for a 2-planet fit to the HD190228 data, showing ambiguity in the estimates for the ω, χ, and evaluesforoneoftheplanets. REFERENCES Balan S. T., Lahav O., 2009, MNRAS, 394, 1936 signalispickedupandwell-constrained,ascanbeseenfrom Butler R. P., Wright J. T., Marcy G. W., Fischer D. A., the error bars in Table 5, and in addition the values for TinneyC.G.,JonesH.R.A.,JohnsonJ.A.,CarterB.D., thisplanetmatchwellthosefromthefitforasingleplanet. McCarthy C., Penny A. J., 2006, ApJ, 646, 505 Thus we can be reasonably sure of the parameters of the Dawson R. I., Fabrycky D. C., 2010, ApJ, 722, 937 first planet, but those of the second, shown as HD190228b Eggenberger A., Udry S., Mayor M., 2004, A&A, pp 353– in Table 5, are significantly less secure. 360 Additionally, sharp prior boundaries were used on the FerozF.,BalanS.T.,HobsonM.P.,2011a,MNRAS,416, orbital period for several data sets. In these cases we have L104 found that either the planetary signal is very weak or the FerozF.,BalanS.T.,HobsonM.P.,2011b,MNRAS,415, signalfromasystematictrendfromanadditionalcompanion 3462 in the radial velocities masks the weaker planetary signal. Ford E. B., 2005, AJ, 129, 1706 (cid:13)c 2011RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 A Uniformly Derived Catalogue of Exoplanets from Radial Velocities 9 Ford E. B., Gregory P. C., 2007, Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy IV, ASP Conference Series, 371, 189 GregoryP.C.,2005,BayesianLogicalDataAnalysisforthe PhysicalSciences:AComparativeApproachwith‘Mathe- matica’Support.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress Gregory P. 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The values of the parametersT,K,eands(generatedfromexofit)arethemediansoftheparameterposteriordistributions,withtheassociated68.3% confidenceregions.Theotherparameterswerecalculatedusingthesevaluesandstellarmassestakenfromthepublishedliterature.Note thatsomeparametersareextremelywell-constrained,hencetheerrorsontheparameterestimatesaresosmallastoappeartobezero tothetwodecimalplacesshowninthistable.Afulltableinmachine-readableformatwillbeprovidedonthewebsite,andthereaderis directedthereifsuchdataarerequired. planet m∗(Msol) T(days) K(ms−1) e s mp(MJup) a(AU) BD-1763b 0.74 655.49+0.59 172.44+0.62 0.54+0.01 4.59+0.95 5.06+0.05 1.34+0.00 −0.62 −1.61 −0.01 −0.73 −0.05 −0.00 ChaHa8b 0.10 304.59+1.81 1221.89+186.78 0.15+0.15 32.67+130.79 8.60+1.12 0.41+0.00 −1.79 −128.02 −0.10 −30.48 −0.89 −0.00 epsilonErib 0.86 2503.68+57.36 17.83+1.93 0.16+0.16 9.44+0.91 1.05+0.10 3.43+0.05 −52.69 −1.81 −0.11 −0.82 −0.10 −0.05 epsilonTaub 2.70 597.53+12.02 96.16+3.93 0.13+0.04 8.85+2.48 7.66+0.30 1.93+0.03 −11.52 −3.85 −0.04 −1.95 −0.30 −0.02 gammaCepb 1.59 905.03+4.52 317.34+77.57 0.51+0.14 225.74+34.05 17.44+4.02 2.14+0.01 −3.68 −71.25 −0.16 −26.78 −4.15 −0.01 GJ3021b 0.90 133.70+0.20 167.02+3.87 0.51+0.02 15.86+2.34 3.36+0.08 0.49+0.00 −0.20 −3.95 −0.02 −2.05 −0.08 −0.00 GJ317b 0.24 672.33+8.26 90.96+46.14 0.45+0.20 15.63+4.38 1.36+0.40 0.93+0.01 −7.27 −12.10 −0.10 −3.16 −0.16 −0.01 GJ674b 0.35 4.69+0.00 9.50+0.99 0.11+0.10 3.55+0.58 0.04+0.00 0.04+0.00 −0.00 −1.02 −0.08 −0.46 −0.00 −0.00 GJ849b 0.49 2014.09+60.32 26.68+9.48 0.68+0.10 7.14+1.40 0.77+0.19 2.46+0.05 −61.27 −4.46 −0.09 −1.08 −0.11 −0.05 GJ86b 0.80 15.77+0.00 431.19+61.11 0.23+0.11 204.72+26.76 4.44+0.59 0.11+0.00 −0.00 −59.29 −0.12 −21.68 −0.59 −0.00 HAT-P-6b 1.29 3.85+0.00 115.69+3.99 0.04+0.04 8.73+3.25 1.06+0.04 0.05+0.00 −0.00 −4.17 −0.03 −2.46 −0.04 −0.00 HAT-P-8b 1.28 3.09+0.00 162.59+7.36 0.05+0.05 6.56+4.14 1.37+0.06 0.05+0.00 −0.00 −6.46 −0.03 −3.02 −0.05 −0.00 HAT-P-9b 1.30 3.92+0.00 84.50+10.56 0.12+0.14 4.09+9.61 0.77+0.09 0.05+0.00 −0.00 −9.37 −0.09 −3.40 −0.09 −0.00 HD101930b 0.74 70.58+0.40 17.99+0.89 0.08+0.05 1.92+0.65 0.30+0.01 0.30+0.00 −0.37 −0.91 −0.05 −0.46 −0.02 −0.00 HD108874b 0.95 395.16+5.60 34.93+3.82 0.05+0.08 13.00+1.65 1.21+0.13 1.04+0.01 −4.43 −3.57 −0.04 −1.38 −0.12 −0.01 HD11506b 1.19 1456.01+136.42 81.49+13.56 0.37+0.16 10.60+2.06 4.76+0.46 2.66+0.16 −85.10 −4.62 −0.10 −1.60 −0.23 −0.10 HD118203b 1.23 6.13+0.00 213.96+6.49 0.30+0.03 22.83+3.88 2.11+0.06 0.07+0.00 −0.00 −6.40 −0.03 −3.28 −0.06 −0.00 HD12661b 1.14 262.75+0.09 77.37+2.52 0.27+0.03 17.60+1.38 2.56+0.08 0.84+0.00 −0.13 −2.55 −0.03 −1.24 −0.09 −0.00 HD128311b 0.83 921.18+6.65 93.88+7.75 0.46+0.05 30.34+2.80 3.51+0.24 1.74+0.01 −5.13 −7.27 −0.05 −2.42 −0.24 −0.01 HD131664b 1.10 1976.18+32.94 356.10+24.90 0.64+0.02 5.11+0.79 18.03+0.85 3.18+0.04 −41.05 −18.59 −0.02 −0.66 −0.65 −0.04 HD132406b 1.09 1172.21+75.55 122.19+157.18 0.34+0.28 17.04+4.70 6.31+5.80 2.24+0.10 −49.55 −32.90 −0.19 −3.61 −1.47 −0.06 HD142b 1.23 344.05+2.12 32.00+7.12 0.19+0.16 20.29+2.53 1.24+0.24 1.03+0.00 −0.93 −6.14 −0.13 −2.15 −0.23 −0.00 HD142022b 0.90 1861.69+14.86 140.10+112.02 0.64+0.12 3.00+1.67 6.10+3.21 2.86+0.02 −13.47 −39.74 −0.09 −1.29 −1.36 −0.01 HD149143b 1.20 4.07+0.00 149.71+1.67 0.01+0.01 1.21+1.69 1.33+0.01 0.05+0.00 −0.00 −1.61 −0.01 −0.92 −0.01 −0.00 HD154345b 0.89 3332.50+84.05 14.10+0.84 0.05+0.05 2.84+0.37 0.96+0.06 4.20+0.07 −74.54 −0.85 −0.04 −0.32 −0.06 −0.06 HD155358b 0.87 194.26+0.88 31.86+1.98 0.21+0.06 9.69+1.03 0.81+0.05 0.63+0.00 −0.80 −1.97 −0.06 −0.89 −0.05 −0.00 HD162020b 0.80 8.43+0.00 1808.97+5.15 0.28+0.00 11.13+2.65 15.01+0.04 0.08+0.00 −0.00 −5.13 −0.00 −2.39 −0.04 −0.00 HD168443b 1.01 58.11+0.00 510.46+252.18 0.52+0.20 220.77+46.40 8.28+2.91 0.29+0.00 −0.00 −117.22 −0.18 −34.29 −1.94 −0.00 HD169830b 1.41 225.62+0.29 83.07+3.05 0.37+0.03 1.52+2.40 2.91+0.10 0.81+0.00 −0.31 −3.09 −0.03 −1.18 −0.10 −0.00 HD171028b 0.99 545.13+10.10 59.75+3.04 0.59+0.02 2.55+0.70 1.92+0.13 1.30+0.02 −12.19 −2.05 −0.02 −0.51 −0.10 −0.02 HD183263b 1.12 627.80+1.03 89.99+13.01 0.42+0.08 26.59+3.48 3.72+0.42 1.49+0.00 −1.64 −11.63 −0.09 −2.91 −0.41 −0.00 HD185269b 1.30 6.84+0.00 89.57+4.12 0.28+0.03 7.72+1.92 0.96+0.04 0.08+0.00 −0.00 −4.02 −0.04 −1.61 −0.04 −0.00 HD187123b 1.04 3.10+0.00 65.68+3.34 0.05+0.06 18.33+1.83 0.48+0.02 0.04+0.00 −0.00 −3.35 −0.04 −1.58 −0.03 −0.00 HD189733b 0.81 2.22+0.00 204.58+5.15 0.01+0.01 15.65+1.33 1.14+0.03 0.03+0.00 −0.00 −5.10 −0.01 −1.17 −0.03 −0.00 HD190228b 1.82 1141.21+15.40 92.26+4.58 0.52+0.04 1.23+1.87 6.07+0.17 2.61+0.02 −14.66 −3.48 −0.04 −0.94 −0.15 −0.02 HD190360b 0.98 2925.83+36.05 19.38+2.67 0.33+0.11 5.92+1.47 1.27+0.14 3.98+0.03 −41.53 −2.28 −0.10 −1.47 −0.13 −0.04 HD190647b 1.10 1038.09+5.27 36.78+1.19 0.17+0.02 0.97+0.70 1.92+0.06 2.07+0.01 −5.38 −1.17 −0.02 −0.65 −0.06 −0.01 HD195019b 1.02 18.20+0.00 270.12+1.54 0.01+0.01 10.42+1.19 3.54+0.02 0.14+0.00 −0.00 −1.55 −0.01 −1.14 −0.02 −0.00 HD202206b 1.07 255.90+0.06 585.94+6.24 0.42+0.01 30.18+2.61 17.41+0.16 0.81+0.00 −0.09 −6.13 −0.01 −2.31 −0.16 −0.00 HD20868b 0.78 380.79+0.13 97.02+7.97 0.61+0.04 32.81+4.04 2.31+0.18 0.95+0.00 −0.09 −7.95 −0.04 −3.35 −0.18 −0.00 HD209458b 1.13 3.52+0.00 84.33+0.87 0.01+0.01 3.34+0.69 0.69+0.01 0.05+0.00 −0.00 −0.87 −0.01 −0.67 −0.01 −0.00 HD212301b 1.05 2.27+0.00 56.31+5.83 0.08+0.08 17.70+3.65 0.37+0.04 0.03+0.00 −0.00 −5.94 −0.05 −2.73 −0.04 −0.00 HD217107b 1.11 7.13+0.00 140.71+2.35 0.15+0.02 22.70+1.23 1.41+0.02 0.08+0.00 −0.00 −2.41 −0.02 −1.12 −0.02 −0.00 HD219828b 1.24 3.84+0.01 3.11+7.83 0.58+0.32 15.98+2.97 0.02+0.05 0.05+0.00 −0.02 −2.55 −0.39 −2.27 −0.02 −0.00 HD221287b 1.30 458.77+8.13 69.77+8.66 0.11+0.10 10.16+1.97 3.14+0.38 1.27+0.01 −6.20 −6.77 −0.07 −1.50 −0.32 −0.01 HD224693b 1.30 26.73+0.03 39.92+1.52 0.04+0.04 1.92+1.07 0.70+0.03 0.19+0.00 −0.03 −1.53 −0.03 −1.10 −0.03 −0.00 HD23127b 1.13 1226.63+21.59 27.75+3.08 0.44+0.09 10.89+2.03 1.42+0.17 2.34+0.03 −21.71 −2.84 −0.10 −1.67 −0.16 −0.03 HD2638b 0.93 3.44+0.00 67.59+1.06 0.01+0.01 3.31+0.70 0.48+0.01 0.04+0.00 −0.00 −1.02 −0.01 −0.57 −0.01 −0.00 HD27442b 1.20 415.32+6.25 32.48+1.79 0.07+0.06 2.98+1.41 1.34+0.07 1.16+0.01 −5.74 −1.76 −0.04 −1.13 −0.07 −0.01 HD27894b 0.75 18.01+0.02 57.01+1.61 0.04+0.03 4.39+1.08 0.61+0.02 0.12+0.00 −0.01 −1.66 −0.02 −0.83 −0.02 −0.00 HD28185b 0.99 381.81+0.83 174.72+12.09 0.05+0.02 7.82+1.76 6.19+0.43 1.03+0.00 −1.32 −7.75 −0.02 −1.53 −0.28 −0.00 HD285968b 0.49 10.23+0.00 11.88+2.24 0.25+0.20 2.47+1.77 0.08+0.01 0.07+0.00 −0.00 −1.79 −0.17 −1.74 −0.01 −0.00 HD330075b 0.70 3.39+0.00 107.34+1.00 0.01+0.01 2.02+0.86 0.63+0.01 0.04+0.00 −0.00 −1.03 −0.00 −0.74 −0.01 −0.00 HD33636b 1.02 2127.74+11.40 389.98+156.81 0.90+0.03 0.57+0.69 11.02+2.19 3.26+0.01 −11.04 −152.41 −0.11 −0.42 −1.89 −0.01 HD3651b 0.88 60.36+0.04 9.60+1.91 0.54+0.15 7.73+0.68 0.14+0.02 0.29+0.00 −0.05 −1.60 −0.16 −0.61 −0.02 −0.00 HD38529b 1.48 2143.62+8.24 177.12+6.26 0.35+0.03 40.24+2.46 13.65+0.42 3.71+0.01 −6.24 −6.00 −0.03 −2.22 −0.42 −0.01 continuedonnextpage... (cid:13)c 2011RAS,MNRAS000,1–9