A Two Level Feedback System Design to Regulation Service Provision Bowen Zhang1 and John Baillieul2 Abstract—Demand side management has gained increasing simple as uniform. More recently, the possibility to integrate importanceasthepenetrationofrenewableenergygrows.Based DLC into load smoothing or following is investigated. The onaMarkovjumpprocessmodellingofagroupofthermostatic notion of packetized DLC is proposed in [9] to smooth loads,thispaperproposesatwolevelfeedbacksystemdesignbe- electricity consumption with shortened appliances duty cycle. tweentheindependentsystemoperator(ISO)andtheregulation serviceprovidersuchthattwoobjectivesareachieved:(1)theISO Load following can also be found in [10]-[12] where various can optimally dispatch regulation signals to multiple providers of control methods including discrete time directly on/off 3 in real time in order to reduce the requirement for expensive actuation control, set point shifting, as well as model based 1 spinningreserves,and(2)eachregulationprovidercancontrolits predictive control are used. Results in these papers show that 0 thermostaticloadstorespondtheISOsignal.Itisalsoshownthat loads, by acting as both a positive and negative generation 2 theamountofregulationservicethatcanbeprovidedisimplicitly restrictedbyafewfundamentalparametersoftheprovideritself, source, is a promising resource to response against the load n such as the allowable set point choice and its thermal constant. request from the ISO to maintain supply demand balance. a J An interesting finding is that the regulation provider’s ability While the study of the DLC itself seems to be comprehen- to provide a large amount of long term accumulated regulation 7 sive,therearetwoissuesremaintobeanswered.Thefirstone and short term signal tracking restrict each other. Simulation 2 is the limitation of regulation provision, namely what is the results are presented to verify and illustrate the performance of the proposed framework. maximum regulation can be provided by a specific provider ] Y given its implicit features such as population of appliances pool, parameters in its own model. The second one is about S I. INTRODUCTION the information exchange between the ISO and the providers. . s Wind energy, known as the most widely used form of Instead of the one way command-like signalling, can we c [ clean and renewable generation resource in power systems, design another framework such that the ISO can get feedback is increasing its penetration around the world. Europe, Asia, information from providers? If so, how beneficial is it to the 1 and North America will have an exponential yearly increase real time operation? v 6 in the amount of added wind power capacity by 2020 [1]. The objective of this paper is to answer these questions by 8 The increase in wind energy makes the generation side less developing a two layer feedback control system. We focus 3 controllable due to the intermittent feature of wind. As a primarily on smart buildings that are operated by a central 6 consequence, building level demand side management (DSM) operator who has the authority to shift the set point of . 1 for thermostatic load becomes a crucial part that can be thermostaticapplianceswithinthebuilding.Consumersareas- 0 achieved generally through either a price-based signalling sumed to authorize the operator to control their set point once 3 control [2]-[5] or a non-priced direct load control (DLC). they provide the allowable set point range. It will be shown 1 Compared with pricing mechanism, the operator in DLC can that the operator in the lower feedback layer can design a : v have better understanding of the loads’ response in order to feedback control law to track the ISO regulation signal within Xi provide short time scale regulation services [6]. a certain ramping rate. The higher feedback loop is designed DLC approaches on thermostatic loads have been studied between the ISO and buildings where the former dispatches r a extensively during the past decade for difference purposes, real time signals and the latter send back information to including load shifting, load smoothing, and load following. characterize their instant-by-instant capability to respond. We A primitive investigation on load shifting has been studied also derive analytically the maximum possible regulation that with a state queuing model to illustrate the effect of set-point can be provided from buildings based on two considerations change [7]. It is shown that even a simple step change will – the capability to provide long term accumulated and short resultinacomplicatedloadprofileduetotheinstantlychange term (one step) ramping regulation. It is further shown that of loads’ status. Taking into account both the appliances two fundamental parameters determining the capability are duty cycle as well as probabilistic consumer behaviour, a the building thermal constant τ and appliances temperature steady state appliances population distribution during an load gain T . Large τ enables the building to provide larger long g shifting demand response is analysed in [8]. Results shows term, but smaller short term regulation service. Large T g that the steady state distribution exists and may not be as performs oppositely. The overall two level system has a good performance in real time operation as it reduces the amount *TheauthorsgratefullyacknowledgesupportoftheU.S.NationalScience of spinning reserves required from high-cost generators. FoundationunderEFRIGrant1038230 1Corresponding author. Division of Systems Eng., Boston University, 15 The paper proceeds as follows. Section II develops the St.MarysSt.,Brookline,MA02446,email:[email protected] state space model for which the feedback system is designed. 2Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng., Dept. of Mechanical Eng., and Section III gives the overall design of the two layer feedback Division of Systems Eng., Boston University, 110 Cummington St., Boston, MA02215,email:[email protected] system in which we first introduce the lower layer controller with feedback linearization, followed by the investigation of maximum possible regulation provision, and then the higher level feedback design that includes a quadratic program to optimallydispatchrealtimeregulationtoindividualbuildings. Section IV discusses an observer design to asymptotically reducetheestimationerrorforunobservablestates.Simulation results are given in section V to show the performance of the proposedsystem.SectionVIconcludesthepaperandproposes future work. II. MARKOVJUMPTHERMALPROCESSMODELLING We model the system as a continuous time, discrete state Fig. 1. Markov jump process modelling. (a) Markov chain transition rate Markov jump process where a state i is defined as a pair of diagram. (b) Transition from state i to i+1. With temperature rise ∆T temperaturevalueandthermostatvalue{T ,on(off)}.Previous (length of arrow), appliances whose temperatures inside the dotted area (A, i literaturehasconsideredsimilarstatedefinitions-forexample C,E)changestateandoutside(B,D)remaininthesamestate. [7], [8], [10]. The departure of our modelling approach from previous ones is that we consider state in a Markov setting where the second equality follows from the relation between and establish the implicit relations between thermal processes warming rate and duty cycle. Since p = p , comparing and the Markov jump processes. The Markov jump process i,i+1 dot (1) with (3) we have α = N/t . Similarly, β = N/t for model in this section is the fundamental model that we based off on the duty off process. to design the two level feedback system and to derive the When control is applied to shift the set point at a rate of limitation of providing regulation service. r (the unit of r is the same as r or r ), there is also Denotethefixedwidthcomfortbandaroundthesetpointas set set on off a transition between adjacent states within ∆t. Intuitively, [T ,T ]anddiscretizetemperatureinthebandintobinsof min max when we change the set point, the absolute temperature in widthδ,thenthenumberoftemperaturebinsisN =∆ /δ. band eachindividualroomdoesnotchangeinstantly,butitsrelative We say that an appliances is in state i for i = 1,...,N if positioninthecomfortbandchanges.Whenthesetpointrises, T ∈[T +(i−1)δ,T +iδ] with status off, and i for i= i min min namely r >0, we can show that the resulting transition rate N+1,...,2N ifT ∈[T −(i−N−2)δ,T −(i−N−1)δ] set i max max isu=r /δ.Thetransitionrateisthesamewithr <0.The with status on. set set combined transition rate by the thermal process and set point First let our control u = 0 and solve for the Markov shifting process is the sum of these two individual processes transition rate of the uncontrolled thermal process. Denote α as shown in Fig.1(a). Note that the allowable control set is the transition rate when the thermostat is off, and β the rate L = {u|−β ≤ u ≤ α} to maintain a non-negative Markov whenthethermostatison;seeFig.1(a).Inthedutyoffprocess, u rate.Whenu>αoru<−β,thesystemfailstobeaMarkov theprobabilitythatanapplianceswillbeinstateiattimet+1 chain. given in state j at time t is given by, Similar to (1), we can write the transition probability for α∆t+o(∆t) if i=j+1 the duty off process with non-zero control u, pi,j = 1−α∆t+o(∆t) if i=j (1) (α−u)∆t+o(∆t) if i=j+1 0 otherwise, p = 1−(α−u)∆t+o(∆t) if i=j (4) i,j where o(∆t) means lim o(∆t) = 0. The above equation 0 otherwise. ∆t→0 ∆t relates transition probability and transition rate for small ∆t. Let x(t) be a vector whose ith component is the probability It can be interpreted that the transition probability between thatanapplianceisfoundintheith stateintheMarkovchain. adjacent states linearly increases with small ∆t. The dynamics of x(t) for i=2,...,N is given by, i From a thermal point of view, the temperature rise ∆T within a small ∆t is proportional to its warming rate roff, xi(t+∆t)=pi,ixi(t)+pi,i−1xi−1(t), (5) ∆T =r ∆t. (2) Substitute (4) into (5) we will have, off Assuming that an appliance’s actual temperature is uniformly xi(t+∆t)−xi(t)=(α−u)∆t[xi−1(t)−xi(t)]+o(∆t). (6) distributed among its bins, then the probability that the state Dividing ∆t on both sides and taking ∆t to 0 yields the transits is equal to the probability that the appliance tempera- dynamics for the ith component in the duty off process, tureisinthedottedareainFig.1(b),namelyappliancesinthe dotted area change their state from i to i+1, and appliances x˙ (t)=(α−u)[x (t)−x (t)], (7) i i−1 i outside remain in the same state. for i=2,...,N. Similarly for the duty on process i=N + The probability of being in the dotted area is given by, 2,...,2N, r ∆t ∆ ∆t N∆t p = off = band = , (3) dot δ toffδ toff x˙i(t)=(β+u)[xi−1(t)−xi(t)], (8) and reflection boundaries i=1,N +1, x˙ (t)=−(α+u)x (t)+(β+u)x (t), 1 1 2N (9) x˙ (t)=(α−u)x (t)−(β+u)x (t). N+1 N N+1 From (7) to (9), the overall dynamics of x(t) is given by, x˙(t)=[A+Bu(t)]x(t), (10) where −α 0 ... β α ... 0 ... −α ... A= α −β ... , Finidgi.v2id.ualTtwraockleinvgelcfoenetdrboallcekrsfyosrteamgiwvehnereregthuelaltoiownersifgeneadlb,aacnkddtehseighnisghtheer ... ... β ... fpereodvbidaecrksesnuacbhlesthtahteincfoomrmmautnioicnatiiosnexbcehtwanegenedthteo IrSeOachanbdetttheer rreegaullattiimone ... −β 0 regulationsignaldispatch. 0 ... 0 β −β depends on the control u if 1 0 ... 1 −01 ...... 1 ... This meaxns(tt)he∈∈nu{{mxxb((tte))r∈∈ofRRc22oNNn||tCxroNBl(ltax)b(l+te)xa(cid:54)=p2Np0(l}ita,)n>ces0}a.round the B= −1 −1 ... . comfortbandboundaryispositive,soshiftingthesetpointcan ... ... 1 ... change the aggregated consumption. The following change of variables, ... −1 0 φ (x) 0 ... 0 1 −1 1 .. (cid:20) η (cid:21) The output of the system, namely the aggregated consump- T(x)= . := ξ , (13) tion, is φ2n−1(x) Cx y(t)=Cx(t), (11) yields the internal-external state space representation, where C =[0,...,0,N ,...,N ], and N is the total number c c c η˙ = f (η(t),ξ(t)) (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) 0 of appliances inNthe pool. N ξ˙ = C[A+Bu(t)]x(t) (14) y = ξ(t), III. TWOLEVELFEEDBACKSYSTEMDESIGN where η(t) stands for the internal and ξ(t) the external states [13]. Then the output becomes the external variable ξ(t). Based on the state space model developed in section II, To design a controller for a relative degree 1 system such we are able to design our two level feedback system as that lim ξ(t)−R(t)=0 where R(t) is the required amount showninFig.2.Inthebuildinglevelfeedbackloop,wedesign t→∞ of regulation needs to be provided, we need R(t),R˙(t) to be a state feedback law such that the building can track the available and bounded for all t > 0. This is obtainable since required regulation signal. The higher level feedback is from the ISO regulation requirement is bounded: R(t)∈[−R,R] each individual building to the ISO where the former send r r (R is maximum regulation sold to the market), and R(t) is their information to the latter to characterize the building’s r updated every 4 to 6 seconds prior to consumption. The time capability of responding to regulation signals. The ISO, after derivative of the tracking error, receivingallinformationfromeachparticipant,dispatchesreal time regulation signals after solving an optimization problem. e˙(t)=ξ˙(t)−R˙(t)=C[A+Bu(t)]x(t)−R˙(t), (15) The next sub-section will shortly discuss the building level will asymptotically approach 0 if u(t) is chosen such that controller design by feedback linearzation. e˙(t)=Ke(t),K >0. (16) A. Building Level Feedback Linearization Design The controller To solve the building level controller design for the non- u(t)=−CAx(t)+ 1 [−K(ξ(t)−R(t))+R˙(t)] (17) linear system described in (10) and (11), the feedback lin- CBx(t) CBx(t) earization method can be readily applied [13]. Note that the satisfies the requirement because substituting (17) into (15) system has relative degree 1 as the first derivative of y, yields (16). For the discrete signal R(t), we can calculate the R(t+∆t)−R(t) y˙ =Cx˙(t)=C[A+Bu(t)]x(t), (12) first derivative of R(t) as R˙(t)= . ∆t B. Long and Short Term Regulation Provision The third equation is based on the relation between transition In this section we proceed to answer the first question rate and duty cycle. The last equation says that the sum of proposed in section I, namely what is the regulation service cooling and warming rate is the rate that the cooling system limitation that a building can provide given its model param- generates because roff = ramb and ron = rapp−ramb, see [9]. eters and user specified settings. This question has two parts: ramb is the warming rate caused by the ambient temperature (1) in the long term, we need the accumulated shift of set that higher than room temperature, and rapp is the cooling point to be within the allowable range to provide reserve, and ratecausedbytheoperationofairconditionercompressor.To (2) in the short term, we need the signalling change to be maintainthesetpointshiftwithintheallowablesetpointband within bounds such that the controller can track it. The first with T(0)=Tset, we need propositionwilldiscussthelimitationonlongtermregulation. 1 1 T(t)∈[T − ∆ ,T + ∆ ], (27) Proposition.1 For a given number of appliances Nc and set 2 set set 2 set allowable set point range [Tset − 21∆set,Tset + 21∆set], the which yields accumulated amount of reserve that a building can provide N τ∆ S(t)≤ c set. (28) up to time t is given by 2T g t (cid:4) (cid:88) S(t)= R(i), (18) Remark.1 According to proposition 1, the accumulated i=0 long term provision capability is proportional to three pa- and this is bounded by, rameters: N ,∆ , and τ/T . The intuition for the first two c set g N τ∆ parameters is that a large appliance population and allowable S(t)≤ c set, (19) 2T set point shift range enables the operator to provide more g service. As for the parameter τ/T , we note that a large where R(i) is the regulation signal at time i, T is the g g value of τ impedes, and T facilitates, the change of room temperature gain of air conditioner if it is on, and τ is the g temperaturewhenthesamecontrolisapplied.Thustheallow- effective thermal constant of the building. able accumulated provision is proportional to τ and inversely Proof. The total consumption up to time t is given by, proportional to T . g t (cid:88) When we consider short term regulation, the possible ramp P =tR + R(i)=tR +S(t), (20) cool b b of consumption is limited by the state x(t) because we i=0 are shifting the set point rather than directly turning on/off which is an average consumption level of appliances. Aside from x(t), we are interested in finding a S(t) few fundamental parameters that characterize the short term P =R + . (21) ave b t capability similar to those found in the first proposition. The This is equivalent to choosing a constant non-zero u to second proposition below provides similar results. maintain at a constant consumption level P . The relation Proposition.2 For a given number of appliances N and ave c between average consumption and non-zero control is, width of temperature band for a specific set point [T − set t N α−u 21∆band,Tset+ 12∆band], the amount of reserve that a building P =N on =N β+u =N . (22) canprovideforoneperiodrampingislimitedbythefollowing ave ct +t c N + N cα+β on off α−u β+u bounds, For an uncontrolled process at average consumption, N T N T −Nx c g ≤∆R≤Nx c g , (29) α 2Nτ∆ Nτ∆ R =N . (23) band band b cα+β where T is the temperature gain of air conditioner if it is on, g From the above three equations, we have, and τ is the effective thermal constant of the building. S(t) −u Proof. In the dynamic operation when the tracking error is =N (24) t cα+β 0, the feedback controller is given by, 1 resulting a constant value of control u= [N (αx −βx )−∆R]. (30) N (x +x ) c N 2N S(t)(α+β) c N 2N u=− . (25) tN Since the allowable control set is u ∈ [−β,α], then ∆R is c restricted by The set point shift after time t by the constant u is given by, −N (α+β)x ≤∆R≤N (α+β)x (31) c 2N c N T(t) =T(0)+tr set Using the relation between transition rate and duty cycle =T(0)+tuδ developed in section II and the fact S(t) N N T =T(0)− Nc (toff + ton) Nband (26) ∆band =toffroff =tonron, S(t) =T(0)− (r +r ) the following inequality is seem to hold: N on off c =T(0)− SN(t)Tτg. −Nx2NNc(r∆on+roff) ≤∆R≤NxNNc(r∆on+roff). (32) c band band Using the fact that r +r =T /τ yields (29). (cid:4) service R that a building can provide is given by, on off g r,max Remark.2 According to proposition 2, the short term pro- (cid:26) (cid:27) N τ∆ kN kN vision capability is proportional to Nc, and inversely propor- Rr,max =min 2c0Tset,min( t c, t c) . (33) tional to ∆ and τ/T . The proportionality to N shares g on off band g c the same explanation as in the first remark. The two inverse Proof.Forlongtermregulationservice,themaximumvalue proportionalitiescanbeexplainedbysayingthatsmallvalueof of S(t) for t∈[0,50] is S(t)=10R with t=30. According r ∆band makes the width of individual temperature bin smaller, to proposition 1, and large value of T /τ makes the thermal transfer faster. N τ∆ g 10R ≤ c set. (34) These two factors in turn facilitate the state transition to r 2T g provide larger one-step service. This yields Remark.3Theadvantageoftakingcomfortband∆ →0 band N τ∆ is that we can provide large value of one step service and R ≤ c set. (35) r 20T at the same time make each room temperature stick to the g set point, with the sacrifice that we shorten the appliance’s For short term regulation service, we need to track the rate of duty cycle. This tradeoff between system performance and consuming up and down starting from steady state. It is easy appliances functioning is consistent with what we find in [9] to verify that the steady state probability distribution satisfies, where electricity consumption can be smoothed by shortening β appliances duty cycle. x1 =...=xN = N(α+β) terRmemregaurkla.t4ioTnhperofvraiscitoionn. Bτa/sTegdaofnfec(1ts9)boanthdl(o2n9g),aintdcasnhobret xN+1 =...=x2N = N(αα+β). (36) seenthatabuildingabletoprovidelargeamountofshortterm Substitute the above equation into (29) and note that ∆R = ramping regulation is more incapable of providing long term R/k in a k minutes ramp process. Finally we have, r accumulatedregulation.Theoppositealsoholds.Thusthetwo capabilities restrict each other. R ≤min(kNc,kNc). (37) r t t on off C. Buildings in the Regulation Service Market Taking the minimum of (35) and (37) completes the proof. (cid:4) The above propositions determine the maximum regulation service that can be provided in the power market. To become D. Real Time Spinning Reserve a qualified provider in the U.S., a building needs to pass the When the real time consumption ∆P ramps up or down T-50 qualifying test [14]. Fig.3 shows the test signal from quicklyduetoshorttermstochasticconsumptionaggregation, PJM. The dotted line is the ideal consumption response that the ISO has to use spinning reserves to compensate for the the building consumes according to the test signal. Two key demand that cannot be covered by the regulation service. requirements are needed to pass the test: This follow from the limits of proposition 1 and 2. In such • Rate of response: the building needs to able to reach the cases, a feedback signal from the provider side to the ISO maximum or minimum consumption level within 5 minutes. is beneficial to the ISO so that it can determine the needed •Sustainedresponse:thebuildingneedstoabletomaintain spinning reserve P . The following proposition establishes spin atthemaximumorminimumconsumptionlevelfor5minutes. the relation between P and ∆P when necessary building spin information is given. Proposition.3 Denote ∆P as the stochastic demand ramp inonestep,thenthespinningreserveP neededtomaintain spin grid balance is given by, P = (∆P −∆R )1 + spin max {∆P>∆Rmax} (38) (∆P −∆R )1 , min {∆P<∆Rmin} where 1 is the indicator function, and {·} (cid:26) ∆R = N (r x −r x )+ max c off N on 2N T −Tmin (cid:27) min( set set ,r )(x +x ) , ∆tδ on N 2N (cid:26) (39) Fig. 3. T-50 test by PJM where regulation providers are obliged to ramp theirconsumptionupanddowntomeetthetestrequirements. ∆Rmin = Nc (roffxN−ronx2N)− Tmax−T (cid:27) The following corollary gives the upper bound on the min( set set,r )(x +x ) , ∆tδ off N 2N regulation service that a building can provide. Corollary. To pass the T-50 qualifying test with a rate of are the maximum and minimum reserve provision threshold response within k minutes (k ≤ 5), the maximum regulation for the building. Proof. The allowable control u is limited by two factors. Then the objective function is given by The first is that the set point shift resulting from u should be m (cid:88) within the allowable set point range, max Wi−MP2 , (44) d spin T +∆tδu∈[Tmin,Tmax]. i=1 set set set namely we are maximizing the sum of m regulation service The second is the requirement of maintaining non-negative widths from each building at time t+1, minus the spinning Markov rate, generation penalty P with positive coefficient M. The spin u∈[−β,α]. maximization problem is subject to the following type of From the above two inequalities, constrains: (cid:20) Tmin−T Tmax−T (cid:21) State Dynamics: u∈ max( set set,−β),min( set set,α) . (40) ∆tδ ∆tδ xi(t+1)=xi(t)+∆t(αi−ui)(xi (t)−xi(t)), N N N-1 N From (30), the one period ramping can be expressed in terms xi (t+1)=xi (t)+∆t(βi+ui)(xi (t)−xi (t)). of u, 2N 2N 2N-1 2N (45) (cid:8) (cid:9) ∆R=Nc (αxN−βx2N)−u(xN+x2N) (41) Feedback Controller: Substituting (40) into (41) yields ∆R ∈ [∆Rmin,∆Rmax], Nci∆t(xiN(t)+xi2N(t))ui+∆Ri =Nci∆t(αxiN(t)−βxi2N(t)). where ∆Rmin and ∆Rmax take values in (39). For the grid (46) balance, we have, Supply-demand Balance: ∆P =∆R+P , (42) m spin (cid:88) ∆Ri+P =∆P. (47) spin andwewishtouseaslittlespinningreserveaspossible.Then i=1 P will take value in (38). The indicator function in (38) spin Non-negative Markov Rate: gives the condition that ∆P is outside the range of ∆R.(cid:4) IntheU.S.regulationservicemarket,theISOhaspurchased βi ≤ui ≤αi. (48) regulation service a day ahead from multiple m providers. Allowable Regulation Range: Assuming that feedback signals are set up between all the providersandtheISOsuchthatthelatterreceivesinformation R −R ≤Cx+∆Ri ≤R +R. (49) b r b r from all of them every 4 seconds. Upon receiving these Allowable Set Point Range: information, the ISO knows their individual instant capability range [∆Rmiin,∆Rmiax],i=1,...,m, and then dispatches regula- Tsmetin,i ≤Tsiet(t+1)=Tsiet(t)+ui∆tδ ≤Tsmetax,i. (50) tion signals to each of them. The signals are dispatched such that the minimum spinning generation is used and such that The above optimization cannot be solved with standard tech- it should be within the range of capability for the building nique because the objective function has the minimum opera- to respond. Most of the time, the one period ramping is tor. We transform the original problem into a QP. Let within the total regulation capability of the m buildings so Ti (t+1)−Tmin,i no spinning generation is needed. In such cases, the ISO can mi1 =min( set ∆tδ set ,roin), (51) havemorethanonedispatchsolution.Thequestionarisesthat Tmax,i−Ti (t+1) mi =min( set set ,ri ). howtheISOshoulddispatchsignalsinanoptimized way.The 2 ∆tδ off next subsection answers the question by solving a quadratic Then the original objective function becomes program (QP). m max (cid:80)Ni(xi(t+1)+xi (t+1))(mi +mi) E. Optimization of Real Time Regulation Signal Dispatch i=1 c N 2N 1 2 (52) When there is more than one solution to the regulation −MP2 . spin dispatch at time t such that no spinning generation is needed, If we add the following constrains, an optimal way to dispatch is that we maximize the regu- lation provision capability at time t + 1. From proposition 3, the ith building can provide regulation service with range mi1 ≤ron, r∆egRul∈atio[∆nRsemirivni,c∆eRismigaxiv].enThbeywidth of the closed interval of mi1 ≤ Tsiet(t+∆1)tδ−Tsmetin,i, (53) mi ≤r , 2 off Wi =∆Ri −∆Ri Tmax,i−Ti (t+1) d max min mi ≤ set set , 2 ∆tδ =Ni(xi(t+1)+xi (t+1)) (cid:26) c TNi (t+1)−T2Nmin,i (43) and solve the QP, min( set set ,ri )+ ∆tδ on max (52) Tmax,i(t+1)−Ti (cid:27) (54) min( set set,ri ) . ∆tδ off s.t. (45)−(50),(53), we will obtain the same optimal solution as solving the original problem. This is because when reaching the optimal A˜= solution, one of the inequality constraints for both mi and −α+u 0 ... β+u 1 mi2 in (53) will be strict, otherwise the optimal solution is α−u ... not reached since we can increase the value of mi1 or mi2 0 ... −α+u ... to increase the value of objective function due to positive coefficient Nci(xiN(t + 1) + xi2N(t + 1)) in (52). Then (51) α−u −β−u ... + itshesaotrisigfiiendalanpdrobolpetmim.izNinogteotvheart ((5544))ihsaesqquuivaadlreanttictoobsjoelcvtiinvge ... ... β+u ... function with linear constraints, Matlab or CPLEX can solve ... −β−u 0 0 ... 0 ... β+u −β−u this QP efficiently. (cid:15)(t) 0 ... 0 0 ... In controllerIVd.esSigTnAT(E17O),BiStEiRsVaEsRsuDmEeSdIGthNat x(t) can be 0 ... (cid:15)(t) ... measured. If this is not true, especially when the temperature 0 (cid:15)(t) ... . bcaannndotispfironveliydeditshcerertiezqeudi,reid.e.pδrecisisisomna,llwseonteheadt tthoe dseensisgonr ... ... 0 ... an observer to estimate the state. Considering the following ... (cid:15)(t) 0 dynamics of the observer, 0 ... 0 −NcL2N ... −NcL2N (cid:15)(t)−NcL2N. (61) x˜˙ =Ax˜+Bx˜u+L(t)(y−Cx˜), (55) DenoteA˜ asthei−by−isquarematrixfromtheupperleft i where L(t) is the time varying column vector to be designed. part of A˜. In order to show that A˜ is negative definite, it is The last term is similar to the innovation term in Luenberger equivalent to show that filter [15]. Define the estimation error, e=x−x˜, then (−1)idet(A˜ )>0,for i=1,...,2N. (62) i e˙ =(A+Bu−LC)e. (56) For i = 1,...,2N − 1, A˜ is a triangular matrix whose i determinantistheproductofitsdiagonalelements.From(61), In the observer design, we restrict the allowable control set to the diagonal elements A˜ is given by, prevent control saturation with some small constant positive i,i margin (cid:15)˜>0, (cid:26) −α+u+(cid:15)(t) if i=1,...,N A˜ = (63) i,i −β−u+(cid:15)(t) if i=N +1,...,2N −1 u(t)∈[−β+(cid:15)˜≤u(t)≤α−(cid:15)˜]. (57) Since (cid:15)(t)=γmin[β+u(t),α−u(t)], we have A ≤(γ− i,i This guarantees an irreducible and ergodic Markov chain. 1)min[β +u(t),α−u(t)] < 0 for i = 1,...,2N −1. This If the control signals is allowed to stay saturated, then the yields Markov chain breaks and some of the states become isolated, i see Fig.1(a) when you substitute u = −β or u = α into (−1)idet(A˜ )=(−1)i(cid:89)A˜ >0,for i=1,...,2N −1. the model. Estimation error of those isolated states cannot be i j,j j=1 guaranteed. (64) The following proposition states that we can select L(t) As for i = 2N, det(A˜) is a linear function of L as the 2N such that the estimation error will approach zero as t→∞. observer parameter only appears in the last row of the matrix, Proposition.4 If the control is chosen according to (57), so there must exists a L such that det(A˜) > 0. This 2N then the following holds: completes the proof of negative definiteness of the matrix A˜, (1) There exists a time varying observer design L(t) = and (58) holds. [0,...,0,L (t)]T such that 2N (2). Let (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) 2N−1 (cid:82)t(cid:15)(τ)dτ y(t)=e0 (cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)2, (65) eT(A+Bu−LC)e<−(cid:15)(t)(cid:107)e(cid:107)2 (58) then the time derivative of y(t) is given by, for all e(t) with (cid:15)(t)=γmin[β+u(t),α−u(t)], γ ∈(0,1). (2) The estimation error would converge to zero asymptot- (cid:82)t(cid:15)(τ)dτ (cid:82)t(cid:15)(τ)dτ y˙(t) =(cid:15)(t)e0 (cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)2+2eT(t)A˜e(t)e0 ically lim e(t)=0 (59) (cid:82)t(cid:15)(τ)dτ t→∞ =e0 [(cid:15)(t)(cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)2+2eT(t)A˜e(t)] Proof. (1). To prove (58), it is equivalent to show that (cid:82)t(cid:15)(τ)dτ <e0 [(cid:15)(t)(cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)2−2(cid:15)(t)(cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)2] eT(A+Bu−LC+(cid:15)(t)I)e<0. (60) (cid:82)t(cid:15)(τ)dτ DenoteA˜=A+Bu−LC+(cid:15)(t)I,thenA˜(t)canbeexpressed =−e0 (cid:15)(t)(cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)2 bythefollowingequationbasedonthespecialstructureofthe =−(cid:15)(t)y(t), state space matrices A,B and C derived in section II. (66) Thetimederivativefromtheaboveequationindicatesthaty(t) in (65) is stable at zero. (cid:82)t(cid:15)(τ)dτ On the other hand, from (65) we have lim e0 = ∞ t→∞ and lim y(t) = 0. Necessarily we need lim e(t) = 0 to t→∞ t→∞ satisfy these two conditions, which indicates that the error will approach zero asymptotically.(cid:4) Remark.5 (cid:15)(t) = γmin[β +u(t),α−u(t)] ≥ γ(cid:15)˜ is the lower (conservative) bound of the convergence rate we can achieve. In real time operation when the control signal is distributedacrosstheallowablesettobeawayfromsaturation, the numerical convergence rate is larger than the conservative (a) LongTermProvision bound. It should be noted that as the duty cycle increases, N N the boundary value of α = and β = decreases, t t off on which means we have smaller allowable control set. Then the value of control signal would be closer to the boundary than the scenario with small duty cycle appliances, therefore it is anticipated that the numerical convergence speed of the error vector will be slower for system having large duty cycle appliances. V. SIMULATION In this section, we provide three simulation to verify the theoretical framework proposed in previous sections. In the (b) ShortTermProvision first example, we will show how building parameters derived Fig.4. IndividualprovidersfailtopasstheT-50qualifyingtestduetoeither in the first two propositions restrict the maximum delivery aboundedallowablesetpointrangeoralimitedrampingcapability. of regulation service. In the second one, we will verify the effectiveness of the proposed QP optimization in regulation signal dispatch by reducing real time spinning generation. In B. Optimal Regulation Signal Dispatch thelastexample,wewillshowtheperformanceoftheobserver that asymptotically reduces the estimation error. WeuserealtimePJMdata[16]toverifytheperformanceof the overall two level control and optimization framework. We can see that the regulation signal is stochastic and ramps up anddownaccordingtotheareacontrolerrorwithnoapparent A. Long and Short Term Regulation Service Limitation probability distribution. Fig.5 shows the simulation results of Fig.4 shows how the long and short term restrictions on the proposed system with lower level feedback linearization regulation service affect the T-50 test. The first figure is controller design and higher level two-way communication an example of the inability to provide enough accumulated feedbackdesign.Fig.6isthesimulationresultwithonlylower regulation service due to limited allowable set point choice. level controller. We find that both systems can track the In this figure, the set point shift hits the lower bound of the regulation signal when it ramps up or down with the design allowablesetbetween15to20minutes.Asaconsequence,the of building level feedback controller, but they differ in the buildingcannotprovideasustainedhighconsumptionlevelby maximum ability of tracking. Compared with Fig.6, where further decreasing the set point. Similarly, the set point shift individual building regulation signals are proportional to their hittheupperboundafter40minuteswhichrestrictsthesustain maximumprovisionlevel(ISOdoesnothaveknowledgeabout provision of lower level aggregated consumption. realtimebuildinginformation,soitdispatchessignalspropor- The second figure is an example to show the inability to tional to their a prior maximum commitment), the signals in provide short term regulation service. Although the set point Fig.5 are determined by solving the QP. We find that the shift is within the allowable set, the ramping speed to provide consumption trend of red curve and blue curve are different positive and negative regulation service is smaller than the most of the time in Fig.5 that fully exploits their tracking required speed for a given maximum regulation obligation. capability, while in Fig.6 individual building consumptions This is because the thermostatic appliances in this simulation follow the same trend with proportionality. The accumulated have large duty cycle. For example, the typical duty cycle generationofspinningreservesisreducedwhentheregulation of refrigerators is around 20 minutes and has large effective dispatch is optimized by the QP, and the distribution of thermalconstant[17].Suchalargedutycyclegreatlyrestricts spinning reserve is more concentrated around 0 with smaller the maximum ramping rate in regulation service derived from variance. Tab.1 shows the statistics of both systems, the total proposition 2. spinning generation is reduced by 50% after optimization. The standard deviation, maximum, and minimum spinning generation is reduced by 30%, 30%, and 15% respectively. Furthermore, at times when the regulation signal ramps up and down at a fast speed, for example at 15, 30, 35, 40, and 50 minutes, the performance of the two level structured system in Fig.5 is better than the system performance without the design. This is because the required spinning reserves is largelyreduceddespitethesharprampingregulationsignal.To sum, the proposed two level feedback framework outperforms the system with only building level controller design. (a) BuildingOutputs (a) BuildingOutputs (b) SpinningGeneration Fig. 6. Real time regulation dispatch when the ISO does not receive information from individual providers. Spinning generation is more spread outaround0withlargervariance. norm converges to zero after 20 minutes when the duty cycle is10minutes,andconvergestozeroafter35minuteswhenthe duty cycle is 20 minutes. This is because smaller duty cycle enables a larger allowable control set, i.e the system has large values of α and β to prevent from saturation. In Fig.7(c) and Fig.7(d) we compare the distribution of control signals across (b) SpinningGeneration the allowable control set, it can be seen that the control signal Fig. 5. Real time regulation dispatch after the quadratic program is stays further away from saturation for system having smaller solved.Trackingbecomesclosetothetargetandspinninggenerationismore duty cycle. Such systems have a larger convergence speed of concentratedaround0withsmallervariance. the error vector. TABLEI COMPARISONOFSYSTEMSTATISTICS VI. CONCLUSIONSANDFUTUREWORK Unit/kW Spin.Gen. Mean Std.Dev. Max Min Thispaperproposesaninnovativetwolevelfeedbackdesign Opt.Alg. 10216 0.18 27.20 100.27 -210.59 system for the real time regulation provision. The lower level Prop.Alg. 20525 -0.44 41.97 146.19 -247.65 building feedback controller allows the building operator to track a given signal from the ISO, and the higher level infor- mation feedback from individual buildings to the ISO allows C. Observer Performance the latter to optimally dispatch real time regulation signals to We verify the performance of the proposed observer. multiple providers by solving a quadratic programming prob- Fig.7(a) shows the real and estimated value of two sample lem such that the cost of spinning reserves is reduced. During states, x and x , these are the two states around the the development of the system, we also derive analytically N 2N boundary of the comfort band that will affect the change in the building’s limitation on both long term and short term electricity consumption. We can see that the estimation error regulation provision and provide intuitive explanations that for these two boundary states approach zero after 20 minutes. match our theoretical results. To counter the problem with Fig.7(b)showstheconvergencespeedofthenormdecayofthe effective measuring, we also proposed an observer design to errorvectore(t)forapplianceswithdifferentdutycycles.The reduce the error of state estimation such that the feedback controller can work well. Simulation results indicate that the proposedframeworkissuperiorinreducingtheamountofreal time spinning reserve. Future work will include the modelling of similar two level feedback system but with price based signalling between the operatorandtheconsumers.Suchdesignwillfitintoproblems where consumers do not authorize the operator to directly control their set point. It is expected that price-based mecha- nism has looser control compared with the direct load control because consumers can choose their own utility function. Consequently, it enables consumers to obtain different level of desired comfort. (a) StateEstimation REFERENCES [1] http://www.emerging-energy.com/ [2] I. Ch. Paschalidis, B. Li, and M. C. Caramanis, “A Market-Based Mechanism for Providing Demand-Side Regulation Service Reserves”, Proceedingsofthe50thIEEEConferenceonDecisionandControland EuropeanControlConference,December12-15,2011,Orlando,Florida, doi:10.1109/CDC.2011.6160541 [3] M. C. Caramanis, I. Ch. Paschalidis, C. G. Cassandras, E. Bilgin, and E. Ntakou, “Provision of Regulation Service Reserves by Flexible DistributedLoads”,toappearinthe51stIEEEConferenceonDecision andControl,December10-13,2012,Maui,Hawaii [4] C.Su,andD.Kirschen,“QuantifyingtheEffectofDemandResponse on Electricity Markets”, IEEE Trans. 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