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A Transnational History of Right-Wing Terrorism: Political Violence and the Far Right in Eastern and Western Europe since 1900 PDF

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A TRANSNATIONAL HISTORY OF RIGHT-WING TERRORISM A Transnational History of Right-Wing Terrorism offers new insights into the history of right-wing extremism and violence in Europe, East and West, from 1900 until the present day.It is the first book to take such a broad historical approach to the topic. Thebookexploresthetransnationaldimensionofright-wingterrorism;networksof right-wingextremistsacrossborders,includinginexile;thetradingofarms;theconnec- tionbetweenright-wingterrorismandotherformsoffar-rightpoliticalviolence;aswell astheroleofsupportiveelementsamongfellowtravelers,thestatesecurityapparatus,and political elites. It also examines various forms of organizational and ideological inter- connectedness and what inspires right-wing terrorism. In addition to several empirical chaptersonprewarextreme-rightpoliticalviolence,thebookfeaturesextensivecoverage ofpostwarright-wingterrorismincludingtherecentresurgenceinattacks. Thisbookwillbeofgreatinteresttostudentsandscholarsofright-wingextremism, fascism,Nazism,terrorism,andpoliticalviolence. Johannes Dafinger is an Assistant Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Salzburg, Austria. Moritz Florin is a Lecturer at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right Series editors: Nigel Copsey, Teesside University, UK and Graham Macklin, Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX), University of Oslo, Norway This book series focuses upon national, transnational and global manifestations of fascist,farrightandright-wingpoliticsprimarilywithinahistoricalcontext butalso drawing on insights and approaches from other disciplinary perspectives. Its scope also includes anti-fascism, radical-right populism, extreme-right violence and ter- rorism, cultural manifestations of the far right, and points of convergence and exchange with the mainstream and traditional right. Titles include: The Germanic Tribes, the Gods and the German Far Right Today Georg Schuppener The Right-Wing Critique of Europe Nationalist, Souverainist and Right-Wing Populist Attitudes to the EU Edited by Joanna Sondel-Cedarmas and Francesco Berti Imagining Far-right Terrorism Violence, Immigration, and the Nation State in Contemporary Western Europe Josefin Graef A Transnational History of Right-Wing Terrorism Political Violence and the Far Right in Eastern and Western Europe since 1900 Edited by Johannes Dafinger and Moritz Florin For more information about this series, please visit: www.routledge.com/ Routledge-Studies-in-Fascism-and-the-Far-Right/book-series/FFR A TRANSNATIONAL HISTORY OF RIGHT- WING TERRORISM Political Violence and the Far Right in Eastern and Western Europe since 1900 fi Edited by Johannes Da nger and Moritz Florin Coverimage:©Scherl/SüddeutscheZeitungPhoto.Assassinationattempton KingAlexanderIofYugoslaviainMarseille,1934 Firstpublished2022 byRoutledge 4ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN andbyRoutledge 605ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10158 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2022selectionandeditorialmatter,JohannesDafingerandMoritzFlorin; individualchapters,thecontributors TherightofJohannesDafingerandMoritzFlorintobeidentifiedastheauthors oftheeditorialmaterial,andoftheauthorsfortheirindividualchapters,hasbeen assertedinaccordancewithsections77and78oftheCopyright,Designsand PatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orinany informationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthe publishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregistered trademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanation withoutintenttoinfringe. BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Dafinger,Johannes,editor.|Florin,Moritz,editor. Title:Atransnationalhistoryofright-wingterrorism:politicalviolence andthefarrightinEasternandWesternEuropesince1900/editedby JohannesDafingerandMoritzFlorin. Description:Abingdon,Oxon;NewYork,NY:Routledge,2022.| Series:Routledgestudiesinfascismandthefarright| Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. Identifiers:LCCN2021045961(print)|LCCN2021045962(ebook)| ISBN9780367612108(hardback)|ISBN9780367613365(paperback)| ISBN9781003105251(ebook) Subjects:LCSH:Terrorism--Europe--History.|Right-wing extremists--Europe--History.|Politicalviolence--Europe--History.| Transnationalcrime--Europe--History.|Europe--Politicsandgovernment. Classification:LCCHV6433.E85T732022(print)| LCCHV6433.E85(ebook)|DDC363.325094--dc23/eng/20211208 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2021045961 LCebookrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2021045962 ISBN:978-0-367-61210-8(hbk) ISBN:978-0-367-61336-5(pbk) ISBN:978-1-003-10525-1(ebk) DOI:10.4324/9781003105251 TypesetinBembo byTaylor&FrancisBooks CONTENTS Acknowledgements viii List of contributors x 1 Right-wing terrorism in historical perspective: An introduction 1 Johannes Dafinger and Moritz Florin SECTION1 In search of origins: Right-wing terror(ism) in an era of war and revolution 17 2 Terrorist entanglements: Socialist perspectives on state and right-wing violence in the late Russian Empire 19 Vitalij Fastovskij 3 Oppression, terror, and “split delegitimization”: The troubled relationship between the conservative authoritarian state and its right-wing critics in Hungary between 1919 and 1945 42 Béla Bodó 4 Terror and antisemitic student violence in East-Central Europe, 1919–1923 70 Roland Clark 5 Section commentary: Right-wing extremism, the question of power, and multiple entanglements 91 Felicitas Fischer von Weikersthal vi Contents SECTION2 Right-wing terrorism and fascism 97 6 Did the Polish Minister of the Interior have to be killed? The activities of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in the 1930s 99 Magdalena Gibiec 7 Marseilles 1934: The death of the King 115 Mario Jareb 8 Trading in arms, trading in terror: The Cagoule and right-wing terrorism in France 129 Gayle K. Brunelle and Annette Finley-Croswhite 9 Section commentary: The transnational space of fascism and terrorism 149 Ángel Alcalde SECTION3 Recent trends in right-wing terrorism: Eastern and Western Europe 157 10 “Glocal militancy”? Transnational links of German far-right terrorism 159 Daniel Koehler 11 “Of hobbits and tigers”: Right-wing extremism and terrorism in Italy since the mid-1970s 174 Tobias Hof 12 Transnational violence and the German connection: National resistance and autonomous nationalists in the Czech Republic 197 Ina Fujdiak and Miroslav Mareš 13 “Praise the saints”: The cumulative momentum of transnational extreme-right terrorism 215 Graham Macklin 14 Identifying extreme-right terrorism: Concepts and misconceptions 241 Gideon Botsch Contents vii 15 Section commentary: Researching transnational right-wing terrorism: challenges and trajectories 258 Fabian Virchow Index 267 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstandforemost,wearegratefultotheauthorsoftheindividualchaptersofthis book for their contributions, for their engagement with our core ideas, for their commitment and patience during the editorial process, and for the productive collaboration. We would also like to thank all the speakers and discussants at the conference “Towards a Transnational History of Right-Wing Terrorism: New Perspectives on Violence and Assassinations by the Far Right in Eastern and Western Europe since 1900” that took place in Erlangen in November 2019. Their insights and the lively debate during the conference not only highlighted the relevanceofthetopicunderdiscussion,butalsohelpedusredefineourcorequestions and theses for the present volume. For a variety of personal and professional reasons, not all participants were able to contribute a text to this volume. Nevertheless, their ideas and suggestions were helpful and valuable, and we have done our best to do justice to all of them in our introduction. In the course of the editorial process, a numberofcolleaguesreaddraftsofchapters,providingcommentsandinsights,andwe wouldliketothankthem,too. Igor Biberman and Darja Philippi-Frost helped with the organization of the conference at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, while Jahn Hermann, Sophia Hönicka and Boris Zaitsev assisted us with copy-editing the notes and index.BernhardRitterputalotofeffortintothedesignoftheflyerandtheposter for the conference. Many thanks to all of them! We would also like to thank our language editors, Allan Auld and Lucais Sewell, who worked hard, with speed and accuracy, to ensure the texts are as readable and fluent as possible. Theconferenceandthevolumewouldnothavebeenpossiblewithoutinstitutional support. The conference was co-organized and generously funded by the German AssociationofEastEuropeanStudies(DeutscheGesellschaftfürOsteuropakunde).In particular, we would like to thank Executive Director Gabriele Freitag, and head of the history section Julia Obertreis, who provided their backing for the project Acknowledgements ix throughout. In addition, the conference was supported financially by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), and the Dr. German SchweigerFoundation,Erlangen.WearealsoverygratefultotheUniversityAlliance Erlangen-Nuremberg (Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V.), the Luise Prell Foundation and the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Klagenfurt (Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) for supporting the processoflanguageandcopy-editingofthecontributionstothepresentvolume. We are delighted that Craig Fowlie, the Editorial Director for Social Science at Routledge,approacheduswiththeproposaltoincludethisvolumeintheRoutledge Fascism and the Far Right book series. We would like to thank him and the series editors,NigelCopseyandGrahamMacklin,forthisopportunity.Ourthanksalsogo toHannahRichatRoutledgewhoguidedusthroughthepublicationprocessandto AndySoutter,ourcopy-editor. Editing such a volume is a collaborative process, and we are grateful for the engagementandeffortthat alltheauthors have putintothis.Theediting hastaken place at a time that was partly shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic but also by repeated news of right-wing terrorist acts throughout the world. This has lent a sense of urgency to the process that is somewhat unusual for a historical project. Together with our authors, we hope this volume can contribute to a historically informed debate on the threat that right-wing extremist violence and terrorism continue to pose in Europe and beyond.

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