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Xerox University Microfilms 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 46106 LD3907 •®Z Gleeson, Thomas Alexander, 1920- 1950 a theory of annual temperature variations. New York, 19^0* xiii,77 typewritten leaves, diagr 29cm. Thesis (Ph.D.) - New York Univer­ sity, Graduate School, 1950* Bibliography: p.76-77• C57483 ) • Shelf List J Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 THIS DISSERTATION HAS BEEN MICROFILMED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED. libearz op SEW 1081 0NIV5R6ITY milVlRSITI HEIGHTS A THEORY OF ANNUAL TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS By \&+' THOMAS A. GLEESON April 1, 1950 A dissertation in the department of meteorology submitted in partial ful­ fillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at New York University. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Professors B. Baurwitz, J. E. Miller and Dr. E. W. Hewson have offered useful comments on this work, which are appreciated. The author is particularly grateful to Pro­ fessor H. A. Panofsky for very many valuable suggestions and criticisms, and to Dr. W. A. Baum for providing facilities and suggestions that were exceedingly helpful. Mrs, J. Massey very kindly typed the manuscript. -ii- PHELIMIHART STATEMENT OP OBJECTIVES The primary purpose of this thesis is to obtain a theoretical representation of the annual variation of temperature at a geographic location in terms of important components of the vertical energy bal­ ance for the atmosphere and earth. To this end, the procedure outlined below is followed. Three models are studied consecutively: Model 1. The troposphere is considered to be composed of two lay­ ers, (l) a surface layer of constant mean density wherein a vertical heat exchange coefficient is assumed to increase linearly with eleva­ tion, and (2) an upper layer wherein the exchange coefficient is assumed to be constant but the decrease of density with elevation is recognized. The surface layer of the earth is a third layer within which the soil density and coefficient of heat conduction are assumed to be constant. Differential equations of vertical heat transport are chosen to represent each of these three layers. Solutions to these equations are obtained and inter-related by suitable conditions at intervening bound­ aries. In particular, one of the two boundary conditions at the earth's surface consists of a theoretical energy balance composed of factors that influence the temperature. When the boundary conditions are satisfied, the annual temperature variation may be computed by means of values for these factors. Data exist for all factors but the exchange coefficient in air. Evaluation of this coefficient is then necessary. By trial and error the annual temperature variation at a chosen station is found to be determined -iii- accurately when this coefficient is assigned a particular value which is approximately the same at all elevations. Model 2. The above result then suggests that a surface layer of the troposphere wherein the exchange coefficient varies linearly with elevation is not necessary. This surface layer is no longer postulated; the solution for the upper layer is extended to include the total depth of the troposphere. The surface boundary conditions and the solution to the differential equation for the surface layer of the earth are retained from the first model. Unsatisfactory theoretical descriptions of the annual temperature variation at the same station are obtained by means of this second model. Inherent in this model is an unreal!stically large decrease of vertical heat transport upward from the surface. Model *3. The troposphere is then considered to be one layer charac­ terized by a constant mean density for which there exists a constant mean exchange coefficient. A differential equation of heat transport is chosen to represent this layer. The solution to this equation is related to the previous solution of the differential equation for the surfacel ayer of the earth by means of previous boundary conditions at the surface. This third model is simpler to use than the first model and yields better results than the second model when applied to annual temperature variations at the same station. Therefore the first two models are neg­ lected entirely, while the third model is applied to temperature varia­ tions at variousl evels at three additional stations, and is used to com­ pute the vertical heat exchange coefficient in the ocean. Neglect of certain physical processes, particularly advection, limits the regions wherein the theoretical representation of annual temperature variations can he successful. CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS........................................ ii PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OP OBJECTIVES..................... iii TABLE OP SYMBOLS....................................... ix INTRODUCTI ON............................................1 PAST I. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS OP HEAT VARIATIONS IN THE LOWER TROPOSPHERE.........................A PART II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS OF THE HEAT VARIATIONS IN THE GROUND.......................11 PART III. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AT THE EARTH*S SURFACE..................................... 13 PART IV. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS OF HEAT VARIATIONS IN THE UPPER TROPOSPHERE....................... 25 PART V. CONSIDERATIONS OP CERTAIN QUANTITIES.............30 PART VI. AN ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION FOR THET ROPOSPHERE.......Al PART VII. APPLICATIONS OP MODEL THREE................... A7 PART VIII. SECONDARY RESULTS OBTAINED BY MEANS OP MODEL THREE.................................66 PART IX. CONCLUSIONS...................................73 BIBLIOGRAPHY...........................................7 6 TABLES TABLE 1, Amplitudes of the annual temperature variations for one year and computed values of Kc at Seahrook Farms, New Jersey.................................. .8 TABLE 2. Ratios of average evaporation to average precipitation for various types of "bare soil. ........................... 18 TABLE 3. Mean monthly temperatures (°C) for 7 A.M. and 2 P.M., local time, at 8 mm and 2.2 m, Potsdam, Germany..........................33 TABLE A. Data for Ely, Nevada......................35 -vi- TABLE 5. Data for Hebron, Labrador................. 48 TABLE 6. Data for Ciudad Lerdo, Mexico..............51 TABLE 7» Data for Chicago, Illinois........... 53 TABLE 8. Data for the North PacificO cean.............67 TABLE 9. Eddy conductivities at various depths in the Bay of Biscay and the Kuroshio Area......... 70 FIGURES FIGURE 1, Computed and observed annual variations of temperature at 2 m above the surface, Ely, Nevada..............................,36 FIGURE 2. Computed and observed annual variations of temperature at 2 m above the surface, Hebron, Labrador ..................... 50 FIGTJFE 3. Computed and observed annual variations of temperature at 2 m above the surface, Ciudad Lerdo, Mexico...............’......52 FIGURE 4, Computed and observed annual variations of temperature at 2 m above the surface, Chicago, Illinois........................5^ FIGURE 5. Maximum amplitudes and phase retardations of the annual variations of temperature in the ground, computed from Hebron data and observed at Konigsberg................55 FIGURE 6. Computed and observed maximum amplitudes and phase retardations of annual varia­ tions of potential temperature at the sur­ face, and at 3» 6, and 10 Ion above mean sea level, Ely, Nevada................... 58 FIGURE 7. Computed and observed maximum amplitudes and phase retardations of annual varia­ tions of potential temperature at the surface, and at 3 and 6 km above mean sea level, Hebron, Labrador...................59 FIGURE 8. Computed and observed maximum amplitudes and phase retardations of annual varia­ tions of potential temperature at the surface, and 3» 6* and 10 km above mean sea level, Ciudad Lerdo, Mexico........... 60 -vii- FIGURE 9. Computed and observed maximum amplitudes and phase retardations of annual varia­ tions of potential temperature at the surface, and 3» 6« and 10 km above mean sea level, Chicago, Illinois..............6l FIGURE 10. Computed and observed annual variations of temperature at the surface, North Pacific Ocean........................... 68 FIGURE 11. Theoretical energy balance in the ver­ tical direction at Ely, Nevada............ 71 -vlii-

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