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A Theology for the Bildungsbürgertum: Albrecht Ritschl in Context PDF

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Leif Svensson A Theology for the Bildungsbürgertum Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann Edited by Bruce McCormack, Friederike Nüssel and Christoph Schwöbel Volume 189 Leif Svensson A Theology for the Bildungsbürgertum Albrecht Ritschl in Context ISBN 978-3-11-062559-2 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-062626-1 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-062646-9 ISSN 0563-4288 Library of Congress Control Number: 2020931426 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; Detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. © 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Frontispiece image: Albrecht Ritschl around 1880, used by permission of AKG/TT Nyhetsbyrån Print and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck www.degruyter.com To my loving wife, Elin Acknowledgments Mygratitudegoesouttoallwhohaveassistedandsupportedmeinthewriting ofthisbook.Firstofall,IwouldliketothankArneRasmussonforinspiringand encouragingmeovertheyears,firstduringmyundergraduatestudiesandlater onasmysupervisor.IhavegreatlybenefitedfromArne’sbreadthofknowledge and understanding, and his support, advice, and constructive criticism have been invaluable to this study. I am also very grateful to my assistant supervisors, Thomas Girmalm and MatsWahlberg,whohavebeenmostgenerouswiththeirtimeandsupport.Tho- mas has, amongother things,helped me withvarious practical issues and pro- videdmanyinsightfulcommentsandsuggestionsonmywork.Matshasbeenan important conversation partner throughout, and his excellent analytical skills andcarefulreadinghaveenabledmetoclarifyandgreatlyimprovethedifferent arguments. In2015–2016,IhadtheopportunitytospendthewintersemesterattheUni- versityofTübingenasavisitingdoctoralstudent.WhileinTübingen,VolkerLep- pin and Christoph Schwöbel read early drafts and gave me very valuable feed- back. They also commented on the entire manuscript at a late stage in the process. I am greatly indebted to their expertise and their most helpful sugges- tions. Drafts of this book have been discussed in Leppin’s research seminar in church history at the University of Tübingen, in the ethics seminar at Uppsala University, twice in the Swedish Research School in systematic theology, and alsoonseveraloccasionsintheresearchseminarinreligiousstudiesandtheol- ogyatUmeåUniversity.Ihavebenefitedfromthehelpfulcommentsbythepar- ticipants in these seminars. I especially thank Tord Larsson and David Wilje- brandfortheirclosereadingofdifferentdraftsandtheirperceptiveobservations. Completing the presentworkwouldhave been impossible without myfam- ily,whichisaconstantsourceofjoyandlove.Iamforeverindebttomybeloved wifeElin.Ourchildren,ErlingandHjalmar,werebornafterIstartedmydoctoral studies. Not only has Elin carried a heavy burden in order for me to finish this project, she has also encouraged me along the way.This book is dedicated to Elin. IamalsoverythankfultomymotherHilleviforherinvaluablesupportand wisdom.AndIthankmysistersChristinaandElisabethfortheirencouragement. Mymother-in-lawandfather-in-law,KerstinandKjell,deserveaspecialthanks. They have helped and supported me and Elin in innumerable ways during the https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110626261-001 VIII Acknowledgments yearsIhavebeenworkingwiththisbook.Ialsothankmysister-in-lawJohanna and brother-in-law Josef for their support. My research has been financially supported, in addition to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Umeå University, by the following foundations: Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, Sixten Gemzéus stiftelse, Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne, and Teologifonden. Contents Introduction 1  An Exercise in Historical Theology 3  Ritschl’s Nineteenth-Century Context 6 . The De-Christianization of the Bildungsbürgertum 6 . Historical Criticism, Materialism, and Anti-Lutheran Polemics 8  Ritschl and the Question of Kulturprotestantismus 12  The Organization of the Study 16 Part I: History  A New Turn in Historical Criticism 25 . Historicism 25 . Ranke and the Historical School 31 .. Introduction 31 .. Controversies with Hegel’s Philosophical School 38 . The Tübingen School 43 .. Strauss’ Das Leben Jesu 43 .. Baur’s Historical Method 53 .. An Overview of the Tübingen School 62  Ritschl’s Emancipation from the Tübingen School 64 . Under the Spell of Baur 65 . Die Entstehung der altkatholischen Kirche 68 .. The First Edition 68 .. The Second Edition 72 . The Controversy with Zeller 78 .. Introduction 78 .. The Question of Miracles 80 .. Philosophy and History 83 .. Connections to Historicism 88 . Lebensideal asa Category of Historical Analysis 94  Ritschl and the Quest for the Historical Jesus 102 . Reimarus and the Original Quest 102 . Ritschl’s Historical Jesus 109 .. Theology and Biblical Interpretation 109 X Contents .. Christ’s Person and Work 115 . The Apocalyptic Criticism of Weiss and Schweitzer 122 Part II: Metaphysics  Scientific Materialism and Late Idealism 137 . Anthropological Materialism 137 . Scientific Materialism 145 . The Materialism Controversy 151 . Late Idealism 158 .. Introduction 158 .. Lotze’s Philosophy 161  Ritschl’s Late Idealist Metaphysics 171 . The Question of Lotze’s Influence 172 . Theory of Religion 176 . Epistemology 180 . Value Judgments 186 . Criticism of Materialism 194  Ritschl’s Rejection of Classical Metaphysical Theology 200 . Classical Metaphysical Theology 200 . Natural Theology 203 . The Doctrine of the Incarnation 210 Part III: Ethics  The Values of the Bildungsbürgertum 221 . Autonomy, Bildung, Culture, Work, and Love 221 . A Conservativeand Nationalist Turn 229  Ritschl’s Controversy with Lagarde 236 . The Larger Historical Context 237 . Lagarde’s Anti-Lutheran Polemics 239 . Ritschl’s Festival Address on Luther 242 . Luther and Modernity after Ritschl 247

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