ex mplaria C L A S S I C A Journal of Classical Philology Re vista de Filolog fa Clasica VIII ANEJO 2017 A TEXTUAL COMMENTARY ON OVID, METAMORPHOSES, BOOK XV t) GEORG LUCK ( ~,rAS O;,;; >~ m "' z Z rn 0' :? , O,i., ,i11s~" 'Sniversidad deHuelva CONTENTS 5 FoREWORD ............................................................................................................... PREFACE ................................................................................................................... 9 COMMENTARY ........................................................................................................ 17 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................ 157 ExClass Anejo VIII, 2017 3 n1uhu.es ~ PUBLICACIONES ANEJOS EXEMPLARIACLASSICA DATOS EDICION PA PEL PRIMERA EDICIONE N FORMATOE BOOK:A BRIL 2018 Pape/ PRIMERA EDICl6N EN FORMATOP APEL: NOVIEMBRE 2017 Estucado mate de 90 g/m' © SERVICIO OE PUBLICACIONES I+ Impreso en papel de bosque certificado LJNJVERSIOAOO E HUELVA Encuadernaci6n © Georg Luck I+ Rustica, cosido con hilo vegetal I.S.B.N.: 978-84-17066-41-3 Printed in Spain. lmpreso en Espana. EI.S.B.N. . 978-84-17288-06-8 Diseiio y maquetaci6n Dep6sito legal: H 300-2008 SERVICIO OE PUBLICACIONESO E LA LJNJVERSIDADD E HUELVA Obra sometida al proceso de evaluaci6n de calidad editorial por el sistema de revision por pares. Publicaciones de la Univesidad de Huelva es miembro de UNE G> Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse a transmitirse par ningun procedi miento electr6nico a mecanico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabaci6n magnetica a cualquier almacenamiento de informaci6n y sistema de recuperaci6n, sin permiso escrito del editor. La infracci6n de los derechos mencionados puede ser constitutivo de delito contra la propiedad intelectual. EL EBOOK LE PERMITE Citar el libro Navegar par lf] Realizar notas iJ Volver al ~ ~ marcadores e y busquedas indice hipervinculos intern as pulsando el pie de la pagina FOREWORD I will never forget that day in July 2006 at the Baltimore train station. My family (Pura, Antonio, and Javi) and I were returning to the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies. We had enjoyed the generous hospitality of Harriet and Georg for a few unforgettable days. While we were waiting for the departure of the Amtrak, I dared to ask Georg whether he would be interested in taking part in the research project that had begun in Huelva on the text of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Pura still remembers how his face lit up and how, as excited as a child, he replied that he would be delighted to be a member of the team project. Without a moment's hesitation, I asked him the second question regarding which book he would like to work on. And without losing a beat, he fired back: book XV. I was astounded that he, a first-rate scholar, thanked me for having offered him a part in the project, when it was I who was really surprised and grateful that such a master would become an equal of those of us who, in Huelva, felt ourselves to be, to a greater or lesser extent, his disciples. Several years later, after exchanging research material and multiple letters, he sent me a draft of his commentary on book XV. He had no time to polish it. Fate took Georg on the day of February 2013 on his eighty-seven birthday. I have preserved the manuscript these past few years among doubts about whether his manuscript should either be improved with specific data of manuscripts and editions or be left as is. This summer of 2017, I have decided to conserve the original version, albeit slightly corrected and with the addition of a select bibliography. The peace and tranquility that can be breathed in the Dehesilla de las Monjas (Barcarrota, Badajoz) have helped me to leave the original ready for printing. Georg Luck's commentary is the first of the project to be released on the presses. Previously, doc!oral theses have been developed on textual commentaries of books III (Angela Suarez del Rio), VII (Elena Murcia), X (Pere Fabregas) and XI (Samuel Diez Reboso). The commentaries of books VI (Antonio Ramirez de Verger) and XIII (Luis Rivero Garcia) are almost finished. Books II (Jose Antonio Bellido Diaz), IV (Juan Fernandez Valverde) ExClass Anejo VIII, 2017 7 FOREWORD and XII (Juan Antonio Estevez Sola) are to follow soon. The commentaries of books I (Juan Martos), V (Domingo Fernandez Sanz), VIII (Beatrice Larosa), IX and XIV (Jose Solis de los Santos) will appear, I hope, a little later. I would like to express my gratitude ex imo corde to Harriet Luck for au thorizing the publication of Georg Luck's commentary in Huelva University Press (Annexes of Exemplaria Classica). The publication of G. Luck's Commentary is presented at the Ovid Sym posium, held in Huelva (5-6 October, 2017), as an act of pietas towards one of the best Ovidians of the twentieth century. Antonio Ramirez de Verger 8 ExClass Anejo VIII, 2017 PREFACE