Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 31 (4): 870- 873 (Oct., 2006) ISSN1000(cid:1)0739 动物分类学报 A TAXONOMIC STUDY ON THE ANT GENUS PHEIDOLOGETON MAYR (HYMENOPTERA, FORMICIDAE, MYRMICINAE) FROM CHINA ZHOU Shan(cid:1)Yi1, ZHAOShuang2, JIAFeng(cid:1)Long2 1(cid:2)Collegeof Life Science, GuangxiNormal University, Guilin(cid:1) 541004, China; [email protected]. cn 2(cid:2)Institute of Entomology, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou(cid:1) 510275, China Abstract(cid:1) Ten species and three subspecies of the ant genus Pheidologeton Mayr are treated in the paper. One of them is described asnewtoscience, i. e. P. zengchengensis sp. nov. Akey basedonmajorworker caste totheknownChinesespecies of the genusispresented. Key words(cid:1) Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Pheidologeton, taxonomy, China. (cid:1) (cid:1) The ant genus Pheidologeton , was established by HL ( Head Length), HW ( Head Width), CI Mayr in 1862 based on the type species Oecodoma (Cephalic Index = HW (cid:2) 100/HL), SL ( Scape diversa Jerdon (= Pheidologeton diversus (Jerdon)). Length), SI ( Scape Index= SL (cid:2) 100/HW), PW The genus consists of 27 species, 16 subspecies and 2 ( Pronotal Width), AL ( Alitrunk Length). All fossil species intheworld (Bolton, 1995), most species measurements areexpressed in mm. distributed in the Indo(cid:1)Australian, Oriental and Key tothe knownspecies of the genus Pheidologeton Mayr Afrotropical regions. The first Chinese species of the inChina(Basedonmajor worker caste) genus, P. vespillo, was described by Wheeler in 1(cid:2) Propodeal spineslong, longer than, or at least morethanhalf of the 1921, then in 1930 he reported 3 species and 3 distancebetweenthebaseofthetwospines 2 Propodeal spinesshort, lessthan1/3lengthofthedistancebetweenthe subspecies, i. e. P. affinis, P. diversus, P. baseof thetwospines 8 vespillo, P. diversus subsp. draco, P. diversus 2(cid:2) Themaximumworkerswiththeir totallength10to11mm subsp. fictus, andP. diversus subsp. laotinus. Chou P. diversus subsp. fictus Forel and Terayama recorded 4 species and 1 subspecies in Themaximumworkerswiththeir totallengthmorethan14mm Taiwan, added2 species, i. e. P. dentiviris and P. 3 3(cid:2) Headtransverselystriateinfront yanoi, to Chinese ant fauna except the species and P. diversus subsp. laotinus Santschi subspecies known in the mainland. While the species Headlongitudinallystriateinfront 4 P. dentiviris was doubtful because it was described by 4(cid:2) Occipital lobesofheadlongitudinallystriate Forel on the male only in 1913(cid:2)Emery suggested that P. diversus subsp. draco Shantschi Occipital lobesofheadtransverselystriate 5 P. dentiviris was probably the male of P. yanoi, 5(cid:2) Propodeal spinescurvedforwardandinclined P. yanoi Forel Wheeler suggested that it did not even belong to the Propodeal spinesdirectlybackwardor erect 6 genus Pheidologeton . Li and Tang described a species 6(cid:2) Propodeal spines backward, mesoscutellum slightly convex, with 8 P. nanningensis from Guangxi in 1986(cid:2)Zhou and yellowhairs P. nanningensis Liet Tang Zheng studied the genus in Guangxi and described 3 Propodeal spines erect, mesoscutellumveryconvex, withmorethan10 yellowhairs 7 species, i. e. P. melasolenus, P. latinodus and P. 7(cid:2) Frontof head bearing a single ocellus; petiolar node with its upper trechideros in1997(cid:2)Whenwestudied theants deposited borderconcave; color darkchestnut(cid:1)brown; bodyverycoarselystriate in the Insect Collection of Zhongshan University, a P. diversus (Jerdon) new species was found. Ten species and three Frontofheadwithout ocellus; petiolar node not concaveonits upper border; color chestnut(cid:1)brownbutlighter; striationonbodymuchfiner subspecies are recorded in China up to date. A key P. affinis (Jerdon) based on major worker caste to the known Chinese 8(cid:2) Headandbodysmoothandshining inmostpart 9 speciesand subspecies of the genus is given except for Headandbodycoarselystriate 11 anuncertain species, P. dentiviris Forel. 9(cid:2) Propodeal spines laterallycompressed; petiolar node broadly rounded The measurements and indices used in the paper aboveinprofileview P. latinodus Zhouet Zheng Propodeal spines thickat base and straight, notcompressed; petiolar areas defined by Bolton (1995): TL (Total Length), nodenarrowedabove, moreor lesstriangular inprofileview 10 ThisstudyissupportedbytheNational Natural SciencesFoundationof China (30360013). Received23 Mar. 2006, accepted8 Jaly2006. 870 Oct., 2006 周善义等: 中国巨首蚁属昆虫分类研究 (膜翅目, 蚁科) 871 (cid:1) 10(cid:2)Headwithacoarseblacklineinoccipitalgroovefromoccipital margin 8(cid:1) Pheidologeton nanningensis Li et Tang, 1986 tothevertex; postpetiole2 timesbroader thanlong; hairsabundant Pheidologeton nanningensis Li et Tang, 1986: 162(cid:2) P. melasolenus Zhouet Zheng Headwithoutablacklineinoccipital groove; postpetioleas broadas Distribution. China (Guangxi). long; hairs verysparse P. vespillo Wheeler 9(cid:1) Pheidologeton vespillo Wheeler, 1921 11(cid:2)Propodealspines compressedlaterally, curvedforward Pheidologeton vespillo Wheeler, 1921: 533(cid:2) P. trechideros Zhouet Zheng Propodeal spines thick and straight, directed upward and slightly Distribution. China ( Shandong, Zhejiang, outward P. zengchengensis sp. nov. Jiangxi, Hunan). 1(cid:1) Pheidologeton diversus (Jerdon), 1851 10(cid:1) Pheidologeton latinodus Zhouet Zheng Oecodoma diversa Jerdon, 1851: 109(cid:2) Pheidologeton latinodus Zhouet Zheng, 1997: 165(cid:2) Phidologeton diversus (Jerdon); Bingham, 1903: 162(cid:2) Pheidologeton diversus (Jerdon); Wheeler, 1930: 68(cid:2) Distribution. China (Guangxi). Distribution. China ( Hongkong, Taiwan ); 11(cid:1) Pheidologeton melasolenus Zhouet Zheng Vietnam. Pheidologeton melasolenus Zhouet Zheng, 1997: 163(cid:2) Distribution. China (Guangxi). 2(cid:1) Pheidologeton affinis (Jerdon), 1851 Oecodoma affinis Jerdon, 1851: 110(cid:2) 12(cid:1) Pheidologeton trechideros Zhou et Zheng Phidologeton affinis (Jerdon); Bingham, 1903: 164(cid:2) Pheidologeton trechideros Zhouet Zheng, 1997: 167(cid:2) Pheidologeton affinis (Jerdon); Wheeler, 1930: 68(cid:2) Distribution. China (Guangxi, Jiangxi). Distribution. China ( Guangdong, Guangxi, Hongkong, Taiwan); India, Burma, Indonesia, 13(cid:1) Pheidologeton zengchengensis sp. nov. Sulawesi, Australia. (Figs(cid:2)1(cid:1)2) 3 (cid:1) Pheidologeton diversus subsp. fictus Forel, Holotype major worker. TL 12(cid:2)8, HL 3(cid:2)52, 1911 HW3(cid:2)43, CI 97, SL 1(cid:2)28, SI 37, PW1(cid:2)71, PNL Pheidologeton diversus var. ficta Forel, 1911: 386(cid:2) 0(cid:2)88, PNH0(cid:2)88, PNW0(cid:2)78, PPL0(cid:2)59, PPH0(cid:2)80, Pheidologeton diversus subsp. fictus Forel; Wheeler, 1930: 68(cid:2) PPW1(cid:2)03, ED0(cid:2)41(cid:2) Distribution. China ( Hongkong, Taiwan ); Head slightly longer thanbroad, asbroad infront Vietnam. as in the post, the sides slightly convex. Occipital margin widely emarginated, a deeply impressed 4(cid:1) Pheidologeton yanoi Forel, 1912 narrow groove present down to the front. Mandible Pheidologeton yanoi Forel, 1912: 57(cid:2) Major, masticatory margin without tooth in large Distribution. China (Taiwan). worker, with two strong blunt apical teeth and two broad shorter basal teeth in the medium worker. 5(cid:1) Pheidologeton dentiviris Forel, 1913 Pheidologeton dentiviris Forel, 1913: 192 Clypeus narrow, anterior border broadly sinuate. Pheidologeton dentiviris Forel; Ettershank, 1966: 118(cid:2) Antennal carinae short, divergent. Antennae slender. Pheidologeton dentiviris Forel; Chouet Terayama, 1991: 79(cid:2) Eyes moderately large, placed at anterior 2/5 of the Distribution. China (Taiwan). side of thehead. Promesonotum convex, promesonotal suture lightly impressed. Mesoscutellum very 6(cid:1) Pheidologeton diversus subsp. laotinus prominent, metanotumdistinct. Dorsumof propodeum Santschi,1920 slightly shorter than the declivity, and the declivity Pheidologeton diversus v. laotina Santschi, 1920: 162(cid:2) longitudinally concave in themiddle. Propodeal spines Pheidologeton diversus subsp. laotina Santschi; Wheeler, 1930: 68(cid:2) Pheidologeton diversus subsp. laotinus Santschi; Bolton, 1995: 333(cid:2) thick atbase, acute at tip, less than 1/ 3 length of the distance between the base of the two spines, directed Distribution. China ( Guangdong, Hongkong); backward and slightly outward. Petiole rather short, Pakoet, Laos, Indochina. petiolar node thickand subtriangular in profile, upper 7(cid:1) Pheidologeton diversus subsp. draco Shantschi, marginslightlyconvexin the middle. Postpetiolar node 1920 transversein dorsal view, as broad as petiolar node in Pheidologeton diversus st. draco Shantschi, 1920: 163(cid:2) major worker or twice as broad as the petiolar node in Pheidologeton diversus subsp. draco Shantschi; Wheeler, 1930: 68(cid:2) the medium worker. Distribution. China ( Guangdong, Hainan ); Head longitudinally striate anteriorly. Mandibles Vietnam. smooth and shinning. Occipital lobes of head, (cid:1) (cid:1)8(cid:1)72(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) ActaZootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) Vol. 31(cid:1) No. 4 pronotum, dorsum of propodeum, and petiolar node Head, pronotum and gaster smooth and shinning, transversely striate. Spaces between striation smooth. mesopleurae and propodeum shagreened. Erect hair Postpetiolar node andgaster smooth and shining. Erect long and sparse. Color brown. Propodeumand peticel hairs abundant on the whole body. Color dark paler. brownish red. Mandibles and gaster blackish red. Holotype major worker, Taibai Slope, Antennaeand legs paler. Zengcheng, GuangdongProvince, South of China, 26 Paratype 14 media workers. HL 1(cid:2)30(cid:1)2(cid:2)80, HW Sep. 1984, ZHANG Zhu(cid:1)Xu leg. Paratype 14 media 1(cid:2)25(cid:1)2(cid:2)70, SL 0(cid:2)65(cid:1)1(cid:2)08, CI 96, SI 40(cid:1)52, PW workers and 7 minor workers, Taihe Ancient Cave, 0(cid:2)60(cid:1)1(cid:2)35, PNH0(cid:2)66, PNL0(cid:2)68, PNW0(cid:2)56, PPH Qingxin County, Guangdong Province, South of 0(cid:2)60, PPL 0(cid:2)25(cid:1)0(cid:2)66, PPW 0(cid:2)29(cid:1)0(cid:2)83, ED 0(cid:2)31, China, 25 Aug. 2005, ZHAOShuang leg. TL 4(cid:2)6(cid:1)9(cid:2)9. Occipital less concave, scutellum less This new speciesresembles P. trechideros Zhou et prominent. Other characters are thesameas themajor Zheng, but the major worker differs from the later in worker. 7 minor workers. HL 0(cid:2)50(cid:1)0(cid:2)60, HW0(cid:2)50(cid:1) mandibles smooth and shining, spaces between 0(cid:2)60, SL0(cid:2)30(cid:1)0(cid:2)50, SI 60(cid:1)83, CI 98(cid:1)100, PW0(cid:2)35(cid:1) striation smooth, propodeal spine thick and straight, 0(cid:2)40, AL 0(cid:2)60(cid:1)0(cid:2)75, ED 0(cid:2)05(cid:1)0(cid:2)06(cid:2)Occipital not curved forward. The minor worker differs from straight to feebly concave. Masticatory margin of the later in promesonotum much higher, propodeal mandiblewith five teeth. Antennal scapes short, close spine longer, not curved upward. to occipital border. Mandible longitudinally striate. Figs(cid:2)1(cid:1)4(cid:2)Pheidologeton zengchengensis sp. nov. 1(cid:1)2(cid:2)Majorworker. 3(cid:1)4(cid:2)Minorworker. 1, 3(cid:2)Headinfull(cid:1)faceview. 2, 4(cid:2)Bodyinprofile view. Burma. Hymenoptera. Vol. 2(cid:2)Antsandcuckoo(cid:1)wasps. Taylor and REFERENCES Francis, London. 506 pp. Bolton, B. 1995(cid:2) A new general catalogue of the ants of the world. Bingham, C. T. 1903(cid:2)ThefaunaofBritishIndia, including Ceylonand HarvardUniversityPress, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 504 pp. Oct., 2006 周善义等: 中国巨首蚁属昆虫分类研究 (膜翅目, 蚁科) 873 (cid:1) Forel, A. 1911(cid:2)Fourmisnouvellesouint(cid:1)ressantes. Bulletin delaSoci(cid:1)t(cid:1) Santschi, F. 1920(cid:2)Fourmis d(cid:1)Indo(cid:1)Chine. Annales de la Soci(cid:1)t(cid:1) Vaudoise desSciencesNaturelles, 47: 331(cid:1)400. EntomologiquedeBelgique, 60: 158(cid:1)176(cid:2) Forel, A. 1912. H. Sauter(cid:1)s Fourmosa(cid:1)Ausbeute: Formicidae. Wheeler, W. M. 1921(cid:2)Chinese ants. Bulletin of the Museum of EntopmologischeMitteilungen, 1: 45(cid:1)81(cid:2) ComparativeZoology at Harvard College, 64: 529(cid:1)547(cid:2) Forel, A. 1913(cid:2)H. Sauter(cid:1)s Fourmosa(cid:1)Ausbeute: Formicidae 2(cid:2)Archiv Wheeler, W. M. 1930. A list of the known Chinese ants. Peking f(cid:2)r Naturegeschichte, 79 (A): 183(cid:1)202(cid:2) Natural HistoryBulletin, 5 (1): 53(cid:1)81(cid:2) Li, S and Tang, J 1986(cid:2)Notes on the genus Pheidologeton Wheeler, W. M. 1930. FormosanantscollectedbyDr. R. Takahashi. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) withdescriptionofa newspecies from Proceedingsof thenew England Zoological Club, 11: 93(cid:1)106(cid:2) Guangxi, China. Acta Agriculture Universitatis Zhejiangensis, 12 Zhou, S(cid:1)Y andZheng, Z(cid:1)M1997. Ataxonomic studyonthe ant genus (2): 160(cid:1)165(cid:2) [李 (cid:1) 参, 唐 (cid:1) 觉, 1986(cid:2) 广西巨首蚁属 Pheidologeton Mayr in Guangxi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). (Pheidologeton) 及一新种记述 (膜翅目: 蚁科). 浙江农业大学 Zoological Research, 18 (2): 163(cid:1)170(cid:2) [周善义, 郑哲民, 1997(cid:2) 学报, 12(2): 160~ 165] 广西巨首蚁属昆虫研究 (膜翅目: 蚁科). 动物学研究, 18 (2): 163~ 170] 中国巨首蚁属昆虫分类研究 (膜翅目, 蚁科) 周善义1(cid:1) 赵(cid:1) 爽2(cid:1) 贾凤龙2 1(cid:2)广西师范大学生命科学学院(cid:1) 桂林(cid:1) 541004; E(cid:1)mail:[email protected] 2(cid:2)中山大学昆虫学研究所(cid:1) 广州(cid:1) 510275 摘(cid:1) 要(cid:1) 记述中国巨首蚁属Pheidologeton 10种和 3亚种, 其 的区别是前(cid:1)中胸背板凸远高于后者, 并胸腹节刺直, 不向上 中1新种即增城巨首蚁P. zengchengensis sp. nov.。新种与粗 弯。文中提供了中国已知9种 3亚种的分种检索表, 另一种 纹巨首蚁P. trechideros Zhouet Zheng相似, 但大型工蚁与后 齿突巨首蚁P. dentiviris Forel因仅依据雄蚁描述而且分类地 者的区别是上颚光亮无刻纹, 体刻纹间面光亮无刻点, 并胸 位不定, 未包括在检索表中。 腹节刺圆而直, 不向前弯曲。新种的小型工蚁与粗纹巨首蚁 关键词(cid:1) 膜翅目, 蚁科, 巨首蚁属, 分类, 中国. 中图分类号(cid:1) Q969(cid:2)554(cid:2)2