on・-F naCS 周,,,aydふか什指巴ぃ『,!l: whnYp--陥所札口hM出川L3,鬼平khnU仏-znHa'--司士心け凶nu nu 4、,h .F A Taxonomic Study of the Genus Campylotropis (Leguminosae) 111 a Yu IOKAWAand Hiroyoshi OHASHIb aDepartment of Biology,Joe tsu University of Education,Joe tsu,Nii gata,94 38512JAPAN; bBotanical Garden,Gr aduate School of Science,To hoku University,Se ndai,98四 0-0862 JAPAN (Received on March 20,2 002) 1n出isthird p紅tof the paper,th e species from No. 26 to No. 37紅eprep訂ed.Four new combinations and two new status紅eproposed in this p紅t. Key words: Campylotropis,cl assification,di stribution,L eguminosae. 26. Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) Lespedeza muehleana Schind1. in Repert. Schind .1in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni. Veg. Spec. Nov. Regn .iVeg. 9: 517 (1911) [Type: 11: 340 (1912),& in Sargent,P 1. Wils. 2: China. Sichuan. Soulie 2400 & 2401 (B syn., 114 (1914),& in Hand.-Mazz.,S ymb. Sin. n. v.)],p. p.,e xc1. specim. cit. Wilson 1168. 7: 573 (1933); Rehder in J. Arn. Arb. 13: Lespedeza polyantha (Franch.) Schind .1in 329 (1932); E.Peter in Act. Hort. Gothob. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni. Veg. 9: 520 13: 437 (1940); F1. 111ust. P1. Prim. Sin. 540, (1911); H.Lev.,C at. 111. Alphab. P1. Sen fig. 536 (1955); Icon. Cormophyt. Sin. 2: Tchouen 103 (1918). 466,日g. 2662 (1972); C.Y.Wu & a ,.1 Campylotropis muehleana (Schind1.) Index F1. Yunnan. 1: 575 (1984); P.Y.Fu in Schind .1in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni. Veg. Bul1. Bot. Res.,Ha rbin 7(4): 44 (1987),ex c .1 11: 339 (1912),& in Sargent, .1 C.: 114 syn. C. sargentiana Schind ,.1L. sargentiana (1914); F .1I11ust. P .1Prim. Sin. 541,fi g. 537 (Schind1.) H.Lev. & C. smithii Ricker; (1955). P.Y.Fu in F .1Reip. Pop. Sin. 41: 118 (1995); Lespedeza blinii H.Lev. in Bull. Bot. Nemoto & H.Ohashi in Amer. J. Bot. 83: Geog. 25: 48 (1915),p . p. [Type: China. 867 (1996); Barham in Curtis's Bot. Mag. Yunnan. Mong-kou,9 00 m. E. E. Maire s.n. 14: 203,p .1327 (1997). [Figs. 40B,4 2,43 a] (E holo.)],& Cat. P1. Yun-Nan 157 (1916). Lespedeza _eriocarpa DC. v polyantha Lespedeza polyantha (Franch.) H.Lev., 紅 . Franch.,P 1. Delavay. 168 (1890) [Type: Cat. P .1Yun-Nan 158 (1916),n om. illegit. China. Yunnan. in silvis ad collum Pi-'Iou-se, Campylotropis souliei Schind1. in Bot. supra Tapin-tze,al t. 2000 m. Delavay 3537 Jahrb. 54: 66 (1916) [Type: China. Sichuan. (P holo. n. V.,p hoto in A)]. Yar-gong as Var-gong. Soulie 3969 (P Lespedeza eriocarpa DC. var. chinensis holo.)]. Pamp. in Nuovo Giom. Bot. Ita ,.1n.s.,17 : 21 Campylotropis reticulata S.S.Chien in (1910) [Type: China. Yunnan-sen,m ontag- Contrib. Bio1. Lab. Sc. Soc. Chin. Bot. 8: nes. Maire 169 (UC iso.,n. V.,ph oto in A)]. 129 (1932) [Type: Szechuan,X ichang Xian LespedezαeriocarpαDC. v chinensis as “Si-chang-hsien",al t. 1860 m.,W .P. Fang 訂. Pamp. subvar. polyantha (Franch.) P np.in 9409 (PE holo.)]. 出 Nuovo Giom. Bot. Ita ,.1n.s.,17 : 21 (1910). Campylotropis reticulata Ricker in J. -315 ー 凶 目 。 龍 寺 覇 滞 諜 排 瀧 1 3 鵡 鞘 小 中 朝 国 何 Fig. 42. a: Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) Schindl. var. polyantha f. polyantha (vouch町 specimen:Forrest 9967,E) . b: C. polyantha (Franch.) 回ム Schindl. var. polyantha f. leiocarpa (Pamp.) Iokawa & H.Ohashi (Schneider 1201,A) . 有 口 出 December 2002 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l77 No. 6 317 Wash. Acad. Sci. 36: 40 (1946) [Type: retuse and mucronulate at the apex,ob tuse or China. Yunnan. Meng-tsze. A. Henry rounded at the base,u pper surface glabrous 9626A. (US holo.; A,E ,M Ois o.)],n on S.S. or sparsely pubescent, lower surface Chien (1932). subdensely appressed or ascending pubes- Campylotropis wangii Ricker in 1. Wash. cent; terminal leaflets 1-4 cm long,0. 5-2.5 Acad. Sc .i36: 40 (1946) [Type: China. cm wide. Stipels present at the top of the Yunnan. A幽加n-tze.C. W. Wang 70331 (A petioles,l inear,1 -2 mml ong,s ometimes holo.; KUNi so.)]. also present at the top of the rachis. Campylotropis macrocaψa auct. non Inflorescences 2-13 cm long; rachis and & (Bunge) Rehder (1914): C.Y.Wu a ,.l pedicels appressed or ascending pubescent Index Fl. Yunnan. 1: 575 (1984). mixed with glandular hairs. Bracts 1-5 mm Campylotropis reticulinervis C.Y.Wu in long. Pedicels 3-9 mml ong. Bracteoles 0.5- C.Y.Wu & a ,.l Index Fl. Yunnan. 1: 576 2 mm long. Calyx subdensely ascending (1984) [Type: type of C. reticulata Ricker]. short hairy mixed with glandular hairs; tube Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) 1.5-2.5 mml ong; lobes narrowly triangular, Schindl. v polyantha f. macrophylla 1.3-2.5 mml ong. Corolla purple to pinkish 紅 . P.Y.Fu in Bull. Bot. Res.,H arbin 7(4): 46 white; standard elliptic,o btuse at the apex, (1987) [Type: China. Yunnan. Yo ngzhichun, 10-14 mml ong (including 0.7-1.2m ml ong alt. 2100 m. C. C. Lu 63206 (KUN holo.; claw),5 -9 mmw ide; wings 10-13 mml ong PE iso.)],& in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 41: 120 (including 2.2-3 mml ong claw) ,3 -5.8 mm (1995),sy n. nov. wide; keel-petals 11.3-16.2 mml ong (in- Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) cluding 2.2-2.7 mml ong claw). Androecia Schindl. v polyanthαf. souliei (Schindl.) 10-12 mml ong,ve xillary stamen connate to 紅. P.Y.Fu in Bull. Bo .tRes.,H arbin 7(4): 46 staminal tube for about one-fifth of its (1987),& in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 41: 120 length. Gynoecia 10.5-14 mml ong; ovY 紅 (1995),sy n. nov. 2.5-4 mml ong; style 7.5-9 mml ong. Pods Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) obliquely ovate to elliptic or obovate,ac ute Schindl. var. tomentosαP.Y.Fu in Bull. Bot. at the apex,6 -11 mml ong,3 -5 mmw ide. Res.,H arbin 7(4): 46 (1987) [Type: China. Seeds reniform,p alebrown,2 .5-3.6 x1 .6-2 Sichuan. Shimianxian,i n pratis viaticis alt. mmm Slze. 900 m. C. J. Xie 39550 (WUG holo.; PE Distribution. China (Guizhou,S ichuan, iso.)],& in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 41: 121 Yunnan and Xizang). (Fig. 48a) (1995),s yn. nov. Campylotropis polyantha is sometimes Campylotropis tomentosがetiolatα,P.Y.Fu confused with C. macrocarpa or C. henη ,I7 in Bull. Bot. Res.,H arbin 7(4): 47,fi g. 6 but is easily distinguishable by the presence (1987) [Type: China. Sichuan. Mulixian. ad of stipels. It is widely distributed in south 但 vias in fruticetis alt. 1830 m. S. G. Wu2 552 west China,e specially abundant in Yunnan (KUN holo.)],& in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 41: where C. polyantha has been erroneously re- 120 (1995),sy n. nov. fe'edto C. macrocarpα dgreatly varies 立 ,組 A shrub,us ually 100-200 cmh igh; young in the shape and size of leaflets and the hairi- stems with appressed or ascending hairs. ness. Leaves with ad istinct rachis; rachis 1-8 mm Campylotropis polyantha var. polyantha long. Stipules 1.5-6 mml ong,0 .8-1.5 mm recorded so far from Gansu (Fu 1987) is ref- wide. Petioles 0.5-4 cm long,a ppressed or erable to C. macrocarpa v hupehensis. In ぽ. ascending pubescent. Leaflets subcoriaceous, var. polyantha,pl ants with glabrous pods on oblong,o bovate or ovate to narrowly ovate, the lateral surface are easily recognizable as 318 植物研究雑誌第77巻第6号 平成14年12月 af orm,f. leiocarpa,al though it is sometimes tomentosipetiolata P.Y.Fu); Muli,1 830 m (S. K. Wu found in populations of the typical form and 2552,K UN・- holotypeof C. tomentosipetiolata P.Y.Fu, not geographically separated. Var. neglecta PE-isotype); Shimian Xian,9 00 m (C. J. Xie 39550, PE-isotype of C. polyantha var. tomentosa P.Y.Fu). is separated from v polyantha in distribu- 訂 . Xizang (Tibet). Tse-kou (Monbeig s. n.,E ,K) ; locality tion area,a lthough only one collection had unknown (Soulie 1573,P) ; Markam Xian,Z hubalong, been examined. 2600 m (Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 11662, KUN). Campylotropis polyαntha and C. Yunnan. E L討iang,Tai-ngo-koo (R. C. Ching 21624, macrocarpa seem to be distributed sepa- A); W Lijiang,L aschiba (R. C. Ching 21843,A ); 10- cality unknown (K. M. Feng 3377,A ); Mekong- rately into different easfrom Sichuan; the 訂 Yangtze divide,8 000-11000 ft. (G. Forrest 153,E ); former occurs in southern and western areas Eastem f1ank of the Dali Range,9 000-10000 f .t(G. from Sichuan (western Guizhou,Xi zang and Forrest 4237,A ,E; 4248,A ,E) ,lo c. ci ,.t8000-9000 f .t Yunnan),w hile the latter is distributed in (G. Forrest 7244,E ); Eastem f1ank of the L討iang areas from Sichuan to northern and eastern Range,9 000 ft. (G. Forrest 6679,E ); Langkong- regions in China, Korea and southern Hoching divide, 8000 f .t (G. Forrest 9967, E); Yungbei,2 700 m (Handel-Mazzetti 3243,E) ; Mekong, Mongolia. 1900-2000 m (Handel-Mazzetti 8469,E ); Mengzi, 5000 ft. (A. Henry 9626A, US-holotype of C. Key to the varieties and the forms of C. reticulata Ricker,A ,E -isotype); Yungbei,Y ungning polyantha (F. Kingdon-Ward 5051,E ); Deqen Xian,Y ong- 1. Bracts 1-3.5 mml ong,c aducous before zhichun,2 100 m (c. C. Lu 63206,K UN-holotype of C. polyantha f. macrophylla P.Y.Fu,P E-isotype); flowering; pedicels 3-8 mml ong...…...・ -・ H locality unknown (Maire 169,p hoto in A-type of ・……2(v polyanthα) 紅. Lespedeza eriocarpa DC. var. chinensis Pamp.); Lou- 2. Lateral surface of pods pubescent....・・- gai-cuau,26 00 m (E. E. Maire 427,A) ; Mong-kou,90 0 H ・... ・....工polyantha m (E. E. Maire 632,p ro.p紅白,E-isotype of Lespedeza H 2. Lateral surface of pods glabrous . blinii H.Lev.; E. E. Maire s.n.,pr o.p訂te,E-holotype of …f. leiocarpa Lespedeza blinii H.Lev.); Mt. Loshieh (McLaren's col- lectors 28A,A ,E) ; M .tLeangwang (McLaren's collec- 1. Bracts 3-5 mml ong,pe rsistent until fruit- tors 94A,A ,E ); Munghua,M .tLungyu (McLaren's ing; pedicels 7-9 mml ong,la teral surface collectors L119,E ); Yaochou (McLaren's collectors of pods pubescent....・・...・ ・...var.neglecta F225,E ); Weixi Xian, 1500 m (Qinghai-Xizang H H Exped. 6204,K UN); Deqen Xian,2 800 m (Qinghai- 26-1. Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) Xizang Exped. 11164,K UN);乱1aokaito Tatsang, Schindl. var. polyantha f. polyantha 5000-5500 f .t(J. F. Rock 3084,E) ; Dali to Lijiang (1. F. Rock 3191,A; J. F. Rock 3224,A ,E) ; Eastem f1ank [Figs. 40B,42 a]. of the Lijiang Range (J. F. Rock 3631,E) ; Yungning, Specimens examined: CHINA. Guizhou. (E.Bodi- Mt. Wuaha,1 0000 f .t(1. F. Rock 24203,A ,E ); nier s.n., E-syntype of Lespedeza dichromo.砂lon Sehilungpa (C. Schneider 172,A ); locality unknown, H.Lev.); Gan-chouen (J. Cavalerie 3997,pr o.parte,E - 2800 m (c. Schneider 1366,E) ; Yangbi Xian,1 450 m isosyntype of Lespedeza dichromo.刀lon H.Lev.); (Sino-Amer. Bo .tExped. 53,A ,E ); Chuxiong Xian, Anlung,4 83 m (Y. Tsiang 7369,A) . Sichuan. Derong 1800 m (SinoAmer.Bot. Exped. 1278,A ,E) ; Lunan 回 X也九 3000m (Dezi 4121,K UN), l oc. ci ,.t3200 m Xian,D aduishui, 1650-1700 m (Sino-Amer. Bot. (Dezi 4121,PE ); Xichang Xian,1 860 m (W. P. Fang Exped. 1645,E ); Hua-Hong-Dong,n ear Kunming, 9409,P E-holotype of C. reticulata S.S.Chien); Toka, 2000 m (Sino-Brit. Exped. K034,E) ; Chao-tung Xian, 2500 m (Handel-Mazzetti 2397, A, K); Kwapi, 1800 m (H. T. Tsai 50865,A) ; Weixi Xian,2 300 m (H. Ye nyuen,2 125-2750 m (HandelMazzetti2755,E ); T. Tsai 63014,A ); Tung-lungtang,Cheng-kiang, 自 司 locality unknown,2 800 mC( C. Schneider 1366,A ); 1800-2000 m (Y. Tsiang & H. Wang 16182,A ); Batang Xian,2 650 m (Sichuan Veg. Exped. 3920,P E), Kunming (C. W. Wang 62643,A) ; Dali Xian,1 300 m Yar-gong (Soulie 3969,P -holotype of C. souliei (C. W. Wang 63456,A) ; Deqen Xian,H uannイu-ping, Schindl.); Batang Xian,2 450 m (Qinghai-Xizang 3000 m (c. W. Wang 69304,A) ; Deqen Xian,A -tun- Exped. 5196,K UN); Yanyuan Xian,1 200-1300 m tze,2 700 m (c. W. Wang 70331,A -holotype of C. (Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 12018,K UN-paratype of C. wangi Ricker,K UN-isotype); Lijiang Xian,2 800 m December 2002 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .177 No. 6 319 (C. W. Wang 71400,A ); Yanshan Xian,L ung-tang- 576 (1984); P.Y.Fu in Bull. Bot. Res., tsai shan,1 300 m (c. W. Wang 83763,K UN,P E- Harbin 7(4): 47 (1987),& in Fl. Reip. Pop. Patypeof C. polyantha v tomentosa P.Y.Fu); 紅 訂. Sin. 41: 121 (1995). Kunming,Q iongzhu Si,1 900 m (M. Q. Yin 2112,A) ; locality unknown (T. T. Yu 5169,5 266,5 865,6 097, Specimens examined: CHINA. Guizhou. Hin-y-hien 12891,A) ; Deqen Xian,S hitonpu,2 000 m (T. T. Yu (E. Bodinier 2279,E -syntype of Lespedeza dichro- 10395,P E); Deqen Xian,2 600 m (T. T. Yu 10453, mo砂lonH.LevよGan-chouen(1. Cavalerie 3997,E 一 KUN-paratype of C. polyantha f. macrophylla s勾yn凶ty卯pe ぱ0f Les申pedezaα dichromη10.巧砂}lon H.上Le釘札Vり.) P.Y.Fu); Lijiang Snow Range,2 700 m (T. T. Yu Sichuan. Huili,1 900 m (Handel-Mazzetti 859,E ); 15084,A ,E) ; Yuragan,S alween valley,1 700 m (T. T. Yalung,Lo manpu (C. Schneider 1201,A- isotype of C. Yu 23062,K UN,PE ). schneideri Schindl.); Kian-ning Xian,1 850 m (T. T. Cultivated in Japan. The Experimental Garden of the Yu 1753,A ). Xizang (Tibet). Bowo Xian,2 500 m Biological Institute, Graduate School of Science, (Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 73-1382,K UN). Yunnan. E. Tohoku University,o riginated from China,Y unnan, Lijiang, Tai-ngo-koo (R. C. Ching 22134, A); collected by J. Murata (Y. Iokawa 5284,T US). Southwest end of Yangtze valley,6 000 ft. (G. Forrest Distribution. China (Guizhou, Sichuan, 5014,E) ; locality unknown (Maire 143,p hoto in A- syntype of Lespedeza eriocarpa f. leiocarpa Pamp.; Yunnan and Xizang). (Fig. 48a) Maire 177,ph oto in A-syntype of Lespedeza eriocarpa f. leiocarpa Pamp.); Mong-kou,9 00 m (E. E. Maire 26-2. Campylotropis polyanthα(Franch.) s.n.,pr o.pte,E-holotype of Lespedeza blinii H.Lev.; 訂 Schindl. v紅.polyantha f. leiocarpa (Pamp.) E. E.乱1aire632,p ro.parte,E -isotype of Lespedeza lokawa & H.Ohashi,s tat. nov. [Fig.42b] blinii H.Lev.); Dali,M t. Malong (McLaren's collectors C12,A ,E) ; Dali to Lijiang,Ts inwei (1. F. Rock 3226, Lespedeza eriocarpa DC. var. chinensis A); Kunming,H ua-Hong-Dong,2 000 m (Sino-British Pamp. subvar. polyαnthα(Franch.) Pamp. f. Exped. K034,A) ; Chan Yi Chou (0. Schoch 369,A) ; leiocarpa Pamp. in Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ita ,.l Fen-t泊四szu,Cheng-kiang,1 790 m (Y. Tsiang & H. n.s.,1 7: 22 (1910) [Type: China. Yunnan. Wang 16180,A) ; locality unknown (T. T. Yu 5272, montagnes. Maire 177 (UC syn.,n. V.,ph oto 14128,A) . in A),c oteaux. Maire 143 (UC syn.,n . V., Distribution. China (Guizhou,S ichuan, photo in A), Tchong-chang, coteaux. Yunnan and Xizang). Ducloux 381 (syn.,n. v.)]. Lespedeza dichromo砂lon H.Lev., Fl. 26-3. Cαmpylotropis polyanthα(Franch.) Kouy-Theou 236 (1914) [Type: China. Schindl. var. neglecta (Schindl.) lokawa & Guizhou. Gan-chouen. J. Cavalerie 3997 (E H.Ohashi,c omb. nov. [Fig. 43a] synよ Hin-y-hien. E. Bodinier 2279 (E Campylotropis neglecta Schindl. in syn.)]. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni. Veg. 11: 340 Lespedeza blinii H.Lev. in Bull. Bot. (1912) [Type: China. Yunnan. A. Henry Geog. 25: 48 (1915),p . p. [Type: China. 9626 (A holo.; CAL,L E iso.)]; C.Y.Wu & Yunnan. Mong-kou,9 00 m. E. E. Maire s.n. al. Index Fl. Yunnan. 1: 575 (1984); P.Y.Fu (E holo.)],& Cat. Pl. Yun-Nan 157 (1916). in Bull. Bot. Res.,Ha rbin 7(4): 39 (1987),& Campylotropis schneideri Schindl. in in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 41: 112 (1995). Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni. Veg. 21: 20 Lespedeza neglecta (Schindl.) H.Lev., (1925) [Type: China. Sichuan. Yalung, Cat. Pl. Yun-Nan 158 (1916). Lomanpu,1 800 m. C. Schneider 1201 (B Specimens examined: CHINA. Yunnan. Mengtzi, holo.,n. V.; A iso.)]. 4600 ft. (A. Henry 9626,A -holotype of C. neglecta Schind ,.lCAL,L E-isotype). Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) Distribution. China (Yunnan). (Fig. 48a) Schindl. var. leiocaψα(Pamp.) E.Peter in Act. Hort. Gothob. 13: 437 (1940); Lauener 27. Campylotropis sargentiana Schindl. in in Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 30: 241 Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni. Veg. 11: 341 (1970); C.Y.Wu & a ,.lIndex Fl. Yunnan. 1: (1912) [Type: China. Sichuan. Wilson 3492 320 植物研究雑誌第77巻第6号 平成14年12月 (A holo.)]; E.Peter in Act. Hort. Gothob. 13: 1600 m( T. Naito & al. 420,T US); Dragochi,3 200 m 438 (1940). [Figs. 43b,4 4A] (H. Smith 4529,A) ; Romi-chango,9 000-15500 f .t(H. Stevens 214,A) ; Route to Li-fan Xian,2 700 m( F. T. Lespedeza sargentiana (Schindl.) H.Lev., Wang 21625,A ); Westem Sichuan (E. H. Wilson Cat. 111. Alphab. Pl. Sen Tchouen 103 2926,A) ; Romi-chango,60 00-8000 ft. (E. H. Wilson (1918). 3492,A -holotype); O-pien Xian,1 500 m (T. T. Yu A shrub,u sually 100-200 cmh igh; young 773,A) . stems with appressed hairs. Leaves with a Distribution. China (Sichuan). (Fig. 48b) rachis; rachis 0.5-4.5 mml ong. Stipules 2- This species somewhat resembles 5m ml ong,0. 8-1 mmw ide. Petioles 0.7-2.4 Campylotropis macrocarpa and C. cm long,w ith dense appressed short hairs. polyantha in external features. The absence Leaflets subcoriaceous,o blong to e11iptic, of glandular hairs in the inflorescences is a retuse and mucronulate at the apex,ob tuse or good character to distinguish this species rounded at the base,u pper surface glabrous from them. or sp selypubescent,l ower surface with 訂 sericeous hairs; terminal leaflets 1.2-3 cm 28. Campylotropis speciosa (Royle ex long,0 .6-1.5 cm wide. Stipels sometimes Schindl.) Schindl. in Repert. Spec. Nov. present,l inear,0 .5-1 mm long. Inflore- Regni. Veg. 11: 425 (1912),ut C. speciosa scences 2-11 cm long,s ometimes pani- (Royle) Schind ,.l & in Repert. Spec. Nov. culate; rachis densely appressed or ascending Regni. Veg. Beih. 49: 261 (1928); H.Ohashi short hairy. Bracts 1.2-2 mml ong,ca ducous in J. Jpn. Bot. 49: 330 (1974),p. p.,e xcl. before anthesis. Pedicels 4-6 mm long, syn. cit. C. eriocarpa Schind ,.lC. macrosかla densely appressed or ascending short ha句. V訂.eriocarpα(Maxim.) H.Ohashi,L espe- Bracteoles 0.5-1.5 mml ong. Calyx densely deza dubia Schindl. & C. falconeri (Prain) appressed short hairy; tube 1.8-2 mrn long; Schindl.; H.Ohashi in H.Hara & Williams, lobes narrowly triangular,2 -2.2 mml ong. Enum. Fl. Pl. Nep. 2: 110 (1979),p . p.; Coro11a purple; standard obovate,o btuse at Pramanik & Thothathri in Taxon 33: 318 the apex,1 0-11 mml ong (including ca. 1 (1984); Grierson & Long,F l. Bhutan 1(3): mml ong claw),5- 6.5 mmw ide; wings 9.5- 681 (1987). [Figs. 44B,45 ] 10.5 mml ong (including ca. 2.8 mml ong [0.巧Jramphisvirgata Grah. in Wa11.,C at. claw),3. 2-4 mmw ide; keel-petals sha110wly no. 5350 (1831),n om. nud.] inflexed,1 2-16 mml ong (including ca. 2.6 [Desmodium angulatum Wa11.,C a .tno. mml ong claw). Androecia ca. 9.6 mml ong, 5729 G2,M ,0 (1831), nom. nud.] 巧。 vexi11ystamen connate to staminal tube for Jramphismacrosηla auct. non Wall. 紅 about one-fifth of its length. Gynoecia ca. 11 (1831): Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 32: t. 28 (1846), mml ong; ov ynarrowly ovate,sh ort hairy, p. p.,ex cl. syn. cit. 紅 ca. 2.5 mmlo ng; style ca. 7.5 mmlo ng. Pods Lespedeza speciosa Royle [in Maxim. in obliquely e11iptic,a cute at白eapex,a scend- Act. Hort. Petrop. 2: 350 (1873),pr o syn.] ex ing short hairy,c a. 7 mml ong,4 -5 mm Schindl. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni. Veg. wide. Seeds reniform,ca . 2.7 x2 m min size. 9: 519 (1911),u t L. speciosa Royle apud Specimens examined: CHINA. Sichuan. Kangding Maxim. [Type: N.W. India. Hb. Royle s.n. Xian,N E. Tachienlu (W. C. Cheng 1935,A ,E) ; Mow (K holo.; CAL iso.)]. Xian,M owchow (W. P. Fang 1514,A ); Kangding Lespedeza eriocarpαauc .t non DC. Xian,85 00-9000 f .ton rock (W. P. Fang 3504,E ,K) ; (1825): Maxim. in Act. Hort. Petrop. 2: 350 Pingwu Xian,Lu ngan fu (W. P. Fang 4193,A) ; Kuan (1873),p . p.,e xcl. specim. cit. Griffith; Xian (Y. S. Liu1 880,A) ; 0pienXian,1 100-1300 m (Y. S. Liu 2276,A ); Ka幽ngding Xian,T atsienlu Baker in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 144 (1876), (McLaren AD83,E ,K YO); Kangding xi姐,Wasigou, p. p.,q uoad syn. cit. 0.刀ramphisvirgata ロ 2 0 B σ q 。M 。 M 同 o g g 色 。 時 同 省 S 2 0 回 O 富H 山 、 〈 。 - - ー コ Z 。・ a Fig. 43. a: Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) Schindl. v訂.neglecta (Schindl.) Iokawa& H.Ohashi (voucher specimen: Henry 9626,A) . b: C. sargent臼na Schindl. (Wilson 3492,A ). 凶一 N H 322 植物研究雑誌第77巻第6号 平成14年12月 Wall., Oxyramphis macrostyla Lindl. & inflorescence axis,a nd by this character is Desmodium angulatum Wal ,.lcet. excl. clearly distinguishable from C. falconeri Lespedeza indica Schind .lin Repert. Spec. which had often been regarded to be identi- Nov. Regni. Veg. 9: 515 (1911) [Type: cal with the former. India. Jaunsar Bahar,D eoban Range,1 800- Campylotropis eriocarpa Schindl. is very 2100 m. Duthie 1083 (LE holo.),n. v.],n on similar to C. speciosa,b ut they erecog- 紅 Spreng. (1826). nized as different in the pedicels in relation A shrub,u sually ca. 100 cm high; young to their different distribution pattems. stems with subdense appressed short hairs. Lespedeza eriocarpαDC. is different from Leaves with ad istinct rachis; rachis 1-12 C. eriocarpa Schindl. and is as ynonym of C. mml ong. Stipules 3-7 mml ong,1 -1.5 mm macrosηla. wide. Petioles 0.5-4.5 cm long, with subdense appressed short hairs. Leaflets Key to the subspecies of C. speciosα subcoriaceous,ob ovate to oblong,re tuse and 1. Pedicels thick,1 -3 mml ong ・・・・・........ H H H H mucronulate at the apex,ob tuse or cuneate at ・・・..…..subsp.speciosa H H the base,u pper surface glabrous or sparsely 1. Pedicels slender,3 -7 mmlo ng..... short hairy, lower surface with dense …subsp. eriocαrpa sericeous hairs; terminal leaflets 1.2-4.8 cm long, 0.8-2.8 cm wide. Stipels absent. 28-1. Campylotropis speciosa (Royle ex Inflorescences 2.5-20 cm long; rachis and Schindl.) Schindl. subsp. speciosa pedicels densely appressed or ascending [Figs. 44B,45 a] short hairy. Bracts 2-4 mml ong,c aducous Specimens examined: INDIA. Mussoorie (A. before anthesis but sometimes persistent. Anderson s.n.,E ); Bashahr State,T aranda-Sarahan, Pedicels 1-7. mml ong. Bracteoles 1.2-2 mm 7500 ft. (J. H. Lace 1040,E ); Shirnla,7 000 ft. (E; Maclagan 568,E ; Madden s.n.,E ); Jaunsar,6 000 ft. long. Calyx subdensely appressed short (K. Nand 508,E) ; Charnba,Da lhousie Range,7 000 ft. hairy; tube 1.5-2.5 mml ong; lobes narrowly (R. Parker s.n.,A ),K 吋i紅 toCharnba,5 000 ft. (R. triangular,2 -3.5 mml ong. Corolla pu中le; Parker s.n.,A ); Khararnba,8 500 ft. (M. B. Raizada standard obovate,o btuse at the apex,1 0.5- 7257,E) ; Chakrali,7 000 ft. (M. B. Raizada 7414,E) ; 12 mml ong (including ca. 1.2 mml ong NW. India (Hb. Royle s.n.,K -holotype of Lespedeza claw) ,4 .6-6 mmw ide; wings 9.8-11.5m m speciosa Royle ex Schind ,.l CAL,E -isotype; J. L. long (including ca. 3m ml ong claw) ,3 -4 Stew制 s.n.,E); Mussoorie,6 500 ft. (R. R. Stewart 15776,A ); Kurnaon (Wall. Cat. 5350,E ); Charnba, mmw ide; keel-petals 12-15 mml ong (in- Dalhousie (Wall. Cat. 5729,E) ; Eangsi to Dali,7 300 cluding ca. 3m ml ong claw). Androecia 9.7- ft. (G. Watt 8659,E ); Rarnpur to Assu,4 000 ft. (G. 10.4 mml ong,v exillary stamen connate to Watt 13646,E) ; Shirnla,7 000 rn (G. Watt 13672,E) . staminal tube for about one-fifth of its NEPAL. Dunche-Singurn Gornpa,2 000-3200 rn (H. Kanai & al. 727263, TI); Langtang-Syarpagoan- length. Gynoecia ca. 11.5 mml ong; ovy 訂 Khangjung,8 000-9500 ft. (0. Polunin & al. 1817, narrowly ovate,sh ort hairy,ca . 2.5 mml ong; BM,TI ); Mangri,M ugu Karnali Valley,8 000 ft. (0. style ca. 8.3 mm long. Pods obliquely Polunin & al. 3039,B M,T I); Rohagaon,S uli Gad, obovate,a scending short hairy,6 .5-7.5 mm 10000 ft. (0. Polunin & al. 3429,B M,E ,T I); long,3. 3-4.5 mmw ide. Seeds reniform,da rk Phulchoki,9 500 ft. (Rarn Bdr. & Radha Krishna brown,3- 3.5 x1 .5-2 mmin size. 17894,TI ); Phulchoke,S o f Kathrnandu,6 750 ft. (A. D. Schilling 1092,E ,TI ); Langdeng,1 0000 ft. (K. N. Distribution. Bhutan, China (Xizang), Sharng 127,E) ; Dhanbang,6 000 ft. (Stainton & al. India (Assam,U ttar Pradesh and Himachal 1311,B M,T I); Gurjakhani,8 500 ft. (Stainton & al. Pradesh) and Nepal. (Fig. 48c) 4357,B M,TI ). Campylotropis speciosa lacks glandular Hirnalayas.内Tall.Cat. 5729,E; Hb. Royle s.n.,G H, hairs on the calyx, pedicel and main sarne sheet as Falconer 443 = C.falconeri; 1. B. Mi1l December 2002 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .l77 No. 6 323 A B Fig. 44. Flowers of Campylotropis sargentiana (A. voucher specimen: Wilson 3492,A ) and flower and pod of C. speciosa (B. p: subsp. speciosa,Pa rker 29-11-1919,A; others: subsp. eriocarpa,Ma kherjee 5892,TU S). a: androecium,c: calyx opened (outer surface),u pper lobe in left,f: flower with pedicel,g: gynoecium,k: keel-petal,p: pod with pedicel,st: standard,w g: wing. Scale bar = 5m m. 凶一 M h F 茜 意 事 浦 謀 関 部 斗 斗 鵡 油 。 , 叩 制 Fig. 45. a: Campylotropis speciosa (Royle ex Schindl.) Schindl. subsp. speciosa (voucher specimen: Watt 13672,E) . b: C. speciosa (Royle ex 国抑 E Schindl.) Schindl. subsp. eriocarpa (Schindl.) Iokawa & H.Ohashi (Stainton 1750,TI ). h 判 ロ 泊