植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. Originals 81: 1-19 (2006) A Taxonomic Revision of Anemone L. Section Omalocarpus DC. sensu lato (Ranunculaceae): Part 11 Svetlana N. ZIMAN\ Friedrich EHRENDORFERb,Y uichi KADOTA ,cCarl S. KEENERd, Olga N. TSARENKO\ Elena BULAKHa and Bryan E. DUTTONe aN. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany,Na tional Academy of Sciences, 2,Te reshchenkivska,Ki ev,01 601 UKRAINE; E-mail: [email protected] blnstitute of Botany of the Vienna University,14 Rennweg,Vi enna,10 30 AUSTRIA; CDepartment of Botany,Na tional Science Museum,T okyo 4-1-1,Am akubo,Ts ukuba,30 5-0005 JAPAN; dThe Pennsylvania State University, 208,Mu eller Laboratory,Un iversity Park,Pe nnsylvania,16 802 U. S. A.: eDepartment of BiologyWesternOregon State University, 司 Monmouth,O regon,9 7361 U. S. A. (Received on M訂ch15,2 005) This is part II of at axonomic revision of Anemone sect. Omalocarpus. In this part, 10 species (A. demissa hook. f. & Thoms.,A. robusta W. T. Wang,A. tapaiensis W. T. Wang,A. smithiana Lauener & Panigrahi,A. cathayensis Kitag. Ziman & Kadota,A. polyanthes D. Don,A. tetrasepala Royle,A. elongata D. Don,A. sikokiana (Makino) Makino and A.かscopurpureaH. Hara) are revised. Anemone αcthayensis Kitag. is typi- fied and described here. Flower elements and achenes of all eleven species in this section are illustrated. Evolutionary trends in Amemone sec .tOmalocarpus are also discussed here. Literatures cited egiven in the part 1o f the taxonomic revision of Anemone sect. 訂 Omalocarpus which covered A. narcissiflora L. (ContIriued from J. Jpn. Bo .t80: 282-302,2 005). Key words: Anemone cathayensis Kitag. ex Ziman & Kadota,A nemone sect. Omalocar- pus DC., comparative morphology,t axonomy. 2. Anemone demissa Hook. f. & Thoms., umbellata,v illosissima Bruhl in Ann. Bot. Fl. Ind. 1: 23 (1855) -A. narcissiflora L. Gard. Calc. 5: 81 (1896). var. demissa (Hook. f. & Thoms.) Jancz. in A. demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. vars. Rev. Gen. Bot. 4: 245 (1892). Type: villosa,g labrescens Ulbr. in Bot. Jahrb. 37: Himalaya orientalis,S ikkim,L ama Gingra, 209 (1906). S ndery,Regio alpina,1 6000 f ,.t15.7.1849, A. bicolor H. Lev. in Bull. Acad. Geogr. 訂 Hooker (K-holotype !). Bot. 24: 42 (1915). A. polyanthes Franch. in Bull. Soc. Bot. A. demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. var. Fr. 32: 4( 1885). grandiflora Barquand & Shaw in J. Linn. A. demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. var. Soc. Bot. London 48: 154 (1929). yunnanensis Franch. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. A. demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. subsp. 33: 167 (1886). villosissimα(Bruhl) Chaudkhary in Bot. A. demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. v s. Zhurn. 8: 1196 (1988). ぽ connectens, mαcranth仏 monantha, Anemonastrum demissum (Hook. f. & 2 植物研究雑誌第81巻第1号 平成18年2月 Thoms.) Holub in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. involucral leaves,b lue flowers,a nd com- Praha 8: 165 (1973). pressed glabrous achenes with curved styles. Basalleaves 5-10(-15); petioles 5-30 cm Bruhl (1896) later described its monopodial long,s preadingly villous; blades 3-sected, rhizomes,wi de-ovate basalleaf blades,th ree wide-ovate or reniform-pentagonal,5- 8 x4 - sessile involucral leaves,f ive whitish-blue 6c m,v illous or subglabrous,c iliate; bases tepals,di stinctly dilated filaments,a nd com ・ cordate or subtruncate; central segments on pressed achenes with wings. He described petiolules 5-15 mml ong,3 -parted,b roadly within A. demissa five varieties: vars. rhombic or rhombic-ovate; margins lobulate- umbellata, macrantha, villosissima, incised,u ltimate lobules ovate or triangular; connectens and monantha. Ulbrich (1906) lateral segments subsessile,u nequally 2-3- noted many characters in common for A. P紅白d,distinctly smaller than central one. narcissiflora and A. demissa,a nd he re- Scapes 2-3(-5), 10-45(-80) cm long, garded them as“species collectiva". spreadingly villous; cymes umbelliferous,3 - Our examination of many specimens con- 5(- 8)-flowered. Involucral leaves 3-4; firmed the variability of this taxon,e spe- blades 3-parted or 3-10bed,br oadly rhombic cially in leaf,s tem,p edicel,f lower and or narrowly obovate-oblong,2 -4 cm long, achene size,a lso of tepal colour and pubes- pubescent. Pedicels 2-6(-8) cml ong,p ubes- cence. But we found in this taxon several cent. Tepals 5-7,b lue,p urple,r ed or white, unique characters,e . g.,d imo中hictepals obovate or elliptic, 8-15 x4 -12 mm, [viz., specimen of Handel-Mazzetti 6672 sparsely puberulent,s ometimes dimorphic (WU) from China, Yunnan, etc.], and (inner ones smaller and of different staminodes from stamens [viz.,h olotype of shape)~ basal veins 3-7,a nastomosing veins 1-3. Hooker,S ikkim (K)] and cpels[viz.,sp eci- 訂 Stamens 3-6 mm long; filaments linear- men of Bartolomew & al. 1044 (GH) from lanceolate; anthers oblong,1 -2 mml ong, Yunnan,D ali Xian,M t. Diancang Shan, apices rounded. Staminodes from stamens Yinglofeng Peak,w est of Dali city]. sometimes present. Ovaries ovoid, com- Based on our examination of available pressed, 1.4-1.8 mm long, glabrous or herbarium materials,w e recognized four va- sc celypubescent; styles bent,0 .5-1 mm rieties of A. demissa, v s. demissa, 紅 訂 long (Fig. li). Achene bodies broadly elliptic yunnαnensis,v illosissima and major. or obovate, 6-7 x4 -6 mm, glabrous or scarcely pubescent,w ings 0.8-1.2 mmw ide; Key to infraspecific taxa styles curved, 1.8-2 mm long (Fig. 3i). of Anemone demissa Achene surface wrinkled (Fig. 4h) or 1a. Basal leaf petioles densely villous or tuberculate, according to Trifonova and lanate …...・ ・..…...・ ・..…・・ 2c. var. villosissima H H Chaudkhary (1988). 1b. Basal leaf petioles sparsely or densely Distr.: China (SW. Gansu,S. Qinghai,W . villous .…...・ ・.....・ ・.....・ ・..… ・・.....・ ・...・ ・.2 H H H H H H H and SW. Sichuan,E . and S. Xizang,N W. 2a. Stems 5-10 cm long,f lowers solitary... and N. Yunnan and Tibet),B hutan,N . India, ..2b. var. yunnanensis Nepal,S ikkim,B urma,al t. 3000-4600 m,in 2b. Stems 10-45 cm long,c ymes few- grassy slopes and sp seforests. flowered ・"' ・.....・ ・・・.....・ ・.....・ ・.....・ ・....3 紅 H H H H H H H Note: Hooker (1872) included A. demissa 3a. Stems 10-20 cm long; basal leaf in sect. Omalocarpus and noted its ascending blades ovate,u p to 5c mw ide,la teral seg- multi-stemmed habit,3 -sected basal leaves ments much smaller than central ones . with distinct petiolules of primぽysegments, …2a. vai. demissa few-flowered cymes, small 3-10bed 3b. Stems 20-40 cm long; basal leaf February 2006 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .l81 No. 1 3 。 弘 ハ ν3 a 164 -vialm c d e Fig. 1. Flower elements in the species of Anemone sect. Omlocarpus (1: tepal; 2: stamen; 3: carpel). a. A. narcissiflora subsp. narcissiflora -Ukraine,T ransca叩athianReg.,R akhiv Distr.,M t. Goverla,1. 7.1948, Gryny (KW). b. A. narciss伊orasubsp. fasciculata -Georgia,C . Caucasus,K artalinia,T zkhra-Tzkh訂0 12.6.1907,B ordzilowski (KW). c. A. narcissiflora subsp. protracta -Kazakhstan,Z aili Alatau,T algar, 24.6.1990,Z iman (KW). d. A. narcissiflora subsp. sibirica -Russia,M agadan Reg.,O khotsk seaside, 5.7.1995,Tu ruta (KW). e. A. narcissiflora subsp. villosissima -Kuriles,Ru betece,28 .1. 1884,M iyabe (LE). f. A. narcissiflora subsp. alaskana -U. S. A., Alaska,P oint Hope,2 2.8.1951,S cammen 396 (GH). 4 植物研究雑誌第81巻第1号 平成18年2月 blades mainly rhombic-pentagonal,u p to Rock 22312 (B乱1,E); Lusha Chu, 125000 f ,.t 12 cm wide,l ateral segments slightly 11.6.1938,L udlow & al. 4793 (BM); Kongbo Prov., smaller than central ones…. 2d. v major Tse La,2 2.6.1938,L udlow & al. (BM); Lhasa,1 3000 紅 . f ,.t 1939,R ichardson 247 (BM); Reting,6 0 mile of Lhasa,1 4500 f ,.t 12.7.1944,L udlow & Sheriff 9983 2a. Anemone demissa Hooker f. & (BM). Xizang (Kanting),T achienlu distr,T apaoshan, Thoms. var. demissa 22.8.1934,H andel-Mazzetti (K). E Kansu,M oule, A. narcissiflora var. demissa (Hook. f. & Schagora,1 885,P otanin (LE). UPPER BURMA: N Thoms.) Finet & Gagnep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. 孔1aikha-SalwinDivide,2 600 f ,.t6.1925,Fo rrest 26857 Fr. 53: 74 (1906). (E). BHUTAN: MemL a,1 3500 f ,.t15.5.1949,L udlow & Sheriff 16242 (E); Thimbu Chu,a bove Naha,n ear Plants are characterized by the features of bridge,1 3000 f ,.t23.5.1949,L udlow & Sheriff 16326 A. demissa s. str. (E); Waitang Tsampa,1 3500 f ,.t19.6.1949,L udlow & Specimens examined: CHINA: Yunnan,E f lank of Sheriff 19201 (E); Me La,C ho La Valley,1 3500 f ,.t the Tali Range,1 0000 f ,.t7.1906,F orrest 4366 (E); 17.7.1949,L udlow & Sheriff 20499 (E); Upper Mo Yulung-Shan, Likiang, 6.1911, Handel-Mazzetti Chu Dist ,.rValley SWo f Lingshi Dzong,2 9.9.1984, (WU); Yulung-Shan, Liりiang,7.6.1915, Handel- Sinclair & Long 5433 (E). NEPAL: Mukdem Hola, Mazzetti 1183 (BM); Si-la,i nter fluvios Landsang- Chharkabbot,1 830 f ,.t20.6.1952,P olunin & al. 1172 djiang (Mekong) and Lu-djiang (Salween),打1 7.6.1円916, (BM); Chhairogaon, N of Tuklにha, 11500 ,白 Ha加ndel-Ma但zz民et仕ti8929 (W町U);Me灼ko昭ng-Sal耐wi加n防Div吋i配de, 31.5.1954,S tainton (GH); Inukhu Hola,D udh Valley, 7.1917,F orrest 14177 (E); Fuchuan Range,W of 14000 f ,.t17.6.1964,B owes-Lyon 2041 (BM). Mekong-Salwin Divide,W of Wei-hsi,5 .6.1932,R ock 22725 (E); Pei MaS han,S E of Atuntze,5 .1932,R ock 2b. Anemone demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. 22834 (B恥1);Likiang Snow Range,Y angtze loop, var. yunnanensis Franch. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Bぽd訂, 1932, Rock 24811 (BM); Likiang Snow Fr. 33: 167 (1887). Type: China,Y unnan, Range,M t. Satseto,6 .1932,R ock 24823 (BM); Pi-lo Shan,4 000 m,1 8.8.1934,H . T. Tsai 58010 (PE); Mt. Wang-chan, super CaH, 6.5.1886, Likiang Snow Range,2 3.5.1937,Y u 15055 (BM); Delavay (K-isotype !). Chung tien,S hianrentung,3 600 m,1 8.10.1937,Y u A. bicolor H. Lev. in Bull. Acad. Geogr. 13749 (BM); Lichiashica,3 200 m,1 8.11.1937,Y u Bot. 24: 42 (1915). 10999 (BM); Muli,V achin,D eon Gomba,3 500 m, Plants comparatively small (stems 10-20 11.11.1937,Y u 14759 (BM); Tali Range,1 2000 f ,.t Forrest 4367 (K); Prov. Yangbi Xian,w estem side of cm long),w ith basal leaf blades ovate,u p to Diancang Shan,v icinity of Baiyunfeng Peak above 5 cm wide, and lateral segments much Malutang,2 6.6.1984,B artolomew & a .l566 (LE); smaller than central ones. Lijiang,Y uliong Shan,G anghoba,3 100 m,2 2.5.1987, Chambarlain & al. (K); Ge Zao Dist ,.r 12 km N of 2c. Anemone demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. Zhongdian (Chungtien),3 440 m,2 2.9.1990,C dd-90 472 (K); Yulong Shan,G ang Ho Ba Valley,3 200 m, V訂.villosissima Bruhl in Ann. Bot. Gard. 4.10.1990,Cj d-90 745 (K); SWS ichuan,Ri ver Aropai, Calc. 5: 81 (1896) -A. demissa Hook. f. & 11.8.1885,P otanin (LE); Da Dsienlu (= Taatsien-lu, Thoms. subsp. villosissima (Bruhl) Tibetic Tarsando),1 5.6.1893,P otanin (LE); Kamski Chaudkh紅yin Bot. Zhum. 196 (1988). Type Plateau,K hun-Chao Pass,1 0.8.1893,P otanin (LE); Himalaya, Sikkim, Jogri, 13000 ft., Pao-Hsing-Hsien, 19.9.1936,C hu 3894 (LE); Mt. 22.6.1892,G ammie 195 (BM-isotype !). Mitzuga,W of Muli Gomba,3 050-4875 m,6 .1928,J. A. demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. var. villosa F. Rock 16581 (E); Minya Konka Snow Range,E of Yulong Hsi,7 .1929,R ock 17527,1 7528,1 7632 (E); Ulbr. in Bot. Jahrb. 37: 209 (1906). Djesi La and Djesi Longba,S of Tatsienlu,7 .1929, Plants differ from others by basal leaf Rock 17705 (E); Mt. Siga,W of Yalang River,N of petioles densely villous or lanate. Karadi,5 .1932,R ock 23819 (BM); SE Tibet,D oshong Distr.: China,S ikkim,B hutan,E . Nepal La,3 600 m,6 .1924,K ingdon-Ward 5860 (K); Nyima and India. La,4 800 m,2 1.6.1924,K ingdon-Ward 5816 (K); Prov.Tsarung,S olo La,6 .1932,R ock 22256 (BM,E) ; Specimens examined: CHINA: Yunnan, Prov.Tsarung,T jonatong,U pper Salvin River,6 .1932, Shimenguang,e vergreen forest and meadow,3 300 m, February 2006 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l81 No. 1 5 24.6.1985,B artolomew & al. 414 (GH); Baiyunfeng 6x 4 m m,gl abrous; styles hooked,ca . 1m m Peak, above Malutang, 3800 m, 26.6.1984, long. Bartolomew & al. 582 (GH); Yangbi Xian, W Distr.: China (NW. Yunnan,W eixi Xian), Diancang Shan,B aiyunfeng Peak above Malutang, alt. 2500-3000 m,in mountain valleys. 26.6.1984,B artolomew & al. 566 (GH); Dali Xian, Note: This species was described by Wang summit of Diancang Shan M ,.tYinglofeng Peak,W of Dali city,39 00 m,19 84,Ba rtolomew & al. 1044 (GH). (1974) as at axon close to A. demissa,b ut with longer stems and pedicels,a nd white 2d. Anemone demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. tepals. var. major W. T. Wang,F l. Reipubl. Popul. Sin. 28: 351 (1980). Type: China,W eixi, 4. Anemone taipaiensis W. T. Wang in Mt. Dongzhuling,al t. 4000 m,1 1.7.1937,T. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12: 174 (1974). Type: T. Yu 8908 (PE-holotype !). China,S hensi,T aipai Shan,3 200-3600 m, A. demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. var. Fuangyangszu,9 .1937,T. N. Liou & P. C. macrantha Bruhl in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calc. Tsoong 958 (PE-holotype !). 5: 81 (1896). Basalleaves 5-12; petioles 5-15 cml ong, Plants differ from others by large stems densely spreadingly puberulent; blades 3 ・ (20-40c m long),a nd from var. demissa by sected, broadly ovate, 3-7 x4 -8 cm, basal leaf blades mainly rhombic-pentago- adaxially glabrous, abaxially puberulent; nal,u p to 12 cm wide,a nd lateral segments bases subtruncate or subcordate; segments slightly smaller than central ones. sessile; central segments 3-parted,b roadly rhombic,lo bes subcontiguous or obovate,ul - 3. Anemone robusta W. T. Wang in Acta timate lobules ovate; lateral segments 3 伊 Phytotax. Sin. 12: 173 (1974). Type: China, lobed, similar to central segments, but Yunnan,We i-si Hsian,3 000 m,8. 9.1935,W . smaller. Scapes 2-4, 15-40 cm long, T. Wang 67832 (PE-holotype !). scarcely puberulent; cymes 1-5-flowered. Basalleaves 4-7; petioles 15-30 cml ong, Involucral leaves 3,3 -parted,b roadly rhom- subglabrous; blades 3-sected, orbicular- bic; lobes 3-dentate or entire,l anceolate,2 - ovate,4 -7x 4 -9 cm,a daxially appressed- 4c ml ong,pu berulent. Pedicels 3-6 cml ong, puberulent, abaxially glabrous; central pubescent. Tepals 5,w hite,e lliptic,w ith segments shortly petiolulate,3 -parted,r hom- wide bases and naowapices,7 -10 x5 -6 町 bic,l obes lobulate and dentate; lateral seg- mm,s parsely puberulent; basal veins 3-7, ments subsessile, unequally 2-parted, anastomosing veins 3-5. Stamens 3-5 mm oblique-flabellate. Scapes 70-120 cm long, long; filaments linear; anthers ellipsoid. subglabrous; cymes 5-10-flowered. Ovaries spherical-ellipsoid,c ompressed,4 - Involucralleaves 3; blades 3-parted,o bovate 5 mm long, wings 0.2-0.4 mm wide, or obovate-rhombic,2 .5-5 cml ong; lobes 3- glabrous. Achene bodies broadly orbicular- lobulate,s parsely pubescent. Pedicels 5-12 ovate or broadly ovate,c omplanate,w inged, cm long,s parsely puberulent. Tepals 6-7, 6-7 x2 .5-3 mm,gl abrous; styles curved,1 - white,o blong-obovate,w ith wide bases and 1.5m ml ong. apices,1 5-25 x7 -10 mm,s parsely pubes- Distr.: China (S. Shaanxi,Q inling Range, cent; basal veins 3-5,a nastomosing veins 1- Taipaishan),al t. 2900-3700 m,in grassy or 3. Stamens 3-6 mml ong; filaments linear; gravely slopes. anthers ellipsoid. Ovaries wide-ovoid,c om- pressed,4 -5 mml ong,w ings 0.1-0.3 mm 5. Anemone smithiana Lauener & wide,g labrous; styles curved, 1-1.2 mm Panigrahi in Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. long. Achene bodies broadly obovate,c a. 33: 491 (1975). Type: Nepal,T elley,1 5000 6 植物研究雑誌第81巻第1号 平成18年2月 h g 1 匙 Fig. 1( Continued). -F10wer elements in the species of Anemone sect. Omlocarpus. g. A. narcissiflora subsp. zephyra -U. S. A., Colorado,C ameron Pass, 15.7.1996,B aker (GH). h. A. nαrcisiflora subsp. n伊ponica-Japan,K aga Hakusan,6 .1889,T schonoski 2436 (LE). .iA. demissa -China,Y unnan,Y ulung- Shan,L ikiang,6 .1914,H andel-Mazettii 6672 (WU). j. A. smithiana -Nepal,R ambrong,L angung,H imal, 7.7.1954,S tainton & al. 6221 (BM). k. A. polyanthes -Nepal,L ahul,W iloknath 144 (K). February 2006 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .l81 No. 1 7 ft., 1930, Lall Dhwoj 460-(E-holotyp@ !; 822 (E); Bokta,1 3000 f ,.t10.7.1913,R ibu & Rhomoo BM-isotype !). (E); Changu,1 3000 f ,.t 28.6.1913,C ooper 43 (E); Basal leaves 4-9(-20); petioles 10:-20 21.8.1913,C ooper 564 (E); Assam,T ha Chu Valley, 4.7.1950,K ingdon-W ard 19572 (BM). (-25) cm long,s preading-villous; blades 3- sected,o rbicular-pentagonal,4 -8 x6 -12 cm, 6. Anemone cathayensis Kitag. [in appressed-villous or pilose; bases cordate; Lineam. Fl. Mansh. 213 (1913),p ro syn.; segments subsessile,s lightly imbricate with Neo-Lineam. Fl. Mansh. 290 (1979),n omen each other; central segments 3-p紅白d, -L. K. Fu & T. Hφng,H igher Pl. China 3: broadly rhombic,p innatisect,u ltimate lob- 498,fi g. 797 (1998),n om. nud.-W. T. Wang ules ovate obtuse; lateral segments unequally & a ,.lFl. China 6: 320 (2001),n om. nud.] ex 2-parted,ob lique-flabellate. Scapes 1-2,2 0- Ziman & Kadota,sp . nov. [Fig. 2] 45 cm long,s preading-villous; cymes 3-7 Petioli fere glabri. Laminae foliorum (-10)-flowered. Involucral leaves 3-5(-7); utrinque glabrae ternatae, lobis grosse 3-parted or 3-1obed,b roadly rhombic or dentatis. Rostrum acheniorum aliquantum flabellate-rhombic,2 -5 cm Iong. Pedicels curvata. 3-4(-10) cm long,p ubescent. Tepals 5,p ur- Folia basalia 4-8; petiolo 6-25 cm longi, ple-red or pink,b roadly elliptic,w ith wide sparse villosi sive glabri; lamina tripartita, bases and n訂rowapices, 15-20 x1 0-15 orbicularia-reniformia,3 -6 x4 -9 cm,g labra mm, pubescent, sometimes along central sive glabrescentis; basi cordata; segmenta vein only; basal veins 5-7,a nastomosing subsessilia; segmenta centrale trilobata,l ate veins 1-3. Stamens 3-6 mml ong; filaments rhomboidalia sive rhomboidalia-obovata, linear; anthers ellipsoid. Ovaries ellipsoid, lobi lobulati,l obi ultimi ovati sive anguste compressed,2 -3 mml ong,g labrous; styles ovati; segmenta lateralia inaequalia-tripartita, hooked,1. 2-1.5m ml ong (Fig. 1j). Achene oblique flabellata. Scapi 2-6, 15-40 cm bodies subspherical or obovate,c ompressed, longi,s parse pubescens sive glabri; cymae winged,g labrous,4 -8 x4 -5 mm; styles ca. 2-5-flori. Involucri folia 3-5; laminae 2m ml ong,st raight or slightly curved (Fig. tripartita sive trilobata, 4-7 cm longa, 3j). inaequalia, rhomboidalia sive obovata, Distr.: China (Xizang and S. Tibet ,)India dentata sive integra. Pedicelli 2-5 cm longi, (Assam),B hutan,N epal,S ikkim,a lt. 3300- sparse pubescentia sive glabri. Tepala 5-6, 4600 m,in bushes and along s甘eams. alba sive roseola,a nguste obovata,b asale et Specimens examined: CHINA: Tibet,N ielamu, apice lata,1 0-18 x5 -10 mm,g labri.; nervi 4150 m, 19.6.1975, Tibet Expedition 5749 (E). basalia 3-5, nervi anastomosantis 1-3. BHUTAN: Phajudin Timpu, 13000 ft., 5.8.1914, Cooper (E); frontier to Assam,O rka La,1 3000 f ,.t Stamina 4-5 mml onga; filamenta paulum 8.6.1938, Kingdon-Ward 13718 (BM). NEPAL: dilatata; anthera anguste elliptica. Ovaria Gossai Kunda, 16.6.1935,B ailey (BM); Bhurchula ovoidea,c ompressa,3 -5 mml onga,g labra. Lekh,n ear Jumla,1 44000 f ,.t13.7.1952,P olunin & al. Achenia late-ovata sive suborbiculata,al ata, 4630 (E); Shiar Khola,a bove Chum Gompa,1 2-1400 o 5-6 x4 -5 mm, sparse puberula; stylo f ,.t 1.5.1953,A udschnaider (BM); Sauwala Khola, paulum curvati,1 m ml ongi. 12000 f ,.t4.6.1954,S tainton & al. 2981,2 982 (BM); Rambrong, Lamjung Himal, 13000仕, 1.7.1954, Type: CHINA; Hebei Prov.,孔1t.Shao- Stainton & al. 6056 (E); Lete (S of Tukucha) Kali Wutaishan,1 914,Y. Nagai 48 (TI-holotype). Gandaki, 12000 f ,.t 7.6.1954,S tainton & al. 1022 A. demissa Hook. f. & Thoms. v ぽ. (BM; E); Khimti Khola,P ameh Pokhari,1 6.07.1964, glabrescens Ulbr. in Bot. Jahrb. 37: 209 Stainton & al. 4800 (BM); Kali Gandaki,E SF Thini, (1906),p. p.. excl. type. 13000 f ,.t 19.7.1977, Miehe 246 (BM). INDIA: Sikkim,M egu,1 4000 f ,.t1.7.1913,R homoo & Lepeka A. narcissiflora L. var. pekinensis Shipcz., 8 植物研究雑誌第81巻第1号 平成18年2月 r ・・EEE-aF・dEm m 2 m n Fig. 1( Continued). -Flower elements in the species of Anemone sect. Omlocarpus. 1. A. tetrasepalα-China, Chefoo, 1891,F aber (LE). m. A. elongata -India,K umaon, 15.7.1886,D uthie 5271 (K). n. A. sikokiana -Japan,E nime Pre ,.fShuso-gun,M t. Ishizuchi,3 0.7.1921,Y amamoto (LE). l. c. 101 (1912). lateral segments unequaly 3-parted,o blique- A. narciss抑oraL. subsp. chinensis Kitag., flabellate. Scapes 2-6, 15-40 cm long, Rep. 1st Sc .iExp. Manch. 4: 7( 1935). sparsely pubescent or glabrous; cymes 2δ- A. cathayensis Kitag. var. hispidlαTamura flowered. Involucral leaves 3-5; blades 3- in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 17: 114 (1958). P訂tedor 3-1obed, 4-7 cm long,u nequal, Basal leaves 4-8; petioles 6-25 cm long, rhOInbic or obovate,d entate or undivided. sp selyvillous or glabrous; blades 3-parted, Pedicels 2-5 cm long,s parsely pubescent or 訂 orbicular-reniform,3 -6 x4 -9 cm,g labrous glabrous. Tepals 5-6, white or pinkish, or glabrescent; bases cordate; segments narrowly obovate,w ith wide bases and subsessile; central segments 3-1obed,br oadly apices,1 0-18 x5 -10 mm,g labrous; basal rhombic or rhombic-obovate,l obes lobulate, veins 3-5,a nastomosing veins 1-3. Stamens ultimate lobules ovate or narrowly ovate; 4-5 mm long; filaments slightly dilated; February 2006 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 81 No. 1 9 anthers narrowly ellipsoid. Ovaries ovoid, compressed,3 -5 mml ong,g labrous; styles hooked,ca . 1m mlo ng. Achene bodies wide- ovate or suborbicular,w inged,5 -6 x4 -5 mm, sp sely puberulent; styles slightly 紅 curved,ca .l mml ong. Distr.: China (Hebei and Shanxi) and Korea,a lt. 1000-2800 m,o n grassy and rocky slopes. Note: Ulbrich (1906) noted the nearly glabrous plants within A. demissa and sepa- rated them as variety glabrescens Ulbr. However,S hipchinski (1912) believed that this variety was closer to A. narcissiflora, but differed from it by their 3-parted reniform basal leaf blades,l arge involucral leaves,a nd numerous stems. Accordingly,h e described these plants as A. narcissiflora v 紅. pekinensis (because they occurred in the mountains close to Pekin [Beijing]). Kitagawa (1935) also included these plants in A. narcissiflora (as subsp. chinensis Kitag.), but later he (Kitagawa 1939) described them as A. cathayensis,a nd he noted the variability of the basal leaf blade shape and pubescence. According to Tamura (1958), A. cathayensis v cathayensis is characterized 紅 . by glabrous ovaries and achene bodies,a nd A. cathayensis var. hispida with hairy ova- ries and achene bodies. 7. Anemone polyanthes D. Don,P rodr. Fl. Nepal 194 (1825) -A. narcissiflora L. var. polyanthes Jancz. in Rev. Gen. Bot. 4: 245 (1892) - A. narcissiflora L. var. polyanthes (D. Don) Finet & Gagnep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 51: 56 (1904),n om. superfl. -Anemonastrum polyanthes (D. Don) Holub in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. Praha 8: 165 (1973). Type: Himalaya,W allich 4691b (E-isotype !). A. longiscapa Wall.,C at. 4691 (1831), nom. nud. A. villosa Royle,I1 1. Bot. Hima .1Mount. Fig. 2. Holotype of Anemone cathαyensis Kitag. ex Ziman & Kadota (CHINA; Hebei Prov.,M t. 52 (1834). Shao-Wutaishan,1 914,Y . Nagai 48,TI ). 咽EEAυハ 植物研究雑誌第81巻第1号 平成18年2月 A. govaniana Royle,1 1 .1 Bot. Hima .1 perianth and glabrous achenes. Meanwhile, Mount. 45 (1834). Hooker (1872) noted the variability of its A. scaposa Edgew. in Trans. Linn. Soc. inf10rescences (simple or compound) and London 20: 27 (1846). wide-ovate achenes with straight styles. A. abdurrehmαnii R. A. Qureshi & M. N. Hooker he presupposed that A. polyαnthes Chaudhri,P akist. Syst. 2: 16 (1979). may be only af orm of A. narcissiflora with A. lowariensis R. A. Qureshi & M. N. less dissected leaves and branched inf1ore- Chaudhri,P akist. Syst. 2: 14 (1979). scences. A. mirajabii R. A. Qureshi & M. N. This species was not recognized by some Chaudhri,P akist. Syst. 3: 16 (1987). authors,b eginning with Hooker (1872). This Basal leaves 4-7; petioles 10-30 cm long, was p tlydue to Don' s( 1825) inadequate 訂 villous (hairs short silky); blades 3-5-parted description but mainly because of the vari- (sometimes 3-7-1obed),r hombic-pentagonal, ability of certain characters (e. g.,p eculiarト 5-10 x5 -12 cm,d ark,s p selypuberulent; ties of leaf dissection, inf1orescences, 紅 segments 3-1obed or 3-cleft; bases cordate; pubescence of sepals and achenes). margins dentate. Scapes 25-60 cm long, The results of our study confirm this vari- villous; inflorescences compound,7 -15-flo- ability. For instance,t he holotype specimen wered. Involucral leaves 3-7; 3-1obed or 3- examined by us in E (Himalaya,W allich cleft, 3-5 cm long, sparsely puberulent; 4691) has simple umbelliferous cymes,3 - bracteoles smal1. Pedicels 3-7 cm long, P紅白dbasal leaf blades,a nd puberulent puberulent. Tepals 5-10,w hite or yellowish, tepals and achenes. However, in 1865 basally narrowed,a pices rounded,m ainly Hooker regarded the material of Royle (N reflexed,s ometimes apically with several 6840) from the Himalaya (K) as the type teeth,1 5-25 x8 -15 mm,s parsely puberu- specimen. The plant has compound inf1ore- lent; basal veins 3-5,w ith 1-5 anastomosing scences, 3-sected basal leaf blades, and veins. Stamens 7-8 mm long; filaments glabrous sepals and achenes. slightly dilated,a nthers ellipsoid. Ovaries Specimens examined: CHINA: Yunnan,M t.Hee- oblong, compressed, 1.5-3 mm long, chan-Men,H yra Yankong,6. 5.1887,D elavay 110 (K). glabrous,s tyles substraight,0 .7-1.3 mm NEPAL: Sialgarhi Chaudhabise Khola, 10000 f ,.t 16.5.1952,P olunin 2061 (GH); Jaljale, 13500 f ,.t long (Fig. lk). Achene bodies rounded- 22.7.1971,E inarsson 237 (BM); Saure Khola,3 200 m, ovate, basally narrowed, 6-10 x5 -8 mm, 26.5.1973,E inarsson & al. 205 (BM); Jangla Banjang, with solitary hairs basally and apically, 2400 m,4 .6.1973,E inarsson & al. (BM). INDIA: wings 1.1-1.3 mm wide; styles bent or Kashmir, Lonzal Nala, Liddar Valley, 14000 f ,.t substraight, 1.6-1.8 mm long (Fig. 3k). 31.7.1893,D uthie 13368 (BM); Sona Sar,2 7.6.1914, Achene surface wrinkled (Fig. 4j). Thackeray (BM); Sintan Pass,h ead of Beinghi Valley, 11500 m,7 .9.1940,L udlow & Sheriff 8184 (BM). Distr.: Pakistan,I ndia (Simla,A ssam and Kumaon), Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan, alt. 8. Anemone tetrasepala Royl e,11 .1Bot. 2700-4400 m,i n sparse forests and mead- Hima .153 (1839). Type: Kashmir,J umboo, ows. road to Cashmere, 1828, Royle (E- Note: Don (1825) described this species holotype !). from the flora of the Himalaya and regarded Basalleaves 3-7; petioles 15-30(-40) cm it close to A. narcissiflora. Don characterized long, puberulent or glabrescent; blades the species as having 3-parted pubescent deeply 5-1obed, coriaceous, reniform or basal and involucral leaves with wide cordate-reniform, 8-15 x1 0-20 cm, pinnatifid segments and dentate margins, adaxially sp sely pubescent, abaxially 訂 umbelliferous inflorescences, 5-1eaved