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A Taxonomic Note on Natica saitoi Kuroda and Habe in Kuroda, Oyama and Habe, 1971 (Gastropoda, Naticidae) PDF

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Preview A Taxonomic Note on Natica saitoi Kuroda and Habe in Kuroda, Oyama and Habe, 1971 (Gastropoda, Naticidae)

Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. A, 37(3), pp. 113–119, August 22, 2011 A Taxonomic Note on Natica saitoi Kuroda and Habe in Kuroda, Oyama and Habe, 1971 (Gastropoda, Naticidae) Kazunori Hasegawa1and Gary Rosenberg2 1Department of Zoology (Showa Memorial Institute), National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, 4–1–1, Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0005 Japan E-mail: [email protected] 2Department of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900, Parkway, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103–1195 USA (Received 19 May 2011; accepted 21 June 2011) Abstract This paper resolves a taxonomic problem for Natica saitoiKuroda and Habe in Kuro- da, Habe and Oyama, 1971. This name was proposed in a bilingual publication, and the Japanese and English descriptions are shown to be based on specimens of different species. The English de- scription is correctly based on the specimen illustrated as the holotype of N. saitoi, whereas the Japanese description is probably based on a specimen of N. buriasiensis. The Japanese and English texts agree on the identity of the holotype and the composition of the type series, so only a single new name was introduced. The specimen that is the basis of the Japanese description is here ex- cluded from the type series. Key words: Naticidae, Natica saitoi, Natica buriasiensis. are omitted in the Japanese part—, measure- Introduction ments, type locality, and distribution for each Natica saitoi is one of 104 specific or subspe- species. The Japanese and English descriptions cific nominal taxa proposed by Kuroda et al. of the new taxa are generally equivalent, with a (1971) in a comprehensive taxonomic work on remarkable exception for Natica saitoi, docu- the shell-bearing mollusks of Sagami Bay, based mented herein. Although the Japanese descrip- on the collection compiled by His Majesty, the tion of this taxon comprises 448 characters in 11 Showa Emperor Hirohito, and deposited in the lines, the English description of this taxon con- Biological Laboratory Imperial Household sists of only 70 words in 6 lines. A brief compar- (BLIH). This publication adopts an irregular ison of the descriptions revealed that they are bilingual format. Japanese and English sections based on different specimens belonging to differ- (741 and 487 pp., respectively, with independent ent species. paginations) are separated in the middle by pho- The biological collection, including a large tographic plates. The Japanese section provides a number of primary types, and library of the description of every specific and supraspecific BLIH were transferred to the National Museum taxon, together with measurements of some rep- of Nature and Science (NSMT) in 1993–1994, resentative specimens, type locality, locality of and housed in the Showa Memorial Institute, specimens examined, distribution, and taxonomic newly built in the Tsukuba campus of the muse- remarks if necessary for each species. In con- um for this purpose. It thus became easier to ex- trast, the English section provides descriptions amine type and voucher materials, including only for the new taxa proposed in this publica- those from Kuroda et al.(1971). Careful compar- tion, together with detailed synonymies—which ison of the descriptions of N. saitoi with other 114 Kazunori Hasegawa and Gary Rosenberg naticid specimens in the collection resulted in the ange, irregular maculation in other parts. Later discovery of two naticid specimens that agree teleoconch whorls decorated with brownish or- with, respectively, the English and Japanese de- ange fine net-like lines that form irregular or tri- scriptions. In this paper, both voucher specimens angular maculation, and obscure white band on are illustrated, compared with corresponding the periphery. Body whorl with two white bands both description, and their nomenclatural status is dis- on periphery and around umbilicus, and slightly cussed. The International Code of Zoological declined near aperture. Aperture semicircular, in- Nomenclatureis cited as the “Code”. clined and white inside. Outer lip curved, light brown in color; inner lip with developed callus that fills posterior end of aperture, dark cream in Comparison of English and Japanese color, with shallow groove. Columella straight, descriptions dark orange to light reddish brown in color; um- In both the English and Japanese descriptions, bilical pad located in upper position of columel- a specimen with dimensions of “height 8.8mm la, triangular in shape, with inclined shallow and breadth 9.2mm”, which refers to the figure groove at junction to body whorl. Umbilicus in “pl. 19, fig. 12”, was designated as the “type deeply perforated, peach brown in color, and specimen” or “moshiki-hyohon [(cid:2)holotype]”. forming angulation at edge, with ridge-like pro- The illustrated specimen (NSMT-MoR 18164; jection connecting to umbilical pad. Operculum Fig. 1) actually measures 8.9mm in shell length calcareous, smooth and polish, with one groove (SL) and 9.2mm in shell width (SW), which and periostracum-like tuft along the outer mar- agrees with the published measurement. Howev- gin. Columellar margin serrated, being finer in er, the descriptions in both languages remarkably lower portion.” differ from each other. The English description is Remarks. The Japanese description is more quoted below, and compared with the Japanese detailed than is the English description. There are description, which is herein translated into Eng- several significant differences both in coloration lish. and morphology, especially in the shape of the English original description. “Shell small, columellar callus, between the Japanese and Eng- solid, rather thin, smooth and polished, globular lish descriptions. Furthermore, it is notable that in shape, pale brown except yellowish white hy- the morphology of the operculum is described posutural band and the whitish base of the body only in the Japanese description. The specimens whorls. Spire small and low, with five whorls. pertaining to these descriptions are summarized Protoconch dark brown. Body whorl very large, in Table 1. well rounded. Aperture semicircular. Outer mar- The English description agrees well with the gin rounded and thin at the edge. Parietal wall illustrated specimen (NSMT-MoR 18164; Fig. 1) covered by thick callus and columellar margin in coloration, i.e. “pale brown except yellowish also thick, partly covering the deep and narrow white hyposutural band and the whitish base of umbilicus.” the body whorls”, which best characterizes this Japanese original description (translated here- specimen, as well as in all the other conchologi- in into English). “Shell small, smooth, pol- cal characters, including the simple columellar ished, globular to oval in shape, and covered by callus. In contrast, the Japanese description is in- dull, light brown periostracum. Spire low conical, consistent with the illustrated specimen since it consisted of 5 rather inflated whorls. Protoconch describes a complex color pattern on the teleo- dark brown and consisted of two strongly inflated conch, i.e. “brownish orange fine net-like lines whorls, with deeply impressed suture. Subse- that form irregular or triangular maculation, and quent initial teleoconch whorls with opaquely obscure white band on periphery”, and also de- white hyposutural band and dark brownish or- scribes the shell as having a “ridge-like projec- A Taxonomic Note on Natica saitoi 115 y” ote 1 2 3 peci- alitots. N 3 s 1; KHO). “Stated page” and “Stated locwhat is said on original labels with the l Labeled localityStatus Sagami Bayholotype Sagami Bayparatype Jogashima W 5.5km paratypes(100–110m) unknownparatype of Natica saitoi Jogashima SW 4km paratype(83–97m) Kamekisho WNW 4kmparatype(70–75m) Kamekisho WNW 4kmparatypes of (70–75m)Natica saitoi Sagami Bayvoucher Shurane-bank, voucher30–40m m R20000, which originally comprised Table1.List of specimens treated in connection with the description of Natica saitoiand N. buriasiensisin Kuroda et al. (197show what is said on KHO pages 176–177 (Japanese) and 116–117 (English). “Labeled name” and “Labeled locality” show NSMT-Mo KHO Stated size Actual size TaxonLabeled nameStated localitynumberpl. 19(mm)(mm) (cid:3)(cid:3)R18164Natica saitoiNatica saitoifig. Bay (cid:3)R18165Natica saitoiNatica saitoi——8.19.0— (cid:3)R20705 10.09.3 Jogashima W 5.5km Natica saitoiNatica saitoi——(cid:3)(ex 44485)8.38.9(100–110m) not found[Natica saitoi]unknown——unknownJogashima WSW 4km(100m) Jogashima SW 4km (cid:3)R20706Natica saitoi———8.18.9(83–97m) Kamekisho WNW 4km(cid:3)R20707Natica saitoi———7.78.0(70–75m) (cid:3)Kamekisho WNW 4km6.56.6 R20708Naticariussp.———(cid:3)5.35.2(70–75m) (cid:3)(cid:3)R18166Natica buriasiensisNatica buriasensisfig. Bay (cid:3)R18167Natica buriasiensisNatica buriasensis——7.07.3— Notes: 1, separated from R18164, measurement given under N. buriasiensisin Japanese and English text; 2, separated froens in total; 3, basis of Japanese description of N. saitoi. m 116 Kazunori Hasegawa and Gary Rosenberg tion” in the umbilicus. 18166) and the specimen agreeing with the In both English and Japanese descriptions, the Japanese description of N. saitoi (NSMT-MoR type locality was stated merely as “Sagami Bay”, 18167; 7.0mm SL and 7.3mm SW); both differ and 4 lots of specimens with precise locality data from the published dimensions. The latter speci- were recorded in addition to the holotype. The men was not measured, or directly referred to in “type” lot, which actually comprises two dead- the text, although it was collected prior to the collected empty shells, is accompanied by a label publication of the work. It is therefore concluded with the locality as “Sagami Bay”. Although no that there was some confusion by Kuroda and his other specimens of the same species were found co-authors in the treatment of N. saitoi and “N. in the BLIH collection, three lots of specimens buriasensis”. The English description is correctly collected in Sagami Bay from “Jogashima W 5.5 based on the specimen illustrated as the holotype km (100–110m)”, “Jogashima SW 4km (83–97 of N. saitoi (Kuroda et al., 1971, pl. 19, fig. 12: m)” and “Kamekisho WNW 4 km (70–75m)”, NSMT-MoR 18164: Fig. 1), whereas the Japan- which correspond to the mentioned records, were ese description is probably based on the speci- located in Dr. Habe’s collection in NSMT. All of men of N. buriasiensis (NSMT-MoR 18167: Fig. these lots comprise only empty shells, which 2). agrees with the absence of the description of the operculum in the English description. Taxonomic Resolution On the other hand, a search in the molluscan collection in the BLIH resulted in finding of a Because the English and Japanese descriptions specimen with an operculum (NSMT-MoR of Natica saitoi are based on different species, it 18167; Fig. 2) that agrees with the Japanese de- is necessary to discuss the nomenclatural status scription. It was collected alive from “Shurane- of this nominal taxon in order to avoid taxonomic bank, 30–40m, 24 July 1956” in Sagami Bay, confusion. and identified as “Natica buriasensis [sic(cid:2)buri- One might consider that the name pertaining asiensis]” on the attached label. “Natica buri- to each description could be regarded as a dis- asensis” was listed and described just after Nati- tinct nominal taxon and thus enter into primary ca saitoi in the publication, with measurements homonymy with the other. There are actually of two specimens from “Sagami Bay (alive)”, some instances where an author introduced and one of the specimens was illustrated in pl. homonymous names in the same work, for exam- 19, fig. 13 (NSMT-MoR 18166; Fig. 3). Inexplic- ple, Patella jamaicensis Gmelin, 1791 (p. 3715, ably, the dimensions of the figured specimen currently Lottia jamaicensis) and Patella ja- were erroneously given as “Height 8.8mm and maicensis Gmelin, 1791 (p. 3730, currently Fis- breadth 9.2mm”, exactly the same as those of the surella nodosa (Born, 1778)). In all such cases holotype of N. saitoi, although the actual speci- that we are aware of, the type series did not over- men (NSMT-MoR 18166) is significantly larger lap. In the present case, however, the holotype of with the dimensions of 12.0mm SL and 10.9mm Natica saitoi is referred to plate 19, figure 12, SW. Furthermore, the dimensions (8.1mm SL and the set of localities mentioned is the same in and 9.0mm SW) of another measured specimen both the Japanese and English texts, so there is cited under N. buriasiensis in both the Japanese not disagreement about the contents of the type and English text exactly agree with those of the series. The Code does not require descriptions to specimen contained in the same lot as the holo- be accurate, and it does not require all members type of N. saitoi (NSMT-MoR 18165; separated of a type series to be conspecific. The stated from 18164). There are only two specimens iden- holotype of N. saitoiin the Japanese text is eligi- tifiable with N. buriasiensis in the BLIH collec- ble to be the holotype, even though it does not tion: the illustrated specimen (NSMT-MoR agree with the description. In the absence of un- A Taxonomic Note on Natica saitoi 117 Figs. 1–3. Shell and operculum of Natica spp.—1, Natica saitoi, holotype (NSMT-MoR 18164); 2, Natica buriasiensis, a specimen on which Japanese description of Natica saitoiwas probably based, shell (A–D) and operculum (E, inner side; F, outer side) (NSMT-MoR 18167); 3, Natica buriasiensis Récluz, 1844, shell, Sagami Bay, voucher specimen of Kuroda et al. (1971: pl. 19, fig. 13; NSMT-MoR 18166). 118 Kazunori Hasegawa and Gary Rosenberg ambiguous evidence that the authors intended to tani, 1972: 87, fig. 25 (Takase, Izu Islands, 130 m); name different species in the Japanese and Eng- Okutani, 1975: 191 (Kurose, Izu Islands, 177 m); Saito, 2000: 261, pl. 130, fig. Naticidae-47. lish texts, there is no mechanism in the Code to Not Natica saitoi Kuroda and Habe in Kuroda et al., 1971 set aside the stated holotype, which would be (part): 176 (Japanese section) [is Natica buriasiensis necessary for the Japanese and English texts to Récluz, 1844]; Koyama, 2001: 149, pl. 1, fig. 18 [is be treated as independent introductions of Naticasp.]. homonymous names. The information presented herein demon- Type material. Holotype, NSMT-MoR 18164; strates that the Japanese description was probably paratypes, NSMT-MoR 18165, 20705–20707, based on a specimen from a locality not men- 20708 (separated from 20707; is Naticarius sp.) tioned in the text (Shurane-bank). Under Code (Table 1), all from Sagami Bay. Article 72.4.1, this evidence can to be taken into Type locality. Sagami Bay. account in determining the contents of the type Remarks. This species can be characterized series of Natica saitoi.If the confusion in the text and distinguished from congeneric species by the referring to N. saitoi and N. buriasiensis reflects combination of characters including a relatively that the authors misidentified the species, then small adult shell size, monotone brownish col- the specimen from Shurane is a misidentified oration, and weakly developed parietal callus. Its paratype of Natica saitoi. It is also possible that known geographic distribution is restricted to a the confusion is clerical rather than biological: narrow area on the Pacific coast of central Hon- text intended to describe N. buriasiensis may shu, from Sagami Bay south to the Kurose Bank have been accidentally inserted under N. saitoi of Izu Islands, within a depth range of 100– and measurements for N. saitoi accidentally 177m. The narrow geographical distribution of placed under N. buriasiensis. In this scenario, the this species might be related to direct develop- specimen is not part of the type series of Natica ment, which can be inferred from a relatively saitoi. In favor of this interpretation, the label large, bulbous and paucispiral protoconch with NSMT-MoR 18167 says Natica buriasensis, (Kabat, 1996). No live specimens of this species notNatica saitoi, however we do not know when are known to have been collected. the label was written.In the interest of clarity we reject this specimen as being part of the type se- Acknowledgements ries of N. saitoi since it is from a locality not mentioned in the text. This is not a binding ac- We are grateful to Alan R. Kabat (Washington, tion under the Code, so if more evidence sur- D.C.) and Richard E. Petit (South Carolina) for faces, its status might be reconsidered. The origi- their constructive comments on the early drafts nal manuscript of The Seashells of Sagami Bay is of the manuscript. not known to exist, but if it were found, it might show how the confusion with these taxa References occurred. Gmelin, J. F. 1791. Caroli a Linné Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. Editio decima tertian [Systema Nat- Taxonomy urae, 13th edition]. Vol. 1 (6) “Vermes”, pp. 3021– 3910. R. Poli, Leipzig. Natica saitoiKuroda and Habe in Kuroda, Kabat, A. R. 1996. Biogeography of the genera of Natici- Habe and Oyama, 1971 dae (Gastropoda) in the Indo-Pacific. American Mala- [Japanese name: Saito-tama-gai] cological Bulletin, 12: 29–35. (Fig. 1A–D) Koyama, Y. 2001. A catalogue of the family Naticidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from Wakayama Prefecture. Natica saitoi Kuroda and Habe in Kuroda et al., 1971 Nankiseibutu, Wakayama, 43 (2): 147–153. (In Japan- (part): 116–117 (English section), pl. 19, fig. 12; Oku- ese.) A Taxonomic Note on Natica saitoi 119 Kuroda, T., T. Habe and K. Oyama 1971. The Sea Shells search Laboratory, (72): 63–142, pls. 1–2. of Sagami Bay. Collected by His Majesty the Emperor Okutani, T. 1975. Glimpse of benthic molluscan fauna oc- of Japan. xix(cid:4)741 pp. (Japanese part)(cid:4)121 pls.(cid:4)489 cupying the submarine bank, Kurose, near Hachijyo Is- pp. (English part) + 51 pp. (index). Maruzen Co. Ltd., land, Japan. Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology, Tokyo. 33: 185–205. Okutani, T. 1972. Molluscan fauna on the submarine Saito, H. 2000. Naticidae. In Okutani, T. (ed.): Marine banks Zenisu, Hyotanse, and Takase, near the Izu-Shi- Mollusks in Japan, pp. 250–267. Tokai University chito Islands. Bulletin of Tokai Regional Fisheries Re- Press, Tokyo.

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