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A Systematic Study of Asian Astilbe (Saxifragaceae) I. Astilbe tsushimensis, a New Species from Tsushima Island, Kyushu, Western Japan PDF

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Preview A Systematic Study of Asian Astilbe (Saxifragaceae) I. Astilbe tsushimensis, a New Species from Tsushima Island, Kyushu, Western Japan

J. Jpn. Bot. 87: 307–313 (2012) A Systematic Study of Asian Astilbe (Saxifragaceae) I. Astilbe tsushimensis, a New Species from Tsushima Island, Kyushu, Western Japan Yuichi kadota Department of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4-1-1, Amakubo, Tskuba, 305-0005 JAPAN E-mail: [email protected] (Accepted on May 12, 2012) A new species of Astilbe (Saxifragaceae), A. tsushimensis Kadota, is described from Tsushima Island, Nagasaki Pref., Kyushu, westen Japan. Astilbe tsushimensis is distinguished from A. grandis E. H. Wilson of Korea and China by having wider, constantly white, spathulate petals, coarsely dentate (not doubly serrate), larger leaflets, inflorescence simple above the middle, and carpels connate in the upper part. This new species is considered to be endangered based on the field examinations. Key words: Astilbe grandis, Astilbe tsushimensis, Japan, new species, Tsushima. Astilbe is a small genus within the family hairs (Hara 1939, 1976, Lozina-Lozinskaya Saxifragaceae and is disjunctively distributed in 1939, Sugimoto 1978, Li 1980, Pan 1985, 1992, Eastern Asia and Eastern North America (e.g., 1995, 1998, Lee 1996a, 1996b, Pan and Ohba Hara 1939, Ohba 1982, Pang 1985, 1995). I 2001, Kim et al. 2009). In this island, however, have been interested in the genus (Kadota 1978, another entity with white flowers has been found Akiyama and Kadota 2010, 2011) and have within the genus Astilbe. This plant has been continued to observe plants belonging to the hitherto treated variously by the authors. genus because it is one of Japanʼs diverse plant Nakai (1918) published a name, Astilbe groups (Kadota 1978). koreana (Kom.) Nakai, for Astilbe plants Astilbe rubra Hook. f. & Thomson [ = A. with white flowers from Mt. Kongô-san [Mt. chinensis (Maxim.) Maxim. ex Franch. & Sav.] Kumgang-san], Gangwon-do (Kangwon- is known to occur in Tsushima Island, Nagasaki do), North Korea. But this name was a nomen Prefecture, Kyushu, western Japan (Hara 1939, nudum because it was not accompanied by Latin Kitamura and Murata 1961, Sugimoto 1978, description or type designation. Later Nakai Ohba 1982, Murakami 1984). Astilbe rubra is a (1922) validated this name and reported its rheophyte (Murakami 1984, Kadota pers. obs.) occurrence also in Tsushima Island outside of and is morphologically characterized by having Korean Peninsula, based on his collection from pink, linear petals and inflorescences with Tendôyama (TI) in this island. This was the first ascending short branches and pubescent with report for the white-flowered Astilbe in Tsushima brown, long crisped hairs and without glandular Island, western Japan. —307— 308 植物研究雑誌 第87巻 第5号 2012年10月 Fig. 1. Habit of Astilbe tsushimensis Kadota (JAPAN, Nagasaki Pref., Tsushim-shi, Tsushima Island, Toyotama- cho, Karasu, Myôken, 16 June 2009). Right corner inset shows part of inflorescence. Scale: 1 cm. October 2012 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 87 No.5 309 In his monograph Hara (1939) classified this Insulae Tsushimensis. plant into A. kiusiana H. Hara, described from Astilbe tsushimensis is distinguished from Mt. Unzen-dake, Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyushu A. grandis E. H. Wilson [= A. chinensis var. mainland, western Japan. Since then the plant koreana Kom., A. koreana (Kom.) Nakai] by at issue has been regarded as A. kiusiana [= A. having 1) constantly white, spathulate petals thunbergii (Siebold & Zucc.) Miq. var. kiusiana up to 7 mm long, 1 mm wide, 2) coarsely (H. Hara) H. Hara ex H. Ohba] (Nakasima 1942, dentate (not doubly serrate), larger leaflets, 3) Kitamura and Murata 1961, Sugimoto 1978, inflorescence not branched above the middle, Toyoma 1980, Murakami 1984, Akiyama and and 4) carpels connate in the upper part. Kadota 2011) or A. thunbergii var. thunbergii Astilbe tsushimensis is also different from A. (Toyama and Matsubayashi 1980). Astilbe kiusiana H. Hara [= A. thunbergii (Siebold & thunbergii var. thunbergii, distributed in Honshu Zucc.) Miq. var. kiusiana (H. Hara) H. Hara ex (from Tohoku to Kinki Districts), central Japan, H. Ohba] by having 1) non-lustrous, coarsely is clearly different from the Tsushima plant dentate leaflets pubescent with short glandular by having shorter petals (4–6 mm long) and hairs, 2) floral axes and pedicels pubescent with subacute calyx-lobes devoid of glandular hairs short glandular hairs, 3) glabrous calyx-lobes (Hara 1939, Ohba 1982, Kadota unpublished). with membranous margins, roundish at apex, Consequently the Tsushima plant was compared sparingly pubescent with short glandular hairs, with the two species, A. grandis and A. kiusiana. and 4) constantly white, spathulate petals up to 7 As a result it is turned out that the plants from mm long, 1 mm wide. Tsushima Island represent a new species. Type: JAPAN. Kyushu: Nagasaki Pref., This new species is described here as Astilbe Tsushima-shi, Tsushima Island, Mitsushina- tsushimensis. cho, Tamadzuke, alt. 24 m, 18 June 2009, Y. Kadota 092814 (TNS 738744–holotype; Materials and Methods Fig. 2). The same locality and same date, Y. Field studies were executed throughout Kadota 092811–092813, 092815 (TNS 738743, Tsushima Island in June 2009 under the 738746–738748–isotypes). guidance of Mr. Hidetoshi Kokubu, with the A herbaceous perennial 50–80 cm tall. help of Ms. Nobuko Kuroiwa. All the specimens Rhizome thick and stout, up to 1.5 cm in collected during this field work are deposited at diameter, horizontal. Stem declining, with the Herbarium, Department of Botany, National dark brownish capillary scales in basal part. Museum of Nature and Science (TNS). DNA Leaves herbaceous, not lustrous adaxially, bi- samples with voucher specimens were also to triternate; leaflets ovate to narrowly ovate, gathered for molecular phylogenetic studies. 7.5–14 cm long, 4–8 cm broad, shortly cuspidate Specimens kept at the Herbarium, at apex, shallowly cordate to truncate at base, Department of Botany, National Museum of coarsely dentate (not doubly serrate), pilose Nature and Science (TNS) and the Herbarium, with short hairs or pubescent with short, dark The University Museum, The University of purplish brown, glandular hairs on the adaxial Tokyo (TI) were employed in this study. side, pubescent with capillary brownish scales, dark purplish brown, glandular hairs, sparingly Taxonomic treatment with adpressed bristles along veins on the Astilbe tsushimensis Kadota, sp. nov. abaxial side, ciliate with glandular hairs along [Figs. 1–2] margins. Inflorescence paniculate, obrhombic Astilbe kiusiana H. Hara in Nakai & Honda, in outline, 5–19.5 cm long, 3–15 cm broad, Nov. Fl. Jap. 3: 19 (1939), p. p. minore, pl. slightly nodding in the upper part, branched 310 植物研究雑誌 第87巻 第5号 2012年10月 Fig. 2. Type of Astilbe tsushimensis Kadota (JAPAN, Kyushu, Nagasaki Pref., Tsushima-shi, Tsushima Island, Mitsushina-cho, Tamadzuke, 18 June 2009, Y. Kadota 092814, TNS 738744, holotype). October 2012 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 87 No.5 311 Fig. 3. Distribution of Astilbe tsushimensis Kadota (disc). Triangle shows the locality Tendô- yama cited by Nakai (1922). in lower half, simple in upper half; branches Miyama, alt. 8 m, 16 June 2009, Y. Kadota 092406 (TNS 1.5–9 cm long, divaricate and elongated, closed 738749). with a mixture of short hairs and dark purplish Distribution: Tshushima Island, Nagasaki brown glandular hairs. Pedicels ca. 1 mm long, Pref., Kyushu, Japan (Fig. 3). Endemic to Japan. pubescent with a mixture of soft hairs and dark Japanese name: Tsushima-akashôma (nom. purplish glandular hairs. Bracts lanceolate, 2–3 nov.) mm long, stalked, longer than the pedicels. 新和名:ツシマアカショウマ Calyces ca. 1.5 mm long; calyx-lobes broadly Note: Based on the field study made in 2009 oblong, 1 mm long, imbricate, roundish at apex, only three populations of A. tsushimensis were sparingly pubescent with minute, dark purplish found in Tsushima Island 2009. The populations brown, glandular hairs, abaxially glabrous observed were very small in size. Hence (without glandular dots). Petals 5, white, Astilbe tsushimensis should be treated as one an spathulate, obtuse at apex, 5–7 mm long, ca. 1 endangered species in Japan. mm broad. Stamens 10, ca. 3 mm long; anthers white, ca. 0.5 mm long, oval. Carpels immature I wish to show my cordial thanks to Mr. ca. 2 mm long, connate in upper parts. Mature Hidetoshi Kokubu, Tsushima, Nagasaki Pref., seeds unknown. for his guidance to the localities of Astilbe Other specimens examined: JAPAN. Kyushu: tsushimensis; to Ms. Nobuko Kuroiwa, Kurume, Nagasaki Pref., Kami-Agata-gun [currently Tsushima-shi], Fukuoka Pref., for her help of my observation Kami-Tsushima-cho, Toyo – Tôradzuhama, 'near seashore, and collection of Astilbe tsushimensis; to Mr. up to 20 m alt., 17 June 1969, N. Fukuoka 7839 (TNS Tadashi Minamitani (Miyazaki, Miyazaki 242582). Tsushim-shi, Toyotama-cho, Karasu, Myôken, Pref.), Messrs. Masami Saito and Toichi alt. 50 m, 16 June 2009, Y. Kadota 092301–092306 (TNS 738750–738756). Tsushima-shi, Kamiagata-cho, Sasuna, Fukumatsu (both Miyazaki Prefectural Museum, 312 植物研究雑誌 第87巻 第5号 2012年10月 Miyazaki, Miyazaki Pref.), to Mr. Katsuo (ed.), Fl. URSS 9: 107. Nauka, Leningrad (in Russian). Maruno (Kagoshima, Kagoshima Pref.) and Murakami M. 1984. Flowers of Tsushima Island. 143 pp. Ashishobô, Fukuoka (in Japanese). Mr. Masanori Arakane (Beppu, Oita Pref.) for Nakai T. 1918. Report on the Vegetation of Diamond their guidance to the localities of Astilbe spp. Mountains, Corea. 204 pp. The Government of and their help for my field studies. Thanks also Chosen, Seoul (in Japanese). due to Dr. Hiroshi Ikeda for his kind permission Nakai T. 1922. Notulae ad plantas Japoniae et Koreae XXVIII. Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 36: 117–128. of specimen observation in the Herbarium, The Nakasima K. 1942. Preliminary report on the Flora of University Museum, The Univeristy of Tokyo Tusima Islands. III. Astilbe. Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 56: (TI) and Dr. Akiko Shimizu for her help at TI. 286–292 (in Japanese) Ohba H. 1982. Astilbe. In: Satake Y., Ohwi J., Kitamura S., Watari S. and Tominari T. (eds.), Wild Flowers of Japan Literature Cited II: 165–167. Heibonsha, Tokyo (in Japanese). Akiyama S. and Kadota Y. 2010. Taxonomy of the Ohba H. 2001. Astilbe. In: Iwatsuki K., Boufford D. E. and allies of Astilbe thunbergii (Siebold & Zucc.) Miq. Ohba H. (eds.), Flora of Japan IIb: 41–46. Kodansha, (Saxifragaceae) from Shikoku, western Japan. J. Tokyo. Jpn. Bot. 85(3): 166–179 (in Japanese with English Ohwi J. 1972. Astilbe. Flora of Japan. Revised Edition. pp. summary). 695–697. Shibundo, Tokyo (in Japanese). Akiyama S. and Kadota Y. 2011. Astilbe longipedicellata Ohwi J. (Kitagawa M.) 1982. Astilbe. New Flora of Japan. (Saxifragaceae), a new combination and new status pp. 791–793. Shibundo, Tokyo (in Japanese). for Astilbe thunbergii (Siebold & Zucc.) Miq. var. Pan J.-T. 1985. A study on the genus Astilbe Buch.-Ham. ex longipedicellata Hatus. from Ktyushu, western Japan. D. Don from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 23: 439–443 Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B. 37(4): 181–191. (in Chinese with English summary). Hara H. 1939. Astilbe. In: Nakai T. and Honda M. (eds.), Pan J.-T. 1992. Astilbe. In: Pang J.-T. (ed.), Flora Nova Flora Japonica 3: 6–27. Sanseido, Tokyo (in Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 34(2): 14–22. Science Japanese). Press, Beijing (in Chinese). Hara H. 1976. Comments on the East Asiatic plants (1). J. Pan J.-T. 1995. A study on the tribe Astilbeae Miq. Jpn. Bot. 51: 72–74. (Saxifragaeae). Acta Phytotax. Sin. 33: 390–402 (in Kadota Y. 1978. Flora of the Tenshi Mountain Range. 247 Chinese with English summary). pp. Master thesis. The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (in Pan J.-T. 1998. Astilbe. In: Fu L.-K. and Tao H. (eds.), Japanese). Higher Plants of China 6: 375-377. Qindao Publishing Kim S-Y., Kim S.-H., Shin Y.-C. and Kim Y.-D. 2009. House, Qindao (in Chinese). Molecular phylogeny of Astilbe: Implications for Pan J.-T. and Ohba T. 2001. Astilbe. In: Wu Z. Y. and phylogeigraphy and morphological evolution. Kor. J. Raven P. H. (eds.), Flora of China 8: 274–276. Science Pl. Taxon. 39(1): 35–41. Press, Beijing and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Kitamura S. and Murata G. 1961. Astilbe. Colored Loius. Illustrations of Herbaceous Plants of Japan. II: 147– Sugimoto J. 1978. Astilbe. Keys to Herbaceous Plants of 150. Hoikusha Publishing, Osaka (in Japanese). Japan. Revised and Enlarged. I: 230–233. Inoue Book Lee W. T. 1996a. Coloured Standard Illustrations of Korean Company, Tokyo (in Japanese). Plants. 624 pp. Seoul (in Korean). Toyama S. 1980. Flora of Nagasaki Prefecture. 312 Lee W. T. 1996b. Lineamenta Florae Koreae. 1688 pp. pp. Nagasaki-ken-Seibutsu-Gakkai, Nagasaki (in Seoul (in Korean). Japanese). Li S.-H. and Chang Y.-L. 1980. Astilbe. In: Liou Y. N. Toyama S. and Matsubayashi B. 1976. A list of higher (ed.), Flora Plantarum Herbacearum Chinae Boreali- plants from Tsushima Island. In: Nagasaki-ken- Orientalis 4: 201–202. Science Press, Beijing (in Seibutsu-Gakkai (ed.), Organisms of Tsushima Iskand. Chinese). pp. 89–123. Ashishobô, Fukuoka (in Japanese). Lozina-Lozinskaya A. S. 1939. Astilbe. In: Komarov V. L. October 2012 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 87 No.5 313 門田裕一:アジア産チダケサシ属植物の分類学的研究I. 対馬産の1新種,ツシマアカショウマ  対馬からユキノシタ科チダケサシ属植物の1新種と 合することなどで異なる.本種はテリハアカショウマと して,ツシマアカショウマAstilbe tsushimensis Kadota は,①小葉には光沢がなく,辺縁は重鋸歯とはならず, を記載した.本種は,対馬に以前から知られていたオオ 腺毛があること,②花軸と花梗に暗紫褐色の腺毛がある チダケサシA. rubra Hook. f. & Thomsonとは異なり, こと,③萼裂片は広倒卵形,縁は膜質で互いに重なり合 白花を咲かせる,森林性の植物である. い,円頭,上縁に濃紫褐色の短腺毛がまばらにあるが,  ツシマアカショウマはこれまでアジア大陸東部に分 粉状点はないこと,④花弁は常に白色で,箆状,長さ7 布するタリホノチダケサシA. grandis Stapf ex E. H. mm,幅1 mmに達することで区別できる.花序におけ Wilsonや九州本土産のテリハアカショウマA. kiusiana る小花の密度には変わりがないが,花弁が大きいために H. Haraと混同されてきた. 本種では花序全体がボッテリとしており,一見して他の  ツシマアカショウマはタリホノチダケサシに最も近 日本産の種とは印象が異なる. いが,①花弁が常に白色,箆状で,長さ7 mm,幅1  2009年に実施した対馬における現地調査ではツシマ mmに達すること,②小葉はより大型で,辺縁は単純な アカショウマは3地点で確認されたのみで,いずれも 粗い鋸歯縁で,重鋸歯とはならないこと,③花序は中部 個体数が少なく,絶滅が危惧される. 以上では分枝せず,単純となること,④心皮は上部で癒 (国立科学博物館植物研究部)

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