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A synopsis of the Argia fissa group, with descriptions of two new species, A. anceps sp.n. and A. westfalli sp.n. (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) PDF

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by  GarrisonR W
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Preview A synopsis of the Argia fissa group, with descriptions of two new species, A. anceps sp.n. and A. westfalli sp.n. (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)

Odonatologica25(1): 31-47 March I.1996 A synopsis oftheArgia fissa group, withdescriptions of twonewspecies, A.ancepssp.n.andA. westfalli sp.n. (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) R.W.Garrison Los Angeles CountyNatural History Museum, 900ExpositionBoulevard,Los Angeles,CA 90007, UnitedStates Received June 12,1995/ReviewedandAcceptedAugust2, 1995 The Argiafissagroup, ofthe northern neotropicalregion,isanalyzed. A. anceps sp.n.(holotypeS,allotype 9;CostaRica, SanJoseprov., San Pedro, 9-VIII-I979;in USNM)andA.westfallisp.n.(holotype3,allotype5:Mexico,Nuevo Leon,Municipio deSantiago, 2.5 km NW ofRancho Los Atascosos, 2-VII-I987;in ESCA) arede- scribed,keyed, illustrated,and comparedwiththe northern SouthAmerican A.fissa. The types aredepositedinFSCA,Gainesville,FL,USA. INTRODUCTION Argiafissawas originallydescribedby SELYS(1865) fromanunspecified number ofmalesandfemalesfrom“Bogota, NouvelleGrenada[= Colombia]”. CALVERT (1902) featuredthespecies in theBiologiacentraliamericana, extending the spe- ciesnorthwardto25°38’NinNuevoLeon(nr. ElDiente, ca6 km SW Monterey), Mexico.RIS(1918)extended itsrange southwardto 12°05’SinPeru(LimaProv., Callao).Malesofthisspecies are unique inpossessing slightlyamberwings, largely pale blueabdominalcolorationlacking postbasal streaks, and long cerci with a single decumbenttooth.LeonoraK. Gloyd, whowas working on thegenusup to herdeathin June, 1993,realizedmanyyearsagothat threespecies were included underthenameA.fissa. Oneofthe undescribedspecies is perhaps themost com- monly encounteredzygopteran in Mexicoand south through Costa Rica. Gloyd examinedthousandsof specimens andapplied a manuscript nametothis species. Thisandtheotherundescribedspecies are thenortherncomponentsof theA.fissa ' Mailingaddress: 1030Fondale Street,Azusa,CA91702-0821,United States 32 R.W.Garrison complex along thenorthernmostborderstatesofMexico. I describe themso that theirnames willbeavailable foranupcoming manualon thedamselfliesofNorth America by M. May andM.J.Westfall, Jr. Terminologyfollows that ofGARRISON(1994). The illustrations ofthe structures in thispaper weremadeusingaWildM-8microscopeequippedwithacameralucida.Underspeciesaccounts, app =appendages,mp=mesostigmallobe(s),thx =thorax, synthx=synthorax, FW =fore wing,HW= hindwing,and abd =abdomen. Venational countsare from 20 specimens ofeach sex, where avail- able,from as many differentlocalitiesas possible. Specimenslisted as RWG arein my collection; other acronyms canbe found intheacknowledgements. Acriticalexaminationofthecerci (Fig.2c) inmalesand mesostigmal lobes(Fig. 1la’, c’)in femalesis necessary toassure accurate identificationofthethree spe- cies. They may bedifferentiatedby thefollowing key. KEY TO SPECIMENS OFTHEARGIA FISSA GROUP MALES I Cercusin dorsal viewwithmedialmarginconvexlycurved, followed by asmall concavemar- ginneartip(Fig.3c),samestructureinmediodorsal view(Fig.3a)withmedialmarginnonlinear, thisareacurvingventrallytomeetdecumbent tooth,then curvingdorsallyaftertooth;cercus in mediodorsal view with decumbent tooth located at distal 0.70 sothat medial margin of cercus appears slightlyangulate atregion oftooth; humeral stripeunbranched (Fig. 24) in morenortherly Mexican states,orforked (Fig.25)inpopulationsfrom Chiapas.... westfalli 1' Cercus indorsal viewwith medial marginlinearorslightlyconcave(Figs 1c,2c), samestruc- tureinmediodorsalview (Figs la, 2a)withmedialmarginlinear(exceptat regionoftooth); cercusinmediodorsal viewwithdecumbenttoothlocated atca.0.30-0.60ofappendage,cercus notappearingangulateat regionoftooth (Figs la, 2a);humeral stripeofvaryingcondition (Figs 17, 18,20,21),but neverforked; northernborder statesofMexicosouththroughColom- bia, Ecuador, andPeru 2 2(1’) Medial marginsofcerci in dorsal view contiguousornearlyso,transverse torusstronglyover- lappingepiproct,torialmostcontiguous,eachtorus about lOx widerthangapseparatingthem (Fig. 2c); decumbenttooth on medial marginofcercus inposteriorviewat basal 0.30-0.40 (Figs2d,5a-c);extreme easternCosta Rica south throughcordilleran regionofColombia and northern Peru fissa 2’ Medialmarginsofcerciin dorsalviewseparatedby agapaboutaswideasbasalwidth ofeach cercus,torionlyslightlyoverlappingepiproct,each torus about 3-4xwider thangap separating them(Fig. 1c);decumbent tooth on medial marginofcercusinposterior viewatbasal 0.50- 0.60(Figs Id,4a-d);northernborderstates ofMexico south toeastern Costa Rica... anceps FEMALES 1 Mesostigmallobes stronglyelevated,withlobe distinctlyerect (Figs 11b’,c’), anterior margin ofmesepistemumdirectlyunderneath mesostigmallobewithnotubercle, thisareaforminga concavejunctionwithbase ofmesostigmallobe (Fig. 16)[Note: Stronglightis necessary to seethisstructure], humeralstripeunbranchedtoforked (Fig.26) westfalli 1’ Mesostigmallobes notasstronglyelevated(Figs 9b’, c’, 10b, c)comparedwith A. westfalli; anterior marginofmesepistemumdirectlyunderneath mesepistemal lobewith a transverse Argiafissagroup 33 tubercle ofvaryinglength(Figs 14-15),this structure sometimes visiblein lateral view(Fig. 9c’); humeral stripeneverforked (Figs22, 23) 2 2(1’) Distance between mesostigmallobes almostaswide(70-93%,N=8) aseach lobe; usuallywith asmallgapbetweenmedial edgeofmesostigmallobe and anterior fork ofmiddorsal thoracic carina(Figs 9a, a’, 12a-f) anceps 2’ Distance between mesostigmallobesapproximatelyhalf(50-63%,N=8) aswideaseach lobe; medial marginofmesostigmallobe adjacentto anteriorfork ofmiddorsal thoracic carina(Figs 10a,13a-f) fissa ARGIA ANCEPS SP. NOV. Figures 1,4-app,7-penis,9, 12-mp, 17-bodyofholotype, 18-thx,abd segments 7-10 ofparatype, 19-abdsegments 7-10ofparatype,20-21-humeral stripeofmales,22-bodyofallotype Argiafissa CALVERT 1899: 381 (descr. i from Tepic,Mex.); CALVERT, 1902: 89(allspecimensfromMiddleAmericamisidentifiedasA.fissa) Material. - Holotype3, allotype 2:COSTARICA,San Joseprov.,San Pedro,dumpbeside Holland House(Hotel),9-VIII-1979,R.W.& J.A.Garrison leg.Bothin USNM. - Paratypes(1233, 34 2):MEXICO;Sinaloa: stream 15.7miNEofConcordia, 1900ft,26-VIII-1965,D.R.Paulsonleg., 1 3 (FSCA);- Hidalgo,Calnali,9-IV-1994,R. Novelo,leg. 1 3, 1 2 (IE);- Molango,Lagunade Alezca, 1450m,20-XI-1983,J. Pena, leg, 3 3(IE);- LagunaAzteca[sic, should beAtezca], 2kmN Molango,24-VI1-1992,G. Harp, leg., 1 3 (RWG); - Naopa, 1000 m, 25-IV-1984, R. Novelo, V. Garcia& J.Pena, leg. I 3 (IE);- Tecozautla,Rio Tecozautla, I4-IX-1992,R.Noveloleg.,2 3 (IE); - Guerrero, MX-55betweenTaxcoJetand Huajintlan,22-VII-1993,W.F.Mauffray,leg., 1 3 (IORI); - Jalisco,Sierrad*Autlan, 16-1X-1991,nocollector,1 3(RWG);- Morelos,Rt 115EofCuernavaca nearTijalpa,23-VI-1963,R.E.Woodruff,leg.,1 3 (FSCA);- Las Fuentes, MunicipioofJiutepec, 10 km WofCuernavaca, 1300 m, 17-1X1983,R.W.Garrison, leg.,3 3 (RWG); - samedatabut 1-X- -1983,6 3.2 2(RWG); - Itzamatitlan, 5km SWofYautepec,2-X-1983, R.W.Garrison leg.,23.1 2 (RWG);- Canon deLobos, 5km SW ofYautepec, l-X-1983,R.W.Garrison, leg.,1 3 (RWG);- CanondeLobos, 19km EofCuernavaca,15-X-1986,E.Fisher, leg.,13(RWG);- Xochitepec,MX- -95libreatBalnearioCampestreRioSabinos,21-VII-1992,W.F.Mauffray,leg.,173 (1 <Jincopula with 2 ofAj. extranea[Hag.]),9 9(IORI,FSCA);- Cocoyotla,approx. 5kmN ofMXrt421,23-VII- 1992, W.F.Mauffray,leg.,2 <S(IORI,FSCA);- BalnearioonriverS ofTemixco onLibre95,21-VII- 1992, S.W. Dunkle, leg., 1 c3, 1 9 (SWD); - Ixcatepec, CampamentoCammohmila, 16-X- -1993, R. Novelo,leg., 2<3 (IE);- Rio Sabinos,km 18.3 carr.95, 5km S Acatlipa, 14-X-1994, R. Novelo, leg.,2 i (IE); - Michoacan, stream 3.9mi NofTuxpan, ca6000ft, 18-VIII-I965, D.R. Paulson, leg,, 1 (3,(FSCA);-Veracruz, streamathighway,“Fincalas Animas”,ImiEofJalapa,4680 ft, 11-VIII-1957,G.H.BeattyIII,leg.,1 <3, I 9 (RWG);- stream6.9kmSofCordoba by Mex Hwy 150,700 m, 1-VIII-1976,R.W. &J.A.Garrison, leg., 1 S (RWG);- samedata but 12-VIII-1976,17 <3 (RWG);- samedata but 13-VIII-I976,1 o’ (RWG);-km 17carr.Cordoba-Veracruz,22-IX-1983, R. Novelo, leg., 1 <J, 1 9 (IE);- Fortin delas Flores, 27-VI-1963,R.E. Woodruff, leg., 1 <3, 1 9 (FSCA);- stream4.2miNFortin,4100 ft,Il-VIII-1965, D.R.& ML. Paulson, leg.,2 i (FSCA);- RioMetlac about3.5kmWNWFortindelasFlores, 900m, 10-V1II-1976,R.W.&J.A.Garrison,leg., 4 d,2 9 (RWG); - 5 miNofHuatusco, 4000-4500 ft, 13-VIII-1963,H.V.Weems, Jr,leg., 1 9 (FSCA);- pond28km NEHuatusco by Mex Hwy 66,900m, 11-VIII-1976,R.W.& J.A.Garrison, leg.,23,3 9 (RWG); - ParqueJavier Clavijero,Jalapa, 1300 m. 17-VIII-1982,R.W. & J.A. Garri- son,leg.,2<3,I 9(RWG);- samelocality,8-V-1991,R. Novelo,leg,, 1 i (IE);- LaFratemidad, 17 kmEofCordoba,22-IX-1983,R.W.Garrison,leg.,1 <3 (RWG);- Puebla, Nuevo Necaxa(Presa), 18- -VI1-1990, R. Novelo, leg., I c5 (IE);- Puente Necaxa, Hwy 130, 5 mi NEHuauchinango,B.C. 34 R.W. Garrison Figs 1-3.Argiaancepssp.n. (holotype:Figs la-c),A.fissa (Figs2a-c),andA. westfallispn.(holotype: Figs 3a-c):(a) caudal appendages,mediodorsa) view;- (b)same,lateral view;- (c)same,dorsalview. Argiafissa group 35 Figs 1-3(continued),4-8. A. ancepssp.n. (Figs Id,4,7), A.fissa (Figs2d, 5), and A.westfalli sp.n. (Figs3d,6,8): (ld-3d)caudal appendages,posteriorview;- (4-6)right cercus, medioposteriorview; - (7-8)penis,ventral(ectal)view, left,lateral view,right. 36 R.W.Garrison Villegas,leg., 1 9(RWG);- Piedras Negrasarroyo,25-X-I987,A.Gomez, leg., 3S (IE);- Xicotepec deJuarez, 20-V-I987,R. Novelo&A.Gomez,leg., 1 S, 1 9(IE);- Oaxaca, 43miWofTehuantepec, 2500-3000ft, 22-VIII-1963, H.V.Weems,Jr.,leg., 1 S (FSCA);- Chiapas,FincaSanJoseLaVicto- ria, km 20carreteraTapachula-Cacahoatan,9-III-1982, R. Novelo,leg., 1 6 (IE);- FincaLaFlor, 3 km NEdeOcuilapan, Mun. deBerriozabal, I3TI1-1982,R. Novelo,leg., 1 S (IE);- La Boquilla,25 km Nde Tapachula,21-XI-1982, R. Novelo,leg., 1 <? (IE);- 13miSWofCintalapa, 1500-2000 ft, 19-VIII-I963,H.V.Weems,Jr.,leg.,1 S (FSCA);-Elchorreadero atkm25onTuxtla-Gutierrez-San Cristobal Rd,24km S ofTuxtlaGutierrez,R.W.Garrison, leg.,13,19(RWG); - ElChorreadero, carreteraTuxtla-Gutierrez-San Cristobal de las Casas,27-XI-1983,R. Novelo,leg., I <3 (IE);- BE- LIZE,PrivassionCreek, 10-XII-1992,T. Boomsma, leg.,1 6(RWG); - GUATEMALA,DeptGuate- mala,caldera, lakenrSanFrancisco deSales, 1800m, 22-VIII-1964, T.W.Donnelly,leg.;46 (FSCA, RWG); - HONDURAS, Danli, 10-V-1966,J. Malta, leg., 13,19(FSCA);- Francisco Morazan Dept,ElRancho,between ZamoranoandTegucigalpa,ll-XII-1987,S.W. Dunkle, leg.,2 3 (RWG); - ElHatillo, 10km NofTegucigalpa, 1300 m,T.W.&A. Donnelly,leg.,28-VI-1974, 1 3 (FSCA);- COSTARICA,CartagoProv,RioReventazon,SEofTurrialbaby Hwy 10,10-VIII-1979,R.W.&J.A. Garrison,63,29 (RWG);- vicinityJuanVinas,RioReventazon,800m, 11-VI-1962,T.W.Donnelly, leg., 1 3 (RWG); - Guanacaste Prov, smallstreamonRt 145justEofTilaron,27-11-1987, S.W. Dunkle,leg., 1 J (SWD);-Puntarenas Prov, MacaconadeEsparta,I/II-1905,P.Biolley,Jr,leg., 1 3 (FSCA); - San Jose Prov,no locality, 7-V-1960, R.B.Gumming, leg.,2 3 (FSCA);- samedata as holotype, 48,29(RWG); - Res. Biol. ElRodeo,7kmWofVillaColon, 9°54’N,84°16’W,800m, 10/13-VII-1990,T.W.Donelly.leg,23,I 9(FSCA,RWG);- SanPedrodeMontesdeOca,Quebrada los Negritos, 1200m, 5-VIII-1983,E.A.Rojas,M., leg., I d,I 9 (RWG). Etymology.- Latinfor double, in reference toits siblingrelative A.fissa. MALE(holotype). -Head(Fig. 17).Labiumpaleblue,remainderofheadblue with smallblackmedialspotatbaseof labrum;black onepicranium reducedwith narrow longitudinal lineseparatinglarge postocular spot fromcross barofblueon occiput; pale spotanterolateraltolateralocellus confluentwithremainderofblue; anteriormargin ofblack withanterolateralmargin not reaching baseofantennae; antennaeblack rearofheadchiefly pale, with smallareaaroundoccipital foramen black. Thorax.-Prothoraxblue, black above withfollowing areas pale: transverse bandon frontallobe,finely dividednarrow dorsalspotandlarge dorsolateralspot on middlelobe,narrow medialspotandlateralof0.30ofposterior lobe.Paleareas ofsynthorax (Fig. 17)blue,withbroadblackmiddorsalstripe0.30aswideas pale antehumeral stripe; black humeralstripe not forked, extending from base of mesinfraepisternum andforming abroadlobe atbaseofmesepimeron, thenupper halfofthisconstricting to0.25 widthofpale humeralstripe; black humeralstripe abruptly narrowedto0.10widthofpale humeralstripeandwithslight enlargement at dorsal0.10ofthorax,thirdlateralsuturewithnarrow black stripe.Wingsslightly amber with venationblack; pterostigma dark brown,surmounting 1.5 cells in all wings (one cell inlefthindwing); postnodals: 16/13;postquadrangular cells:FW 5/5; HW5/4, M, originating atFW 7/7; HW6/7. Coxae andtrochanterspale ex- cept for black on dorsum; femorablack dorsally, pale ventrally; tibiaeblack on innersurface, black onexteriorsurfaceofpro- andmesothoracictibiae,remainder pale; tarsiand armature black. Argiafissa group 37 Figs9-11.A.ancepssp.n. (Fig.9),A.fissa (Fig. 10),andA.westfallisp.n.(Fig. 11):(a,a’)mesostigmal plates, dorsal view (note: dark areas behind each lobe areshadows for each lobe); - (b.b’) same, obliquedorsolateral view;- (c,c’) same,lateral view. 38 R.W. Garrison Abdomen(Fig. 17) blue, segment 1 pale with dorsalbrown spot atbasal 0.50;segment2 withblackdorsolateralstripe extending to0.80ofsegment,itsend forming aninverted triangle extending to but not connecting above, asmall iso- lated spot below, annulus black; segment3 with an incomplete bandofblack at posterior 0.80of segment,isolatedspotofblueatlateral0.90ofsegment,annulus black; segments 3-5 with apical 0.20ofeach segment, including annulus,black; thisblack not meetingdorsallyon segment4,separated by anarrow middorsailine onsegment5,andconnecting dorsally onsegment6;segment7similarto segment 6 butwith lateralprolongation ofblack extending to basal 0.15ofsegment; seg- ments8-10pale with atouchofblack atlowerposterior margin ofsegment8. Torifer (Fig. la, c) triangular, torus prominent, transversely twice as wide as long, occupying lower0.50 oftorifer, each torus transversely about 1.5times as wideas the distancebetweenthem; epiproct not prominent, extending to levelof torus, largely blackexcept for pale apical margin, bilobed witha recessed small medianlobe. Cercus (Fig. la) pale, abouttwice as long as wide, distally slightly falcate, indorsal view with medialmargin slightly concave, cercus with asingle smallblackdecumbenttoothvisibleatmiddlealong ventralmargin indorsomedial view;medialmargin nearly linearindorsomedialview;inlateralview, cercus nar- rowly triangular, withinnertoothnot visible;paraproct alittleshorterthancercus, barely divided,withdorsallobeforming abroadly basedtriangle; ventralbrancha small bluntly pointed tubercle(Fig, lb). Penis(paratype.Fig. 7) withfourthsegmentforming anarrow, bluntly rounded lobe. Measurements (inmm).- HW 24.5,abdomen 31.0. FEMALE (allotype). - Tan with headand thoracic patterns similar to malebut withblack areas onepicraniumlessextensive(Fig. 22)andwithdiffuseblack spot extending frombelowbaseofantennatoeyemargin,blackmiddorsalstripeamere hairlinealongmiddorsalthoraciccarina, black humeralstripe similarto malebut narrower. Wingsslightly amberwithvenationblack, pterostigmabrown,surmount- ing onecell orslightly less inall wings, postnodal crossveins:FW 15/15,HW 13/ 12; postquadrangular cells:FW 5/5, HW 4/4;M originating nearFW 8/8, atHW 2 6/6, Abdomen(Fig. 22) tanwithdiffusebrown markingson dorsumandwithdarker markings atdistal0.80of segments3-7, thesedarkmarkingscomposed ofalarger dorsolateralspot andanarrow lateralstreak; annuli darkbrown on segments 2-6, paler on 7; segment8 pale withawashofbrown at distalmargin, segments9-10 and cercipale. Mesostigmal lobe(Fig. 9a) well developed, moderately erect, and forming a broadsemicircle;itsdistalmargin welldifferentiatedfromremainderofmesostigmal plate, itsmedialmargin separatedfrom lateralarmofmiddorsalthoraciccarinaby asmallgap; medialhalfoflobe black dorsally, entirely black ventrally; a distinct transverse tubercle atjunction of mesostigmal lobe andanteriormarginofmese- Argiafissa group 39 Figs 12-13. A.anceps sp.n. (Fig. 12)andA.fissa (Fig. 13):(a-f) mesostigmallobes, outline, dorsal view. 40 R.W. Garrison pisternum (Fig. 14, paratype); no mesepisternal tubercles. Measurements (inmm).- HW26.0, abdomen 31.0. REMARKS.- Much inter-and intrapopulational variability in body markings is expressed in this widely distributedspecies. Overall black markings maybe re- duced(Fig. 18),andsomespecimens ofbothsexes lack anyblack markings onthe epicranium (Figs 18, 23). A corresponding reductioninthe widthofthemiddorsal andhumeralstripesexists withinpopulations. Somemaleshavethemiddorsaltho- racic stripe as wideas thepale antehumeralarea on themesepistemum(similar to thatillustratedfor the holotype, Fig. 17), whileothers (Fig. 18) have the stripe reduced almost to a hairline, as for females(Figs 22, 23), although the stripe is usually widerin malesthanin femalesin thesamepopulaton. Theblack humeral stripe can be greatly reduced (Figs 20a, b) or may form an almost continuous, nearlyparallel stripe whichisslightly narroweddorsally(Fig. 21).Thelateralblack streakon abdominalsegment7 may beisolated(Fig. 19)or reducedto thedistal 0.20 (Fig. 18). Ihavenoticedno correlationofthoracicmarkings withgeography: intraspecific variability seems as greatas interpopulation variability among the specimens Iexamined. Paratype measurements: M a 1 e s (N = 20): HW 22-26.5mm, abdomen29-33 mm. Postnodalcrossveins (FW/HW) 14-18/11-15;origin ofM 6-8.5/6-8;postquad- 2 rangular cells4-6Z3-5.- Females(N=20): HW22.5-27mm,abdomen27.5-32 mm;postnodal crossveins 14-18/12-15; origin ofM 6-8Z6-7.5; postquadrangular 2 cells4-5Z3-4. CALVERT(1899) first misidentifiedthis species as A.fissa afterhe compared two malesfromTepic, Mexico,with“specimens fromGuatemalainBarondeSelys’ collection...”.Becausenobonafidespecimens ofA.fissaareknownnorthof south- eastern CostaRica, Calvertalmostcertainly hadcompared hismaterialwithGua- temalanspecimens ofA. anceps. I doubtwhetherCalverthadever seenspecimens ofthetrue A.fissa. Allprevious records ofA.fissafromMiddleAmericaprobably refertoA.anceps. BIOLOGY. - A.anceps is anabundantstream-dwelling species. Itis likely to be encountered atany smallstreamor trailbordering largerstreamsalmostanywhere in MiddleAmerica. Itapparently flies year roundas collectiondatesrange from January-February to 11 December. distribution. - According to Gloyd’s unpublished distributionrecords and GONZALEZ& NOVELO (1996), thisspecies has beenrecorded from every state inMexicoexcept thefarnorthwesterly states(BajaCalifornia, Sonora,Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango), or poorly collected states (Zacatecas, Aguas-Calientes, Guanajuato, Queretaro, Tlaxcala, DistritoFederal, and Mexico). I have seen no records form the Yucatan peninsula (Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan, and Quintana Roo), though itwillprobably befoundinwesternTabasco.Its distributionextends to approximately 9°5’ N inSan Jose, Cartago andthe northernpartof Puntarenas provinces, Costa Rica. Itis apparently parapatric to A.fissa, the most northerly

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