A AND NOMENCLATOR OF THE SYNOPSIS GENUS YRSINACEAE) PARATHESIS (M John Jon M. Ricketson Pipoly J. III Road Box 299 935 Old Cutler P.O. 1 1 MO 63166-0299, Coral Gables FL 33 156-4299, U.S.A Louis U.S.A. (Miarrii) St. [email protected] [email protected]: clusia@latinmail. ABSTRACT A new infrageneric classification for the genus Parathesis is proposed. The genus is divided int. & and Lateraks Laterales further divided into sections Calophyllae Ricketson Pipoly, Rick. is & &r Pipoly. Para subg. Parathesis also further divided into sections Cuhanae Ricketson P esi is s t li & Parathesis, and Versailles Ricketson Pipoly. All 95 species are listed in their respective sectic RESUMEN Se propone una nueva clasificacion infragenerica para el genero Parathesis. Se divide el genero e subgeneros, Parathesis subg. Laterales INTRODUCTION was The genus Parathesis (A.DC.) Hook, described as a section of Ardisia f first . Sw. by Alphonse de Candolle (1844) and included five species: Ardisia cubana & DC) A. DC. (P cuhana (A. Molinet M. Gomez), A. crenulata Vent. (P crenulata Hook, ex Hemsl.), A. serrulata Sw. (P serrulata (Sw.) Mez), A. lateriflora (Vent.) f . Mez) and Kunth. Geissanthus Sw. (= Stylogyne lateriflora (Sw.) A. lepidota (= was by lepidotus (Kunth) Mez). Parathesis elevated to the generic level J.D. Hooker (1876). Mez 20 In the in-depth study of the genus, Carl (1902) listed species of first new including seven However, wasn't until C.L. Lundell Parathesis, species. it monograph published his on the genus Parathesis that a usable classi- (1966) and fication was developed. Lundell listed 71 species divided into two "Sections" 23 Admittedly Lundell stated (1966: 8) that his infrageneric classifi- "Series". p. and com- cation was "designed to expedite the use of the general key," therefore prises a numerical hsting rather than a formal classification. monograph was numerous have been Since Lundell's published, species Cur- described, usually with no refernece to Lundell's classification system. we rank recognize approximately 150 taxa of Parathesis, 95 at the of spe- rently, cumbersome and Although Lundell's system helpful, far too large to cies. is it is be useful. In preparation for our treatment of the genus Parathesis for Flora new was which Mesoamericana, a infrageneric classification system needed, is The formalized herewith. species listed reflect our current understanding of the genus. Complete synonymies will appear in the Flora Mesoamericana and Flora Neotropica. TAXONOMIC TREATMENT & Parathesis (A. DC.) Hook. in Benth. Hook, Gen. 2:645. f876. Ardma pi. sect. f. f., DC, Paralhcsis A. Prodr. 8:120. 1844. TYPE: Parathesis serrulata (Sw.) Mez. Terrestrial polyaxial shrubs and Young branchlets frequently ferrugine- trees. ous-tomentose with stellate or dendroid trichomes, often glabrescent. Leaves monomorphic, alternate, the blades usually pubescent on the lower surface, the and trichomes stellate or dendroid, often appressed bizonal, often early gla- and primary brescent, or glabrous, usually paler beneath; costa lateral veins usually elevated beneath, smooth or impressed above; margins crenu- entire, late, dentate or serrate; petioles marginate or canaliculate. Inflorescences ter- minal or paniculate and pyramidal, the branches umbellate, corym- lateral, bose or subcorymbose-racemose; pedicels accrescent. Flowers bisexual, (4-or) -5 (or-6)-merous; calyx connate at the base, open in bud, usually glandular tomentulose and papillose; corolla rotate, valvate, usually narrowly lanceolate, white to pink, usually tomentulose outside, glandular papillose-tomentose in- side at least along margins and apically connate basally to form a tube; sta- mens included, inserted near the base of corolla tube, the filaments well devel- oped, slender to stout, usually connate basally to form a tube, the bright yellow anthers erect or versatile, usually dorsifixed above base, dehiscent by introrse mucronate, slits or apical pores, sagittate, lanceolate to ovate, acute, apiculate or obtuse the apex, dorsally punctate or epunctate; obturbinate, the at pistil and ovary ovoid or subglobose, the style long slender, the stigma punctiform, ovules few numerous, usually sometimes to uniseriate, biseriate or rarely pluriseriate on the placenta. Fruits drupaceous, 1-seeded, usually depressed-glo- endocarp embryo bose, the crustaceous, the cylindric, transverse. A genus of ca. 95 species ranging from northern Mexico to Panama, the Carribean and throughout the Andes from Venezuela Members to Bolivia. of the genus occur from coastal mangroves formations high to elfin forest at el- evations. The genus diagnosed by the unique glandular papillae of the calyx is and and corolla lobes, the bright yellow anthers. AND KEY TO THE SUBGENERA SECTIONS OF PARATHESIS Tomentum 2. of branchlets and the undersurface of the leaves fine, mostly stellate : : Tomentum of branchlets and undersur 2. spicuous and of distinct reddish trichc or stipitate, or tlie triciiomes stellate v trichonnes either sessile, subsessile, or Inflorescences terminal, pyramidal-panici and lorescences lateral (axillary), or terminal lateral (axillai Parathesis subg. Later ales as circumscribed here consists i and and 42 Calophyllae sect. Laterales) includes species. ;t. and tomentum and Inflorescences axillary, or terminal axillary; of branchlets undersurface of the leaves usually coarse and conspicuous and of distinct red- dish trichomes, the trichomes dendroid and sessile or stipitate, or the trichomes stellate with erect and spreading rays, the stellate trichomes either sessile, subsessile, or stipitate. Parathesis subg. Lateralis Calophyllae contains 9 species: sect. Donn. Sm. P Brandegee Parathesis calophylla reflexa P Mez P oerstediana Lundell schultesii P pipolyana Ricketson travisae Lundell P. P pleurohotryosa Donn. Sm. P Lundell vestita & Ppseudocalophylla Ricketson Pipoly & & Parathesis subg. Laterales Ricketson Pipoly Laterales Ricketson Pipoly sect. ubadpresso atque plerumque glabrescentes and ub-appressed rather often glabrescen loose, Parathesi Parathesis adenanthera He P montana Lundell iUiq.) P Mez moritziana Lunddl P LundeW Pangustijolia multiflora Lunddl Paurantiaca psychotrioides Lundell P. P LundeW P calzadae rekoi Standi. Mez P candolleana P Lundell seibertii P LundeW P cintalapana Lundell sfeutchii P con^attii Blake) Lundell Psubulata Lundell (S.F. P Pcuspidata Lundell Lundell tartarea P glaherrima LundeW P tenuis Standi. P Donn.Sm. P glabra tomentosa Lundell P LundeW gracilis P P Lundell Lundell leptopa vi Host? P macrantha P Lundell vulgata Lundell Pmacronema Bullock P wendtii Lundell P melanosticta (Schltdl.) Hemsl. P rekoi Standi. P minuM/iora Lundell Parathesis (A. DC.) Hook, subg. Parathesis. f . Inflorescences terminal, pyramidal-paniculate Parathesis subg. Parathesis as circumscribed here consists of three sec Cuhanae, and and (sect. sect. Parathesis sect. Versatiles) includes 53 specie & Cubanae Parathesis subg. Parathe; Ricketson Pipoly, 5 . adpresse- (nee grosse ereeic) lomentosis pcrelare distinguitur. et Inflorescence terminal, pyramidal-paniculate; anthers with longitudinal erect, slits and/or subterminal pores, usually dorsifixed near base, never versatile; fila- ments shorter than the anthers, usually one-half as long; tomentum of branchlets and undersurface of leaves fine, mostly stellate and usually closely appressed, sometimes subappressed and rather loose, often glabrescent. Parathesis subg. Parathesis Cubanae contains 26 sect. species: P Parathesis agostiniana Lundell crenulata Hook. ex Hemsl. (Vent.) f. & Gomez P hracteolata Lundell P cubana DC.) Molinet M. (A. P Lundell P Mez hreedlovei donnellsmithii P crassiramea Lundell P emarginata Mez P/erruginea Lundell P Brandegee lanceolata P laxa Lundell P rosea Lundell Mez P Lundell P rothschuhiana lenticellata & P mexicana Lundell Rsinuata (Lundell) Ricketson Pipoly P microcalyx Donn. Sm. P suhcoriacea Lundell P Lundell P tetramera Bullock ohtusa P parvissima Lundell P williamsii Lundell P perpunctata Lundell P zuliana Lundell Parathesis subg. Parathesis sect Parathesis with Inflorescences terminal, pyramidal-paniculate; anthers erect, longitudi- nal and/or subterminal pores, usually dorsifixed near base, never versa- slits tomentum filaments shorter than anthers, usually one-half as long; of tile; and and conspicuous and branchlets undersurface of leaves usually coarse of distinct reddish trichomes, the trichomes dendroid and sessile or stipitate, or the trichomes stellate with erect and spreading rays, the stellate trichomes ei- ther sessile, subsessile, or stipitate. Parathesis subg. Parathesis Parathesis contains 15 species; sect. P Morales Lundell Parathesis neei acostensisJ.Y. P P aeruginosa Standi. prionophylla Standi. P amazonica Mez P Lundell rufa Mez P P chiapensis Fernald serrulata (Sw.) P P Donn. Sm. columnaris Lundell sessilifolia P Mez P Lundell eggersiana tenorioi Mez P Lundell Pfusca (Oerst.) villalohosii P Lundell kochii & nov Ricketson Parathesis subg. Parathesis sect. Versatiles Pipoly, sect, Type: pyramidal-panic Inflorescences terminal, with longitudinal dorsifixed a satile, slits, ally longer than the anther. Parathesis subg. Parathesis VersatiZes contains 12 species: sect. Parathesis acuminata Lundell P longipedicellata Ricketson P P Lundell Pipoly amplifolia palaciosii P cartagoana Lundell P panamensis Lundell P Ricketson P papulosa Lundell costaricensis P P Lundell pyramidalis Lundell croatii P P Hemsl. glendae Ricketson trichogyne & Hymenandra Parathesis acutissima Cuatrec. = acutissima (Cuatrec.) Pipoly Ricketson Parathesis micranthera Donn. Sm. = Gentlea micranthera (Donn. Sm.) Lundell & Parathesis viridis Lundell = Stylogyne viridis (Lundell) Ricketson Pipoly ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Flora Mesoamericana Project lor its support to bring Ricketson and Pipoly together to work on the project. We many made acknowledge from grateful ly the loans herbaria that the study who much possible, along with our collaborators supplied us with ma- critical terial. Gerrit Davidse and Roy Gereau generously gave of their time to provide thorough reviews of the manuscript. REEERENCES Candolle, A.L.R de. 844. Myrsinaceae. A.P. de Candolle, Prodr. 8:76-1 43, In: 1 Bentham and Hooker, J. D. 876. Myrsineae. In: G. J.D. Hooker, Gen, pi. 2:639-648. 1 Lundell, C.L 1966.The genus Parathesis of the Myrsinaceae, Contr, Texas. Res. Found., Bot, 1-206. Stud. 5: Mez, C. 902. Myrsinaceae. A. Engler, ed. Das Pflanzenreich 236(Heft -437. In: 9):1 1 IV,