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Preview A survey of the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Chichagof Island, Alaska, USA

J. Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 103,Dechmbhr2006 61 A survey ofthe spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) USA of ChichagofIsland, Alaska, JOZEF SLOWIK^ ABSTRACT A spider survey was conducted over the summer of2003 on ChichagofIsland, Alaska, USA. Based on this, as well as on data from a preliminary survey in 2002, and two sub- sequent visits, a preliminary list of 95 spider species is presented for the island. This survey resulted in 10 new species records for Alaska and 8 species not known to occur in British Columbia. The data were tested for completeness using Chao 1, Chao 2, boot- strap, and Michaelis-Menten species richness equations. The number of species ob- served fell within the variance for both Chao indicators but was below the other two estimators indicating that more species may still be found. Twenty-two micro and three macro habitats were defined in the survey. All data were submitted to the Nearctic Spi- derDatabase andcatalogedonthe DenverMuseumofNature & Science's website. Key Words: Southeast Alaska, species richness estimators, species list, species diver- sity INTRODUCTION Spiders are a diverse but poorly under- ders may play roles in the control of de- & stood animal group in the Pacific North- structive insects (Jennings Pase 1986; west of North America (Bennett 2001). Maloney etal 2003). Little spider research has been completed Southeast Alaska provides important in southeast Alaska (Mann & Gara 1980). resources for three major industries: log- Species lists are available for British Co- ging, fishing, and tourism. Biodiversity lumbia (Thorn 1967; West et al. 1984, surveys provide important baseline infor- 1988; Bennett et al 2006) and Yukon Ter- mation to help land resource managers ritory (Dondale et al 1997) but there are understand and monitor environments util- none for the southeast Alaskan archipel- ized by these industries. Spiders may pro- ago. vide a useful survey option because ofthe Spider surveys may provide an effec- relative ease with which they can be col- tive means for measuring the impact of lected, preserved, and identified. habitat degradation or land use change on The objective ofthis study was to docu- biodiversity. Baseline studies involving ment the spider fauna of northern spiders as biological indicators have been Chichagof Island, Alaska in a manner that conducted elsewhere; e.g. AUred (1969) can be replicated on other islands in the and AUred & Gertsch (1976) documented southeast Alaskan archipelago in an at- spider diversity in Arizona and Utah after tempt to assemble a comprehensive spider new power plant installations and in Ne- fauna list for the area. The preliminary vada at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. The spider species list and other information need for spider species lists for use in con- provided here are meant to be resources for servation decision making has also been future surveys in the area and relevant bio- expressed (Skerl 1999). In addition, spi- geographic andtaxonomic studies. 'Department of Zoology, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd., Denver CO 80205, (303)370-6354,[email protected] 62 J.Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 103,December2006 MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Site. The study site is located at canopy. W 58.10° N 135.42° in southeast Alaska There are no protected areas within the on the northeast comer of Chichagof Is- study site and substantial clear-cut logging land, approximately 100 km west of Jun- on blocks ranging from 0.08 to 40.00 ha eau (Fig. 1). The study area is located occurred on the island from the early within the Tongass National Forest, 1980's until 2004. During the survey pe- Sealaska Corporation land, Huna Totem riod, the resulting second growth areas Corporation land and Alaska State lands. were relatively young and differed little in The study site consisted of an area of structure from the naturally occurring roughly 86,765 ha located around the town shrubby skree areas. ofHoonah, Alaska (Fig. 1), and is charac- Data Collection. All specimens were terized as northern temperate rainforest collected by the author during the period dominated by western hemlock {Tsuga 22 April to 24 August 2003 using one of hetrophyUa (Raf Sarg.). The area around six methods: beat sheeting, sweep netting, ) Hoonah and northward to Gustavus is in a sifting moss, head-lamping, pitfall trapping slight rain shadow for southeast Alaska and casual collection. Because ofthe den- with an average annual rainfall of 130 cm sity and thickness ofthe forests and clear- {versus Juneau at 250 cm). The area is cut areas an alternative method of sweep- dominated by steep, abruptly ascending ing/beating was used in those areas. This mountains and narrow valleys left by re- method consisted of grabbing either cent glacial activity with elevations from branches or the top ofa tree and stuffing it sea level to over 1,180 m. into the sweep net, then beating the branch In 2002 a preliminary survey was con- or treetop in the net. This method was also ducted and three general macro-habitats used in shrubby areas where the vegetation and 22 micro-habitats were defined (Table was too dense to sweep or beat. The head- 1). The micro-habitats were used for com- lamping method consisted ofusing a head- paring similar sites in the study area and lamp orother light source and lookingboth for expanding search areas if few or only up and down for eye shine and webs after immature spiders were found at a given dark. Specimens were deposited directly site. Each of the 22 micro-habitats is in- into 75% ethanol for preservation. Each cluded in one of the three macro-habitats: collection occurrence consisted of one shrubby skree or logged areas, open mus- method and was conducted for one half keg meadows, and densely treed old hour, although multiple collection occur- growth forests. The shrubby areas are rences may have occurred in a day or at a dominated by several species of Vaccinium site. L. and Rubus L. and devil's club Pitfall traps were sets of230 ml plastic {Oplopanax horridum (Smith)) growing to cups placed in the ground with the lip of over 2 m in height. The muskeg areas con- each cup level with the ground surface. m m sist oflow shrubs under 0.5 tall {Kalmia Each set consisted of 10 cups placed 1 microphylla (Hook.) Heller) and Andro- apart in a line. The traps were filled with medapoUfoUa L.) and grasses, with pools 30-60 ml of propylene glycol as a pre- or slow moving streams. The old growth servative. Traps were covered only ifrain areas consist mainly of hemlocks {Tsuga was imminent. Pitfall trap specimens were hetrophyUa and T. mertensiana (Bong.) collected every two days to one week Carr.) with some Sitka spruce {Picea (dependant upon rainfall) then sorted, sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) and yellow cedar washed and stored in 75% alcohol. {Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Because ofthe difficulty ofidentifying Spach) intemiixed and usually have few juvenile spiders only adults were identified shrubs in the understory and a closed and used for the analyses. Linyphiidae J. Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 103,Dhchmbbr2006 63 Figure 1. Spider collections sites on ChichagofIsland, Alaska, USA, 2002-2005. Each point may representmore than onehabitatorcollection occurrence. were identified by D. J. Buckle Three of the richness equations, Chao (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), Philodromidae 1, Chao 2, and bootstrapping require col- and Thomisidae were identified by F. X. lection occurrence data, which is defined Haas (Denver, Colorado). All other spiders as each separate occurrence in which spi- were identified by the author using Roth ders were collected. For the sampling ef- (1993) or Ubick et ah (2005) and included fort aspect of the Michaelis-Menten equa- references. Voucher specimens were de- tion each collection occurrence (other than posited at the Denver Museum ofNature & casual and pitfall trapping) consisted of Science. Nomenclature follows Platnick one-half hour (as described above). Be- (2006). See discussions in Crawford cause the movements of spiders are not (1988), Buckle et al. (2001) and Ubick et well understood, statistical analysis ofeach al. (2005) regarding linyphiid nomencla- pitfall trap occurrence was arbitrarily at- ture. tributed one hour of sampling effort fol- Statistical analysis. Species richness lowing Coddington et al. (1996) (although was estimated using Chao 1 (Chao 1984), Coddington used leaf litter samples and a Chao 2 (Chao 1984, 1987), bootstrap Tullgren-funnel). Specimens collected with & (Smith van Belle 1984), and Michaelis- methods other than those described above Menten (Raaijmakers 1987) estimators were considered to be casual occurrences following Coddington et al. (1996). The and were each attributed five minutes of Chao 1 estimator is a non-parametric equa- time. tion using relative abundance data; the Specimen data were submitted to the Chao 2 estimator is also non-parametric Nearctic Spider Database (http:// but uses presence-absence data. The boot- canadianarachnology.webhop.net) and strap estimator uses incidence data and the catalogued on the Denver Museum ofNa- Michaelis-Menten model contrasts sam- ture & Science website (www.dmns.org/ pling effort data and number of species spiders/default.aspx). observed. See Magurran (2004) for discus- Habitat and collection method were sion of the various usage and accuracy used to determine general species habitat issues associated with these estimators. associations: arboreal, ground-dwelling, or Species accumulation curves were plotted other. These detenninations are speculative using Estimates (Version 7.5, Colwell but may be helpful in locating species in 2005). similarenvironments. 64 J. Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia 103,December2006 Table 1. Habitats sampled forspiders on ChichagofIsland, Alaska, 2002-2005. Microhabitat Macro- Physical water Canopy number habitat description 1 Shrubby Shot rock, buildings None Open 2 Shrubby Sitka alder, snake grass Pooled Moderate 3 Open Grass only Running Open 4 Open Grass only Pooled Open 5 Open Low shrubs and grass Pooledornone Open 6 Treed Mossy, shrubby None Moderate 7 Treed Mossy, few shrubs None Moderate 8 Treed Mossy, few shrubs None Closed 9 Open Shot rock, quarry Temporarypools Open 10 Shrubby Shrubby None Moderate 11 Shrubby Shrubby, no alder None Open 12 Shrubby Shrubby, alderpresent None Open 13 Open Muskeg, shrubs, various Pooled, running Open wVfVClltlpVir, CaILb-'nX-v'VpV ^5\J0\0J1m1L 14 Open Grassy meadows, few None Open shrubs, no water, above 500m 15 Open Rocky, shrubby, coastline Tidal Open debris 16 Open Tall grass Tidal Open 17 Treed Shrubby, treed Running Moderateto closed 18 Treed Few shrubs, low grass None Closed 19 Shrubby Tall grass, shot rock Temporarypools Open to moderate 20 Treed Marshy, tall grass Pooled Moderate to closed 21 Shrubby Shrubby, treed, mossy None Moderate 22 Open Tall grass Pooled Open RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 1,239 adult spiders represent- subsequently. Total survey time including ing 16 families, 68 genera and 95 species travel and sorting ofpitfall traps was 150 (Appendix 1) was collected and identified hours. Additionally the site was surveyed from 103 collection occurrences. casually in 2004 and 2005 but no further The 2003 survey consisted of43 hours species were added to the list. of collection time accumulated over 40 Based on the habitat and method of days during the period 22 April to 24 Au- collection; 49 species were classified as gust and produced 93 of the 95 total spe- ground-dwelling and 34 species as arbo- cies observed. Agnyphantes arborens real. Twelve species occurred in both gen- (Emerton) and Tetragnatha externa eral habitat types. Fifty-four species (56%) (Linnaeus) were collected in 2002 but not and 521 of all spiders (42%) collected J. Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 103,December2006 65 were linyphiids. Fifty-one ofthe linyphiid 10 species not previously reported from species were collected in pitfall traps, 13 Alaska (D. J. Buckle, unpublished data) were collected using others methods as and eight species not known to occur in well. British Columbia (Bennett et al. 2006) Expected number of species resulting (Appendix 1). Two ofthese records, Maro & from all species accumulation equations ampins Dondale Buckle and Walckenae- was higher than the observednumber of95 ria redneri Millidge, are the first for either species, indicating that further sampling area. should result in more species (Figure 2). All ofthe 13 undetermined species are However, the observed number fell within linyphiids, five are female erigonines the variance for both the Chao 1 and Chao (currently unidentifiable), two are known 2 equations (97 ± 7.48 and 104.45 ± 11.58 but undescribed species {Porrhomma sp. respectively). The Michaelis-Menten #1 and Centromenis sp. #1), five are in model and the bootstrapping methods pre- genera in need of revision {Agyneta Hull, dicted 130.72 species and 106.35 ± 7.00 Eularia Chamberlin and Ivie, Oreonetides species respectively. Strand, Pityohyphantes Simon, Tapinocyba Species of interest. Diplocephalus Simon) and could not be placed, and one sphagnicola Eskov 1988, a Siberian spider, species of Wakkenaeria could not be de- was collected for only the third time in termined. Several larger families were rep- North America. Several specimens of a resented by surprisingly low numbers of described but unnamed species of Centro- species: only a single female philodromid, merus Dahl, previously known only from Tibellns oblongus (Walckenaer) and two one damaged male collected at Terrace, females of a single salticid species, Evar- BC in 1920 (van Helsdingen 1973) were chaproszynskii Marusik & Logunov, were collected. This survey produced records of collected. iJlLliJliill 93 97 101 -20 CollectionOccurrence — Chao1Mean — Chao2Mean Bootstrap—*—Observed Figure 2. Species accumulation curve for spiders sampled using all methods described in text on ChichagofIsland, Alaska, USA, 2002-2005 and estimates ofChao 1, Chao 2 andbootstrap- ping results from statistical analysis using Estimates (Version 7.5, Colwell 2005). Vertical bars indicate computed variance. Michaelis-Menten analysis results are not displayed. 66 J.Entomol. Soc.Brit.Columbia 103,Decembhr2006 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank Don Buckle for help with the viewing this paper. I also thank Robb Ben- linyphiid determinations and for permis- nett for editorial help and two anonymous sion to use unpublished data, Rod Craw- reviewers for their useful comments. Spi- ford for help with collection techniques, der identification work was supported in Gabriele Bosch for mapping input, Fran part by National Science Foundation grant Haas for identifying philodromids and DBI-0346378 awarded to Paula E. Gush- thomisids, andPaula Gushing forhelp with ing. non-linyphiid identifications and for re- REFERENCES Allred,D.M. 1969. SpidersoftheNationalReactorTesting Station. GreatBasinNaturalist29:105-108. Allred, D.M. and W.J. Gertsch. 1976. Spiders and Scorpions from northern Arizona and northern Utah. JournalofArachnology3: 87-99. Bennett, R.G. 2001. Spiders (Araneae) and araneology in British Columbia. Journal ofthe Entomological SocietyofBritishColumbia98: 85-92. Bennett, R.G., D. Blades, CD. Dondale, D.J. Buckle andR.C. West. 2006. The spidersofBritish Colum- bia [online database], in: Klinkenberg, Brian (Editor). E-Fauna BC: electronic atlas ofthe fauna of British Columbia. Lab forAdvanced Spatial Analysis, DepartmentofGeography, University ofBritish Columbia,Vancouver. Availablefromwww.efauna.bc.ca [accessed: 7August2006] Buckle, D.J., D. Carroll, R.L. Crawford and V.D. Roth. 2001. Linyphiidae and Pimoidae of America North of Mexico: Checklists, synonymy, and literature. Part 2, Pages 89-191. in P. Paquin and D.J. Buckle (eds.): Contributions a la Connaissance des Araignees (Araneae) d'Amerique du Nord. Fabre- ries. Supplement 10. Chao, A. 1984. Non-parametric estimation ofthenumberofclasses in apopulation. ScandinavianJournal ofStatistics 11: 265-270. Chao, A. 1987. Estimating the population size for capture-recapture data with unequal catchability. Bio- metrics43: 783-791. Coddington, J.A., L.H. Young and F.A. Coyle. 1996. Estimating spider species richness in a southern Appalachiancovehardwoodforest.Journal ofArachnology24: 111-128. Colwell, R.K. 2005. EstimateS: Statistical estimations ofspecies richness and shared species from sam- ples, [online.] Version 7.5. Availablefromhttp://purl.oclc.org/estimates [Accessed 14July2006]. Crawford, R.L. 1988. Anannotatedchecklistofthe spiders ofWashington. BurkeMuseum Confributions inAnthropologyandNatural HistoryNo. 5: 1-48. Dondale, CD., J.H. Redner, and Y.M Marusik. 1997. Spiders (Araneae) ofthe Yukon, pp. 73-113. in H.V. Danks and J.A. Downes (eds.), Insects ofthe Yukon. Biological Survey ofCanada (Terrestrial Arthropods),Ottawa. Helsdingen, P.J. van. 1973. ArecapitulationoftheNearcticspeciesofCentromernsDahl(Araneida, Liny- phiidae) with remarks on Tunagyna debilis (Banks). Zoologische Verhandelingen Rijksmuseum van NatuurlijkeHistoricteLeiden. Zool 124: 1-45. Jennings, D.T. and H.A. Pase. 1986. Spiders preying onDendroctonusfi'ontalis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). EntomologicalNews97: 227-229. Magurran,A.E. 2004. Measuringbiologicaldiversity. Blackwell Publishing, city, state/country. 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J. Entomol. Soc. Brit. Columbia 103,December2006 67 Smith, E.P. and G. van Belle. 1984. Non-parametric estimation ofspecies richness. Biometrics 40: 119- 129. Thorn, E. 1967. Preliminarydistributional list ofthe spiders ofBritishColumbia. Report ofthe Provincial MuseumofNaturalHistoryandAnthropologyofBritish Columbia(1966): 22-39. Ubick, D., P. Paquin, P.E. Cushing, and V. Roth (eds). 2005. Spiders ofNorth America: an identification manual. AmericanArachnological Society, City, State. WestR., C. D. Dondale and R.A. Ring. 1984. A revised checklist ofthe spiders (Araneae) ofBritish Co- lumbia. Journal ofthe Entomological SocietyofBritishColumbia81: 80-98. WestR., CD. Dondale & R.A. Ring. 1988. Additions to the revised checklistofthe spiders (Araneae) of BritishColumbia. Journal ofthe Entomological SocietyofBritishColumbia 85: 77-86. APPENDIX 1 Spider species list and collection data Columbia. Detailed collection data for for Chichagof Island, Alaska USA, sorted each species is accessible on the Nearctic alphabetically by family, genus, and spe- Spider Database (http:// cies. Habitat numbers refer to Table 1. canadianarachnology.webhop.net) and the indicates a new record for Alaska; "**" DenverMuseum ofNature & Science web- indicates a species not listed for British site (www.dmns.org/spiders/defauh.aspx). Months Collection Habitat Family/Species Males Females Adults Found Method Number Amaurobiidae Callobiuspictus (Simon, 1884) May-Sept, casual, headlamp, 1, 6, 8 6 pitfall Cybaeopsiswabritaska (Leech, 1972) April-June headlamp,pitfall 2,3,4,5,13, 65 22 Araneidae Araneussaevus (L. Koch, 1872) Aug. casual 1 1 Araneustrifolium (Hentz, 1847) July casual, sweep 4, 5, 22 Aranielladisplicata (Hentz, 1847) May-June beat, sweep 4,5,20,22 2 Cyclosaconica (Pallas, 1772) May-June headlamp, sweep 1,4,5,21,22 3 Larinhidespatagiatus (Clerck, 1757) April-May headlamp, sweep 1,4, 5 Parazygielladispar(Kulczyn'ski, May&Aug. casual, headlamp 1 4 1885) Clubionidae ClubionapacificaBanks, 1896 April-Aug. headlamp, sweep 1,4, 5, 19, 22 8 Clubionatrivialis C. L. Koch, 1843 May-July beat 4 6 Cybaeidae CybaeusreticidatusSimon, 1886 April-May& casual, headlamp, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 34 37 Aug.-Oct. pitfall 7,8,10,21 Dictynidae DictynabrevitarsaEmerton, 1915 May-July beat, sweep 4, 5, 13, 22 11 DictynamajorMenge, 1869 June-July sweep 4,5 10 7 Gnaphosidae Micariapulicaria (Sundevall, 1831) May-June casual, sweep, 1,4,5 3 pitfall Sergiolusmontanus (Emerton, 1890) May casual 1 Hahniidae Antisteabrunnea (Emerton, 1909)* April-July pitfall 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 1 34 Dirksiacinctipes (Banks, 1896) May & Sept. casual, sweep 8, 15 1 1 J J. Entomol. Soc.Brit.Columbia 103,December2006 APPENDIX 1 (continued) Months Collection Habitat Family/Species Males Females Adults Foiinfi Method IViimlipr' 1 Hannii(i36 (continued) HahniacinereaEmerton, 1890 May-June pitfall 3,4 3 Neoantisteamagna (Keyserling, April pitfall 2 1 loo/ Linyphiidae Agnyphantesarboreus (Emerton, July casual, sweep 4, 5, 15 1 1 1915) Agynetaolivacea (Emerton, 1882)* May-June pitfall 3,4, 5 15 Agynetasp #7 June pitfall 4 2 2 Aphiletamisera (O. Pickard- June pitfall 4,5 1 Cambridge, 1882) Bathyphantes brevipes (Emerton, May& Sept. beat, headlamp. 1,6, 15, 18, 2 2 1917) pitfall 22 Bathyphantespallidus (Banks, 1892) May-June pitfall, sweep 3,21 1 2 Centromeressp #7* April-May pitfall, sift, sweep 3, 5, 15 2 2 Ceraticelusatriceps (O. Pickard- May pitfall 5 1 Cambridge, 1874) Ceratinellaacerea Chamber!in& April-May pitfall, sift 8, 15 2 Ivie, 1933* Ceratinellaornatulaalaskana Cham- May pitfall 3 3 ber!in, 1948 Ceratinops inflatus (Emerton, 1923) May pitfall 7,8 15 Collinsiaksenius (Crosby &Bishop, April-June sweep 17 3 1928) DiplocephalussphagnicolaEskov, April pitfall 3 1 1 1yoo Erigonealetris Crosby &Bishop, May-Aug. sweep 4, 14, 16, 19 6 9 1928 Erigoninesp #1 May pitfall 7,8 6 Erigoninesp #3 June-July pitfall 4, 5, 22 3 Erigoninesp iM June pitfall 4, 5 z Lr<LJr*7irTg/~oiTniliVn1£e?sCfpl ifft// May-June pitfall 4,8 2 Erigoninesp #8 May-June sweep,pitfall 3,4, 15 3 Eulairasp #7 May pitfall 5 1 GrammonotasubarcticaDondale, April-July pitfall 3, 4, 5, 22 3 129 1959 ** Hybauchenidiumcymbadentatum April-June pitfall 3,4,5 8 (Crosby &Bishop, 1935)* Kaestneriapullata (O. Pickard- April-July casual,pitfall, 3,4, 5, 11, 8 Cambridge, 1863) sift, sweep 15,21 Linyphantespualla Chamberlin& May pitfall 8 1 ivie, Iy4z MaroampinsDondale &Buckle, May pitfall 4, 5 2 2 2001* & ** Meionetasimplex(Emerton, 1926) June pitfall 4,5 3 Microlinyphiadana (Chamberlin & May-June& sweep 2,4,5, 15, 16. 13 37 . Ivie, 1943) Sept. 19,21,22 J. Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 103,Dhchmber2006 69 APPENDIX 1 (continued) ^Famil.,y/,S„pec.es Months Collection Habitat Males Females AdultsFound Method Number Linyphiidae (continued) Mythoplastoides erectus (Emerton, April-July pitfall, sift 7,8 1 3 1915) Nenenedigna(Keyserlmg, IHHo) April-June casual 1 4 Oedothoraxalascensis (Banks, 1900) April-May sweep, beat 0, ID, 1 / Z ** Oedothoraxtrilobatus (Banks, 1896) April-May pitfall 3 5 ** Oreonetabrunnea (Emerton, 1882) May-June pitfall 3,4,5 24 8 Oreonetidesrectangulatus (Emerton, April-May pitfall 3 3 1913)** Oreonetidessp #7 May pitfall 3 1 Pelecopsissculpta (Emerton, 1917) May-July pitfall 4,5 9 4 Pityohyphantessp #1 April-Aug. casual, beat, head-•1,4, 5, 19, 10 lamp, sweep 21 Pocadicnemispumila (Blackwall, April-June pitfall, sift 3,4, 5, 11, 12 5 1841) 11J^, Z911 Porrhommasp #7 June sweep 4,5 1 Satilatlas insolensMillidge, 1981** May pitfall 3 2 Sciastestruncatus (Emerton, 1882) April-May pitfall 7 3 Sisicotusnesides (Chamber/in, 1921) April-June pitfall, sift, sweep 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18 20 18, 22 Sisisrotundus (Emerton, 1925) April-May pitfall 3, 8 1 1 Symmigmaminimum (Emerton, 1923) Mav-Tunp pitfall 4, 5, 8 2 lacnygynaursma (Bishop & Crosby, May-June beat, sweep 4, 5, 18 4 1yjo) lapinocybaaietrichi Crosby & May-July pitiall, silt 6, 8 4 2 tsisnop, jyjj Tapinocybasp #7 May-June pittall 4 4 1 Tenuiphanteszelatus (Zorsch, 1937) April-June casual, pittall sitt O^, 1/, 6Q, ZT)Z z Or WalckenaeriaColumbia Millidge, April-June pitfall, sift 7, 8, 13, 21 2 2 1983* Wa&lcIkvieen,ae1r9i39a)cornuella (Chamberlin April-May sweep, pitfall 11, 7/, O9, Q7, 11oC Jc J Walckenaeriadirecta (O. Pickard- May-June pi'tjt.^al1l1 J1, 4A, 0 1 5I Cambridge, 1874) Walckenaeriaexigua Millidge, 1983* June pitfall 4 4 WalckenaeriaredneriMillidge, April-May pitfall, sweep 3, 4, 5, 16 18 3 1983* & ** Walckenaeriaspiralis (Emerton, June pitfall 4,5 3 3 looZj Walckenaeriasp #7 Oct. pitfall 8 1 Wubanapacifica (Banks, 1896)* April-May pitfall / z Lycosidae Alopecosaaculeata (Clerck, 1757) May-June pitfall 4 2 PardosadorsuncataLowrie &Don- April-June headlamp,pitfall, 1,2,3,4, 5, 45 31 dale, 1981 sweep 16, 18, 20, 21,22 70 J. Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 103,December2006 APPENDIX 1 (continued) Months Collection Habitat Family/Species Males Females Adults Found Method Number Lycosidae (continued) PardosamoestaBanks, 1892 May-July sweep,pitfall 3,4, 5, 18, 72 30 21 Piratapiraticus (Clerck, 1757) June-July casual,pitfall, 4,5,21,22 13 5 sweep Trochosaterhcola Thorell, 1856 April-June casual,pitfall, 3,4, 5, 16 36 14 sweep Philodromidae Tibellus oblongus (Walckenaer, 1802) June sweep 4,5 1 Pimoidae Pimoaaltioculata (Keyserling, 1886) May&Aug. casual, headlamp 1,17 3 Salticidae EvarchaproszynskiiMarusik& June sweep 4,5 2 Logitnov, 1998 Tetragnathidae Tetragnathaextensa (Linnaeus, 1758) July sweep 4,5 1 TetragnathalaboriosaHentz, 1850 May-July beat, sweep 4,5, 11, 18, 37 46 19,21,22 Tetragnathaversicolor Walckenaer, May-Aug. casual, sweep 4, 5, 19 5 1842 Theridiidae Robertus vigerens (Chamberlin & April-June pitfall, sweep 3, 4, 5, 18 9 Ivie, 1933) Rugathodessexpunctatus (Emerton, April-July beat, casual, 2,4, 5, 11, 30 1882) sweep 15, 16, l: 19, 20 Theonoestridula Crosby, 1906** April-May pitfall 3 Theridionsaanichum Chamberlin & May-July sweep 4,5 Ivie, 1947 Thomisidae Bassanianautahensis (Gertsch, 1932) Aug. headlamp 1 Misumenavatia(Clerck, 1757) May-July sweep 5,21,22 3 OzyptilapacificaBanks, 1895 April pitfall 3 4 Xysticus luctuosus (Blackwall, 1836) April-June pitfall 4,5,21 12 Xysticuspretiosus Gertsch, 1934 May & Sept. casual, headlamp 1 3 Uloboridae Hyptiotesgertschi Chamberlin & Aug.-Sept. casual, headlamp 1, 7 'ivie, 1935

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