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by  PremalathaV.
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A Study of the Lak~al}as of Ragas in the Satigrahaclllu!iimalJi* v.PREMALATHA I....,..RODUCTIOS TheSangrahachudomani(SC)ofGovinda,aSanskritworkwritteninthepost-Vcnkatamakhi period', deals mainly with the melakartii-janya system ofclassificationofragas. For (he firsttime in the Sanskrit textualtraditionofSouthIndianmusic,wecome acrossthearuha andavarbha beingmentionedaslaksanasofaraga.Suchascriptionoflaksanascametobe an important factor in post-Siiriimrta works. Apart from the SC. a few other published worksarc also foundto incorporate thisfeature. They are: (I) the Ragalaksana (RL) in Sanskrit.ofunknown authorship; (2) the Sangitaratniikara in Kannada.ofunknown authorship; (3)theSangitasiirasangrahamuofTiruvenkatakavi,inTelugu:and (4) theMohiibharatachkdomoniinTamil.ofunknown authorship. Among these four works. the style ofdescription in the RLclosely followsthat ofthe SC, whereas the Sangitasiirasangrahamu and Mahabharatacbiidomani have a slightly differentformat",TheSanguaromakoragivesonlythescalesofthejanyo-ragasand isnot formed of verses. unlike the SC and RL. A paper manuscript (hereafter, MS) titled Svaramelakaldnidhi' (numbered R15752intheSanskritsectionoftheGovernmentOriental ManuscriptsLibrary.Madras)containsthesamekind ofdescriptionofjanya-ragasasseen inthe SC and RL. Many ragas handled by the Trimiirti of Music. namely. Syama Sastri, Tyagariija and Mutrusvflmi Dlksita (and other composers of the nineteenth century) are noticed in the above mentioned works.Thus they form an importanttextualsource for ragas which are knowntohaveexistedformore than twohundredyears andarestillinvoguetoday.Inthis context, the study ofragalaksanas in these works also helps usto observe thechangesthat have takenplaceinthe structureofthe ragas.Theaimofthispaperistoexaminesomeof thecharacteristicsofthe ragasfound intheSC bycomparingthemwiththeRLandtheMS. which follow the samestyleofpresentation. BRIEFCOllrtTE.~TSOFTHEWORKS Sangrahachlidamani TheSCwa~edit~dbyPanditS.SubrahmanyaSastriand publishedbytheAdyarLibrary andResearchCentre,Chennai,in 1938fromasinglepalm-leafmanuscriptinitspossession. The edition has three chapters. The first chapter gives an account of the origin and *Anearlier draft orthis paper was presented at the 40th sessionor the AUIndiaOriental Conference. held inChennai inMay2000. Sangu / Nol8k Vol. XXXVI, Nos. 3-4. 2001 .0 v.PREMALATHA establishmentof niityaand then enumerates the four vrttls, rasaand its constituents, the fourkindsofabhinaya,the fourtypesof viidyas,theconstructionofthe theatre fornatya, andthefirstperformance byBharataand hisdisciples.Then itlistsanumberofwriterson dramaandmusic.Thesecondchapterspeaksofthedefinitionofsangitaand itsgreatness, andstatesafewfundamentalconceptslikenada,sthiina,irutiandsvara.Thethirdchapter speaksofthevarietiesofsrutisandtheiuddha-viknatprakrti-vikrti)svaras;thepermutation or the prastiiras of these svaras: the names of the 72 rnelakartas and their laksanas; the namesof thejanya-ragas of each mela: and finally the laksanasof thejanya-ragas.Then follow theIoksana-gitasfor the72 melakartas and theirjanyas. Riigalaksana Thisisa small work containing the names of the 72 rnelakarta-ragas followed by the Iaksanasofthejanya-ragas.From theintroduction to the work. wecome to know that the presenteditionisbasedon a(single) manuscriptinthepossessionofapersoninTanjavur. The editor feels that there would probably have been a portionof the work dealing with svaras, which is missing. The edition seems to have many gaps in between. which are apparent from the cross signs (x x x) marked in between the reproduced text. At many places, the workconsists of variant readings mentioned under the name "Andhra".'This includes (I) differentversionsofthe arohasand avarohasfor alreadygiven ragas(Type I);and (2) afew ragaswith their arohas andavarfihas alone,of whichsomeare not presentin theoriginaltext (Type II). Manuscript fMS) Thecontentsofthe MS can be divided intothreeparts: (I) S10kaslistingthe names ofthe 72melakartas(Kanakangl, Ramangj. etc.); (2) sl6kasgivingthenamesofthejanya-ragasofeachmetaalongwiththeserial number ofthemela-thetotal number ofjanya-ragasundereachmelaisalso indicated; (3) slokasdescribingthe Iaksanasofthejanya-ragas. There are Some lacunae in the MS, e.g., the Iaksanas ofsome of the ragas listed are missing. Comingtothestudyofragalaksanasintheabovethreeworks,wefind thatalora)of294 janya-ragasaredescribedinthe SC;286ragasinthe RL;and 232ragas in the MS_A few ragas.areseentooccurexclusivelyineachoftheseworks.Thuswehave 17ragasoccurring o~ly In the se,29 ragas occurring only in the RL, and 20 ragas occurring only in the 'Andhra' versionoftheRL. (Fora listoftheseragas.seeAnnexure I.) Now, weshallsee themanner inwhichthe laksanasofthe ragas have beendescribed. DESCRIPTIO:,,;OFTHEL\KS!\:~ii'S0..'RAGAS The pattern ofdescription of ragalaksanas in the above works isidentical. Two verses are normallydevoted foreachjanya-raga,ofwhichthefirstverse presentsthe name ofthe LAK~At:JAS OF RAGAS INTHE SANGRAHACHUQAMA/yl 41 raga,thename ofthemela(from whichitisderived), andgivesinformationaboutitsnviisa ,amsa-, and graha-svaras, In the first halfofthesecond verse,thear6haandavar6ha are described interms oftheoccurrenceofnotes(sampumaorvarjyaandkramaorvakrav,and in the second half the actual ar6ha and avar6ha of the raga are given using the svara syllables sa, ri,ga, etc. While describing the aroha and avar6ha, terms like auduvam (SC) or audavam (RL), siulavam. sampurna-misrchhana.svarasaptaka,madhyama-raga,madhyama-saptaka,etc., arenoted. Ofthem, (1) the term 'auduvam' or 'audavam' occurs when araga totallyomits twonotes,i.e., both in the ar6ha and avaroha, and if the svaras in bothar6ha and avar6ha are in order, i.e., ifthey are in krarna; (2) the term 'sadavarn' occurs whenaraga totallyomitsonenote,bothinthearohaand avar6ha, and if thescale isinkrama; (3) the term 'sampnma-murchhana' or 'svarasaptaka' occurs when a raga has all the seven notes in krama; (4) the term 'madhyarna-raga' or 'rnadhyama-saptaka' occurs ina few ragas whose melodic movement in the ascending direction is limited to nisiida or dhaivata (nisadantya, dhaivatiintya ragas like Punnagavarali, Kurifiji.etc.). Generally, the ar6ha starts with the madhya-sthiiyisadja andends with thetiira-sthiivi sadja.coveringthewholeregister. Butinsomecases,thishaschangedslightly.Forexample, thearohaofMafijariragainthe RLcommenceswithmadhya-sthiiyirsobba(rigapadhani sar-risanidhapa gari);thetiira-sthayirsabha isincludedintheavar6haofKamiisainthe SCand the "Andhra"reading of the RL (sarnagamapadha nisa-risanidhapamaga sa). From thedescriptionfound inthese works, thearoha andavar6haofthejanya-ragas are either vakra or varjya. In the case of vakra aroha-avaroha. thesvaras are not arranged in order but are in a zigzag pattern. Somejanya-ragasare also characterizedbyakrama-sampkmaarohaandavar6ha.This featureisnormallyassociatedwithonlythemelakarta-ragas'.However,noneoftheseworks mention krama-sarnpumaar6ha and avaroha as thedefining characteristic ofamelakartii raga. In some cases, the krarna-sarnpuma aroha-avaroha is also assigned to ajanya-raga and sometimes to more than onejanya-ragaclassified under thesame mela.Forinstance, threeragas, namely, Saurastra,Piirvi,andParaju (alljanyasofthe15thmela),areassigned thearohaand avar6hasa riga rnapa dha ni sa-sanidhapa rnaga risa.Sinceadistinct ar6ha-avar6haseems tobestowanidentity totheragasclassified underamela,thequestion is: how are these janya-ragas different from each other and also from the melakartii-raga MayamaJavagaula? One way in whichthis apparentlackofdistinction between ragascouldbeexplained is tosuggest thatthesejanya-ragas,over andaboveakrama-arohaandkrama-avar6ha, hadin addition an anyasvara (an auxiliary or accidental orforeign note, inother words, a svara thatdoes not belongto theparentmela) or two, butnotincorporated inth.earoha-avar6~a. However, itisnotcertainifsuchasuggestion wouldbevalid.Inmoderntimes,aragaWI~ ananyasvarais referredtoasabhasimga-raga": Further,therearesomebh~ailga-ragas10 42 V. PRE.\IALATHA which the anyasvaru does not figure in the aroha-avaroha and some others in which the anyasvara does figure in the aroha-avaroha. However. this term ('bha~atiga-raga') is not found inanyoftheworks understudy.Itistobepointed out thatsomeragaslikeSaurastra are bh:i?anga-ragas thatdo not incorporate the anyasvara in the aroha-avaroha. But in the absenceofanyreferencetoanyasvara.itbecomesdifficulttoexplainthedifferencebetween ragas that have identical ar6ha-avar6hasmentionedin these works. Besides, these works, while describing thecharacteristics ofjanya-ragas, mention just the svarasinar6haand avaroha,butdo not specify their variety. Inthat case,it has to be inferred thai the anyasvara is probably not included in the ar6ha and avaroha, and that it occurred only in some melodic phrases. For example,letusconsiderthe raga Saurastra.It isclassified under the 15thmela with akrarna-sampurnaaroha and avaroha inthe SC,RL aroha and MS.SubbarfimaDlksitaintheSangitasampradayapradariini'noo gives the and avarohaofSaurastraassarigomapadha nisa-sanidhapa rnagorisaandhasclassified itas a bha~ga-raga, largely in the modem sense ofthe term, Characteristic phrases are then given to illustrate the usage ofthe two varieties of dhaivata and nisada, Thiskind of description ismissing in theSCand other works.Hence the distinguishing characteristics of these ragas, which have identical ac6has and avarohas, should besought in melodic detailsand not inthe laksanaspresented inthe two verses, Inthe SC and MS,afew svarasof the arobaand avaroha are oftenrepeated more than once.Forexample, Bhupalaisgiven assarigopapodhadha sa,Sometimesthescaledoes not end with the madhya-sthayi sadja but includes one or two notes in the lower.register also.For example, thescaleofDhanyasiisgiven asso ni dhapa rna ga risani sa. Inthe~fS.where manyragasaredescribedunderameta.inthecaseofsomeoftheragas describedlater, thefirstline isincomplete.That is,thenameofthe melais mentionedinan abbreviated fonn like "Khara'' for Kharaharapriya, "Nara" for Narabhairavi, and "Dwa" for Dhirasankarabharanam,Forinstance,whiledescribing the raga Kannadagaula, the MS reads,"Kharall /ajja/a,!,Kannadagauloi",This couldbea scribal peculiarity, Some ragasare noticedtwice inthe RL under differentmelas, as for instance Devakriyii 20.49 Ghantarava 8. 20 MaJavi 21.28 Naraya~i 28.29 Paficbarna 22,48 Paraja 15.28 Pdrnaparicharna 15,20 Ravichandrika 20.28 ~indhu 17,29 Suddhadhanyasi 20, 22 Dipaka 10.51 Jaganmdhini 15,38 On further study,itwasobservedthat (i) the iirohaor/and avaroha is/are given only at Oneplace for some ofthe ragas. For example,there is noarobaand avaroha forGhantarava, underthe 8th mela,MaJavi LAK~A~AS OFRAGASIN THESANGRAHACH[;QAMA/yl 43 underthe 21st mela, Paraja underthe 28th rnela,etc. (ii) theraga Dipakaonpage8(ofRL)should probably readDipara underthe 10thrnela (as seen InSC). (iii)someragasare prescribeddifferentarohas andavar6has, thus suggesting different ragaswiththesamename,e.g., Devakriya: sariga rnadhanisa-sanidharna garisa (20) sa rirnapa dhasa-sanidhaparnagarigasa (49) Pumapanchama: sariga rnadhanisa-sadhaparnagarisa (15) sa riga rnapa dhanisa-sanidhaparnarlsa (20) (iv) the raga Jaganmohini, found on page 51(of RL) under the38th mela, seems tobe equivalenttoJaganmohanaoftheSCunderthesamernela. VARIATIONSWITfiNTHETHREE\lURKS Althoughthethree works aremodelledalike,there are someremarkable differences amongthem. Theycanbestudiedunderthefollowingheadings: (I) changesinthenamesof melakartas: (2) changesinthenamesofragas; (3) changesinassigningaragaunderamelakarta; (4) changesinthegraha. amsaandnyasasvaras; (5) changesinthearohaandavar6haofaraga. I.Changes intheNames ofMelakartas Thenamesofsomeofthemelakartasdifferasfollows: (7) Scnavati RL Senapati SC,MS (14) Bakulabharanam RL Vakulabharanarn SC,MS (20) Natabhairavi RL Narabhairavi SC,MS (52) Rarnapriya SC,RL Ramakriya MS (53) Gamanasrarna SC,RL Garnanasriya MS (55) Syarnalang! RL Samalangi' SC,MS (58) Hemavati RL Haimavati SC,MS (62) Rsabhapriya RL Risabhapriya SC,MS . Among the above, except for Natabhairavi, Baku1abhar~aru:and Rsabhapriya, all the othersconformtothe'katopayadisankhyil'.IntheSC,slightvananons10thenamesofthe V. PRE~IALATHA rnelakartds are seeninthe differentcontexts inwhichthey occur. Inrespect of Senavati. SyiimalangiandHernavati,althoughthenamesintheSCdifferfrom thoseintheRL (while describing the laksanas of thejanya-ragas), in the context of listing the names of the 72 melakartas",thenamescoincidewiththeRL. 2.ChangesintheNamesofRagas Thenamesofafewragasreaddifferentlyinthethreeworks:forinstance.'Marudhanyasi' and 'Maruvadhanyaai': 'Kamasu'. 'Khamacha' and 'Karnasa': 'Siihana' and 'Sahanii'; 'Bega<ja' and 'Bihagada'; 'Pddi' and 'Pahadi',etc.The raga Bh6gi occurs in the SCand ~1Swiththearohaandavarohasa garnapo dhanidha sa-sanidhaparnagasa underthe 7th mela.TheRLmentions araga. Bhogachinramani, with the same aroha andavaroha underthesamemeta.Probably,botharedifferentnamesofthesameraga. 3.Differences inAssigningaRaga to aParticularAfeta Someragasaredescribedunderdifferentmelas,Followingisalistofsuchragasineach ofthe works, withtheirmelanumbers: Raga RL SC MS Suddhasaveri 28 29 29 ~ri 8 8 W Dhanyasi 8 8 20 Athana 28 29 Devamanohari 25 22 Gbamarava 8,20 2 20 Purvagaula 15 29 ~iira~ ~ D 28 Desiili;i 29 28 Jayantasrt 28 20 20 Am0!1gtheaboveragas.somearetreatedtodayasbhasanga-ragas,e.g..Niliimbari,AthaQa, andAhiri,This may be thereason for thedifference inassigning melas for theragas. Though A\hanaisdescribed under the 28th mela in the RL,theAndhra versionputs it underthe29(hmela,Adifferentar6haandavaroha ismentionedfortheragaJayantasriin theRLand SC,andtheMS followstheSc.(RL:sarigarnapadhanipadhasa-sanidha pamarisa;SCand MS:sagamadhanisa-sa nidhamapamago sa). 4.ChangesintheGraha-,A'!'sa·,andNyiisa-svaras Thegraha-,~arp.sa-,andnyasa-svarasofsomeragasdifferinthethreeworksunderstudy. Forexample,SuddhadeSi;painSCand ri in RL;Bangala:ga inSCand dha inMS.(This aspecthas beendiscussedin detaillater in thispaper.) 5.ChangesintheArohasandAvarohasof Ragas Theiir6hasandavarohasdifferformanyragasinthe three works.Adetailed analysisof thearohaandavarohaofeachoftheragashasnotbeenattemptedhere.However,froma cursorystudy,thefollOWingobservationsaremade: LAK~A!'IAS OF RAGAS INTHES4NGRAHACHUPAMA/i1 4S (a) The notepaiichamaisomitted in Bhairaviinthear6ha(exceptinRL)andavaroha in all the three works.But today. pafichama is nottreated as anomitted noteor a weaknote.In Viriboni,intheatatiila J.·QrlJo.onecan noticetheoccurrenceofsome panchama varjya phrases likeninidha-dhani,dim dha ma- ninidhadha. nidha dhama,ere, (b) The RL treats Sankarabharana as ajanya-raga (different from the melakarta-raga Dhirasankarabharana),omitting nisadaintheavar6ha,whichisarahjaku-pruyisga ofthisraga. (c) Insomecases.thereisanadditionalvakra-prayogaincludedinthear6haoravar6ha or both, which probably occurs often in the ragaor enhances the svan1pa of the raga, e.g., Gaula: sarimQpanisa-saniparnarigornari sa RL sa rigo mo ri mapanisa-saniparnagoma risa SC Surati: sanidhaparnarisa RL sanidhaparnago ri sa SC.MS sa nidhaparnagoparnarisa RL-A.ndhra Sahana: sariga rnadharnadhanisa-sanidhaparnaga ri sa RL sa rigornaparnadhanisa-sanidhapornagamarisa SC sarigarnaparnadhanisa-sanidhaparnagarnarigorisa MS Purnachandrika: sarigo rnapadhaposa-sa nipomarigorna risa RL sarigornapadha pasa-sa11;padhapo rnagornari SC Kedaragaula: sarirnapanisa-sanidhapamagorisa RL.SC; sa ri1Mpantsa-sanidhapamagoriga risa MS (d) Insomecases,thedifferenceliesinphraseslikesarnagornaIsago rna,e.g.• Hindolarn: RL so goma dhanisa-sanidharnagosa SC.MS somagornadhanisa-sanidha rnago sa (e) Thearohas and avarohas ofsome ofthe ragas arequitedifferent fromthe present day. For example. Raiijani is mentioned with a pancharna, Bhairavi without a panchama,Gambhlranataas asampiirna scale.etc. SOl\1ESIGNIFICANT ASPECTS The SC. RL. andMS makeasignificant contributiontotheSanskrittextualtradition of SouthIndianmusic,sincetheyalonespeakofmanyragaswhichbecamepopularInthepast V. PREMALATIlA three centuries and remain in vogue today. Some significant aspects of these works are discussed below. 1. stadhvama-ragas Some ragas are defined as madhyarna-ragas in the SC and RL.Whenone looksat the 5r6hasand avarohasoftheseragas.itisobserved thattheupperlimit/range isrestrictedto ni~5daordhaivata,Therefore theseragas.whichare mentioned asmadhyama-ragas,could be ragas whichweresunginthe madhyama iruti.Inotherwords,madhyama wastaken as the tonic note.The limited range of some of these ragas is explicit from the arohas and avarohas,e.g.,Punnagavarali:ntsa rigo rnapodhani-nidha pa rna go risa ni. Describing certain ragas as "madhya[ma] raga" is not noticed in any earlier treatise, thoughitisobservedintheSangitasampraddyapradariini(SSP)""alaterwork.Thefollowing are the len rnadhyama-ragas specifiedby the SC,etc.: Punnagavar5Jika:nisarigornapa dhani-nidhapama gorisani (8) PUl1)apafichama:so. rigo.rnapadha-dhaparnago.riso.rnago.riso. (15) Nagagandh5.ri:so.rigo.rnapadha ni-nidhaPomarnagoriso. (20) Julavu:po.niso.rigo.ma-parnago.riso.nipaniso. (29) Kurafiji:so.niniso. rigo.rnapa-dhapo. rnago. riso. niso. SC,MS, so. rigo.rnapo.dhani-ntdhapa rnago. ri so.ni RL(29) Navaroja:padhaniso. rigo. rnapa-parnago. riso. (29) K6kilapaiichama: padhaniso. rigo. ri-sanidhapago. ri so. riso. (39) Gandharva:rnapo.dhaniso. ri-ga riso. niso. (42) Abhiru:niso.go. rigo.rnapa dhani-nidhapa rnago. riso.niso. RL so. riniso.dhapo. rna-po.go.so.dhapago.so. MS (47) 2.Graha-svarasofRagas Although the term graha today is taken to denote the svara of a raga on which a compositioncommences,fromtheexplanationthattheSSPgives,thetermseemstodenote thesvara whichistaken asthetonic orcommencing noteofthe scaleoftheraga. Usually, sadjaismentionedasthegraha-svara formany ragas,Butforsome ragas, anoteotherthan ~4ja is mentioned as the graha.This phenomenon is noticed in some Sanskrit works". SubbararnadiksitaintheSSPexplainsthat"if,foraraga,asvaraotherthansadjaisspecified asgraha, then,irrespectiveofwhatthatsvara is.ithastobe placed onthepositionofso.and sung?". Thefollowingragasarespecifiedwithagraha-svaraotherthansadjaintheSC,RLand MS: S.No. Raga Meta Graha-svara Source 1. Rasiili 4 ri SC, RL,MS 2. Bh6gi 7 ri SC,MS 3. Bhogachintamani 7 ri RL 4. Vasamabhairavl 14 dha SC,RL,MS 5. Gaula 15 ni SC LAK~A~AS OFRAGASINTHESANGRAIIACHUpAMAIfJ 47 6. Gujjari 15 ga SC.MS 7. Revagupti 15 dba RL 8. sa-veri 15 rna SC 9. Bhujangiai 16 pa MS 10. KalavatI 16 ri SC.MS I\. Amrtavahini 20 ni RL 12. A.nandabhairavi 20 dha RL.MS 13. Bhairavi 20 db. SC.MS 14. Devakriya 20 dha MS 15. Hindolavasanta 20 dha SC. RL,MS 16. Margahindcla 20 ri MS 17. NayakI 20 ni SC 18. Ravichandrika 20 dh. RL 19. Ritigaula 20 ni SC.RL,MS 20. Suddhadesi 20 pa SC ri RL 2\. Kalanidhi 22 dh. SC.MS 22. Kannadagaula 22 ni SC.MS 23. Madhyamavati 22 rna SC 24. Maiijari 22 dba SC 25. Manohari 22 ni MS 26. Maruvadhanyasf 22 ri MS 27. Pafichama 22 ri MS 28. Salangabhairavi 22 dha MS 29. Useni 22 ri SC 30. Velavali 22 dba SC.RL.MS 3\. Kesari 25 pa ~lS RL 32. A!h~a 28 dha 33. Bangala 28 ga SC dba MS 34. Isamanohan 28 ri SC 35. Kedaragaula 28 ni SC.MS 36. Naray~.gaula 28 ni SC.RL,MS 37. Sahana 28 ni SC 38. SliralI 28 ni SC.RL 39. Yadukulakfunbhoji 28 dha SC RL 40. ArabhI 29 ri RL 4\. Navarcja 29 dba 42. Bhogasaveri 37 pa SC.MS RL,MS 43. Bhlipalapaiichama 39 ga 42 pa SC 44. Gandharva 49 pa SC.RL 45. Bhinnaherali 69 ni SC.RL 46. Dhautapaiichama 48 v.PREMALATHA Inthe above list, among the 46 ragas, there seems to be no reference made to 17ragas (Rasiili, Bh6gi, Bhogachintamani, Kalilvati, Bhujangini. Amrtavahini, Ravichandrika, Kulanidhi, Maiijari, Manahan, Maruvadhanyasi. Kesari, Bhogasaveri.Bhupalapafichama. Gandharva. Bhinnaherilli, and Dhautapafichama) in any other published Sanskrit work. The Telugu work Sangitasarasangranamu describes many ofthese ragas, but the graha svaras seem tobe different. In this regard, the se,RL, and MS become important textual evidences. It is also to be noted that some of these ragas appear to have been handled exclusivelyby Tyagaraja. e.g., Rasali, Amrtavahini, etc. Referencestotheremaining29ragas areavailableinthe post-Ratniikaratreatises;many ofthe ragas are mentionedin the anubandha to the Chaturdandiprakiiiikii. A list ofthese ragas withtheirgraha-svaras and varjya-svaras, from the SC, RL, MS, and otheravailable published Sanskrit sources, is appended to this paper (Annexure 2). The following observations are made on analysis ofthe graha-svaras mentionedin various works: (a) The graha-svaras ofsome ragas such as Ritigaula, Kedaragaula.Narayanagaula, Velilvall.Madhyamavati,Bhairavi,KannadagaulaandGaulaarenotalteredwhen comparedwith earliersources. Instead,in afew cases,sadjais mentionedas the graha-svara inthe present works (SC, etc.). (b) For some ragas, for which a note other than sadja is the graha in the earlier sources, adifferentnote (otherthan sadja) is specified, e.g., Gurjari(ga), Saverl(ma), Revagupti (dha), etc. (c) For some ragas, the earliersources mention sadjaas the graha-svara, whereas a differentnote is specified as the graha-svarain these works, e.g., Vasantabhairavi, Yadukulakamboji, A..nandabhairavi, Hindolavasanta (dha); Suruti,Sahana,Nayakr(ni); and Arabhi(ri). (d) In some cases, a varjya-svara (absent either in aroha or avaroha, or both) has been mentionedas its graha-, amsa- and nyasa-svara,. e.g., Bhogi: ri (ri varjya in SC and MS) Bhiipalapafichama: ga(ga varjyain MS and RL) AnandabhairavI: dha(ri,dha varjyain arohain RL, MS) Maruvadhanyasi: ri(ri,ni varjyain arohain MS) Bangala: dha(dha,ni varjyain arohain MS). This aspectisalso notedin the earliertexts. Someworksseemtoretainthegraha-svara from the earliertexts, but mentionthe varjya-svaras accordingto the thencurrentpractice. Insuch cases,there arepossibilitiesofavarjya-svarabeingagraha-svara,e.g., rnainBauli, mentioned as such in the Sangitasudha, the Chaturdandiprakdsikii (CPD) and the Sangitasiiriimrta, 3. "Andhra" VersioninRL Asstatedearlier, the RLgives certainreadingsunderthename"Andhra",TheseAndhra readings contain the arohas and avarohas ofthe ragas alone. Thereason behindplacingor insertingcertainragas(whicharemissingintheoriginalRL)belowaparticularraga(although under the relevant mela in most of them) is not clear. For example, Bindurnalini and Malayamarutamare placedjustafterBhujangini under Chakravaka(16).

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