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A Study of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae) in Thailand Based on Chloroplast trnL and trnG Intron Sequences PDF

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Preview A Study of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae) in Thailand Based on Chloroplast trnL and trnG Intron Sequences

NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 55(2): 307-322,20 07 A STUDY OFG ONIOTHALAMUS (ANNONACEAE) IN THAILAND BASED ONC HLOROPLAST trnL AND h・nG INTRON SEQUENCES Yuttaya YuyenI,Je ssada Denduangboripa n,?tPiya Chalermglin3, Quentin C. B. CronJ(l and Vilaiwan AnusarnsunthornI ABSTRACT Goniothalamus (Annonacωe) is al arge (ca. 120 species) and highly diverse genus in Southeast Asia. Numerous infrageneric (subgeneric and sectional) c1assification systems have been proposed in the past,m ainly on the basis of stamen characteristics and the number of ovules. To investigate the relationships of the Goniothalamus species occuπing in Thailand, we performed am olecular phylogenetic analysis of 20 Thai accessions using comparative nucleotide sequences of chloroplast trnL and trnG introns. Our sequence alignment rsulted 巴, in ac ombined data-matrix of 1,127 basepairs,th ough with only 5.9% parsimonious informa- tive characters. Maximum-parsimony,n eighbor-joining and maximum-iIkelihood analyses produced similar trees. Our results suggest that there are probably six groups of Goniotha- lamus in Thailand,b ut only one of these has high bootstrap support. The six groups reflect similarities in floral morphology but not biogeography. Elements of both Boerlage's and Ban's infrageneric c1assifications are reflected in our analysis,a lthough our results are not s仕ictly congruent with either of theirs. Keywords: Annonaceae,G oniothalamus,m olecular phylogeny,T hailand,t rnL intron,t rnG intron INTRODUCTION The Genus Goniothalamus (Blume) Hook. f. & Thoms. Annonaceae紅'eap antropical family of shrubs,tr ees and lianas. The family consists of about 130 genera and 2,300 species. The largest number of genera and species紅eknown from Asia (including Australia and the Pacific),wi th ca. 60 and 1000,re spectively (MOLS & KESSLER,20 03). Amongt he Asian Annonaceae,Go niothalamus (Blume) Hook. f. & Thoms. is al arge important genus of some 120 species (MAT- SALLEH,20 01). It is widely distributed 1 Department of Biology,Fa culty of Science,Ch iang Mai University,Ch iang Mai,Th ailand. 2 Department of Biology,Fa culty of Science,Ch ulalongkom University,Ba ngkok,Th ailand. 3 Thailand lnstitute of Scientific and Technological Research (TlSTR),Ba ngkok,Th ailand. 4 UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Re郎sear油cE Vancouver,Ca nada V6T lZ4. Received 5A pril 2007; accepted 7N ovember 2007. 307 308 YU1TAYA YUYEN ET AL in lowland and submontane tropical forests in SoutheastAsia,wi th ac enter of species diver- sity in Indochina and Westem Malesia (SAUNDERS,2 002; 2003). They 'eshrubs or small 紅 trees,ch aracterised by having outer petals which are slightly or not spreading,wh ile the inner petals 'esmaller,cl awed and curving over the sexual organs to form ad ome-shaped struc- 紅 ture (mitreform dome) during anthesis. Thes tamens have broad apical connectives and their shapes range from truncate to apiculate. Based on the mo甲hologicalcharacters,SI NCLAIR (1955) classified the family into 6t ribes (Uvarieae,Un onieae,Mi liuseae,Mi trephoreae,An nonieae and Xylopieae). Goniothalamus was placed in the tribe Mitrephoreae by the character of inner petals curving over the sexual organs forming ad ome-shaped (mitreform) structure,al ong with Pseuduvaria,Ne o-uvaria, O呼mitra,Mitrephora and Popowia. In contrast,re sults from RICHARDSON ETA L. (2004), who studied the historical biogeography of Annonaceae using rbcL and trnL-F plastid DNA sequences,su ggested that Goniothalamus was totally unreJated to otha rni住eformgenera of Annonaceae.百eyfound that Goniothalamus was as trongly supported group,bu t the sister group to the genus was unclear. Their molecular data indicated that Goniothalamus is closely related to Anonidium,Ne ostenanthera,Di sepalum,As imina,An nona,an d Rollinia. History of Classification Goniothalamus is an interesting genus that is in need of study. The genus is poorly understood,bo th in terms of basic morphological tonomyand phylogenetic relationships. 飢 It has been subject to several di妊erentsubgeneric,se ctional and subsectional classifications (Table 1). The name Goniothalamus was first proposed by BLUME (1830) in Flora Javae as as ection of the genus Polyalthia to accommodate Polyalthia macrophylla,a s pecies with an“angled receptacle". HOOKER &T HOMSON (1855) later elevated this section to ag enus in their Flora Indica. BOERLAGE (1899) incorporated Beccariodendron,a m onospecific New Guinean genus,in to Goniothalamus. The section Beccariodendron of BOERLAGE was founded to accommodate Beccariodendron grandiflorus and the multi-ovulate Goniothalamus species. Other Goniothalamus with only one or two ovules were then grouped into the section Eu-Goniothalamus. BAN (1974) proposed am ore hierarchical infrageneric classification based mainly on stamen characters. He divided the genus into two subgenera: subgenus Goniothalamus (apiculate stamens) and subgenus Truncatella (truncate stamens). He also suggested that subgenus Goniothalamus could be divided into two sections: section Goniothalamus (with subsections Goniothalamoか'Pusand Pleiospermi) and section Longistigma. The 0白ersubgenus Truncatella was also divided into two sections: section 1ゆ, ndibulistigma(with subsections POかspermiand I.nかndibuliformes)and section Truncatella (with subsections Multiseminales and Pauciseminales). However,M AT-SALLEH (1993,2 001) in studying Goniothalamus species from Bomeo,s uggested that an infrageneric classification would be more natural if based on floral/leaf characters and habits. Recently,fu rther Southeast Asian Goniothalamus collections (especially from Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra) have been critically studied (SAUNDERS,20 02; 2003) and the usefulness of MAT-SALLEH'S taxonomic characters further emphasised. Table 1. Infrageneric classifications of出egenus Goniothalamus proposed by BOERLAGE (1899) and BAN (1974). Authors Infrageneric classification Morphological characters BOERLAGE (1899) Section 1. Beccariodendron More th加 oneovule Section 2. Eu-Goniothalamus One or two ovules 〉 BAN( 1974) Subgenus 1. Truncatella Connective truncate stamen 2 Section 1. lnfundibulistigma Style short; stigma funnel-shaped or fusiform,br oad 0 Subsection 1. Polyspermi Ovarywith 310ovules ・ 。0 Subsection 2. lnfundibuliformes Ovywith 1-2 ovules 紅 Section 2. Truncatella Style long,cy lindrical or subuliform; stigma minute, 。 言= integral or slightly bilobed g Subsection 3. Multiseminales Ovary with 3-8 ovules s Subsection 4. Pauciseminales Ovary with 1-2 ovules Subgenus 2. Goniothalamus Connective apiculate stamen Section 3. Goniothalamus Style distinctive,cy lindrical or subuliform; stigma minute, integral or bilobed 。至〉 Subsection 5. Goniothalamotypus Ovary with 1-2 ovules z Subsection 6. Pleiospermi Ovywith 3-10 ovules 〉 釘 Section 4. Longistigma Style cone-shaped; stigma filiform and extremely long E 盟 国 主 。 主 凶 { ) 。 310 YUTIAYA YUYEN EfA L, Economic Impor旬nceof Goniothalamus The genus is not normally recognised as an important forest product. However,s ome species 'eused as omamental plants because of their small size and strongly fragrant 釘 f1owers. The species most commonly cultivated are G. griffithii Hook. f. &百lOmson,G. laoticus (Finet &G agnep.) B釦,G. macrophyllus (Blume) Hook.五&百lomson,G. malayanus Hook. f. & Thomson,G. repevensis Pierre ex Finet & Gagnep.,G. sawtehii Fischer,G. tapis Miq.,G. tortilipetalus Henderson,G. umbrosus J. Sinclair and G. undulates Ridl. BURKILL (1935) reported血atG. macrophyllus,G. umbrosus,an d G. tapis were widely utilised by village midwives in the Malay Peninsula in their位'aditionalpractices. Goniotha- lamus malayanus and G. macrophyllus have been used too in Bomeo for the same pu中ose (MAT-SALLEH,19 93). Javanese mountain dwellers also treated patients su紅白ngwi出fevers with aromatic roots of G. macrophyllus (BURKILL,19 35). There have been several recent phytochemical studies on Goniothalamus focusing on their potential for anti-cancer therapies. Styryl-pyrrone and styryllactone derivatives from Goniothalamus have been suggested to have anti-cancer activities (LI ETA L.,19 98; INAYAT- HUSSAIN ETAL.,20 02; UMAR-TsA田町AL.,2004; TIAN ETA L.,20 06). Goniothalamus in Thailand Thailand is importantdistributional 'eafor Goniothalamus. Although only nine 佃 紅 species were reported in Thailand by CRAIB (1925),a m ore recent checklist (BVGRAVE, 1997) listed 21 species. Ar ecent survey by CHALERMGL町 (2001)found 23 species of官lai Goniothalamus. Wes uspect that the real number of Goniothalamus species in Thailand is likely to be considerably higher. So far,no comprehensive treatment of Goniothalamus in Thailand has been undertaken and existing studies of Thai species are based on mo中hologicalcharacters alone. Theu se of molecular data is of potential value in helping to assess the utility of morphological taxonomic characters,an d to assist in the natural classification of the genus. For血isreason we conducted am olecular systematic investigation on白eThai species using chloroplast trnL and trnG intron sequences.τ'het rnL intron sequences have been used successfully in other genera of the Annonaceae,fo r instance in am olecular phylogeny of Miliusa and its allies in the tribe Saccopetaleae (MOLS ETA L.,20 00),an d phylogenies of some Neotropical genera (CHATROU ETA L.,20 02).百letrnG intron has never previously been used for phylogenetic studies in the Annonaceae,bu t it has occasionally been used in other groups of plants (PEDERSEN & 1也DENAS,2003; SHAW & SMALL,20 04). In this study,w er econstruct am olecular phyl ogeny of 20 Thai Goniothalamus taxa using the combined trnL and trnG intron sequences.τ'her esults are discussed in血econtext of the infrageneric classifications ofBOERLAGE (1899) and BAN (1974). AS TUDY OF GONIOTHALAMUS (ANNONACEAE) IN THAILAND 311 MATERIALS AND METHODS Ingroup and Outgroup Taxa Fresh leaves of 20 Thai Goniothalamus taxa were collected in the wild and kept dry in silica gel until used (Fig. 1). Plant specimens were identified to species following CRAIB (1925),S INCLAIR (1955),M AT-SALLEH (1993),佃dSAUNDERS (2002,20 03). Some plants were unidentifiable and had to be informally named (using血ecollecting locality) pending either identification with species not currently recorded from百lailandor description as new species. Work on describing these informally named specimens is泊 progress.Herbarium specimens and spirit materials were deposited at CMU( Chi gMai University) Herbarium, 叩 Chiang Mai,Th ailand. Weu sed all 20 Gonioth(均musas ingroup taxa (Table 2) while two other Thai Annon- aceae,O rophea enteroca中aMaingay ex Hook. f.&Thoms. and Artabotrys spinosus Craib were used as outgroups to root the phylogeny. RICHARDSON El' AL. (2004) reported other genera more phylogenetically closely related to Goniothalamus,bu t Artabotrys is the only genus of the tribe Mi位ephoreae出atwe could collect in Thailand and successfully sequence its DNA. In fact,tw o more outgroups from the tribe Mitrephoreae (Friesodielsia desmoides (Craib) Steenis and Mitrephora kethii Ridley) were also tested but none of the PCRp roducts gave ar eadable sequence. Ont he other hand,Or ophea enterocarpa was also selected as the outgroup because it is in tribe Miliuseae (SINCLA限, 1955) which is clOsely related to白e tribe Mitrephoreae. Genomic DNAE xtraction,P CRA mpl出cation,and DNAS equencing Total genomic DNAw as extracted from al eaf sample of each plant using DNeasyPlant 骨 Mini kit (QIAGEN GmbH,Ge rmany) or the CTAB method (DOYLE & DOYLE,19 87). DNA quantity and quality was examined by agarose gel electrophoresis. Chloroplast trnL intron sequences were amplified with the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique using af or- ward primer trnL・C(5'-CGAAAT CGGT AGA CGC TAC G-3') and ar everse primer trnL-D (5'-GGGGAT AGAGGGA CTTGAAC-3'),fo llowingTABERLETETAL. (1991). Amplifica- tions were carried out in 50μ1reaction volume with 0.8μ1 of2.5 unitofTaq DNAPolymerase ・ (Finnzyme,F inland),5 μ1 of 10x optimised Taq Polymerase buffer with 1.5 mMM gC1 2 included (Finnzyme,F inland),1 μ1 of 10・mMdNTP,5 μ1 of 10・μMeach primer,a nd 10ー20ng of genomic DNA. The PCR cycling profile to amplify trnL泊tronsequences was modified from BRUNEAU ETA L. (2001). The PCR amplification was performed using a GeneAmp@ PCRs ystem 9700 (Applied Biosystems,Si ngapore),pr ograntmed for pre-dena- turation at 950Cf or 5m in,35 cycles of denaturation at 940C 1m in,an nealing 550C 1m in and extension 72C2 m in,wi th final extension step at 720C for 7m in. 0 Chloroplast trnG intron sequences were amplified using af orward primer 3'trnG (ターGTAGCGG GAA TC GAAC CC GCAT C3')and ar everse primer 5'trnG2G (タ-GCG ・ GGTA TAG TTT AGT GGT AAAA-3') following SHAW ETA L. (2005). Amplifications were Criedout in 25μ1reaction volume with 0.25μ1 of 5u nit of Taq DNAP olymerase (New 紅 ・ England BioLabs,U SA),2 .5μ1 of 10x Taq DNAP olymerase buffer with 1.5 mMM gC1 2 included (New England BioLabs,US A),2. 5μlof2mMdNTPand 1μlofl0μM each primer (forward and reverse),an d 1μ1 (10-20 ng) oftotal DNA.百lePCRC Ycling profile to amplify 312 YUTrAYA YUYEN 67' AL. MYANMA.It 2. G. marcanii 3. G. sp. Narathiwat sawtehii sp. Aunglaeonai undulatus laoticus 2 G.laoticus 9. G. cheliensis 10. G. repevensis tortilipetalus umbrosus sp. Sunyataram sp. Maerim sp. Chongyen sp. Phuye tapis 19. G. malayanus 20. G. macrophyllus N t Figure I. Collecting localities of 20 Thai Goniotha/amus specimens used in this study. The floristic-region map of Thailand is after Smitinand (2001) . Abbreviations of the floristic-regions are as follows: N =North, NE = Northeast, E = East, SW = Southwest, C = Central, SE = Southeast, PEN= Peninsular. Table 2. Collector number and GenBank accession numbers of 20 Goniothalamus samples and two outgroups (Artabotrys spinosus and Orophea enterocarpa) collected and examined in this study. No. Taxoo Locality (provioce) Collector 00. GeoBaok accessioo 00. G. cheliensis Hu DoiPhu即1a(Nan) Yuyen 220 EU249788,EU 249766 ∞〉 → 2. G. elegans Ast Phu Phan (Sakon Nはhon) Yuyen 229 EU249783,EU 249761 C 0 3. G. griffithii Hook. .f&百1omson Doi Saket (Chiang Mai) Yuyen 208 EU249798,EU 249776 4 4. G. laoticus (Finet &G agnep.) Ban (sample 1) 阻1aoYai (N紘honRatchasima) Yuyen250 EU249800,EU 249778 0守1 5. G. macrophyllus (Blume) Hook. .f&T homson 回1aoPho Ta Luang Kaew (Ranong) Yuyen 211 EU249789,EU 249767 co 6. G. marcanii Craib Phu Moo (Mukdahan) Chalermglin 25-4-47(1) EU249787,EU 249765 ミ o 7. G. malayanus Hook. .f&百lOmson Ba Cho (N紅athiwat) Yuyen209 EU249796,EU 249774 E'--l 8. G. repevensis Pierre ex Finet &G agnep. 回1aoSoi Doaw (Chanthaburi) Yuyen 232 EU249794,EU 249772 i 9. G. sawtehii Fischer Phanoenthong (Phetchaburi) Yuyen 235 EU249784,EU 249762 q 10. G. tapis Miq. Sai Buri (pattani) Yuyen 205 EU249793,EU 249771 仁司 11. G. tortilipetalus Henderson Thong Pha Phum,(K anchanaburi) Yuyen 234 EU249790,EU 249768 z〉 z 12. G. umbrosus .JSinclair Khlong官10m(Krabi) Yuyen 236 EU249797,EU 249775 o 13. G. undulatus Rid .l Khlong Na Kha(R anong) Yuyen 217 EU249786,EU 249764 。z 〉 14. G. sp. Aunglaeonai (êh~q11'W) Aunglaeonai (Chachoengsao) Yuyen 213 EU249785,EU 249763 開 15. G. sp. Chongyen (~Ð~L~'W) Chong Yen (Kamphaeng Phet) Chalermglin 6ふ47(1) EU249791,EU 249769 〉廿3 16. G. sp. Maerim (弘前剖) Kanchanaburi Yuyen 239 EU249802,EU 249780 z g 17. G. sp. Narathiwat ('W11ii11~) Mueng (Narathiwat) Yuyen206 EU249795,EU 249773 18. G. sp. Phuye ('可凶) 百10ngPha Phum (Kanchanaburi) Yuyen 219 EU249792,EU 249770 〉 司「 19. G. sp. Sunyat訂am(明間111剖) 百10ngPha Phum (Kanchanaburi) Yuyen 218 EU249801,EU 249779 z〉 20. G.laoticus 2(F inet &G agnep.) Ban (sample 2) Dongph油uan(Ubon Ratchathani) Yuyen 228 EU249799,EU 249777 o Out group Artabotrys spinosus Craib Dongphahuan (Ubon Ratchatani) Yuyen 247 EU249782,EU 249760 Out group Orophea enterocarpa Maingay ex Hook. .f&百lOmson Dongphahuan (Ubon Ratchatani) Yuyen 246 EU249781,EU 249759 凶 - 一 凶 314 YU1・fAYAYUYEN EI' AL. trnG intr'Ons equences was m'Odified from SHAW ETA L. (2005). The PCR amplificati'Onw as perf'Ormed 'OnM astercycle~ PCR gradient system (Eppend'Orf AG,H amburg) pr'Ogrammed f'Orp re-denaturati'Ona t 80"C f'Or5 m in,3 0 cycles 'Ofd enaturati'Ona t 950C4 5 sec,an nealing 48-520C3 0 sec and extensi'On7 20C 1m in; with final extensi'Ons tep at 720Cf 'Or5 m in. PCR pr'Oducts were purified using QIAquick PCR p町ificati'Onkit (QIAGEN GmbH, Germany) pri'Ort 'O cycle sequencing reacti'On. Sequencing pr'Oducts were analysed 'Ona n aut'Omated DNAs equencer ABI Prism@ 377 (Applied Bi'Osystems,U SA) 'Or叩 ABI3730XL sequencer 'OfM acr'Ogen Inc. (in Se'Oul,S 'Outh K'Orea). B'Oth f'Orward and reverse sequencing reacti'Ons were perf'Ormed f'Ors equence c'Onfirmati'On'O fe ach sample. Phylogenetic Analyses The trnL and trnG intr'Ons equences were aligned using the alignment pr'Ogram Clus凶Xwi白凶n'Ormanu剖叫ustments.Sequence b'Oundaries 'Oftr 札 andtrnG intr'Onw ere determined using published sequences 'Of'O ther genera in the GenBank nucle'Otide da旬base. Single and c'Ombined trnL and trnG intr'Ons equence matrices were analysed with ap hyl'Oge- netic rec'Onstructi'Onp r'Ogram PAUP* versi'On4 .0blO (SWOFFORD,19 98) running 'OnM acint'Osh P'Owerb'O'Ok( CPU G3・300MHz,192MbR AM) with character states un'Ordered and equally weighted. Phyl'Ogenetic住'eeswere rec'Onstructed using am aximum-parsim'Ony (MP) meth'Od as implemented in the pr'Ogr創n.Gaps (indels) were treated as missing data. All sequence characteristics 'Oft he single trnL intr'On,tr nG in位'On,and c'Ombined sequence data ma凶ces were 'Obtained 企'OmPAUP*. Wep erf'Ormed branch-and-b'Ound search in 'Order t'O find the m'Ost parsim'Oni'Ous trees (MPTs). The analyses were c紅ried'Out with'Out using ag ap ma凶xsince n'O di首erenttree- t'Op'Ol'Ogy was f'Ound企'Omthe initial analysis. As emistrict c'Onsensus tree was calculated企'Om all f'Ound MPTs. B'O'Ots回P(FE凶ENS官民 1985)and jackknife (LANYON,1 985) analyses were perf'Ormed 1,000 replicates using PAUP* set t'O ah euristic-search 'Opti'Ona nd as imple sequence additi'On. Descriptive statistic indices reflecting am'Ounts 'Ofp hyl'Ogenetic signals in血ep紅sim'Onyanalyses were given by c'Onsistency index (CI),re tenti'Oni ndex (RI),an d rescaled c'Onsistency (RC) index. A neighb'Our-j'Oining (NJ) tree and am aximum likelih'O'Od( ML)紅白fromthe 1227-bp c'Ombined sequence data matrix were als'O rec'Onstructed using PAUP* pr'Ogram t'O c'Ompare with the MPr esults. Ev'Oluti'Onary m'Odel and parameter settings f'Ort he MLa nalysis were sugges旬dby ap r'Ogr創nM'OdeITest versi'On3 .06 (POSADA & CRANDALL,1 998). TVM+G m'Odel was selected with as ubstituti'On-rate ma佐ix'Of0 .5093,1. 7681,0.3491,0.7361,阻d 1.7681; nucle'Otide frequenciesA= 0.34250,C = 0 .15890,G = 0.19350,an d T=0.3051O; and agammadis凶buti'Onp紅ameter(G) =0 .9324.百leMLan alysis was executed with ah euristic search strategy using ar and'Om sequence additi'Ona nd TBRb ranch-swapping. RESULTS Collection of Goniothalamus Speci inThailand 回 Fr'Om 'Our field expediti'Ons (f'Ocusing mainly 'On血en'Orth 'Ofthe c'Ountry),w ew ere able t'O l'Ocate 20 taxa 'OfG oniothalamus inτbailand. F'Ourteen 'Ofth ese were identifiable with kn'Own AS TUDY OF GONIOTHALAMUS (ANNONACEAE) IN THAILAND 315 species. The other six were unknown and had to be named following the collecting localities: G. sp. Narathiwat,G . sp. Aunglaeonai,G. sp. Sunyataram,G. sp. Maerim,G. sp. Chongyen, and G. sp. Phuye. Oft he 14 identifiable taxa,fi ve were new records for Thailand. Wef ound five ofthe nine species reported from Thailand by CRAIB (1925),ei ght ofthe 21 species listed by BYGRAVE (1997) and 16 ofthe 23 taxa found by CHALERMGLIN (2001). Sequence Alignment and Matrix Characteristics Sequence characteristics of the trnL and trnG intron data for 20 Thai Goniothalamus and two outgroups are summarised in Table 3. The aligned trnL and trnG matrices can be obtained from the first author. From the 1,227basepaircombined data matrix,on ly 73 nucle- ・ otides (5.9%) were found to be parsimony-informative,wh ile 127 nucleotides (10.4%) were autapomorphic characters. An initial MPa nalysis of the whole 1,227bpalignment yielded ・ more MPTs than could be held in the computer memory; therefore,on ly the 73 parsimony- informative characters were used in further analyses. The consistency index (CI) and retention index (RI) values were 0.8667 and 0.8824,re spectively,wh ile the rescaled consistency index (RC) was 0.7674. When alll,227 nucleotides ofthe matrix were analysed,th e indices were slightly higher (CI =0 .9492,RI =0 .8824,an d RC= 0 .8375). Table 3. Sequence characteristics of the single trnL intron,t rnG intron,a nd combined sequence data matrices used in this study. Parameters trnLintron trnG intron Combined sequence Length range (total) 519-575 bp 602-723 bp 1143-1284 bp Length mean (total) 555 bp 635 bp 1190 bp Length range (ingroups only) 523-575 bp 602-723 bp 1152-1284 bp Length mean (ingroups only) 557 bp 636 bp 1193 bp Length range (outgroups only) 519-561 bp 62牛631bp 1143-1192 bp Length me (outgroupsonly) 540 bp 627 bp 1168 bp 加 G+ C c ontent range 35-39% 33-37% 35-38% G+ C c ontent mean 38% 36% 37% Number of excluded sites 52bp 80bp 132 bp Number of sites a白erexclusion 540bp 687bp 1227 bp Aligned length (total) 592 bp 767bp 1359 bp Sequence divergence i(ngroups) 0.00-1.91% 0.00-352% 0.09-2.439も 目 Sequence divergence (in/outgroups) 10.56-12.12% 6.10-9.09% 8.55-10.11 % Number of indels (ingroups) 6 72 78 Number of indels (total) 8 73 81 Size of indels (ingroups) 1-8 bp 1-21 bp 1-21 bp Size of indels (ωtal) 1-9 bp 1-21 bp 1-21 bp Number of constant sites 459 bp (85%) 568 bp (82.7%) 1027 bp (83.7%) Number of variable sites 81 bp (15%) 119 bp (17.3%) 200 bp (16.3%) Number of MP-informative sites 51 bp(9.4%) 22 bp (3.2%) 73 bp (5.9%) Number of autapomorphic sites 30 bp (5.6%) 97 bp (14.1 %) 127 bp (10.4%) Transition: transversion ratio 1: 0 3・2 4:2 Maximump arsimonious Boerlage's B姐 's 凶 目 Semishictconsensus E曜血 Qmk Sect. Stamen/Stvle.l尉I!m1B SubgenJSect. 。 :……..μ二;伝説tdh- …………..~ Northeast ' EuG0 convexlshortlclavate TR.lln. 石74 壬,~ -1広ゐ.-.言.戸-1ニム_士'G0:山. ・mぬRa・cルNr働anpiirim.. ..-...w...rは肯JljN~oorutM~hw叩悶eslattr A1・且冒且・ EEEuuuGGG0000 加ccoonnnvvceeaxxt//ess/hhlooorrnttgll/ccmlliaanvvuaattteee TTTRRR...lllllTnn .r.. <M5 10 ,~~I1-L:< 一.5~;0:一.I L 一一-GrG..! ~usp~n. dA企uu伽ng"l1s 一ト一~一S~o uPetnhiensausltar 2'A且 EEuu-四GG000 ccoonnvveexx//slhoonrgt/lmcilanvuattee TTRR..lllTn .r. 二..川三・"(1:必必面玄'::::':::":::::::,East 93今 BeC・00 convexlshortlfusiform TR.lln. :戚右L_G. laoticus :E 副 93弓 BeCC.0 convexlshortlfusiform TR/ln. 司 G. cheliensis r宝石1~North 2刈斗 Be-.0 convexlshortlcylindrical TR.lln. ふ ん 0 : ロ;G訓.. 示副j長i--1ニ J,・SSoou ut曲hw師estt 35'A1・ EEuu--- GG0 tarpuinccualtaet/es/lhoorntgl/cmyilninudtrei cal TGRO.l.llnG.o . q「J ∞ ; 仁G. u川mbros回 目すlPenins凶釘 ・且 Eu--G apiculate/long/cylindrical GO.ln.a. コ〉Ja I 'I EuCG apiculate/long/minute GO.lGo. SJ 94Iω ,87 乙E山GG.. 早叩.SMu総a町nEli戸y由ra血itma即in回τ~~ 伽SS叩加叫Mt伽th伽蜘hww鴨明芭官団宙喧s託峨鮒側tt '且・且ζJ EEBuueC・GG atappriiuccnuucllaaattteee///sllhooonnrggt//lmmfuiisnniuufttoeer m τGG'ROO.江..llGGn.oo.. 匂ZC4』間h「a 57,<50 G.sト?刊川.m恥刊加u戸 S叫o側ωu凶仙州t白h附叩s託t 弓, Be・ truncate/shortlfusiform TR.lln. l 551∞,51 ←γに:一...一コ....に:Lコ...戸一三:"1説G&.丘"沿仰》諒t云訟ω均's.y..仰.a..n..附 ..己子引J Pe凶nnins叫1 L1“・内 EBueC・・G tarpuinccualtaet/es/hsohrotrltclofiulnende l GTRO.l.lTn .r.a. .…...瓦己瓦..ふん'phyllus… P,叩insul紅 'i Eu-G apiculate/shortlclavate GO.ln.a. Artbo町ISspinosus Orophea enterocarpa Fi伊re2. Semistrict consensus回eof 3,273 equally most-parsimonious trees based on白e73・basep誼∞mbinedtrnUtrnG intron sequence matrix of 20百凶 Goniothalamus with two Annonaceae outgroups. Numbers above branches (in itaIics) are identical percentages of the branch among aII congruent parsimonious trees. Numbers below branches designate胸 tstrapand jackkniた supportof 1,000 replicatω,抑制ively.Collecting regions, important florai characteristics,an d Boer1age's and Ban's taxonomic assignments were also indicated. Abbreviations of subgenera and sections as follow: Eu・Go.= se氾tionEu-Goniothalamus,B ec. = section Beccariodendron,T R. = subgenus Truncatella,G O. = subgenus Goniothalamus; In. = section Inルndibulistigma,T .r=s ection Truncatella,G o. =s ection Goniot加,lamus,and n.a. =u nable ωcl蹴 ifyto section.

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