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Preview A study of factors affecting the academic success of a selected group of freshman women

A STUDY OF FACTORS AFFECTING- THE ACADEMIC SUCCESS OF A SELECTED GROUP OF FRESHMAN WOMEN A P roject Presented to The Faculty of the School of Education The U niversity of Southern C alifornia In P a rtia l Fulfillm ent of the Requirements fo r the Degree M aster of Science in Education by Elnora Schmadel May 1950 UMI Number: EP46050 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI' Dissertation PsiblisWng UMI EP46050 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 £<5 'SO S 1^7 This project report, written under the direction of the candidate’s adviser and approved by him, has been presented to and accepted by the Faculty of the School of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Education. Date........................................................................ Adviser Dean TABLE OP CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I . INTRODUCTION . . . . * ................................................ 1 Statem ent of the p ro b le m . 2 Sources of data and methods of co llectio n .............................................. 3 Value of the study • . . ................................• • 3 Methods of in te rp re ta tio n • • • • • • . . 4 Methods of procedure . • .................... . • • 5 L im itations of th is study .................... 6 O rganization of the rem aining chapters ..........................................................................7 I I . SURVEY OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................... 8 I I I . METHODS AND PROCEDURES................................................. 18 S election of subjects . . . . . . . . . . 18 S cholastic A ptitude Tests . . • • • • . . 18 English C lassificatio n Test • • • • • • • • 20 Counseling procedure ..................................... 21 Personal data form ............................................... 21 C alifornia Short-Form Test of Mental M aturity - Advanced S-Form . . . . . . . 22 Occupational In te re st Inventory - Advanced S eries . . 23 C alifornia Test of P ersonality . . . . . . 24 iv CHAPTER PAGE Tyler-Kimber Study S k ills Test . . . . . . 25 IV. ANALYSIS OP GROUP DATA ................................... 26 Academic achievement 26 Personal h isto ry . 30 V ocational choices 34 A nalysis of te s t scores 35 V. COMPARISON OF SUCCESSFUL AND NON­ SUCCESSFUL GROUPS......................................................... 46 VI. CASE STUDIES ............................................ 57 M arilyn . . . . . . ................................................ 57 S hirley 61 Joanne 64 Jane . . . . * . * . .................... . . . . . 69 Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 M arjorie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Summary • BO V II. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................... 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................... 92 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE I* Grades Obtained by Number of Hours of Work , 28 I I , . S tudents’ Choices of Subjects Liked and D isliked P rio r to C o lle g e .................................., 33 I I I , Grade Point Averages w ith Corresponding Educational O bjectives • • • • • • • . • 36 IV, P ereen tile Rank of Subjects on the O ccupational In te re st Inventory * • • • • 40 V, Comparison of Non-Language, Language and T otal I,Q , Scores of Subjects on the C alifornia Test of Mental M aturity with T heir Q uantitative and L inguistic Scores on the A, C, E........................................ 44 VI* Comparison by Groups of Grades Obtained in Required Freshman Courses ............................ 47 V II, Comparison of Grade Point Averages with Scores Made on the English C lassificatio n Test . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 V III, Comparison by Groups of Range and Average of Scores Made on the English C lassificatio n T est ............................................................................. 50 v i TABLE PAGE IX* Comparison by Grade Point Averages of Scores Made on the Reading Comprehension T est, and the Q uantitative and L inguistic T ests of the American Council on Education . . . . . . . . . ....................... • • • 52 X. Comparison by Groups of Range and Average of Scores Made on the Reading Comprehen­ sion T est, and the Q uantitative and L inguis­ tic Tests of the American Council on Education ........................ . • 54 XI* Record of Case H istory Data on M arilyn . . . . 58 X II. Record of Case H istory Data on S hirley . . . . 62 X III. Record of Case H istory Data on Joanne . . . . 65 XIV. Record of Case H istory Data on Jane . . . . . 70 m XV# Record of Case H istory Data on Grace . . . . . 74 XVI. Record of Case H istory Data on M arjorie . . . 76 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The problem of success and fa ilu re among college students has been the b asis fo r much research over a period of many y ears, but the high m ortality rate of freshmen has always been of special concern* The study which is pre­ sented here is an attem pt to analyse the sp ecific reasons fo r the academic success or fa ilu re of a group of freshman women a t the U niversity of Southern C alifornia, who were selected to p artic ip ate in the study because of th e ir low ranging on the English C lassificatio n Test*?- Students rank­ ing in the low est q u artile of th is te s t, which is required of a ll en terin g freshmen, are assigned to * sp ecialw English classes which meet fiv e tim es a week rath er than the three tim es th a t is customary fo r regular three u n it courses* These assignm ents are made to give the students an oppor­ tu n ity to increase th e ir understanding of the basic funda­ m entals of English grammar* The women in th is study were selected because i t was recognized th a t th is E nglish d isa b ility might be a severe handicap in achieving academic success in college* The o ffice of the Counselor of Women f e lt th a t these women might 1 r* R* G. Watt, and the U niversity of Southern Call fo ra ia T esting Bureau, English C lassificatio n T est. 1949* need special help in ad ju stin g to the college situ a tio n and was concerned to discover what, if any, special problems these women might encounter. I t is d iffic u lt to appraise the success or failu re of any student in the academic situ a tio n w ithout an under­ standing and knowledge of the a b ilitie s th at the person brings w ith him, These facto rs are considered in the evaluation of the In d iv id u al's achievement, and form a large p a rt of the cum ulative data which is used to aid the person in making a successful adjustm ent to college. Statem ent of the problem. I t was the purpose of th is study to In v estig ate the facto rs involved in the success or fa ilu re of a selected group of freshman women a t the Univer­ s ity of Southern C alifornia during the P all of 1949, The study proposed to consider the follow ing questionss 1, W ill these freshman women, handicapped by a weakness in English fundam entals, be able to succeed in th e ir f ir s t sem ester of college? 2, How, and to what extent is th is problem of English deficiency rela ted to the other problems th a t the g irls w ill encounter? 3, What special help can the o ffice of the Counselor of Women give th a t w ill aid these students to succeed in college? 3 Source s of data and methods of co llectio n * Data were obtained ch iefly from two main sources, the f ile s of the Counselor of Women a t the U niversity of Southern C alifornia, and from the g irls them selves as they offered to p artic ip ate in the ad d itio n al te stin g program th a t was offered* L ibrary research consisted of the study of re la te d m aterials in the fie ld s of education and psychology* Value of the study* Much of the m aterial w ritten on the subject of suecess or fa ilu re in college is somewhat su p e rficial and of no immediate help in understanding why a person does or does not succeed* Rather i t tends to d ire c t the in te re s t of the In v estig ato r toward those problems th a t are more easily subjected to s ta tis tic a l an aly sis, and ru le of thumb in terp retatio n s* Xet i t is alm ost im possible to underestim ate the importance of the problems th a t the individual student faces* For the person, him self, academic success or fa ilu re w ill of n ecessity a ffe c t the course of h is ultim ate voca­ tio n a l choice, and quite as in ev itab ly th a t same suooess or fa ilu re w ill condition h is social response to the world* The U niversity its e lf is concerned to know and under­ stand the cause fo r the success or fa ilu re of the Individual student as i t is thereby possible to elim inate the waste of much tim e, money and energy th a t might be spent to b e tte r

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