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Xerox University Microfilms 300 North Zoob Rood Ann Arbor, Michigan 46106 LD3907 13 -2 Z H 5 S •07 1 1951 Knudsen, John R 1916- •K65 A study of effects of vlsooslty end heat conductivity on the transmission of sound v/aveo in a compressible fluid* 57»12p« diagre* Thesis (Ph«D«) - N*Y.U., Graduate School, 19S1# C8I863 Sholt List Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 THIS DISSERTATION HAS BEEN MICROFILMED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED. V PRATT .TP Y. v Hrw T. ' i'k'T ; ’T iifc.1 tv : • A Study of Sffeets of Viscosity and Bo«t Conductivity on the Transmission of Sound Waves In a Compressible Fluid. John H. Xhudsen April 1, 1951 A dissertation in the departacnt of Mathematics submitted in partial fu lfill­ ment of the requirements forthe degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Nev York Uniyerslty. 1 am deeply Indebted to Prof* K. 0. Zriedriohs for hie peraonal Interest, guidance and extreme petienoe during the course of development of this dissertation* Also, my thanks to Arof. J. J. stoker for his Interest and timely suggestions in the preparation of the final oopy* J* R. K. CCHTBTTS fart I. General Dlaouaalan. 1* The Statement of the Problem Page l 2. General Results 4 fart IX. Mathematical Analysis. The D ifferential fquatlana 11 4. In itia l and Boundary Conditions 12 5. Solution of the Initial-Boundary Value Problem 13 &• o c « l/f; U(t) ■ 1 for 0 <. t 17 6-1. fixed x and Large t 19 6-8. Obaerrer x - xQ e0t for Large t £0 6-3. Obaerrer x « ko0^i + 0ot for Large t 85 7. l/f» 0{t) ■ 1 for 0 -■ t « ti» U(t) * 0 for t^<- t 20 7-1. fixed x and Large t 29 7-2. Obaerrer x * ko0/t + e0t for large t 30 0. ot • 0; U(t) * 1 for 0 <• t 32 8-1. fixed x and Large t 36 8-2. Obaerrer x « x0 + o0t for Large t 37 8-3. Obaerrer x « ko0JT o0t for Large t 42 9. oc» 0; U(t) ■ 1 for 0 t •< t^, U(t) ~ 0 for t^ *< t 45 9-1. fixed x and large t 46 8-2. Obaerrer x - kn0\ft + eQt for large t 46 10. at ■ oo (X ■ 0) 48 10-1. Tlxed x and large t SO 10-g. Obaerrer x * x0 •»- e0t for large t 50 10-3. Obaerrer x - ko0Jt + 0ot for large t 51 11. etm oo; U(t) « 1 for 0 < t ■< t lt U(t) = 0 for t 1<. t 58 18. Penalty and Tang>erature 53 18-1. Praaaure 57 .Appendix PART I, aatgULL DISCUSSION 1. Ihe 3tatenant of the Problem. In connection with the problem of transmission of sound waves in a compressible fluid it is of interest to study the effects of viscosity and heat conductivity, since these effeots are always present in a real situation. Our purpose here is to study these effects in the case of an ideal polytropic gas in the sem i-infinite channel of Fig. 1. We assume, for the purpose of simplifying the b z r XIIo rX Fig. 1 mathematical problem, that the gas is in itially at rest in the channel with constant pressure, density and temperature throughout. Imagine that we have constructed at the left end of the channel a sort of fan or blower B directed to the right into the channel and producing the same kind of gas as is in the channel. The blower should operate in sueh a way that it generates at any time t a flow of gas with a prescribed veloeity at z ® 0. The introduction of this prescribed flow speed at the entranoe to the channel has the desired effeot of produoing a wave motion in the channel. 2 Assume the blower action to oauae a ware to be propagated to the right into the undisturbed gas. What, then, can be said about the form and amplitude of this wave and about the general velocity, pressure, density and temperature distribution along the channel for various values of the time t? For example, suppose that at a certain time, say t = 0, the flow speed at the mouth of the channel is suddenly raised by aotion of the blower from the value zero to a value, say 1, which is then maintained indefinitely. A wave front w ill then be propagated to the right moving into the original undisturbed gas ahead of it and followed by a region of disturbed gas behind it. In the rather triv ia l first approximation in which the differential equations of motion are linearized and in whieh viscosity and heat conductivity effecta are neglected the wave assumes the form of a so-called "square wave" moving with the apeed of sound into the gas at rest and followed by a steady state region with constant flow speed 1. If viscosity and heat conductivity effects are not neglected the form of the wave is distorted and the region behind it ia not a steady state. It w ill be our purpose here to Investigate in a linear or "acoustic” approximation the effecta of visoosity and heat conductivity on suoh a wave motion. One other simplifying feature is introduced, i.e ., the boundary layer effeots along the walls of the channel w ill be neglected. Thus the problem is one-dimensional. Of some interest is a description of the flow as seen by an observer located at a fixed point x * xQ for large valuea of 3 time t. Ibis description w ill show the lim it flow approached in the channel behind the wave front aa time increases indefinitely and the manner in which this lim it ia approached. Of greater interest is the description of the wave front as aeen by an observer moving with it. Accordingly, we introduce an observer moving along the channel at a speed equal to the sound speed of the gas at reat, that la, an observer moving according to the law x s x0 + c0t. from the point of view of auoh an observer the velooity and pressure of the gaa in the wave will depend upon ^*and A, the ooeffioienta of vlacoaity and heat conductivity, respectively, and upon the time t. In particular, we shall be concerned with the appearance of the velooity and pressure aa a function of x0 for large values of t. An even better description of the wave is obtained by an observer moving according to the law x = ke0/T + c0t. Inasmuch as a fixed k interval w ill cover an increasingly large portion of the x-axis such an observer aoqulrss more information concerning the wave. Ibis particular observer is suggested by the mathematical analysis of the problaa which is relatively simple in this case. As far as the nature of the prescribed velocity at the left end of the channel ia concerned we shall first set up the problem in a general way with an arbitrary prescribed boundary oonditian at x & 0. Them we shall discuss the special case mentioned aoove in whioh, with the gaa in itially at rest in the channel, the velocity at x s 0 is suddenly increased at time t * 0 from zero to same value, 4 say 1, which remains constant for a ll time. Also, as a more Interesting oase we take that in which the velocity at x = 0 is increased frcm zero to 1 at time t = 0 and then suddenly decreased to zero again at some time t = tj_. We are interested, in particular, in the decay of the wave in the latter case as t increases indefinitely. With respect to values of ju. and X three situations will oe discussed. These are the two extreme situations in which viscosity and heat conductivity in turn do not appear and an intermediate case in which where i is the gas constant. (When necessary to give A W i a numerical value we assume the gas to be air and set V = 1.4). The oases yu_- 0 and X » 0, although artificial from a physical standpoint present Interesting mathematical problems whose conclusions at least approximate physical situations. The particular value -^-for ~ as an intermediary oase is chosen for two reasons. for one thing it serves to greatly simplify the mathematical analysis of the problem. Also, for 'i * 1.4 it is quite close to the ratio — s 1 which Becker X z l - 1 has shown to be a good approximation in a real physical situation. Z* General Results. In fart II w ill be found the mathematical solution of the problem for the oaaea at. ■ 0, and oo with the two types of wares described above as viewed by the several observers for large values of t. We state at this point seme of the more significant results for the oase oc » . O Let u, p and^o, a ll funotiana of x and t, be the velocity,

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