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Preview A strengthened inequality of Alon-Babai-Suzuki's conjecture on set systems with restricted intersections modulo p

A strengthened inequality of Alon-Babai-Suzuki’s conjecture on set systems with restricted intersections modulo p Wang Xina, Hengjia Weib and Gennian Geb,c,∗ a School ofMathematical Sciences,ZhejiangUniversity,Hangzhou310027, Zhejiang,China b SchoolofMathematical Sciences, CapitalNormalUniversity,Beijing,100048, China 7 c BeijingCenter forMathematics andInformationInterdisciplinarySciences, Beijing,100048, China 1 0 2 n Abstract a J Let K = {k1,k2,...,kr} and L= {l1,l2,...,ls} be disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1}, 3 where p is a prime and A = {A1,A2,...,Am} be a family of subsets of [n] such that |Ai| (mod p)∈K for all Ai ∈A and |Ai∩Aj| (mod p)∈L for i6=j. In 1991, Alon, Babai and O] Suzukiconjectured that if n≥s+max1≤i≤rki, then |A|≤ ns + s−n1 +···+ s−nr+1 . In 2000, Qian and Ray-Chaudhuri proved the conjecture under the condition n ≥ 2s−r. In (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) C 2015, Hwang and Kim verified theconjecture of Alon, Babai and Suzuki. h. In this paper, we will provethat if n≥2s−2r+1 or n≥s+max1≤i≤rki, then t a n−1 n−1 n−1 m |A|≤ s !+ s−1!+···+ s−2r+1!. [ This result strengthens theupper bound of Alon, Babai and Suzuki’sconjecture when n≥ 1 2s−2. v 5 8 1 Introduction 5 0 A family A of subsets of [n] is called intersecting if every pair of distinct subsets A ,A ∈ A 0 i j . haveanonempty intersection. LetLbe a setofs nonnegativeintegers. Afamily Aofsubsets of 1 [n]={1,2,...,n} is L-intersecting if |A ∩A |∈L for every pair of distinct subsets A ,A ∈A. 0 i j i j 7 A family A is k-uniform if it is a collection of k-subsets of [n]. Thus, a k-uniform intersecting 1 family is L-intersecting for L={1,2,...,k−1}. : The following is an intersection theorem of de Bruijin and Erdo¨s [4]. v i X Theorem 1.1 (de Bruijin and Erdo¨s, 1948 [4]). If A is a family of subsets of [n] satisfying r |Ai∩Ai|=1 for every pair of distinct subsets Ai,Aj ∈A, then |A|≤n. a Ayearlater,Bose[2]obtainedthefollowingmoregeneralintersectiontheoremwhichrequires the intersections to have exactly λ elements. Theorem 1.2 (Bose, 1949 [2]). If A is a family of subsets of [n] satisfying |A ∩A | = λ for i i every pair of distinct subsets A ,A ∈A, then |A|≤n. i j ∗Corresponding author. Email address: [email protected] (X. Wang), [email protected] (H. Wei), [email protected](G.Ge). 1 In1961,Erdo¨s,KoandRado[5]provedthefollowingclassicalresultonk-uniformintersecting families. Theorem 1.3 (Erd¨os,KoandRado,1961[5]). Letn≥2k and let A beak-uniform intersecting family of subsets of [n]. Then |A| ≤ n−1 with equality only when A consists of all k-subsets k−1 containing a common element. (cid:0) (cid:1) In 1975, Ray-Chaudhuri and Wilson [11] made a major progress by deriving the following upper bound for a k-uniform L-intersecting family. Theorem1.4(Ray-ChaudhuriandWilson,1975[11]). IfAisak-uniformL-intersectingfamily of subsets of [n], then |A|≤ n . s In terms of parameters n(cid:0)a(cid:1)nd s, this inequality is best possible, as shown by the set of all s-subsets of [n] with L={0,1,...,s−1}. In 1981, Frankl and Wilson [6] obtained the following celebrated theorem which extends Theorem 1.4 by allowing different subset sizes. Theorem 1.5 (Frankl and Wilson, 1981 [6]). If A is an L-intersecting family of subsets of [n], then A≤ n + n +···+ n . s s−1 0 The up(cid:0)pe(cid:1)r b(cid:0)ound(cid:1)in Theo(cid:0)rem(cid:1) 1.5 is best possible, as demonstrated by the set of all subsets of size at most s of [n]. In the same paper, a modular version of Theorem 1.4 was also proved. Theorem 1.6 (Frankl and Wilson, 1981 [6]). If A is a k-uniform family of subsets of [n] such that k (mod p)∈/ L and |A ∩A | (mod p)∈L for all i6=j, then |A|≤ n . i j s In 1991, Alon, Babai and Suzuki [1] proved the following theorem, w(cid:0)hic(cid:1)h is a generalization of Theorem1.6 by replacingthe condition ofuniformity with the condition that the members of A have r different sizes. Theorem1.7(Alon,BabaiandSuzuki,1991[1]). LetK ={k ,k ,...,k }andL={l ,l ,...,l } 1 2 r 1 2 s be two disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1}, where p is a prime, and let A be a family of subsets of [n] such that |A | (mod p) ∈ K for all A ∈ A and |A ∩A | (mod p) ∈ L for i 6= j. If i i i j r(s−r+1)≤p−1 and n≥s+max k , then |A|≤ n + n +···+ n . 1≤i≤r i s s−1 s−r+1 In the proof of Theorem 1.7, Alon, Babai and Suzuk(cid:0)i (cid:1)used(cid:0) a v(cid:1)ery elega(cid:0)nt line(cid:1)ar algebra method together with their Lemma 3.6 which needs the condition r(s −r + 1) ≤ p−1 and n≥s+max k . Theyconjecturedthattheconditionr(s−r+1)≤p−1inthestatementof 1≤i≤r i their theorem can be dropped off. However,their approachcannot work for this stronger claim. In an effort to prove the Alon-Babai-Suzuki’s conjecture, Snevily [12] obtained the following result. Theorem 1.8 (Snevily, 1994 [12]). Let p be a prime and K,L be two disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1}. Let |L|=s and let A be a family of subsets of [n] such that |A | (mod p)∈K i for all A ∈A and |A ∩A | (mod p)∈L for i6=j. Then |A|≤ n−1 + n−1 +···+ n−1 . i i j s s−1 0 Since n−1 + n−1 = n and n > s−2 n−1 when n is(cid:0)suffi(cid:1)cien(cid:0)tly la(cid:1)rge,Theo(cid:0)rem(cid:1)1.8 s s−1 s s−1 i=0 i not only confirms the conjecture of Alon, Babai and Suzuki in many cases but also strengthens (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) P (cid:0) (cid:1) the upper bound of their theorem when n is sufficiently large. In 2000, Qian and Ray-Chaudhuri [10] developed a new linear algebra approach and proved thenexttheoremwhichshowsthatthesameconclusioninTheorem1.7holdsifthetwoconditions r(s−r+1) ≤ p−1 and n ≥ s+max k are replaced by a single more relaxed condition 1≤i≤r i n≥2s−r. 2 Theorem 1.9(QianandRay-Chaudhuri,2000[10]). Letpbeaprimeandlet L={l ,l ,...,l } 1 2 s and K ={k ,k ,...,k } be two disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1}such that n≥2s−r. Suppose 1 2 r that A is a family of subsets of [n] such that |A | (mod p) ∈ K for all A ∈ A and |A ∩A | i i i j (mod p)∈L for every i6=j. Then |A|≤ n + n +···+ n . s s−1 s−r+1 Recently, Hwang and Kim [8] verified t(cid:0)he(cid:1)co(cid:0)nject(cid:1)ure of Al(cid:0)on, Ba(cid:1)bai and Suzuki. Theorem 1.10 (Hwang and Kim, 2015 [8]). Let K = {k ,k ,...,k } and L = {l ,l ,....l } 1 2 r 1 2 s be two disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1}, where p is a prime, and let A be a family of subsets of [n] such that |A | (mod p) ∈ K for all A ∈ A and |A ∩A | (mod p) ∈ L for i 6= j. If i i i j n≥s+max k , then |A|≤ n + n +···+ n . 1≤i≤r i s s−1 s−r+1 We note here that in some ins(cid:0)ta(cid:1)nces(cid:0)Alo(cid:1)n, Babai(cid:0)and Su(cid:1)zuki’s condition holds but Qian and Ray-Chaudhuri’sconditiondoes not, while in some otherinstances the later conditionholds but the former condition does not. In [3], Chen and Liu strengthened the upper bounds of Theorem 1.8 under the condition min{k }>max{l }. i i Theorem 1.11 (Chen and Liu, 2009 [3]). Let p be a prime and let L = {l ,l ,...,l } and 1 2 s K = {k ,k ,...,k } be two disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1} such that min{k } > max{l }. 1 2 r i i Suppose that A is a family of subsets of [n] such that |A | (mod p) ∈ K for all A ∈ A and i i |A ∩A | (mod p)∈L for every i6=j. Then |A|≤ n−1 + n−1 +···+ n−1 . i j s s−1 s−2r+1 In[9], Liu andYang generalizedTheorem1.11un(cid:0)der(cid:1)a re(cid:0)laxed(cid:1) conditio(cid:0)nk >(cid:1)s−r for every i i. Theorem 1.12 (Liu and Yang, 2014 [3]). Let p be a prime and let L = {l ,l ,...,l } and 1 2 s K = {k ,k ,...,k } be two disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1} such that k > s−r for every 1 2 r i i. Suppose that A is a family of subsets of [n] such that |A | (mod p) ∈ K for all A ∈ A and i i |A ∩A | (mod p)∈L for every i6=j. Then |A|≤ n−1 + n−1 +···+ n−1 . i j s s−1 s−2r+1 In the same paper, they also obtained the same(cid:0)boun(cid:1)d u(cid:0)nder(cid:1)the cond(cid:0)ition of(cid:1)Theorem 1.7. Theorem 1.13 (Liu and Yang, 2014 [3]). Let p be a prime and let L = {l ,l ,...,l } and 1 2 s K ={k ,k ,...,k } be two disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1} such that r(s−r+1)≤p−1 and 1 2 r n≥s+max k . Suppose that A is a family of subsets of [n] such that |A | (mod p)∈K for 1≤i≤r i i all A ∈Aand |A ∩A | (mod p)∈L for every i6=j. Then |A|≤ n−1 + n−1 +···+ n−1 . i i j s s−1 s−2r+1 In this paper, we show that Theorem 1.13 still holds under t(cid:0)he A(cid:1)lon(cid:0), Ba(cid:1)bai and(cid:0)Suzuki(cid:1)’s condition; that is to say, we can drop the condition r(s−r+1)≤p−1 in Theorem 1.13. Theorem 1.14. Let p be a prime and let L = {l ,l ,...,l } and K = {k ,k ,...,k } be two 1 2 s 1 2 r disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1}. Suppose that A is a family of subsets of [n] such that |A | i (mod p)∈K for all A ∈A and |A ∩A | (mod p)∈L for every i6=j. If n≥s+max k , i i j 1≤i≤r i then |A|≤ n−1 + n−1 +···+ n−1 . s s−1 s−2r+1 Notetha(cid:0)t n(cid:1)−1 +(cid:0) n−(cid:1)1 +···+(cid:0) n−1 (cid:1) = n + n +···+ n and n < n for s s−1 s−2r+1 s s−2 s−2(r−1) s−2i s−i 1≤i≤r−1 when n≥2s−2. Our result strengthens the upper bound of Alon-Babai-Suzuki’s (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) conjecture (Theorems 1.10) when n≥2s−2. In the proof of Theorem 1.14, we first prove that the bound holds under the condition n ≥ 2s−2r+1, which relaxes the condition n≥2s−r in the theorem of Qian and Ray-Chaudhuri. 3 Theorem 1.15. Let p be a prime and let L = {l ,l ,...,l } and K = {k ,k ,...,k } be two 1 2 s 1 2 r disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1}. Suppose that A is a family of subsets of [n] such that |A | i (mod p)∈K for all A ∈A and |A ∩A | (mod p)∈L for every i6=j. If n≥2s−2r+1, then i i j |A|≤ n−1 + n−1 +···+ n−1 . s s−1 s−2r+1 Th(cid:0)eorem(cid:1)s1(cid:0).7,1(cid:1).9,1.12an(cid:0)d1.13h(cid:1)avebeenextendedtok-wiseL-intersectingfamiliesin[7,9]. With a similar idea, our results can also be extended to the k-wise case. 2 Proof of Theorem 1.15 In this section we prove Theorem 1.15, which will be helpful in the proof of Theorem 1.14. Throughout this section, let X = [n − 1] = {1,2,...,n − 1} be an (n − 1)-element set, p be a prime, and let L = {l ,l ,...,l } and K = {k ,k ,...,k } be two disjoint subsets of 1 2 s 1 2 r {0,1,...,p−1}. Suppose that A={A ,A ,...,A } is a family of subsets of [n] such that (1) 1 2 m |A | (mod p) ∈ K for every 1 ≤ i ≤ m, (2) |A ∩A | (mod p) ∈ L for i 6= j. Without loss of i i j generality,assumethatthereexistsapositiveintegertsuchthatn∈/ A for1≤i≤tandn∈A i i for i≥t+1. Denote P (X)={S|S ⊂X and |S|=i}. i We associate a variable x for each A ∈A and set x=(x ,x ,...,x ). For each I ⊂X, define i i 1 2 m L = x . I i i:I⊂XAi∈A Consider the system of linear equation over the field F : p {L =0, where I runs through ∪s P (X)}. (1) I i=0 i Proposition 2.1. Assume that L∩K = ∅. If A is a mod p L-intersecting family with |A | i (mod p) ∈ K for every i, then the only solution of the above system of linear equations is the trivial solution. Proof. Let v = (v ,v ,...,v ) be a solution to the system (1). We will show that v is the zero 1 2 m solution over the field F . Define p s g(x)= (x−l ), j j=1 Y and s h(x)=g(x+1)= (x+1−l ). j j=1 Y Since x , x ,..., x form a basis for the vector space spanned by all the polynomials in F [x] 0 1 s p of degree at most s, there exist a ,a ,...,a ∈F and b ,b ,...,b ∈F such that 0 1 s p 0 1 s p (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) s x g(x)= a , i i i=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) X and s x h(x)= b . i i i=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) X 4 Let A be an element in A with v 6=0. Next we prove the following identities: i0 i0 If n∈/ A , then i0 s a L = g(|A ∩A |)x ; (2) i I i i0 i Xi=0 I∈Pi(XX),I⊂Ai0 AXi∈A if n∈A , then i0 s t b L = h(|A ∩A |)x + h(|A ∩A |−1)x . (3) i I i i0 i i i0 i Xi=0 I∈Pi(XX),I⊂Ai0 Xi=1 i≥Xt+1 We provethem by comparingthe coefficients of both sides. For any A ∈A, the coefficient ofx i i in the left hand side of (2) is s s |A ∩A | a |{I ∈P (X):I ⊂A ,I ⊂A }|= a i i0 , i i i0 i i i i=0 i=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) X X which is equal to g(|A ∩A |) by the definition of a . This proves the identity (2). i i0 i For any i≤t, the coefficient of x in the left hand side of (3) is i s s |A ∩A | b |{I ∈P (X):I ⊂A ,I ⊂A }|= b i i0 , i i i0 i i i i=0 i=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) X X for any i≥t+1, the coefficient of x in the left hand side of (3) is i s s |A ∩A |−1 b |{I ∈P (X):I ⊂A ,I ⊂A }|= b i i0 . i i i0 i i i i=0 i=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) X X This proves the identity (3). If n6∈A , substituting x with v for all i in the identity (2), we have i0 i i s a L (v)= g(|A ∩A |)v . i I i i0 i Xi=0 I∈Pi(XX),I⊂Ai0 AXi∈A Itisclearthatthelefthandsideis0sincevisasolutionto(1). ForA ∈Awithi6=i ,|A ∩A | i 0 i i0 (mod p)∈L and so g(|A ∩A |)=0. Thus the right hand side of the above identity is equal to i i0 g(|A |)v . So g(|A |)v =0. Since L∩K =∅, we have g(|A |)6=0 and so v =0. This is a i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 contradiction to the definition of v. If n∈A , substituting x with v for all i in the identity (3), we have i0 i i s t b L (v)= h(|A ∩A |)v + h(|A ∩A |−1)v i I i i0 i i i0 i Xi=0 I∈Pi(XX),I⊂Ai0 Xi=1 i≥Xt+1 = h(|A ∩A |−1)v since v =0 for all i≤t. i i0 i i i≥t+1 X Since h(|A ∩A |−1)=g(|A ∩A |), withasimilarargumenttothe abovecase,wecandeduce i i0 i i0 the same contradiction. Then the proposition follows. 5 As a result of this proposition, we have: |A|≤dim({L :I ∈∪s P (X)}), I i=0 i where dim({L : I ∈ ∪s P (X)}) is defined to be the dimension of the space spanned by I i=0 i {L :I ∈∪s P (X)}. In the remaining of this section, we make efforts to give an upper bound I i=0 i on this dimension. Lemma 2.2. For any i∈{0,1,...,s−2r+1} and every I ∈P (X), the linear form i L H H∈Pi+2Xr(X),I⊂H is linearly dependent on the set of linear forms {L :i≤|H|≤i+2r−1,H ⊂X} over F . H p Proof. Define r r f(x)= (x−(k −i)) × (x−(k −1−i)) . j j     j=1 j=1 Y Y     We distinguish two cases. (a) i (mod p) ∈/ K and i+1 (mod p) ∈/ K for all i. In this case ∀ k ∈ K, k −i 6= 0 and j j k −i−16=0 in F and so c=(k −i)(k −i)···(k −i)(k −i−1)···(k −i−1)6=0 in j p 1 2 r 1 r F . It is clear that there exist a ,a ,...,a ∈F , a =(2r)!∈F −{0} such that p 1 2 2r−1 p 2r p x x x a +a +···+a =f(x)−c, 1 2 2r 1 2 2r (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) since the polynomial in the right hand side has constant term equal to 0. Next we show that 2r a L =−cL . (4) j H I Xj=1 H∈Pi+Xj(X),I⊂H In fact both sides are linear forms in x , for A∈A. The coefficient of x in the left hand A A side is 2r a |{H|I ⊂H ⊂A,n6∈H,|H|=i+j}|. So it is equal to j=1 j P 0, if I 6⊂A; a |A|−i +a |A|−i +···+a |A|−i , if I ⊂A and n∈/ A;  1 1 2 2 2r 2r a1(cid:0)|A|−1i(cid:1)−1 +(cid:0)a2 |A|(cid:1)−2i−1 +···+(cid:0)a2r (cid:1)|A|−2ri−1 , if I ⊂A and n∈A. By the above(cid:0)polynom(cid:1)ial id(cid:0)entity, (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 2r |A|−i a =f(|A|−i)−c=−c since |A| (mod p)∈K; j j j=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) X 2r |A|−i−1 a =f(|A|−i−1)−c=−c since |A| (mod p)∈K. j j j=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) X The coefficient of x in the right hand side is obviously the same. This proves (4). A 6 Writing (4) in a different way, we have 2r−1 1 L =− (cL + a L ). H I j H (2r)! H∈Pi+2Xr(X),I⊂H Xj=1 H∈Pi+Xj(X),I⊂H This proves the lemma in case (a). (b) i (mod p) ∈ K or i + 1 (mod p) ∈ K for some i. In this case, the constant term of (x−(k −i))(x−(k −i))···(x−(k −i))(x−(k −i−1))···(x−(k −i−1)) is 0∈F . 1 2 r 1 r p So there exists a ,a ,...,a ∈F , a =(2r)!∈F −{0} such that 1 2 2r−1 p 2r p x x x a +a +···+a =f(x) 1 2 2r 1 2 2r (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) As a consequence we have 2r a L =0 ∀I ∈P (X), j H i Xj=1 H∈Pi+Xj(X),I⊂H i.e. we have 2r−1 1 L =− ( a L ). H j H (2r)! H∈Pi+2Xr(X),I⊂H Xj=1 H∈Pi+Xj(X),I⊂H This finishes the proof of this lemma. Corollary 2.3. With the same condition as in Lemma 2.2, we have hL :H ∈∪i+2r−1P (X)i H j=i j = L :H ∈∪i+2r−1P (X) + L :I ∈P (X) H j=i j H i (cid:10) (cid:11) *H∈Pi+2Xr(X),I⊂H + Here hL :H ∈∪i+2r−1P (X)i is the vector space spanned by {L :H ∈∪i+2r−1P (X)}. H j=i j H j=i j TherestoftheproofissimilartotheproofofTheorem1.9givenbyQianandRay-Chaudhuri [10]. The next lemma is a restatement of [10, Lemma 2], and is used to prove Lemma 2.5. Lemma 2.4. For any positive integers u,v with u<v <p and u+v ≤n−1, we have hL :J ∈P (X)i n−1 n−1 J v dim ≤ − . h L :I ∈P (X)i v u J∈Pv(X),I⊂J J u ! (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Here A is the quotientPspace of two vector spaces A and B with B ≤A. B Lemma 2.5. For any i∈{0,1,...,s−2r+1}, n−1 n−1 n−1 hLH :H ∈∪sj=iPj(X)i + +···+ +dim (cid:18) i (cid:19) (cid:18)i+1(cid:19) (cid:18)i+2r−1(cid:19) hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2ir−1Pj(X)i! n−1 n−1 n−1 ≤ + +···+ . s−2r+1 s−2r+2 s (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 7 Proof. We inductons−2r+1−i. Itisclearlytruewhens−2r+1−i=0. Suppose the lemma holds for s−2r+1−i < l for some positive integer l. Now we want to show that it holds for s−2r+1−i=l. We observethati+i+2r ≤(s−2r)+(s−2r)+2r ≤n−1 by the conditionin the theorem. By Corollary 2.3 and Lemma 2.4, we have hL :H ∈∪i+2rP (X)i dim H j=i j hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2ir−1Pj(X)i! hL :H ∈∪i+2r−1P (X)i+hL :H ∈P (X)i H j=i j H i+2r =dim hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2ir−1Pj(X)i+h H∈Pi+2r(X),I⊂HLH :I ∈Pi(X)i! L :H ∈P (X) P H i+2r ≤dim L :I ∈P (X) H∈Pi+2r(X),I⊂H H i ! n−1P n−1 ≤ − . i+2r i (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Now we are ready to prove the lemma. n−1 + n−1 +···+ n−1 +dim hLH :H ∈∪sj=iPj(X)i (cid:18) i (cid:19) (cid:18)i+1(cid:19) (cid:18)i+2r−1(cid:19) hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2ir−1Pj(X)i! n−1 n−1 n−1 hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2irPj(X)i = + +···+ +dim (cid:18) i (cid:19) (cid:18)i+1(cid:19) (cid:18)i+2r−1(cid:19) hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2ir−1Pj(X)i! hL :H ∈∪s P (X)i H j=i j +dim hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2irPj(X)i! n−1 n−1 n−1 hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2irPj(X)i = + +···+ +dim (cid:18) i (cid:19) (cid:18)i+1(cid:19) (cid:18)i+2r−1(cid:19) hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2ir−1Pj(X)i! hL :H ∈P (X)i+hL :H ∈∪s P (X)i +dim H i H j=i+1 j hLH :H ∈Pi(X)i+hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2i+r1Pj(X)i! n−1 n−1 n−1 hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2irPj(X)i ≤ + +···+ +dim (cid:18) i (cid:19) (cid:18)i+1(cid:19) (cid:18)i+2r−1(cid:19) hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2ir−1Pj(X)i! hL :H ∈∪s P (X)i H j=i+1 j +dim hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2i+r1Pj(X)i! n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 ≤ + +···+ + − i i+1 i+2r−1 i+2r i (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) hL :H ∈∪s P (X)i H j=i+1 j +dim hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2i+r1Pj(X)i! n−1 n hLH :H ∈∪sj=i+1Pj(X)i = +···+ +dim (cid:18)i+1(cid:19) (cid:18)i+2r(cid:19) hLH :H ∈∪ij+=2i+r1Pj(X)i! n−1 n−1 ≤ +···+ , s−2r+1 s (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) where the last step follows from the induction hypothesis since s−2r+1−(i+1)<l. 8 We are now turning to the proof of Theorem 1.15. Proof. |A|≤dim(hL :H ∈∪s P (X)i) H i=0 i hL :H ∈∪s P (X)i ≤dim(hL :H ∈∪2r−1P (X)i)+dim H i=0 j H i=0 i hL :H ∈∪2r−1P (X)i (cid:18) H i=0 j (cid:19) n−1 n−1 n−1 hL :H ∈∪s P (X)i ≤ + +···+ +dim H i=0 j 0 1 2r−1 hL :H ∈∪2r−1P (X)i (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) H i=0 j (cid:19) n−1 n−1 n−1 ≤ + +···+ by taking i=0 in Lemma 2.5, s−2r+1 s−2r+2 s (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) which completes the proof of the theorem. 3 Proof of Theorem 1.14 Throughout this section, we let p be a prime and we will use x = (x ,x ,...,x ) to denote a 1 2 n vectorofnvariableswitheachvariablex takingvalues0or1. Apolynomialf(x)innvariables i x , for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, is called multilinear if the power of each variable x in each term is at most i i one. Clearly, if each variable x only takes the values 0 or 1, then any polynomial in variable x i can be regarded as multilinear. For a subset A of [n], we define the incidence vector v of A to A be the vector v =(v ,v ,...,v ) with v =1 if i∈A and v =0 otherwise. 1 2 n i i Let L = {l ,l ,...,l } and K = {k ,k ,...,k } be two disjoint subsets of {0,1,...,p−1}, 1 2 s 1 2 r where the elements of K are arranged in increasing order. Suppose that A = {A ,...,A } is 1 m the familyofsubsetsof[n]satisfyingthe conditionsinTheorem1.14. Withoutlossofgenerality, we may assume that n∈A for j ≥t+1 and n∈/ A for 1≤j ≤t. j j For each A ∈A, define j s f (x)= (v x−l ), Aj Aj i i=1 Y where x = (x ,x ,...,x ) is a vector of n variables with each variable x taking values 0 or 1. 1 2 n i Then each f (x) is a multilinear polynomial of degree at most s. Aj Let Q be the family of subsets of [n−1] with sizes at most s−1. Then |Q| = s−1 n−1 . i=0 i For each L∈Q, define P (cid:0) (cid:1) q (x)=(1−x ) x . L n i i∈L Y Then each q (x) is a multilinear polynomial of degree at most s. L Denote K−1={k −1|k ∈K}. Then |K∪(K−1)|≤2r. Set i i n−1 g(x)= x −h . i ! h∈KY∪(K−1) Xi=1 Let W be the family of subsets of [n−1] with sizes at most s−2r. Then |W| = s−2r n−1 . i=0 i For each I ∈W, define P (cid:0) (cid:1) g (x)=g(x) x . I i i∈I Y Then each g (x) is a multilinear polynomial of degree at most s. I 9 We want to show that the polynomials in {f |1≤i≤m}∪{q (x)|L∈Q}∪{g (x)|I ∈W} Ai(x) L I are linearly independent over the field F . Suppose that we have a linear combination of these p polynomials that equals 0: m a f (x)+ b q (x)+ u g (x)=0, (5) i Ai L L I I i=1 L∈Q I∈W X X X with all coefficients a ,b and u being in F . i L I p Claim 1. a =0 for each i with n∈A . i i Suppose,to the contrary,that i isa subscriptsuchthat n∈A anda 6=0. Since n∈A , 0 i0 i0 i0 q (v )=0 for every L∈Q. Recall that f (v )=0 for j 6=i and g(v )=0. By evaluating L Ai0 Aj i0 0 i0 (5) with x = v , we obtain that a f (v ) = 0 (mod p). Since f (v ) 6= 0, we have Ai0 i0 Ai0 Ai0 Ai0 Ai0 a =0, a contradiction. Thus, Claim 1 holds. i0 Claim 2. a =0 for each i with n6∈A . Applying Claim 1, we get i i t a f (x)+ b q (x)+ u g (x)=0. (6) i Ai L L I I i=1 L∈Q I∈W X X X Suppose,tothecontrary,thati isasubscriptsuchthatn∈/ A anda 6=0. Letv′ =v + 0 i0 i0 i0 i0 (0,0,...,0,1). Then q (v′ )=0 for every L∈Q. Note that f (v′ )=f (v ) for each j with L i0 Aj i0 Aj i0 n∈/ A andg(v′ )=0. Byevaluating(6)withx=v′ ,weobtaina f (v′ )=a f (v )=0 j i0 i0 i0 Ai0 i0 i0 Ai0 i0 (mod p) which implies a =0, a contradiction. Thus, the claim is verified. i0 Claim 3. b =0 for each L∈Q. L By Claims 1 and 2, we obtain b q (x)+ u g (x)=0. (7) L L I I L∈Q I∈W X X Set x =0 in (7), then n b x + u g (x)=0. L i I I L∈Q i∈L I∈W X Y X Subtracting the above equality from (7), we get b x x =0. L n i ! L∈Q i∈L X Y Setting x =1, we obtain n b x =0. L i L∈Q i∈L X Y Itisnotdifficulttoseethatthepolynomials x ,L∈Q,arelinearlyindependent. Therefore, i∈L i we conclude that b =0 for each L∈Q. L Q By Claims 1-3, we now have u g (x)=0. I I I∈W X Thus it is sufficient to prove g ’s are linearly independent. I 10

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